Recent papers in Aquaculture
Environmental conditions can influence the physiology of marine organisms and have important implications for their reproductive performance and capacity to supply new recruits. This study examined the seasonal reproductive patterns of... more
Growth of several genetically improved Nile tilapia (GIFT or Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia, FaST or Freshwater Aquaculture Center Selected Tilapia, SEAFDEC-selected) and domesticated red tilapia (BFS or Binangonan Freshwater... more
Recirculating aquaculture systems may require an internal disinfection process to control population growth of pathogens and heterotrophic bacteria. Ozonation and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation are two technologies that have been used to... more
Water column processes in undisturbed mangrove creeks and in creeks receiving effluent from shrimp farms in North Queensland, Australia, were studied. Small scale discharges into tidal creeks did not elevate dissolved nutrient... more
The performance of Octopus bimaculoides juveniles from coastal areas of Baja California (Mexico) and reared in captivity was evaluated using Artemia salina as food source in three different treatments: Artemia enriched with either AlgaMac... more
issues signals a clear warning for the future sustainability of this global industry. The linking together of global experts in the culture, capture and trading of crustaceans with pathologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, therapeutics... more
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of the dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to arachidonic acid (ARA) ratio on the survival, growth, hypersaline stress resistance and tissue composition of black sea bass larvae... more
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) has, in recent decades, been isolated from an increasing number of free-living marine fish species. So far, it has been isolated from at least 48 fish species from the northern hemisphere,... more
The main objective of this work was the design of a high efficiency centrifugal surface aerator for fishponds. The proposed system has been designed to be used with photovoltaic panels as an energy supply. The work is presented in three... more
Small-scale fisheries provide over half the world's wild-caught seafood, employ over 99% of its fishers, and are frequently promoted as a sustainable alternative to large-scale industrial fisheries. However, few studies have... more
Every sector of the livestock industry, the associated services and the wellbeing of both animals and humans are influenced by animal feeding. The availability of accurate, reliable and reproducible analytical data is imperative for... more
The Kenyan aquaculture sector is broadly categorized into freshwater aquaculture and mariculture. Whereas freshwater aquaculture has recorded significant progress over the last decade, the mariculture sector has yet to be fully exploited.... more
Silver nanoparticles are the most important nanomaterials for antibacterial uses and are famous for their strong inhibitory and antibacterial effects. In recent years, extensive studies have been undertaken on the use of antimicrobial... more
This paper used value chain analysis to determine economically viable opportunities for increased female participation in the aquaculture value chains in Kenya. The main opportunities for women are as fish marketers and as fish farmers,... more
This paper presents the design and construction of a smart and sustainable fish farm. The farm is based on the hybrid aquaculture concept that combines the advantages of the recirculation aquaculture system (RAS), the zero-water discharge... more
The Citarum River in West Java is the largest water supplier to the Saguling Dam, which plays a major role in electric power generation for the entire Java Island and is used for the aquaculture of marketed fish. To elucidate the extent... more
The effects of stocking density of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with the inclusion of silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix were evaluated in the C/N-CP prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii farming system in triplicate. Management practices... more
This paper proposes using a control function to correct for endogeneity in recreation demand models. The control function approach is contrasted with the method of alternative specific constants (ASCs), which has been cautiously promoted... more
In the last years pejerrey culture has been developed in an intensive form using circular tanks. Employing this system is possible to obtain fish of commercial size but the production costs are high making this activity not profitable. An... more
A theoretical model linking the production of salmon, mussels and seaweed in floating, enclosed units is based on field data, laboratory tests and literature data. First step is the production of 300 metric tons of salmon in 12 production... more
Paphia malabarica is an important clam species, which has formed vast beds in the Kalbadevi estuary (Shirgaon creek) and Kajali estuary (Bhatye creek), Ratnagiri. They are exploited here commercially throughout the year for local as well... more
A total 67 strains were isolated from five different stations of Aksu River. Total aerobic bacteria number in the river was determined as 2 x 10 7 CFU/mL and fecal coliforms were determined >1100 MPN/100 mL. Strains of Enterobacteriaceae... more
Carillo, M., Bromage, N., Zanuy, S., Serrano, R., and Prat, F., 1989. The effect of modifications in photoperiod on spawning time, ovarian development and egg quality in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrux L.). Aquaculture, 81: 351-365.... more
As alternative farming methods, we investigate growth, haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) farmed in submersible cages in order to compare physiological status under... more
A model of the multibeam echosounding process was developed. This model has now been used as the basis for the application of a model inversion technique, with the aim of analyzing midwater multibeam echosounder data, for fisheries... more
At-sea distributions of large scyphozoan jellyfish across the Irish Sea were studied using visual surface counts from ships of opportunity. Thirty-seven surveys were conducted along two[100 km long transects between Ireland and the UK... more
An incorrect spelling is given for the surname of one of the editors of the book entitled Plankton: A guide to their ecology and monitoring for water quality; the name of the editor should read Suthers not Struthers.
ObjectiveDespite widespread concern over exploitation of the European Union's fish stocks, dietary guidelines in the UK continue to recommend two portions of fish per week. The present study sought to investigate whether health and/or... more
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts (mean weight 66 g) in freshwater were exposed to three replicate levels of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) partial pressures for 60 days in an open flow system: 2 mm Hg (6 mg l À 1 ; control), 5 mm Hg (16 mg... more
The inability of Ghana's capture-based fisheries to meet national demand has placed aquaculture in an advantageous position to satisfy this supply deficit. The majority of fish farmers in Ghana, however, resort to local feed mixtures,... more
For most marine aquaculture species, one of the main bottlenecks is the stable production of high quality juveniles. The high and unpredictable mortality in the first weeks after hatching of marine fish larvae remains a challenging... more
Effects of heavy metals [copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), Aluminum (Al), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), stannum (Sn), and lead (Pb)] present in Tubruk harbor (polluted site) comparing to Umm... more
A pen culture system of the mud crab, Scylla serrata was introduced in Mtwapa mangrove creek with the aim of finding an alternative source of income and food for the local communities, who practice artisanal fishery in the creek. Other... more
Kenya has a great potential for aquaculture growth by producing additional volumes of fish to fill the growing gap in national fish supply, as wild fish catches continue to decline. In order to balance the shortfall between fish... more
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from a Danish mariculture system (a total of 166 fish) and from a freshwater system (a total of 40 fish before transfer to the marine system) were investigated for the presence of nematode larvae... more
In this study, we demonstrate how an event that is initially frightening to Atlantic salmon is turned to a positive stimulus through habituation and associative learning. The study was carried out in four commercial sized tanks (5 m 3)... more
Proper nutrition at first feeding in marine fish larvae is an important factor for successful larval rearing. However, live prey used to feed marine finfish larvae lack essential fatty acids requiring commercial hatcheries to enrich live... more
A continuous cell line, designated FG-9307 was derived from gill tissue of the flounder Paralichfh~s oliuaceus and has been propagated for 96 passages over 3 years. The cells grew well in the temperature range of 20-25"C, but had a... more
Serious production losses have occurred in shrimp producing countries around the world, principally due to poor rearing environments and pathogenic disease. In response to this, shrimp farmers are changing their culture methods. To... more
An enzyme-histochemical study concerning the localization of steroid glucuronide production in the reproductive organs of African catfish, Clark gariepinus. Aquaculture, 63: 89-96. In ovaries of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus,... more
Abstract Blood cockles Tegillarca granosa culture in natural habitat is one of the way to increase national production in addition to harvesting natural resources today, but culture in pond is rare to Malaysia. Many factors need to be... more
Two sets of adaptive trials were performed to determine the effects of size grading and batch grading on size heterogeneity in cultured Macrobrachium rosenbergii raised in the Coconut Garden channels of Kuttanad, Southern India. In the... more
The objective of this present study is to determine the optimum concentration for glutathione in the cryopreservation of seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus) spermatozoa. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used with 6 treatments and... more
In the present investigation, the effect of sub lethal concentration of the garlic aqueous extract on fish Channa punctatus were studied after 24 hrs, 48 hrs, 72 hrs and 96 hrs exposure respectively. Different concentrations of garlic (10... more