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  • Bengkulu, Propinsi Bengkulu, Indonesia

Bandi Hermawan

Contamination of  heavy metals on the soil leads to an increase in its acidity. Vermicompost application is commonly used to improve the properties of soil. The study was carried out to determine the reduction of the acidity in Pb and Cd... more
Contamination of  heavy metals on the soil leads to an increase in its acidity. Vermicompost application is commonly used to improve the properties of soil. The study was carried out to determine the reduction of the acidity in Pb and Cd contaminated soils under the application of vermicompost. Two laboratory experiments were set using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor was soil samples, vis Inceptisols, and Entisols, and the second factor was the rates of vermicompost, consisted of 0, 5, 10, 15 g kg-1. The treatment combination was repeated three times. The soils were pretreated with 10 mg kg-1 Pb or Cd using Pb(NO3)2 and Cd(NO3)2. Three hundred kg soil sample was incorporated with vermicompost and placed in a 500 ml plastic bottle. The mixtures were incubated for eight weeks, and the moisture of the soil was maintained at field capacity. The acidity and soil temperature were monitored every week. The study indicated that Pb contaminated soil acid...
Abstract— This study aimed to determine relations between texture and organic carbon to the water content measured using the field and laboratory methods for highland soils in Sumatera, Indonesia. Five locations covered with different... more
Abstract— This study aimed to determine relations between texture and organic carbon to the water content measured using the field and laboratory methods for highland soils in Sumatera, Indonesia. Five locations covered with different annual crops were selected for the measurements of actual soil water content and the sample collections for the laboratory analyses. Soil water content was first determined in situ by measuring the electrical impedance Z (in kΩ) using a portable impedance meter and converting the data into soil water content θ (g.g-1) according to the following equation: θ = a.Zb where a = 0.45 and b = -0.15. A soil sample was then taken from the same point and soil depth of the dielectric measurement, put tightly in the plastic bag and brought to the laboratory for the analyses of field soil water content, texture, and carbon organic. The measurement and sampling were repeated at ten points for each location; therefore there were 50 pairs of data collected in this stu...
Faktor-faktor yang menentukan kesesuaian lahan untuk kelapa sawit terdiri dari faktor fisik (ketersediaan air, media perakaran, lereng bahaya erosi, bahaya banjir), faktor kimia (retensi hara, hara tersedia, toksisitas) dan kondisi... more
Faktor-faktor yang menentukan kesesuaian lahan untuk kelapa sawit terdiri dari faktor fisik (ketersediaan air, media perakaran, lereng bahaya erosi, bahaya banjir), faktor kimia (retensi hara, hara tersedia, toksisitas) dan kondisi biologis tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan keeratan hubungan karakteristik fisik dan biologi tanah dengan pertumbuhan dan hasil kelapa sawit sebagai salah satu indikator produktivitas lahan. Sebanyak 50 tanaman menghasilkan dipilih sebagai sampel, kemiringan lahan diukur pada setiap tanaman. Variabel bebas yang diteliti adalah kemiringan lereng, kadar air tanah sesaat, kepadatan tanah, serta populasi jamur dan bakteri dalam tanah, sedangkan variabel tak bebas terdiri dari tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah TBS per batang dan berat tandan buah segar (TBS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih dari 60% keragaman pertumbuhan dan hasil kelapa sawit terkait dengan keragaman kemiringan lereng (R2 60-72%). Tampilan kelapa sawit meningkat dengan bert...
Indonesia is necessary to develop an increase in soil productivity. The decline in soil productivity for agriculture can be caused by several factors, namely land conversion to a decrease in groundwater quantity. The actual pattern of... more
Indonesia is necessary to develop an increase in soil productivity. The decline in soil productivity for agriculture can be caused by several factors, namely land conversion to a decrease in groundwater quantity. The actual pattern of providing irrigation water with the application of dielectric sensor technology is carried out in soil cultivation to create efficiency in providing irrigation water. This research was conducted using a single factor experimental method with repeated measurements on three types of land use, such as land without vegetation, soil with tomato cultivation, and soil with grass. Measurements were carried out using an automated application of soil moisture monitoring based on dielectric technology with two measuring periods. Each measuring period consists of two weeks or fourteen days. Soil sample analysis was carried out at the Bengkulu University soil laboratory. The results of the observations were analyzed using variance (ANOVA) on the 5% F test table, th...
Crop water use is usually determined by measuring the rate of evapotranspiration directly using the lysimeter or indirectly by calculating several climate variables. This research aimed to develop a technique for predicting changes in... more
Crop water use is usually determined by measuring the rate of evapotranspiration directly using the lysimeter or indirectly by calculating several climate variables. This research aimed to develop a technique for predicting changes in soil water content by measuring an insitu soil dielectrical property and used them to calculate the use of water by palm oil nursery in the polybags. Coarse-textured (loamy sand) and medium-textured soils (sandy loam) were treated with six manure doses (equaled to 0, 2,4,6,8 and 10 ton.ha-1), with three replicates respectively, therefore there were 36 polybags used in this study. The soil electrical property was presented by the electrical impedance (Z) and measured using instrument designed to transfer the electrical current at 1 kHz in frequency through a couple of wire inserted into the soil. The Z values (in kΩ) were measured every day to evaluate daily changes in soil water content at the planting media of palm oil nursery. Rainfall and added irri...
Kebanyakan petani tetap menggunakan dosis pupuk nitrogen sesuai rekomendasi dalam produksi cabai dengan menggunakan mulsa plastik hitam perak. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya mengindikasikan bahwa penggunaan mulsa mampu mengurangi pencucian... more
Kebanyakan petani tetap menggunakan dosis pupuk nitrogen sesuai rekomendasi dalam produksi cabai dengan menggunakan mulsa plastik hitam perak. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya mengindikasikan bahwa penggunaan mulsa mampu mengurangi pencucian nitrogen. Dengan demikian, perlu upaya untuk mencari seberapa banyak penurunan nitrogen yang dapat diberikan kepada cabai yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan mulsa. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Bengkulu dari Maret sampai September 2004 menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis mulsa yang digunakan ; mulsa plastik hitam perak, mulsa jerami padi dan tanpa mulsa. Faktor kedua adalah dosis nitrogen ; 115 kg/ha (dosis rekomendasi), 103,5 kg/ha, 92 kg/ha, dan 80,5 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara jenis mulsa dengan dosis nitrogen dalam meningkatkan atau menurunkan semua variabel yang diamati. Cabai yang ditanam dengan menggunakan mulsa jerami memili...
Many people have commonly addressed that oil palm plantations release much more water from the ground by evapotranspiration compared to other crops. The current research evaluated the spatial variability in soil water content under... more
Many people have commonly addressed that oil palm plantations release much more water from the ground by evapotranspiration compared to other crops. The current research evaluated the spatial variability in soil water content under adjacent oil palm and rubber plantations established in 2005 and 1995, respectively. We collected ten pairs of soil electrical impedance data (Z, in kΩ) from the oil palm and rubber sites using a newly-developed electrical impedance meter, then converted to soil water content (θ, in g.g -1 ) using the equation of θ = 0.45.Z -0.2 . The impedance measurements took place at 0-10 and 10-20 soil depths to allow the comparisons of actual soil wetness between the two crops at the rooting zones. At the same time, we also collected disturbed soil samples from the measurement points for the laboratory determination of soil water using the standard gravimetric method. Results showed that soils under oil palm plantation were consistently more wet than under rubber in...
Jeruk gerga merupakan komoditas hortikultura lokal unggulan Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu yang mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif yaitu buahnya berwarna kuning-orange, berbuah sepanjang tahun, berat buah mencapai 200-350 gram, kadar... more
Jeruk gerga merupakan komoditas hortikultura lokal unggulan Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu yang mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif yaitu buahnya berwarna kuning-orange, berbuah sepanjang tahun, berat buah mencapai 200-350 gram, kadar sari buah tinggi dan mempunyai permintaan pasar yang tinggi. Jeruk Gerga telah ditetapkan sebagai komoditas prioritas nasional untuk dikembangkan pada tahun 2011. Kualitas buah jeruk sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu: varietas, lingkungan, pupuk, umur panen, waktu, dan suhu penyimpanan serta penanganan selanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sifat fisik dan kimia tanah pada zona perakaran dengan kualitas buah jeruk gerga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2016 di Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang Kabupaten Lebong. Varietas yang ditanam pada lahan tersebut adalah varietas gerga yaitu pada 3 lokasi kebun dengan umur yang berbeda ± 4,5 dan 3 tahun dengan 60 pohon dipilih sebagai sampel. Variabel...
Penggunaan pupuk sintetik dalam jangka panjang dapat merusak tanah dan menurunkan hasil tanaman sehingga tanah tidak mampu lagi meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Hal ini menuntut kita untuk mencari teknologi alternatif yang mampu mengurangi... more
Penggunaan pupuk sintetik dalam jangka panjang dapat merusak tanah dan menurunkan hasil tanaman sehingga tanah tidak mampu lagi meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Hal ini menuntut kita untuk mencari teknologi alternatif yang mampu mengurangi penggunaan pupuk sintetik adalah dengan menggunakan bahan organik. Namun kebutuhan unsur hara yang di butuhkan oleh tanaman tidak semuanya dapat dipenuhi oleh pupuk organik sehingga penggunaannya perlu dikombinasikan dengan pupuk sintetik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kombinasi dosis pupuk organik padat dan pupuk nitrogen terhadap sifat-sifat kimia tanah serta pertumbuhan dan hasil sawi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-September 2016 di rumah kaca dan Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah Universitas Bengkulu. Tanah yang digunakan adalah Ultisol yang berasal dari daerah Kandang Limun Kecamatan Muara Bangkahulu. Pada penelitian ini digunakan benih sawi (panah merah) yang ditanam pada polibag yang disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Len...
Pupuk organik cair lebih mudah tersedia, tidak merusak tanah dan tanaman, serta mempunyai larutan pengikat sehingga jika diaplikasikan dapat langsung digunakan oleh tanaman, selain itu dapat diberikan melalui akar maupun daun tanaman... more
Pupuk organik cair lebih mudah tersedia, tidak merusak tanah dan tanaman, serta mempunyai larutan pengikat sehingga jika diaplikasikan dapat langsung digunakan oleh tanaman, selain itu dapat diberikan melalui akar maupun daun tanaman karena unsur haranya terurai sehingga mudah diserap oleh tanaman. Daun gamal jika dijadikan pupuk organik mempunyai kandungan nitrogen lebih tinggi sehingga sangat cocok jika diaplikasikan pada tanaman yang menghasilkan bagian vegetatif sebagai bagian tanaman yang dipanen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1). Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair daun gamal yang optimum dengan mengetahui pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman mentimun (2). Untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman mentimun terhadap pemberian pupuk organik cair daun gamal. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan September– Nopember 2016 dilakukan di Lahan Percobaan Laboratorium Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu pada ketinggian ± 10 meter diatas ...
Abstract—Soil water content can be expressed as the ratio of water and dry soil on the volumetric or mass (gravimetric) basis. The profile of soil water content refers to the volume of water held in the soil profile between field capacity... more
Abstract—Soil water content can be expressed as the ratio of water and dry soil on the volumetric or mass (gravimetric) basis. The profile of soil water content refers to the volume of water held in the soil profile between field capacity and permanent wilting point in a defined depth of soil. This research aimed to compare temporal and vertical changes in soil water content profiles on the volumetric basis at four soils with different texture classes during a discharged period. The research was conducted in North Bengkulu Region during a discharged period of May-to-July 2019. Four soil profiles were described to determine characteristics of soil layers up to the depth of 100 cm. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken from 10 cm intervals; therefore there were 40 soil samples were used for the laboratory analyses of bulk density, texture and organic carbon content. Soil electrical impedance values (Z, in k) were measured every week at corresponding depths using a dielectr...
Goat manure is one of organic fertilizers used as the main input in organic farming practice in Indonesia. Since the slower availability of nutrient elements to the plants is the characteristic of this manure compared to the other... more
Goat manure is one of organic fertilizers used as the main input in organic farming practice in Indonesia. Since the slower availability of nutrient elements to the plants is the characteristic of this manure compared to the other manures, then research on the time of incubation needs to be evaluated. The study was conducted in Medan Baru Fields Experiment, district Muara Bangkahulu Bengkulu city. Randomized Complete Block Design was arranged for the experiment. Time incubation of goat manure in the field was single factor consisted of no incubation, 1 week before planting, 2 weeks before planting, 3 weeks before planting, and 4 weeks before planting. As much as 20 tons/ha of goat manure was incorporated in the field, no additional inorganic fertilizer was applied on sweet corn plants var. Bonanza F1. The sweetcorn plants responded better growth to treatment 4 weeks incubation of goat manure compared to treatment of no incubation. Yet incubation time of goat manure showed no signifi...
Penelitian ini merancang alat ukur impedansi portabel yang mudah di bawa kemana saja, dilengkapi dengan SD Card data logger serta dapat digunakan untuk internet tele-monitoring pengukuran impendansi melalui situs penyedia layanan Internet... more
Penelitian ini merancang alat ukur impedansi portabel yang mudah di bawa kemana saja, dilengkapi dengan SD Card data logger serta dapat digunakan untuk internet tele-monitoring pengukuran impendansi melalui situs penyedia layanan Internet of Things(IoT) Thingspeak. Salah satu terapan pengukuran impendansi adalah pada pengukuran kadar air tanah yang menjadi indikator penting terkait kemampuan lahan dalam mensuplai air bagi pertumbuhan tanaman dan juga dapat menjadi indikator kemampuan serapan air yang jatuh ke permukaan agar tidak menimbulkan erosi dan banjir. Metode pengukuran impedansi yang digunakan adalah auto-balancing bridge yang memiliki akurasi tinggi dan beroperasi dengan sumber tegangan berfrekuensi rendah. Pengukuran impedansi tanah menunjukkan bahwa nilai impedansi memiliki sensivitas yang tinggi terhadap kadar air tanah, untuk setiap peningkatan kadar air tanah menunjukkan penurunan nilai impedansinya.
Soil water content (SWC) profile refers to the vertical distribution of volumetric SWC at a certain depth of soil concerning the plant water availability. The current study aimed to evaluate the vertically spatial distributions and... more
Soil water content (SWC) profile refers to the vertical distribution of volumetric SWC at a certain depth of soil concerning the plant water availability. The current study aimed to evaluate the vertically spatial distributions and temporal variations in SWC profiles under young and mature oil palm trees during the end period of the rainy season. Twenty couples of sensors were inserted into 5 cm soil depth intervals up to 100 cm. Each sensor pair was connected to the dielectric instrument to measure the electrical impedance (Z, in kΩ) at each soil layer. The measured Z was then converted to the gravimetric SWC (θg, in g.g -1 ) using an equation of θg = 0.62.Z -0.2 found in our previous study. The gravimetric SWC data were then multiplied by soil bulk density for corresponding layers to get volumetric SWC (θ v , in cm 3 .cm -3 ). Results showed that soil water profiles' depths were 40 to 70 mm higher under mature than under young oil palm plantations during six weeks of measureme...
Amendment of soil physical properties on cogongrass field is required for crop production. Objective of this study was determine the physical properties of the soil that was previously populated by cogongrass as affected by cover crops... more
Amendment of soil physical properties on cogongrass field is required for crop production. Objective of this study was determine the physical properties of the soil that was previously populated by cogongrass as affected by cover crops and tillage systems. A split plot design was used to allocate the combinations of conventional tillage and no-tillage system with 5 species of cover crops. Results showed that the properties of soil physic were not affected by cover crop species. No-tillage resulted in lower bulk density, but higher porosity and organic content, compared to conventional tillage.
Beras adalah komoditas strategis karena menjadi makanan pokok  masyarakat Indonesia yang jumlahnya hampir mencapai 240 juta jiwa. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan produksi bahan pangan akan menimbulkan... more
Beras adalah komoditas strategis karena menjadi makanan pokok  masyarakat Indonesia yang jumlahnya hampir mencapai 240 juta jiwa. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan produksi bahan pangan akan menimbulkan permasalahan pangan. Salah satu upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah ketersediaan pangan adalah mengoptimalkan penggunaan lahan pertanian dengan meningkatkan irigasi pada daerah aliran sungai sehingga indeks pertanaman dapat meningkat. Potensi pengembangan lahan pertanian tanaman pangan padi sawah yang telah dikembangkan di Kabupaten Kaur adalah seluas 7.867 Ha. Teknologi usaha tani dan pengolahan hasil, yaitu peningkatan sistem irigasi, pengelolahan tanah, pemupukan, penggunaan benih unggul, pengendalian hama-penyakit-gulma tanaman, perontokan padi, pengeringan gabah, penggilingan padi, dan lumbung padi harus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan yang selama ini terkategori masih rendah (4,21 ton/ha) dibanding dengan pr...
Most of the water loss from the soil profile occurred through the evapotranspiration process especially when the plant covers were under maximum growth periods.  This study aimed to apply a technique of measuring a dielectric variable for... more
Most of the water loss from the soil profile occurred through the evapotranspiration process especially when the plant covers were under maximum growth periods.  This study aimed to apply a technique of measuring a dielectric variable for calculating soil water content and crop water use in the coarse and medium textured soils grown with upland rice.  A couple of wires were inserted into the soil repacked in a 10-kg polybag grown with upland rice, the electrical impedance representing the dielectric value was measured using an instrument called the impedance meter.  The impedance values were converted into the soil water content using a nonlinear regression model of ? = a.ebZ where a and b were constants.  Results showed that the proposed technique of measuring the electrical impedance has successfully been applied to calculate the soil water content and the water use by upland rice grown in loamy sand and sandy loam soils.  Cumulative water loss from loamy sand was about 4 L plant-...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memonitor kadar air tanah melalui pengukuran impedensi listrik selama fase awal pertumbuhan tanaman jagung di musim kemarau pada dua taraf pengolahan tanah dan empat jenis mulsa. Sebagian petak percobaan... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memonitor kadar air tanah melalui pengukuran impedensi listrik selama fase awal pertumbuhan tanaman jagung di musim kemarau pada dua taraf pengolahan tanah dan empat jenis mulsa. Sebagian petak percobaan diolah secara konvensional dan sebagian lagi tidak diolah sama sekali. Setiap petak selanjutnya dibagi menjadi empat anak petak berukuran 3 x 4 m yang masing-masing diberi 100% mulsa alang-alang, 80% alang-alang dan 20% kerinyu, 50% alang-alang dan 50% kerinyu, serta 100% kerinyu. Dua pasang kawat tembaga dibungkus karet, bagian bawahnya dikupas sepanjang 10 cm, dimasukkan ke dalam tanah sedalam 10 dan 20 cm sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengukur impedensi listrik pada lapisan 0-10 dan 10-20 cm. Nilai impedensi listrik diukur secara berkala dengan menggunakan ohm-meter digital yang memancarkan listrik pada frekuensi 1 kHz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai impedensi listrik yang terukur memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi terhadap ...
Soil water availability to the plants is a range of water content between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point (PWP) conditions. The PWP is defined as the lower limit of soil water content that the plant can extract water... more
Soil water availability to the plants is a range of water content between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point (PWP) conditions. The PWP is defined as the lower limit of soil water content that the plant can extract water from the soil as indicated by the symptoms of wilting plants. This is because plant roots are unable to penetrate the soil micropores that contain the water.  The study aims to analyze the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and compost in enhancing soil water absorption by the plant when the water content is close to the permanent wilting point. Four doses of AMF (0, 5, 10 and 15 g.plant-1) and three doses of coffee pulp-made compost (0, 5 and 10 ton.ha-1) were arranged according to a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results showed that the application of AMF significantly enabled the plant to improve water uptake when the soil water content was about at the permanent wilting point conditions. The AMF addition of 15 g...
Soil water availability to the plants is a very important physical property of soil that controls water and nutrient absorption by the plant.  It is defined as the difference between the maximum amount of water the soil can hold and the... more
Soil water availability to the plants is a very important physical property of soil that controls water and nutrient absorption by the plant.  It is defined as the difference between the maximum amount of water the soil can hold and the minimum condition that the plant can no longer extract water from the soil.  However, soil factors that control the plant available water content (PAWC) in the soil have not been fully understood.  The present study aims to analyze the relations between particle-size distributions and organic carbon with the available water of the soil and to develop a model of predicting PAWC.  Five soil profiles at different land units were described up to the depth of 100 cm.  Ten undisturbed soil samples were taken using the stainless-made core sampler from 10 cm increments for the soil water holding capacity analysis.  A similar number of disturbed samples were also provided from the same depths for soil texture and organic carbon analysis.  Results showed that ...
Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan produksi bahan pangan akan menimbulkan permasalahan pangan. Salah satu upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah ketersediaan pangan adalah pemaksimalan... more
Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan produksi bahan pangan akan menimbulkan permasalahan pangan. Salah satu upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah ketersediaan pangan adalah pemaksimalan penggunaan lahan pertanian, dengan meningkatkan irigasi pada daerah aliran sungai dan diversifikasi pangan sehingga indeks pertanaman pangan akan meningkat.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di empat wilayah kecamatan, yaitu Tanjung Kemuning, Kaur Utara, Padang Guci Hulu, Padang Guci Hilir,  pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Padang Guci,  Kabupaten Kaur.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data tentang  produktivitas sumberdaya lahan sawah pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Padang Guci Kabupaten Kaur  dan data tentang  tingkat perlakuan usaha tani  padi sawah pada DAS tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat  di daerah Aliran Sungai Padang Guci sangat tergantung pada lahan sawah,  yang ditunjukan dengan jumlah penduduk yang mayoritas bekerja sebaga...
ABSTRACTGoat manure is one of organic fertilizers used as the main input in organic farming practice in Indonesia.  Since the slower availability of  nutrient elements to the plants is the characteristic of this manure compared to the... more
ABSTRACTGoat manure is one of organic fertilizers used as the main input in organic farming practice in Indonesia.  Since the slower availability of  nutrient elements to the plants is the characteristic of this manure compared to the other manures, then research on the time of incubation needs to be evaluated.  The study was conducted  in Medan Baru Fields Experiment, district Muara Bangkahulu Bengkulu city. Randomized Complete Block Design was arranged for the experiment. Time incubation of goat manure in the field was single factor consisted of  no incubation, 1 week before planting, 2 weeks before planting, 3 weeks before planting, and 4 weeks before planting.  As much as 20 tons/ha  of  goat manure was incorporated in the field, no additional inorganic fertilizer was applied on sweet corn plants var. Bonanza F1.  The sweetcorn plants responded better growth to treatment 4 weeks incubation of goat manure compared to treatment of no incubation. Yet incubation time of goat manure ...