PhD in Neuroscience and Behavior. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience - LaNeC - São Paulo State University - Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences - Marilia - São Paulo - Brazil.
The increase in elderly population is aworldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not on... more The increase in elderly population is aworldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health, but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the...
This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an eld... more This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an elderly population residing nursing homes (NH) located at Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, and, from statistical analysis, verify the potential correlations between depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline, amongst themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
The present work proposes an analysis of the conditions of the elderly on a Brazilian context, fo... more The present work proposes an analysis of the conditions of the elderly on a Brazilian context, focusing the institutionalized elders and the nuances of the institutionalization process on their mental health. Bibliographical analysis and participative observation were used as method. On the discussion, the present work demonstrates that the institutionalization have harmful effects to the elders, at their mental health and from this, proposes a multidisciplinary view of the process.
The increase in the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences n... more The increase in the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health, but also in terms of economy. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The understanding of this process, as well as of the reality of the institutionalized elderly is essential to develop policies of care. Goals: a) present the epidemiological profile of institutionalized elderly who live in institutions in the countryside of São PauloState and describe the development of an extension project implemented in two elderly-care institutions (IRLPI’s). Methods and procedures: data were collected in three forms, from which it was possible to verify: a) institutional data; b) social data and c) data about general and mental health. The data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were con...
Talking about the so-called mental states has been off the agenda of the Scientific Psychology du... more Talking about the so-called mental states has been off the agenda of the Scientific Psychology due to its epistemological limitation: they were not susceptible of empiric verification. Nevertheless, the thematic concerning the mental states, among them the “mental representations”, were never out of the agenda of Philosophy and Psychology and, nowadays they are recurrent themes into the Cognitive Sciences and Neurosciences. However, some questions related to those states are persistent still and stemming from them come the epistemological and methodological limitations. From a historical and epistemological approach, this study aims to present and to discuss some perspectives regarding to those questions.
Environmental factors seem to play an important role in terms of mental and functional/behavioral... more Environmental factors seem to play an important role in terms of mental and functional/behavioral plasticity, either in humans or other animals. The application of different methods in terms of environmental enrichment generates long-term physiological and behavioral effects. This research verified the immediate and long-term effects of environmental conditions through the application of environmental enrichment (EE) protocol on the spatial memory of mice. At the 70th day of their lives, animals were tested on Morris’ Labyrinth (ML) and it was observed that the group subjected to EE had a better performance locating the submerged platform at the ML than the group not subjected to EE. After completing 120 days of life, without being submitted to EE, both groups were retested at ML and, was featured that, although the average time of the group not subjected to EE had been twice than in the group subjected to EE, this difference was not statistically significant. The data indicates that EE improves the performance in terms of spatial memory, an effect that, despite decreasing when the subject is no longer submitted to EE, lasts for long terms.
The comprehension of the so called mental functions, defined as internal states have been one of ... more The comprehension of the so called mental functions, defined as internal states have been one of the greatest goals of Psychology and Philosophy and, nowadays, of the Neural Science. This essay intends to, from an epistemological approach, present and to discuss some theoretical and methodological difficulties and limitations which come from the influence of some epistemological and ontological positions about internal states and that influenced the construction of a behavior science. Among those positions it will be highlightened the conceptions of the positivism, logical empiricism, which is characteristic from the Vienna Circle and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thought in relation to the private language.
Objectives: To identify the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially DP and CD, on a ... more Objectives: To identify the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially DP and CD, on a sample of nursing home residents, relating this prevalence with some aspects of the demographics and psycho pharmacotherapy. Methods: 48 elders from two different nursing homes were selected. The collection of demographic and pharmacological data was made utilizing medical records. The medication was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC) criteria. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS 30) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests were utilized to determine the prevalence of DP and CD. Results: It was observed in the sample a high incidence of DP and CD among the researched elders. More schooling individuals tend to present less CD. Individuals with less CD indicatives present less symptomatology for DP. Of all the researched elders, 54,2% are submitted to psycho pharmacotherapy. Of all the consumed medicine, 16,5% belonged to the class of neuropsychiatric medicine. The medicated elders present, in average, a larger symptomatology for DP (12 points/average/GDS) than the non-medicated elders (9,9 points/average/GDS). The inverse occurs in relation to the CD indicatives. The use of psychotropics, especially in association, can have negative effects related to depression and cognition. Discussion: The pharmacotherapy, characterized for the polymedication and chronicity, especially of neuropsychiatric medicines, deserves special attention among elders, because the data suggest a significant relation between the utilization of medicines, singly or in association, and the increase of CD and DP. In addition, the data suggest that DP is a risk factor for CD and DM.
Unilateral neglect syndrome after stroke: the role of Occupational Therapy
Unilateral Neglect Sy... more Unilateral neglect syndrome after stroke: the role of Occupational Therapy
Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome. Keywords: Stroke, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation.
Depression and cognitive decline indicators on institutionalized elderly’s: a case study. This ca... more Depression and cognitive decline indicators on institutionalized elderly’s: a case study. This case study objectified investigating the symptomatology prevalence for depression (DP) and cognitive decline (CD) on institutionalized elderly’s; verifying the existence of correlations between DP and CD with age, gender and scholarity; and analyzing the possible correlations between symptomatology for DP and CD. For the realization of this research were selected, in two Elderly’s Long-Permanence Institutions (ELPIs), 24 subjects, which were classified according to gender, scholarity and age group. To verify the occurrence of CD, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied and, for the incidence of DP, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was applied. The data were tabulated and descriptively analyzed. For the study of the relations between quantitative variables, the Pearson correlation test was utilized and also the Spearmann test when necessary; for the comparison between two independent groups, the Student's t-test was utilized; for the verification of the association between gender, scholarity, DP and CD indicatives, the Pearson's X2 test and, due to theoretical restriction, the Fisher's exact test were utilized. The level of 5% probability was adopted for the rejection of nullity's hypothesis on all the tests. The research demonstrated that 50% of the research' subjects presented DP indicatives and 54.2% presented CD indicatives. Associations between: gender and DP (p = 0.414), gender and CD (p = 0.219), scholarity and CD (p = 0.527) were not observed. Positive regular correlation was verified between age and DP (r = 0.557; p = 0.005) and negative regular correlation was verified between DP and CD (r = -0.406; p = 0.049). The data suggest that DP might be a reaction to CD perceived by the subject. However, the hypothesis that indicates DP as a risk factor for CD and DM cannot be overruled, which suggests the importance of monitoring and treating depressive episodes on elderly populations. Keywords: Elderly. Geriatric institution. Depression. Cognitive decline.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
"With aging, naturally occurs the decline of several functions. The depression (DP), pointed to b... more "With aging, naturally occurs the decline of several functions. The depression (DP), pointed to be a risk factor for cognitive decline (DC), is frequent amongst elders. Activities aimed at cognitive stimulation/rehabilitation (RC) can be protective for DP and DC. Objectives: Analyze the association between DC and DP on institutionalized elders (IDI) and non-institutionalized elders (IDNI) and verify the protective function (regarding DP and DC) of RC activities. Design and Method: For the quantitative/qualitative analysis, from the epidemiologic method, were selected 48 elders, from both genders (41,7% woman and 58,3% man), from where 24 were institutionalized and 24 were not. The subjects were distributed on age groups: 59-69 (14%), 70-79 (35,1%), and 80 years and above (50,9%) and in four subgroups: 1) IDI
participating RC (n=12); 2) non participant IDI on RC (r=12); 3) IDNI participating UNATI (“Open College for the Elderly”) and attendees of Memory Workshop (OM) (n=12) and; 4) IDNI participating UNATI, not attending OM. The data were gathered
from the instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MEEM) to determine the degree of DC and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to verify the symptomatology of DP. For the data analysis, were used the Student’s t-test for independent groups and Mann-Whitney for non-parametric data; between three or more independent groups were used simple variance analysis and, Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametric data. Was adopted 5%
probability for significance level, for rejection of null hypothesis. Results: From the general sample, 8,3% of the subjects presented indicatives of DC and 52,1% traces of
DP (33,3% mild DP, 4,2% moderate DP and 14,6% moderate to severe DP). Lesser educated elders showed more incidence of DC (p<0,001) and DP (p=0,007). We
verified a higher prevalence of DC with increased age (p<0,006) and between DP symptomatology and age (p=0,511). There was no meaningful related to the DC prevalence (p=0230) and DP (p=0723) related to gender. Among the IDI there were
more incidence of DC than the IDNI (p<0,001). Prevalence of DP symptomatology was higher amongst the IDI (p=0,001). There were no meaningful differences in terms of scores acquired by MEEM and BDI for the subjects participating and not participating RC activities (p>0,05) or MW (p>0,05). Conclusion: There is indicatives that age negatively affects cognition and that DP increase may lead to DC, contributing then to an aggravation on the overall state of health of the elder. Therefore, it is necessary the development and application of curative and preventive strategies for depressive disorder. Special attention must be given for INI, more vulnerable to DP and DC.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
The aging process happens unavoidably and the rhythm of process and impact over life quality depe... more The aging process happens unavoidably and the rhythm of process and impact over life quality depends on economic factors, genetic, demographics, behavioral and social cultural. The elderly hospitalization on Institution of Long Remain (ILR), happens, between other factors, in changing function of familiar structure, can change the elderly condition of health. Goals: Accomplish cognitive research and functional impairment of population, as well as depressive episodes and, from statistical analysis, verify the existence of possible relation and correlations between the variables. Methods and Procedures: 57 elders resident of ILPI in Marilia - SP were subjected to research. Used instruments for data collection were: Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Barthel Index and the Beck Depression Inventory, being applied to elders in different times. For the study of relations between quantitative variables, the test t of Student was used. For the qualitative evaluation, the correlation of Pearson (r) was used.
Results: the research indicates that the age influences the performance on MMSE on a negative mode (r = -0,456, p=0,001), what also occurred in the relation between
functional capacity (the Barthel Index) and depressive symptom (the Beck Inventory) (r = -0,356 and p=0,021). The functionality correlates positively with cognitive impairment of elders. (r= 0,457, p<0,001). Conclusion: This study suggests that the older the person is, the greater the possibility of cognitive impairment. Besides that, there is an indicative that, the greater the functionality of the elderly is, the better is the cognitive performance and the less is the presence of depressive symptoms.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
Depression may be a risk factor for cognitive decline (CD) on elders. Depression incidence may be... more Depression may be a risk factor for cognitive decline (CD) on elders. Depression incidence may be higher on elders residing Nursing Homes (NH). Objectives: Investigate from case studies the prevalence of depression indicators and CD on elders
residing 02 NH located on Marília – SP e, from this, verify the possibility of correlation
between the variables: sex, age, education, depression indicators and CD indicators. Methods: 24 elders residing the NH, both sexes, aged between 59 and 89 years old, were
grouped: a) NHs (NH’1, n=12; NH’2, n=12); b) sex (female, n=12; male, n=12); c) education (whom had formal education, n=14; without formal education, n=10); d) age
range (59-64, n=4; 65-70, n=4; 71-76, n=6; 77-83, n=7 and 84-89, n=3). The protocol included the application of the following instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: There were not observed associations nor significant differences between: sex and depression (p=0,414); sex and CD (p=0,219); about CD; education and CD (p=0,527). Positive regular correlations were verified between the variables: age and depression (r=0,557; p=0,005). There were not significant
differences between groups with depression and CD indicators; without depression indicators and with CD indicator and without depression and CD indicators, about 1) age (Kruskal-Wallis Test: p=0,187); sex (TEF: p=0,215) and 3) education (TEF: p=0,310.
Conclusion: Despite of the results were not statistical significant, the absolute numbers points to the hypothesis of existence of relations between the analyzed variables, to be confirmed with wider samples.
This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an eld... more This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an elderly population residing nursing homes (NH) located at Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, and, from statistical analysis, verify the potential correlations between depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline, amongst
themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate
cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI).
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Envelhecimento Humano - RBCEH, 2010
The increase in elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not o... more The increase in elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health,
but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care
institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and
promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health
conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection
and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data
were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The
data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were confirmed from the application of clinical trials (Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS, and MMSE-T).
Fractal: Revista do Departamento de Psicologia da UFF, 2004
The aim of the present study is to reconsider Merleau-Ponty’s criticism of the classical Psychoph... more The aim of the present study is to reconsider Merleau-Ponty’s criticism of the classical Psychophysiology. Merleau-Ponty, in “The Structure of Behaviour” (1938), has pointed out some limitations of Psychophysiology in 1930s and 1940s, concerning to the analysis of behaviour. Among these limitations he has emphasized localizationism, reductivism, atomism, real analysis method, realism, dualism, as well as the theoretical limitations of empirism, intelectualism and realism. In his criticism of localizationism, he hasn’t followed innocent holism, claiming that everything depends on the brain, but taken a position closer to the modern theory of modularity of the brain. His position has been taken based mostly on Kurt Goldstein’s studies, specially “Der Aüfbau des Organismus” (“The Organism”) . Like a few other authors, Merleau-Ponty attempted to overcome the limits of Psychophysiology. The solution would be not in a real analysis, but in a Transcendental Analytic, by which the body would be conceived as an intentional whole unseparable from the world. From the husserlian notion of intentionality, as a way of overcoming mechanism, he proposed that a body is modified at every moment in its relation to the environment, emphasizing its dynamical work. By proposing the overcoming of the Philosophy-Psychology dichotomy, he attempted, at the same time, to review the categories and antinomies of classical Metaphysics - e.g., subject-object, internal-external, objective-subjective, body-mind.
The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the... more The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary
period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical
and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.
The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays ... more The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays by philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. According to the concept that mental phenomena are resulting from brain activity, therefore organic phenomena, the objective of this essay is to show that empirical study of mental phenomena, especially consciousness, is not only possible, but desirable, despite the limitations found in Neuroscience field.
The increase in elderly population is aworldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not on... more The increase in elderly population is aworldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health, but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the...
This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an eld... more This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an elderly population residing nursing homes (NH) located at Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, and, from statistical analysis, verify the potential correlations between depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline, amongst themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
The present work proposes an analysis of the conditions of the elderly on a Brazilian context, fo... more The present work proposes an analysis of the conditions of the elderly on a Brazilian context, focusing the institutionalized elders and the nuances of the institutionalization process on their mental health. Bibliographical analysis and participative observation were used as method. On the discussion, the present work demonstrates that the institutionalization have harmful effects to the elders, at their mental health and from this, proposes a multidisciplinary view of the process.
The increase in the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences n... more The increase in the elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health, but also in terms of economy. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The understanding of this process, as well as of the reality of the institutionalized elderly is essential to develop policies of care. Goals: a) present the epidemiological profile of institutionalized elderly who live in institutions in the countryside of São PauloState and describe the development of an extension project implemented in two elderly-care institutions (IRLPI’s). Methods and procedures: data were collected in three forms, from which it was possible to verify: a) institutional data; b) social data and c) data about general and mental health. The data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were con...
Talking about the so-called mental states has been off the agenda of the Scientific Psychology du... more Talking about the so-called mental states has been off the agenda of the Scientific Psychology due to its epistemological limitation: they were not susceptible of empiric verification. Nevertheless, the thematic concerning the mental states, among them the “mental representations”, were never out of the agenda of Philosophy and Psychology and, nowadays they are recurrent themes into the Cognitive Sciences and Neurosciences. However, some questions related to those states are persistent still and stemming from them come the epistemological and methodological limitations. From a historical and epistemological approach, this study aims to present and to discuss some perspectives regarding to those questions.
Environmental factors seem to play an important role in terms of mental and functional/behavioral... more Environmental factors seem to play an important role in terms of mental and functional/behavioral plasticity, either in humans or other animals. The application of different methods in terms of environmental enrichment generates long-term physiological and behavioral effects. This research verified the immediate and long-term effects of environmental conditions through the application of environmental enrichment (EE) protocol on the spatial memory of mice. At the 70th day of their lives, animals were tested on Morris’ Labyrinth (ML) and it was observed that the group subjected to EE had a better performance locating the submerged platform at the ML than the group not subjected to EE. After completing 120 days of life, without being submitted to EE, both groups were retested at ML and, was featured that, although the average time of the group not subjected to EE had been twice than in the group subjected to EE, this difference was not statistically significant. The data indicates that EE improves the performance in terms of spatial memory, an effect that, despite decreasing when the subject is no longer submitted to EE, lasts for long terms.
The comprehension of the so called mental functions, defined as internal states have been one of ... more The comprehension of the so called mental functions, defined as internal states have been one of the greatest goals of Psychology and Philosophy and, nowadays, of the Neural Science. This essay intends to, from an epistemological approach, present and to discuss some theoretical and methodological difficulties and limitations which come from the influence of some epistemological and ontological positions about internal states and that influenced the construction of a behavior science. Among those positions it will be highlightened the conceptions of the positivism, logical empiricism, which is characteristic from the Vienna Circle and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s thought in relation to the private language.
Objectives: To identify the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially DP and CD, on a ... more Objectives: To identify the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially DP and CD, on a sample of nursing home residents, relating this prevalence with some aspects of the demographics and psycho pharmacotherapy. Methods: 48 elders from two different nursing homes were selected. The collection of demographic and pharmacological data was made utilizing medical records. The medication was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC) criteria. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS 30) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests were utilized to determine the prevalence of DP and CD. Results: It was observed in the sample a high incidence of DP and CD among the researched elders. More schooling individuals tend to present less CD. Individuals with less CD indicatives present less symptomatology for DP. Of all the researched elders, 54,2% are submitted to psycho pharmacotherapy. Of all the consumed medicine, 16,5% belonged to the class of neuropsychiatric medicine. The medicated elders present, in average, a larger symptomatology for DP (12 points/average/GDS) than the non-medicated elders (9,9 points/average/GDS). The inverse occurs in relation to the CD indicatives. The use of psychotropics, especially in association, can have negative effects related to depression and cognition. Discussion: The pharmacotherapy, characterized for the polymedication and chronicity, especially of neuropsychiatric medicines, deserves special attention among elders, because the data suggest a significant relation between the utilization of medicines, singly or in association, and the increase of CD and DP. In addition, the data suggest that DP is a risk factor for CD and DM.
Unilateral neglect syndrome after stroke: the role of Occupational Therapy
Unilateral Neglect Sy... more Unilateral neglect syndrome after stroke: the role of Occupational Therapy
Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome. Keywords: Stroke, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation.
Depression and cognitive decline indicators on institutionalized elderly’s: a case study. This ca... more Depression and cognitive decline indicators on institutionalized elderly’s: a case study. This case study objectified investigating the symptomatology prevalence for depression (DP) and cognitive decline (CD) on institutionalized elderly’s; verifying the existence of correlations between DP and CD with age, gender and scholarity; and analyzing the possible correlations between symptomatology for DP and CD. For the realization of this research were selected, in two Elderly’s Long-Permanence Institutions (ELPIs), 24 subjects, which were classified according to gender, scholarity and age group. To verify the occurrence of CD, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied and, for the incidence of DP, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was applied. The data were tabulated and descriptively analyzed. For the study of the relations between quantitative variables, the Pearson correlation test was utilized and also the Spearmann test when necessary; for the comparison between two independent groups, the Student's t-test was utilized; for the verification of the association between gender, scholarity, DP and CD indicatives, the Pearson's X2 test and, due to theoretical restriction, the Fisher's exact test were utilized. The level of 5% probability was adopted for the rejection of nullity's hypothesis on all the tests. The research demonstrated that 50% of the research' subjects presented DP indicatives and 54.2% presented CD indicatives. Associations between: gender and DP (p = 0.414), gender and CD (p = 0.219), scholarity and CD (p = 0.527) were not observed. Positive regular correlation was verified between age and DP (r = 0.557; p = 0.005) and negative regular correlation was verified between DP and CD (r = -0.406; p = 0.049). The data suggest that DP might be a reaction to CD perceived by the subject. However, the hypothesis that indicates DP as a risk factor for CD and DM cannot be overruled, which suggests the importance of monitoring and treating depressive episodes on elderly populations. Keywords: Elderly. Geriatric institution. Depression. Cognitive decline.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
"With aging, naturally occurs the decline of several functions. The depression (DP), pointed to b... more "With aging, naturally occurs the decline of several functions. The depression (DP), pointed to be a risk factor for cognitive decline (DC), is frequent amongst elders. Activities aimed at cognitive stimulation/rehabilitation (RC) can be protective for DP and DC. Objectives: Analyze the association between DC and DP on institutionalized elders (IDI) and non-institutionalized elders (IDNI) and verify the protective function (regarding DP and DC) of RC activities. Design and Method: For the quantitative/qualitative analysis, from the epidemiologic method, were selected 48 elders, from both genders (41,7% woman and 58,3% man), from where 24 were institutionalized and 24 were not. The subjects were distributed on age groups: 59-69 (14%), 70-79 (35,1%), and 80 years and above (50,9%) and in four subgroups: 1) IDI
participating RC (n=12); 2) non participant IDI on RC (r=12); 3) IDNI participating UNATI (“Open College for the Elderly”) and attendees of Memory Workshop (OM) (n=12) and; 4) IDNI participating UNATI, not attending OM. The data were gathered
from the instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MEEM) to determine the degree of DC and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to verify the symptomatology of DP. For the data analysis, were used the Student’s t-test for independent groups and Mann-Whitney for non-parametric data; between three or more independent groups were used simple variance analysis and, Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametric data. Was adopted 5%
probability for significance level, for rejection of null hypothesis. Results: From the general sample, 8,3% of the subjects presented indicatives of DC and 52,1% traces of
DP (33,3% mild DP, 4,2% moderate DP and 14,6% moderate to severe DP). Lesser educated elders showed more incidence of DC (p<0,001) and DP (p=0,007). We
verified a higher prevalence of DC with increased age (p<0,006) and between DP symptomatology and age (p=0,511). There was no meaningful related to the DC prevalence (p=0230) and DP (p=0723) related to gender. Among the IDI there were
more incidence of DC than the IDNI (p<0,001). Prevalence of DP symptomatology was higher amongst the IDI (p=0,001). There were no meaningful differences in terms of scores acquired by MEEM and BDI for the subjects participating and not participating RC activities (p>0,05) or MW (p>0,05). Conclusion: There is indicatives that age negatively affects cognition and that DP increase may lead to DC, contributing then to an aggravation on the overall state of health of the elder. Therefore, it is necessary the development and application of curative and preventive strategies for depressive disorder. Special attention must be given for INI, more vulnerable to DP and DC.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
The aging process happens unavoidably and the rhythm of process and impact over life quality depe... more The aging process happens unavoidably and the rhythm of process and impact over life quality depends on economic factors, genetic, demographics, behavioral and social cultural. The elderly hospitalization on Institution of Long Remain (ILR), happens, between other factors, in changing function of familiar structure, can change the elderly condition of health. Goals: Accomplish cognitive research and functional impairment of population, as well as depressive episodes and, from statistical analysis, verify the existence of possible relation and correlations between the variables. Methods and Procedures: 57 elders resident of ILPI in Marilia - SP were subjected to research. Used instruments for data collection were: Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Barthel Index and the Beck Depression Inventory, being applied to elders in different times. For the study of relations between quantitative variables, the test t of Student was used. For the qualitative evaluation, the correlation of Pearson (r) was used.
Results: the research indicates that the age influences the performance on MMSE on a negative mode (r = -0,456, p=0,001), what also occurred in the relation between
functional capacity (the Barthel Index) and depressive symptom (the Beck Inventory) (r = -0,356 and p=0,021). The functionality correlates positively with cognitive impairment of elders. (r= 0,457, p<0,001). Conclusion: This study suggests that the older the person is, the greater the possibility of cognitive impairment. Besides that, there is an indicative that, the greater the functionality of the elderly is, the better is the cognitive performance and the less is the presence of depressive symptoms.
Anais do II Congresso Iberoamericano Interdisciplinar de Gerontologia, 2013
Depression may be a risk factor for cognitive decline (CD) on elders. Depression incidence may be... more Depression may be a risk factor for cognitive decline (CD) on elders. Depression incidence may be higher on elders residing Nursing Homes (NH). Objectives: Investigate from case studies the prevalence of depression indicators and CD on elders
residing 02 NH located on Marília – SP e, from this, verify the possibility of correlation
between the variables: sex, age, education, depression indicators and CD indicators. Methods: 24 elders residing the NH, both sexes, aged between 59 and 89 years old, were
grouped: a) NHs (NH’1, n=12; NH’2, n=12); b) sex (female, n=12; male, n=12); c) education (whom had formal education, n=14; without formal education, n=10); d) age
range (59-64, n=4; 65-70, n=4; 71-76, n=6; 77-83, n=7 and 84-89, n=3). The protocol included the application of the following instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: There were not observed associations nor significant differences between: sex and depression (p=0,414); sex and CD (p=0,219); about CD; education and CD (p=0,527). Positive regular correlations were verified between the variables: age and depression (r=0,557; p=0,005). There were not significant
differences between groups with depression and CD indicators; without depression indicators and with CD indicator and without depression and CD indicators, about 1) age (Kruskal-Wallis Test: p=0,187); sex (TEF: p=0,215) and 3) education (TEF: p=0,310.
Conclusion: Despite of the results were not statistical significant, the absolute numbers points to the hypothesis of existence of relations between the analyzed variables, to be confirmed with wider samples.
This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an eld... more This research was aimed to survey depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline of an elderly population residing nursing homes (NH) located at Marília, São Paulo, Brazil, and, from statistical analysis, verify the potential correlations between depressive episodes, functional and cognitive decline, amongst
themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate
cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI).
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Envelhecimento Humano - RBCEH, 2010
The increase in elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not o... more The increase in elderly population is a worldwide phenomenon and has different consequences not only in terms of health,
but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care
institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and
promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health
conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection
and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data
were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The
data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were confirmed from the application of clinical trials (Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS, and MMSE-T).
Fractal: Revista do Departamento de Psicologia da UFF, 2004
The aim of the present study is to reconsider Merleau-Ponty’s criticism of the classical Psychoph... more The aim of the present study is to reconsider Merleau-Ponty’s criticism of the classical Psychophysiology. Merleau-Ponty, in “The Structure of Behaviour” (1938), has pointed out some limitations of Psychophysiology in 1930s and 1940s, concerning to the analysis of behaviour. Among these limitations he has emphasized localizationism, reductivism, atomism, real analysis method, realism, dualism, as well as the theoretical limitations of empirism, intelectualism and realism. In his criticism of localizationism, he hasn’t followed innocent holism, claiming that everything depends on the brain, but taken a position closer to the modern theory of modularity of the brain. His position has been taken based mostly on Kurt Goldstein’s studies, specially “Der Aüfbau des Organismus” (“The Organism”) . Like a few other authors, Merleau-Ponty attempted to overcome the limits of Psychophysiology. The solution would be not in a real analysis, but in a Transcendental Analytic, by which the body would be conceived as an intentional whole unseparable from the world. From the husserlian notion of intentionality, as a way of overcoming mechanism, he proposed that a body is modified at every moment in its relation to the environment, emphasizing its dynamical work. By proposing the overcoming of the Philosophy-Psychology dichotomy, he attempted, at the same time, to review the categories and antinomies of classical Metaphysics - e.g., subject-object, internal-external, objective-subjective, body-mind.
The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the... more The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary
period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical
and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.
The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays ... more The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays by philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. According to the concept that mental phenomena are resulting from brain activity, therefore organic phenomena, the objective of this essay is to show that empirical study of mental phenomena, especially consciousness, is not only possible, but desirable, despite the limitations found in Neuroscience field.
Dorme bastante e a visão é limitada (enxerga somento se o objeto for colocado próximo aos olhos. ... more Dorme bastante e a visão é limitada (enxerga somento se o objeto for colocado próximo aos olhos. Reage aos sons mais altos. Movimenta o corpo e chora. Meninos: 55 cm e 4,2 Kg. Meninas: 53 cm e 4 kg.
Vários pacientes que sofreram lesões bilaterais na região hipocampal durante cirurgias para cura ... more Vários pacientes que sofreram lesões bilaterais na região hipocampal durante cirurgias para cura de epilepsia foram estudados por Brenda Milner (1959; 1966) e Scoville e Milner (1957).
A euforia provocada pelas drogas acontece porque essas substâncias aumentam a atividade do sistem... more A euforia provocada pelas drogas acontece porque essas substâncias aumentam a atividade do sistema cerebral de recompensa.
Papers by Edvaldo Soares
Methods: 48 elders from two different nursing homes were selected. The collection of demographic and pharmacological data was made utilizing medical records. The medication was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC) criteria. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS 30) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests were utilized to determine the prevalence of DP and CD.
Results: It was observed in the sample a high incidence of DP and CD among the researched elders. More
schooling individuals tend to present less CD. Individuals with less CD indicatives present less symptomatology for
DP. Of all the researched elders, 54,2% are submitted to psycho pharmacotherapy. Of all the consumed medicine,
16,5% belonged to the class of neuropsychiatric medicine. The medicated elders present, in average, a larger
symptomatology for DP (12 points/average/GDS) than the non-medicated elders (9,9 points/average/GDS). The
inverse occurs in relation to the CD indicatives. The use of psychotropics, especially in association, can have
negative effects related to depression and cognition.
Discussion: The pharmacotherapy, characterized for the polymedication and chronicity, especially of
neuropsychiatric medicines, deserves special attention among elders, because the data suggest a significant
relation between the utilization of medicines, singly or in association, and the increase of CD and DP. In addition, the
data suggest that DP is a risk factor for CD and DM.
Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome.
Keywords: Stroke, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation.
symptomatology prevalence for depression (DP) and cognitive decline (CD) on institutionalized elderly’s; verifying the existence
of correlations between DP and CD with age, gender and scholarity; and analyzing the possible correlations between symptomatology for DP and CD. For the realization of this research were selected, in two Elderly’s Long-Permanence Institutions (ELPIs), 24 subjects, which were classified according to gender, scholarity and age group. To verify the occurrence of CD, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied and, for the incidence of DP, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was applied. The data were tabulated and descriptively analyzed. For the study of the relations between quantitative variables,
the Pearson correlation test was utilized and also the Spearmann test when necessary; for the comparison between two independent groups, the Student's t-test was utilized; for the verification of the association
between gender, scholarity, DP and CD indicatives, the Pearson's X2 test and, due to theoretical restriction, the Fisher's exact test were utilized. The level of 5% probability was adopted for the rejection of nullity's hypothesis on all the tests. The research demonstrated that 50% of the research' subjects presented DP indicatives and 54.2% presented CD indicatives. Associations between: gender and DP (p =
0.414), gender and CD (p = 0.219), scholarity and CD (p = 0.527) were not observed. Positive regular correlation was verified between age and DP (r = 0.557; p = 0.005) and negative regular correlation was verified between DP and CD (r = -0.406; p = 0.049). The data suggest that DP might be a reaction to CD perceived by the subject. However, the hypothesis that indicates DP as a risk factor for CD and DM cannot be overruled, which suggests the importance of monitoring and treating depressive episodes on elderly populations.
Keywords: Elderly. Geriatric institution. Depression. Cognitive decline.
participating RC (n=12); 2) non participant IDI on RC (r=12); 3) IDNI participating UNATI (“Open College for the Elderly”) and attendees of Memory Workshop (OM) (n=12) and; 4) IDNI participating UNATI, not attending OM. The data were gathered
from the instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MEEM) to determine the degree of DC and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to verify the symptomatology of DP. For the data analysis, were used the Student’s t-test for independent groups and Mann-Whitney for non-parametric data; between three or more independent groups were used simple variance analysis and, Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametric data. Was adopted 5%
probability for significance level, for rejection of null hypothesis. Results: From the general sample, 8,3% of the subjects presented indicatives of DC and 52,1% traces of
DP (33,3% mild DP, 4,2% moderate DP and 14,6% moderate to severe DP). Lesser educated elders showed more incidence of DC (p<0,001) and DP (p=0,007). We
verified a higher prevalence of DC with increased age (p<0,006) and between DP symptomatology and age (p=0,511). There was no meaningful related to the DC prevalence (p=0230) and DP (p=0723) related to gender. Among the IDI there were
more incidence of DC than the IDNI (p<0,001). Prevalence of DP symptomatology was higher amongst the IDI (p=0,001). There were no meaningful differences in terms of scores acquired by MEEM and BDI for the subjects participating and not participating RC activities (p>0,05) or MW (p>0,05). Conclusion: There is indicatives that age negatively affects cognition and that DP increase may lead to DC, contributing then to an aggravation on the overall state of health of the elder. Therefore, it is necessary the development and application of curative and preventive strategies for depressive disorder. Special attention must be given for INI, more vulnerable to DP and DC.
Results: the research indicates that the age influences the performance on MMSE on a negative mode (r = -0,456, p=0,001), what also occurred in the relation between
functional capacity (the Barthel Index) and depressive symptom (the Beck Inventory) (r = -0,356 and p=0,021). The functionality correlates positively with cognitive impairment of elders. (r= 0,457, p<0,001). Conclusion: This study suggests that the older the person is, the greater the possibility of cognitive impairment. Besides that, there is an indicative that, the greater the functionality of the elderly is, the better is the cognitive performance and the less is the presence of depressive symptoms.
residing 02 NH located on Marília – SP e, from this, verify the possibility of correlation
between the variables: sex, age, education, depression indicators and CD indicators. Methods: 24 elders residing the NH, both sexes, aged between 59 and 89 years old, were
grouped: a) NHs (NH’1, n=12; NH’2, n=12); b) sex (female, n=12; male, n=12); c) education (whom had formal education, n=14; without formal education, n=10); d) age
range (59-64, n=4; 65-70, n=4; 71-76, n=6; 77-83, n=7 and 84-89, n=3). The protocol included the application of the following instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: There were not observed associations nor significant differences between: sex and depression (p=0,414); sex and CD (p=0,219); about CD; education and CD (p=0,527). Positive regular correlations were verified between the variables: age and depression (r=0,557; p=0,005). There were not significant
differences between groups with depression and CD indicators; without depression indicators and with CD indicator and without depression and CD indicators, about 1) age (Kruskal-Wallis Test: p=0,187); sex (TEF: p=0,215) and 3) education (TEF: p=0,310.
Conclusion: Despite of the results were not statistical significant, the absolute numbers points to the hypothesis of existence of relations between the analyzed variables, to be confirmed with wider samples.
themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate
cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI).
but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care
institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and
promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health
conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection
and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data
were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The
data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were confirmed from the application of clinical trials (Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS, and MMSE-T).
period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical
and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.
Methods: 48 elders from two different nursing homes were selected. The collection of demographic and pharmacological data was made utilizing medical records. The medication was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC) criteria. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS 30) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests were utilized to determine the prevalence of DP and CD.
Results: It was observed in the sample a high incidence of DP and CD among the researched elders. More
schooling individuals tend to present less CD. Individuals with less CD indicatives present less symptomatology for
DP. Of all the researched elders, 54,2% are submitted to psycho pharmacotherapy. Of all the consumed medicine,
16,5% belonged to the class of neuropsychiatric medicine. The medicated elders present, in average, a larger
symptomatology for DP (12 points/average/GDS) than the non-medicated elders (9,9 points/average/GDS). The
inverse occurs in relation to the CD indicatives. The use of psychotropics, especially in association, can have
negative effects related to depression and cognition.
Discussion: The pharmacotherapy, characterized for the polymedication and chronicity, especially of
neuropsychiatric medicines, deserves special attention among elders, because the data suggest a significant
relation between the utilization of medicines, singly or in association, and the increase of CD and DP. In addition, the
data suggest that DP is a risk factor for CD and DM.
Unilateral Neglect Syndrome is one of the consequences of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) generally following right parietal lobe lesion, leading to the impairment of perceptive visual, spatial and attention functions. The patient affected does not realize the environmental stimuli on the contralesional hemibody. Occupational therapy plays an important role in caring for this patient, seeking the recovery of perception, attention and social engagement. This study aimed to describe and evaluate the results of occupational therapy intervention and treatment in a single Unilateral Neglect Syndrome post CVA patient. Data were obtained from a survey of the patient’s medical records and interviews of his therapist and caretaker. The analysis of the patient’s medical records and his therapist’s report showed that the patient responded satisfactorily to treatment, presenting a decrease of the left unilateral neglect at the end of the study period. The favorable outcome of the patient outlined the relevance of evaluating the effects of Occupational Therapy interventions for clinical unilateral neglect syndrome.
Keywords: Stroke, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation.
symptomatology prevalence for depression (DP) and cognitive decline (CD) on institutionalized elderly’s; verifying the existence
of correlations between DP and CD with age, gender and scholarity; and analyzing the possible correlations between symptomatology for DP and CD. For the realization of this research were selected, in two Elderly’s Long-Permanence Institutions (ELPIs), 24 subjects, which were classified according to gender, scholarity and age group. To verify the occurrence of CD, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied and, for the incidence of DP, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was applied. The data were tabulated and descriptively analyzed. For the study of the relations between quantitative variables,
the Pearson correlation test was utilized and also the Spearmann test when necessary; for the comparison between two independent groups, the Student's t-test was utilized; for the verification of the association
between gender, scholarity, DP and CD indicatives, the Pearson's X2 test and, due to theoretical restriction, the Fisher's exact test were utilized. The level of 5% probability was adopted for the rejection of nullity's hypothesis on all the tests. The research demonstrated that 50% of the research' subjects presented DP indicatives and 54.2% presented CD indicatives. Associations between: gender and DP (p =
0.414), gender and CD (p = 0.219), scholarity and CD (p = 0.527) were not observed. Positive regular correlation was verified between age and DP (r = 0.557; p = 0.005) and negative regular correlation was verified between DP and CD (r = -0.406; p = 0.049). The data suggest that DP might be a reaction to CD perceived by the subject. However, the hypothesis that indicates DP as a risk factor for CD and DM cannot be overruled, which suggests the importance of monitoring and treating depressive episodes on elderly populations.
Keywords: Elderly. Geriatric institution. Depression. Cognitive decline.
participating RC (n=12); 2) non participant IDI on RC (r=12); 3) IDNI participating UNATI (“Open College for the Elderly”) and attendees of Memory Workshop (OM) (n=12) and; 4) IDNI participating UNATI, not attending OM. The data were gathered
from the instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MEEM) to determine the degree of DC and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to verify the symptomatology of DP. For the data analysis, were used the Student’s t-test for independent groups and Mann-Whitney for non-parametric data; between three or more independent groups were used simple variance analysis and, Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametric data. Was adopted 5%
probability for significance level, for rejection of null hypothesis. Results: From the general sample, 8,3% of the subjects presented indicatives of DC and 52,1% traces of
DP (33,3% mild DP, 4,2% moderate DP and 14,6% moderate to severe DP). Lesser educated elders showed more incidence of DC (p<0,001) and DP (p=0,007). We
verified a higher prevalence of DC with increased age (p<0,006) and between DP symptomatology and age (p=0,511). There was no meaningful related to the DC prevalence (p=0230) and DP (p=0723) related to gender. Among the IDI there were
more incidence of DC than the IDNI (p<0,001). Prevalence of DP symptomatology was higher amongst the IDI (p=0,001). There were no meaningful differences in terms of scores acquired by MEEM and BDI for the subjects participating and not participating RC activities (p>0,05) or MW (p>0,05). Conclusion: There is indicatives that age negatively affects cognition and that DP increase may lead to DC, contributing then to an aggravation on the overall state of health of the elder. Therefore, it is necessary the development and application of curative and preventive strategies for depressive disorder. Special attention must be given for INI, more vulnerable to DP and DC.
Results: the research indicates that the age influences the performance on MMSE on a negative mode (r = -0,456, p=0,001), what also occurred in the relation between
functional capacity (the Barthel Index) and depressive symptom (the Beck Inventory) (r = -0,356 and p=0,021). The functionality correlates positively with cognitive impairment of elders. (r= 0,457, p<0,001). Conclusion: This study suggests that the older the person is, the greater the possibility of cognitive impairment. Besides that, there is an indicative that, the greater the functionality of the elderly is, the better is the cognitive performance and the less is the presence of depressive symptoms.
residing 02 NH located on Marília – SP e, from this, verify the possibility of correlation
between the variables: sex, age, education, depression indicators and CD indicators. Methods: 24 elders residing the NH, both sexes, aged between 59 and 89 years old, were
grouped: a) NHs (NH’1, n=12; NH’2, n=12); b) sex (female, n=12; male, n=12); c) education (whom had formal education, n=14; without formal education, n=10); d) age
range (59-64, n=4; 65-70, n=4; 71-76, n=6; 77-83, n=7 and 84-89, n=3). The protocol included the application of the following instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: There were not observed associations nor significant differences between: sex and depression (p=0,414); sex and CD (p=0,219); about CD; education and CD (p=0,527). Positive regular correlations were verified between the variables: age and depression (r=0,557; p=0,005). There were not significant
differences between groups with depression and CD indicators; without depression indicators and with CD indicator and without depression and CD indicators, about 1) age (Kruskal-Wallis Test: p=0,187); sex (TEF: p=0,215) and 3) education (TEF: p=0,310.
Conclusion: Despite of the results were not statistical significant, the absolute numbers points to the hypothesis of existence of relations between the analyzed variables, to be confirmed with wider samples.
themselves and with the variables: age, gender and education. There were subject to the research 57 elders living in the NH, aged between 59 and 98 and both sexes. The following tools were used to collect data: Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) to evaluate
cognitive faculty, Barthel Index (BI) to evaluate cognitive faculty and Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI).
but also in economic terms. One of those consequences is the institutionalization. The project, running in two elderly care
institutions (hereafter IRLPi) located in Marília – SP aims to: a) Train multidisciplinary team to work in IRLPi’s; b) Develop and
promote activities that improve life quality focusing on the preservation of mental health; c) study general and mental health
conditions of patients under elderly care institution programs. The project was implemented in three phases: a) data collection
and elaboration of plan of activities; b) Application of activities; and c) assessment/ analysis of results. Regarding Phase 1, data
were collected from 3 forms, through which it was possible to verify: Institutional Data; Social Data and General Health. The
data related to health were collected from the medication of continuous use. All data were launched into the database (Access) and subjected to the descriptive statistical analysis. Data related to mental health were confirmed from the application of clinical trials (Geriatric Depression Scale - GDS, and MMSE-T).
period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical
and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.