Conference Presentations by Juan Marín
Cambios de coloración en huesos alterados térmicamente: una aproximación experimental.
The characterization of the faunal assemblages present on Neanderthals deposits has been performe... more The characterization of the faunal assemblages present on Neanderthals deposits has been performed mainly based on the anatomical representation patterns and the application of different utility indexes. Through them have been established recruitment strategies and transportation which define a large part of economic skills that might have got the Neanderthals groups.
Our object of study is faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani (51-55 ka BP). We have applied a taphonomic and zooarchaeological analysis over whole remains bigger than 2cm. We have reconstructed the original anatomical representation through MNI, MNE and MAU, in addition we have also analyzed the bone surface to identified pre/postdepositional alterations. With the aim of identify potential transport strategies have been applied SFUI and Shannon diversity index on the elements of high survival.
The faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani is a fully anthropic accumulation. Neanderthals carried out a transport strategy Unconstrained, where the anatomical
elements were introduced based on their abundance in a complete skeleton. We observed a similar anatomical representation in all animal sizes, so transportation was not differentially performed according to the animal weight. With the aim of understand the behavioral implications of this type of transport strategy we have applied the same statistical model sets generated by Hadza groups. We know that they have at least six different transport strategies conditioned by various causes. However, the application of SFUI and Shannon diversity index pointing to unconstrained transport strategy, with similar results to those found in the level M.
The principal characteristic of the M level of Abric Romani, as well as the Hadzas assemblages analyzed are the overlapping hunting and transportation events. The successive occupations and depositions hide each specific event. This apparently results in a homogeneous assemblage, but that is a result of a behavior characterized by variability. The transport of the different elements is not determined exclusively by the animal size or nutritional value of the elements. The main characteristic of transport is the high diversity of elements that can be transported in each hunting event. This behavior requires highly organizational capacity, resulting from a high sociocultural complexity which characterized the Neanderthal groups.
Papers by Juan Marín
Comptes Rendus Palevol , 2020
L’étude des assemblages d’ongulés est essentielle pour comprendre le comportement et les interac... more L’étude des assemblages d’ongulés est essentielle pour comprendre le comportement et les interactions entre hominidés et carnivores. Pour cette raison, de nombreuses études impliquent l’analyse taphonomique des restes de faune, en se concentrant sur l’identification des différents acteurs biotiques. Cette étude examine les assemblages de chevaux des Unités I, II et III (moustériennes et aurignaciennes) de la grotte de Bize-Tournal dans le but de caractériser la nature de cette accumulation. Nous montrons ici que les restes de cheval dans ces unités sont principalement la conséquence de l’activité de mammifères carnivores. L’Unité II met également en évidence le fait que l’assemblage est le résultat de l’activité de la hyène. Notre analyse indique une prédominance des restes crâniens et des os de membres inférieurs longs (métapodes). Les profils de mortalité des trois unités sont différents, bien que deux soient classiques d’un prédateur coureur. Des analyses taphonomiques et statistiques ont montré que les carnivores étaient le principal agent modificateur dans les trois unités. Nos résultats démontrent que les hominines ont joué un rôle mineur dans l’accumulation des restes de chevaux. De plus, il semble qu’il y ait eu peu de différences dans l’exploitation de cette espèce par les groupes moustériens et aurignaciens, et cela s’est probablement passé pendant des occupations courtes et sporadiques d’hominines.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020
This pioneering research performed at the Abri du Maras (Ardèche, South-East France) explores the... more This pioneering research performed at the Abri du Maras (Ardèche, South-East France) explores the potential of non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) to provide new insights into the relationships between Neanderthals and plant resources. Remains of endophytic fungi found during the analysis are key indicators of the local presence of plants, which could have potentially been used by Neanderthal groups. The recording of high concentrations of Chaetomium-type (HdV-7A) in archaeological contexts from localized areas within the shelter suggests the local presence of decayed plants near an in situ fireplace. This could point to the use of grasses or other types of plants from aquatic or marshy areas such as reed and rushes for a surface preparation (bedding?) near the fireplace. Our research has also applied for the first time a combined study of archaeological sediments and pollen washes of artefacts following a microspatial approach in the study of Middle Palaeolithic archaeological contexts. One artefact (1079), identified as a sidescrapper, provided positive results, with the recording of high concentrations of Diporotheca webbiae-type (HdV-143). We could identify the host plant of the fungal signature documented on the tool surface as alder roots by comparing archaeobotanical results with NPP analyses in modern surface samples. Following this, we have proposed the use of this Middle Palaeolithic sidescrapper for processing this
plant by Neanderthal groups. Marsh and riparian ecosystems were thus attractive for Neanderthals occupying the Abri du Maras. This study clearly shows that NPP must be considered as key taphonomical, environmental and cultural indicators in archaeobotanical analyses. It also underlines the contribution of combined studies of archaeological sediments and pollen washes of artefacts following a microspatial approach to a better understanding of Middle Palaeolithic lithic tools and plant use relationships.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019
Mobility strategies of Neanderthal groups are studied through the characterization and analysis o... more Mobility strategies of Neanderthal groups are studied through the characterization and analysis of
archaeological sites and traditionally compared to the types of settlements present-day hunter-gatherer
groups, based on their mobility strategies. The faunal record of level P of Abric Romaní is a unique source
of information for analysing the foraging behaviour developed by Neanderthals during MIS3. The
assemblage is divided into two separate and well-defined sublevels: Pa and Pb. Through the taphonomic
study of the remains and their spatial distribution, it was possible to define the characteristics of these
human occupations. The analyses indicate that the assemblage was the result of at least two different
types of occupations: 1) A transitory residential camp during short halts, focusing on the exploitation of
red deer; 2) A hunting camp/intermediate butchering site for the specialized capture of horses. The
presence of occupations focusing on the supply of specific resources is typical of collector groups. The
results of the zooarchaeological study of level P characterize the Neanderthals of Abric Romaní as groups
involved in a logistic mobility system, who moved throughout the territory depending on the availability
of large ungulates.
Ungulate mortality profiles are commonly used to study Neanderthal subsistence strategies. To ass... more Ungulate mortality profiles are commonly used to study Neanderthal subsistence strategies. To assess the hunting strategies used by Neanderthals, we studied the ages at death of the cervids and equids found in levels E, H, I, Ja, Jb, K, L and M of the Abric Romaní sequence. These levels date between 43.2 ± 1.1 ka BP (14 C AMS) and 54.5 ± 1.7 ka BP (U-series). The degree of eruption and development of the teeth and their wear stages were used to determine the ages of these animals at death, and mortality profiles were constructed using these data. The equids display prime dominated profiles in all of the analyzed levels, whereas the cervids display variable profiles. These results suggest that the Neanderthals of Abric Romaní employed both selective and non-selective hunting strategies. The selective strategy focused on the hunting of prime adults and generated prime dominated profiles. On the other hand, non-selective strategies, involved the consumption of animals of variable ages, resulting in catastrophic profiles. It is likely that in the selective hunting events were conducted using selective ambushes in which it was possible to select specific prey animals. On the other hand, encounter hunting or non-selective ambush hunting may have also been used at times, based on the abundances of prey animals and encounter rates. Specific hunting strategies would have been developed accordance with the taxa and the age of the individual to be hunted. The hunting groups most likely employed cooperative hunting techniques , especially in the capture of large animals. Thus, it is not possible to uniquely associate a single mortality profile with the predation tactics of Neanderthals at Abric Romaní.
Este artículo resumen en castellano los resultados de tres experimentos neo-tafonómicos destinado... more Este artículo resumen en castellano los resultados de tres experimentos neo-tafonómicos destinados a caracterizar las modificaciones generadas por el lince ibérico en conejos y restos de perdiz roja. Los experimentos se centran en restos no ingeridos. Los resultados indican que los linces modifican los huesos de sus presas según un patrón estable. Esto se caracteriza por la abundancia de restos distales de las patas traseras en el caso de los conejos y huesos de los pies en el caso de las aves. La fragmentación es muy escasa, aunque los huesos largos principales en el caso de los conejos y estos junto a los huesos del tórax en el caso de las aves suelen estar muy fracturados. Las marcas de dientes en ambos conjuntos son muy raras. Estas características permiten diferenciar los restos no ingeridos acumulados por el lince ibérico de los acumulados por humanos y otros depredadores.
Ethological studies have shown that besides human groups, large-medium carnivores have bone-colle... more Ethological studies have shown that besides human groups, large-medium carnivores have bone-collecting habits. The research developed since the last half of the twentieth century has attempted to characterise the carnivore's accumulations and to identify them in the archaeo-paleontological record. At present, we have diagnostic criteria that deene the accumulations produced by hyenids (mainly, Crocuta crocuta), thereby allowing us to diierentiate them from the other accumulating agents. The faunal assemblage recovered at the Early Pleistocene TD6.3 layer of the Gran Dolina site is characterised by the presence of typical elements described in hyena dens: presence of small carnivores remains, high bone breakage, low epiphysis survival and a high frequency (>30%) of specimens with carnivore induced modiications, including large amounts of digested bones. However, attritional mortality prooles, hyena's cubs remains, mid-shaft bone cylinders or diierential anatomical composition among diierent weight-sizes, have not been observed or are ambiguous. In addition, anthropic evidences are scarce and concentrated in the uppermost section of the layer. TD6.3 is the result of an accumulation produced by hyenas using the cave as a den, in alternation with sporadic occupations by hominin groups. TD6.3 shows that hyena fossil accumulations may present great anatomical and taxonomic variability.
A series of experimental cut marks have been analyzed by eleven taphonomists with the goal of ass... more A series of experimental cut marks have been analyzed by eleven taphonomists with the goal of assessing if they could identify similarly 14 selected microscopic variables which would identify those marks as cut marks. The main objective was to test if variable identification could be made scientifically; that is, different researchers using the same method and criteria making the same assessment of each variable. This experiment shows that even in researchers trained in the same laboratories and following the same protocols divergences in the perception of each variable are significant. This indicates that mark perception and interpretation is a highly subjective process. If this basic analytical stage is subjective, subjectivity permeates to a greater degree the higher inferential stages leading from mark identification to reconstruction of butchering behaviors based on mark frequencies, mark anatomical distribution, actor-effector-trace processes, and statistical interpretations of the stochastic mark-imparting butchering processes. Here, we emphasize that the use of bone surface modifications for behavioral interpretations remains a non-scientific endeavor because of lack of independent replicability of criteria and processes, divergences in how variables are selected and used and epistemologically flawed analogs. This constitutes a major call to taphonomy to engage in more scientific (i.e., objective) approaches to the study of bone surface modifications for taphonomic inference elaboration.
We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the Neanderthal site of AbricRomaní, fo... more We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the Neanderthal site of AbricRomaní, focusing on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon (2007): differencesin the skeletal distribution of animals in accordance with their size and weight; the sta-tistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index; and theanatomical diversity of size-weight categories. Results indicate an unconstrained transportstrategy in all levels and all size-weight categories. However, we also found differences inthe skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals, which may be due to differ-ent transport strategies. These characteristics suggest that the superposition of transportand occupation events could be responsible for our results. In addition, we applied thesame analysis to Hadza assemblages, which revealed similar results to those found at AbricRomaní. The most striking feature of the Hadza assemblages examined is the superpositionof transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition events. This suggeststhat the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric Romaní are also characterizedby a high degree of diversity in transport decisions.
Two archaeological assemblages from the Sierra de Atapuerca sites show evidence of anthropogenic ... more Two archaeological assemblages from the Sierra de Atapuerca sites show evidence of anthropogenic cannibalism. These are the late Early Pleistocene level TD6-2 at Gran Dolina, and the Bronze Age level MIR4 in the Mirador Cave. Despite the chronological distance between these two assemblages, they share the common feature that the human remains exhibit a high frequency of anthropogenic modifications (cut marks, percussion pits and notches and peeling). This frequency could denote special treatment of bodies, or else be the normal result of the butchering process. In order to test these possibilities, we subjected a chimpanzee carcass to a butchering process. The processing was intensive and intended to simulate preparation for consumption. In doing this, we used several simple flakes made from quartzite and chert from quarries in the Sierra de Atapuerca. The skull, long bones, metapodials and phalanges were also fractured in order to remove the brain and bone marrow. As a result, about 40% of the remains showed some kind of human modification. The frequency, distribution and characteristics of these modifications are very similar to those documented on the remains of Homo antecessor from TD6-2. In case of the MIR4 assemblage, the results are similar except in the treatment of skulls. Our results indicate that high frequencies of anthropogenic modifications are common after an intensive butchering process intended to prepare a hominin body for consumption in different contexts (both where there was possible ritual behavior and where this was not the case and the modifications are not the result of special treatment).
The Iberian lynx is an endemic predator of the Iberian Peninsula currently restricted to southern... more The Iberian lynx is an endemic predator of the Iberian Peninsula currently restricted to southern Spain. It is one of the primary predators of rabbits in Iberian ecosystems and probably an important taphonomic agent. Few experimental taphonomic research has focused specifically on this aspect because the Iberian lynx is currently the world's most endangered feline. During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene its home range spread to the whole Iberian Peninsula and Southern France. From an anthropological point of view, Southwestern Europe is one of the major areas of interest for studies of leporid fossil accumulations because some archaeological sites show a clear anthropogenic exploitation of rabbits and hares by Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern Humans. This research is framed within the study of variability in the taphonomic signal of the Iberian lynx. In this paper a set of rabbit bones eaten by a female lynx and her cubs during the denning season which takes around two months has been studied. The experimental assemblage has been characterized using the anatomical representation of the remains, breakage patterns and damage modifications preserved on bone surfaces. The taphonomic data are discussed along with data from the literature of the ethology of the Iberian lynx. The characteristics of the taphonomic modifications are very similar in non-ingested remains altered by adults documented in previous works, and non-ingested remains modified by the litter, in terms of anatomical profile, breakage and tooth mark frequency. The main difference is the presence of specific small tooth marks caused by infant individuals. It is concluded that the Iberian lynx may be a significant source of rabbit bone accumulations in caves and shelters, but exclusively during its breeding season. The presence of bones of mixed origin in the final set (non-ingested and ingested) is inferred as a taphonomic signal feature of Iberian lynx. The expansion of the referential framework will allow us to strongly discriminate the role of hominids and lynxes in fossil accumulations of rabbits, especially when this kind of preys was usually exploited and accumulated by the hunter–gatherers in caves and shelters
Books Sections by Juan Marín
Location: Erechim (Brasil)
More Info: by SALADIÉ, Palmira; HUGUET, Rosa; CÁCERES, Isabel; RODRÍGU... more Location: Erechim (Brasil)
More Info: by SALADIÉ, Palmira; HUGUET, Rosa; CÁCERES, Isabel; RODRÍGUEZ-HIDALGO, Antonio; DÍAZ-MAROTO, Paloma; MARÍN-HERNANDO, Juan; PINEDA, Antonio; ALMEIDA, Nelson y CARBONELL, Eudald.
Publisher: Habilis Editora (ISBN: 978-85-60967-61-2)
Publication Date: 2014
Publication Name: Arqueofauna e Paisagem (Edited by ZOCCHE, Jairo; CAMPOS, Juliano; ALMEIDA, Nelson y RICKEN, Claudio)
Poster by Juan Marín
We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the sequence of the Neanderthal site of... more We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the sequence of the Neanderthal site of Abric Romaní. All the levels have
been described as product of the anthropic activities, been the carnivore activities testimonial. The mainly taxa recorded are the
Cervus elaphus, which represent the medium-sized animals, and equids (Equus ferus/Equus hydruntinus), which represent the
main large sized animals. However, Stephanorhinus sp. hemitoechus and Bos primigenius have been also identified in many levels.
The faunal remains of Abric Romaní are characterized by a high presence of high survival elements, mainly mid shaft of long bones
and teeth. This study is focused on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon [1]: differences in the skeletal distribution of
animals according to their size and weight; the statistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index;
and the anatomical diversity of size-weight categories Results indicate an unconstrained transport strategy in all the studied levels
and in all size-weight categories. However, we found differences in the skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals,
which may be due to different transport strategies. We applied the same analysis to Hadza assemblages in order to compare them
with the assemblages of Abric Romaní. The analogy reveals similar results to those found at Abric Romaní. The most striking feature
of the examined Hadza assemblages is the superposition of several transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition
events. This fact support that the superposition of several transport strategies and occupation events could be responsible of an unconstrained
transport strategy deduced from our results. This suggests that the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric
Romaní are also characterized by a high degree of diversity in transport decisions. However, some transport strategies could be
identified. The significant correlations between the unsaturated marrow index and the high survival elements indicate transport
strategies based on the rates of economic return. Therefore one of these transport types in the Abric Romaní sequence is related
to the nutritional marrow and grease richest. These conclusions can be extrapolated to other Middle Palaeolithic assemblages with
similar skeletal profiles, in which human activity is the main cause of the accumulation.
We present here the results of actualistic taphonomic research conducted to assess modifications ... more We present here the results of actualistic taphonomic research conducted to assess modifications produced by Iberian lynx on non-ingested red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) remains. Through anatomical representation, breakage patterns and bone surface modifications we were able to establish the main characteristics of the taphocoenosis of the Iberian lynx regarding one of their complementary preys.
Posters by Juan Marín
De acuerdo a diferentes estudios, la identificación de huesos quemados en contextos arqueológicos... more De acuerdo a diferentes estudios, la identificación de huesos quemados en contextos arqueológicos puede asociarse a actividades culinarias, a su uso como combustible, a actividades de desecho y limpieza del espacio o a cremaciones accidentales. Dichos estudios han aportado datos relativos a los cambios de coloración de los huesos quemados en contextos específicos de cremación. La finalidad última de los mismos es observar diferencias entre las cremaciones producidas de forma accidental de las cremaciones intencionales (culinarias o como limpieza de desechos). En el caso del yacimiento del Paleolítico Medio del Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona) han sido identificados restos faunísticos con claras muestras de cremaciones y asociados a numerosos hogares. Nuestro objetivo es establecer una propuesta metodológica que permita identificar posibles diferencias de la quema de huesos en estado fresco y seco a partir de la identificación de los estadios de coloración y la distribución de las coloraciones presentes en las superficies óseas. Con ello, nuestra propuesta nos puede permitir inferir si estas cremaciones responden a actividades de cocinado o, si por el contrario, se produjeron principalmente durante las tareas de limpieza de las superficies domésticas.
Este experimento se ha desarrollado a partir de la cremación de especímenes en estado fresco y seco en tres hogares utilizando madera de pino (Pinus sylvestris) como combustible. Además del estado inicial del hueso, se tuvieron en cuenta otras dos variables: el tiempo de exposición del hueso al calor y la medición de la temperatura alcanzada en cada uno de los hogares. Nuestras primeras observaciones nos advierten de una mayor incidencia de la variable principal que manejamos: la temperatura de exposición. Advertimos que los huesos expuestos a una temperatura mayor de 400ºC, independientemente de su estado, sufren calcinaciones. Precisamente son las temperaturas menores las que mayor variabilidad de coloración muestran y, por tanto, las que nos dan la información más importante a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo del programa experimental que aquí presentaremos, para la evaluación del registro del Abric Romaní aplicando el razonamiento de la analogía actualista.
Conference Presentations by Juan Marín
Our object of study is faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani (51-55 ka BP). We have applied a taphonomic and zooarchaeological analysis over whole remains bigger than 2cm. We have reconstructed the original anatomical representation through MNI, MNE and MAU, in addition we have also analyzed the bone surface to identified pre/postdepositional alterations. With the aim of identify potential transport strategies have been applied SFUI and Shannon diversity index on the elements of high survival.
The faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani is a fully anthropic accumulation. Neanderthals carried out a transport strategy Unconstrained, where the anatomical
elements were introduced based on their abundance in a complete skeleton. We observed a similar anatomical representation in all animal sizes, so transportation was not differentially performed according to the animal weight. With the aim of understand the behavioral implications of this type of transport strategy we have applied the same statistical model sets generated by Hadza groups. We know that they have at least six different transport strategies conditioned by various causes. However, the application of SFUI and Shannon diversity index pointing to unconstrained transport strategy, with similar results to those found in the level M.
The principal characteristic of the M level of Abric Romani, as well as the Hadzas assemblages analyzed are the overlapping hunting and transportation events. The successive occupations and depositions hide each specific event. This apparently results in a homogeneous assemblage, but that is a result of a behavior characterized by variability. The transport of the different elements is not determined exclusively by the animal size or nutritional value of the elements. The main characteristic of transport is the high diversity of elements that can be transported in each hunting event. This behavior requires highly organizational capacity, resulting from a high sociocultural complexity which characterized the Neanderthal groups.
Papers by Juan Marín
plant by Neanderthal groups. Marsh and riparian ecosystems were thus attractive for Neanderthals occupying the Abri du Maras. This study clearly shows that NPP must be considered as key taphonomical, environmental and cultural indicators in archaeobotanical analyses. It also underlines the contribution of combined studies of archaeological sediments and pollen washes of artefacts following a microspatial approach to a better understanding of Middle Palaeolithic lithic tools and plant use relationships.
archaeological sites and traditionally compared to the types of settlements present-day hunter-gatherer
groups, based on their mobility strategies. The faunal record of level P of Abric Romaní is a unique source
of information for analysing the foraging behaviour developed by Neanderthals during MIS3. The
assemblage is divided into two separate and well-defined sublevels: Pa and Pb. Through the taphonomic
study of the remains and their spatial distribution, it was possible to define the characteristics of these
human occupations. The analyses indicate that the assemblage was the result of at least two different
types of occupations: 1) A transitory residential camp during short halts, focusing on the exploitation of
red deer; 2) A hunting camp/intermediate butchering site for the specialized capture of horses. The
presence of occupations focusing on the supply of specific resources is typical of collector groups. The
results of the zooarchaeological study of level P characterize the Neanderthals of Abric Romaní as groups
involved in a logistic mobility system, who moved throughout the territory depending on the availability
of large ungulates.
Books Sections by Juan Marín
More Info: by SALADIÉ, Palmira; HUGUET, Rosa; CÁCERES, Isabel; RODRÍGUEZ-HIDALGO, Antonio; DÍAZ-MAROTO, Paloma; MARÍN-HERNANDO, Juan; PINEDA, Antonio; ALMEIDA, Nelson y CARBONELL, Eudald.
Publisher: Habilis Editora (ISBN: 978-85-60967-61-2)
Publication Date: 2014
Publication Name: Arqueofauna e Paisagem (Edited by ZOCCHE, Jairo; CAMPOS, Juliano; ALMEIDA, Nelson y RICKEN, Claudio)
Poster by Juan Marín
been described as product of the anthropic activities, been the carnivore activities testimonial. The mainly taxa recorded are the
Cervus elaphus, which represent the medium-sized animals, and equids (Equus ferus/Equus hydruntinus), which represent the
main large sized animals. However, Stephanorhinus sp. hemitoechus and Bos primigenius have been also identified in many levels.
The faunal remains of Abric Romaní are characterized by a high presence of high survival elements, mainly mid shaft of long bones
and teeth. This study is focused on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon [1]: differences in the skeletal distribution of
animals according to their size and weight; the statistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index;
and the anatomical diversity of size-weight categories Results indicate an unconstrained transport strategy in all the studied levels
and in all size-weight categories. However, we found differences in the skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals,
which may be due to different transport strategies. We applied the same analysis to Hadza assemblages in order to compare them
with the assemblages of Abric Romaní. The analogy reveals similar results to those found at Abric Romaní. The most striking feature
of the examined Hadza assemblages is the superposition of several transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition
events. This fact support that the superposition of several transport strategies and occupation events could be responsible of an unconstrained
transport strategy deduced from our results. This suggests that the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric
Romaní are also characterized by a high degree of diversity in transport decisions. However, some transport strategies could be
identified. The significant correlations between the unsaturated marrow index and the high survival elements indicate transport
strategies based on the rates of economic return. Therefore one of these transport types in the Abric Romaní sequence is related
to the nutritional marrow and grease richest. These conclusions can be extrapolated to other Middle Palaeolithic assemblages with
similar skeletal profiles, in which human activity is the main cause of the accumulation.
Posters by Juan Marín
Este experimento se ha desarrollado a partir de la cremación de especímenes en estado fresco y seco en tres hogares utilizando madera de pino (Pinus sylvestris) como combustible. Además del estado inicial del hueso, se tuvieron en cuenta otras dos variables: el tiempo de exposición del hueso al calor y la medición de la temperatura alcanzada en cada uno de los hogares. Nuestras primeras observaciones nos advierten de una mayor incidencia de la variable principal que manejamos: la temperatura de exposición. Advertimos que los huesos expuestos a una temperatura mayor de 400ºC, independientemente de su estado, sufren calcinaciones. Precisamente son las temperaturas menores las que mayor variabilidad de coloración muestran y, por tanto, las que nos dan la información más importante a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo del programa experimental que aquí presentaremos, para la evaluación del registro del Abric Romaní aplicando el razonamiento de la analogía actualista.
Our object of study is faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani (51-55 ka BP). We have applied a taphonomic and zooarchaeological analysis over whole remains bigger than 2cm. We have reconstructed the original anatomical representation through MNI, MNE and MAU, in addition we have also analyzed the bone surface to identified pre/postdepositional alterations. With the aim of identify potential transport strategies have been applied SFUI and Shannon diversity index on the elements of high survival.
The faunal assemblage of level M of Abric Romani is a fully anthropic accumulation. Neanderthals carried out a transport strategy Unconstrained, where the anatomical
elements were introduced based on their abundance in a complete skeleton. We observed a similar anatomical representation in all animal sizes, so transportation was not differentially performed according to the animal weight. With the aim of understand the behavioral implications of this type of transport strategy we have applied the same statistical model sets generated by Hadza groups. We know that they have at least six different transport strategies conditioned by various causes. However, the application of SFUI and Shannon diversity index pointing to unconstrained transport strategy, with similar results to those found in the level M.
The principal characteristic of the M level of Abric Romani, as well as the Hadzas assemblages analyzed are the overlapping hunting and transportation events. The successive occupations and depositions hide each specific event. This apparently results in a homogeneous assemblage, but that is a result of a behavior characterized by variability. The transport of the different elements is not determined exclusively by the animal size or nutritional value of the elements. The main characteristic of transport is the high diversity of elements that can be transported in each hunting event. This behavior requires highly organizational capacity, resulting from a high sociocultural complexity which characterized the Neanderthal groups.
plant by Neanderthal groups. Marsh and riparian ecosystems were thus attractive for Neanderthals occupying the Abri du Maras. This study clearly shows that NPP must be considered as key taphonomical, environmental and cultural indicators in archaeobotanical analyses. It also underlines the contribution of combined studies of archaeological sediments and pollen washes of artefacts following a microspatial approach to a better understanding of Middle Palaeolithic lithic tools and plant use relationships.
archaeological sites and traditionally compared to the types of settlements present-day hunter-gatherer
groups, based on their mobility strategies. The faunal record of level P of Abric Romaní is a unique source
of information for analysing the foraging behaviour developed by Neanderthals during MIS3. The
assemblage is divided into two separate and well-defined sublevels: Pa and Pb. Through the taphonomic
study of the remains and their spatial distribution, it was possible to define the characteristics of these
human occupations. The analyses indicate that the assemblage was the result of at least two different
types of occupations: 1) A transitory residential camp during short halts, focusing on the exploitation of
red deer; 2) A hunting camp/intermediate butchering site for the specialized capture of horses. The
presence of occupations focusing on the supply of specific resources is typical of collector groups. The
results of the zooarchaeological study of level P characterize the Neanderthals of Abric Romaní as groups
involved in a logistic mobility system, who moved throughout the territory depending on the availability
of large ungulates.
More Info: by SALADIÉ, Palmira; HUGUET, Rosa; CÁCERES, Isabel; RODRÍGUEZ-HIDALGO, Antonio; DÍAZ-MAROTO, Paloma; MARÍN-HERNANDO, Juan; PINEDA, Antonio; ALMEIDA, Nelson y CARBONELL, Eudald.
Publisher: Habilis Editora (ISBN: 978-85-60967-61-2)
Publication Date: 2014
Publication Name: Arqueofauna e Paisagem (Edited by ZOCCHE, Jairo; CAMPOS, Juliano; ALMEIDA, Nelson y RICKEN, Claudio)
been described as product of the anthropic activities, been the carnivore activities testimonial. The mainly taxa recorded are the
Cervus elaphus, which represent the medium-sized animals, and equids (Equus ferus/Equus hydruntinus), which represent the
main large sized animals. However, Stephanorhinus sp. hemitoechus and Bos primigenius have been also identified in many levels.
The faunal remains of Abric Romaní are characterized by a high presence of high survival elements, mainly mid shaft of long bones
and teeth. This study is focused on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon [1]: differences in the skeletal distribution of
animals according to their size and weight; the statistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index;
and the anatomical diversity of size-weight categories Results indicate an unconstrained transport strategy in all the studied levels
and in all size-weight categories. However, we found differences in the skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals,
which may be due to different transport strategies. We applied the same analysis to Hadza assemblages in order to compare them
with the assemblages of Abric Romaní. The analogy reveals similar results to those found at Abric Romaní. The most striking feature
of the examined Hadza assemblages is the superposition of several transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition
events. This fact support that the superposition of several transport strategies and occupation events could be responsible of an unconstrained
transport strategy deduced from our results. This suggests that the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric
Romaní are also characterized by a high degree of diversity in transport decisions. However, some transport strategies could be
identified. The significant correlations between the unsaturated marrow index and the high survival elements indicate transport
strategies based on the rates of economic return. Therefore one of these transport types in the Abric Romaní sequence is related
to the nutritional marrow and grease richest. These conclusions can be extrapolated to other Middle Palaeolithic assemblages with
similar skeletal profiles, in which human activity is the main cause of the accumulation.
Este experimento se ha desarrollado a partir de la cremación de especímenes en estado fresco y seco en tres hogares utilizando madera de pino (Pinus sylvestris) como combustible. Además del estado inicial del hueso, se tuvieron en cuenta otras dos variables: el tiempo de exposición del hueso al calor y la medición de la temperatura alcanzada en cada uno de los hogares. Nuestras primeras observaciones nos advierten de una mayor incidencia de la variable principal que manejamos: la temperatura de exposición. Advertimos que los huesos expuestos a una temperatura mayor de 400ºC, independientemente de su estado, sufren calcinaciones. Precisamente son las temperaturas menores las que mayor variabilidad de coloración muestran y, por tanto, las que nos dan la información más importante a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo del programa experimental que aquí presentaremos, para la evaluación del registro del Abric Romaní aplicando el razonamiento de la analogía actualista.