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Curriculum Vitae

Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence), History, PhD Student
Daniele Curci - Academic Curriculum Birth: Pisa, April 25, 1992. Address: via di Pratale 32A, Pisa, Italy, 56127 Nationality: European (Italian) Gender: Male Italian Phone: (+39) 3934219885 French Phone: (+33) 783369294 Skype: daniele.curci.92 E-mail: daniele.curci@unifi.it LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniele-curci/ Academia.edu: https://unifi.academia.edu/DanieleCurci Actual Positions: - - November 2021 – Ongoing: PhD Student in Contemporary History, Università degli Studi di Firenze – Università degli Studi di Siena. Field of study: History of the United States; Propaganda; Cultural History; History of International Relations and Public Diplomacy; Music History; Army. Provisional title of the thesis: The Afro-American and female questions in Woody Guthrie’s propaganda music. 1937 – 1953. Tutor: Professor Massimiliano Guderzo (Università di Siena). 2022: member of the Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO). June 2022 – Ongoing: academic journal “Il Pensiero Mazziniano” scientific board member. 03/02/2020: Collaborator – Domus Mazziniana Pisa (Italy), an Historical center (museum, Archive, bibliotheque). 2014 – Ongoing: freelance Journalist, cofounder and codirector of the web portal “L’Eclettico.” Visiting Positions: - - - October 2022 – December 2022: Collège de France (an agreement between the Collège and the doctoral student's university recognizes the attendance of the Collège courses). Courses Followed: Philippe Aghion, Économie des institutions, de l’innovation et de la croissance; Henry Laurens, Historie contemporaine du monde arabe. September 2022 – January 2023: Université Paris – Est Créteil, Institute des Mondes Anglophone, Germanique et Roman, working group: Constructions Identitaires et Mobilisations dans le Monde Anglophone. During the visiting in Paris I also attend some seminars held by the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’École Militaire (IRSEM) and by the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre d’Études Nord – Américaines. Education: - 13/10/2015 – 13/07/2018: Master’s Degree in Modern and Contemporary History. University of Pisa, Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge. Main area of specialization: History of International Relations during the Cold War; Army and Police History. Research Thesis: Le relazioni di potere tra polizia ed esercito e le dinamiche internazionali. Il caso degli Stati Uniti durante la - - - - - Guerra Fredda [The power relations between police and military and the international dynamics. The case of the United States during the Cold War]. Supervisor: Professor Arturo Marzano (Università di Pisa), Professor Arnaldo Testi (Università di Pisa). Final evaluation: 110/110 cum laude. 09/01/2018 – 15/05/2018: Erasmus Traineeship. Paris, Sorbonne Université. Purpose: Research for thesis. Field: History of the army, police, and gendarmerie. During the stay I went to some seminars and courses held by the Collège de France. During the stay I also attend some courses held by the Collège de France: Pierre-Michel Menger, Sociologie du travail créateur; Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Réseaux marchands et empires à l'époque moderne; Thomas Römer, L'Arche d'alliance : mythes, histoires et histoire; Pierre Rosanvollon, Les années 1968-2018: une histoire intellectuelle et politique; Pierre Rosanvollon, Les années 1968-2018: une histoire intellectuelle et politique. July 2017: Summer School held by Centro Interuniversitario di Storia e Politica Euro – Americana (CISPEA; Bologna, Italy). Field of study: American Studies. Director: Professor Tiziano Bonazzi. February 2017: Jean Monnet Seminar – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy), Scrivere di temi europei: guida alle fonti e ai multimedia dell’UE [Writing About European Issues: Guide to the Sources of the European Union], Professor: Luisa Chiodi. Field of study: European Studies. 12/09/2011 – 09/06/2015: Bachelor’s Degree in Modern and Contemporary History. Research thesis: L’America di Woody Guthrie [The America of Woody Guthrie], supervisor Professor Arnaldo Testi (Università di Pisa). Final evaluation: 109/110. February 2011: Treno della Memoria, educational and cultural project about Shoah sponsored by Regione Toscana. The project also included a trip in Auschwitz, meetings and lessons with some survivors. July 2009: Shannon Academy, Athlone (Ireland). Stay for the purpose to improve English knowledge. 13/09/2006 – 08/07/2011: High School Diploma – Liceo Giosuè Carducci, Pisa (Italy). Main field of study: psychology. Awards and Fellowship: - 1/12/2018: Università di Pisa, graduation ceremony for graduates cum laude. 2018: Erasmus Program Scholarship 2017: Summer School Scholarship from the Centro Interuniversitario di Storia e Politica EuroAmericana (CISPEA) 2016: first prize of scholarship CWMUN 2016 Emi Rates – Associazione Diplomatici (ONU Official Partner) 2012 – 2017: DSU Toscana, scholarship for academic achievements Others Academic Activities: - 2020: informal collaboration in a historical and anthropological project on the Tuscan working class in the 1950s. The project was coordinated by Professor Fabio Dei (Università di Pisa). 03/10/2017 – November 2021: member and codirector of the academic blog “C’era una volta l’America”, part of the CISPEA network. Academic Publications: - - - - Sally Don’t You Grieve, There’s a Better World a – Comin’: propaganda e rapporti di genere nelle canzoni di Woody Guthrie della Seconda guerra mondiale [Sally Don’t You Grieve, There’s a Better World a – Comin’: propaganda and gender relations in Woody Guthrie’s war songs from the Second World War], conference proceedings from the conference “Professionisti in un mondo ingombrante” (Florence, 20/05/2022), July 2023. Il crollo dell’Unione Sovietica: tra lunga durata, democrazia e jihadismo [The Fall of the Soviet Union: between long-term, democracy and jihadism], “Il Pensiero Mazziniano”, September December 2021, N.3, pp. 84 – 96. Il faro del mondo? La crisi dentro la democrazia americana e i suoi riflessi internazionali [The Lighthouse of the World? The Crisis Within American Democracy and its international repercussions], “Il Pensiero Mazziniano”, January – April 2021, N.1, pp. 115 – 132. Al di là della linea del colore? La creazione dell’identità nell’autobiografia di Nat Love [Beyond the Color Line? Identy Creation in Nat Love’s Autobiography], “Acoma, Rivista di Studi Nord-Americani”, 2021, N.20, pp. 167 – 182. Conference and Lectures: - - - - 8-10/03/2023: Liminalità e banditismo nell’autobiografia di Nat Love (Black) American Cowboy, International Conference “Altri Briganti. Immaginari del fuorilegge in età contemporanea” [Other Brigands. Imaginaries of the outlaw in the contemporary age], part of the Prin (projects of significant national interest) “Il brigantaggio rivisitato” [banditry revisited], Università di Bari. 13/02/2023: Gli Amish, le destra religiosa e il voto repubblicano [Amish, Christian Right and the Republican vote]; contribution to doctoral teaching (research seminar), Università di Siena. 25/11/2022: Public Sphere or Private Sphere? Propaganda and Gender relations in Woody Guthrie’s World War II Songs, Université Paris – Est Créteil, research center IMAGER, working group CIMMA. 20/05/2022: Sally Don’t You Grieve, There’s a Better World a – Comin’: propaganda e rapporti di genere nelle canzoni di Woody Guthrie della Seconda guerra mondiale [Sally Don’t You Grieve, There’s a Better World a – Comin’: gender and propaganda in Woody Guthrie’s songs from the Second World War] at the Conference “Professionisti in un mondo ingombrante. Figure professionali di fronte a nuove sfide dall’antichità all’età contemporanea” [Professionals in a Cumbersome World. Professional Figures Facing New Challenges from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age], Università degli Studi di Firenze – Università di Siena, Firenze. 07/04/2022: Guerra in Ucraina: una prospettiva storica [Ukraine at War: an Historical Perspective], PhD Seminar (Organization, Introduction and coordination), Università degli Studi di Firenze – Università di Siena, Firenze. 22/04/2021: Discorso di chiusura della giornata: Giulio Regeni, l’Egitto e l’Italia [Closing Speech: Giulio Regeni, Egypt and Italy]; Università di Pisa – Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica – Limes Club Pisa; Pisa. Analysis and Public Conferences: - 02/12/2021: Trent’anni dalla fine dell’Urss, cosa resta [Thirty Years from the USRR fall: what remains], Interview with Orietta Moscatelli, Limes Club Pisa, Pisa. - - - 23/11/2021: Le relazioni transatlantiche nella transizione Trump – Biden [Transatlantic Relations in the Trump – Biden Transition]; Organization, Introduction and Coordination; Limes Club Pisa, Streaming 20/11/2020: Il significato delle elezioni americane tra passato e futuro [The Meaning of US Election Between Past and Future]; Organization, Introduction, Coordination; Domus Mazziniana Pisa – Associazione Mazziniana – CesEu – Euractiv – C’era una volta l’America – Limes Club Pisa, Pisa 04/11/2020: Commento alle elezioni USA [US Election 2020: an analysis]; Speaker; The Bottom-Up Magazine, Streaming Others Academic Courses: - 06/05/2020: Università di Pisa, History and Technique of Restoration, Professors: Antonella Gioli (Università di Pisa), Claudia Giostrealla (Università di Pisa). 05/05/2020 – 12/05/2020: Università di Pisa, How to Use SIGECWEB (software of the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage for the creation of a national database of archival Heritage), Professors from the Università di Pisa: Maria Tersa Bonanotte; Angela Maria Curelli; Sonia Maffei; Loredana Brancaccio. Language Skills: - Italian: Mother Tongue French: B2 (Listening C1; Reading C1; Spoken: B2; Writing B1) English: B2 (Listening C1; Reading C1; Spoken B2; Writing B2) Spanish: A2 (Listening A2; Reading A2)