Wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung hat - zumal in der Psychologie - schon immer Anleihen bei andere... more Wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung hat - zumal in der Psychologie - schon immer Anleihen bei anderen Wissenschaften gernacht. Ob bei William James iu Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts die menschliche Aufmerksamkeit mit dem Lichtkegel einer Lampe verglichen wurde, ob die Triebtheorie der Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freuds das Bild eines hydraulischen Systems mit Sicherheitsventilen und Druckausgleichsmechanismen provozierte, ob spater die mathematisch-psychologische Entscheidungstheorie sich marktwirtschaftlicher Analogien bediente, immer waren Modelle anderer Wissenschaften zwar nicht buchstablich, aber metaphorisch ii bemommen worden und hatten zur Fonnulierung von Theorien iiber den Menschen angeregt. Speziell flir die Kognitions psychologie modemer Pragung, die sich in den flinfziger Jahren herausbildete, hat sich die Ansicht eingebiirgert, daB sie eine Frucht der "Computennetapher" seL In der Tat hat sicherlich das Interesse an Kybemetik wie Infonnationstheorie, beide urn 1948 entstanden, in Zusammenhang mit dem Beweis des Machbaren, den die ersten Computer lieferten, der kognitiven Psychologie machtige Impulse vermittelt. Und einzelne ihrer Ergebnisse, wie das nahezu flir ein Jahrzehnt forschungsleitende Modell menschlicher Infonnations verarbeitung von Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968),lesen sich wie der Nachbau eines damaligen Rechners. Mir scheint aber; daB eigentlich nicht die Metapher yom Computer den Aufschwung der kognitiven Psychologie und der Kognitionswissenschaft bestimmt hat, und daB insofem die popullire Ansicht fehlgeht. Doch davon spiller. Wenden wir uns zunachst der gangigen Kritik zu, die gegen jedwede Parallele zwischen Geist und Computer gerichtet ist.
Two experiments on spatial relational inference investigated effects known from relational and sy... more Two experiments on spatial relational inference investigated effects known from relational and syllogistic reasoning. (1) Continuity effect: n-term-series problems with continuous (W r 1 X, X r 2 Y, Y r 3 Z) and semi-continuous (X r 2 Y, Y r 3 Z, W r 1 X) premise order are easier than tasks with discontinuous order (Y r 3 Z, W r 1 X, X r 2 Y). (2) Figural bias: the order of terms in the premises (X r Y, Y r Z or Y r X, Z r Y) effects the order of terms in the conclusion (X r Z or Z r X). In the first experiment subjects made more errors and took more time to process the premises when in discontinuous order. In the second experiment subjects showed the general preference for the term order Z r X in the generated conclusions, modulated by a " figural bias " : subjects used X r Z more often if the premise term order was X r Y, Y r Z, whereas Z r X was used most often for the premise term order Y r X, Z r Y. Results are discussed in the framework of mental model theory with special reference to computational models of spatial relational inference.
Cognitive science (CS) emerged in 1975 as a field spanning parts of psychology, artificial intell... more Cognitive science (CS) emerged in 1975 as a field spanning parts of psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, and the neurosciences. CS is unique in its basic tenet that cognitive processes are computations, a perspective which allows for direct comparison of natural and artificial intelligence and emphasizes a methodology that integrates formal and empirical analyses with computational synthesis. Computer simulations have therefore become the hallmark of CS. Today, CS is an internationally established discipline. Its dominant tradition, close to symbol-processing architectures, has been enriched by neural networks and by the recognition that human cognition rests on both biological and cultural foundations. CS studies cognitive systems: organisms, machines, or any combination of these, acting in dynamically changing environments. Cognition in CS denotes advanced control mechanisms that allow for sophisticated adaptation through computations operating on mental representations. CS recognizes that cognition in biological systems is implemented in brain processes, but emphasizes analyses at the functional level, with cognitive neuroscience relating both domains. Applications of CS may be found in the design of software, in human factors engineering, health care, and education.
Abstract We report on a research project aimed at the representational and procedural aspects of ... more Abstract We report on a research project aimed at the representational and procedural aspects of episodic memory. In this article, we concentrate on the implications of the characteristics of actors in script based episodes on recognition memory, namely their plausibility with respect to the functional roles they are involved in, and the similarity between tested items. The assumptions derived from the theoretical model are contrasted with empirical findings as well as with the results of the cognitive modeling.
Wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung hat - zumal in der Psychologie - schon immer Anleihen bei andere... more Wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung hat - zumal in der Psychologie - schon immer Anleihen bei anderen Wissenschaften gernacht. Ob bei William James iu Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts die menschliche Aufmerksamkeit mit dem Lichtkegel einer Lampe verglichen wurde, ob die Triebtheorie der Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freuds das Bild eines hydraulischen Systems mit Sicherheitsventilen und Druckausgleichsmechanismen provozierte, ob spater die mathematisch-psychologische Entscheidungstheorie sich marktwirtschaftlicher Analogien bediente, immer waren Modelle anderer Wissenschaften zwar nicht buchstablich, aber metaphorisch ii bemommen worden und hatten zur Fonnulierung von Theorien iiber den Menschen angeregt. Speziell flir die Kognitions psychologie modemer Pragung, die sich in den flinfziger Jahren herausbildete, hat sich die Ansicht eingebiirgert, daB sie eine Frucht der "Computennetapher" seL In der Tat hat sicherlich das Interesse an Kybemetik wie Infonnationstheorie, beide urn 1948 entstanden, in Zusammenhang mit dem Beweis des Machbaren, den die ersten Computer lieferten, der kognitiven Psychologie machtige Impulse vermittelt. Und einzelne ihrer Ergebnisse, wie das nahezu flir ein Jahrzehnt forschungsleitende Modell menschlicher Infonnations verarbeitung von Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968),lesen sich wie der Nachbau eines damaligen Rechners. Mir scheint aber; daB eigentlich nicht die Metapher yom Computer den Aufschwung der kognitiven Psychologie und der Kognitionswissenschaft bestimmt hat, und daB insofem die popullire Ansicht fehlgeht. Doch davon spiller. Wenden wir uns zunachst der gangigen Kritik zu, die gegen jedwede Parallele zwischen Geist und Computer gerichtet ist.
Two experiments on spatial relational inference investigated effects known from relational and sy... more Two experiments on spatial relational inference investigated effects known from relational and syllogistic reasoning. (1) Continuity effect: n-term-series problems with continuous (W r 1 X, X r 2 Y, Y r 3 Z) and semi-continuous (X r 2 Y, Y r 3 Z, W r 1 X) premise order are easier than tasks with discontinuous order (Y r 3 Z, W r 1 X, X r 2 Y). (2) Figural bias: the order of terms in the premises (X r Y, Y r Z or Y r X, Z r Y) effects the order of terms in the conclusion (X r Z or Z r X). In the first experiment subjects made more errors and took more time to process the premises when in discontinuous order. In the second experiment subjects showed the general preference for the term order Z r X in the generated conclusions, modulated by a " figural bias " : subjects used X r Z more often if the premise term order was X r Y, Y r Z, whereas Z r X was used most often for the premise term order Y r X, Z r Y. Results are discussed in the framework of mental model theory with special reference to computational models of spatial relational inference.
Cognitive science (CS) emerged in 1975 as a field spanning parts of psychology, artificial intell... more Cognitive science (CS) emerged in 1975 as a field spanning parts of psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, and the neurosciences. CS is unique in its basic tenet that cognitive processes are computations, a perspective which allows for direct comparison of natural and artificial intelligence and emphasizes a methodology that integrates formal and empirical analyses with computational synthesis. Computer simulations have therefore become the hallmark of CS. Today, CS is an internationally established discipline. Its dominant tradition, close to symbol-processing architectures, has been enriched by neural networks and by the recognition that human cognition rests on both biological and cultural foundations. CS studies cognitive systems: organisms, machines, or any combination of these, acting in dynamically changing environments. Cognition in CS denotes advanced control mechanisms that allow for sophisticated adaptation through computations operating on mental representations. CS recognizes that cognition in biological systems is implemented in brain processes, but emphasizes analyses at the functional level, with cognitive neuroscience relating both domains. Applications of CS may be found in the design of software, in human factors engineering, health care, and education.
Abstract We report on a research project aimed at the representational and procedural aspects of ... more Abstract We report on a research project aimed at the representational and procedural aspects of episodic memory. In this article, we concentrate on the implications of the characteristics of actors in script based episodes on recognition memory, namely their plausibility with respect to the functional roles they are involved in, and the similarity between tested items. The assumptions derived from the theoretical model are contrasted with empirical findings as well as with the results of the cognitive modeling.
Papers by Gerhard Strube