The AGRISEP Journal is published by the Department of Agricultural Social Economics of the Faculty of Agriculture of Bengkulu University and is distributed twice a year in June and September. The journal AGRISEP is dedicated to researchers and academics who intend to publish research, scientific thought, and other original scientific notions. The article published in the Journal of AGRISEP is an original work of authors with a broad spectrum of topics covering agricultural economics and resources, agribusiness management, rural sociology, agrarian studies, regional development, politics and agricultural policy, natural resource and environmental management, and agricultural extension and rural areas. Submission of comments to articles published in the AGRISEP Journal was welcomed. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian or English.
Brown sugar (saka) is one of alternative goods to fill sugar demand in Indonesia. This product is... more Brown sugar (saka) is one of alternative goods to fill sugar demand in Indonesia. This product is mainly produced by local agroindustries that disperse in many regions, one of the location is in Tanah Datar Regency. The aims of this study are to describe the marketing mix and to analyze the relation between marketing mix and selling volume of brown sugar in Tanah Datar Regency. Variables of this research are 4P of marketing mix and selling volume. The data is collected from farmer who produced traditionally, that spread in three district, then using quantitative analyze. The result of this research shows that product is molded by piece of coconut shell (diameter: 3-5 cm), the color is brown, reddish and yellowish, the selling price about Rp 10.000-15.000/Kg, and distributted through collecting traders or directly sold in market, and also have no promotion yet. The result of Chi Square analyze shows that there are relation between selling price variable with product variable, whereas place/ distribution variable is not.
This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Br... more This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Broccoli, (2) Calculate farm income of Broccoli, (3) Investigate marketing channels of Broccoli, Calculate its marketing margin and knowing marketing efficiency Broccoli in Sumber Urip village Sub-District Selupu Rejang District of Rejang Lebong. Respondents of Broccoli Farmers are censused 45 Farmers while marketing agencies are determined with Snowball Sampling, total respondent marketing agencies are 25 respondents. The result of this research indicated that the average farmers in the Sumber Urip village their own capital resources obtained from previous farming Broccoli. The averaged income of Broccoli as Rp 5.850.717/Ut/MT. The marketing analysis indicated that the only Broccoli marketing channel in Sumber Urip village was through Farmers Countryside Wholeseller Town Wholeseller Retailers Final Consumers. The marketing margin analysis showed that the total marketing margin Broccoli is Rp 10.942/Kg. Broccoli Marketing efficiency analysis results in Sumber Urip shows that every marketing agencies Broccoli studied all efficient it can be seen from the value criteria Countryside Wholeseller is 1.28, Districts Traders 5.52, Town Wholeseller is 1,83 and Retailers 19,21.
This research aims to forecast supply of raw material and sales and then to analyze the price of ... more This research aims to forecast supply of raw material and sales and then to analyze the price of SIR 20 for 1 next year with a best method. Accuracy method of divination used MAD, MSE, MAPE. Analyze quantitative used time series, eksponential smoothing and Arima the development of raw materials, price of raw materials inside and outide of companies, the price of SIR 20 and selling of SIR 20 through increasing.
This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Br... more This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Broccoli, (2) Calculate farm income of Broccoli, (3) Investigate marketing channels of Broccoli, Calculate its marketing margin and knowing marketing efficiency Broccoli in Sumber Urip village Sub-District Selupu Rejang District of Rejang Lebong. Respondents of Broccoli Farmers have censused 45 Farmers while marketing agencies are determined with Snowball Sampling, total respondent marketing agencies are 25 respondents. The result of this research indicated that the average farmers in the Sumber Urip village their own capital resources obtained from previous farming Broccoli. The averaged income of Broccoli as Rp 5.850.717/Ut/MT. The marketing analysis indicated that the only Broccoli marketing channel in Sumber Urip village was through Farmers Countryside Wholesaler Town Wholeseller Retailers Final Consumers. The marketing margin analysis showed that the total marketing margin Broccoli is Rp 10.942/Kg. Broccoli Marketing efficiency analysis results in Sumber Urip shows that every marketing agencies Broccoli studied all efficient it can be seen from the value criteria Countryside Wholesaler is 1.28, Districts Traders 5.52, Town Wholesaler is 1,83 and Retailers 19,21.
This research is intended to know factors influencing fish production, financial performance and ... more This research is intended to know factors influencing fish production, financial performance and business security of private company Dobro. Data which are analyzed including production data (production, feed, seed and worker) for fish production factors analysis, balancing and profit/loss statement 2006-2009 for financial performance and business security analysis. The production factors analysis in this research uses regression method with Cobb-Douglas production function approach. The financial performance and business security use financial statement comparison and ratio analysis. Ratios that be researched are liquidity (ratios that be researched are current and quick ratio), solvability (ratios that be researched are total debt to total asset ratio and total debt to equity ratio), efficiency (ratios that be researched are inventory turnover, account receivable turnover, fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover) and profitability ratio (ratios that be researched are gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin and return on investment). Business security analysis use Altman Z " score to detect company position in Altman area of bankruptcy. The result of this research could be concluded that fish production is simultaneous and individually influenced by feed, seed and worker. Financial analysis shows company liquidity in good condition with positive average growth values. Solvability is also in good condition with negative average growth values. Commonly efficiency and profitability have normal values, but have negative average growth value. Based Altman Z " score, company exists in area which secure from bankruptcy threat. PENDAHULUAN Menurut Proyek Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Yogyakarta (1997) diterangkan bahwa budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung (KJA) dikenal khalayak umum pada tahun 1974 di waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat. Sedangkan penerapan budidaya ikan dalam KJA secara intensif baru
Purpose of this research is estimate level of input usage; production rate and level of productiv... more Purpose of this research is estimate level of input usage; production rate and level of productivity, and to determine factors influence produce of to produce and productivity at tobacco type rajangan public people type Magelangan. This research applies a descriptive method and multiple regresiion analysis. Result of research indicates that level of input usage, production rate and level of productivity, quality of tobacco type Magelangan has experienced a drastic degradation from the year 2005 to 2009. Hereinafter level of input usage experiences upsurge, although some inputs still experience a degradation. Land area, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Year of 2006, Year of 2007 and Year of 2008 are significant factors affecting production while number of partnership member, NPK Fertil/Basal, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Marcis, Year of 2006, Year of 2007 and Year of 2008 as well as year 0f 2009 are important factors to affect productivity. PENDAHULUAN Usaha perkebunan di Indonesia banyak dilakukan oleh para petani yang lebih dikenal dengan perkebunan rakyat. Kendala selama ini adalah kualitas dan kuantitas produktivitas perkebunan rakyat rendah jika dibandingkan dengan perusahaan besar yang memiliki modal, sumber daya manusia dan manajemen yang baik. Sebagaimana dipaparkan Situs Hijau-Media Pertanian Online Anda (2008), penyebab kurang optimalnya kegiatan agribisnis di Indonesia saat ini adalah pelaku usaha agribisnis di tingkat masyarakat banyak berada di sub sistem agribisnis hulu on-farm. Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan
The aims of this research are to analyse the factors influenced production of tobacco and to coun... more The aims of this research are to analyse the factors influenced production of tobacco and to count the tobacco productivity. This research applies a descriptive method and multiple regression analysis. Result of research indicates that level of input usage, production rate and level of productivity, quality of tobacco type Muntilanan has experienced a drastic degradation from the year 2005 to 2009. Hereinafter level of input usage experiences upsurge, although some inputs still experience a degradation. Number of partnership member, seed, NPK Fertil/Basal, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Marcis, Hylan/ Suckericide Prime Plus, years of 2006, years of 2007, years of 2008 and years of 2009 are significant factors affecting production while number of partnership member,Seed, NPK Fertil/Basal, KNO3, Hylan/ Suckericide Prime Plus, Marcis, Year of 2006, and Year of 2009 are important factors to affect productivity. PENDAHULUAN Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan perusahaan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pola kemitraan ini juga didukung oleh pemerintah berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 940/Kpts/OT.210/10/97 Tentang Pedoman Kemitraan Usaha Pertanian, tujuan kemitraan usaha pertanian untuk meningkatkan pendapatan, kesinambungan usaha, meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya kelompok mitra, peningkatan skala usaha, dalam rangka menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kelompok mitra yang mandiri. Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan perusahaan. Program kemitraan yang terwujud dalam kerja sama antara pengelola dan petani tembakau selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai saling percaya dan usaha saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak (Kuswanto, 2003).
The aim of the research was (1) to analyze the risk of production (2) to analyze farmer's income,... more The aim of the research was (1) to analyze the risk of production (2) to analyze farmer's income, and (3) to analyze the risk of income. The research was conducted from June to July in 2014. Research area was chosen purposively in Urban Village Labuhan Deli , Sub District Medan Marelan, Medan City. The number of samples were 57 samples drawn by a simple random sampling. Data was analyzed using analisys of income and analisys of risk. The research result showed that shrimp cultivation earned Rp 19.571.547/Ha/Year. Meanwhile, based on the value of the coefficient variation's production that was 0.04 and the lower earnings was 142,60 Kg, it show that there was a little of risk faced by farmers. Then, based on the value of the coefficient variation's income that was 0.017, it showed that there was a little of risk faced by farmers and the lower earnings limit of shrimp cultuvation was Rp 6.304.872,84/Ha/Year. This showed the lowest income that may be accepted by the farmers. PENDAHULUAN Salah satu komoditi yang potensial untuk diusahakan adalah Udang Windu, baik untuk pasar domestik maupun luar negeri. Udang Windu memiliki harga jual yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan jenis komoditas budidaya yang lain. Amri (2003) mengatakan bahwa udang Windu merupakan komoditas ekspor andalan pemerintah untuk menggaet devisa negara. Selain itu, permintaan udang Windu cenderung meningkat baik dalam maupun luar negeri dengan tujuan utama ekspor ke Jepang, Eropa dan Amerik Serikat, bahkan di dalam negeri pedagang pengumpul besar dari kota-kota besar mencari langsung ke petani untuk membeli udang Windu. Namun demikian, usaha tambak udang Windu menghadapi banyak kendala. Misalnya penurunan
The largest area of local coffee plantation in West Sumatera Province is in the District of Solok... more The largest area of local coffee plantation in West Sumatera Province is in the District of Solok, that covers the area around 9,300 Ha, with the annual production of 8,500 Ton. There are two varieties of coffee in this District, arabica and robusta. The area of robusta coffee is around 7,700 Ha that are much larger than arabica of 1,600 Ha. Although the price of arabica coffee is much higher than robusta, farmers prefer to cultivate robusta coffee mainly due to its resistance to plant diseases, low maintenance cost and higher demand compare to arabica coffee. Since the Robusta coffee is the second largest of local plantation after casiavera in Solok. There is a need for the district government to get a suitable development not only for the benefit of local farmers but also for regional development of Solok district itself. This study applied descriptif qualitative method to analyze the interrelationship of agribusiness subsystems and its potential aspect. The results shows that the interrelationship of four subsystems of the agribusiness of Robusta coffee agribusiness were not strong enough to face the influences from the external factors of the systems. This, then guided the recommendation to improve the competitiveness of the Robusta coffee, mainly by increasing the quality and appearance of its market form and its dairy products. PENDAHULUAN Sebagai bagian dari pembangunan daerah maka secara umum pem-bangunan sektor pertanian harus diarahkan kepada pendekatan pembangunan berbasis kerakyatan (Ahmad, 2006). Berbagai hasil pembangunan terutam a yang berkaitan dengan upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat perkebunan, umumnya mempunyai margin pendapatan yang besar, yang lebih banyak din-ikmati oleh pengusaha besar, belum banyak dinikmati oleh petani. Karena Petani hanya menikmati pendapatan produksi (on farm) saja (Admaizon, 2004). Subsektor perkebunan merupakan salah satu bisnis strategis dan andalan da-lam perekonomian Indonesia, bahkan pada masa krisis ekonomi.
This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria u... more This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria used to develop business, formulating the alternative development business. The data are analyzed by using income analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the research show that there are three types of fish applied in mina paddy: catfish, tilapia, and goldfish. The income of catfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 51.440.607,27,-/year, tilapia amounting to Rp. 35.895.335,-/year, goldfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 37.731.957,-/year. While from AHP analysis results, the criterias making an assessment in the development of aquaculture are production, revenues, marketing and third-party support. The highest value weighting results that become an alternative strategy to the development of aquaculture in mina paddy using software Expert Choice 11 is the application of catfish in mina paddy with weights value of 0,493. PENDAHULUAN Sistem mina padi merupakan cara pemeliharaan ikan disekeliling tanaman padi, sebagai penyelang diantara dua musim tanam padi atau pemeliharaan ikan sebagai pengganti palawija dipersawahan. Jenis ikan yang dipelihara pada sistem tersebut adalah ikan nila, ikan mas, ikan mujair, dan lain-lain. Agar pertumbuhan tanaman padi tidak terganggu, pemeliharaan ikan disawah harus disesuaikan dengan sistem pengairan yang ada, sehingga produksi padi tidak terganggu. Usaha mina padi selain merupakan usaha yang menguntungkan, juga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani, serta membantu program pemerintah dalam usaha gizi keluarga. Kecamatan Tugumulyo khususnya di Desa A. Widodo merupakan salah satu daerah di Kabupaten Musi Rawas yang memelihara ikan air tawar seperti ikan emas, nila, mujair, lele dan lain-lain. Untuk saat ini yang paling meningkat di daerah ini adalah budidaya ikan air tawar baik itu berupa kolam
The purpose of this study are: (1) to determine the structure of the household income of rice far... more The purpose of this study are: (1) to determine the structure of the household income of rice farmers in lowland swamp land, and (2) to determine the distribution of household income of farmers in various typologies lebak. Penelitian wetlands was held in Ogan Ilir and Ogan Ogan Ilir in March until May 2013. Sampling technique is simple random sample of 222 farmers, or 10.5 percent of 2,111 respondents used in this research. These respondents were divided into 3 groups: farmers who cultivate land swampy marsh embankment, mid and deep. The method used is a survey method. Data collected consist of primary and secondary data. The structure of household income farmers viewed from the contribution of a business on total household income, while the income distribution is calculated using Gini index. The results showed the contribution of household income on lebak dikes and in largely derived from non farming, to contribute to the embankment of lebak by 63.62% and amounted to 48.43% in the lowland, while in the mid lebak largely derived from rice farming with a contribution of 70.03%. The distribution of household income in the three types of inequality lebak almost evenly with relatively low because it has a Gini index of less than 0.4. PENDAHULUAN Rumah tangga petani merupakan unit ekonomi yang memiliki keinginan yang rasional yaitu berupaya meningkatkan kepuasan dengan jalan meningkatkan konsumsi terhadap barang dan jasa serta berupaya meningkatkan waktu santai. Menurut Bryanti (1990), rumah tangga berbeda dari unit sosial lain karena adanya tujuan yang ingin diraih untuk memenuhi kepuasan seluruh anggota rumah tangga. Disamping itu, rumah tangga memiliki karakteristik lain yang penting dalam penguasaan sumberdaya dan distribusinya antara anggota rumah tangga serta memiliki peluang melakukan
The aims of this research are to estimate the level of income, and measure the amount of added va... more The aims of this research are to estimate the level of income, and measure the amount of added value obtained from processing beef into meatballs on the business of Al-Hasanah, Rimbo Kedui, South Seluma. Location research and respondents were determined by purposively. The data was collected in the form of primary data, obtained directly from respondents through a questionnaire and interview techniques. The results revealed that during one month processing revenue was Rp. 4.178.194,40 with total receipts amounted Rp.182.700.000,00/month and the total cost reached Rp. 178.521.805,60/month, while the added value obtained for unity input is Rp. 10.052,96/kg with an added value ratio of 8,25% of output produced. PENDAHULUAN Sektor pertanian mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara terutama negara yang bercorak agraris seperti Indonesia. Pembangunan ekonomi menitikberatkan pada bidang pertanian dan industri yang berbasis pertanian atau biasa disebut agroindustri. Dalam sistem agribisnis, agroindustri adalah salah satu subsistem yang bersama-sama subsistem lain membentuk agribisnis (Zulkifli, 2012). Pengembangan industri pengolahan pangan di Indonesia yang didukung oleh sumberdaya alam pertanian, baik nabati maupun hewani mampu menghasilkan berbagai produk olahan yang dapat dibuat dan dikembangkan dari sumber daya alam lokal atau daerah. Saat ini di beberapa negara Asia banyak produk pangan yang diangkat dari jenis pangan lokal dan diolah secara tradisional. Dengan berkembangnya produk lokal tersebut, maka jumlah dan jenis produk pangan menjadi semakin banyak jumlahnya (Soleh, 2003 dalam Hanif, 2011). Peternakan merupakan salah satu cabang dari sektor pertanian. Di Indonesia banyak terdapat industri pengolahan hasil peternakan, salah satunya adalah industri pengolahan daging. Daging merupakan bahan pangan yang
Some earlier results showed that there were 43% of the families belonging to the famine did not g... more Some earlier results showed that there were 43% of the families belonging to the famine did not get help from the local community when food shortages. By looking at these conditions, this study was designed to examine how fishermen communication patterns in their interaction with the social environment in order to achieve food security in the household. Respondents were drawn from a group of fishermen called the Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) in Pulau Baai. From an interview with the head of a group of fishermen, the number of fishermen using small boats is 24 households. This research results showed there were two fishermen communication patterns in discussing household food security issues, namely, the interpersonal communication and group communication. Interpersonal communication patterns involving informations from other fishermen. Messages are widely discussed is everything associated with their fishing fishing effort. Among the existing group communication, group discussion fishermen have an impact on the fishing action in carrying out their fishing effort. Advances in fishery business can increase revenue and will also have an impact on the family's food security. PENDAHULUAN Pangan merupakan hal penting yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap manusia untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya. Pangan yang dimaksud dalam hal ini adalah pangan pokok bagi masyarakat Indonesia, yaitu beras, sumber karbohidrat bagi tubuh. Tercukupinya asupan gizi yang terkandung dalam pangan dan diserap oleh tubuh dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Mengingat pentingnya memenuhi kecukupan pangan, maka setiap negara akan mendahulukan pembangunan ketahanan pangannya sebagai fondasi bagi pembangunan sektor-sektor lainnya (Arumsari dan Rini, 2007).
The purposes of this research are to 1) estimate the frequency of sale until the next harvest sea... more The purposes of this research are to 1) estimate the frequency of sale until the next harvest season, 2) examine the reasons for saving the crops of rice farmers do, 3) reveal motivation of rice farmers to store their products, and 4) analyze the factors related to the motivation of storing crops of rice farmers in the County of Seluma. The results showed that the frequency of the sale of the crops that farmers is low. Economic reasons farmers saving the crops with the largest percentage of 36,67% was to be sold again to the urgent needs and social reasons farmers save percentage with yields equal to 8.33% is there is often a relative/neighbor who borrowed. The level of motivation of farmers in storing the rice harvest is at a high percentage of category 68,33%. Non formal education factor and experience farming has a real connection with the motivation of saving crops of rice farmers in Seluma. Factors of age, formal education, land area, number of family dependants, and number of previous production doesn't have a real relationship with the motivation of storing crops of rice farmers in the County of Seluma. PENDAHULUAN Akhir-akhir ini berbagai media melaporkan adanya ratusan hingga ribuan anak balita diberbagai wilayah Indonesia yang mengalami gizi buruk. Kondisi ini dikarenakan banyak penduduk tidak memiliki akses terhadap sumber produksi pangan, terutama tanah dan pendapatan yang cukup. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah ketahanan pangan menjadi isu penting yang harus dicarikan solusinya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan penyediaan pangan yang cukup. Untuk penyediaan pangan yang cukup harus melalui peningkatan produksi sub sektor tanaman pangan khususnya tanaman padi (Kesumayanti, 2006). Berbicara masalah pangan, padi merupakan primadona tanaman pangan dan merupakan tanaman paling utama di Indonesia. Dalam era perdagangan bebas yang semakin dekat, mengharuskan setiap negara untuk
The objectives of this research are to determine the income level and to estimate the differencie... more The objectives of this research are to determine the income level and to estimate the differencies of income between modern and traditional techniques of breeding by the household in Amen and Lebong Sakti subdistrict, Lebong District. The determination of the amount of revenue is done using analysis of revenues, while for testing whether there are differences in the income of both the duck breeding efforts carried out by different assay analysis of average income. The calculation to determine the level of efficiency of the business activities of breeding ducks using R/C ratio. Based on the results of the research the average revenues of modern ducks nursery is Rp. 1.331.969,21 for four months, while the average income of the traditional duck breeding attempt amounted to Rp. 1.662.396,66 for four months. After a test of the difference of income between enterprises of modern and traditional duck breeding, breeding of modern ducks revenues smaller revenues equal to the traditional duck breeding where the real differences in the degrees of confidence 95. The average value of the results analysis of R/C ratio in modern duck breeding efforts Lebong is equal to 2.00 while R/C ratio of the traditional duck breeding amounted to 2.15. PENDAHULUAN Ternak itik merupakan salah satu komoditi unggas yang mempunyai peran cukup penting sebagai penghasil telur dan daging untuk mendukung ketersediaan protein hewan. Dalam perkembangannya, usaha itik dapat merupakan usaha pokok bagi sebagian masyarakat dan tidak lagi sebagai usaha sambilan (Juarini et al., 2004). Apriyanto (2011) menjelaskan jika usaha ternak itik sudah memiliki orientasi usaha yang diarahkan dalam suatu kawasan, baik sebagai cabang usaha maupun sebagai usaha pokok, budidaya itik cukup menguntungkan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan keluarga. Dalam usaha ternak itik keberadaan bibit itik mutlak sangat diperlukan karena berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan suatu usaha peternakan itik. Hal ini terutama berlaku bagi sistem pemeliharaan itik intensif
Plan-based agro-industry development of coastal areas in the city of Bengkulu continue in effect ... more Plan-based agro-industry development of coastal areas in the city of Bengkulu continue in effect and be a leading program in a variety of program design opportunities. However, up to now there has been a lot of information that can be presented relating to the advantages of each agro-industry that has growing to be driven by the strength of coastal resources are available as ongoing. Availability of coastal resources be a key determinant of the agro-industry excellence being developed. The wide variety of resources will determine variations agroindustrial commodities. This study will identify leading agro-industry coastal areas with potential priority approach coastal resources and the efficiency of application of processing technology has been used. The study was conducted from May to November 2014, applying analytical methods Location Quotion (LQ) and Shift Share (SS). The results obtained from this study is the leading commodity in Bengkulu city coastal resources better competitiveness is the fisheries product and milkfish. The potential commodity of coastal resources Bengkulu city which also has a good competitiveness is catfish. For the development of agro-industries in the coastal areas of the Bengkulu city is directed at the use of resources that have both advantages and competitiveness, which is based on the fisheries product resources and milkfish. Catfish agro-industries are also recommended to be developed for this commodity has potential advantages and has good competitive. PENDAHULUAN Kota Bengkulu secara geografis terletak di pantai bagian barat sumatera yang mempunyai potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan yang besar dan beragam. Hal ini disebabkan dua pertiga wilayah Kota Bengkulu merupakan kawasan pesisir. Potensi sumberdaya wilayah pesisir tersebut dapat digali sesuai dengan kemampuan daerah dan dapat dijadikan salah satu sentra
This study aims to describe how the implementation of incentives as stipulated in Government Regu... more This study aims to describe how the implementation of incentives as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 12 of 2012 concerning the protection of agricultural land incentives sustainable food in the Dusun Besar Lake area of the city of Bengkulu. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Informants determination use purposive sampling. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews and discussions as well as documentation. Data analysis are conducted by inductively starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Based on the results of a couple of aspects studied, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structures, further seen from the form of the provision of incentives in the form of : agricultural infrastructure development has not been run, the financing of research and development of improved varieties of seeds and no ease of access to information and existing technology (extension), the provision of production facilities, guarantee certificate issuance of land rights on agricultural land are not sustainable food and / or rewards for high achievers existing farmers, government programs. It was concluded that the implementation of the Regulation no 12tahun 2012 in incentives for farmers land owners in the Dusun Besar Lake area of the city of Bengkulu is not already running. While the constraints faced by the lack of regulations governing the area of land protection sustainable food. Therefore, intensive provision for sustainable food future land owners should be budgeted and city government programs through agencies or institutions concerned. PENDAHULUAN Lahan sawah memiliki arti yang sangat penting dalam upaya mempertahankan ketahanan pangan. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman,
The objectives of this research were to analyze the contribution of agricultural sector to GRDP f... more The objectives of this research were to analyze the contribution of agricultural sector to GRDP from South Sumatera, to identify agricultural leading sector dan sub sector in South Sumatera, to analyze the growth and shift characteristics in agricultural sector. This research was used GRDP time series data from year 2005-2013, with analytical methods used Location Quotient, Dynamic Location Quotient, Typology Klassen and Shift Share. The result of this research showed that agricultural sector contributed 21,79% on GRDP of South Sumatera, and the most contribute sub sector was plantation. The agricultural sector is still as a leading sector. The growth characteristics are advanced depressed, and for all sub sectors are almost grew rapidly. The agricultural sectors influenced positively of the national economics, but the growth is still lower than other sectors in South Sumatera, but nationally still compete with other provinces. PENDAHULUAN Secara tradisional peranan pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi hanya dipandang pasif dan sebagai unsur penunjang semata. Peran utama pertanian hanya dianggap sebagai sumber tenaga kerja dan bahan-bahan pangan yang murah demi berkembangnya sektor industri yang dinobatkan sebagai " sektor unggulan " dinamis dalam strategi pembangunan ekonomi secara keseluruhan. Perlahan mulai disadari bahwa daerah pedesaan pada umumnya dan sektor pertanian pada khususnya ternyata tidak bersifat pasif, tetapi jauh lebih penting dari sekedar penunjang ekonomi secara keseluruhan (Todaro dan Smith, 2003). Sektor pertanian berperan sebagai penyokong bahan baku sektor industri. Jika mampu dikembangkan lebih lanjut produksi sektor pertanian dapat mencapai jumlah maksimal, juga dapat menghasilkan barang konsumsi lain yang bernilai lebih dibanding hanya sebagai penunjang sektor lainnya Sumbangan sektor pertanian bagi negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia selalu menduduki posisi yang sangat vital. Pemilihan sektor pertanian sebagai andalan pembangunan nasional setidaknya didukung lima alasan.
Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, ... more Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, and sea water covering land diversity of fish and fisheries. One type of fresh water fish that has been cultivated is Tilapia. In Indonesia, Tilapia is economically valuable fish which has been cultivated by fish farmers in various areas. Seginim district in Southern Bengkulu is one region in Sumatera that produces cultivator of Tilapia. The objectives of this study were to 1) know the income of Tilapia farmers and 2) know the income distribution in the business of Tilapia. The determination of respondents in this research was taken from the business of Tilapia. The respondents were determined by using census method and the number of respondents were 54 people. The primary data was taken directly from the respondents by using interview method to the enterpreneuss, and by using questionaires. The secondary data was obtain from the Seginim district office and related literature.the analysis instrument used was the income analysis and income distribution of the business of Tilapia. The results of the study showed that the income of the business of Tilapia in Seginim district of Southern Bengkulu was Rp22,204,786.27 per farm per season. The part obtained by fish feed businessman was 45.17 percent; by fish seed businessman was 29.25 percent; by fish farmers was 19.22 percent; and by farm workers was 6.36 percent. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya perikanan baik di wilayah perairan tawar (darat), pantai maupun perairan laut. Potensi sumber daya perikanan di perairan tawar meliputi keanekaragaman jenis ikan dan lahan perikanan. Di perairan tawar terdapat begitu banyak jenis ikan salah satunya adalah ikan nila dan tergolong ikan yang bernilai ekonomis. Provinsi Bengkulu dari beberapa wilayah penghasil ikan nila di Sumatera, berada pada urutan yang kelima. Pada tahun 2008 produksi ikan nila sebesar
Brown sugar (saka) is one of alternative goods to fill sugar demand in Indonesia. This product is... more Brown sugar (saka) is one of alternative goods to fill sugar demand in Indonesia. This product is mainly produced by local agroindustries that disperse in many regions, one of the location is in Tanah Datar Regency. The aims of this study are to describe the marketing mix and to analyze the relation between marketing mix and selling volume of brown sugar in Tanah Datar Regency. Variables of this research are 4P of marketing mix and selling volume. The data is collected from farmer who produced traditionally, that spread in three district, then using quantitative analyze. The result of this research shows that product is molded by piece of coconut shell (diameter: 3-5 cm), the color is brown, reddish and yellowish, the selling price about Rp 10.000-15.000/Kg, and distributted through collecting traders or directly sold in market, and also have no promotion yet. The result of Chi Square analyze shows that there are relation between selling price variable with product variable, whereas place/ distribution variable is not.
This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Br... more This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Broccoli, (2) Calculate farm income of Broccoli, (3) Investigate marketing channels of Broccoli, Calculate its marketing margin and knowing marketing efficiency Broccoli in Sumber Urip village Sub-District Selupu Rejang District of Rejang Lebong. Respondents of Broccoli Farmers are censused 45 Farmers while marketing agencies are determined with Snowball Sampling, total respondent marketing agencies are 25 respondents. The result of this research indicated that the average farmers in the Sumber Urip village their own capital resources obtained from previous farming Broccoli. The averaged income of Broccoli as Rp 5.850.717/Ut/MT. The marketing analysis indicated that the only Broccoli marketing channel in Sumber Urip village was through Farmers Countryside Wholeseller Town Wholeseller Retailers Final Consumers. The marketing margin analysis showed that the total marketing margin Broccoli is Rp 10.942/Kg. Broccoli Marketing efficiency analysis results in Sumber Urip shows that every marketing agencies Broccoli studied all efficient it can be seen from the value criteria Countryside Wholeseller is 1.28, Districts Traders 5.52, Town Wholeseller is 1,83 and Retailers 19,21.
This research aims to forecast supply of raw material and sales and then to analyze the price of ... more This research aims to forecast supply of raw material and sales and then to analyze the price of SIR 20 for 1 next year with a best method. Accuracy method of divination used MAD, MSE, MAPE. Analyze quantitative used time series, eksponential smoothing and Arima the development of raw materials, price of raw materials inside and outide of companies, the price of SIR 20 and selling of SIR 20 through increasing.
This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Br... more This research was conducted with the purpose to: (1) Determine the system of financing farming Broccoli, (2) Calculate farm income of Broccoli, (3) Investigate marketing channels of Broccoli, Calculate its marketing margin and knowing marketing efficiency Broccoli in Sumber Urip village Sub-District Selupu Rejang District of Rejang Lebong. Respondents of Broccoli Farmers have censused 45 Farmers while marketing agencies are determined with Snowball Sampling, total respondent marketing agencies are 25 respondents. The result of this research indicated that the average farmers in the Sumber Urip village their own capital resources obtained from previous farming Broccoli. The averaged income of Broccoli as Rp 5.850.717/Ut/MT. The marketing analysis indicated that the only Broccoli marketing channel in Sumber Urip village was through Farmers Countryside Wholesaler Town Wholeseller Retailers Final Consumers. The marketing margin analysis showed that the total marketing margin Broccoli is Rp 10.942/Kg. Broccoli Marketing efficiency analysis results in Sumber Urip shows that every marketing agencies Broccoli studied all efficient it can be seen from the value criteria Countryside Wholesaler is 1.28, Districts Traders 5.52, Town Wholesaler is 1,83 and Retailers 19,21.
This research is intended to know factors influencing fish production, financial performance and ... more This research is intended to know factors influencing fish production, financial performance and business security of private company Dobro. Data which are analyzed including production data (production, feed, seed and worker) for fish production factors analysis, balancing and profit/loss statement 2006-2009 for financial performance and business security analysis. The production factors analysis in this research uses regression method with Cobb-Douglas production function approach. The financial performance and business security use financial statement comparison and ratio analysis. Ratios that be researched are liquidity (ratios that be researched are current and quick ratio), solvability (ratios that be researched are total debt to total asset ratio and total debt to equity ratio), efficiency (ratios that be researched are inventory turnover, account receivable turnover, fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover) and profitability ratio (ratios that be researched are gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin and return on investment). Business security analysis use Altman Z " score to detect company position in Altman area of bankruptcy. The result of this research could be concluded that fish production is simultaneous and individually influenced by feed, seed and worker. Financial analysis shows company liquidity in good condition with positive average growth values. Solvability is also in good condition with negative average growth values. Commonly efficiency and profitability have normal values, but have negative average growth value. Based Altman Z " score, company exists in area which secure from bankruptcy threat. PENDAHULUAN Menurut Proyek Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Yogyakarta (1997) diterangkan bahwa budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung (KJA) dikenal khalayak umum pada tahun 1974 di waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat. Sedangkan penerapan budidaya ikan dalam KJA secara intensif baru
Purpose of this research is estimate level of input usage; production rate and level of productiv... more Purpose of this research is estimate level of input usage; production rate and level of productivity, and to determine factors influence produce of to produce and productivity at tobacco type rajangan public people type Magelangan. This research applies a descriptive method and multiple regresiion analysis. Result of research indicates that level of input usage, production rate and level of productivity, quality of tobacco type Magelangan has experienced a drastic degradation from the year 2005 to 2009. Hereinafter level of input usage experiences upsurge, although some inputs still experience a degradation. Land area, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Year of 2006, Year of 2007 and Year of 2008 are significant factors affecting production while number of partnership member, NPK Fertil/Basal, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Marcis, Year of 2006, Year of 2007 and Year of 2008 as well as year 0f 2009 are important factors to affect productivity. PENDAHULUAN Usaha perkebunan di Indonesia banyak dilakukan oleh para petani yang lebih dikenal dengan perkebunan rakyat. Kendala selama ini adalah kualitas dan kuantitas produktivitas perkebunan rakyat rendah jika dibandingkan dengan perusahaan besar yang memiliki modal, sumber daya manusia dan manajemen yang baik. Sebagaimana dipaparkan Situs Hijau-Media Pertanian Online Anda (2008), penyebab kurang optimalnya kegiatan agribisnis di Indonesia saat ini adalah pelaku usaha agribisnis di tingkat masyarakat banyak berada di sub sistem agribisnis hulu on-farm. Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan
The aims of this research are to analyse the factors influenced production of tobacco and to coun... more The aims of this research are to analyse the factors influenced production of tobacco and to count the tobacco productivity. This research applies a descriptive method and multiple regression analysis. Result of research indicates that level of input usage, production rate and level of productivity, quality of tobacco type Muntilanan has experienced a drastic degradation from the year 2005 to 2009. Hereinafter level of input usage experiences upsurge, although some inputs still experience a degradation. Number of partnership member, seed, NPK Fertil/Basal, Ortheen/Roteen 75 SP, Marcis, Hylan/ Suckericide Prime Plus, years of 2006, years of 2007, years of 2008 and years of 2009 are significant factors affecting production while number of partnership member,Seed, NPK Fertil/Basal, KNO3, Hylan/ Suckericide Prime Plus, Marcis, Year of 2006, and Year of 2009 are important factors to affect productivity. PENDAHULUAN Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan perusahaan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pola kemitraan ini juga didukung oleh pemerintah berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 940/Kpts/OT.210/10/97 Tentang Pedoman Kemitraan Usaha Pertanian, tujuan kemitraan usaha pertanian untuk meningkatkan pendapatan, kesinambungan usaha, meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya kelompok mitra, peningkatan skala usaha, dalam rangka menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kelompok mitra yang mandiri. Salah satu kebijakan yang diimplementasikan dalam pengembangan sektor pertanian di Indonesia adalah pengembangan kemitraan petani dengan perusahaan. Program kemitraan yang terwujud dalam kerja sama antara pengelola dan petani tembakau selalu menjunjung tinggi nilai saling percaya dan usaha saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak (Kuswanto, 2003).
The aim of the research was (1) to analyze the risk of production (2) to analyze farmer's income,... more The aim of the research was (1) to analyze the risk of production (2) to analyze farmer's income, and (3) to analyze the risk of income. The research was conducted from June to July in 2014. Research area was chosen purposively in Urban Village Labuhan Deli , Sub District Medan Marelan, Medan City. The number of samples were 57 samples drawn by a simple random sampling. Data was analyzed using analisys of income and analisys of risk. The research result showed that shrimp cultivation earned Rp 19.571.547/Ha/Year. Meanwhile, based on the value of the coefficient variation's production that was 0.04 and the lower earnings was 142,60 Kg, it show that there was a little of risk faced by farmers. Then, based on the value of the coefficient variation's income that was 0.017, it showed that there was a little of risk faced by farmers and the lower earnings limit of shrimp cultuvation was Rp 6.304.872,84/Ha/Year. This showed the lowest income that may be accepted by the farmers. PENDAHULUAN Salah satu komoditi yang potensial untuk diusahakan adalah Udang Windu, baik untuk pasar domestik maupun luar negeri. Udang Windu memiliki harga jual yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan jenis komoditas budidaya yang lain. Amri (2003) mengatakan bahwa udang Windu merupakan komoditas ekspor andalan pemerintah untuk menggaet devisa negara. Selain itu, permintaan udang Windu cenderung meningkat baik dalam maupun luar negeri dengan tujuan utama ekspor ke Jepang, Eropa dan Amerik Serikat, bahkan di dalam negeri pedagang pengumpul besar dari kota-kota besar mencari langsung ke petani untuk membeli udang Windu. Namun demikian, usaha tambak udang Windu menghadapi banyak kendala. Misalnya penurunan
The largest area of local coffee plantation in West Sumatera Province is in the District of Solok... more The largest area of local coffee plantation in West Sumatera Province is in the District of Solok, that covers the area around 9,300 Ha, with the annual production of 8,500 Ton. There are two varieties of coffee in this District, arabica and robusta. The area of robusta coffee is around 7,700 Ha that are much larger than arabica of 1,600 Ha. Although the price of arabica coffee is much higher than robusta, farmers prefer to cultivate robusta coffee mainly due to its resistance to plant diseases, low maintenance cost and higher demand compare to arabica coffee. Since the Robusta coffee is the second largest of local plantation after casiavera in Solok. There is a need for the district government to get a suitable development not only for the benefit of local farmers but also for regional development of Solok district itself. This study applied descriptif qualitative method to analyze the interrelationship of agribusiness subsystems and its potential aspect. The results shows that the interrelationship of four subsystems of the agribusiness of Robusta coffee agribusiness were not strong enough to face the influences from the external factors of the systems. This, then guided the recommendation to improve the competitiveness of the Robusta coffee, mainly by increasing the quality and appearance of its market form and its dairy products. PENDAHULUAN Sebagai bagian dari pembangunan daerah maka secara umum pem-bangunan sektor pertanian harus diarahkan kepada pendekatan pembangunan berbasis kerakyatan (Ahmad, 2006). Berbagai hasil pembangunan terutam a yang berkaitan dengan upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat perkebunan, umumnya mempunyai margin pendapatan yang besar, yang lebih banyak din-ikmati oleh pengusaha besar, belum banyak dinikmati oleh petani. Karena Petani hanya menikmati pendapatan produksi (on farm) saja (Admaizon, 2004). Subsektor perkebunan merupakan salah satu bisnis strategis dan andalan da-lam perekonomian Indonesia, bahkan pada masa krisis ekonomi.
This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria u... more This research is aimed at estimating the income of mina paddy farmers, identifying the criteria used to develop business, formulating the alternative development business. The data are analyzed by using income analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the research show that there are three types of fish applied in mina paddy: catfish, tilapia, and goldfish. The income of catfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 51.440.607,27,-/year, tilapia amounting to Rp. 35.895.335,-/year, goldfish in mina paddy amounting to Rp. 37.731.957,-/year. While from AHP analysis results, the criterias making an assessment in the development of aquaculture are production, revenues, marketing and third-party support. The highest value weighting results that become an alternative strategy to the development of aquaculture in mina paddy using software Expert Choice 11 is the application of catfish in mina paddy with weights value of 0,493. PENDAHULUAN Sistem mina padi merupakan cara pemeliharaan ikan disekeliling tanaman padi, sebagai penyelang diantara dua musim tanam padi atau pemeliharaan ikan sebagai pengganti palawija dipersawahan. Jenis ikan yang dipelihara pada sistem tersebut adalah ikan nila, ikan mas, ikan mujair, dan lain-lain. Agar pertumbuhan tanaman padi tidak terganggu, pemeliharaan ikan disawah harus disesuaikan dengan sistem pengairan yang ada, sehingga produksi padi tidak terganggu. Usaha mina padi selain merupakan usaha yang menguntungkan, juga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani, serta membantu program pemerintah dalam usaha gizi keluarga. Kecamatan Tugumulyo khususnya di Desa A. Widodo merupakan salah satu daerah di Kabupaten Musi Rawas yang memelihara ikan air tawar seperti ikan emas, nila, mujair, lele dan lain-lain. Untuk saat ini yang paling meningkat di daerah ini adalah budidaya ikan air tawar baik itu berupa kolam
The purpose of this study are: (1) to determine the structure of the household income of rice far... more The purpose of this study are: (1) to determine the structure of the household income of rice farmers in lowland swamp land, and (2) to determine the distribution of household income of farmers in various typologies lebak. Penelitian wetlands was held in Ogan Ilir and Ogan Ogan Ilir in March until May 2013. Sampling technique is simple random sample of 222 farmers, or 10.5 percent of 2,111 respondents used in this research. These respondents were divided into 3 groups: farmers who cultivate land swampy marsh embankment, mid and deep. The method used is a survey method. Data collected consist of primary and secondary data. The structure of household income farmers viewed from the contribution of a business on total household income, while the income distribution is calculated using Gini index. The results showed the contribution of household income on lebak dikes and in largely derived from non farming, to contribute to the embankment of lebak by 63.62% and amounted to 48.43% in the lowland, while in the mid lebak largely derived from rice farming with a contribution of 70.03%. The distribution of household income in the three types of inequality lebak almost evenly with relatively low because it has a Gini index of less than 0.4. PENDAHULUAN Rumah tangga petani merupakan unit ekonomi yang memiliki keinginan yang rasional yaitu berupaya meningkatkan kepuasan dengan jalan meningkatkan konsumsi terhadap barang dan jasa serta berupaya meningkatkan waktu santai. Menurut Bryanti (1990), rumah tangga berbeda dari unit sosial lain karena adanya tujuan yang ingin diraih untuk memenuhi kepuasan seluruh anggota rumah tangga. Disamping itu, rumah tangga memiliki karakteristik lain yang penting dalam penguasaan sumberdaya dan distribusinya antara anggota rumah tangga serta memiliki peluang melakukan
The aims of this research are to estimate the level of income, and measure the amount of added va... more The aims of this research are to estimate the level of income, and measure the amount of added value obtained from processing beef into meatballs on the business of Al-Hasanah, Rimbo Kedui, South Seluma. Location research and respondents were determined by purposively. The data was collected in the form of primary data, obtained directly from respondents through a questionnaire and interview techniques. The results revealed that during one month processing revenue was Rp. 4.178.194,40 with total receipts amounted Rp.182.700.000,00/month and the total cost reached Rp. 178.521.805,60/month, while the added value obtained for unity input is Rp. 10.052,96/kg with an added value ratio of 8,25% of output produced. PENDAHULUAN Sektor pertanian mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi negara terutama negara yang bercorak agraris seperti Indonesia. Pembangunan ekonomi menitikberatkan pada bidang pertanian dan industri yang berbasis pertanian atau biasa disebut agroindustri. Dalam sistem agribisnis, agroindustri adalah salah satu subsistem yang bersama-sama subsistem lain membentuk agribisnis (Zulkifli, 2012). Pengembangan industri pengolahan pangan di Indonesia yang didukung oleh sumberdaya alam pertanian, baik nabati maupun hewani mampu menghasilkan berbagai produk olahan yang dapat dibuat dan dikembangkan dari sumber daya alam lokal atau daerah. Saat ini di beberapa negara Asia banyak produk pangan yang diangkat dari jenis pangan lokal dan diolah secara tradisional. Dengan berkembangnya produk lokal tersebut, maka jumlah dan jenis produk pangan menjadi semakin banyak jumlahnya (Soleh, 2003 dalam Hanif, 2011). Peternakan merupakan salah satu cabang dari sektor pertanian. Di Indonesia banyak terdapat industri pengolahan hasil peternakan, salah satunya adalah industri pengolahan daging. Daging merupakan bahan pangan yang
Some earlier results showed that there were 43% of the families belonging to the famine did not g... more Some earlier results showed that there were 43% of the families belonging to the famine did not get help from the local community when food shortages. By looking at these conditions, this study was designed to examine how fishermen communication patterns in their interaction with the social environment in order to achieve food security in the household. Respondents were drawn from a group of fishermen called the Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) in Pulau Baai. From an interview with the head of a group of fishermen, the number of fishermen using small boats is 24 households. This research results showed there were two fishermen communication patterns in discussing household food security issues, namely, the interpersonal communication and group communication. Interpersonal communication patterns involving informations from other fishermen. Messages are widely discussed is everything associated with their fishing fishing effort. Among the existing group communication, group discussion fishermen have an impact on the fishing action in carrying out their fishing effort. Advances in fishery business can increase revenue and will also have an impact on the family's food security. PENDAHULUAN Pangan merupakan hal penting yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap manusia untuk keberlangsungan hidupnya. Pangan yang dimaksud dalam hal ini adalah pangan pokok bagi masyarakat Indonesia, yaitu beras, sumber karbohidrat bagi tubuh. Tercukupinya asupan gizi yang terkandung dalam pangan dan diserap oleh tubuh dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Mengingat pentingnya memenuhi kecukupan pangan, maka setiap negara akan mendahulukan pembangunan ketahanan pangannya sebagai fondasi bagi pembangunan sektor-sektor lainnya (Arumsari dan Rini, 2007).
The purposes of this research are to 1) estimate the frequency of sale until the next harvest sea... more The purposes of this research are to 1) estimate the frequency of sale until the next harvest season, 2) examine the reasons for saving the crops of rice farmers do, 3) reveal motivation of rice farmers to store their products, and 4) analyze the factors related to the motivation of storing crops of rice farmers in the County of Seluma. The results showed that the frequency of the sale of the crops that farmers is low. Economic reasons farmers saving the crops with the largest percentage of 36,67% was to be sold again to the urgent needs and social reasons farmers save percentage with yields equal to 8.33% is there is often a relative/neighbor who borrowed. The level of motivation of farmers in storing the rice harvest is at a high percentage of category 68,33%. Non formal education factor and experience farming has a real connection with the motivation of saving crops of rice farmers in Seluma. Factors of age, formal education, land area, number of family dependants, and number of previous production doesn't have a real relationship with the motivation of storing crops of rice farmers in the County of Seluma. PENDAHULUAN Akhir-akhir ini berbagai media melaporkan adanya ratusan hingga ribuan anak balita diberbagai wilayah Indonesia yang mengalami gizi buruk. Kondisi ini dikarenakan banyak penduduk tidak memiliki akses terhadap sumber produksi pangan, terutama tanah dan pendapatan yang cukup. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah ketahanan pangan menjadi isu penting yang harus dicarikan solusinya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan penyediaan pangan yang cukup. Untuk penyediaan pangan yang cukup harus melalui peningkatan produksi sub sektor tanaman pangan khususnya tanaman padi (Kesumayanti, 2006). Berbicara masalah pangan, padi merupakan primadona tanaman pangan dan merupakan tanaman paling utama di Indonesia. Dalam era perdagangan bebas yang semakin dekat, mengharuskan setiap negara untuk
The objectives of this research are to determine the income level and to estimate the differencie... more The objectives of this research are to determine the income level and to estimate the differencies of income between modern and traditional techniques of breeding by the household in Amen and Lebong Sakti subdistrict, Lebong District. The determination of the amount of revenue is done using analysis of revenues, while for testing whether there are differences in the income of both the duck breeding efforts carried out by different assay analysis of average income. The calculation to determine the level of efficiency of the business activities of breeding ducks using R/C ratio. Based on the results of the research the average revenues of modern ducks nursery is Rp. 1.331.969,21 for four months, while the average income of the traditional duck breeding attempt amounted to Rp. 1.662.396,66 for four months. After a test of the difference of income between enterprises of modern and traditional duck breeding, breeding of modern ducks revenues smaller revenues equal to the traditional duck breeding where the real differences in the degrees of confidence 95. The average value of the results analysis of R/C ratio in modern duck breeding efforts Lebong is equal to 2.00 while R/C ratio of the traditional duck breeding amounted to 2.15. PENDAHULUAN Ternak itik merupakan salah satu komoditi unggas yang mempunyai peran cukup penting sebagai penghasil telur dan daging untuk mendukung ketersediaan protein hewan. Dalam perkembangannya, usaha itik dapat merupakan usaha pokok bagi sebagian masyarakat dan tidak lagi sebagai usaha sambilan (Juarini et al., 2004). Apriyanto (2011) menjelaskan jika usaha ternak itik sudah memiliki orientasi usaha yang diarahkan dalam suatu kawasan, baik sebagai cabang usaha maupun sebagai usaha pokok, budidaya itik cukup menguntungkan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan keluarga. Dalam usaha ternak itik keberadaan bibit itik mutlak sangat diperlukan karena berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan suatu usaha peternakan itik. Hal ini terutama berlaku bagi sistem pemeliharaan itik intensif
Plan-based agro-industry development of coastal areas in the city of Bengkulu continue in effect ... more Plan-based agro-industry development of coastal areas in the city of Bengkulu continue in effect and be a leading program in a variety of program design opportunities. However, up to now there has been a lot of information that can be presented relating to the advantages of each agro-industry that has growing to be driven by the strength of coastal resources are available as ongoing. Availability of coastal resources be a key determinant of the agro-industry excellence being developed. The wide variety of resources will determine variations agroindustrial commodities. This study will identify leading agro-industry coastal areas with potential priority approach coastal resources and the efficiency of application of processing technology has been used. The study was conducted from May to November 2014, applying analytical methods Location Quotion (LQ) and Shift Share (SS). The results obtained from this study is the leading commodity in Bengkulu city coastal resources better competitiveness is the fisheries product and milkfish. The potential commodity of coastal resources Bengkulu city which also has a good competitiveness is catfish. For the development of agro-industries in the coastal areas of the Bengkulu city is directed at the use of resources that have both advantages and competitiveness, which is based on the fisheries product resources and milkfish. Catfish agro-industries are also recommended to be developed for this commodity has potential advantages and has good competitive. PENDAHULUAN Kota Bengkulu secara geografis terletak di pantai bagian barat sumatera yang mempunyai potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan yang besar dan beragam. Hal ini disebabkan dua pertiga wilayah Kota Bengkulu merupakan kawasan pesisir. Potensi sumberdaya wilayah pesisir tersebut dapat digali sesuai dengan kemampuan daerah dan dapat dijadikan salah satu sentra
This study aims to describe how the implementation of incentives as stipulated in Government Regu... more This study aims to describe how the implementation of incentives as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 12 of 2012 concerning the protection of agricultural land incentives sustainable food in the Dusun Besar Lake area of the city of Bengkulu. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Informants determination use purposive sampling. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews and discussions as well as documentation. Data analysis are conducted by inductively starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Based on the results of a couple of aspects studied, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structures, further seen from the form of the provision of incentives in the form of : agricultural infrastructure development has not been run, the financing of research and development of improved varieties of seeds and no ease of access to information and existing technology (extension), the provision of production facilities, guarantee certificate issuance of land rights on agricultural land are not sustainable food and / or rewards for high achievers existing farmers, government programs. It was concluded that the implementation of the Regulation no 12tahun 2012 in incentives for farmers land owners in the Dusun Besar Lake area of the city of Bengkulu is not already running. While the constraints faced by the lack of regulations governing the area of land protection sustainable food. Therefore, intensive provision for sustainable food future land owners should be budgeted and city government programs through agencies or institutions concerned. PENDAHULUAN Lahan sawah memiliki arti yang sangat penting dalam upaya mempertahankan ketahanan pangan. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman,
The objectives of this research were to analyze the contribution of agricultural sector to GRDP f... more The objectives of this research were to analyze the contribution of agricultural sector to GRDP from South Sumatera, to identify agricultural leading sector dan sub sector in South Sumatera, to analyze the growth and shift characteristics in agricultural sector. This research was used GRDP time series data from year 2005-2013, with analytical methods used Location Quotient, Dynamic Location Quotient, Typology Klassen and Shift Share. The result of this research showed that agricultural sector contributed 21,79% on GRDP of South Sumatera, and the most contribute sub sector was plantation. The agricultural sector is still as a leading sector. The growth characteristics are advanced depressed, and for all sub sectors are almost grew rapidly. The agricultural sectors influenced positively of the national economics, but the growth is still lower than other sectors in South Sumatera, but nationally still compete with other provinces. PENDAHULUAN Secara tradisional peranan pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi hanya dipandang pasif dan sebagai unsur penunjang semata. Peran utama pertanian hanya dianggap sebagai sumber tenaga kerja dan bahan-bahan pangan yang murah demi berkembangnya sektor industri yang dinobatkan sebagai " sektor unggulan " dinamis dalam strategi pembangunan ekonomi secara keseluruhan. Perlahan mulai disadari bahwa daerah pedesaan pada umumnya dan sektor pertanian pada khususnya ternyata tidak bersifat pasif, tetapi jauh lebih penting dari sekedar penunjang ekonomi secara keseluruhan (Todaro dan Smith, 2003). Sektor pertanian berperan sebagai penyokong bahan baku sektor industri. Jika mampu dikembangkan lebih lanjut produksi sektor pertanian dapat mencapai jumlah maksimal, juga dapat menghasilkan barang konsumsi lain yang bernilai lebih dibanding hanya sebagai penunjang sektor lainnya Sumbangan sektor pertanian bagi negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia selalu menduduki posisi yang sangat vital. Pemilihan sektor pertanian sebagai andalan pembangunan nasional setidaknya didukung lima alasan.
Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, ... more Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, and sea water covering land diversity of fish and fisheries. One type of fresh water fish that has been cultivated is Tilapia. In Indonesia, Tilapia is economically valuable fish which has been cultivated by fish farmers in various areas. Seginim district in Southern Bengkulu is one region in Sumatera that produces cultivator of Tilapia. The objectives of this study were to 1) know the income of Tilapia farmers and 2) know the income distribution in the business of Tilapia. The determination of respondents in this research was taken from the business of Tilapia. The respondents were determined by using census method and the number of respondents were 54 people. The primary data was taken directly from the respondents by using interview method to the enterpreneuss, and by using questionaires. The secondary data was obtain from the Seginim district office and related literature.the analysis instrument used was the income analysis and income distribution of the business of Tilapia. The results of the study showed that the income of the business of Tilapia in Seginim district of Southern Bengkulu was Rp22,204,786.27 per farm per season. The part obtained by fish feed businessman was 45.17 percent; by fish seed businessman was 29.25 percent; by fish farmers was 19.22 percent; and by farm workers was 6.36 percent. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya perikanan baik di wilayah perairan tawar (darat), pantai maupun perairan laut. Potensi sumber daya perikanan di perairan tawar meliputi keanekaragaman jenis ikan dan lahan perikanan. Di perairan tawar terdapat begitu banyak jenis ikan salah satunya adalah ikan nila dan tergolong ikan yang bernilai ekonomis. Provinsi Bengkulu dari beberapa wilayah penghasil ikan nila di Sumatera, berada pada urutan yang kelima. Pada tahun 2008 produksi ikan nila sebesar
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