Leaf removal is a cultural practice mainly aimed at improving cluster zone microclimates and impa... more Leaf removal is a cultural practice mainly aimed at improving cluster zone microclimates and impacting primary and secondary metabolites, such as volatiles. This research aimed to assess the impact of defoliation on free and glycosylated aromas of a neutral (‘Nebbiolo’) and a semi-aromatic (‘Aleatico’) red variety. Defoliation was performed at fruit set (BBCH 71) and, for ‘Nebbiolo’, also at berries touch (BBCH 81) phenological stages. Skins and pulps were separately analyzed by Solid Phase Extraction–Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Results showed that the response to defoliation was variety-dependent. For ‘Nebbiolo’, especially when performed at the berries’ touch stage, defoliation had a significant effect on the accumulation of free volatiles and glycosidic precursors. Differently, free and bound ‘Aleatico’ volatiles were less impacted by defoliation. Interestingly, in both grapevine varieties, defoliation significantly enhanced the accumulation of aroma precursors in grape...
Today, the concept of precision vine management (or site-specific viticulture) has a great releva... more Today, the concept of precision vine management (or site-specific viticulture) has a great relevance. It is based on the practice of a different management in relation to the different features of the crop site. In this way, all practices should be adapted to the land spatial variability and should be linked to the real needs of vines. Some guiding lines were drawn in order to find systems, based on a remote sensing one, that could lead to an evaluation of vine adaptative responses to different conditions of cultivation, and give some marks on a different management of vineyards. In 2005, some high-resolution relieves were made by satellite (IKONOS) on a surface of about 500 hectare of vineyards located in Franciacorta (Northern Italy). Two different kinds of images were used: a first one coloured in the visible spectrum and another one in the near infra-red. These images were processed by suitable algorhythms and they were related to productive data (from a quantity and quality poi...
Selection of resistant rootstocks to overcome recent climate-change events is a crucial factor fo... more Selection of resistant rootstocks to overcome recent climate-change events is a crucial factor for developing sustainable agricultural practices and for assuring optimal quality of grapes. Our study examined responses of four new rootstocks selected for resistance to water and salt stresses, iron chlorosis, vigor reduction, and enhanced potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) uptake efficiency. The new rootstocks are the result of crossing various species of Vitis (riparia, cordifolia, rupestris and berlandieri) alone or in combination. The four new genotypes were compared with six conventional rootstocks grown at five locations in Italy, using the same 'Cabernet Sauvignon' scion and similar management practices. This paper reports the 2011 data for leaf SPAD and NDVI values, and K, Mg, calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and boron (B) concentrations both in leaves and in petioles sampled at veraison.
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2015
Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of early leaf removal and c... more Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of early leaf removal and cluster thinning treatments in the Mediterranean climate on berry growth and how these two techniques affect phenolic profile (especially proathocyanidins) and color characteristics for later wine production. The study was conducted in 2011 in Podgorica, Montenegro. Two grapevine cultivars were selected to compare different ability in flavonoid accumulation: Vranac, with moderate accumulation and Cabernet Sauvignon, usually showing very good accumulation of polyphenols. Four treatments were compared: only leaf removal, only cluster thinning, leaf removal combined with cluster thinning, and no treatment that was used for control (control set). Results: Early defoliation reduced the yield in both varieties. In Cabernet Sauvignon, defoliation initially delayed berry growth, but at the end, defoliation slightly affected almost all yield parameters (cluster weight, berry weight, and number of berries per cluster), while in cultivar Vranac, defoliation did not modify the berry growth and berry weight. In both varieties, cluster thinning did not affect the berry weight. In the treatments where both defoliation and cluster thinning was applied, a reduction of the cluster weight, berry weight, and berry numbers per cluster was observed. Cabernet Sauvignon showed a greater reactivity to the applied techniques, while Vranac was less reactive. At harvest, no damaged bunches (caused by sunburn) were found in defoliated treatment. Conclusions: It can be concluded that for both varieties, early defoliation and cluster thinning lead to better soluble solids accumulation than in the control set. The treatments lead to raised concentration of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins in both varieties. It is confirmed that the highest content of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins was in the skin extracts of the grapes where both treatments were applied. This is followed by the treatment where only defoliation was applied. The enhanced contents of these compounds per berry in grape variety Vranac are the result of increased synthesis, while in Cabernet sauvignon variety, increased content was due to the less berry weight. The best wine characteristics (alcohol, color intensity, color hue, total anthocyanins, total polyphenols) were found in products, where defoliation was applied.
The fruit colour is an important quality factor for the cultivar classification and for the pheno... more The fruit colour is an important quality factor for the cultivar classification and for the phenotyping techniques. Beside the subjective visual evaluation, new instruments and techniques can be applied. In this work, carried out in an ampelographic collection sited in the Oltrep\uf2 pavese viticultural area (Northern Italy), a phenotyping method based on the reflectance spectra was developed upon 120 grape varieties. The cluster analysis, together with the discriminant analysis, produced reliable classifications. The reflectance of the whole berry surface was also compared with the absorption properties of single skin extracts. In this way, a cultivar-independent index was obtained for the pigment content evaluation
It should be noted that we have left the livestock component out here because it has been dealt w... more It should be noted that we have left the livestock component out here because it has been dealt with in Sect. III.3.1.(e) and Chap. III.6.(A). Since we have handled quite some general aspects of this new subject in other sections, we deal here with a case study on the importance of a correct management of interrows of orchards and vineyards, such as with cover crops to prevent soil erosion and to improve the soil by adding organic matter. The relevance of positive and negative effects of cover crops is obviously determined by the crops adopted (species and varieties) but can be strongly modulated by the choices of sowing methods (type and time) and management practices.
La definizione del profilo qualitativo dell'uva richiede una capacità diagnostica ampia. La ... more La definizione del profilo qualitativo dell'uva richiede una capacità diagnostica ampia. La comprensione del decorso del maturazione e la valutazione del potenziale qualitativo dell'uva consentono di scegliere il corretto momento della vendemmia e di definire la più opportuna tecnica di ...
In the context of climate change, the optical properties of grapevine leaves have been used in im... more In the context of climate change, the optical properties of grapevine leaves have been used in imaging technologies to screen grapevine phenotypes tolerant to water deficit and heat waves in field conditions. Image-based plant phenotyping is challenging because the adaxial and the abaxial sides of the leaf present different morphology. This study investigated the effect of trichomes of the abaxial epidermis on the spectral responses in the two grapevine leaf sides. It was also examined the effect of pubescence on leaf thermoregulation, either during water deficiency or not. For this study, 99 Vitis spp. genotypes were categorised for their prostrate trichome density between main veins on the abaxial side of the leaves (using the descriptor OIV 084). In the first week of 2022, August, reflectance spectra from 400 to 700 nm and color indexes CIELAB and RGB were recorded in five leaves (both abaxial and adaxial sides) per genotype. During three days in midsummer, crop water stress inde...
la circolazione varietale della vite nel mediterraneo: lo stato della ricerca 1. I nuovi ambiti d... more la circolazione varietale della vite nel mediterraneo: lo stato della ricerca 1. I nuovi ambiti di indagine per la ricerca viticola: i limes culturali quali centri di diversità genetica Le nozioni di frontiera e di confine non sono di facile definizione se non si utilizza una metafora. Allo scopo di rappresentare qualcosa che separa e unisce allo stesso tempo è necessario identificare una specie di terra di nessuno, luogo tra due spazi prima di tutto culturali, ciascuno dei quali occupato da una cultura, distinta l'una dall'altra. Questa metaforica terra di nessuno è una zona in cui avviene l'interazione tra due culture o uno spazio capace di produrre continuità storico-culturale e conservazione, come una sorta di riproduzione delle società originarie che si incontrano senza mai integrarsi. Ogni volta che un popolo entra nel territorio di un'altra popolazione si crea una frontiera e di norma si verificano due circostanze: una di contrapposizione che porta al mantenimento pressoché stabile delle culture che si confrontano (l'esempio della "frontiera nascosta" 1) e un'altra di integrazione delle due culture, dove la più forte detta le condizioni della fusione (l'esempio della cultura gallo-romana o più recentemente quella del West americano 2). I confini sono notoriamente luoghi di crisi, di tensioni etniche, di contrapposizioni ma anche di scambio, di regolazione di sistemi diversi, di innovazione. Gli antropologi chiamano queste espressioni culturali edge effect, effetto bordo. L'Italia, con la sua posizione tra Occidente e Oriente, su percorsi e rotte di popolazioni che l'hanno attraversata in ogni tempo, con le innumerevoli ma-1
Background: Georgia, in the Caucasian region, is considered the first domestication centre of gra... more Background: Georgia, in the Caucasian region, is considered the first domestication centre of grapevine. This country is characterized by high morphological variability of cultivated (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sativa (DC.) Hegi) and wild (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmel.) Hegi) compartments. The main objective of this study was to investigate the level of genetic diversity obtained by the novel custom Vitis18kSNP array, in order to analyse 71 grapevine accessions representative of wild and cultivated Georgian germplasms. Results: The number of loci successfully amplified was 15,317 out of 18,775 SNP and 79 % of loci resulted polymorphic. Sixty-eight unique profiles were identified, 42 for the sativa and 26 for the sylvestris compartment. Cluster analysis highlighted two main groups, one for cultivars and another for wild individuals, while a genetic structure according to accession taxonomic status and cultivar geographical origin was revealed by multivariate analysis, differentiating clearly the genotypes into 3 main groups, two groups including cultivars and one for wild individuals, even though a considerable overlapping area was observed. Conclusions: Pattern of genetic diversity structure presented an additional proof that grapevine domestication events took place in the Caucasian region contributing to the crop evolution. Our results demonstrated a moderate differentiation between sativa and sylvestris compartments, even though a connection between several samples of both subspecies may be assumed for the occurrence of cross hybridization events among native wild populations and the cultivated accessions. Nevertheless, first degree relationships have not been discovered between wild and cultivated individuals
I portainnesti di vite disponibili mostrano una scarsa tolleranza a condizioni ambientali quali s... more I portainnesti di vite disponibili mostrano una scarsa tolleranza a condizioni ambientali quali siccit\\ue0 o elevate concentrazioni saline nel suolo. In uno scenario di cambiamenti climatici appare importante la selezione di portainnesti tolleranti e l\\u2019approfondimento delle conoscenze alla base della risposta della vite a tali stress. Sono stati analizzati due diversi genotipi, 101.14, ritenuto \\u2018sensibile\\u2019 e M4, risultato dall\\u2019incrocio 41 B (V. vinifera x V. berlandieri) x V. berlandieri cv. Resseguier n.1, candidato come \\u2018tollerante\\u2019. Le piante, allevate in vaso mantenuto al 80% della capacit\\ue0 di campo, sono state sottoposte a condizioni di progressivo stress idrico e salino. 101.14 gi\\ue0 a valori di potenziale idrico fogliare (\\u3a8l) di -0.5 MPa ha mostrato riduzione di crescita e metabolismo fogliare, quasi totalmente inibiti raggiunti i valori di \\u3a8l pi\\uf9 negativi. M4 ha invece mantenuto discreti livelli di traspirazione e assimilazione anche a \\u3a8l di -1.5 MPa. La maggiore tolleranza allo stress idrico di M4 \\ue8 risultata associata alla sua maggiore capacit\\ue0 di adeguare il potenziale di soluto radicale, mediante un evidente incremento di osmoliti, e di mantenere una integrit\\ue0 dell\\u2019apparato radicale come suggerito da morfologia, contenuto di proteine totali, e maggiore capacit\\ue0 di recupero una volta ripristinato l\\u2019apporto idrico. M4 ha confermato maggiori capacit\\ue0 adattative anche in condizioni di stress salino, con livelli pressoch\\ue9 doppi di Na e Cl traslocati in foglia rispetto a 101.14. La valutazione dei livelli di K nelle foglie e della sua traslocazione, impiegando come tracciante lo ione Rb, ha suggerito come M4 sia in grado di tollerare livelli di Na pi\\uf9 elevati incrementando l\\u2019assorbimento e la traslocazione di K. I risultati ottenuti, oltre a evidenziare tratti fisiologici della risposta allo stress idrico e salino, sottolineano il ruolo centrale dell\\u2019apparato radicale nella risposta adattativa. Ricerca finanziata dal Progetto AGER-SERRES, pratica n\\ub02010-2105
Leaf removal is a cultural practice mainly aimed at improving cluster zone microclimates and impa... more Leaf removal is a cultural practice mainly aimed at improving cluster zone microclimates and impacting primary and secondary metabolites, such as volatiles. This research aimed to assess the impact of defoliation on free and glycosylated aromas of a neutral (‘Nebbiolo’) and a semi-aromatic (‘Aleatico’) red variety. Defoliation was performed at fruit set (BBCH 71) and, for ‘Nebbiolo’, also at berries touch (BBCH 81) phenological stages. Skins and pulps were separately analyzed by Solid Phase Extraction–Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Results showed that the response to defoliation was variety-dependent. For ‘Nebbiolo’, especially when performed at the berries’ touch stage, defoliation had a significant effect on the accumulation of free volatiles and glycosidic precursors. Differently, free and bound ‘Aleatico’ volatiles were less impacted by defoliation. Interestingly, in both grapevine varieties, defoliation significantly enhanced the accumulation of aroma precursors in grape...
Today, the concept of precision vine management (or site-specific viticulture) has a great releva... more Today, the concept of precision vine management (or site-specific viticulture) has a great relevance. It is based on the practice of a different management in relation to the different features of the crop site. In this way, all practices should be adapted to the land spatial variability and should be linked to the real needs of vines. Some guiding lines were drawn in order to find systems, based on a remote sensing one, that could lead to an evaluation of vine adaptative responses to different conditions of cultivation, and give some marks on a different management of vineyards. In 2005, some high-resolution relieves were made by satellite (IKONOS) on a surface of about 500 hectare of vineyards located in Franciacorta (Northern Italy). Two different kinds of images were used: a first one coloured in the visible spectrum and another one in the near infra-red. These images were processed by suitable algorhythms and they were related to productive data (from a quantity and quality poi...
Selection of resistant rootstocks to overcome recent climate-change events is a crucial factor fo... more Selection of resistant rootstocks to overcome recent climate-change events is a crucial factor for developing sustainable agricultural practices and for assuring optimal quality of grapes. Our study examined responses of four new rootstocks selected for resistance to water and salt stresses, iron chlorosis, vigor reduction, and enhanced potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) uptake efficiency. The new rootstocks are the result of crossing various species of Vitis (riparia, cordifolia, rupestris and berlandieri) alone or in combination. The four new genotypes were compared with six conventional rootstocks grown at five locations in Italy, using the same 'Cabernet Sauvignon' scion and similar management practices. This paper reports the 2011 data for leaf SPAD and NDVI values, and K, Mg, calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and boron (B) concentrations both in leaves and in petioles sampled at veraison.
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2015
Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of early leaf removal and c... more Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of early leaf removal and cluster thinning treatments in the Mediterranean climate on berry growth and how these two techniques affect phenolic profile (especially proathocyanidins) and color characteristics for later wine production. The study was conducted in 2011 in Podgorica, Montenegro. Two grapevine cultivars were selected to compare different ability in flavonoid accumulation: Vranac, with moderate accumulation and Cabernet Sauvignon, usually showing very good accumulation of polyphenols. Four treatments were compared: only leaf removal, only cluster thinning, leaf removal combined with cluster thinning, and no treatment that was used for control (control set). Results: Early defoliation reduced the yield in both varieties. In Cabernet Sauvignon, defoliation initially delayed berry growth, but at the end, defoliation slightly affected almost all yield parameters (cluster weight, berry weight, and number of berries per cluster), while in cultivar Vranac, defoliation did not modify the berry growth and berry weight. In both varieties, cluster thinning did not affect the berry weight. In the treatments where both defoliation and cluster thinning was applied, a reduction of the cluster weight, berry weight, and berry numbers per cluster was observed. Cabernet Sauvignon showed a greater reactivity to the applied techniques, while Vranac was less reactive. At harvest, no damaged bunches (caused by sunburn) were found in defoliated treatment. Conclusions: It can be concluded that for both varieties, early defoliation and cluster thinning lead to better soluble solids accumulation than in the control set. The treatments lead to raised concentration of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins in both varieties. It is confirmed that the highest content of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins was in the skin extracts of the grapes where both treatments were applied. This is followed by the treatment where only defoliation was applied. The enhanced contents of these compounds per berry in grape variety Vranac are the result of increased synthesis, while in Cabernet sauvignon variety, increased content was due to the less berry weight. The best wine characteristics (alcohol, color intensity, color hue, total anthocyanins, total polyphenols) were found in products, where defoliation was applied.
The fruit colour is an important quality factor for the cultivar classification and for the pheno... more The fruit colour is an important quality factor for the cultivar classification and for the phenotyping techniques. Beside the subjective visual evaluation, new instruments and techniques can be applied. In this work, carried out in an ampelographic collection sited in the Oltrep\uf2 pavese viticultural area (Northern Italy), a phenotyping method based on the reflectance spectra was developed upon 120 grape varieties. The cluster analysis, together with the discriminant analysis, produced reliable classifications. The reflectance of the whole berry surface was also compared with the absorption properties of single skin extracts. In this way, a cultivar-independent index was obtained for the pigment content evaluation
It should be noted that we have left the livestock component out here because it has been dealt w... more It should be noted that we have left the livestock component out here because it has been dealt with in Sect. III.3.1.(e) and Chap. III.6.(A). Since we have handled quite some general aspects of this new subject in other sections, we deal here with a case study on the importance of a correct management of interrows of orchards and vineyards, such as with cover crops to prevent soil erosion and to improve the soil by adding organic matter. The relevance of positive and negative effects of cover crops is obviously determined by the crops adopted (species and varieties) but can be strongly modulated by the choices of sowing methods (type and time) and management practices.
La definizione del profilo qualitativo dell'uva richiede una capacità diagnostica ampia. La ... more La definizione del profilo qualitativo dell'uva richiede una capacità diagnostica ampia. La comprensione del decorso del maturazione e la valutazione del potenziale qualitativo dell'uva consentono di scegliere il corretto momento della vendemmia e di definire la più opportuna tecnica di ...
In the context of climate change, the optical properties of grapevine leaves have been used in im... more In the context of climate change, the optical properties of grapevine leaves have been used in imaging technologies to screen grapevine phenotypes tolerant to water deficit and heat waves in field conditions. Image-based plant phenotyping is challenging because the adaxial and the abaxial sides of the leaf present different morphology. This study investigated the effect of trichomes of the abaxial epidermis on the spectral responses in the two grapevine leaf sides. It was also examined the effect of pubescence on leaf thermoregulation, either during water deficiency or not. For this study, 99 Vitis spp. genotypes were categorised for their prostrate trichome density between main veins on the abaxial side of the leaves (using the descriptor OIV 084). In the first week of 2022, August, reflectance spectra from 400 to 700 nm and color indexes CIELAB and RGB were recorded in five leaves (both abaxial and adaxial sides) per genotype. During three days in midsummer, crop water stress inde...
la circolazione varietale della vite nel mediterraneo: lo stato della ricerca 1. I nuovi ambiti d... more la circolazione varietale della vite nel mediterraneo: lo stato della ricerca 1. I nuovi ambiti di indagine per la ricerca viticola: i limes culturali quali centri di diversità genetica Le nozioni di frontiera e di confine non sono di facile definizione se non si utilizza una metafora. Allo scopo di rappresentare qualcosa che separa e unisce allo stesso tempo è necessario identificare una specie di terra di nessuno, luogo tra due spazi prima di tutto culturali, ciascuno dei quali occupato da una cultura, distinta l'una dall'altra. Questa metaforica terra di nessuno è una zona in cui avviene l'interazione tra due culture o uno spazio capace di produrre continuità storico-culturale e conservazione, come una sorta di riproduzione delle società originarie che si incontrano senza mai integrarsi. Ogni volta che un popolo entra nel territorio di un'altra popolazione si crea una frontiera e di norma si verificano due circostanze: una di contrapposizione che porta al mantenimento pressoché stabile delle culture che si confrontano (l'esempio della "frontiera nascosta" 1) e un'altra di integrazione delle due culture, dove la più forte detta le condizioni della fusione (l'esempio della cultura gallo-romana o più recentemente quella del West americano 2). I confini sono notoriamente luoghi di crisi, di tensioni etniche, di contrapposizioni ma anche di scambio, di regolazione di sistemi diversi, di innovazione. Gli antropologi chiamano queste espressioni culturali edge effect, effetto bordo. L'Italia, con la sua posizione tra Occidente e Oriente, su percorsi e rotte di popolazioni che l'hanno attraversata in ogni tempo, con le innumerevoli ma-1
Background: Georgia, in the Caucasian region, is considered the first domestication centre of gra... more Background: Georgia, in the Caucasian region, is considered the first domestication centre of grapevine. This country is characterized by high morphological variability of cultivated (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sativa (DC.) Hegi) and wild (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmel.) Hegi) compartments. The main objective of this study was to investigate the level of genetic diversity obtained by the novel custom Vitis18kSNP array, in order to analyse 71 grapevine accessions representative of wild and cultivated Georgian germplasms. Results: The number of loci successfully amplified was 15,317 out of 18,775 SNP and 79 % of loci resulted polymorphic. Sixty-eight unique profiles were identified, 42 for the sativa and 26 for the sylvestris compartment. Cluster analysis highlighted two main groups, one for cultivars and another for wild individuals, while a genetic structure according to accession taxonomic status and cultivar geographical origin was revealed by multivariate analysis, differentiating clearly the genotypes into 3 main groups, two groups including cultivars and one for wild individuals, even though a considerable overlapping area was observed. Conclusions: Pattern of genetic diversity structure presented an additional proof that grapevine domestication events took place in the Caucasian region contributing to the crop evolution. Our results demonstrated a moderate differentiation between sativa and sylvestris compartments, even though a connection between several samples of both subspecies may be assumed for the occurrence of cross hybridization events among native wild populations and the cultivated accessions. Nevertheless, first degree relationships have not been discovered between wild and cultivated individuals
I portainnesti di vite disponibili mostrano una scarsa tolleranza a condizioni ambientali quali s... more I portainnesti di vite disponibili mostrano una scarsa tolleranza a condizioni ambientali quali siccit\\ue0 o elevate concentrazioni saline nel suolo. In uno scenario di cambiamenti climatici appare importante la selezione di portainnesti tolleranti e l\\u2019approfondimento delle conoscenze alla base della risposta della vite a tali stress. Sono stati analizzati due diversi genotipi, 101.14, ritenuto \\u2018sensibile\\u2019 e M4, risultato dall\\u2019incrocio 41 B (V. vinifera x V. berlandieri) x V. berlandieri cv. Resseguier n.1, candidato come \\u2018tollerante\\u2019. Le piante, allevate in vaso mantenuto al 80% della capacit\\ue0 di campo, sono state sottoposte a condizioni di progressivo stress idrico e salino. 101.14 gi\\ue0 a valori di potenziale idrico fogliare (\\u3a8l) di -0.5 MPa ha mostrato riduzione di crescita e metabolismo fogliare, quasi totalmente inibiti raggiunti i valori di \\u3a8l pi\\uf9 negativi. M4 ha invece mantenuto discreti livelli di traspirazione e assimilazione anche a \\u3a8l di -1.5 MPa. La maggiore tolleranza allo stress idrico di M4 \\ue8 risultata associata alla sua maggiore capacit\\ue0 di adeguare il potenziale di soluto radicale, mediante un evidente incremento di osmoliti, e di mantenere una integrit\\ue0 dell\\u2019apparato radicale come suggerito da morfologia, contenuto di proteine totali, e maggiore capacit\\ue0 di recupero una volta ripristinato l\\u2019apporto idrico. M4 ha confermato maggiori capacit\\ue0 adattative anche in condizioni di stress salino, con livelli pressoch\\ue9 doppi di Na e Cl traslocati in foglia rispetto a 101.14. La valutazione dei livelli di K nelle foglie e della sua traslocazione, impiegando come tracciante lo ione Rb, ha suggerito come M4 sia in grado di tollerare livelli di Na pi\\uf9 elevati incrementando l\\u2019assorbimento e la traslocazione di K. I risultati ottenuti, oltre a evidenziare tratti fisiologici della risposta allo stress idrico e salino, sottolineano il ruolo centrale dell\\u2019apparato radicale nella risposta adattativa. Ricerca finanziata dal Progetto AGER-SERRES, pratica n\\ub02010-2105
Papers by Osvaldo Failla