Books by David Bernardini
(...) Intrecciando in modi diversi l’eredità di Bakunin, Kropotkin,
Proudhon ... more [dall'Introduzione]
(...) Intrecciando in modi diversi l’eredità di Bakunin, Kropotkin,
Proudhon e Landauer, Rocker rappresenta forse uno
degli ultimi teorici dell’anarchismo ad aver tentato di formulare
una teoria generale e di dare al movimento anarchico
una chiave di lettura autonoma, capace di decifrare il presente
in divenire. Rocker appare allora come un pensatore di
faglia capace di interpretare con originalità quel drammatico
momento per la storia dell’anarchismo costituito dal periodo
che intercorre tra la sconfitta della Rivoluzione spagnola e la
fine della seconda guerra mondiale, senza rifuggire da un sincero
confronto con i nuovi assetti delle democrazie liberali. (...)
Indice dei nomi disponibile qui:
Biblion edizioni, 2017
Il 30 gennaio 1933, mentre Hitler veniva nominato cancelliere, alcuni «nazionalisti socialrivoluz... more Il 30 gennaio 1933, mentre Hitler veniva nominato cancelliere, alcuni «nazionalisti socialrivoluzionari» distribuivano nelle strade di Berlino un libretto intitolato Il manifesto nazionalbolscevico. Sulla copertina, sotto il titolo in caratteri gotici, c'era uno strano simbolo composto da una falce e un martello che incrociavano una spada. Quel simbolo rappresenta il cuore del progetto po-litico del nazionalbolscevismo, un movimento che si sviluppò durante la Repubblica di Weimar e giunse a contare qualche migliaio di militanti e un pugno di giornali, circoli e case editrici. Il suo obiettivo era la rigenerazione politica, economica e spirituale della Germania, che avrebbe dovuto recuperare la sovranità persa con il trattato di Versailles attraverso l'alleanza con la Russia bolscevica e con il Partito comunista tedesco. Questo libro prende in esame le sue vicende politiche e ideologiche, rimaste finora tra le pieghe della storia.
«... Ολοκληρώνοντας τον σύντομο πρόλογό μου σε αυτό το δοκίμιο του Μπερναρντίνι, θα ήθελα να επαν... more «... Ολοκληρώνοντας τον σύντομο πρόλογό μου σε αυτό το δοκίμιο του Μπερναρντίνι, θα ήθελα να επαναλάβω την κοινή μας άποψη ότι η ιστορία δεν αποτελείται μόνο από θύματα και δήμιους, αλλά και από ιδεώδη, αξίες, προτάγματα, για τα οποία οι άνθρωποι μάχονται. Η ιστορία πρέπει να βγει από τα τείχη των πνευματικών και φυσικών περιορισμών της ακαδημίας, πρέπει να βρει τη δύναμη να μιλήσει για τους αγωνιστές, τους ακτιβιστές που προσπάθησαν να καθορίσουν οι ίδιοι το μέλλον τους. Η ιστορία δεν μπορεί και δεν πρέπει να είναι μόνο εκείνη των νικητών, η ιστορία μας είναι εκείνη των Μαύρων Μονάδων, των Arditi del Popolo και τόσων άλλων μικρότερων ή μεγαλύτερων ομάδων που στη διάρκεια του 20ου αιώνα μας δίδαξαν με τη δράση τους ότι ακόμη και σε πολύ δύσκολες συνθήκες είναι δυνατό να επιλέγεις να μην αναθέτεις σε κανέναν το φαντασιακό και την οικοδόμηση ενός καλύτερου μέλλοντος" (Andrea Staid) (Από την παρουσίαση στο οπισθόφυλλο του βιβλίου)
Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958) costituisce un tassello fondamentale nella storia del movimento anarchi... more Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958) costituisce un tassello fondamentale nella storia del movimento anarchico internazionale. Dalla Germania di Bismarck alla Francia della “propaganda del fatto”, dalla Londra degli anarchici di lingua yiddish, dove viene soprannominato “rabby goy”, ai campi di concentramento per “alien enemies” (stranieri di nazionalità nemica), dall’anarcosindacalismo della repubblica di Weimar alla colonia libertaria Mohegan nel Maine, dove finisce i suoi giorni, Rocker attraversa ottant’anni di storia senza mai rinunciare a lottare a fianco degli sfruttati ed a riflettere sulle possibilità di un avvenire libertario. Autore di una miriade di libri, opuscoli e articoli sparsi sulla stampa anarchica di tutto il mondo, la sua vita illumina scorci del passato spesso lasciati nell’ombra ed esperienze politiche poco conosciute, le sue riflessioni colgono le tensioni del tempo e cercano di coniugare teoria e azione. Questo libro si propone di costituire un primo approccio allo studio della figura di Rudolf Rocker, ricostruendo i differenti contesti nei quali si delineano il suo pensiero e la sua straordinaria parabola esistenziale.
Quella di Rocker è una storia poco conosciuta, eppure è bella come solo può essere quella di un uomo coerente, determinato, dotato di un pensiero acuto, originale e insofferente a qualsiasi tipo di dogma.
Articles by David Bernardini
Visual History, 2023
This article aims at analysing the iconography of the National Bolshevik movement that gravitated... more This article aims at analysing the iconography of the National Bolshevik movement that gravitated around the magazine « Widerstand » in the last phase of the Weimar Republic. The political message of the review was entrusted to the cooperation between its leader Ernst Niekisch and the artist A. Paul Weber. After tracing the events that led to their encounter, the article sheds light on the symbols of the movement and examines the drawings of A. Paul Weber published in the National Bolshevik press, attempting at tackling its recurrent motives and the artistic models (and highlighting most of all the influence by Wilhem Busch and Alfred Rethel such as of Symbolism and Alfred Kubin). Weber’s talent for linking different references and even aesthetic options emerge. Moreover, his drawings represent a significant case study in the non-linearity of the relationship between text and image. The semantic complexity of Weber’s iconography reveals broader and largely autonomous meanings than the political discourse asserted by Niekisch.
History of European Ideas, 2021
The article examines some thoughts on the rise of National Socialism by
Rudolf Rocker and Gerhard... more The article examines some thoughts on the rise of National Socialism by
Rudolf Rocker and Gerhard Wartenberg, two figures of fundamental
significance in the anarchism of the Weimar Republic, militant in the
anarcho-syndicalist Freie Arbeiter Union Deutschlands (FAUD), active
from 1919 to 1933. A systematic reading of the period’s anarchist press,
in particular of the weekly ‘Der Syndikalist’ and the monthly ‘Die
Internationale’ will show that their rejection of Hitler was based on the
theoretical principles of anarchism and a criticism of the authoritarian
outcomes of the Russian Revolution, suggesting a substantial affinity
between communism and fascism. This topic, recurrent in the
international anarchist press between the two wars, confirms the
intrinsic plurality of anti-fascism and the impossibility of identifying it
completely with communism, and anticipates conceptually the later
adoption of the notion of totalitarianism. The article thus retraces the
pluralist and many-sided concept of Nazism formulated by Rocker and
Wartenberg, a concept that found its place in a European perspective
and took into consideration political, economic, cultural and
psychological aspects.
«Looking with admiration and hope to the CNT». The anarcho syndacalists of the Weimar Republic an... more «Looking with admiration and hope to the CNT». The anarcho syndacalists of the Weimar Republic and their link with the Spain
This piece wishes to outline the specific role played by the link between the Spanish anarchism in the analysis and the production of the FAUD(AS), the main german anarchist organization in the Weimar Republic, through the journals and the documents in the Berliner Bundesarchiv. It talks about a series of events that constitute in a certain way the “pre-history” of German anarchosyndicalists’s activism during the Spanish civil war and of an experience as it was the DAS (Deutsche Anarcho-Syndikalisten) Group, created by exiles in Barcelona on 1934.
Memoria e Ricerca, 2019
Peeling the Onion. A Look Backwards on National Bolshevism in the 1900s.
This article aims at an... more Peeling the Onion. A Look Backwards on National Bolshevism in the 1900s.
This article aims at analyzing the problematic trajectory of National Bolshevism, an “oxymoronic” provocative political concept, born and developed throughout the Twentieth Century. Such concept appears
in several different contexts, employed more or less legitimately. This article will attempt to outline a kind of conceptual mapping, located in clear historical as well as geographic coordinates (Germany, France, Soviet Union, Russia and some short mentions to Italy) through an
accurate historiographical overview and an extensive examination of the press of that period. This mapping will identify some of the circumstances, in which the National Bolshevik thought emerges as a part of the broader history of exchanges and intertwining between the ideas of Socialism and Nation.
This piece wishes to outline the totality of ideas and activities that the German anarcho-syndaca... more This piece wishes to outline the totality of ideas and activities that the German anarcho-syndacalist organization FAUD(AS) undertook in the last phase of the Weimar Republic (1930-1933) in reaction to both the consequences of the economic crisis of 1929 and the rise of the NSDAP lead by Adolf Hitler. In the text we will highlight the continuity of the repression suffered (even if with different levels on intensity over the years) by the anarcho-syndacalists during the transition from the Republic to the Nazi dictatorship. Also, a special look will be given to the specific role played by the link with the Spanish anarchism in the analysis and in the production of the FAUD(AS), specifically after1931. It is a mix of events that can constitute in a way the “pre-history” of an experience as it was the DAS Group during the Spanish revolution.
El artículo pretende trazar una panorámica del conjunto de ideas y prácticas que la organización anarcosindicalista alemana FAUD (AS) emprende en la última fase de la República de Weimar (1930 1933) para reaccionar tanto contra las consecuencias de la crisis económica de 1929, como contra el ascenso del NSDAP guiado por Adolf Hitler. A través del texto se desvelará por un lado la continuidad, a pesar de los diversos niveles de intensidad, y por otro el especial papel desempeñado por las referencias al anarquismo español en el análisis y en las publicaciones de la FAUD (AS), particularmente desde 1931. Se trata de un conjunto de vivencias que constituyen de alguna manera la “prehistoria” de una experiencia posterior como fue la del Grupo DAS durante la Revolución española.
Si tratta della traduzione inglese (priva però della bibliografia finale) di: Sulle traccia del m... more Si tratta della traduzione inglese (priva però della bibliografia finale) di: Sulle traccia del movimento anarchico nella Germania Est, "Bollettino dell'Archivio G. Pinelli", (2016), n. 48.
The articles aim to analyze the conditions and the political and ideological events of the Alte S... more The articles aim to analyze the conditions and the political and ideological events of the Alte Sozialdemokratische Partei (ASP) in the most significan moment of its existence, i.e. between 1926-1928. The analysis builds on an extensive examination of the contemporary press and of the theoretical contributions appeared on "Volksstaat", the party organ. The article focuses particularly on that special project of "national socialism", which attempted to reconcile socialism, State approval and nationalism and was developed by the ASP with Ernst Niekisch's fundamental contribution.
Anarchici nella Germania Est, nella famigerata Repubblica Democratica tedesca (RDT)? Fino a poco ... more Anarchici nella Germania Est, nella famigerata Repubblica Democratica tedesca (RDT)? Fino a poco tempo fa a dire il vero non ne sapevo nulla. Ora che libri sull'argomento hanno colonizzato il tavolo sul quale scrivo, posso dire: ebbene sì, “credetemi esistono” come cantava Leo Ferré.
L’articolo si propone di analizzare la critica al nazionalsocialismo mossa da Ernst Niekisch (188... more L’articolo si propone di analizzare la critica al nazionalsocialismo mossa da Ernst Niekisch (1889-1967) all’interno di un pamphlet, pubblicato nel 1932 e intitolato Hitler- ein deutsches Verhängnis [Hitler- una fatalità tedesca]. Questo scritto è stato ritenuto particolarmente interessante per due ordini di motivi strettamente connessi tra loro. Al suo interno, infatti, viene delineata una critica al nazionalsocialismo che non solo muove dalla peculiare affermazione del carattere “borghese” e “occidentale” del movimento di Hitler, ma che permette anche di capire i caratteri principali del pensiero nazionalbolscevico. In altre parole, nella critica al nazionalsocialismo, Niekisch condensa le linee teoriche fondamentali che caratterizzano quel composito movimento politico e culturale, del quale era esponente di spicco e punto di riferimento, anche se a tratti duramente contestato. L’articolo traccia inoltre un rapido profilo biografico e politico dell’intellettuale nazionalbolscevico e cerca di fare il punto del complesso dibattito storiografico che riguarda il suo pensiero, accennando al ruolo che l’elaborazione intellettuale di Niekisch ha avuto nei confronti di alcuni settori della destra radicale nel secondo dopoguerra.
A “German Fatality”. Ernst Niekisch's National Bolshevik thought criticizing National Socialism (1932)
This article’s aim is to analyze the critique of National Socialism, carried on by Ernst Niekisch (1889-1967) in a pamphlet, published in 1932, with the title Hitler-ein deutsches Verhängnis [Hitler- a German fatality]. His analysis of National Socialism has been considered very interesting because of two strictly connected reasons. In fact, not only it is based on the particular statement about the “bourgeois” and “western” nature of Hitler’s movement, but also it allows to understand the main features of National Bolshevism. In other words, criticizing National Socialism, Niekisch also draws the theoretical lines characterizing that politically and culturally heterogeneous movement, whose the author was a reference point and leading spokesperson, even if sometimes harshly contested. The article, moreover, gives a brief account of this National Bolshevik intellectual’s life and political commitment and it tries to take stock of the complex historiographical debate about his thought, touching on the role played by Niekisch’s analysis as far as some groups, belonging to the radical right in the Post-Second World War, are concerned.
Book sections by David Bernardini
Handbook Ideologies in National Socialism Online, 2023
Handbook Ideologies in National Socialism Online, 2023
This paper aims to analyse Ernst Niekisch’s thinking on Nazism. The analysis focuses on two of hi... more This paper aims to analyse Ernst Niekisch’s thinking on Nazism. The analysis focuses on two of his texts in particular. The first, Hitler - ein deutsches Verhängnis (Hitler - a German Fatality), published in 1932, examines the rise of Hitler in the Weimar Republic. The second, Das Reich der niederen Dämonen (The Realm of the Inferior Demons), published in 1953, considers the path of the so-called "Third Reich"until its collapse. Using an approach that is located between political history and the history of ideas, an analysis of these two writings reveals the continuities and discontinuities of Niekisch’s peculiar right-wing anti-Nazism. His original reflection questions an overly simplistic dichotomy between democratic and anti-democratic thoughts, and reveals a peculiar intermixing of languages and ideas from different political cultures.
Books by David Bernardini
(...) Intrecciando in modi diversi l’eredità di Bakunin, Kropotkin,
Proudhon e Landauer, Rocker rappresenta forse uno
degli ultimi teorici dell’anarchismo ad aver tentato di formulare
una teoria generale e di dare al movimento anarchico
una chiave di lettura autonoma, capace di decifrare il presente
in divenire. Rocker appare allora come un pensatore di
faglia capace di interpretare con originalità quel drammatico
momento per la storia dell’anarchismo costituito dal periodo
che intercorre tra la sconfitta della Rivoluzione spagnola e la
fine della seconda guerra mondiale, senza rifuggire da un sincero
confronto con i nuovi assetti delle democrazie liberali. (...)
Indice dei nomi disponibile qui:
Quella di Rocker è una storia poco conosciuta, eppure è bella come solo può essere quella di un uomo coerente, determinato, dotato di un pensiero acuto, originale e insofferente a qualsiasi tipo di dogma.
Articles by David Bernardini
Rudolf Rocker and Gerhard Wartenberg, two figures of fundamental
significance in the anarchism of the Weimar Republic, militant in the
anarcho-syndicalist Freie Arbeiter Union Deutschlands (FAUD), active
from 1919 to 1933. A systematic reading of the period’s anarchist press,
in particular of the weekly ‘Der Syndikalist’ and the monthly ‘Die
Internationale’ will show that their rejection of Hitler was based on the
theoretical principles of anarchism and a criticism of the authoritarian
outcomes of the Russian Revolution, suggesting a substantial affinity
between communism and fascism. This topic, recurrent in the
international anarchist press between the two wars, confirms the
intrinsic plurality of anti-fascism and the impossibility of identifying it
completely with communism, and anticipates conceptually the later
adoption of the notion of totalitarianism. The article thus retraces the
pluralist and many-sided concept of Nazism formulated by Rocker and
Wartenberg, a concept that found its place in a European perspective
and took into consideration political, economic, cultural and
psychological aspects.
This piece wishes to outline the specific role played by the link between the Spanish anarchism in the analysis and the production of the FAUD(AS), the main german anarchist organization in the Weimar Republic, through the journals and the documents in the Berliner Bundesarchiv. It talks about a series of events that constitute in a certain way the “pre-history” of German anarchosyndicalists’s activism during the Spanish civil war and of an experience as it was the DAS (Deutsche Anarcho-Syndikalisten) Group, created by exiles in Barcelona on 1934.
This article aims at analyzing the problematic trajectory of National Bolshevism, an “oxymoronic” provocative political concept, born and developed throughout the Twentieth Century. Such concept appears
in several different contexts, employed more or less legitimately. This article will attempt to outline a kind of conceptual mapping, located in clear historical as well as geographic coordinates (Germany, France, Soviet Union, Russia and some short mentions to Italy) through an
accurate historiographical overview and an extensive examination of the press of that period. This mapping will identify some of the circumstances, in which the National Bolshevik thought emerges as a part of the broader history of exchanges and intertwining between the ideas of Socialism and Nation.
El artículo pretende trazar una panorámica del conjunto de ideas y prácticas que la organización anarcosindicalista alemana FAUD (AS) emprende en la última fase de la República de Weimar (1930 1933) para reaccionar tanto contra las consecuencias de la crisis económica de 1929, como contra el ascenso del NSDAP guiado por Adolf Hitler. A través del texto se desvelará por un lado la continuidad, a pesar de los diversos niveles de intensidad, y por otro el especial papel desempeñado por las referencias al anarquismo español en el análisis y en las publicaciones de la FAUD (AS), particularmente desde 1931. Se trata de un conjunto de vivencias que constituyen de alguna manera la “prehistoria” de una experiencia posterior como fue la del Grupo DAS durante la Revolución española.
A “German Fatality”. Ernst Niekisch's National Bolshevik thought criticizing National Socialism (1932)
This article’s aim is to analyze the critique of National Socialism, carried on by Ernst Niekisch (1889-1967) in a pamphlet, published in 1932, with the title Hitler-ein deutsches Verhängnis [Hitler- a German fatality]. His analysis of National Socialism has been considered very interesting because of two strictly connected reasons. In fact, not only it is based on the particular statement about the “bourgeois” and “western” nature of Hitler’s movement, but also it allows to understand the main features of National Bolshevism. In other words, criticizing National Socialism, Niekisch also draws the theoretical lines characterizing that politically and culturally heterogeneous movement, whose the author was a reference point and leading spokesperson, even if sometimes harshly contested. The article, moreover, gives a brief account of this National Bolshevik intellectual’s life and political commitment and it tries to take stock of the complex historiographical debate about his thought, touching on the role played by Niekisch’s analysis as far as some groups, belonging to the radical right in the Post-Second World War, are concerned.
Book sections by David Bernardini
(...) Intrecciando in modi diversi l’eredità di Bakunin, Kropotkin,
Proudhon e Landauer, Rocker rappresenta forse uno
degli ultimi teorici dell’anarchismo ad aver tentato di formulare
una teoria generale e di dare al movimento anarchico
una chiave di lettura autonoma, capace di decifrare il presente
in divenire. Rocker appare allora come un pensatore di
faglia capace di interpretare con originalità quel drammatico
momento per la storia dell’anarchismo costituito dal periodo
che intercorre tra la sconfitta della Rivoluzione spagnola e la
fine della seconda guerra mondiale, senza rifuggire da un sincero
confronto con i nuovi assetti delle democrazie liberali. (...)
Indice dei nomi disponibile qui:
Quella di Rocker è una storia poco conosciuta, eppure è bella come solo può essere quella di un uomo coerente, determinato, dotato di un pensiero acuto, originale e insofferente a qualsiasi tipo di dogma.
Rudolf Rocker and Gerhard Wartenberg, two figures of fundamental
significance in the anarchism of the Weimar Republic, militant in the
anarcho-syndicalist Freie Arbeiter Union Deutschlands (FAUD), active
from 1919 to 1933. A systematic reading of the period’s anarchist press,
in particular of the weekly ‘Der Syndikalist’ and the monthly ‘Die
Internationale’ will show that their rejection of Hitler was based on the
theoretical principles of anarchism and a criticism of the authoritarian
outcomes of the Russian Revolution, suggesting a substantial affinity
between communism and fascism. This topic, recurrent in the
international anarchist press between the two wars, confirms the
intrinsic plurality of anti-fascism and the impossibility of identifying it
completely with communism, and anticipates conceptually the later
adoption of the notion of totalitarianism. The article thus retraces the
pluralist and many-sided concept of Nazism formulated by Rocker and
Wartenberg, a concept that found its place in a European perspective
and took into consideration political, economic, cultural and
psychological aspects.
This piece wishes to outline the specific role played by the link between the Spanish anarchism in the analysis and the production of the FAUD(AS), the main german anarchist organization in the Weimar Republic, through the journals and the documents in the Berliner Bundesarchiv. It talks about a series of events that constitute in a certain way the “pre-history” of German anarchosyndicalists’s activism during the Spanish civil war and of an experience as it was the DAS (Deutsche Anarcho-Syndikalisten) Group, created by exiles in Barcelona on 1934.
This article aims at analyzing the problematic trajectory of National Bolshevism, an “oxymoronic” provocative political concept, born and developed throughout the Twentieth Century. Such concept appears
in several different contexts, employed more or less legitimately. This article will attempt to outline a kind of conceptual mapping, located in clear historical as well as geographic coordinates (Germany, France, Soviet Union, Russia and some short mentions to Italy) through an
accurate historiographical overview and an extensive examination of the press of that period. This mapping will identify some of the circumstances, in which the National Bolshevik thought emerges as a part of the broader history of exchanges and intertwining between the ideas of Socialism and Nation.
El artículo pretende trazar una panorámica del conjunto de ideas y prácticas que la organización anarcosindicalista alemana FAUD (AS) emprende en la última fase de la República de Weimar (1930 1933) para reaccionar tanto contra las consecuencias de la crisis económica de 1929, como contra el ascenso del NSDAP guiado por Adolf Hitler. A través del texto se desvelará por un lado la continuidad, a pesar de los diversos niveles de intensidad, y por otro el especial papel desempeñado por las referencias al anarquismo español en el análisis y en las publicaciones de la FAUD (AS), particularmente desde 1931. Se trata de un conjunto de vivencias que constituyen de alguna manera la “prehistoria” de una experiencia posterior como fue la del Grupo DAS durante la Revolución española.
A “German Fatality”. Ernst Niekisch's National Bolshevik thought criticizing National Socialism (1932)
This article’s aim is to analyze the critique of National Socialism, carried on by Ernst Niekisch (1889-1967) in a pamphlet, published in 1932, with the title Hitler-ein deutsches Verhängnis [Hitler- a German fatality]. His analysis of National Socialism has been considered very interesting because of two strictly connected reasons. In fact, not only it is based on the particular statement about the “bourgeois” and “western” nature of Hitler’s movement, but also it allows to understand the main features of National Bolshevism. In other words, criticizing National Socialism, Niekisch also draws the theoretical lines characterizing that politically and culturally heterogeneous movement, whose the author was a reference point and leading spokesperson, even if sometimes harshly contested. The article, moreover, gives a brief account of this National Bolshevik intellectual’s life and political commitment and it tries to take stock of the complex historiographical debate about his thought, touching on the role played by Niekisch’s analysis as far as some groups, belonging to the radical right in the Post-Second World War, are concerned.
Questa immagine è soprattutto il riflesso del concetto di “colpa collettiva”, che fu uno dei cardini del processo di denazificazione, voluto dagli Alleati con lo scopo di generare un senso di colpa generalizzato tra i tedeschi. Questo processo ha fortemente condizionato gli studi sul Widerstand e l’Opposition, secondo Peter Hoffman scoraggiati dalle stesse autorità alleate, fin quando non si passò a una più serena e obiettiva ricerca sul regime nazista.
Questa immagine è soprattutto il riflesso del concetto di “colpa collettiva”, che fu uno dei cardini del processo di denazificazione, voluto dagli Alleati con lo scopo di generare un senso di colpa generalizzato tra i tedeschi. Questo processo ha fortemente condizionato gli studi sul Widerstand e l’Opposition, secondo Peter Hoffman scoraggiati dalle stesse autorità alleate, fin quando non si passò a una più serena e obiettiva ricerca sul regime nazista.
Presentano Laboratorio Lapsus e Elèuthera edizioni
Nicola Del Corno (Storia delle dottrine politiche, UniMi)
David Bernardini (dottorando, UniTe)
Lorenzo Pezzica (curatore del libro "Viaggio in Italia" di Michail Bakunin
Carlo De Maria (professore associato di Storia contemporanea e di Storia delle dottrine e delle istituzioni politiche, UniBo)
Accompagnamento musicale di Alessio Lega