Emotional distress, such as symptoms of anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, is on the rise among... more Emotional distress, such as symptoms of anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, is on the rise among teenagers today. These symptoms are generally grouped into internalizing problems. Based on research, a risk factor that contributes to internalizing problems is peer rejection. This study aims to determine the effect of peer rejection on adolescent internalizing problems. Research design is quantitative research with a multistage random sampling technique as a data collection technique. The subjects of this study were 252 adolescents aged 16-18 years who are currently studying in SMA in Bondowoso Regency, consisting of 103 boys (M = 40.068; SD = 13.283) and 149 girls (M = 40.893; SD =13.283). The instruments used were Social Peer Rejection Measure (21 items, α = .90) and Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ), just for internalizing problems (10 items, α = .72). The results of the analysis test using simple linear regression showed that there was a positive influence of peer rejection on internalizing problems in high school adolescents in Bondowoso Regency, adjusted R 2 = .278; F(4, 427) = 251, p = .000). This influence shows that the more often adolescents experience rejection from their peers, the higher the chances of experiencing internalizing problems.
Work engagement adalah sikap yang menggambarkan individu secara penuh terlibat dengan pekerjaanny... more Work engagement adalah sikap yang menggambarkan individu secara penuh terlibat dengan pekerjaannya, baik secara emosi maupun fisik dengan menunjukkan perilaku yang penuh semangat, penuh dedikasi, dan penghayatan dalam menunaikan pekerjaan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat berperan dalam meningkatkan work engagement adalah perceived organizational support, yaitu persepsi karyawan mengenai dukungan, kepedulian dan kontribusi organisasi terhadap kesejahteraan karyawannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji peran perceived organizational support terhadap work engagement karyawan. Subjek penelitian ini sejumlah 300 karyawan di bidang jasa dan produksi yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik quota sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan SPOS (Survey Perceived Organizational Support) sebanyak 13 aitem dan UWES-17 (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17) sebanyak 17 aitem. Analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linier sederhana dengan hasil perceived organizational support berperan positif te...
Situasi krisis yang tidak terduga seperti adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini mempengaruhi berbagai aspek... more Situasi krisis yang tidak terduga seperti adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Tidak dapat dipungkiri situasi ini dapat mengancam ketangguhan keluarga. Di sisi lain, keluarga merupakan sumber dukungan sosial yang sangat kuat untuk menghadapi situasi krisis. Psikoedukasi berbasis Family Strength Model dapat digunakan untuk mendorong kemampuan keluarga dalam menjaga ketangguhan keluarga di situasi krisis. Program psikoedukasi dilakukan dengan media daring sebagai bentuk yang dirasa efektif dan efisien dalam menjembatani imbauan untuk melaksanakan physical distancing. Unpredictable crisis as Covid-19 pandemic situation may affect the way people live their life. It can be threatening factor for family strength. On the other hand, family is powerful resource of social support to face any difficulties during crisis. Psychoeducation based on Family Strength Model used to encourage family strength in this situation. Online psychoeducation program was e...
Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)
Remaja panti asuhan menunjukkan berbagai peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan sehingga berdampak pad... more Remaja panti asuhan menunjukkan berbagai peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan sehingga berdampak pada kondisi emosional yang dirasakan. Untuk dapat mengatasi kondisi tersebut diperlukan cara meregulasi emosi yang tepat. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan adalah pelatihan antecedent-focused & response-focused. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja panti asuhan yang berjumlah enam orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala regulasi emosi yang diadaptasi oleh Padang. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelatihan antecedent-focused & response-focused efektif meningkatkan regulasi emosi remaja di panti asuhan (p=0,007; p<0,05). Artinya dengan memberikan pelatihan ini dapat melatih remaja untuk dapat mengelola emosi dan respons yang dirasakan.
Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of sc... more Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of science as well as submission to the value of Tawheed. Unfortunately, at present these characteristics seem not to belong to Islam. Various measurement data show that Muslim-dominated countries such as Indonesia, have low values in higher-order thinking skills such as creative thinking and problem-solving. As a solution effort, this paper attempts to reintroduce the concept of critical thinking in the body of the current Muslim community. The effort begins by showing how important critical thinking is in Islam, the relevance of Islam and critical thinking and the adaptation of current research in the frame of Islamic Psychology. The main implication of this paper is the importance of seeing the significance of all researchers, both Muslim researchers and outside Muslims, in the process of Islamizing the concept.
Indonesia strives for enhancing educational equality through a zoning system that regulates new s... more Indonesia strives for enhancing educational equality through a zoning system that regulates new student admission based on the distance between school and student's residence. However, the implementation of the system in 2019 caused pros and cons amongst Indonesian society. This study comprehensively reviews the historical backgrounds, objectives, advantages and challenges, as well as their solutions of
Disruptive behavior according to DSM 5 is a pattern of behavior that violates the rights of other... more Disruptive behavior according to DSM 5 is a pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others, aggression, property destruction and or that leads individuals to experience significant conflicts with violations of social norms or authority figures. This study aims to examine the significance of two factors derived from the family towards the emergence of disruptive behavior that are the family expressed emotion and perceived of parent-child relationships. There are 237 teenagers was participated in this study (aged 15-18 years old) who lived with their parent obtained from the scaling of SDQ, LEE and PACQ. The result of the regression indicated the two predictors explained 5,3% of variance (adjusted R 2 = .053, F(3.235) = .013, p<.05). The implications of this study are the family expressed emotion and perceived of parent-child relationships are two factors that can contributed to the emergence of disruptive behavior symptoms in adolescent, although if analyzed separately perceived of parent-child relationships towards a mother has no effect. Abstrak Perilaku disruptif menurut DSM 5 adalah pola perilaku melanggar hak orang lain, agresi, perusakan properti dan perilaku yang membawa individu mengalami konflik yang signifikan dengan pelanggaran norma sosial atau figur otoritas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji signifikansi dua faktor yang berasal dari keluarga terhadap munculnya perilaku disruptif yaitu ekspresi emosi keluarga dan persepsi hubungan orangtua-anak. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 237 remaja yang berusia 15-18 tahun dan tinggal dengan orangtua mereka yang didapatkan dari pemberian skala SDQ, LEE, dan PACQ. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis regresi berganda kedua variabel prediktor penelitian ini menjelaskan adanya peran sebesar 5,3% dengan varians (adjusted R 2 = 0,053, F(3,235) = 0,013, p<0,05). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah ekspresi emosi orangtua dan persepsi hubungan orangtua anak adalah dua faktor yang dapat berkontribusi terhadap munculnya gejala perilaku disruptif remaja, meskipun jika di analisis secara terpisah persepsi hubungan orangtua anak terhadap ibu tidak memiliki peran yang signifikan. Kata kunci: perilaku disruptif; ekspresi emosi keluarga; persepsi hubungan orangtua-anak
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity in the quarter-life crisis in ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity in the quarter-life crisis in students. The hypothesis proposed was that religiosity plays a role in the quarter-life crisis of students. This research used survey quantitative research methods. Participants in this study were 219 college students (95 males and 124 females) from various study programs in Indonesia aged 18-25 year old. The instruments used were the Abrahamic religiosity scale and the quarter-life crisis scale. Data were analyzed using regression analysis (p = 0.006; r = 0.034). Religiosity was found to predict how the student's facing a period of a quarter-life crisis and full of challenges to face.
Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan sebuah review literature pada beberapa penelitian presentasi diri d... more Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan sebuah review literature pada beberapa penelitian presentasi diri di sosial media khususnya instagram dan facebook. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana perkembangan penelitian presentasi diri di media online dari 5 tahun terakhir, di kumpulkan dengan menggunakan pencarian google cendikia, dengan kata kunci "Self Presentation on media sosial (instagram atau facebook)". Dari beberapa penelusuran tersebut peneliti mengumpulkan 22 artikel yang kemudian di bahas dalam penelitian ini dan diskusikan. Temuan review mengungkapkan bahwa ada beberapa variabel yang dalam 5 tahun terakhir sering di korelasikan dengan presentasi diri di media sosial lebih banyak pada faktor internal individu seperti kepribadian, harga diri, narsisme, maupun faktor bawaan seperti demografi, berupa gender atau faktor sosial seperti budaya. Lebih lanjut temuan ini akan didiskusikan di akhir.
Proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2018), 2018
The program is a policy affirmation designed by government through special educational institutio... more The program is a policy affirmation designed by government through special educational institutions and specialized services (PK-LK) under the auspices of Kemendikbud (Ministry of education and culture) to equitable access in education for middle-down citizens across the country. In order to evaluate the implementation of the program, this current research is conducted. The aims of this research are to identify the problems and to find obstacles so as to discover alternative solutions. Focus group discussion (FGD) was employed in collecting the data. The results have found that the implementation of Secondary Education Affirmation Program (ADEM), namely: [1] regulations and implementation programs which include socialization, the recruitment process, and the student placement process, [2] the obstacles faced by schools namely, student unpreparedness, finance, and human resources. The novelty of the research is related to the implementation of ADEM programme in the East Java region that had not been carried out by previous studies.
Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of sc... more Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of science as well as submission to the value of Tawheed. Unfortunately, at present these characteristics seem not to belong to Islam. Various measurement data show that Muslim-dominated countries such as Indonesia, have low values in higher-order thinking skills such as creative thinking and problem-solving. As a solution effort, this paper attempts to reintroduce the concept of critical thinking in the body of the current Muslim community. The effort begins by showing how important critical thinking is in Islam, the relevance of Islam and critical thinking and the adaptation of current research in the frame of Islamic Psychology. The main implication of this paper is the importance of seeing the significance of all researchers, both Muslim researchers and outside Muslims, in the process of Islamizing the concept.
Emotional distress, such as symptoms of anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, is on the rise among... more Emotional distress, such as symptoms of anxiety, depression, and withdrawal, is on the rise among teenagers today. These symptoms are generally grouped into internalizing problems. Based on research, a risk factor that contributes to internalizing problems is peer rejection. This study aims to determine the effect of peer rejection on adolescent internalizing problems. Research design is quantitative research with a multistage random sampling technique as a data collection technique. The subjects of this study were 252 adolescents aged 16-18 years who are currently studying in SMA in Bondowoso Regency, consisting of 103 boys (M = 40.068; SD = 13.283) and 149 girls (M = 40.893; SD =13.283). The instruments used were Social Peer Rejection Measure (21 items, α = .90) and Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ), just for internalizing problems (10 items, α = .72). The results of the analysis test using simple linear regression showed that there was a positive influence of peer rejection on internalizing problems in high school adolescents in Bondowoso Regency, adjusted R 2 = .278; F(4, 427) = 251, p = .000). This influence shows that the more often adolescents experience rejection from their peers, the higher the chances of experiencing internalizing problems.
Work engagement adalah sikap yang menggambarkan individu secara penuh terlibat dengan pekerjaanny... more Work engagement adalah sikap yang menggambarkan individu secara penuh terlibat dengan pekerjaannya, baik secara emosi maupun fisik dengan menunjukkan perilaku yang penuh semangat, penuh dedikasi, dan penghayatan dalam menunaikan pekerjaan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat berperan dalam meningkatkan work engagement adalah perceived organizational support, yaitu persepsi karyawan mengenai dukungan, kepedulian dan kontribusi organisasi terhadap kesejahteraan karyawannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji peran perceived organizational support terhadap work engagement karyawan. Subjek penelitian ini sejumlah 300 karyawan di bidang jasa dan produksi yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik quota sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan SPOS (Survey Perceived Organizational Support) sebanyak 13 aitem dan UWES-17 (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17) sebanyak 17 aitem. Analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linier sederhana dengan hasil perceived organizational support berperan positif te...
Situasi krisis yang tidak terduga seperti adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini mempengaruhi berbagai aspek... more Situasi krisis yang tidak terduga seperti adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Tidak dapat dipungkiri situasi ini dapat mengancam ketangguhan keluarga. Di sisi lain, keluarga merupakan sumber dukungan sosial yang sangat kuat untuk menghadapi situasi krisis. Psikoedukasi berbasis Family Strength Model dapat digunakan untuk mendorong kemampuan keluarga dalam menjaga ketangguhan keluarga di situasi krisis. Program psikoedukasi dilakukan dengan media daring sebagai bentuk yang dirasa efektif dan efisien dalam menjembatani imbauan untuk melaksanakan physical distancing. Unpredictable crisis as Covid-19 pandemic situation may affect the way people live their life. It can be threatening factor for family strength. On the other hand, family is powerful resource of social support to face any difficulties during crisis. Psychoeducation based on Family Strength Model used to encourage family strength in this situation. Online psychoeducation program was e...
Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)
Remaja panti asuhan menunjukkan berbagai peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan sehingga berdampak pad... more Remaja panti asuhan menunjukkan berbagai peristiwa yang tidak menyenangkan sehingga berdampak pada kondisi emosional yang dirasakan. Untuk dapat mengatasi kondisi tersebut diperlukan cara meregulasi emosi yang tepat. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan adalah pelatihan antecedent-focused & response-focused. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja panti asuhan yang berjumlah enam orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala regulasi emosi yang diadaptasi oleh Padang. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelatihan antecedent-focused & response-focused efektif meningkatkan regulasi emosi remaja di panti asuhan (p=0,007; p<0,05). Artinya dengan memberikan pelatihan ini dapat melatih remaja untuk dapat mengelola emosi dan respons yang dirasakan.
Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of sc... more Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of science as well as submission to the value of Tawheed. Unfortunately, at present these characteristics seem not to belong to Islam. Various measurement data show that Muslim-dominated countries such as Indonesia, have low values in higher-order thinking skills such as creative thinking and problem-solving. As a solution effort, this paper attempts to reintroduce the concept of critical thinking in the body of the current Muslim community. The effort begins by showing how important critical thinking is in Islam, the relevance of Islam and critical thinking and the adaptation of current research in the frame of Islamic Psychology. The main implication of this paper is the importance of seeing the significance of all researchers, both Muslim researchers and outside Muslims, in the process of Islamizing the concept.
Indonesia strives for enhancing educational equality through a zoning system that regulates new s... more Indonesia strives for enhancing educational equality through a zoning system that regulates new student admission based on the distance between school and student's residence. However, the implementation of the system in 2019 caused pros and cons amongst Indonesian society. This study comprehensively reviews the historical backgrounds, objectives, advantages and challenges, as well as their solutions of
Disruptive behavior according to DSM 5 is a pattern of behavior that violates the rights of other... more Disruptive behavior according to DSM 5 is a pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others, aggression, property destruction and or that leads individuals to experience significant conflicts with violations of social norms or authority figures. This study aims to examine the significance of two factors derived from the family towards the emergence of disruptive behavior that are the family expressed emotion and perceived of parent-child relationships. There are 237 teenagers was participated in this study (aged 15-18 years old) who lived with their parent obtained from the scaling of SDQ, LEE and PACQ. The result of the regression indicated the two predictors explained 5,3% of variance (adjusted R 2 = .053, F(3.235) = .013, p<.05). The implications of this study are the family expressed emotion and perceived of parent-child relationships are two factors that can contributed to the emergence of disruptive behavior symptoms in adolescent, although if analyzed separately perceived of parent-child relationships towards a mother has no effect. Abstrak Perilaku disruptif menurut DSM 5 adalah pola perilaku melanggar hak orang lain, agresi, perusakan properti dan perilaku yang membawa individu mengalami konflik yang signifikan dengan pelanggaran norma sosial atau figur otoritas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji signifikansi dua faktor yang berasal dari keluarga terhadap munculnya perilaku disruptif yaitu ekspresi emosi keluarga dan persepsi hubungan orangtua-anak. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 237 remaja yang berusia 15-18 tahun dan tinggal dengan orangtua mereka yang didapatkan dari pemberian skala SDQ, LEE, dan PACQ. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis regresi berganda kedua variabel prediktor penelitian ini menjelaskan adanya peran sebesar 5,3% dengan varians (adjusted R 2 = 0,053, F(3,235) = 0,013, p<0,05). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah ekspresi emosi orangtua dan persepsi hubungan orangtua anak adalah dua faktor yang dapat berkontribusi terhadap munculnya gejala perilaku disruptif remaja, meskipun jika di analisis secara terpisah persepsi hubungan orangtua anak terhadap ibu tidak memiliki peran yang signifikan. Kata kunci: perilaku disruptif; ekspresi emosi keluarga; persepsi hubungan orangtua-anak
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity in the quarter-life crisis in ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the role of religiosity in the quarter-life crisis in students. The hypothesis proposed was that religiosity plays a role in the quarter-life crisis of students. This research used survey quantitative research methods. Participants in this study were 219 college students (95 males and 124 females) from various study programs in Indonesia aged 18-25 year old. The instruments used were the Abrahamic religiosity scale and the quarter-life crisis scale. Data were analyzed using regression analysis (p = 0.006; r = 0.034). Religiosity was found to predict how the student's facing a period of a quarter-life crisis and full of challenges to face.
Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan sebuah review literature pada beberapa penelitian presentasi diri d... more Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan sebuah review literature pada beberapa penelitian presentasi diri di sosial media khususnya instagram dan facebook. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana perkembangan penelitian presentasi diri di media online dari 5 tahun terakhir, di kumpulkan dengan menggunakan pencarian google cendikia, dengan kata kunci "Self Presentation on media sosial (instagram atau facebook)". Dari beberapa penelusuran tersebut peneliti mengumpulkan 22 artikel yang kemudian di bahas dalam penelitian ini dan diskusikan. Temuan review mengungkapkan bahwa ada beberapa variabel yang dalam 5 tahun terakhir sering di korelasikan dengan presentasi diri di media sosial lebih banyak pada faktor internal individu seperti kepribadian, harga diri, narsisme, maupun faktor bawaan seperti demografi, berupa gender atau faktor sosial seperti budaya. Lebih lanjut temuan ini akan didiskusikan di akhir.
Proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2018), 2018
The program is a policy affirmation designed by government through special educational institutio... more The program is a policy affirmation designed by government through special educational institutions and specialized services (PK-LK) under the auspices of Kemendikbud (Ministry of education and culture) to equitable access in education for middle-down citizens across the country. In order to evaluate the implementation of the program, this current research is conducted. The aims of this research are to identify the problems and to find obstacles so as to discover alternative solutions. Focus group discussion (FGD) was employed in collecting the data. The results have found that the implementation of Secondary Education Affirmation Program (ADEM), namely: [1] regulations and implementation programs which include socialization, the recruitment process, and the student placement process, [2] the obstacles faced by schools namely, student unpreparedness, finance, and human resources. The novelty of the research is related to the implementation of ADEM programme in the East Java region that had not been carried out by previous studies.
Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of sc... more Islam once triumphed as a great civilization with two main characteristics: an appreciation of science as well as submission to the value of Tawheed. Unfortunately, at present these characteristics seem not to belong to Islam. Various measurement data show that Muslim-dominated countries such as Indonesia, have low values in higher-order thinking skills such as creative thinking and problem-solving. As a solution effort, this paper attempts to reintroduce the concept of critical thinking in the body of the current Muslim community. The effort begins by showing how important critical thinking is in Islam, the relevance of Islam and critical thinking and the adaptation of current research in the frame of Islamic Psychology. The main implication of this paper is the importance of seeing the significance of all researchers, both Muslim researchers and outside Muslims, in the process of Islamizing the concept.
Papers by Nandy Agustin Syakarofath