Videos by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
The annual tour of the goddess is held during the third month of the lunar calendar in celebratio... more The annual tour of the goddess is held during the third month of the lunar calendar in celebration of Mazu's birthday, which falls on the 23rd day of that month. During the Lantern Festival, which begins on the 15th day of the first lunar month, Jenn Lann Temple decides upon the dates for that year's pilgrimage by casting wooden divination blocks, thereby acquiring Mazu's "approval." Books by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
God, Jesus and the Ancestors An Ethnography of the Ancestors’ Rites in the Taiwanese Catholic Church, 2023
In this book the author describes the Ancestors Ceremonies as practiced in the Taiwanese Catholic... more In this book the author describes the Ancestors Ceremonies as practiced in the Taiwanese Catholic Church. The author’s point is to demonstrate how the Chinese symbolic universe made a deep translation of the "new" symbolic system represented by the Catholic doctrine. At the same time the effort of the Catholic Church in order to adapt the Gospel message to the local situation built up a particular phenomenon that the author defined as cultural dialogue. It is this dialogic relationship the process that the author defines as Culture.
Pandemia 2020 , 2020
On April 9, 2020 the book Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, edited by ... more On April 9, 2020 the book Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, edited by Alessandra Guigoni and Renato Ferrari, published by M&J Publishing House, a choral instant book has been published. It includes of 22 articles written by exponents of the scientific and cultural world and 12 interviews with cultural personalities.
Pandemia is a word and a fear that seemed, in everyday use and collective memory, relegated to the past, but at the beginning of the year came what some scholars call "the black swan". An epidemiological crisis not only medical and health but also political and cultural, unexpected, sudden and disruptive.
Within this unusual and very difficult situation, one month after the first emergency lockdown decree issued by the Government, we publish a series of short essays, points of view and interviews with cultural anthropologists, sociologists, human and biological science researchers, philosophers and linguists who have decided to make their skills and knowledge available to try to understand what is happening and how to face the future.
A multiplicity of interventions that unite three generations of scholars who have been asked to focus their attention on the socio-anthropological dimension of this epidemic. The answer was an analysis of the present situation starting from ethnographic, historical and medical data, aimed at building an anthropology of the emergency without precipitating into futurology or conspiracy politology.
Il 9 aprile 2020 è uscito il libro Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, a cura di Alessandra Guigoni e Renato Ferrari, edito da M&J Publishing House, un instant book corale che si è avvalso di 22 articoli scritti da esponenti del mondo scientifico e culturale e 12 interviste a personalità della cultura.
Pandemia è una parola e una paura che sembravano, nell’uso quotidiano e nella memoria collettiva, relegate al passato, ma all'inizio dell’anno è arrivato quello che alcuni studiosi chiamano “il cigno nero”. Una crisi epidemiologica non solo medica e sanitaria ma anche politica e culturale, inaspettata, improvvisa e dirompente.
Dentro questa inedita e difficilissima situazione, a un mese dal primo decreto emergenziale di lockdown emesso dal Governo, pubblichiamo una serie di brevi saggi, punti di vista e interviste ad antropologi culturali, sociologi, ricercatori delle scienze umane e biologiche, filosofi e linguisti che hanno deciso di mettere a disposizione le loro competenze e le loro conoscenze per cercare di capire che cosa sta accadendo e come affrontare il futuro.
Una molteplicità di interventi che uniscono tre generazioni di studiosi ai quali è stato chiesto di focalizzare la propria attenzione sulla dimensione socio-antropologica di questa epidemia. La risposta è stata un’analisi della situazione presente partendo da dati etnografici, storici e medici, finalizzata alla costruzione di un’antropologia dell’emergenza senza precipitare nella futurologia o nella politologia del complottismo.
Palgrave Macmillan , 2020
This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a... more
This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a story, we tell a story and at the same time create the world where this story takes place. Narration creates environments, spaces and, in a certain sense, gives symbolic meanings and values to the identities by which people interact in their daily experiences. Set in the multicultural and multireligious Taiwanese environment, this book describes the interactions, and above all the narrations, linked to a Catholic village located in the Taiwanese countryside. Catholicism in Taiwan is a minor religion (around the 2% of the population), and considered a foreign and heterodox religion, something different and "other" from the Taiwanese mainstream religious environment. It is this sense of alterity that creates the stories about this place and, as a consequence, creates this place and its special identity.
Thesis by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
In this thesis the author describes the Ancestors Cult as practiced in the Taiwanese Catholic Chu... more In this thesis the author describes the Ancestors Cult as practiced in the Taiwanese Catholic Church. The author point is to demonstrate how the Chinese symbolic universe made a deep translation of the "new" symbolic system represented by the Catholic doctrine.At the same time the effort of the Catholic Church in order to adapt the Gospel message to the local situation built up a particular phenomenon that the author defined as :cultural dialogue. It is this dialogic relationship the process that the author defines as Culture.
Papers by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
Maria. A Journal of Marian Studies, 2024
The image of the Virgin Mary is one of the most effective instances of inculturation to be found ... more The image of the Virgin Mary is one of the most effective instances of inculturation to be found in the Taiwanese Catholic world. This is already evident from her iconographic representation which bears many similarities to Guanyin (and Mazu), who are sometimes depicted as young women in traditional Chinese dress holding a child. This article will consider some of the similarities between these figures which have allowed Taiwanese Catholics to embrace Mary as a figure who is integrated with a certain ease into preexisting cultic beliefs and practices. At the same time, we shall consider how this process of inculturation has carried with it a certain risk of syncretism, of misunderstanding Mary's universal role in the economy of salvation, of taking the focus away from her Son as the universal Mediator (Lumen Gentium 60 and 62), a problem not unfamiliar in other parts of the world and in other times.
This article introduces how, even if in a context refractory to the Gospel, the evangelization of... more This article introduces how, even if in a context refractory to the Gospel, the evangelization of the Dominicans started a kind of dialogue between the symbols embodied in the Catholic cosmology and the ones belonging to the traditional Taiwanese culture. The opposition of the local population to the presence of Westerners, and the fact that the Dominicans, being Spaniards, did not benefit from the protection of France, as happened for other religious orders working in China, are all factors that impacted the evangelization carried out by the Dominicans, and they have prevented the Christian message from taking a hegemonic position in Taiwanese culture. By observing better, however, the places and buildings affected by the missionaries’ evangelization, one can read the traces of a fruitful dialogue between the teaching of the missionaries, and therefore of the Catholic cosmology that they were bringing, and the artistic and architectonic cultural heritage of the Taiwanese tradition....
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
D uring my fieldwork in the countryside of Taiwan, I used to introduce myself as a PhD student wh... more D uring my fieldwork in the countryside of Taiwan, I used to introduce myself as a PhD student who was doing fieldwork there. My fieldwork site was a very interesting and unique place. Within one small countryside township there were many varied situations. Different religions (Taiwanese popular religion, Presbyterian, Catholic, Buddhist, Yı̄guàn Dào), different ethnic groups (Minnan, Hakka, mainland Chinese, people coming from Southeast Asia) and different political orientations coexisted in the same place. From an economic point of view, it was interesting to see how these religious and ethnic differences disappeared. Intensive agriculture was the most important way of subsistence. Sharing agricultural machineries or physical labour was a common practice among local farmers. This “mutual help” promoted contact between people and families, and helped to increase mutual knowledge and respect. The relationships between people were not exclusively based on religious or ethnic membersh... This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a... more This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a story, we tell a story and at the same time create the world where this story takes place. Narration creates environments, spaces and, in a certain sense, gives symbolic meanings and values to the identities by which people interact in their daily experiences. Set in the multicultural and multireligious Taiwanese environment, this book describes the interactions, and above all the narrations, linked to a Catholic village located in the Taiwanese countryside. Catholicism in Taiwan is a minor religion (around the 2% of the population), and considered a foreign and heterodox religion, something different and "other" from the Taiwanese mainstream religious environment. It is this sense of alterity that creates the stories about this place and, as a consequence, creates this place and its special identity.
祖先在漢人文化裡占有很重要的位置,幾乎每一個家庭都有祭拜自己祖先的習俗。以前研究人類宗教的人類學家,都研究一般民間宗教信徒,本研究將以天主教徒為主。什麼研究對象僅限於天主教範圍之內?因為從過去到... more 祖先在漢人文化裡占有很重要的位置,幾乎每一個家庭都有祭拜自己祖先的習俗。以前研究人類宗教的人類學家,都研究一般民間宗教信徒,本研究將以天主教徒為主。什麼研究對象僅限於天主教範圍之內?因為從過去到現在,在中國天主教歷史當中,這個現象成為教會最大的爭論題目。即使到現在雖然“敬祖”這種禮儀已被天主教會准許了,但是這方面的爭論還持續著。Freedman(1958),許烺光 (Hsu 1967)以來,人類學家對漢人祭拜的研究,一直綿延不斷。在台灣,過去數十年來的研究,譬如Ahern (1973),Wolf (1974),Harrel (1974),李亦園 (1976),王崧興 (1976),等之學者的研究(詳看參考書目),已使我們對漢人祖先祭拜的現象,祖先祭拜與風水,分家,親屬的關係有了非常清楚的瞭解。研究要分析的田野地區是在台北市萬華區大理街175巷2號,「大理街復活堂」。這座教堂有一百位教友左右,本堂神父是來自於比利時的聖母聖心會(C.I.C.M. Congregation of Immaculate Heart of Mary)。主教會之內也有不少的禮儀關於祖先祭敬,我簡短的來提出一些:先教友在彌撒中,要為自己的祖先及一切亡者祈禱。在彌撒經文中祈禱說:「求你也垂念所有的祖先和去世的人,使他們享見你光輝的聖容」(感恩經第二式)。外在每年11月,煉靈月中,特別為亡者祈禱:「使他們分享基督的勝利,也能早登天鄉,仰瞻造生救世的真主,永享無窮的福樂」。恩已亡日及清明掃幕節,在教會公墓都特別追恩亡者,教友可以為已故親友之意向奉獻感恩祭。春節,堂區感恩禮之後皆有祭敬祖先的儀式,表達飲水恩源、緬懷先祖得孝恩。不少堂區教友也樂於將祖先姓名登錄在聖堂內的共同牌位上,並嵌上遺像,便於主日進堂祈禱時追念他們。上述所提到以前研究漢人宗教的人類學家已使我們對漢人祖先祭拜的現象,祖先祭拜與風水,分家,親屬的關係有了非常清楚的瞭解。而前輩人類學家的研究,都是建主在研究一般漢人民間宗教的信徒之上,本人將研究台灣的天主教徒,來瞭解受到國外宗教影響的漢人,如何面對祖先祭拜。此,本研究計畫期望能為深入瞭解祖先祭拜的現象提供新的貢獻。主教祖先祭拜的現象已被廣泛地討論與研究,但是大部分的研究者只是去瞭解神學或禮儀方面的問題。反之,本人的目標並不是解決神學或禮儀方面的問題,而是透過一個象徵人類學的研究方式去瞭...
Human Coordinates: Rethinking Space and Place Across Disciplines, 2021
Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, 2020
Nella prima parte del nostro volume abbiamo chiesto ad alcuni storici di interpretare la pandemia... more Nella prima parte del nostro volume abbiamo chiesto ad alcuni storici di interpretare la pandemia con la loro cassetta degli attrezzi; Gianni Silei, Roberto Cea e Angelo Rizzi hanno raccontato le radici del “male”, con casi ed esempi dalla storia moderna europea – Silei e Cea – e dalla peste manzoniana – Rizzi. L’intervista al genetista Edoardo Boncinelli, con la sua garbata ironia e il suo ottimismo, è complementare al racconto dei tre storici, giustamente volti al passato e al presente,
quando ci invita a guardare lontano, al futuro.
Per gli epicentri della pandemia, con il focus Punti di vista abbiamo dato voce a due esperti di Cina: Marco Fumian, profondo conoscitore della storia e cultura cinese, e il manager Massimo Ceccarelli, che ci ha raccontato la sua visione da imprenditore; Marco Lazzarotti ci ha dato un
resoconto preciso di come stanno affrontando l’epidemia da SARS-CoV-2 altri due paesi asiatici, ugualmente colpiti, Sud Corea e Taiwan.
Infine l’antropologo Marco Traversari ha condotto una serrata riflessione critica su certe politiche di Bruxelles risalenti a prima della pandemia; riflessione critica che, proprio in occasione della pandemia, è stata rinfocolata.
In Chinese culture the concept of the household is deeply linked with concepts such as ancestors’... more In Chinese culture the concept of the household is deeply linked with concepts such as ancestors’ worship, kinship, inheritance, division of the home, etc. Inside the complex Chinese cosmology, all these concepts continually influence each other. The domestic architecture in particular reflects beliefs about the supernatural as well as the need for shelter against both the cold, damp winters and hot, humid summers. On the other hand, the domestic architecture could be considered as a way to
show and maintain the identity of the inhabitants of the house.
Traditionally in Taiwan death is not considered the terminal moment of a person life, but through... more Traditionally in Taiwan death is not considered the terminal moment of a person life, but throughout specific rituals of passage, it is a way to get a different status, the status of ancestors. Ancestors still live with their descendants, very often they influence descends life in order to satisfy their needs, on the other hand they need to be worshiped by their descendants. The rich rituals performed during funerals,
the ancestors’ worship ceremonies, as well as the festivity of the tomb sweeping day can be considerate as a demonstration of these relationships between those who are already dead and those who are still alive.
Nowadays the constant and rapid modernization/westernization of Taiwanese society gets in contrast with these traditional concepts linked with death. Ancestors are directly linked with a family, which ancestor should be venerated by the children of those who are divorced? How can those who work all day long, and even during the night, take daily care of their ancestors’ tablets as prescribed by the tradition? How it is possible to combine the popular belief
that one of the souls will follow the body inside the grave with the new law made by Taipei City government that, due to the lack of space, requires the cremation of the corpse? What is the answer of the society and of the traditional cultural system to these questions?
This article will argue that these problems are not felt and resolved as social problems, but uniquely as personal problems that need personal solutions.
In this way this more and more modern society still preserves its old cultural environment. In this way this article will try to challenge the functionalist interpretation that many scholars did talking about Chinese Folk Religion.
In this paper I would like to contribute to the anthropological discourse about the so-called “ag... more In this paper I would like to contribute to the anthropological discourse about the so-called “agent” in one hand, and on the other to contribute to the discussion on “cultural contact” – specifically the one between Christian faith and local culture in Taiwan.
Can Cultures dialogue? Yes, but only in particular places.
Quaderni del Centro Studi Asiatico, 2009
Videos by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
Books by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
Pandemia is a word and a fear that seemed, in everyday use and collective memory, relegated to the past, but at the beginning of the year came what some scholars call "the black swan". An epidemiological crisis not only medical and health but also political and cultural, unexpected, sudden and disruptive.
Within this unusual and very difficult situation, one month after the first emergency lockdown decree issued by the Government, we publish a series of short essays, points of view and interviews with cultural anthropologists, sociologists, human and biological science researchers, philosophers and linguists who have decided to make their skills and knowledge available to try to understand what is happening and how to face the future.
A multiplicity of interventions that unite three generations of scholars who have been asked to focus their attention on the socio-anthropological dimension of this epidemic. The answer was an analysis of the present situation starting from ethnographic, historical and medical data, aimed at building an anthropology of the emergency without precipitating into futurology or conspiracy politology.
Il 9 aprile 2020 è uscito il libro Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, a cura di Alessandra Guigoni e Renato Ferrari, edito da M&J Publishing House, un instant book corale che si è avvalso di 22 articoli scritti da esponenti del mondo scientifico e culturale e 12 interviste a personalità della cultura.
Pandemia è una parola e una paura che sembravano, nell’uso quotidiano e nella memoria collettiva, relegate al passato, ma all'inizio dell’anno è arrivato quello che alcuni studiosi chiamano “il cigno nero”. Una crisi epidemiologica non solo medica e sanitaria ma anche politica e culturale, inaspettata, improvvisa e dirompente.
Dentro questa inedita e difficilissima situazione, a un mese dal primo decreto emergenziale di lockdown emesso dal Governo, pubblichiamo una serie di brevi saggi, punti di vista e interviste ad antropologi culturali, sociologi, ricercatori delle scienze umane e biologiche, filosofi e linguisti che hanno deciso di mettere a disposizione le loro competenze e le loro conoscenze per cercare di capire che cosa sta accadendo e come affrontare il futuro.
Una molteplicità di interventi che uniscono tre generazioni di studiosi ai quali è stato chiesto di focalizzare la propria attenzione sulla dimensione socio-antropologica di questa epidemia. La risposta è stata un’analisi della situazione presente partendo da dati etnografici, storici e medici, finalizzata alla costruzione di un’antropologia dell’emergenza senza precipitare nella futurologia o nella politologia del complottismo.
This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a story, we tell a story and at the same time create the world where this story takes place. Narration creates environments, spaces and, in a certain sense, gives symbolic meanings and values to the identities by which people interact in their daily experiences. Set in the multicultural and multireligious Taiwanese environment, this book describes the interactions, and above all the narrations, linked to a Catholic village located in the Taiwanese countryside. Catholicism in Taiwan is a minor religion (around the 2% of the population), and considered a foreign and heterodox religion, something different and "other" from the Taiwanese mainstream religious environment. It is this sense of alterity that creates the stories about this place and, as a consequence, creates this place and its special identity.
Thesis by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
Papers by Marco Lazzarotti 李克
quando ci invita a guardare lontano, al futuro.
Per gli epicentri della pandemia, con il focus Punti di vista abbiamo dato voce a due esperti di Cina: Marco Fumian, profondo conoscitore della storia e cultura cinese, e il manager Massimo Ceccarelli, che ci ha raccontato la sua visione da imprenditore; Marco Lazzarotti ci ha dato un
resoconto preciso di come stanno affrontando l’epidemia da SARS-CoV-2 altri due paesi asiatici, ugualmente colpiti, Sud Corea e Taiwan.
Infine l’antropologo Marco Traversari ha condotto una serrata riflessione critica su certe politiche di Bruxelles risalenti a prima della pandemia; riflessione critica che, proprio in occasione della pandemia, è stata rinfocolata.
show and maintain the identity of the inhabitants of the house.
the ancestors’ worship ceremonies, as well as the festivity of the tomb sweeping day can be considerate as a demonstration of these relationships between those who are already dead and those who are still alive.
Nowadays the constant and rapid modernization/westernization of Taiwanese society gets in contrast with these traditional concepts linked with death. Ancestors are directly linked with a family, which ancestor should be venerated by the children of those who are divorced? How can those who work all day long, and even during the night, take daily care of their ancestors’ tablets as prescribed by the tradition? How it is possible to combine the popular belief
that one of the souls will follow the body inside the grave with the new law made by Taipei City government that, due to the lack of space, requires the cremation of the corpse? What is the answer of the society and of the traditional cultural system to these questions?
This article will argue that these problems are not felt and resolved as social problems, but uniquely as personal problems that need personal solutions.
In this way this more and more modern society still preserves its old cultural environment. In this way this article will try to challenge the functionalist interpretation that many scholars did talking about Chinese Folk Religion.
Pandemia is a word and a fear that seemed, in everyday use and collective memory, relegated to the past, but at the beginning of the year came what some scholars call "the black swan". An epidemiological crisis not only medical and health but also political and cultural, unexpected, sudden and disruptive.
Within this unusual and very difficult situation, one month after the first emergency lockdown decree issued by the Government, we publish a series of short essays, points of view and interviews with cultural anthropologists, sociologists, human and biological science researchers, philosophers and linguists who have decided to make their skills and knowledge available to try to understand what is happening and how to face the future.
A multiplicity of interventions that unite three generations of scholars who have been asked to focus their attention on the socio-anthropological dimension of this epidemic. The answer was an analysis of the present situation starting from ethnographic, historical and medical data, aimed at building an anthropology of the emergency without precipitating into futurology or conspiracy politology.
Il 9 aprile 2020 è uscito il libro Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19, a cura di Alessandra Guigoni e Renato Ferrari, edito da M&J Publishing House, un instant book corale che si è avvalso di 22 articoli scritti da esponenti del mondo scientifico e culturale e 12 interviste a personalità della cultura.
Pandemia è una parola e una paura che sembravano, nell’uso quotidiano e nella memoria collettiva, relegate al passato, ma all'inizio dell’anno è arrivato quello che alcuni studiosi chiamano “il cigno nero”. Una crisi epidemiologica non solo medica e sanitaria ma anche politica e culturale, inaspettata, improvvisa e dirompente.
Dentro questa inedita e difficilissima situazione, a un mese dal primo decreto emergenziale di lockdown emesso dal Governo, pubblichiamo una serie di brevi saggi, punti di vista e interviste ad antropologi culturali, sociologi, ricercatori delle scienze umane e biologiche, filosofi e linguisti che hanno deciso di mettere a disposizione le loro competenze e le loro conoscenze per cercare di capire che cosa sta accadendo e come affrontare il futuro.
Una molteplicità di interventi che uniscono tre generazioni di studiosi ai quali è stato chiesto di focalizzare la propria attenzione sulla dimensione socio-antropologica di questa epidemia. La risposta è stata un’analisi della situazione presente partendo da dati etnografici, storici e medici, finalizzata alla costruzione di un’antropologia dell’emergenza senza precipitare nella futurologia o nella politologia del complottismo.
This book introduces a simple idea: when we tell a story, we tell a story and at the same time create the world where this story takes place. Narration creates environments, spaces and, in a certain sense, gives symbolic meanings and values to the identities by which people interact in their daily experiences. Set in the multicultural and multireligious Taiwanese environment, this book describes the interactions, and above all the narrations, linked to a Catholic village located in the Taiwanese countryside. Catholicism in Taiwan is a minor religion (around the 2% of the population), and considered a foreign and heterodox religion, something different and "other" from the Taiwanese mainstream religious environment. It is this sense of alterity that creates the stories about this place and, as a consequence, creates this place and its special identity.
quando ci invita a guardare lontano, al futuro.
Per gli epicentri della pandemia, con il focus Punti di vista abbiamo dato voce a due esperti di Cina: Marco Fumian, profondo conoscitore della storia e cultura cinese, e il manager Massimo Ceccarelli, che ci ha raccontato la sua visione da imprenditore; Marco Lazzarotti ci ha dato un
resoconto preciso di come stanno affrontando l’epidemia da SARS-CoV-2 altri due paesi asiatici, ugualmente colpiti, Sud Corea e Taiwan.
Infine l’antropologo Marco Traversari ha condotto una serrata riflessione critica su certe politiche di Bruxelles risalenti a prima della pandemia; riflessione critica che, proprio in occasione della pandemia, è stata rinfocolata.
show and maintain the identity of the inhabitants of the house.
the ancestors’ worship ceremonies, as well as the festivity of the tomb sweeping day can be considerate as a demonstration of these relationships between those who are already dead and those who are still alive.
Nowadays the constant and rapid modernization/westernization of Taiwanese society gets in contrast with these traditional concepts linked with death. Ancestors are directly linked with a family, which ancestor should be venerated by the children of those who are divorced? How can those who work all day long, and even during the night, take daily care of their ancestors’ tablets as prescribed by the tradition? How it is possible to combine the popular belief
that one of the souls will follow the body inside the grave with the new law made by Taipei City government that, due to the lack of space, requires the cremation of the corpse? What is the answer of the society and of the traditional cultural system to these questions?
This article will argue that these problems are not felt and resolved as social problems, but uniquely as personal problems that need personal solutions.
In this way this more and more modern society still preserves its old cultural environment. In this way this article will try to challenge the functionalist interpretation that many scholars did talking about Chinese Folk Religion.
The author holds that there was a clear and concrete opposition to the process of evangelization: an active opposition led by the Dangki or local religious mediums, and a symbolic opposition arising from the Taiwanese cultural environment. It is thus as an encounter between cultures that he looks at the exchange of religions.
Culture is analysed according to the anthropology of Clifford Geertz, whilst religious dialogue is presented according to two documents issued by the Vatican in 1984 (Dialogue and Mission) and 1991 (Dialogue and Proclamation).
Particular attention is drawn to the role of a third party in any dialogue, in the case here, those non-Catholics who did not accept Catholicism. The theory is illustrated by two funerals set in the same parish in Taipei but performed very
differently to meet the needs of the participants. The person as the place where dialogue is carried out is very important.
The paper concludes that in Taiwan there is reciprocal interpretation of two cultural systems. In dialogue people find the symbols which give meaning to their everyday life. The symbols of one cultural system slowly penetrate and root themselves in another, and vice versa.
It is this endless (re)interpretation, negotiation and accommodation that is called cultural dialogue.
Catholic Church in Taiwan, Cultural System, Dialogue, Funerals, Clifford Geertz
Gaetano Mosca (1858 – 1941) was an Italian political scientist, journalist and public servant. He is credited with developing the Theory of Elitism and the doctrine of the Political Class and is one of the three members constituting the Italian School of Elitists together with Vilfredo Paredo and Robert Michels. Their works inspired subsequent studies by political scientists of the process of the “circulation of elites” within democracies and other political systems. He is the author of the book The Ruling Class.
This book is a transcript of a lecture by Gaetano Mosca in Milan in 1900, when he tried to define the essential characteristics of the phenomenon Mafia. These characteristics are the spirit of Mafia, which permeates Sicilian society, the omertà which build up a perfect environment where the Mafia's activities can easily develop, and the ability of the Mafia's cosche to take advantage of their local power linking it to political and financial power.
all’ Antropologia della Cina. Oltre che a presentare tematiche prettamente legate al discorso
antropologico, questo workshop si propone di presentare la storia moderna cinese attraverso
un’analisi degli studi culturali che antropologi provenienti da molte parti del mondo hanno
effettuato specialmente negli ultimi cinquanta anni. Saranno assegnati dei testi che verranno letti e
discussi durante il corso.
Questo workshop si svilupperà quindi in due parti:
Antropologia della Cina: Religione e Tradizione
Antropologia della Cina: Societa` e Cultura
necessario. L’altro, inteso come colui proveniente da una cultura diversa e lontana, è presente non
solo nelle narrazioni dei media ma anche nella vita di tutti i giorni. Considerando la chiusura come
un fallimento culturale, questo workshop propone il dialogo interculturale come una valida
alternativa sia nelle scelte amministrative che in quelle scolastiche e personali.
Attraverso l’esempio cinese questo workshop si svilupperà in tre parti:
La Cina, le sue culture e la società: un paese radicato nella tradizione e rivolto verso il futuro
L’altro o gli altri? Orientalismo e altri approcci.
Quanto lontano è l’altro? Essere locali in un mondo globale.
relative allo sviluppo dell’ etnografia contemporanea. Oltre che a presentare tematiche prettamente
legate al discorso antropologico, questo workshop si propone di presentare la storia moderna cinese
attraverso un’analisi degli studi culturali che antropologi provenienti da molte parti del mondo
hanno effettuato specialmente negli ultimi cinquanta anni.
Questo workshop si svilupperà quindi in due parti:
Antropologia della Cina, dagli inizi alla morte di Mao.
Antropologia della Cina, dalla riforma di Deng Xiao Ping al giorno d’oggi
The conference will be held online.
INTAMS, International Academy for Mariage and Spirituality Vol. 27/2, 2021-02-01 | Book review