This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The University of Bologna, which started in 1088, opened in 1988 the new Main Hall, after restora... more The University of Bologna, which started in 1088, opened in 1988 the new Main Hall, after restoration of a former Jesuits church, which was founded in 1623 and partially modified in 1843, on the site where S. Petronius founded a church devoted to S. Lucy, in 432. The new Main Hall showed strong acoustic defects since his opening. The church has one high nave, plastered walls and a reflecting pavement. The lateral chapels of the church, as well as the huge volume (about 30000 m3) provoked a very high reverberation in the church, which is not mitigated by the not upholstered seats in the hall. The acoustics was partially enhanced by means of an electroacoustic system, which was able to partially redirect the sound directly to the audience. However, acoustic design of the hall was required to improve the sound distribution, even though already repeatedly proposed in the past. In this paper a new acoustic design of the hall is presented. Starting from recent acoustic measurements, the proposed enhancements cover many components in the church, but still maintaining its peculiar architectural aspect: acoustic plaster, curtains, and a set of transparent, flexible acoustical panels, which could move and turn separately, redirecting sound propagation in the hall. Finally, the acoustic enhancements are presented by means of 3D Auralization.
The acoustics of Opera houses and theatres characterise many different architectural historical b... more The acoustics of Opera houses and theatres characterise many different architectural historical buildings in Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin. The acoustics of historical rooms, as baroque theatres and renaissance concert halls, is nowadays considered as the most important physical aspect in the cultural heritage of theatres. In this paper the acoustic characteristics of some important theatres in the Mediterranean basin will be considered. The theatres are chosen in important locations on the Mediterranean basin, covering different Countries. Moreover, in order to precisely characterise the analogies among the theatres, only theatres which were realised in the 18th Century were considered. The acoustics characteristics of the theatres have been obtained considering an exponential sine sweep played in the room by means of a pre-equilised omnidirectional sound source, and acquired by means of a dummy head and a Sound-Field microphone. Therefore, the measurements were be to obtain thorough informations about sound distribution in the hall, including spatial sound distribution. Afterwards, the acoustic physical parameters measured in the theatres are analysed and compared, and related with the architectural background of the area where they are located. Finally, some sound experiments obtained by means of 3D auralisation will be presented and commented. In this way the sound characterisation that was experienced by the listeners of the 18th century will be renewed and represented in the \u201cArlecchino\u201d listening room at the University of Bologna
SIPARIO is a project recently funded by the Italian region Emilia Romagna. It aims to virtually r... more SIPARIO is a project recently funded by the Italian region Emilia Romagna. It aims to virtually reconstruct both 3D audio and 360° video of real performances by making recordings and undertaking acoustic measurements inside historical theatres and concert halls spread all over the Europe. One of the most relevant topics of this project is the development of a new spherical sound source, equipped with 32 individually-controlled loudspeakers [1], designed for measuring acoustic characteristics of these performing arts places. This loudspeaker array is capable of simulating the directivity of any dynamic sound source. The loudspeaker can work also like a traditional omnidirectional sound source for measuring standard acoustical parameters, hence it can be used in room acoustics tests in accordance with ISO3382 standard. Finally, it can create super-directive beams of various shapes, with arbitrary directivity patterns such as spherical harmonics (High Order Ambisonics) or cardioids (Spatial PCM Sampling). The Exponential Sine Sweep (ESS) signal has been employed in order to measure the room impulse response (RIR). It is also possible to employ a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) approach [2] by feeding sequentially the ESS signal to each transducer of the loudspeaker array, while a spherical microphone array is employed for recording. In this paper it is explained how to compute the matrix of FIR filters necessary to process such a MIMO RIR, and to synthesize arbitrary polar patterns for both source and receiver. Moreover, future developments of the new sound source are briefly described in Section 7, including the applications for the specific project.
2021 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA), 2021
The city of Pompei has been always subject to archaeological works during the last decades. Howev... more The city of Pompei has been always subject to archaeological works during the last decades. However, the theatre that has been discovered in the urban environment has one of the best preserved cavea, although it lacks most of the scaenae frons. This paper deals with the acoustic measurements undertaken to study the behavior of this important monument through the main acoustic parameter outlined by ISO 3382-1, and to detect the direction of the early and late reflections characterizing the reverberation. This latest approach enabled the possibility to investigate the sound propagation thought the space with the employment of a multichannel spherical array microphone. The recorded impulse response (IR) has been analyzed in a such a way to create an overlay video, given by the overlapping of the 360° image taken at the receiver position with the contour level of the sound decay after the impulse.
The sound spatial characteristics of concert halls are extremely relevant for 3D auralisation of ... more The sound spatial characteristics of concert halls are extremely relevant for 3D auralisation of spaces for music, as well as for designing acoustical enhancements in the halls. Moreover, the theatre “Comunale” in Bologna is also an ancient Italian opera house (realized in late 18th Century by Galli Bibiena) with peculiar spatial characteristics. In the Theatre “Comunale” balconies are realized with different shape and materials respect to classical Italian opera house. This special feature of balconies provokes some effects in the listening conditions that are related with the position of sound sources in the stage and in the orchestra pit. These special characteristics have been experimentally investigated by means of an omni-directional, pre-equalized sound source located in different positions in the orchestra pit and stage, and a dummy head, accomplished with a soundfield microphone, located in many different listening positions in the balconies and the stalls. The special features of ACF and IACC, as well as other acoustical parameters, measured experimentally, have been reproduced in a second step in the listening room “Arlecchino” at the laboratory of DIENCA – CIARM, by means of the Stereo Dipole and Ambisonics technique. In this paper the results from these experiments are presented and analyzed. KEYWORDS: measurements, acoustic spatial properties, opera house, 3D auralisation
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The U values assumptions for construction components represent a significant source of uncertaint... more The U values assumptions for construction components represent a significant source of uncertainty when estimating the energy performance of buildings. This uncertainty affects decision-making processes in multiple ways, from policy making to design of new and refurbished buildings. The correct estimation of both static (e.g. thermal transmittance) and dynamic thermal properties is crucial for quality assurance in building performance assessment. Further, while today many sophisticated simulators are available for building performance modelling, lumped parameter models can help reducing computational time for parametric simulation or optimization and enable inverse estimation of lumped thermal characteristics. A lumped parameter approach for construction components is proposed, for example, by the ISO 52016-1:2017 norm, introducing simplifications that are intrinsically dependent on component’s stratigraphy. This approach complements ISO 13786:2017 norm method, which is limited to s...
The features that separate an opera house from a concert hall are the semi-closed performance are... more The features that separate an opera house from a concert hall are the semi-closed performance area, orchestra pit, and the compartmental audience areas, or boxes. The sound propagated from the orchestra pit reaches listeners through barriers and diffraction effects. As well, the sound arriving to listeners seated in the boxes is further limited because it must cross the box openings. In this study, to assess the sound fields of opera houses, the maximum sound pressure of direct sound coming from an impulse response measured in the Teatro Nuovo di Spoleto is investigated using G re (relative strength), which is the ratio of the sound pressure measured in a hall to an equivalent sound pressure that would be measured at the same distance from the same source to the receiver in a free sound field. Impulse response analyses show that G re is predicted mainly by the elevation angle from the source to the edges (pit rail and box rails), and that the values of G re also have high correlations with the interaural cross-correlation coefficient (IACC). G re is suggested as a useful parameter for quantifying the barrier effect of a pit and for evaluating the architectural design of opera house boxes.
In OCSE and developed Countries, the sectors which mostly suffered the 2008 financial and economi... more In OCSE and developed Countries, the sectors which mostly suffered the 2008 financial and economic crisis, was the construction and real estate sectors. Furthermore, the buildings are responsible of about 40% of incidence on emission. The economic crisis did not allow realizing new buildings, and the existing buildings have too much greenhouse emission, that needs to be reduced. The Energy Retrofit could be a way to improve both sectors, because it reduces emissions and helps the real estate sector. However, the Energy Retrofit has some difficulties in order to evaluate both economic and technical solution. In this paper we present an Energy Retrofit simulation about an Italian case study: one building typology that is supposed realized in several different periods, having different thermo-physic parameters. For each period, four energy retrofit actions will be applied, together with the software evaluation of energy performance.
Building Simulation Conference proceedings, Aug 28, 2013
The European energy policies about climate and energy packages, known as the "20-20-20" targets, ... more The European energy policies about climate and energy packages, known as the "20-20-20" targets, define ambitious, but achievable, national energy requirements. The Directive 2010/31/UE, the "Commission delegated regulation (EU)" n.244/2012 and "Guidelines accompanying Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) n.244/2012" 2012/C 115/01 define a comparative methodology framework for calculating cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements to apply at "Reference Building" for EU State Member. The aim the of Cost-Optimal Level is to supply EU Member State in order to define national energy requirements levels, economically feasible, which could reduce energy consumption until 2020. Follow the Italian and regional laws, the UNITS 11300 standard procedures allow calculating energy building performance simulation (EPBS), and energy costs depend on these conditions. The Reference building could be 'calibrated' in order to compare it EPBS with real energy consumption. However, the cost of improvements depends on local variable ad contract tender. In this paper a case study application of Cost-Optimal Level, following EU procedure, is described in Italian context, in order to highlight the real and actual difficulties to apply EU rules.
Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u... more Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u201cAttuazione della Direttiva 2002/91/CE relativa al rendimento energetico nell\u2019edilizia\u201d e del DPCM del 05/12/1997, \u201cDeterminazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici\u201d, deve coinvolgere una valutazione economica-prestazionale delle caratteristiche termofisiche ed acustiche dei singoli elementi che lo compongono. In particolare i serramenti, che costituiscono gli elementi \u201cdeboli\u201d dell\u2019involucro, devono rispettare, dal 1/1/2006, i valori di trasmittanza termica per le chiusure traparenti, compresi di infissi, in funzione della Zona Climatica, definiti nell\u2019 Allegato C del D.Lgs 192/05, il quale, introduce nuovi limiti pi\uf9 restrittivi a partire dal 1/1/2008 e successivamente dal 1/1/2010; mentre il DPCM del 05/12/1997 definisce un indice di valutazione dell\u2019isolamento acustico di facciata, D2m,nT,w, il cui valore \ue8 fortemente influenzato dalla presenza di serramenti, che molto spesso ne penalizzano l\u2019efficienza. Il presente lavoro ha per oggetto lo studio globale delle prestazioni termiche ed acustiche dei serramenti di un edificio a schiera, ad uso civile abitazione, di prossima realizzazione. Secondo la norma UNI EN 12207 del 2000, che stabilisce cinque classi, 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4, di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria (e sostitusce la UNI 7979 dove erano invece previste tre classi, A1, A2, A3 di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria) e la UNI 11173 del 2005, si \ue8 condotto lo studio di quattro casi di serramenti analizzandone le prestazioni globali. La UNI 11173 del 2005 stabilisce, inoltre, le classi minime di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria da rispettare in funzione di: zona di vento, altezza dell\u2019edificio, zona climatica, classi di rugosit\ue0 del terreno
Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u... more Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u201cAttuazione della Direttiva 2002/91/CE relativa al rendimento energetico nell\u2019edilizia\u201d e del DPCM del 05/12/1997, \u201cDeterminazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici\u201d, deve coinvolgere una valutazione economica-prestazionale delle caratteristiche termofisiche ed acustiche dei singoli elementi che lo compongono. In particolare i serramenti, che costituiscono gli elementi \u201cdeboli\u201d dell\u2019involucro, devono rispettare, dal 1/1/2006, i valori di trasmittanza termica per le chiusure traparenti, compresi di infissi, in funzione della Zona Climatica, definiti nell\u2019 Allegato C del D.Lgs 192/05, il quale, introduce nuovi limiti pi\uf9 restrittivi a partire dal 1/1/2008 e successivamente dal 1/1/2010; mentre il DPCM del 05/12/1997 definisce un indice di valutazione dell\u2019isolamento acustico di facciata, D2mnTw, il cui valore \ue8 fortemente influenzato dalla presenza di serramenti, che molto spesso ne penalizzano l\u2019efficienza. Il presente lavoro ha per oggetto lo studio globale delle prestazioni termiche ed acustiche dei serramenti di un edificio a schiera, ad uso civile abitazione, di prossima realizzazione. Secondo la norma UNI EN 12207 del 2000, che stabilisce cinque classi, 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4, di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria (e sostitusce la UNI 7979 dove erano invece previste tre classi, A1, A2, A3 di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria) e la UNI 11173 del 2005, si \ue8 condotto lo studio di quattro casi di serramenti analizzandone le prestazioni globali. La UNI 11173 del 2005 stabilisce, inoltre, le classi minime di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria da rispettare in funzione di: zona di vento, altezza dell\u2019edificio, zona climatica, classi di rugosit\ue0 del terreno. Secondo tale norma, i serramenti posti ad altezze minori di 10 m, appartengono automaticamente alla classe 0, non dovendo rispettare una classe di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria specifica: nello studio condotto, essendo la villetta a schiera inferiore ai 10 m di altezza, si \ue8 esaminato il caso con permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria in Classe 0
Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data an... more Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data and reduce the performance gap in building stock. For this reason, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation strategies for the future. The research presented aims to highlight potential links between experimental approaches for test-facilities and methods and tools used for continuous performance monitoring, at the state of the art. In particular, we explore the relation between ISO 9869:2014 method for in-situ measurement of thermal transmittance (U) and regression-based monitoring approaches, such as co-heating test and energy signature, for heat load coefficient (HLC) and solar aperture (gA) estimation. In particular, we highlight the robustness and scalability of these monitoring techniques, considering relevant issues in current integrated engineer design perspective. These issues include, among others, the necessity of limiting the number of a sensors to be installed in buildings, the possibility of employing both experimental and real operation data and, finally, the possibility to automate and perform monitoring at multiple scales, from single components, to individual buildings, to building stock and cities.
The WHO (World Healthy Organization) concept of health, became significant for identifying the co... more The WHO (World Healthy Organization) concept of health, became significant for identifying the concept of a ''healthy building'' in terms of building performances (i.e., indoor air quality, thermal comfort, lighting quality and acoustics)". […] "The health and comfort indicators available today can be looked up from:-The occupants or end-user: such as sick leave, productivity, number of symptoms or complaints, health adjusted life indicators, specific building related illnesses as the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The University of Bologna, which started in 1088, opened in 1988 the new Main Hall, after restora... more The University of Bologna, which started in 1088, opened in 1988 the new Main Hall, after restoration of a former Jesuits church, which was founded in 1623 and partially modified in 1843, on the site where S. Petronius founded a church devoted to S. Lucy, in 432. The new Main Hall showed strong acoustic defects since his opening. The church has one high nave, plastered walls and a reflecting pavement. The lateral chapels of the church, as well as the huge volume (about 30000 m3) provoked a very high reverberation in the church, which is not mitigated by the not upholstered seats in the hall. The acoustics was partially enhanced by means of an electroacoustic system, which was able to partially redirect the sound directly to the audience. However, acoustic design of the hall was required to improve the sound distribution, even though already repeatedly proposed in the past. In this paper a new acoustic design of the hall is presented. Starting from recent acoustic measurements, the proposed enhancements cover many components in the church, but still maintaining its peculiar architectural aspect: acoustic plaster, curtains, and a set of transparent, flexible acoustical panels, which could move and turn separately, redirecting sound propagation in the hall. Finally, the acoustic enhancements are presented by means of 3D Auralization.
The acoustics of Opera houses and theatres characterise many different architectural historical b... more The acoustics of Opera houses and theatres characterise many different architectural historical buildings in Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin. The acoustics of historical rooms, as baroque theatres and renaissance concert halls, is nowadays considered as the most important physical aspect in the cultural heritage of theatres. In this paper the acoustic characteristics of some important theatres in the Mediterranean basin will be considered. The theatres are chosen in important locations on the Mediterranean basin, covering different Countries. Moreover, in order to precisely characterise the analogies among the theatres, only theatres which were realised in the 18th Century were considered. The acoustics characteristics of the theatres have been obtained considering an exponential sine sweep played in the room by means of a pre-equilised omnidirectional sound source, and acquired by means of a dummy head and a Sound-Field microphone. Therefore, the measurements were be to obtain thorough informations about sound distribution in the hall, including spatial sound distribution. Afterwards, the acoustic physical parameters measured in the theatres are analysed and compared, and related with the architectural background of the area where they are located. Finally, some sound experiments obtained by means of 3D auralisation will be presented and commented. In this way the sound characterisation that was experienced by the listeners of the 18th century will be renewed and represented in the \u201cArlecchino\u201d listening room at the University of Bologna
SIPARIO is a project recently funded by the Italian region Emilia Romagna. It aims to virtually r... more SIPARIO is a project recently funded by the Italian region Emilia Romagna. It aims to virtually reconstruct both 3D audio and 360° video of real performances by making recordings and undertaking acoustic measurements inside historical theatres and concert halls spread all over the Europe. One of the most relevant topics of this project is the development of a new spherical sound source, equipped with 32 individually-controlled loudspeakers [1], designed for measuring acoustic characteristics of these performing arts places. This loudspeaker array is capable of simulating the directivity of any dynamic sound source. The loudspeaker can work also like a traditional omnidirectional sound source for measuring standard acoustical parameters, hence it can be used in room acoustics tests in accordance with ISO3382 standard. Finally, it can create super-directive beams of various shapes, with arbitrary directivity patterns such as spherical harmonics (High Order Ambisonics) or cardioids (Spatial PCM Sampling). The Exponential Sine Sweep (ESS) signal has been employed in order to measure the room impulse response (RIR). It is also possible to employ a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) approach [2] by feeding sequentially the ESS signal to each transducer of the loudspeaker array, while a spherical microphone array is employed for recording. In this paper it is explained how to compute the matrix of FIR filters necessary to process such a MIMO RIR, and to synthesize arbitrary polar patterns for both source and receiver. Moreover, future developments of the new sound source are briefly described in Section 7, including the applications for the specific project.
2021 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA), 2021
The city of Pompei has been always subject to archaeological works during the last decades. Howev... more The city of Pompei has been always subject to archaeological works during the last decades. However, the theatre that has been discovered in the urban environment has one of the best preserved cavea, although it lacks most of the scaenae frons. This paper deals with the acoustic measurements undertaken to study the behavior of this important monument through the main acoustic parameter outlined by ISO 3382-1, and to detect the direction of the early and late reflections characterizing the reverberation. This latest approach enabled the possibility to investigate the sound propagation thought the space with the employment of a multichannel spherical array microphone. The recorded impulse response (IR) has been analyzed in a such a way to create an overlay video, given by the overlapping of the 360° image taken at the receiver position with the contour level of the sound decay after the impulse.
The sound spatial characteristics of concert halls are extremely relevant for 3D auralisation of ... more The sound spatial characteristics of concert halls are extremely relevant for 3D auralisation of spaces for music, as well as for designing acoustical enhancements in the halls. Moreover, the theatre “Comunale” in Bologna is also an ancient Italian opera house (realized in late 18th Century by Galli Bibiena) with peculiar spatial characteristics. In the Theatre “Comunale” balconies are realized with different shape and materials respect to classical Italian opera house. This special feature of balconies provokes some effects in the listening conditions that are related with the position of sound sources in the stage and in the orchestra pit. These special characteristics have been experimentally investigated by means of an omni-directional, pre-equalized sound source located in different positions in the orchestra pit and stage, and a dummy head, accomplished with a soundfield microphone, located in many different listening positions in the balconies and the stalls. The special features of ACF and IACC, as well as other acoustical parameters, measured experimentally, have been reproduced in a second step in the listening room “Arlecchino” at the laboratory of DIENCA – CIARM, by means of the Stereo Dipole and Ambisonics technique. In this paper the results from these experiments are presented and analyzed. KEYWORDS: measurements, acoustic spatial properties, opera house, 3D auralisation
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The U values assumptions for construction components represent a significant source of uncertaint... more The U values assumptions for construction components represent a significant source of uncertainty when estimating the energy performance of buildings. This uncertainty affects decision-making processes in multiple ways, from policy making to design of new and refurbished buildings. The correct estimation of both static (e.g. thermal transmittance) and dynamic thermal properties is crucial for quality assurance in building performance assessment. Further, while today many sophisticated simulators are available for building performance modelling, lumped parameter models can help reducing computational time for parametric simulation or optimization and enable inverse estimation of lumped thermal characteristics. A lumped parameter approach for construction components is proposed, for example, by the ISO 52016-1:2017 norm, introducing simplifications that are intrinsically dependent on component’s stratigraphy. This approach complements ISO 13786:2017 norm method, which is limited to s...
The features that separate an opera house from a concert hall are the semi-closed performance are... more The features that separate an opera house from a concert hall are the semi-closed performance area, orchestra pit, and the compartmental audience areas, or boxes. The sound propagated from the orchestra pit reaches listeners through barriers and diffraction effects. As well, the sound arriving to listeners seated in the boxes is further limited because it must cross the box openings. In this study, to assess the sound fields of opera houses, the maximum sound pressure of direct sound coming from an impulse response measured in the Teatro Nuovo di Spoleto is investigated using G re (relative strength), which is the ratio of the sound pressure measured in a hall to an equivalent sound pressure that would be measured at the same distance from the same source to the receiver in a free sound field. Impulse response analyses show that G re is predicted mainly by the elevation angle from the source to the edges (pit rail and box rails), and that the values of G re also have high correlations with the interaural cross-correlation coefficient (IACC). G re is suggested as a useful parameter for quantifying the barrier effect of a pit and for evaluating the architectural design of opera house boxes.
In OCSE and developed Countries, the sectors which mostly suffered the 2008 financial and economi... more In OCSE and developed Countries, the sectors which mostly suffered the 2008 financial and economic crisis, was the construction and real estate sectors. Furthermore, the buildings are responsible of about 40% of incidence on emission. The economic crisis did not allow realizing new buildings, and the existing buildings have too much greenhouse emission, that needs to be reduced. The Energy Retrofit could be a way to improve both sectors, because it reduces emissions and helps the real estate sector. However, the Energy Retrofit has some difficulties in order to evaluate both economic and technical solution. In this paper we present an Energy Retrofit simulation about an Italian case study: one building typology that is supposed realized in several different periods, having different thermo-physic parameters. For each period, four energy retrofit actions will be applied, together with the software evaluation of energy performance.
Building Simulation Conference proceedings, Aug 28, 2013
The European energy policies about climate and energy packages, known as the "20-20-20" targets, ... more The European energy policies about climate and energy packages, known as the "20-20-20" targets, define ambitious, but achievable, national energy requirements. The Directive 2010/31/UE, the "Commission delegated regulation (EU)" n.244/2012 and "Guidelines accompanying Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) n.244/2012" 2012/C 115/01 define a comparative methodology framework for calculating cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements to apply at "Reference Building" for EU State Member. The aim the of Cost-Optimal Level is to supply EU Member State in order to define national energy requirements levels, economically feasible, which could reduce energy consumption until 2020. Follow the Italian and regional laws, the UNITS 11300 standard procedures allow calculating energy building performance simulation (EPBS), and energy costs depend on these conditions. The Reference building could be 'calibrated' in order to compare it EPBS with real energy consumption. However, the cost of improvements depends on local variable ad contract tender. In this paper a case study application of Cost-Optimal Level, following EU procedure, is described in Italian context, in order to highlight the real and actual difficulties to apply EU rules.
Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u... more Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u201cAttuazione della Direttiva 2002/91/CE relativa al rendimento energetico nell\u2019edilizia\u201d e del DPCM del 05/12/1997, \u201cDeterminazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici\u201d, deve coinvolgere una valutazione economica-prestazionale delle caratteristiche termofisiche ed acustiche dei singoli elementi che lo compongono. In particolare i serramenti, che costituiscono gli elementi \u201cdeboli\u201d dell\u2019involucro, devono rispettare, dal 1/1/2006, i valori di trasmittanza termica per le chiusure traparenti, compresi di infissi, in funzione della Zona Climatica, definiti nell\u2019 Allegato C del D.Lgs 192/05, il quale, introduce nuovi limiti pi\uf9 restrittivi a partire dal 1/1/2008 e successivamente dal 1/1/2010; mentre il DPCM del 05/12/1997 definisce un indice di valutazione dell\u2019isolamento acustico di facciata, D2m,nT,w, il cui valore \ue8 fortemente influenzato dalla presenza di serramenti, che molto spesso ne penalizzano l\u2019efficienza. Il presente lavoro ha per oggetto lo studio globale delle prestazioni termiche ed acustiche dei serramenti di un edificio a schiera, ad uso civile abitazione, di prossima realizzazione. Secondo la norma UNI EN 12207 del 2000, che stabilisce cinque classi, 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4, di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria (e sostitusce la UNI 7979 dove erano invece previste tre classi, A1, A2, A3 di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria) e la UNI 11173 del 2005, si \ue8 condotto lo studio di quattro casi di serramenti analizzandone le prestazioni globali. La UNI 11173 del 2005 stabilisce, inoltre, le classi minime di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria da rispettare in funzione di: zona di vento, altezza dell\u2019edificio, zona climatica, classi di rugosit\ue0 del terreno
Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u... more Una corretta progettazione dell\u2019involucro edilizio, alla luce del DLgs del 19 agosto 2005 \u201cAttuazione della Direttiva 2002/91/CE relativa al rendimento energetico nell\u2019edilizia\u201d e del DPCM del 05/12/1997, \u201cDeterminazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici\u201d, deve coinvolgere una valutazione economica-prestazionale delle caratteristiche termofisiche ed acustiche dei singoli elementi che lo compongono. In particolare i serramenti, che costituiscono gli elementi \u201cdeboli\u201d dell\u2019involucro, devono rispettare, dal 1/1/2006, i valori di trasmittanza termica per le chiusure traparenti, compresi di infissi, in funzione della Zona Climatica, definiti nell\u2019 Allegato C del D.Lgs 192/05, il quale, introduce nuovi limiti pi\uf9 restrittivi a partire dal 1/1/2008 e successivamente dal 1/1/2010; mentre il DPCM del 05/12/1997 definisce un indice di valutazione dell\u2019isolamento acustico di facciata, D2mnTw, il cui valore \ue8 fortemente influenzato dalla presenza di serramenti, che molto spesso ne penalizzano l\u2019efficienza. Il presente lavoro ha per oggetto lo studio globale delle prestazioni termiche ed acustiche dei serramenti di un edificio a schiera, ad uso civile abitazione, di prossima realizzazione. Secondo la norma UNI EN 12207 del 2000, che stabilisce cinque classi, 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4, di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria (e sostitusce la UNI 7979 dove erano invece previste tre classi, A1, A2, A3 di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria) e la UNI 11173 del 2005, si \ue8 condotto lo studio di quattro casi di serramenti analizzandone le prestazioni globali. La UNI 11173 del 2005 stabilisce, inoltre, le classi minime di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria da rispettare in funzione di: zona di vento, altezza dell\u2019edificio, zona climatica, classi di rugosit\ue0 del terreno. Secondo tale norma, i serramenti posti ad altezze minori di 10 m, appartengono automaticamente alla classe 0, non dovendo rispettare una classe di permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria specifica: nello studio condotto, essendo la villetta a schiera inferiore ai 10 m di altezza, si \ue8 esaminato il caso con permeabilit\ue0 all\u2019aria in Classe 0
Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data an... more Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data and reduce the performance gap in building stock. For this reason, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation strategies for the future. The research presented aims to highlight potential links between experimental approaches for test-facilities and methods and tools used for continuous performance monitoring, at the state of the art. In particular, we explore the relation between ISO 9869:2014 method for in-situ measurement of thermal transmittance (U) and regression-based monitoring approaches, such as co-heating test and energy signature, for heat load coefficient (HLC) and solar aperture (gA) estimation. In particular, we highlight the robustness and scalability of these monitoring techniques, considering relevant issues in current integrated engineer design perspective. These issues include, among others, the necessity of limiting the number of a sensors to be installed in buildings, the possibility of employing both experimental and real operation data and, finally, the possibility to automate and perform monitoring at multiple scales, from single components, to individual buildings, to building stock and cities.
The WHO (World Healthy Organization) concept of health, became significant for identifying the co... more The WHO (World Healthy Organization) concept of health, became significant for identifying the concept of a ''healthy building'' in terms of building performances (i.e., indoor air quality, thermal comfort, lighting quality and acoustics)". […] "The health and comfort indicators available today can be looked up from:-The occupants or end-user: such as sick leave, productivity, number of symptoms or complaints, health adjusted life indicators, specific building related illnesses as the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment
"Tuned City is a research platform from Berlin that creates a dialogue between the worlds of arch... more "Tuned City is a research platform from Berlin that creates a dialogue between the worlds of architecture, city planning and sound art, trying to use the possibilities of the spatial and communicative properties of sound as an instrument in artistic and urban practices. Q-O2, a workplace for experimental music and sound art, invites Tuned City to Brussels in 2013. The aim is studying the given urban and architectural situation, and experiencing and evaluating the city from an acoustic point of view.
On February 12th, Carsten Stabenow, founder of Tuned City, will briefly introduce the project and will give an outlook on the plans for Brussels. Dr. Lamberto Tronchin, Professor in Environmental Physics from the University of Bologna, recognised internationally as a leading authority on the subject of sound and acoustics and a pianist himself, will open the evening with a lecture about one of the most inspiring thinkers of sound and space in the 17th century, Athanasius Kircher. The Belgian architect and urban planner Luc Deleu, questions with his utopian projects the role of architecture and urbanism in the modern age, their position and duty in a global society and opens with his visions new perspectives of thinking architecture. Ariane Wilson, architect and art historian at the RWTH Aachen focussed her research on the role of sound in city and architecture and will give an overview about the current developments in that field.
A performance by Justin Bennett, who focusses in his work on the relationship between architecture and sound, will play with the elasticity of the concept of 'space'.
The behaviour of the soundboard of electroacoustic tools and musical instruments is being investi... more The behaviour of the soundboard of electroacoustic tools and musical instruments is being investigated from several years. The modelling of such instruments is fundamental in order to determine their acoustic characterization. The determination of nonlinear features of the sound production and propagation allows the definition of acoustical aspects that can't be reproduced with methods based on linear impulse response. A method that allows approximating nonlinear distortions of musical instruments by exploiting the Volterra series model is presented. A Matlab code has been developed in order to test the method on real world audio signals. Results of applications are presented on a series of different wind instruments. Some sound examples are provided.
Papers by Lamberto Tronchin
On February 12th, Carsten Stabenow, founder of Tuned City, will briefly introduce the project and will give an outlook on the plans for Brussels. Dr. Lamberto Tronchin, Professor in Environmental Physics from the University of Bologna, recognised internationally as a leading authority on the subject of sound and acoustics and a pianist himself, will open the evening with a lecture about one of the most inspiring thinkers of sound and space in the 17th century, Athanasius Kircher. The Belgian architect and urban planner Luc Deleu, questions with his utopian projects the role of architecture and urbanism in the modern age, their position and duty in a global society and opens with his visions new perspectives of thinking architecture. Ariane Wilson, architect and art historian at the RWTH Aachen focussed her research on the role of sound in city and architecture and will give an overview about the current developments in that field.
A performance by Justin Bennett, who focusses in his work on the relationship between architecture and sound, will play with the elasticity of the concept of 'space'.
12.02.2013, 19:00
Free Entrance
In English
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