Papers by Silvia Calvo Peña
Munibe, 2022
Los estudios tecnológicos aplicados a los recipientes cerámicos se están generalizando en diferen... more Los estudios tecnológicos aplicados a los recipientes cerámicos se están generalizando en diferentes contextos arqueológicos. La aplicación de una metodología analítica y exhaustiva basada en la identificación de las macro trazas de fabricación muestran información sobre las diferentes soluciones técnicas, gestos y procedimientos que el artesanado desarrolla en la elaboración de los recipientes. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados procedentes de los conjuntos hallados en distintitas estructuras mineras del Complejo Arqueológico de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà (Barcelona) correspondientes al Neolítico Postcardial y al Neolítico Medio catalán (IV milenio cal BC). El objetivo principal es determinar los procedimientos tecnológicos aplicados en la fabricación de los distintos recipientes cerámicos, identificando tradiciones técnicas y, que nos permita documentar la existencia de una dinámica continua en la ocupación del yacimiento.
El objetivo fijado se centra en el estudio de las técnicas de fabricación de los recipientes cerá... more El objetivo fijado se centra en el estudio de las técnicas de fabricación de los recipientes cerámicos recuperados en las Minas Prehistòricas de Gavà durante el Neolítico Medio, planteando el desarrollo de un trabajo en el cual incluimos el concepto de Chaîne Opératoire y, por lo tanto, su implicación en los estudios tecnológicos. Esto permitirá fijar una nueva metodología analítica de trabajo que se puede aplicar al registro arqueológico cerámico que permitirá validar una serie de hipótesis resultantes mediante los datos obtenidos, que nos aproximará al conocimiento de las producciones cerámicas des de una perspectiva tecnológica y social. The aim focus in the study of the manufacturing techniques of pottery vessels recovered in Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà in the Middle Neolithic, proposing the development of a work in which included the concept of Chaîne Opérative and, obviously, its implication in technological studies. It has allowed us fix a new analytical methodology of work to applied in archaeological pottery that allows us to give validation to a new hypothesis from new data, that will bring us closer to the knowledge of pottery productions from a new technological and social perspective.
A Taste for Green, 2020
Different types and morphologies of body ornaments (basically pendants or beads for necklaces and... more Different types and morphologies of body ornaments (basically pendants or beads for necklaces and arm and ankle bracelets) were made on a beautiful pale green mineral obtained in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula between 5000 and 2300 cal BC. Archaeological evidence at a mining area known as the Gavà Mines, in the northeastern coast of Iberia, where a variscite outcrop was worked, allows an approach to a complex social network that was functioning from the late Early Neolithic onwards. Fieldwork research and results will be used to discuss social strategies, production and consumption from a wide perspective, encompassing the north of the Mediterranean in general and, more specifically, the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
Studies on chaîne opératoire are becoming more widespread in ceramic studies from different conte... more Studies on chaîne opératoire are becoming more widespread in ceramic studies from different contexts. In this work, we have studied the female figure found in the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà (Barcelona, Spain) which constitute the oldest evidence of mining centred on variscite during the 4th millennium BC. The main objective is to determine the technological procedures applied in the manufacture of the figure, identifying the chaîne opératoire and relating this information to its symbolic meaning. The results obtained show great knowledge of the manufacturing techniques used, observable in the different decorations documented on the piece. Its complexity and patterned manufacture can be related to its symbolic meaning, which is associated to a belief of a mother goddess, similar to other figures found in other areas of Europe. This work does not only expose a new way of studying this female figure but also the application of archeometric techniques such as, direct observation of macroscopic traces (naked eye); and indirect observation through X-ray techniques (CT). Finally, chemical analyses such as XRD and SEM-EDS were used to recognize the main mineral components of the clay.
Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Sobre Estudios Ceramicos Recurso Electronico Homenaje a La Dra Mercedes Vegas Cadiz Del 1 Al 5 De Noviembre De 2010 2013 Isbn 978 84 9828 401 0 Pags 452 476, 2013
Neolithic Pottery From the Near East. Production, Distribution and Use. Third International Workshop on Ceramics from the Late Neolithic. 7 - 9 March, 2019 - Antalya. Proceedings.Publisher: Koç University Press, 2021
During the few last years, studies focused on chaîne opératoire reconstruction of pottery vessels... more During the few last years, studies focused on chaîne opératoire reconstruction of pottery vessels have featured important developments and provided new data related to vessel production and the complexities acquired by prehistoric societies. Within this perspective, we intend to revise pottery material excavated in the beginning of the 1990s from the site of Tell Halula (Syria). The pottery assemblages recovered across different structures documented through the excavation shows variability. Structures too are thought to have had different functions: some of the tholoi may have been used communally. Through the reconstruction of the chaîne opératoire it becomes possible to reconstruct the relation between domestic areas and communal areas, approaching questions regarding interaction within the community of Halula in the 7th millennium cal BCE.
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de... more RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los vasos utilizando los principios aplicados a la arqueología experimental. La problemática planteada propone reconstruir el momento de la chaîne opératoire en el cual se sitúa la aplicación de los tratamientos de superficie recuperados y las aportaciones de los bruñidos en el conjunto de las minas 5 y 16, fechadas entre 4000 y 3800 cal BC. ABSTRACT In order to infer in the knowledge of the pottery manufacturing process of the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà, a project of finishing and decoration process of the vessels has been carried out using the principles applied to the experimental archaeology. This research focused to reconstruct the moment of the chaîne opératoire in which the surface treatments are applied and the contributions of the burnished treatment in the set of mines 5 and 16, well-dated between 4000 and 3800 cal BC. Palabras clave: Cerámica neolítica, minas de Gavà, cadena operativa, bruñidos. Keywords: Pottery Neolithic, Gavà mines, chaîne opératoire, burnish ware.
Estrat Critic Revista D Arqueologia, 2011
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
Studies on chaîne opératoire are becoming more widespread in ceramic studies from different conte... more Studies on chaîne opératoire are becoming more widespread in ceramic studies from different contexts. In this work, we have studied the female figure found in the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà (Barcelona, Spain) which constitute the oldest evidence of mining centred on variscite during the 4th millennium BC. The main objective is to determine the technological procedures applied in the manufacture of the figure, identifying the chaîne opératoire and relating this information to its symbolic meaning. The results obtained show great knowledge of the manufacturing techniques used, observable in the different decorations documented on the piece. Its complexity and patterned manufacture can be related to its symbolic meaning, which is associated to a belief of a mother goddess, similar to other figures found in other areas of Europe. This work does not only expose a new way of studying this female figure but also the application of archeometric techniques such as, direct observation of macroscopic traces (naked eye); and indirect observation through X-ray techniques (CT). Finally, chemical analyses such as XRD and SEM-EDS were used to recognize the main mineral components of the clay.
Segones Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran. Tremp, 31 de Maig i 1 de Juny de 2019, 2020
El jaciment del Pla de la Guineu fou descobe... more
El jaciment del Pla de la Guineu fou descobert l’any 2011 arran del seguiment
arqueològic de les obres de millora de la carretera N-260 a l’altura de Gerri de
la Sal. A partir d’aquesta intervenció es feu palesa l’excepcionalitat del jaciment
per la troballa d’un altíssim nombre de fragments ceràmics, i també de diverses
estructures de combustió. Aquests resultats van permetre apuntar la possibilitat
que el jaciment es tractés d’un centre de producció de sal. Per aquest motiu,
l’any 2014 s’inicià un projecte de recerca pel grup del GRAMPO de la UAB per tal
de completar les excavacions amb dues intervencions arqueològiques els anys
2015 i 2017 i, d’altra banda, ampliar l’estudi global de les restes i l’aportació del
jaciment en la reconstrucció del sistema d’explotacions salines de muntanya en
la prehistòria recent. En aquest article, a més de presentar breument el jaciment
i la seva importància, s’exposen les novetats de les darreres intervencions i de les
analítiques en curs, sobretot en relació amb les produccions i ús de les ceràmiques,
l’anàlisi arqueozoològic, l’anàlisi estratigràfic i el micromorfològic.
Arqueologia de la sal, producció, edat del bronze antic, Prehistòria, Pirineus.
The Pla de la Guineu archaeological site was discovered on 2011 after archaeological
control works during the construction of the N-260 road at Gerri de la Sal. After this
first intervention the exceptionality of the site was revealed thanks to the recovery
of a significantly high number of ceramic fragments as well as several combustion
structures. These results pointed at the possibility that the site could be a salt
production centre. For this reason, a new research project started on 2014 by the
research group GRAMPO at the Autonomous University Barcelona. It had the aim
to complete the excavations with two additional fieldwork campaigns (years 2015
and 2017) and expand the global study of the remains in the framework of the
reconstruction of the mountain saline exploitation systems in recent prehistory. This
article will briefly present the archaeological site and its relevance. Afterwards, the
most recent results from the latest excavations and the analytical studies underway will
be exposed. These will include the production and use of pottery, archaeozoological
analyses, and the stratigraphic and micromorphological analyses.
Archaeology of salt, production, early Bronze Age, Prehistory, Pyrenees.
A Taste for Green. A global perspective on ancient jade, turquoise and variscite exchange. Edited by Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán, Ben A. nelson and Ramón Fábregas Valcarce. Oxbow books, 2020
Different types and morphologies of body ornaments (basically pendants or beads for necklaces and... more Different types and morphologies of body ornaments (basically pendants or beads for necklaces and arm and ankle bracelets) were made on a beautiful pale green mineral obtained in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula between 5000 and 2300 cal BC. Archaeological evidence at a mining area known as the Gavà Mines, in the northeastern coast of Iberia, where a variscite outcrop was worked, allows an approach to a complex social network that was functioning from
the late Early Neolithic onwards. Fieldwork research and results will be used to discuss social strategies, production and consumption from a wide perspective, encompassing the north of the Mediterranean in general and, more specifically, the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Bulletí Arqueològic, Època V, any 2018, núm. 4. Real Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense., 2018
Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de... more RESUMEN
Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los vasos utilizando los principios aplicados a la arqueología experimental. La problemática planteada propone reconstruir el momento de la chaîne opératoire en el cual se sitúa la aplicación de los tratamientos de superficie recuperados y las aportaciones de los bruñidos en el conjunto de las minas 5 y 16, fechadas entre 4000 y 3800 cal BC.
In order to infer in the knowledge of the pottery manufacturing process of the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà, a project of finishing and decoration process of the vessels has been carried out using the principles applied to the experimental archaeology. This research focused to reconstruct the moment of the chaîne opératoire in which the surface treatments are applied and the contributions of the burnished treatment in the set of mines 5 and 16, well-dated between 4000 and 3800 cal BC.
Palabras clave: Cerámica neolítica, minas de Gavà, cadena operativa, bruñidos.
Keywords: Pottery Neolithic, Gavà mines, chaîne opératoire, burnish ware.
Butlletí Arqueològic, V, 40, 2018
Pit and flat fireplaces have been used to fire a set of 29 pottery vessels manufactured following... more Pit and flat fireplaces have been used to fire a set of 29 pottery vessels manufactured following productive processes coherent with recent prehistoric periods. The high importance of the modelling techniques for the firing success have been noted and the suitability of the infrarred pyrometer to study hearth temperatures is also taken into account.
Se presenta el proceso experimental de cocción en cubeta y en hogar plano de un conjunto de 29 piezas cerámicas elaboradas siguiendo procesos productivos de la prehistoria reciente. Se observa la importancia de las técnicas de modelaje para el éxito de la cocción y se evalúan las capacidades del pirómetro de infrarrojos para estudiar las temperatures.
The main objective of this paper is to approach for the first time the technological solutions as... more The main objective of this paper is to approach for the first time the technological solutions associated with the first ceramic production from the Pre-Halaf culture (VII millennium cal BC) in the Tell Halula settlement (Syria). The set is analysed from a new methodological perspective, prioritizing the aspects related with the manufacturing processes of the pottery vessels.
Books by Silvia Calvo Peña
El objetivo fijado se centra en el estudio de las técnicas de fabricación de los recipientes cerá... more El objetivo fijado se centra en el estudio de las técnicas de fabricación de los recipientes cerámicos recuperados en las Minas Prehistòricas de Gavà durante el Neolítico Medio, planteando el desarrollo de un trabajo en el cual incluimos el concepto de Chaîne Opératoire y, por lo tanto, su implicación en los estudios tecnológicos. Esto permitirá fijar una nueva metodología analítica de trabajo que se puede aplicar al registro arqueológico cerámico que permitirá validar una serie de hipótesis resultantes mediante los datos obtenidos, que nos aproximará al conocimiento de las producciones cerámicas des de una perspectiva tecnológica y social.
The aim focus in the study of the manufacturing techniques of pottery vessels recovered in Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà in the Middle Neolithic, proposing the development of a work in which included the concept of Chaîne Opérative and, obviously, its implication in technological studies. It has allowed us fix a new analytical methodology of work to applied in archaeological pottery that allows us to give validation to a new hypothesis from new data, that will bring us closer to the knowledge of pottery productions from a new technological and social perspective.
Papers by Silvia Calvo Peña
El jaciment del Pla de la Guineu fou descobert l’any 2011 arran del seguiment
arqueològic de les obres de millora de la carretera N-260 a l’altura de Gerri de
la Sal. A partir d’aquesta intervenció es feu palesa l’excepcionalitat del jaciment
per la troballa d’un altíssim nombre de fragments ceràmics, i també de diverses
estructures de combustió. Aquests resultats van permetre apuntar la possibilitat
que el jaciment es tractés d’un centre de producció de sal. Per aquest motiu,
l’any 2014 s’inicià un projecte de recerca pel grup del GRAMPO de la UAB per tal
de completar les excavacions amb dues intervencions arqueològiques els anys
2015 i 2017 i, d’altra banda, ampliar l’estudi global de les restes i l’aportació del
jaciment en la reconstrucció del sistema d’explotacions salines de muntanya en
la prehistòria recent. En aquest article, a més de presentar breument el jaciment
i la seva importància, s’exposen les novetats de les darreres intervencions i de les
analítiques en curs, sobretot en relació amb les produccions i ús de les ceràmiques,
l’anàlisi arqueozoològic, l’anàlisi estratigràfic i el micromorfològic.
Arqueologia de la sal, producció, edat del bronze antic, Prehistòria, Pirineus.
The Pla de la Guineu archaeological site was discovered on 2011 after archaeological
control works during the construction of the N-260 road at Gerri de la Sal. After this
first intervention the exceptionality of the site was revealed thanks to the recovery
of a significantly high number of ceramic fragments as well as several combustion
structures. These results pointed at the possibility that the site could be a salt
production centre. For this reason, a new research project started on 2014 by the
research group GRAMPO at the Autonomous University Barcelona. It had the aim
to complete the excavations with two additional fieldwork campaigns (years 2015
and 2017) and expand the global study of the remains in the framework of the
reconstruction of the mountain saline exploitation systems in recent prehistory. This
article will briefly present the archaeological site and its relevance. Afterwards, the
most recent results from the latest excavations and the analytical studies underway will
be exposed. These will include the production and use of pottery, archaeozoological
analyses, and the stratigraphic and micromorphological analyses.
Archaeology of salt, production, early Bronze Age, Prehistory, Pyrenees.
the late Early Neolithic onwards. Fieldwork research and results will be used to discuss social strategies, production and consumption from a wide perspective, encompassing the north of the Mediterranean in general and, more specifically, the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los vasos utilizando los principios aplicados a la arqueología experimental. La problemática planteada propone reconstruir el momento de la chaîne opératoire en el cual se sitúa la aplicación de los tratamientos de superficie recuperados y las aportaciones de los bruñidos en el conjunto de las minas 5 y 16, fechadas entre 4000 y 3800 cal BC.
In order to infer in the knowledge of the pottery manufacturing process of the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà, a project of finishing and decoration process of the vessels has been carried out using the principles applied to the experimental archaeology. This research focused to reconstruct the moment of the chaîne opératoire in which the surface treatments are applied and the contributions of the burnished treatment in the set of mines 5 and 16, well-dated between 4000 and 3800 cal BC.
Palabras clave: Cerámica neolítica, minas de Gavà, cadena operativa, bruñidos.
Keywords: Pottery Neolithic, Gavà mines, chaîne opératoire, burnish ware.
Se presenta el proceso experimental de cocción en cubeta y en hogar plano de un conjunto de 29 piezas cerámicas elaboradas siguiendo procesos productivos de la prehistoria reciente. Se observa la importancia de las técnicas de modelaje para el éxito de la cocción y se evalúan las capacidades del pirómetro de infrarrojos para estudiar las temperatures.
Books by Silvia Calvo Peña
The aim focus in the study of the manufacturing techniques of pottery vessels recovered in Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà in the Middle Neolithic, proposing the development of a work in which included the concept of Chaîne Opérative and, obviously, its implication in technological studies. It has allowed us fix a new analytical methodology of work to applied in archaeological pottery that allows us to give validation to a new hypothesis from new data, that will bring us closer to the knowledge of pottery productions from a new technological and social perspective.
El jaciment del Pla de la Guineu fou descobert l’any 2011 arran del seguiment
arqueològic de les obres de millora de la carretera N-260 a l’altura de Gerri de
la Sal. A partir d’aquesta intervenció es feu palesa l’excepcionalitat del jaciment
per la troballa d’un altíssim nombre de fragments ceràmics, i també de diverses
estructures de combustió. Aquests resultats van permetre apuntar la possibilitat
que el jaciment es tractés d’un centre de producció de sal. Per aquest motiu,
l’any 2014 s’inicià un projecte de recerca pel grup del GRAMPO de la UAB per tal
de completar les excavacions amb dues intervencions arqueològiques els anys
2015 i 2017 i, d’altra banda, ampliar l’estudi global de les restes i l’aportació del
jaciment en la reconstrucció del sistema d’explotacions salines de muntanya en
la prehistòria recent. En aquest article, a més de presentar breument el jaciment
i la seva importància, s’exposen les novetats de les darreres intervencions i de les
analítiques en curs, sobretot en relació amb les produccions i ús de les ceràmiques,
l’anàlisi arqueozoològic, l’anàlisi estratigràfic i el micromorfològic.
Arqueologia de la sal, producció, edat del bronze antic, Prehistòria, Pirineus.
The Pla de la Guineu archaeological site was discovered on 2011 after archaeological
control works during the construction of the N-260 road at Gerri de la Sal. After this
first intervention the exceptionality of the site was revealed thanks to the recovery
of a significantly high number of ceramic fragments as well as several combustion
structures. These results pointed at the possibility that the site could be a salt
production centre. For this reason, a new research project started on 2014 by the
research group GRAMPO at the Autonomous University Barcelona. It had the aim
to complete the excavations with two additional fieldwork campaigns (years 2015
and 2017) and expand the global study of the remains in the framework of the
reconstruction of the mountain saline exploitation systems in recent prehistory. This
article will briefly present the archaeological site and its relevance. Afterwards, the
most recent results from the latest excavations and the analytical studies underway will
be exposed. These will include the production and use of pottery, archaeozoological
analyses, and the stratigraphic and micromorphological analyses.
Archaeology of salt, production, early Bronze Age, Prehistory, Pyrenees.
the late Early Neolithic onwards. Fieldwork research and results will be used to discuss social strategies, production and consumption from a wide perspective, encompassing the north of the Mediterranean in general and, more specifically, the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula.
Con el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso de manufactura de los recipientes cerámicos de las Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà, se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de reconstrucción centrado en el proceso de acabado y decoración de los vasos utilizando los principios aplicados a la arqueología experimental. La problemática planteada propone reconstruir el momento de la chaîne opératoire en el cual se sitúa la aplicación de los tratamientos de superficie recuperados y las aportaciones de los bruñidos en el conjunto de las minas 5 y 16, fechadas entre 4000 y 3800 cal BC.
In order to infer in the knowledge of the pottery manufacturing process of the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà, a project of finishing and decoration process of the vessels has been carried out using the principles applied to the experimental archaeology. This research focused to reconstruct the moment of the chaîne opératoire in which the surface treatments are applied and the contributions of the burnished treatment in the set of mines 5 and 16, well-dated between 4000 and 3800 cal BC.
Palabras clave: Cerámica neolítica, minas de Gavà, cadena operativa, bruñidos.
Keywords: Pottery Neolithic, Gavà mines, chaîne opératoire, burnish ware.
Se presenta el proceso experimental de cocción en cubeta y en hogar plano de un conjunto de 29 piezas cerámicas elaboradas siguiendo procesos productivos de la prehistoria reciente. Se observa la importancia de las técnicas de modelaje para el éxito de la cocción y se evalúan las capacidades del pirómetro de infrarrojos para estudiar las temperatures.
The aim focus in the study of the manufacturing techniques of pottery vessels recovered in Minas Prehistóricas de Gavà in the Middle Neolithic, proposing the development of a work in which included the concept of Chaîne Opérative and, obviously, its implication in technological studies. It has allowed us fix a new analytical methodology of work to applied in archaeological pottery that allows us to give validation to a new hypothesis from new data, that will bring us closer to the knowledge of pottery productions from a new technological and social perspective.