Books/Monographs by Andreas Pöllmann
Libros UNAM, 2015
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Colección: "Los Mexicanos Vistos por Sí Mismos: Los Gran... more Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Colección: "Los Mexicanos Vistos por Sí Mismos: Los Grandes Temas Nacionales"
"Cultura, Lectura y Deporte: Percepciones, Prácticas, Aprendizaje y Capital Intercultural"
University of Essex, 2008
Comparisons of British and German public opinion show marked cross-national differences in levels... more Comparisons of British and German public opinion show marked cross-national differences in levels of attachment to country and Europe. The respective trends are empirically well-documented and can be framed in plausible socio-historical explanations.
Based on a mail survey administered to all Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers, my research offers an alternative view on apparent cross-national cleavages in levels of attachment to Britain/Germany and Europe. Looking beyond one-dimensional comparisons and macro-level explanations, my statistical analyses reveal a number of striking cross-national similarities.
Conceptually, my research draws on Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and cultural capital. Within this framework, I regard people’s attachments to country and Europe as learned and habituated, yet open to modification and reconstruction through reflexive agency, educational practices, and the acquisition of intercultural capital. I operationalise the latter as a combination of language skills, experience of living abroad, and intercultural friendships.
My statistical analyses demonstrate that if respondents share intercultural experiences and skills as well as notions of the respective object of attachment, they are likely to report similar levels of attachment to country and Europe – irrespective of their national background.
Further cross-national similarities include the perceived salience of Europe’s cultural history, positive evaluations of EU policies in the area of human rights and minority protection, and positive associations between levels of attachment to country and levels of attachment to Europe.
The respective findings illustrate how cleavages between ‘us’ and ‘them’ often turn out to be less clear-cut than they may appear at first glance. As I argue throughout, teachers and school managers can play an important part in furthering reflexive engagement with easily taken for granted and stereotyped notions of the ‘Other’.
Journal Articles by Andreas Pöllmann
SAGE Open, 2021
Building and expanding on Bourdieu’s notions of cultural capital, habitus, and field, this concep... more Building and expanding on Bourdieu’s notions of cultural capital, habitus, and field, this conceptual article aims to contribute to a better understanding of intercultural transformations. Distancing itself from essentialist reductionism in the analysis of cultures, it associates intercultural transformations with habitus crises through “culture shock,” with the realization of intercultural capital, and with changes in the scope and configuration of cultural pluriformity. In going beyond Bourdieu without abandoning him along the way, the approach outlined in the course of this article combines a range of conceptual tools which may prove to be useful in sustaining struggles for social justice in educational institutions and in society at large.
Cultura y Representaciones Sociales, 2018
Con base en los datos recolectados por la encuesta Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwisse... more Con base en los datos recolectados por la encuesta Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften 2016, el presente artículo pretende predecir la incorporación del capital intercultural en términos de las prácticas de lectura en idiomas extranjeros en una muestra representativa a nivel nacional de alemanes contemporáneos con edades de 18 años o más, y con nacionalidad alemana por nacimiento. El correspondiente análisis de regresión logística binaria revela un impacto estadísticamente significativo marcado particularmente por las clases sociales en las cuales se perciben los encuestados y por su nivel de educación formal. El impacto explicativo, estadísticamente medido, que las respectivas variables socio-educacionales tienen sobre las prácticas de lectura en idiomas extranjeros muestra claramente la pertinencia epistemológica de un enfoque probabilístico y multifactorial en el estudio de la aplicación de capital intercultural incorporado – aún en países que pudieran considerarse ricos y democráticamente consolidados, como lo es la República Federal de Alemania.
Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 2018
La provisión de oportunidades para el aprendizaje intercultural a través del contacto con ‚lo ext... more La provisión de oportunidades para el aprendizaje intercultural a través del contacto con ‚lo extranjero‛ es fundamental para el bienestar cultural, social y económico de los países multiculturales. El contexto mexicano es de particular interés tanto por su extraordinaria diversidad sociocultural como por sus niveles epidémicos de analfabetismo intercultural. Con base en una encuesta realizada a 189 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Superior de México, el presente artículo explora (i) la importancia percibida del contacto con ‚lo extranjero‛ como parte de la formación magisterial, (ii) el interés existente por la participación en algún programa de intercambio internacional y (iii) el nivel de experiencias concretas con ‚lo extranjero‛. A partir de una serie de estadísticas descriptivas –que demuestran las percepciones, intereses y experiencias de los futuros maestros de secundaria– se manifiesta la importancia de un mayor compromiso institucional y gubernamental con la formación intercultural del magisterio normalista.
Universidad y Sociedad, 2017
Based on a nationally representative survey of 1,200 Mexicans aged 15 and older, the present arti... more Based on a nationally representative survey of 1,200 Mexicans aged 15 and older, the present article sets out to predict whether or not respondents possess intercultural capital in form of foreign language skills, friendships with foreigners, or time spent abroad. The corresponding logistic regression model reveals a panorama of striking differences in the likelihood of intercultural capital embodiment – between receivers and non-receivers of formal education, between the economically affluent and non-affluent, between internet users and non-users, and between men and women. The respective findings offer an empirically grounded critique of voluntarist notions of personal intercultural development. Most importantly perhaps, they raise the question as to how and for how long Mexico and other multicultural countries can afford to exclude important parts of their respective populations from the acquisition of intercultural capital in terms of foreign language skills, friendships with foreigners, and time spent abroad.
Revista iMex: México Interdisciplinario, 2017
Contrary to what the seductive marketing power of neoliberal “free”-trade ideology and its more o... more Contrary to what the seductive marketing power of neoliberal “free”-trade ideology and its more or less explicit postulation of homo interculturalis might suggest, the multi-dimensional realization of intercultural capital cannot simply be taken for granted, but needs to be subjected to critical empirically grounded scrutiny. Drawing on the findings of three recent research projects, the present article explores the prospects and limitations of intercultural capital realization in contemporary Mexico – at nearly two and a half decades of the country’s membership in the quintessentially neoliberal North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and with a particular interest in the field of intercultural education. Whilst the article does not engage in evaluations of NAFTA, nor offer a contribution to the critique of neoliberal globalization and the mercantilization of formal education, it nonetheless raises important questions for all those interested in alternative forms of intercultural cooperation that convey a vision beyond narrowly instrumental business interests. As our three research examples forcefully illustrate, it is high time for a socioculturally sensitive educational development toward more intercultural literacy – both inside the multicultural national context and internationally.
Revista CoPaLa: Construyendo Paz Latinoamericana, 2017
El presente artículo pretende ofrecer un panorama crítico acerca de la formación intercultural de... more El presente artículo pretende ofrecer un panorama crítico acerca de la formación intercultural del magisterio en el México plurilingüe y multicultural del siglo XXI. Para tal efecto, se examinan diferentes manifestaciones empíricas del capital intercultural y del analfabetismo intercultural: entre la población nacional, a través de las demandas de 49 comunidades indígenas sobre la evaluación educativa a nivel preescolar y primaria con base en un estudio de caso en la Escuela Normal Superior de México, en donde se forma buena parte de los futuros maestros de secundaria del país. Los respectivos resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos demuestran las limitaciones y el potencial de la realización socioculturalmente justa de capital intercultural. Se concluye que esta última no se puede lograr fácilmente y únicamente por parte de los respectivos maestros, sino que depende fundamentalmente de la voluntad política-económica necesaria, del apoyo administrativo y de las provisiones institucionales correspondientes.
Palabras clave: Analfabetismo intercultural, educación, formación magisterial.
Universidad y Sociedad, 2017
A partir de una encuesta realizada a 189 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Superior de México, el ... more A partir de una encuesta realizada a 189 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Superior de México, el presente artículo ofrece algunas miradas generales hacia las culturas indígenas mexicanas, con particular interés en su papel en la formación magisterial. Se consideran (I) la valoración de la diversidad étnica-cultural y la presencia de los pueblos indígenas en términos de sus beneficios para México, (II) la percepción de la marginación de los pueblos originarios, (III) el nivel de apoyo al planteamiento de incluir la enseñanza de algunas lenguas indígenas en todas las escuelas de educación básica del país, (IV) la importancia atribuida a una formación magisterial inicial y continua que incluya prácticas profesionales en comunidades indígenas y (V) la importancia atribuida a la incorporación de temas inter-culturales en la formación magisterial inicial y continua. Por un lado, los respectivos datos empíricos demuestran una gran cercanía perceptual entre los encuestados indígenas (n=23) y los encuestados no indígenas (n=166), la cual es indicativa de un amplio consenso tras-étnico-cultural sobre el papel de las culturas indígenas del país y, particularmen-te, de su presencia dentro de la formación magisterial. Por otro lado, en comparación con los resultados clave de la reciente Encuesta Nacional de Cultura, Lectura y Deporte las respuestas de los futuros maestros sugieren altos niveles de empatía intercultural que contrastan positivamente con el analfabetismo intercultural epidémico entre la población general de la República Mexicana.
Based on a survey of 189 students of the Escuela Normal Superior de México, the present article offers some general glances at Mexican indigenous cultures, with a particular interest in the teacher education context. This includes (I) views on ethno-cultural diversity and the presence of indigenous people in terms of their benefits for Mexico, (II) perceptions of the marginalization of indigenous people, (III) the level of agreement with the proposition that some indigenous languages should be taught in all primary and secondary schools in the country, (IV) the perceived importance of a professional practice in indigenous communities as part of initial and continuous teacher education, and (V) the perceived importance of incorporating intercultural topics in initial and continuous teacher education. On the one hand, the respective empirical data show substantial similarities between indigenous respondents (n=23) and non-indigenous respondents (n=166), which suggest a considerable trans-ethno-cultural consensus as to the importance of the country's indigenous cultures and, particularly, regarding their presence within teacher education. On the other hand – when compared with key results of a recent nationally representative survey on culture, reading, and sport – the prospective teachers' answers reveal high levels of intercultural empathy that stand in positive contrast to a widespread intercultural illiteracy amongst Mexico's general population.
Cultura y Representaciones Sociales: Un Espacio para el Diálogo Transdisciplinario, 2016
La necesidad de apreciar una amplia gama de diferentes experiencias interculturales parece ser má... more La necesidad de apreciar una amplia gama de diferentes experiencias interculturales parece ser más que obvia en el contexto de la educación intercultural. Sin embargo, en esta época, caracterizada por la hegemonía de políticas educativas neoliberales, los conocimientos interculturales socio-culturalmente menos dominantes y a menudo más coloquiales corren el riesgo de sufrir una continua marginación institucional y curricular. Para contrarrestar tales formas de violencia simbólica y para crear ambientes de enseñanza que valoren un amplio rango de procesos de realización de capital intercultural, la educación intercultural necesita superar las nociones de “mal habitus” y “buena reflexividad”, ya que estas desacreditan prematuramente el valor del sentido práctico de la gente, y al mismo tiempo fracasan en problematizar la contingencia sociocultural de sus capacidades reflexivas. En una apropiación crítica de la conceptualización de la agencia humana de Bourdieu, el presente artículo subraya la reconciliación entre la reflexividad y el habitus, con particular interés en los procesos de realización de capital intercultural y el potencial (no aprovechado) de la educación intercultural.
Cogent Social Sciences, 2016
Nowhere does the need to appreciate a diverse range of different intercultural
experiences appear... more Nowhere does the need to appreciate a diverse range of different intercultural
experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education.
Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies, less socioculturally
dominant and often more colloquial funds of intercultural knowledge risk to
suffer continued institutional marginalization and curricular obliteration. To counter
such forms of symbolic violence and to create learning environments that value a
wide range of processes of intercultural capital realization, intercultural education
needs to overcome ideas of “bad habitus” and “good reflexivity”, for they prematurely
discredit the value of people’s practical sense, while failing to problematize
the sociocultural contingency of their reflexive capacities. In a critical appropriation
of Bourdieu’s conceptualization of human agency, the present article highlights the
reconcilability of reflexivity and habitus, with a particular interest in processes of intercultural
capital realization and the (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education
Cultura y Representaciones Sociales: Un Espacio para el Diálogo Transdisciplinario, 2015
Este artículo concibe la ascendencia como un marcador controvertido de “lo británico” y de “lo al... more Este artículo concibe la ascendencia como un marcador controvertido de “lo británico” y de “lo alemán”. Tomando en consideración tanto la evolución de las leyes de nacionalidad como los datos empíricos del Programa Internacional de Encuestas Sociales (ISSP, 2003), se demuestra que la distinción “clásica” entre naciones cívicas y naciones étnicas tiende a sobrestimar las diferencias entre naciones, mientras que subestima las diferencias intra-nacionales. El hecho de que tanto en Inglaterra como en Alemania los niveles más altos de educación formal estén fuertemente asociados a nociones étnicamente más incluyentes de “legítima pertenencia nacional”, enfatiza el potencial de la educación formal en las sociedades multiculturales contemporáneas.
Palabras Clave:
Ascendencia, cultura nacional, naciones cívicas y étnicas, educación, pertenencia nacional
Cultura y Representaciones Sociales: Un Espacio para el Diálogo Transdisciplinario, 2014
Basado en las “herramientas” conceptuales de Pierre Bourdieu, este artículo se enfoca en el capit... more Basado en las “herramientas” conceptuales de Pierre Bourdieu, este artículo se enfoca en el capital intercultural como un marcador de distinción sociocultural y como un tipo de capital cultural cada vez más importante. Primero se introducen las diferentes formas de capital intercultural, con particular interés en los beneficios potenciales de su incorporación. A continuación se aborda la pregunta crucial de por qué algunas personas pueden ser consideradas mejor posicionadas que otras para realizar capital intercultural. El resto de la discusión se enfoca en el estudio de posibles “medidas” operacionales para el concepto de capital intercultural y de cómo estas medidas pueden ser aplicadas para examinar las condiciones y el impacto potencial de
su realización.
Palabras clave:
Bourdieu, capital intercultural,
realización, reconocimiento, desigualdades socioculturales, poder (simbólico)
SAGE Open, 2013
Drawing from Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual “toolbox”, this article focuses on intercultural capita... more Drawing from Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual “toolbox”, this article focuses on intercultural capital as an increasingly significant type of cultural capital and marker of sociocultural distinction. It first introduces different forms of intercultural capital, with a particular interest in the potential benefits of its embodiment. Subsequently, the critical question as to why some people can be considered as better positioned to realize intercultural capital than others is being addressed. The remainder of the discussion looks at possible operational “measures” for the concept of intercultural capital and how these may be applied to examine the conditions and potential impact of its realization.
Sage Open, 2012
This article focuses on ancestry as a controversial marker of Britishness/Germanness. Considering... more This article focuses on ancestry as a controversial marker of Britishness/Germanness. Considering developments in nationality law and large-scale survey data for England and Germany (ISSP 2003), it illustrates that macro-contextual distinctions into civic and ethnic nations tend to overestimate cross-national differences, whilst underestimating important within-country variations according to people’s educational background. The fact that – in both countries – higher levels of formal education are strongly associated with more ethnically inclusive notions of legitimate national membership underlines the formative potential of formal education in contemporary multicultural societies.
European Societies, 2010
Comparisons of public opinion in England and Germany consistently show higher levels of attachmen... more Comparisons of public opinion in England and Germany consistently show higher levels of attachment to Europe and support for European integration in Germany. The respective cross-national differences are empirically well-documented, can be framed in plausible macro-contextual explanations, and are - on the descriptive level - confirmed in the present survey of Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers. However, in view of such conclusive evidence, it is easy to overlook cross-national convergences pertaining to people's individual experiences and perceptions. This article offers an alternative view on empirically well-documented and theoretically plausible cross-national differences in levels of attachment to Europe, with a particular interest in the field of formal education. Drawing on a series of multivariate statistical analyses, it demonstrates that - in Berlin as well as in London - levels of attachment to Europe largely depend on the head teachers' intercultural experiences and skills as well as their notions of Europe as object of attachment. The respective findings lend support to educational programmes and initiatives that promote intercultural experiences and skills as means towards further European integration.
Educational Studies, 2009
Schooling and school management can play an important part in promoting inclusive forms of nation... more Schooling and school management can play an important part in promoting inclusive forms of national attachment, intercultural dialogue and reflexive engagements with the "Unfamiliar". The (inter) personal benefits of intercultural experiences and skills are widely acknowledged. But can we really learn to be intercultural? And what are the prospects of attachment beyond narrow ethno-national boundaries for less privileged members of society? These questions lie at the heart of the present article. Conceptually, the article draws on Bourdieu's notions of habitus and cultural capital. Within this framework, I regard people's attachments to country (and beyond) as learned and habituated, yet open to modification and reconstruction through reflexive agency, educational practices and the acquisition of intercultural capital.
Educational Studies, 2008
The link between formal education and the formation of national attachment is widely acknowledged... more The link between formal education and the formation of national attachment is widely acknowledged. Yet, research on teachers' national attachment is still relatively rare. Based on a comparative analysis of survey data obtained from 281 Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers, this paper proposes a multivariate model in which notions of national identity, levels of national pride and levels of supranational attachment represent predictors of national attachment. The respective statistical analyses reveal striking cross-national similarities in terms of the individual and joint explanatory impact of these predictors. Other findings concern correlations between different notions of Britishness/Germanness and levels of national attachment, the relationship between national and supranational attachment, and associations between national pride and national attachment.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2007
The link between formal education and national identities is widely acknowledged. Empirical resea... more The link between formal education and national identities is widely acknowledged. Empirical research on national and supranational identities of teachers, however, is still relatively rare. Whilst a number of studies consider the special population of teachers, these contributions do not consistently focus on national and supranational identities. Based on a case study of 72 trainee teachers from Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany), the present paper looks at the reconcilability of national and European identities and explores notions of the European Union in terms of cultural and geographical inclusiveness. Findings on the case study level are considered in their own right, but also compared to findings on the regional, national and European level, using relevant Eurobarometer survey data. The article shows that high levels of attachment to nation and high levels of attachment to Europe do not have to be mutually exclusive. It also demonstrates that, for most trainee teachers, the European Union constitutes a culturally and geographically inclusive institution that is supposed to stand for cultural diversity, peace, freedom and respect of human rights. Through comparisons that go beyond the case study level, the paper recognises the importance of regional and national contexts. Nonetheless, it argues that some of its findings are likely to be relevant for studies of national and European identities across different European societies.
Other Articles by Andreas Pöllmann
Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online (Beltz Juventa), 2023
Der Beitrag befasst sich zunächst mit den Formen interkulturellen Kapitals und deren Verhältnis z... more Der Beitrag befasst sich zunächst mit den Formen interkulturellen Kapitals und deren Verhältnis zu Bourdieus Formen inkorporierten, objektivierten und institutionalisierten kulturellen Kapitals. Danach wird die Realisierung interkulturellen Kapitals unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Erwerbs-und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten thematisiert. Dabei wird unter anderem deutlich, dass die Anwendbarkeit des inkorporierten interkulturellen Kapitalsbeispielsweise von Schüler*innenuntrennbar mit der sozial gerechten Wertschätzung in den entsprechenden institutionellen und gesellschaftlichen Machtfeldern verbunden ist. Im nächsten Schritt werden Kapitaltransformationen am Nexus kulturschockbedingter Habitus-Krisen in den Blick genommen. Im Anschluss wird das Konzept der kulturellen Pluriformität vorgestellt, welches die Formen interkulturellen Kapitals miteinschließt. Am Ende des Beitrags wird interkulturelles Kapital als ein flexibles multifunktionales Forschungswerkzeug betrachtet, das im Rahmen qualitativer und quantitativer Ansätze eingesetzt werden kann.
Books/Monographs by Andreas Pöllmann
Colección: "Los Mexicanos Vistos por Sí Mismos: Los Grandes Temas Nacionales"
"Cultura, Lectura y Deporte: Percepciones, Prácticas, Aprendizaje y Capital Intercultural"
Based on a mail survey administered to all Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers, my research offers an alternative view on apparent cross-national cleavages in levels of attachment to Britain/Germany and Europe. Looking beyond one-dimensional comparisons and macro-level explanations, my statistical analyses reveal a number of striking cross-national similarities.
Conceptually, my research draws on Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and cultural capital. Within this framework, I regard people’s attachments to country and Europe as learned and habituated, yet open to modification and reconstruction through reflexive agency, educational practices, and the acquisition of intercultural capital. I operationalise the latter as a combination of language skills, experience of living abroad, and intercultural friendships.
My statistical analyses demonstrate that if respondents share intercultural experiences and skills as well as notions of the respective object of attachment, they are likely to report similar levels of attachment to country and Europe – irrespective of their national background.
Further cross-national similarities include the perceived salience of Europe’s cultural history, positive evaluations of EU policies in the area of human rights and minority protection, and positive associations between levels of attachment to country and levels of attachment to Europe.
The respective findings illustrate how cleavages between ‘us’ and ‘them’ often turn out to be less clear-cut than they may appear at first glance. As I argue throughout, teachers and school managers can play an important part in furthering reflexive engagement with easily taken for granted and stereotyped notions of the ‘Other’.
Journal Articles by Andreas Pöllmann
Palabras clave: Analfabetismo intercultural, educación, formación magisterial.
Based on a survey of 189 students of the Escuela Normal Superior de México, the present article offers some general glances at Mexican indigenous cultures, with a particular interest in the teacher education context. This includes (I) views on ethno-cultural diversity and the presence of indigenous people in terms of their benefits for Mexico, (II) perceptions of the marginalization of indigenous people, (III) the level of agreement with the proposition that some indigenous languages should be taught in all primary and secondary schools in the country, (IV) the perceived importance of a professional practice in indigenous communities as part of initial and continuous teacher education, and (V) the perceived importance of incorporating intercultural topics in initial and continuous teacher education. On the one hand, the respective empirical data show substantial similarities between indigenous respondents (n=23) and non-indigenous respondents (n=166), which suggest a considerable trans-ethno-cultural consensus as to the importance of the country's indigenous cultures and, particularly, regarding their presence within teacher education. On the other hand – when compared with key results of a recent nationally representative survey on culture, reading, and sport – the prospective teachers' answers reveal high levels of intercultural empathy that stand in positive contrast to a widespread intercultural illiteracy amongst Mexico's general population.
experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education.
Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies, less socioculturally
dominant and often more colloquial funds of intercultural knowledge risk to
suffer continued institutional marginalization and curricular obliteration. To counter
such forms of symbolic violence and to create learning environments that value a
wide range of processes of intercultural capital realization, intercultural education
needs to overcome ideas of “bad habitus” and “good reflexivity”, for they prematurely
discredit the value of people’s practical sense, while failing to problematize
the sociocultural contingency of their reflexive capacities. In a critical appropriation
of Bourdieu’s conceptualization of human agency, the present article highlights the
reconcilability of reflexivity and habitus, with a particular interest in processes of intercultural
capital realization and the (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education
Palabras Clave:
Ascendencia, cultura nacional, naciones cívicas y étnicas, educación, pertenencia nacional
su realización.
Palabras clave:
Bourdieu, capital intercultural,
realización, reconocimiento, desigualdades socioculturales, poder (simbólico)
Other Articles by Andreas Pöllmann
Colección: "Los Mexicanos Vistos por Sí Mismos: Los Grandes Temas Nacionales"
"Cultura, Lectura y Deporte: Percepciones, Prácticas, Aprendizaje y Capital Intercultural"
Based on a mail survey administered to all Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers, my research offers an alternative view on apparent cross-national cleavages in levels of attachment to Britain/Germany and Europe. Looking beyond one-dimensional comparisons and macro-level explanations, my statistical analyses reveal a number of striking cross-national similarities.
Conceptually, my research draws on Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and cultural capital. Within this framework, I regard people’s attachments to country and Europe as learned and habituated, yet open to modification and reconstruction through reflexive agency, educational practices, and the acquisition of intercultural capital. I operationalise the latter as a combination of language skills, experience of living abroad, and intercultural friendships.
My statistical analyses demonstrate that if respondents share intercultural experiences and skills as well as notions of the respective object of attachment, they are likely to report similar levels of attachment to country and Europe – irrespective of their national background.
Further cross-national similarities include the perceived salience of Europe’s cultural history, positive evaluations of EU policies in the area of human rights and minority protection, and positive associations between levels of attachment to country and levels of attachment to Europe.
The respective findings illustrate how cleavages between ‘us’ and ‘them’ often turn out to be less clear-cut than they may appear at first glance. As I argue throughout, teachers and school managers can play an important part in furthering reflexive engagement with easily taken for granted and stereotyped notions of the ‘Other’.
Palabras clave: Analfabetismo intercultural, educación, formación magisterial.
Based on a survey of 189 students of the Escuela Normal Superior de México, the present article offers some general glances at Mexican indigenous cultures, with a particular interest in the teacher education context. This includes (I) views on ethno-cultural diversity and the presence of indigenous people in terms of their benefits for Mexico, (II) perceptions of the marginalization of indigenous people, (III) the level of agreement with the proposition that some indigenous languages should be taught in all primary and secondary schools in the country, (IV) the perceived importance of a professional practice in indigenous communities as part of initial and continuous teacher education, and (V) the perceived importance of incorporating intercultural topics in initial and continuous teacher education. On the one hand, the respective empirical data show substantial similarities between indigenous respondents (n=23) and non-indigenous respondents (n=166), which suggest a considerable trans-ethno-cultural consensus as to the importance of the country's indigenous cultures and, particularly, regarding their presence within teacher education. On the other hand – when compared with key results of a recent nationally representative survey on culture, reading, and sport – the prospective teachers' answers reveal high levels of intercultural empathy that stand in positive contrast to a widespread intercultural illiteracy amongst Mexico's general population.
experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education.
Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies, less socioculturally
dominant and often more colloquial funds of intercultural knowledge risk to
suffer continued institutional marginalization and curricular obliteration. To counter
such forms of symbolic violence and to create learning environments that value a
wide range of processes of intercultural capital realization, intercultural education
needs to overcome ideas of “bad habitus” and “good reflexivity”, for they prematurely
discredit the value of people’s practical sense, while failing to problematize
the sociocultural contingency of their reflexive capacities. In a critical appropriation
of Bourdieu’s conceptualization of human agency, the present article highlights the
reconcilability of reflexivity and habitus, with a particular interest in processes of intercultural
capital realization and the (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education
Palabras Clave:
Ascendencia, cultura nacional, naciones cívicas y étnicas, educación, pertenencia nacional
su realización.
Palabras clave:
Bourdieu, capital intercultural,
realización, reconocimiento, desigualdades socioculturales, poder (simbólico)
Pöllmann, A. (2015) ‘Cultura, Lectura y Deporte: Percepciones, Prácticas, Aprendizaje y Capital Intercultural’, Encuesta Nacional de Cultura, Lectura y Deporte. In: Julia Isabel Flores & Agustín Morales Mena (Coordinadores), Inventario de México en 2015 (pp. 153-163), IIJ-UNAM, México, D. F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
“Los mexicanos vistos por sí mismos. Los grandes temas nacionales”
Grabación de transmisión en vivo desde el Senado de la República de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Canal del Congreso 4 de mayo de 2015