Interest in slurs has partly obscured the issue of pejoratives and connoted expressions in genera... more Interest in slurs has partly obscured the issue of pejoratives and connoted expressions in general. However, we believe that a deeper understanding of the class the slurs belong to will have a positive impact on the study of slurs as well. In this paper, we sketch out a classification of the connoted terms, in particular, the pejorative ones. First, we analyze the balance between the descriptive and the connotative dimensions of these terms in order to find their collocation along a plausible meaning continuum. Then, we focus on the connotative component and consider the following criteria by which connoted and pejorative terms can be classified: polarity, kind of attitude, conveyed level of emotion, and vulgarity.
La pubblicazione di questo volume ha ricevuto il contributo dell'Università Cattolica sulla ... more La pubblicazione di questo volume ha ricevuto il contributo dell'Università Cattolica sulla base di una valutazione dei risultati della ricerca in essa espressa. Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun ...
I sintagmi nominali, costituiscono assieme a quelli verbali, uno dei costituenti fondamentali dei... more I sintagmi nominali, costituiscono assieme a quelli verbali, uno dei costituenti fondamentali dei nostri enunciati e delle lingue che vengono parlate in tutto il mondo. L’idea fondamentale che viene sviluppata nel volume è che la funzione dei sintagmi nominali sia quella di riferirsi alle cose che stanno nel mondo, mentre i sintagmi verbali hanno la funzione di dire qualcosa degli enti individuati dai sintagmi nominali. Tale idea, di per sé abbastanza intuitiva, ha finito per essere alquanto oscurata nell’ambito degli studi semantici, sia di stampo filosofico che linguistico, ove si nega che molti sintagmi nominali siano espressioni referenziali. Il volume critica le argomentazioni che vengono portate di solito a favore della non referenzialità dei sintagmi nominali e difende la tesi contraria. Particolarmente intricato in quest’ottica è il problema dei sintagmi nominali indefiniti la cui referenzialità non pare, almeno a prima vista, essere evidente. Ad essi viene dedicato ampio spazio nel volume.
In this paper, we aim to examine the relationships between four solutions to the dilemma of divin... more In this paper, we aim to examine the relationships between four solutions to the dilemma of divine foreknowledge and human freedom— theological determinism, Molinism, simple foreknowledge and open theism—and divine providence and theodicy. Some of these solutions— theological determinism and Molinism, in particular—highlight God’s government of the world. Some others—simple foreknowledge and open theism—highlight human autonomy and freedom. In general, the more libertarian human freedom is highlighted, the less God’s government of the history of the world seems possible. However, the task of theodicy becomes easier because humans are fully responsible for the evil they do. Conversely, the more God’s government is highlighted, the more human freedom seems to be restricted. Moreover, God seems to be directly or indirectly responsible for evil in the world. Because of the trade–off between control and freedom, each solution finds itself at ease with some problems, while on other fronts...
This chapter is a presentation of the metaphysics and logic of time. We analyse the metaphysics o... more This chapter is a presentation of the metaphysics and logic of time. We analyse the metaphysics of time according to three dimensions: the ontology of time (which parts of the temporal reality exist?), the dynamics of time (does time actually flow?) and the topology of time (is there just one possible course of events or does time branch off?). In the second part, we present some semantic frameworks of temporal logic, emphasizing the various interpretations of the future (indeterminist, Peircean, Thin Red Line). All the notions presented in this chapter will be employed in the subsequent analysis.
The concept of soft facts is crucial for the Ockhamistic analysis of the divine knowledge of futu... more The concept of soft facts is crucial for the Ockhamistic analysis of the divine knowledge of future contingents; moreover, this notion is important in itself because it concerns the structure of the facts that depend—in some sense—on other future facts. However, the debate on soft facts is often flawed by the unaware use of two different notions of soft facts. The facts of the first kind are supervenient on temporal facts: By bringing about a temporal fact, the agent can bring about these facts. However, on the one hand, the determination of the existence of these facts does not affect the past; on the other hand, assimilating divine knowledge into this kind of facts does not help the Ockhamist. The authors will argue that, to vindicate Ockhamism, another definition of “soft fact” is necessary, which turns out to be much more demanding from a metaphysical point of view.
Interest in slurs has partly obscured the issue of pejoratives and connoted expressions in genera... more Interest in slurs has partly obscured the issue of pejoratives and connoted expressions in general. However, we believe that a deeper understanding of the class the slurs belong to will have a positive impact on the study of slurs as well. In this paper, we sketch out a classification of the connoted terms, in particular, the pejorative ones. First, we analyze the balance between the descriptive and the connotative dimensions of these terms in order to find their collocation along a plausible meaning continuum. Then, we focus on the connotative component and consider the following criteria by which connoted and pejorative terms can be classified: polarity, kind of attitude, conveyed level of emotion, and vulgarity.
La pubblicazione di questo volume ha ricevuto il contributo dell'Università Cattolica sulla ... more La pubblicazione di questo volume ha ricevuto il contributo dell'Università Cattolica sulla base di una valutazione dei risultati della ricerca in essa espressa. Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun ...
I sintagmi nominali, costituiscono assieme a quelli verbali, uno dei costituenti fondamentali dei... more I sintagmi nominali, costituiscono assieme a quelli verbali, uno dei costituenti fondamentali dei nostri enunciati e delle lingue che vengono parlate in tutto il mondo. L’idea fondamentale che viene sviluppata nel volume è che la funzione dei sintagmi nominali sia quella di riferirsi alle cose che stanno nel mondo, mentre i sintagmi verbali hanno la funzione di dire qualcosa degli enti individuati dai sintagmi nominali. Tale idea, di per sé abbastanza intuitiva, ha finito per essere alquanto oscurata nell’ambito degli studi semantici, sia di stampo filosofico che linguistico, ove si nega che molti sintagmi nominali siano espressioni referenziali. Il volume critica le argomentazioni che vengono portate di solito a favore della non referenzialità dei sintagmi nominali e difende la tesi contraria. Particolarmente intricato in quest’ottica è il problema dei sintagmi nominali indefiniti la cui referenzialità non pare, almeno a prima vista, essere evidente. Ad essi viene dedicato ampio spazio nel volume.
In this paper, we aim to examine the relationships between four solutions to the dilemma of divin... more In this paper, we aim to examine the relationships between four solutions to the dilemma of divine foreknowledge and human freedom— theological determinism, Molinism, simple foreknowledge and open theism—and divine providence and theodicy. Some of these solutions— theological determinism and Molinism, in particular—highlight God’s government of the world. Some others—simple foreknowledge and open theism—highlight human autonomy and freedom. In general, the more libertarian human freedom is highlighted, the less God’s government of the history of the world seems possible. However, the task of theodicy becomes easier because humans are fully responsible for the evil they do. Conversely, the more God’s government is highlighted, the more human freedom seems to be restricted. Moreover, God seems to be directly or indirectly responsible for evil in the world. Because of the trade–off between control and freedom, each solution finds itself at ease with some problems, while on other fronts...
This chapter is a presentation of the metaphysics and logic of time. We analyse the metaphysics o... more This chapter is a presentation of the metaphysics and logic of time. We analyse the metaphysics of time according to three dimensions: the ontology of time (which parts of the temporal reality exist?), the dynamics of time (does time actually flow?) and the topology of time (is there just one possible course of events or does time branch off?). In the second part, we present some semantic frameworks of temporal logic, emphasizing the various interpretations of the future (indeterminist, Peircean, Thin Red Line). All the notions presented in this chapter will be employed in the subsequent analysis.
The concept of soft facts is crucial for the Ockhamistic analysis of the divine knowledge of futu... more The concept of soft facts is crucial for the Ockhamistic analysis of the divine knowledge of future contingents; moreover, this notion is important in itself because it concerns the structure of the facts that depend—in some sense—on other future facts. However, the debate on soft facts is often flawed by the unaware use of two different notions of soft facts. The facts of the first kind are supervenient on temporal facts: By bringing about a temporal fact, the agent can bring about these facts. However, on the one hand, the determination of the existence of these facts does not affect the past; on the other hand, assimilating divine knowledge into this kind of facts does not help the Ockhamist. The authors will argue that, to vindicate Ockhamism, another definition of “soft fact” is necessary, which turns out to be much more demanding from a metaphysical point of view.
This book is dedicated to the consolidation and to the expansion of theoretic systems thinking
as... more This book is dedicated to the consolidation and to the expansion of theoretic systems thinking as a necessary integration of the general reductionist and analytical attitude dominant in our culture. Reductionism and analytical approaches have produced significant results in many fields of contemporary knowledge giving a great contribution to relevant scientific discoveries and to their technological application, but their validity has been improperly universalized as the only and best methods of knowledge in every domain. It is nowadays clear that analytical or mereological approaches are inadequate to solve many problems and that we should introduce – or support the diffusion of - new concepts and different research attitudes. A good candidate to support such a shift is the well known theoretical approach based on the concept of “system” that no more considers the elementary constituents of an object, but the entity emerging from the relations and interactions among its elementary parts. It becomes possible to reconstruct several domains, both philosophical and scientific, from the systemic point of view, introducing fresh ideas in the research in view of a general rational vision of the world on more comprehensive basis.
Papers by Aldo Frigerio
as a necessary integration of the general reductionist and analytical attitude dominant in our
culture. Reductionism and analytical approaches have produced significant results in many
fields of contemporary knowledge giving a great contribution to relevant scientific discoveries
and to their technological application, but their validity has been improperly universalized as
the only and best methods of knowledge in every domain. It is nowadays clear that analytical
or mereological approaches are inadequate to solve many problems and that we should
introduce – or support the diffusion of - new concepts and different research attitudes. A good
candidate to support such a shift is the well known theoretical approach based on the concept
of “system” that no more considers the elementary constituents of an object, but the entity
emerging from the relations and interactions among its elementary parts. It becomes possible
to reconstruct several domains, both philosophical and scientific, from the systemic point of
view, introducing fresh ideas in the research in view of a general rational vision of the world on
more comprehensive basis.