Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis spesics teripang yang her-hasil dikumpulkan dari semua l... more Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis spesics teripang yang her-hasil dikumpulkan dari semua lokasi trdiri dari 7 spcsics, yailu : ParacauJif/(l ([Us/rali: Phyloporus sp., Colochirus quadrangularis, Holothuria sanctori, Jlolothuria sp, flolo/tll/ria forskali dan Holothuria turriscelsa. Jenis Phyloporus sp.ditemukan di seliap lokasi sampling dan jwn1ah secara keseluruhan adalah paling besar (50,63%). Pada analisis habitat {icngan melakukan pengukian komposisi substrat mendapatkan hasil yang menunjukkan adanya variasi berdasarkan kelas ukuran dan butiran substrat. Kornponcn kerikil bcrvanasi Komponen kerikil bervariasi dari 0,45% hingga 4,5%. Kondisi lingkungan hidup tcripallg digambarkan dengan beberapa parameter fisik-kimia lingkungan yang terdiri dari : kedalaman laut, kecerahan perairan, pH (air dan substrat) serta tekstur substrat (kornposisi kelas ukuran butiran substrat). Kedalaman laut lokasi pengambilan sampel berkisar antara 2,22 m sampai 6,38 m; kecerahan perairan berkisar antaran 56--201 em; pH pcrairan bcrkisar antara 8-9, sedangkan salinitas berkisar antara 28 33 ppm. Hahitat yang paling disukai spesics Phyloporus sp (dengan ke1impahan tertinggi) terdiri dari campuran butiran kasar dan pecahan-pecahan cangkang hewan mati.Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di lapangan, di sckitar Pantai Timur Surabaya, tingkat eksploitasi yang cukup tinggi tcrhadap tcripang Phy/oporus sp, terutama digunakan untuk konsumsi, yaiul scbagai makanan khas pesisir. Pada ujicoba pembenihan yang dilakukan pada kondisi tcrkontrol, rncnunjukkan hasil adanya larva. Meskipun demikian larva yang didapatkan hanya sampai pada stadia pentactula. Pada fase tersebut merupakan fase hitis perubahan fase dari plaktonik rnclayang menjadi bentik, sehingga sangat rentan dan mudah stress yang rnengakihatkan kCll1atiall ~masal pada larva yang dihasilkan.
The western-southern and northern coastal waters of Aceh are the potential fishing areas of spiny... more The western-southern and northern coastal waters of Aceh are the potential fishing areas of spiny lobster, which faces the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea. Fishing gears that are widely used are lobster gill nets and hand-picking with compressors. In Indonesia, seven species of spiny lobsters are caught in these waters, including Panulirus homarus, P. penicillatus, P. versicolor, P. ornatus, P. polyphagus, P. longipes longipes, and P. longipes femoristiga. The habitat for spiny lobsters is spread from coral reefs, rock, sand, and muddy sand. Panulirus homarus is the most frequently caught species in these waters, followed by P. penicillatus and P. longipes. Panulirus homarus is mainly caught during the dry season (southwest wind) and high waves (May to July), where other lobster species experience a significant decrease in the catch. The stock of spiny lobster in Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 572 (including Aceh coastal waters) has been in an overfishing condition since 2008. Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of spiny lobster in Aceh coastal waters part of Malacca Strait (FMA 571) is 188.60 tons.yr−1 with a total allowable catch (TAC) of 151.10 tons. yr−1. Furthermore, the MSY for Aceh coastal waters part of Indian Ocean is 292.09 tons.yr−1 with a TAC of 233.92 tons.yr−1. Spiny lobster fishing in Aceh coastal waters must ensure its use in the future, both ecologically, socially, and economically.
The quantity and quality of carrageenan produced is influenced by the method of extraction and th... more The quantity and quality of carrageenan produced is influenced by the method of extraction and the solvent. Characterization of the carrageenan products necessary to get certain standards so the carrageenan product acceptable to consumers both locally and internationally. The purpose of this research was to determine the solvents that can produce carrageenan from Kappaphycus alvarezii with the best characteristics and to compare the results of the extraction of carrageenan with international standards in order to obtain a standardized carrageenan. The results showed that the solvent produce a kappa-carrageenan from K. alvarezii with the best characteristics is NaOH 0.5 N. Kappa-carrageenan has been able to compared FAO, FCC and Marine Science Co., Ltd. standards for parameters : Gel strength, viscosity, sulfate content and ash content. Alkali able to extract and modify mu-carrageenan (precursor) into a kappa-carrageenan. The extraction process uses alkali caused the event ion exchange between cations in the solvent (K+ or Na+) ions with sulphate in the sea grass that reduced sulfate content. Need to do more research on the characterization of carrageenan include microbiological tests as well as the shelf life of carrageenan test.
Cantang grouper is one of economical commodities in seawater and profitable in the resource fishe... more Cantang grouper is one of economical commodities in seawater and profitable in the resource fisheries sector. One of cultivation systems for Cantang Grouper is Floating Net Cage. Changes in water quality can cause stress in fish, can be seen in blood glucose value. This study aims to determine the correlation and water quality factors that influence to glucose level of kerapu cantang fish in floating net cage. This research was using a survey method with samples 10% of the population in 3 units of floating net cages with 4plots. The parameters are blood glucose of cantang grouper and water quality. Data analysis using SPSS ver.22 with linear regression test.The results showed water quality factors simultaneously has a strong correlation and influences to blood glucose of cantang grouper in floating net cage with linear equations Y = 1170,248 + 1639,818(X1) – 1010,567(X2) + 17,093(X3) – 39,998(X4) – 127,117(X5) + 23,691(X6) – 15,418(X7) + 0,257(X8) + 225,965(X9). Y = Glucose; X1 = NO2; X2 = NO3; X3 = NH3; X4 =Dissolved Oxygen; X5 = pH; X6 = Temperature; X7 = Salinity; X8 = Transparancy; X9 = Current. Therefore, current, pH, and dissolved oxygen are the influences to blood glucose of cantang grouper in floating net cage.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis spesics teripang yang her-hasil dikumpulkan dari semua l... more Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis spesics teripang yang her-hasil dikumpulkan dari semua lokasi trdiri dari 7 spcsics, yailu : ParacauJif/(l ([Us/rali: Phyloporus sp., Colochirus quadrangularis, Holothuria sanctori, Jlolothuria sp, flolo/tll/ria forskali dan Holothuria turriscelsa. Jenis Phyloporus sp.ditemukan di seliap lokasi sampling dan jwn1ah secara keseluruhan adalah paling besar (50,63%). Pada analisis habitat {icngan melakukan pengukian komposisi substrat mendapatkan hasil yang menunjukkan adanya variasi berdasarkan kelas ukuran dan butiran substrat. Kornponcn kerikil bcrvanasi Komponen kerikil bervariasi dari 0,45% hingga 4,5%. Kondisi lingkungan hidup tcripallg digambarkan dengan beberapa parameter fisik-kimia lingkungan yang terdiri dari : kedalaman laut, kecerahan perairan, pH (air dan substrat) serta tekstur substrat (kornposisi kelas ukuran butiran substrat). Kedalaman laut lokasi pengambilan sampel berkisar antara 2,22 m sampai 6,38 m; kecerahan perairan berkisar antaran 56--201 em; pH pcrairan bcrkisar antara 8-9, sedangkan salinitas berkisar antara 28 33 ppm. Hahitat yang paling disukai spesics Phyloporus sp (dengan ke1impahan tertinggi) terdiri dari campuran butiran kasar dan pecahan-pecahan cangkang hewan mati.Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di lapangan, di sckitar Pantai Timur Surabaya, tingkat eksploitasi yang cukup tinggi tcrhadap tcripang Phy/oporus sp, terutama digunakan untuk konsumsi, yaiul scbagai makanan khas pesisir. Pada ujicoba pembenihan yang dilakukan pada kondisi tcrkontrol, rncnunjukkan hasil adanya larva. Meskipun demikian larva yang didapatkan hanya sampai pada stadia pentactula. Pada fase tersebut merupakan fase hitis perubahan fase dari plaktonik rnclayang menjadi bentik, sehingga sangat rentan dan mudah stress yang rnengakihatkan kCll1atiall ~masal pada larva yang dihasilkan.
The western-southern and northern coastal waters of Aceh are the potential fishing areas of spiny... more The western-southern and northern coastal waters of Aceh are the potential fishing areas of spiny lobster, which faces the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea. Fishing gears that are widely used are lobster gill nets and hand-picking with compressors. In Indonesia, seven species of spiny lobsters are caught in these waters, including Panulirus homarus, P. penicillatus, P. versicolor, P. ornatus, P. polyphagus, P. longipes longipes, and P. longipes femoristiga. The habitat for spiny lobsters is spread from coral reefs, rock, sand, and muddy sand. Panulirus homarus is the most frequently caught species in these waters, followed by P. penicillatus and P. longipes. Panulirus homarus is mainly caught during the dry season (southwest wind) and high waves (May to July), where other lobster species experience a significant decrease in the catch. The stock of spiny lobster in Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 572 (including Aceh coastal waters) has been in an overfishing condition since 2008. Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of spiny lobster in Aceh coastal waters part of Malacca Strait (FMA 571) is 188.60 tons.yr−1 with a total allowable catch (TAC) of 151.10 tons. yr−1. Furthermore, the MSY for Aceh coastal waters part of Indian Ocean is 292.09 tons.yr−1 with a TAC of 233.92 tons.yr−1. Spiny lobster fishing in Aceh coastal waters must ensure its use in the future, both ecologically, socially, and economically.
The quantity and quality of carrageenan produced is influenced by the method of extraction and th... more The quantity and quality of carrageenan produced is influenced by the method of extraction and the solvent. Characterization of the carrageenan products necessary to get certain standards so the carrageenan product acceptable to consumers both locally and internationally. The purpose of this research was to determine the solvents that can produce carrageenan from Kappaphycus alvarezii with the best characteristics and to compare the results of the extraction of carrageenan with international standards in order to obtain a standardized carrageenan. The results showed that the solvent produce a kappa-carrageenan from K. alvarezii with the best characteristics is NaOH 0.5 N. Kappa-carrageenan has been able to compared FAO, FCC and Marine Science Co., Ltd. standards for parameters : Gel strength, viscosity, sulfate content and ash content. Alkali able to extract and modify mu-carrageenan (precursor) into a kappa-carrageenan. The extraction process uses alkali caused the event ion exchange between cations in the solvent (K+ or Na+) ions with sulphate in the sea grass that reduced sulfate content. Need to do more research on the characterization of carrageenan include microbiological tests as well as the shelf life of carrageenan test.
Cantang grouper is one of economical commodities in seawater and profitable in the resource fishe... more Cantang grouper is one of economical commodities in seawater and profitable in the resource fisheries sector. One of cultivation systems for Cantang Grouper is Floating Net Cage. Changes in water quality can cause stress in fish, can be seen in blood glucose value. This study aims to determine the correlation and water quality factors that influence to glucose level of kerapu cantang fish in floating net cage. This research was using a survey method with samples 10% of the population in 3 units of floating net cages with 4plots. The parameters are blood glucose of cantang grouper and water quality. Data analysis using SPSS ver.22 with linear regression test.The results showed water quality factors simultaneously has a strong correlation and influences to blood glucose of cantang grouper in floating net cage with linear equations Y = 1170,248 + 1639,818(X1) – 1010,567(X2) + 17,093(X3) – 39,998(X4) – 127,117(X5) + 23,691(X6) – 15,418(X7) + 0,257(X8) + 225,965(X9). Y = Glucose; X1 = NO2; X2 = NO3; X3 = NH3; X4 =Dissolved Oxygen; X5 = pH; X6 = Temperature; X7 = Salinity; X8 = Transparancy; X9 = Current. Therefore, current, pH, and dissolved oxygen are the influences to blood glucose of cantang grouper in floating net cage.
Papers by Sapto Andriyono