Prof. Simeon Vassilev, Ph.D. is a full-time lecturer at the FJMC of Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski". He is the author of the books: "Media ecosystem. Challenges of transformation“ (2023), "In the Spiral of Sharing: Media Content and Social Networks", (2022), "Dispatches from the chaos of time. Media content and foreign policy process"(2020), "Leadership and media" (2018), "Decade. In the shadow of leaders, crisis, elections and wars" (2011), Version “International Policy" (2006), "The Globalized Absurd" (2003), "The Global Gambit" (2001). He defends a doctor thesis on “Leadership in the global media environment” and has numerous publications in the fields of international politics, media and communication.
Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, th... more Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, there can be no understanding of media reality, just as there can be no orientation in a media society consisting of a complex interdependence of media, culture, technology, and communication. It is a categorical self-identification of the contemporary media person in the conditions of dynamic media transformation and an important condition for presence and interaction in the media environment of the information society. This article examines some theoretical approaches to media culture and argues that the debate about culture should be a discussion about media development. It concludes that there is no culture outside the media or media communication, and the responsibility for media culture now also lies with the audience.
Комуникационен мениджмънт. Стратегическо създаване на комуникационни мениджъри. , 2024
This article examines the media dynamics of the communication process. Its purpose is to describe... more This article examines the media dynamics of the communication process. Its purpose is to describe the development and impact of all factors on the structures of the media ecosystem and their influence on other societal systems. Media transformation presents a significant challenge for researchers seeking an evidence-based scientific explanation for the impact of communication speed, digitalization and changing political processes on media dynamics. The media ecosystem is impacted by processes such as globalization and digitalization, which are reinforced by the dynamics of the network society. Further scholarly attention to media transformation is necessary. It necessitates entirely new models of thinking and research, as well as comprehensive, collaborative, and comparative efforts across multiple disciplines.
The Internet is the nervous system of modern global communication, but it is also the digital ter... more The Internet is the nervous system of modern global communication, but it is also the digital terrain on which war is fought. Its offspring, social networks, have become a battlefield where information and communication are, among other things, powerful weapons. Behind this elementary and all too obvious observation lie huge implications for journalism as a professional role and for the media as a tool, medium and mediator for society. This article examines the impact of media transformation and war on journalistic standards and responsibilities in covering contemporary crises and conflicts.
Фокусът в проучването е поставен върху извеждане на различни научни подходи към дефинирането на п... more Фокусът в проучването е поставен върху извеждане на различни научни подходи към дефинирането на понятието "медийна култура" и неговото значение за медийното, социалното и културното развитие. В теоретичния обзор са представени релевантни теории, концепции, подходи и важни теми в областта на медийната култура и се застъпва тезата за необходимост от последователна теория за медийната трансформация и медийната култура. Формулирана е хипотезата, че модерните технологии с изкуствен интелект не са равностойни на възможностите на човека, но интензивно навлизат в най-човешката територия-езика, религията, изкуството, политиката и т.н. Изводите от теоретичния обзор и критичния прочит са в няколко научни полета. Медийната трансформация включва конфликти и е съпътствана от кризи. В този смисъл медийната трансформация е процес на преход от старото към новото. Тя е израз на нов опит във времето, съпровождан от кризи, възникнали поради промени в техническите, социалните и политическите структури. Те водят до дълбока трансформация в медийната система и са повратен момент за феномена медийна култура като социална практика, изграждана от медиите и чрез която се създава смисъл чрез различни форми на комуникация.
Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, th... more Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, there can be no understanding of media reality, just as there can be no orientation in a media society consisting of a complex interdependence of media, culture, technology, and communication. It is a categorical self-identification of the contemporary media person in the conditions of dynamic media transformation and an important condition for presence and interaction in the media environment of the information society. This article examines some theoretical approaches to media culture and argues that the debate about culture should be a discussion about media development. It concludes that there is no culture outside the media or media communication, and the responsibility for media culture now also lies with the audience.
Медии и език. Електронно списание за научни изследвания по медиен език ., 2023
Традиционните медии отдавна не са светая светих на политическата комуникация. Те са в конкуренция... more Традиционните медии отдавна не са светая светих на политическата комуникация. Те са в конкуренция със социалните мрежи, които формират начина, по който общуваме и възприемаме реалността. Това означава, че е установен нов modus operandi за поведението на медии и политика и се осъществява огромна по мащаба си социална промяна, сравнима с поврата, предизвикан от печатарската преса на Гутенберг. В статията се коментира медийната трансформация като една от основните причини за промяната на политическата комуникация.
Traditional media have long been the Holy of Holies of political communication. They are in competition with new media. New media are shaping the way we communicate and perceive reality. This means that we have a new modus operandi for media and political behaviour and a social change of enormous magnitude, comparable to the upheaval caused by Gutenberg’s printing press. The article comments on the media transformation as one of the main reasons for changing political communication.
Digital transformation has presented journalism and media with major challenges. Together with th... more Digital transformation has presented journalism and media with major challenges. Together with the economic crisis of traditional media and the crisis in the quality of journalism, their identity crisis is taken for granted. The transformation reduces confidence in their historical development and their role in public life, but it is also an opportunity for their future. This article argues for the need for a new media culture to meet the challenges to the media ecosystem, and to journalism as part of the public sphere.
В статията е направен опит да се представят значенията, измеренията и проявленията на т.нар. четв... more В статията е направен опит да се представят значенията, измеренията и проявленията на т.нар. четвърта мрежова власт. Използвани са методите на desk research и case study, като целта е да се представят дефиниции на термина, промените в значението му, релации власт-медии-социални медии. Изведени са примери от различни държави, които представят проявленията на четвъртата мрежова власт. Установени са правните параметри и опити за регламентиране, като позоваванията са на международни и национални източници. Проучени са практики и са направени изводи относно възможни развития на четвърта мрежова власт в бъдеще. Формулирани са предложения относно това какво може да се случи в обществото, медиите, културата при промени в четвъртата мрежова власт, която се отличава с динамични промени, многофакторна детерминираност и многопластови явления.
The article is an attempt to present the meanings, dimensions and manifestations of the so-called fourth network power. The methods of desk research and case study are used, the aim being to present definitions of the term, changes in its meaning, relations between power, media and social media. Examples from different countries that present the manifestations of the fourth network power are highlighted. The legal parameters and attempts to regulate are identified, with references to international and national sources. Practices are examined and conclusions are drawn on possible development in the future. Suggestions are formulated regarding what may happen in society, media, and culture in case of changes in the fourth network power, which is characterized by dynamic changes, multi-factorial determinism and multi-layered phenomena.
Реторика и комуникации през 21. век: теории, методи, практики, 2021
Информационните технологии създадоха отлични възможности за натрупване и разпространение на знани... more Информационните технологии създадоха отлични възможности за натрупване и разпространение на знания за света и една от тези възможности са медиите. Те са огромен източник и посредник на знание, и не трябва да бъдат принизявани лекомислено само и единствено като склад или транспортно средство за идеи. В същото време медиите придобиха нови „технологични свойства“, които променят техния характер, съдържание, но може би и предназначение. Информационните и комуникационните технологии промениха не само начина, по който медиите предоставят съдържание, но и начина, по който го създават и разпространяват. Разглеждат се проблемите на медийната екосистема и взаимоотношенията технологии – медии.
Information technology has created excellent opportunities for the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about the world, and one of these opportunities is the media. They are a huge source and a mediator of knowledge, and should not be downplayed lightly as a storehouse or a vehicle for ideas. At the same time, the media have acquired new “technological properties” that change their character, content, but maybe their purpose as well. Information and communication technologies have changed not only the way the media provides content, but also the way it creates and distributes it. The article examines the problems of the media ecosystem and the relationship between technology and media.
The principles of the connected world continue to seem like a problematic experiment that has pro... more The principles of the connected world continue to seem like a problematic experiment that has provided vast space for interpretations, based more on feelings and sensations than on thought and facts, subjected to cold analysis. In the digital age, a new examination of the human media mind is needed, which is based on democratic principles and standards. The engine of the media evolution is technical innovations that should not be a barrier to social processes. Each attempt for media common sense is meaningless if prior to it there is no struggle for political common sense because the media system directly depends on the political system.
Новият световен ред. Между “дипломацията” на оръжието и “оръжието” на дипломацията, 2021
The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic ... more The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic and military characteristics of the modern world. The main reason is that the media is a major resource. After the existing hierarchy of information has transformed in the last twenty years, the place of the media in the international order is being assessed. The article leads to the conclusion that the strength of information depends on its position in the media and the speed at which social networks spread it.
Качествена журналистика и нова комуникационна среда, 2020
The article discusses the consequences of the pandemic for public communications,
for traditional... more The article discusses the consequences of the pandemic for public communications, for traditional and new media, as well as the challenges quality journalism has to face. The infodemic of the pandemic raises issues, including that ofjournalistic literacy, which iq key for the abitity of the media to rationalizethe social and political reality, as well as the socio-cultural and health reality after the crisis. The emphasis is on the emergence of the new scientific discipline - infodemiology, to which communication science is directly related and from which media studies are expected to receive another stimulus for their interdisciplinarity.
Политически митове, исторически образи, конструирани идентичности, 2021
Myth has one main role - to legitimize and integrate. This happens mainly through the media, and ... more Myth has one main role - to legitimize and integrate. This happens mainly through the media, and journalism is part of the world of political myths along with PR technology. There is no political leader whose activity is not mythologized by the media - both when he ascends the "political Olympus" and when he voluntarily or forcibly descends from it. There are regularities in the process of media mythologizing. Media myths are first created in domestic and party politics and then "transported" by journalism in order to be "processed" by the global media and move into a new state. Politics is the journalistic hologram of modern times. In politics are the political leaders whose image has been "created" with the help of the media and journalistic interpretations, and which looks completely ... real
The article advocates the need for a new genetic test aimed at
modern media, which depends largel... more The article advocates the need for a new genetic test aimed at modern media, which depends largely on the political, economic, and sociological implications for societies. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 strongly affected the media ecosystem, and the infodemic with its morbid infoviruses, such as fake news, disinformation, and propaganda, is evidence of this. In this sense, the pandemic is a stress test for the media and a major challenge for media ecology. The assumption is that media impact in times of this unprecedented pandemic is of primary significance. The analysis aims to identify the factors for this impact; and it is important to establish whether it comes through metamedia, which control all media, or through the diversity of media and points of view that find a place in an accessible and free media environment. The terms “infodemia”, “infodemiology”, “metamedia”, “metaaudience”, “media ecosystem”, “democratic discourse” along with others have been introduced. A media analysis of publications presenting current events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on a national and international levels is made.
В матрицата на социалните мрежи и дигиталния свят и сред Великия потоп от информация, все по-труд... more В матрицата на социалните мрежи и дигиталния свят и сред Великия потоп от информация, все по-трудно се вижда Ноевия ковчег на класическите медии. Днес e необходим само един туит, който след кратко натискане на Enter, бясно се втурва към милиони хора и хиляди редакции. После минава през ситото на журналистическите интерпретации, които създават холограмата на политическото съвремие. Това е ситуация от типа „да туитнеш история“. В този текст се разглеждат новите предизвикателства в отношенията политика-медии, въздействието на социалните мрежи върху обществото и неговите взаимоотношения с елита, както и фундаменталният въпрос за свободата на словото. Особени акценти са туитър-политиката, както и влиянието на дигитализацията и новите комуникационни платформи върху медиите.
The Internet and social networks have become a shelter for the media, as paper once was for books... more The Internet and social networks have become a shelter for the media, as paper once was for books and newspapers; today, satellites provide radio and television with endless possibilities for distribution. Digitalization is the new means of information and, perhaps, though we have not yet understood this, the modern instrument of knowledge and culture. The new space-time continuum of the media could not exist without values such as freedom of speech and human rights. Human experience of the media-ranging from the Gutenberg galaxy to the universe of the Internet-teaches us that these values are not given once and for all, even though everything has become digital and multimediatic.
Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, th... more Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, there can be no understanding of media reality, just as there can be no orientation in a media society consisting of a complex interdependence of media, culture, technology, and communication. It is a categorical self-identification of the contemporary media person in the conditions of dynamic media transformation and an important condition for presence and interaction in the media environment of the information society. This article examines some theoretical approaches to media culture and argues that the debate about culture should be a discussion about media development. It concludes that there is no culture outside the media or media communication, and the responsibility for media culture now also lies with the audience.
Комуникационен мениджмънт. Стратегическо създаване на комуникационни мениджъри. , 2024
This article examines the media dynamics of the communication process. Its purpose is to describe... more This article examines the media dynamics of the communication process. Its purpose is to describe the development and impact of all factors on the structures of the media ecosystem and their influence on other societal systems. Media transformation presents a significant challenge for researchers seeking an evidence-based scientific explanation for the impact of communication speed, digitalization and changing political processes on media dynamics. The media ecosystem is impacted by processes such as globalization and digitalization, which are reinforced by the dynamics of the network society. Further scholarly attention to media transformation is necessary. It necessitates entirely new models of thinking and research, as well as comprehensive, collaborative, and comparative efforts across multiple disciplines.
The Internet is the nervous system of modern global communication, but it is also the digital ter... more The Internet is the nervous system of modern global communication, but it is also the digital terrain on which war is fought. Its offspring, social networks, have become a battlefield where information and communication are, among other things, powerful weapons. Behind this elementary and all too obvious observation lie huge implications for journalism as a professional role and for the media as a tool, medium and mediator for society. This article examines the impact of media transformation and war on journalistic standards and responsibilities in covering contemporary crises and conflicts.
Фокусът в проучването е поставен върху извеждане на различни научни подходи към дефинирането на п... more Фокусът в проучването е поставен върху извеждане на различни научни подходи към дефинирането на понятието "медийна култура" и неговото значение за медийното, социалното и културното развитие. В теоретичния обзор са представени релевантни теории, концепции, подходи и важни теми в областта на медийната култура и се застъпва тезата за необходимост от последователна теория за медийната трансформация и медийната култура. Формулирана е хипотезата, че модерните технологии с изкуствен интелект не са равностойни на възможностите на човека, но интензивно навлизат в най-човешката територия-езика, религията, изкуството, политиката и т.н. Изводите от теоретичния обзор и критичния прочит са в няколко научни полета. Медийната трансформация включва конфликти и е съпътствана от кризи. В този смисъл медийната трансформация е процес на преход от старото към новото. Тя е израз на нов опит във времето, съпровождан от кризи, възникнали поради промени в техническите, социалните и политическите структури. Те водят до дълбока трансформация в медийната система и са повратен момент за феномена медийна култура като социална практика, изграждана от медиите и чрез която се създава смисъл чрез различни форми на комуникация.
Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, th... more Media culture is a major challenge for media and communication studies. Without media culture, there can be no understanding of media reality, just as there can be no orientation in a media society consisting of a complex interdependence of media, culture, technology, and communication. It is a categorical self-identification of the contemporary media person in the conditions of dynamic media transformation and an important condition for presence and interaction in the media environment of the information society. This article examines some theoretical approaches to media culture and argues that the debate about culture should be a discussion about media development. It concludes that there is no culture outside the media or media communication, and the responsibility for media culture now also lies with the audience.
Медии и език. Електронно списание за научни изследвания по медиен език ., 2023
Традиционните медии отдавна не са светая светих на политическата комуникация. Те са в конкуренция... more Традиционните медии отдавна не са светая светих на политическата комуникация. Те са в конкуренция със социалните мрежи, които формират начина, по който общуваме и възприемаме реалността. Това означава, че е установен нов modus operandi за поведението на медии и политика и се осъществява огромна по мащаба си социална промяна, сравнима с поврата, предизвикан от печатарската преса на Гутенберг. В статията се коментира медийната трансформация като една от основните причини за промяната на политическата комуникация.
Traditional media have long been the Holy of Holies of political communication. They are in competition with new media. New media are shaping the way we communicate and perceive reality. This means that we have a new modus operandi for media and political behaviour and a social change of enormous magnitude, comparable to the upheaval caused by Gutenberg’s printing press. The article comments on the media transformation as one of the main reasons for changing political communication.
Digital transformation has presented journalism and media with major challenges. Together with th... more Digital transformation has presented journalism and media with major challenges. Together with the economic crisis of traditional media and the crisis in the quality of journalism, their identity crisis is taken for granted. The transformation reduces confidence in their historical development and their role in public life, but it is also an opportunity for their future. This article argues for the need for a new media culture to meet the challenges to the media ecosystem, and to journalism as part of the public sphere.
В статията е направен опит да се представят значенията, измеренията и проявленията на т.нар. четв... more В статията е направен опит да се представят значенията, измеренията и проявленията на т.нар. четвърта мрежова власт. Използвани са методите на desk research и case study, като целта е да се представят дефиниции на термина, промените в значението му, релации власт-медии-социални медии. Изведени са примери от различни държави, които представят проявленията на четвъртата мрежова власт. Установени са правните параметри и опити за регламентиране, като позоваванията са на международни и национални източници. Проучени са практики и са направени изводи относно възможни развития на четвърта мрежова власт в бъдеще. Формулирани са предложения относно това какво може да се случи в обществото, медиите, културата при промени в четвъртата мрежова власт, която се отличава с динамични промени, многофакторна детерминираност и многопластови явления.
The article is an attempt to present the meanings, dimensions and manifestations of the so-called fourth network power. The methods of desk research and case study are used, the aim being to present definitions of the term, changes in its meaning, relations between power, media and social media. Examples from different countries that present the manifestations of the fourth network power are highlighted. The legal parameters and attempts to regulate are identified, with references to international and national sources. Practices are examined and conclusions are drawn on possible development in the future. Suggestions are formulated regarding what may happen in society, media, and culture in case of changes in the fourth network power, which is characterized by dynamic changes, multi-factorial determinism and multi-layered phenomena.
Реторика и комуникации през 21. век: теории, методи, практики, 2021
Информационните технологии създадоха отлични възможности за натрупване и разпространение на знани... more Информационните технологии създадоха отлични възможности за натрупване и разпространение на знания за света и една от тези възможности са медиите. Те са огромен източник и посредник на знание, и не трябва да бъдат принизявани лекомислено само и единствено като склад или транспортно средство за идеи. В същото време медиите придобиха нови „технологични свойства“, които променят техния характер, съдържание, но може би и предназначение. Информационните и комуникационните технологии промениха не само начина, по който медиите предоставят съдържание, но и начина, по който го създават и разпространяват. Разглеждат се проблемите на медийната екосистема и взаимоотношенията технологии – медии.
Information technology has created excellent opportunities for the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about the world, and one of these opportunities is the media. They are a huge source and a mediator of knowledge, and should not be downplayed lightly as a storehouse or a vehicle for ideas. At the same time, the media have acquired new “technological properties” that change their character, content, but maybe their purpose as well. Information and communication technologies have changed not only the way the media provides content, but also the way it creates and distributes it. The article examines the problems of the media ecosystem and the relationship between technology and media.
The principles of the connected world continue to seem like a problematic experiment that has pro... more The principles of the connected world continue to seem like a problematic experiment that has provided vast space for interpretations, based more on feelings and sensations than on thought and facts, subjected to cold analysis. In the digital age, a new examination of the human media mind is needed, which is based on democratic principles and standards. The engine of the media evolution is technical innovations that should not be a barrier to social processes. Each attempt for media common sense is meaningless if prior to it there is no struggle for political common sense because the media system directly depends on the political system.
Новият световен ред. Между “дипломацията” на оръжието и “оръжието” на дипломацията, 2021
The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic ... more The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic and military characteristics of the modern world. The main reason is that the media is a major resource. After the existing hierarchy of information has transformed in the last twenty years, the place of the media in the international order is being assessed. The article leads to the conclusion that the strength of information depends on its position in the media and the speed at which social networks spread it.
Качествена журналистика и нова комуникационна среда, 2020
The article discusses the consequences of the pandemic for public communications,
for traditional... more The article discusses the consequences of the pandemic for public communications, for traditional and new media, as well as the challenges quality journalism has to face. The infodemic of the pandemic raises issues, including that ofjournalistic literacy, which iq key for the abitity of the media to rationalizethe social and political reality, as well as the socio-cultural and health reality after the crisis. The emphasis is on the emergence of the new scientific discipline - infodemiology, to which communication science is directly related and from which media studies are expected to receive another stimulus for their interdisciplinarity.
Политически митове, исторически образи, конструирани идентичности, 2021
Myth has one main role - to legitimize and integrate. This happens mainly through the media, and ... more Myth has one main role - to legitimize and integrate. This happens mainly through the media, and journalism is part of the world of political myths along with PR technology. There is no political leader whose activity is not mythologized by the media - both when he ascends the "political Olympus" and when he voluntarily or forcibly descends from it. There are regularities in the process of media mythologizing. Media myths are first created in domestic and party politics and then "transported" by journalism in order to be "processed" by the global media and move into a new state. Politics is the journalistic hologram of modern times. In politics are the political leaders whose image has been "created" with the help of the media and journalistic interpretations, and which looks completely ... real
The article advocates the need for a new genetic test aimed at
modern media, which depends largel... more The article advocates the need for a new genetic test aimed at modern media, which depends largely on the political, economic, and sociological implications for societies. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 strongly affected the media ecosystem, and the infodemic with its morbid infoviruses, such as fake news, disinformation, and propaganda, is evidence of this. In this sense, the pandemic is a stress test for the media and a major challenge for media ecology. The assumption is that media impact in times of this unprecedented pandemic is of primary significance. The analysis aims to identify the factors for this impact; and it is important to establish whether it comes through metamedia, which control all media, or through the diversity of media and points of view that find a place in an accessible and free media environment. The terms “infodemia”, “infodemiology”, “metamedia”, “metaaudience”, “media ecosystem”, “democratic discourse” along with others have been introduced. A media analysis of publications presenting current events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on a national and international levels is made.
В матрицата на социалните мрежи и дигиталния свят и сред Великия потоп от информация, все по-труд... more В матрицата на социалните мрежи и дигиталния свят и сред Великия потоп от информация, все по-трудно се вижда Ноевия ковчег на класическите медии. Днес e необходим само един туит, който след кратко натискане на Enter, бясно се втурва към милиони хора и хиляди редакции. После минава през ситото на журналистическите интерпретации, които създават холограмата на политическото съвремие. Това е ситуация от типа „да туитнеш история“. В този текст се разглеждат новите предизвикателства в отношенията политика-медии, въздействието на социалните мрежи върху обществото и неговите взаимоотношения с елита, както и фундаменталният въпрос за свободата на словото. Особени акценти са туитър-политиката, както и влиянието на дигитализацията и новите комуникационни платформи върху медиите.
The Internet and social networks have become a shelter for the media, as paper once was for books... more The Internet and social networks have become a shelter for the media, as paper once was for books and newspapers; today, satellites provide radio and television with endless possibilities for distribution. Digitalization is the new means of information and, perhaps, though we have not yet understood this, the modern instrument of knowledge and culture. The new space-time continuum of the media could not exist without values such as freedom of speech and human rights. Human experience of the media-ranging from the Gutenberg galaxy to the universe of the Internet-teaches us that these values are not given once and for all, even though everything has become digital and multimediatic.
The relationship “media - public” has been radically changed,
and one of the most important reaso... more The relationship “media - public” has been radically changed, and one of the most important reasons is digitalization, which has taken away large areas of knowledge and has become an important territory of social practice. The difference is quite obvious, when the linear path of public information turned the audience into the great unknown and communication with him was very difficult. The digital age with its platforms, social networks and algorithms has changed the relationship with the audience beyond recognition – the audience is not only a consumer of media content. She achieves her equality as an active author and co-author. Researchers agree that the audience is engaged in a way unknown in media history. With the advent of social networks, the one-way street of public information has exhausted its life, marked by Gutenberg’s great work that sparked the Renaissance or the first projection of the Lumiere brothers. Both professional journalism and audiences today create media content that falls into the spiral of sharing. The audience exemplifies the vast difference in the media logic of the “Galaxy Gutenberg” and that of the “Internet Universe.” The power of information today is determined by its place in the media, the speed with which it spreads on social networks and the participation of the audience in its commentary.
Медийна среда, публична и стратегическа комуникация, 2018
Oт гледна точка на релацията политика-медии-международни отношения, въпросът за възможността да с... more Oт гледна точка на релацията политика-медии-международни отношения, въпросът за възможността да се формират общи медийни или информационни интереси иска легитимен отговор. Особено на фона на глобализацията и информационната революция. Още повече, че в дигиталната епоха понятията за публична дипломация и изобщо за дипломация и външна политика радикално се променят. Медиите достигнаха външната политика в дигиталната ера и имат директно влияние върху международните отношения. Традиционните концепции за дипломация и външна политика са поставени под въпрос.
Новият световен ред. Между “дипломацията” на оръжието и “оръжието” на дипломацията, 2021
The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic ... more The article discusses the reasons why the media should be part of the analysis of the diplomatic and military characteristics of the modern world. The main reason is that the media is a major resource. After the existing hierarchy of information has transformed in the last twenty years, the place of the media in the international order is being assessed. The article leads to the conclusion that the strength of information depends on its position in the media and the speed at which social networks spread it.
В монографията се предлага хипотезата за спиралата на споделянето, чийто център са социалните мре... more В монографията се предлага хипотезата за спиралата на споделянето, чийто център са социалните мрежи. Традиционните медии, на базата на които е създадена теорията за спиралата на мълчанието, отдавна нямат изключителната власт да формират мнения. Тяхната сила ако е не напълно отнета, то е твърде отслабена от социалните мрежи. В социалните мрежи гражданинът доби чувството за свобода на мнението и липса на страх от социална изолация, но въпросът е дали това действително е така. Проблем е недостатъчно изследваната психология на потребителя в мрежовото общество, както и все още непризнатите от всички принципи на свързания свят. Формулата „алгоритми плюс социални мрежи“ е част от променливите в съвременното информационно уравнение, което е в основата на спиралата на споделянето. До каква степен социалните мрежи допринасят за структурната промяна в публичната сфера? Водят ли социалните мрежи до монополизиране на обществените дебати и контрол върху общественото мнение? Това са много важни въпроси, които все още чакат еднозначния си отговор от комуникационната наука и по специално от теорията на публичността.
„Лингвистични войни: Чомски, Лейкоф и битката за дълбоката структура“ на Ранди Харис получи нов ... more „Лингвистични войни: Чомски, Лейкоф и битката за дълбоката структура“ на Ранди Харис получи нов живот с актуализираното си издание от 2021 г. То значително разширява не само познанието за езика, то е предизвикателство за всички, които се интересуват от академичните битки за знанието, които ни предлагат едни от най-големите умове в областта на езикознанието.
Papers by Simeon Vassilev
Traditional media have long been the Holy of Holies of political communication. They are in competition with new media. New media are shaping the way we communicate and perceive reality. This means that we have a new modus operandi for media and political behaviour and a social change of enormous magnitude, comparable to the upheaval caused by Gutenberg’s printing press. The article comments on the media transformation as one of the main reasons for changing political communication.
The article is an attempt to present the meanings, dimensions and manifestations of the so-called fourth network power. The methods of desk research and case study are used, the aim being to present definitions of the term, changes in its meaning, relations between power, media and social media. Examples from different countries that present the manifestations of the fourth network power are highlighted. The legal parameters and attempts to regulate are identified, with references to international and national sources. Practices are examined and conclusions are drawn on possible development in the future. Suggestions are formulated regarding what may happen in society, media, and culture in case of changes in the fourth network power, which is characterized by dynamic changes, multi-factorial determinism and multi-layered phenomena.
Information technology has created excellent opportunities for the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about the world, and one of these opportunities is the media. They are a huge
source and a mediator of knowledge, and should not be downplayed lightly as a storehouse or a vehicle for ideas. At the same time, the media have acquired new “technological properties” that change their character, content, but maybe their purpose as well. Information and communication technologies have changed not only the way the media provides content, but also the way it creates and distributes it. The article examines the problems of the media ecosystem and the relationship between technology and media.
for traditional and new media, as well as the challenges quality journalism has
to face. The infodemic of the pandemic raises issues, including that ofjournalistic literacy,
which iq key for the abitity of the media to rationalizethe social and political reality, as well
as the socio-cultural and health reality after the crisis. The emphasis is on the emergence of the new scientific discipline - infodemiology, to which communication science is directly related and from which media studies are expected to receive another stimulus for their interdisciplinarity.
modern media, which depends largely on the political, economic, and sociological implications for societies. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 strongly affected the media ecosystem, and the infodemic with its morbid infoviruses, such as fake news, disinformation, and propaganda, is evidence of this. In this sense, the pandemic is a stress test for the media and a major challenge for media ecology. The assumption is that media impact in times of
this unprecedented pandemic is of primary significance. The analysis aims to
identify the factors for this impact; and it is important to establish whether it
comes through metamedia, which control all media, or through the diversity
of media and points of view that find a place in an accessible and free media
environment. The terms “infodemia”, “infodemiology”, “metamedia”,
“metaaudience”, “media ecosystem”, “democratic discourse” along with
others have been introduced. A media analysis of publications presenting current events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on a national and international levels is made.
Traditional media have long been the Holy of Holies of political communication. They are in competition with new media. New media are shaping the way we communicate and perceive reality. This means that we have a new modus operandi for media and political behaviour and a social change of enormous magnitude, comparable to the upheaval caused by Gutenberg’s printing press. The article comments on the media transformation as one of the main reasons for changing political communication.
The article is an attempt to present the meanings, dimensions and manifestations of the so-called fourth network power. The methods of desk research and case study are used, the aim being to present definitions of the term, changes in its meaning, relations between power, media and social media. Examples from different countries that present the manifestations of the fourth network power are highlighted. The legal parameters and attempts to regulate are identified, with references to international and national sources. Practices are examined and conclusions are drawn on possible development in the future. Suggestions are formulated regarding what may happen in society, media, and culture in case of changes in the fourth network power, which is characterized by dynamic changes, multi-factorial determinism and multi-layered phenomena.
Information technology has created excellent opportunities for the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge about the world, and one of these opportunities is the media. They are a huge
source and a mediator of knowledge, and should not be downplayed lightly as a storehouse or a vehicle for ideas. At the same time, the media have acquired new “technological properties” that change their character, content, but maybe their purpose as well. Information and communication technologies have changed not only the way the media provides content, but also the way it creates and distributes it. The article examines the problems of the media ecosystem and the relationship between technology and media.
for traditional and new media, as well as the challenges quality journalism has
to face. The infodemic of the pandemic raises issues, including that ofjournalistic literacy,
which iq key for the abitity of the media to rationalizethe social and political reality, as well
as the socio-cultural and health reality after the crisis. The emphasis is on the emergence of the new scientific discipline - infodemiology, to which communication science is directly related and from which media studies are expected to receive another stimulus for their interdisciplinarity.
modern media, which depends largely on the political, economic, and sociological implications for societies. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 strongly affected the media ecosystem, and the infodemic with its morbid infoviruses, such as fake news, disinformation, and propaganda, is evidence of this. In this sense, the pandemic is a stress test for the media and a major challenge for media ecology. The assumption is that media impact in times of
this unprecedented pandemic is of primary significance. The analysis aims to
identify the factors for this impact; and it is important to establish whether it
comes through metamedia, which control all media, or through the diversity
of media and points of view that find a place in an accessible and free media
environment. The terms “infodemia”, “infodemiology”, “metamedia”,
“metaaudience”, “media ecosystem”, “democratic discourse” along with
others have been introduced. A media analysis of publications presenting current events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on a national and international levels is made.
and one of the most important reasons is digitalization, which has taken
away large areas of knowledge and has become an important territory of social practice. The difference is quite obvious, when the linear path of public information turned the audience into the great unknown and communication
with him was very difficult. The digital age with its platforms, social
networks and algorithms has changed the relationship with the audience
beyond recognition – the audience is not only a consumer of media content.
She achieves her equality as an active author and co-author. Researchers
agree that the audience is engaged in a way unknown in media history.
With the advent of social networks, the one-way street of public information has exhausted its life, marked by Gutenberg’s great work that sparked the Renaissance or the first projection of the Lumiere brothers. Both professional journalism and audiences today create media content that falls into the spiral of sharing. The audience exemplifies the vast difference in the media logic of the “Galaxy Gutenberg” and that of the “Internet Universe.” The power of information today is determined by its place in the media, the speed with which it spreads on social networks and the participation of the audience in its commentary.