Universitas Nasional
This book is an indication of not only Indonesia’s position as the most populace country in the Muslim world but also its abiding concern for the environment. There is much in Indonesian society that reflects its deep empathy with the... more
Extraordinary story about Islamic boarding school in Mandailing Natal, were so distress of how they could get clean water for ritual washing, that they campaigned to help in establishing Batang Gadis National Park.
"Buku ini berisi uraian mengenai khasanah keadilan syariat Islam dalam menata lingkungan dan melestarikan alam. Penulis memandang buku ini hanya merupakan mukaddimah dari kebutuhan uraian yang lebih rinci dan lebih panjang tentang... more
Esai-esai pembangunan lingkungan, konservasi, dan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2006 xxii, 302 halaman. Setelah bencana tsunami 26 Desember 2004, banyak pakar menyadari betapa... more
In this paper, the authors argue that while state-sponsored efforts to preserve Indonesia’s natural resources have been needed, their effectiveness has been limited due to the paucity of available arable land and the frequent conflicts... more