Papers by Priscila Berriel
Terapia psicológica, 2011
Revista Neurociências, 2014
Caracterización del Sistema Internacional de Imágenes Afectivas en población mexicana, 2022
It has been postulated that human affect and emotions can be classified according to three basic ... more It has been postulated that human affect and emotions can be classified according to three basic dimensions: Valence, activation, and dominance, and that the relationship be- tween them is similar in all human groups. The Internatio- nal Affective Picture System (IAPS) is a set of visual stimuli widely used in research on emotions and its methodology facilitates the comparison of results between different stu- dies. The objective of this work was to compare the nor- mative values of the United States of America (USA) with a sample from Mexico, using the methodology with labels to measure the intensity of the valence, dominance, and activation of the presented images.1,194 images were presented to 1,673 undergraduate university students (21±4.42 years old), who, according to the original methodology pro- posed in the standardization of the IAPS in the USA, establi- shed through the Self-Assessment Manikin the value caused in each dimension. The results indicated that the Mexican normative values are like those of the sample in the USA: A general correlation was found between countries of r=.94 (women r=.94 / men r=.92); in valence, r=.82 (r=.80 / r=.79); in activation, r=.77 (r=.76 / r=.59); and in dominance. Diffe- rences were also found between groups (p<0.05) in the va- lue of 510 (43%), 701 (59%) and 526 (44%) images of valen- ce, activation, and dominance, respectively, between both countries. The visual review of the valence-activation graph of the Mexican sample shows the characteristic two-dimen- sional boomerang shape reported by USA. However, the appearance of an effect of emotional labeling is discussed as a possible explanation for the phenomenon and its im- plication in the results. Recommendations for future studies are discussed.
Keywords: IAPS, affective value, emotions, projective tech- niques/norms, cross-cultural comparison
Perfil de estrés académico. Un estudio de caso en estudiantes de una Universidad en León, Guanajuato., 2019
El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo mediante un código arbitrario de observación, de ti... more El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo mediante un código arbitrario de observación, de tipo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. El propósito de la investigación desarrollada fue determinar las características de estrés académico de los estudiantes de las licenciaturas en Psicología y Pedagogía de una universidad privada en la ciudad de León, Guanajuato. Se utilizó el Inventario SISCO del Estrés Académico. Participaron 66 estudiantes voluntarios de las licenciaturas en Psicología (n1= 53) y Pedagogía (n2=13). Con base en los resultados obtenidos, se observó que el 95.45% de los participantes reportaron haber tenido un momento de preocupación o nerviosismo en el transcurso del presente ciclo escolar.
Diseño de un instrumento para determinar el grado de actitud en estudiantes de nivel superior hacia la investigación científica, 2022
The present study explores the attitudes bachelor students have towards the process of scientific... more The present study explores the attitudes bachelor students have towards the process of scientific research, and for this purpose was developed and validated an instrument that allows to measure the degree of attitude about the dimensions of knowledge, dedication, interest, search for information, availability, practicality, commitment and reading.
The internal consistency reported a total Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.938. The data was collected from a sample of 1431 students for its piloting, and the Exploratory Factor Analysis explains the 60.11% of the attitude of students towards scientific research. The results show that the instrument is useful for exploring the attitudes of the students in the aforementioned dimensions, and it was found that the attitude and disposition reported by the students are related to the attitude of the teachers themselves towards the research process.
The design of this instrument provides important data for the academic training of students in higher education, where it is necessary promote the development of positive attitudes towards the scientific research processes, achieve awareness that will allow them to better solve the problems that arise in their professional practice. The instrument establishes the degree of attitude of the first-year of bachelor students, and it was found that a neutral attitude is manifested in global terms for scientific research due to the weaknesses in the development of their abilities,
Keywords: Student attitude, higher education, measurement of student attitudes.
Correlación de la Inteligencia Emocional y el Miedo a la muerte en Adultos con enfermedades crónicas, 2018
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocion... more El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y miedo a la muerte en adultos con diagnóstico de enfermedad crónica
La investigación fue de tipo correlacional, contó con la participación de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años diagnosticados con enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres) y un grupo control de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años sin diagnóstico de enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres).
Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala TMMS-24 basada en Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) del grupo de investigación de Salovey y Mayer. Para obtener el nivel de atención, claridad y reparación emocional y la EMMCL Escala de evaluación del miedo a la muerte de Collet-Lester para obtener el nivel de miedo a la propia muerte, el nivel de miedo al propio proceso de morir, el nivel de miedo a la muerte de otros y el nivel de miedo al proceso de morir de los demás.
Palabras clave: inteligencia emocional, miedo a la muerte, ansiedad ante la muerte, enfermedad crónica.
The Objective of the current investigation was to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and the fear to dead on adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease.
The study of correlation type was counted on a sample of 25 adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease between 20 to 60 years old (15 women) and a control group with 25 adults between 20 to 60 years old without being diagnosticated (15 women)
The instruments used were the TMMS-24 based on Trait Meta Mood Scale by Salovey and Mayer, to obtain the emotional attention level, emotional clarity level and emotional repair level, and the Collet-Lester’s Fear of Death Scale (to obtain the fear of death of self level, the fear of death of others level, the fear of dying of self and the fear of dying of others.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, fear of death, anxiety and chronical disease.
Revista Neurociencias, 2014
Se reprodujo un contexto afectivo mediante imágenes del International Affective Picture System: I... more Se reprodujo un contexto afectivo mediante imágenes del International Affective Picture System: IAPS (valencia positiva y negativa) tomadas como experiencia previa a la valoración, con el Self-Assessment Mankin: SAM, de estímulos neutros (IAPS neutros), para determinar su influencia y la tendencia de dicha valoración a través de las exposiciones. Método. Participaron 60 varones universitarios voluntarios, de 18 a 23 años de edad. Se presentaron 104 ensayos con series de una y tres imágenes (52 ensayos por serie), agradables o de-sagradables (26 imágenes por tipo) seguidas de imágenes neutras (26), las cuales calificaron con puntuación de "1" (negativa/desagradable) a "9" (positiva/agradable). Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias después de la exposición a 3 imágenes, tanto positivas como negativas. Las imágenes neutras fueron calificadas en el mismo sentido de la carga afectiva previa. La serie de una imagen positiva no tuvo efecto. La exposición a las series negativas influyó a calificar en el mismo sentido a la imagen neutra. Se observó una disminución en la intensidad afec-tiva al aumentar el número de exposiciones en las series de 3 imágenes. Conclusion. La experiencia afectiva previa influye en la calificación de aquella posterior. Unitermos. Afecto, Imágenes, Emoción, Memoria, Experiencia. Citacion. Madera-Carrillo H, Berriel-Saez P, Zarabozo D, Diaz-Diaz L Influencia de una experiencia afectiva previa en la valoración de estímulos afectivos.
ABSTRACT This research implements a context affective through a set of images of the International Affective Picture System: IAPS (pos-itive and negative valence) which were considered as affective stimuli experience previous to neutral image valuation. The objective was to determine the type of influence of previous emotional stimulation on the subsequent assessment based on the Self-Assessment Mani-kin: SAM, and the tendency of those assessments through exposure to multiple images. Method. 60 undergraduates participated, volunteers , with age between 18 and 23 years old. 104 trials were presented with series of one (52) and three (52) pleasant (26) or unpleasant (26) images followed by equal number of neutral images, which were qualified with a score between 1 (negative/unpleasant) to 9 (positive/ pleasant). Results. We found differences in the series of 3 images both positive and negative ratings. Neutral images were rated in the same direction of previous emotional load. The exposure to 1 image doesn't produce differences. On exposure to the series of three images was observed the tendency to reduce the emotional intensity as it increased the number of exposed images. Conclusion. The previous affective experience influences the rating of the later.
Terapia psicológica, 2011
Books by Priscila Berriel
Un Modelo de Atención Postpenitenciaria , 2019
Papers by Priscila Berriel
Keywords: IAPS, affective value, emotions, projective tech- niques/norms, cross-cultural comparison
The internal consistency reported a total Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.938. The data was collected from a sample of 1431 students for its piloting, and the Exploratory Factor Analysis explains the 60.11% of the attitude of students towards scientific research. The results show that the instrument is useful for exploring the attitudes of the students in the aforementioned dimensions, and it was found that the attitude and disposition reported by the students are related to the attitude of the teachers themselves towards the research process.
The design of this instrument provides important data for the academic training of students in higher education, where it is necessary promote the development of positive attitudes towards the scientific research processes, achieve awareness that will allow them to better solve the problems that arise in their professional practice. The instrument establishes the degree of attitude of the first-year of bachelor students, and it was found that a neutral attitude is manifested in global terms for scientific research due to the weaknesses in the development of their abilities,
Keywords: Student attitude, higher education, measurement of student attitudes.
La investigación fue de tipo correlacional, contó con la participación de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años diagnosticados con enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres) y un grupo control de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años sin diagnóstico de enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres).
Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala TMMS-24 basada en Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) del grupo de investigación de Salovey y Mayer. Para obtener el nivel de atención, claridad y reparación emocional y la EMMCL Escala de evaluación del miedo a la muerte de Collet-Lester para obtener el nivel de miedo a la propia muerte, el nivel de miedo al propio proceso de morir, el nivel de miedo a la muerte de otros y el nivel de miedo al proceso de morir de los demás.
Palabras clave: inteligencia emocional, miedo a la muerte, ansiedad ante la muerte, enfermedad crónica.
The Objective of the current investigation was to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and the fear to dead on adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease.
The study of correlation type was counted on a sample of 25 adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease between 20 to 60 years old (15 women) and a control group with 25 adults between 20 to 60 years old without being diagnosticated (15 women)
The instruments used were the TMMS-24 based on Trait Meta Mood Scale by Salovey and Mayer, to obtain the emotional attention level, emotional clarity level and emotional repair level, and the Collet-Lester’s Fear of Death Scale (to obtain the fear of death of self level, the fear of death of others level, the fear of dying of self and the fear of dying of others.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, fear of death, anxiety and chronical disease.
ABSTRACT This research implements a context affective through a set of images of the International Affective Picture System: IAPS (pos-itive and negative valence) which were considered as affective stimuli experience previous to neutral image valuation. The objective was to determine the type of influence of previous emotional stimulation on the subsequent assessment based on the Self-Assessment Mani-kin: SAM, and the tendency of those assessments through exposure to multiple images. Method. 60 undergraduates participated, volunteers , with age between 18 and 23 years old. 104 trials were presented with series of one (52) and three (52) pleasant (26) or unpleasant (26) images followed by equal number of neutral images, which were qualified with a score between 1 (negative/unpleasant) to 9 (positive/ pleasant). Results. We found differences in the series of 3 images both positive and negative ratings. Neutral images were rated in the same direction of previous emotional load. The exposure to 1 image doesn't produce differences. On exposure to the series of three images was observed the tendency to reduce the emotional intensity as it increased the number of exposed images. Conclusion. The previous affective experience influences the rating of the later.
Books by Priscila Berriel
Keywords: IAPS, affective value, emotions, projective tech- niques/norms, cross-cultural comparison
The internal consistency reported a total Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.938. The data was collected from a sample of 1431 students for its piloting, and the Exploratory Factor Analysis explains the 60.11% of the attitude of students towards scientific research. The results show that the instrument is useful for exploring the attitudes of the students in the aforementioned dimensions, and it was found that the attitude and disposition reported by the students are related to the attitude of the teachers themselves towards the research process.
The design of this instrument provides important data for the academic training of students in higher education, where it is necessary promote the development of positive attitudes towards the scientific research processes, achieve awareness that will allow them to better solve the problems that arise in their professional practice. The instrument establishes the degree of attitude of the first-year of bachelor students, and it was found that a neutral attitude is manifested in global terms for scientific research due to the weaknesses in the development of their abilities,
Keywords: Student attitude, higher education, measurement of student attitudes.
La investigación fue de tipo correlacional, contó con la participación de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años diagnosticados con enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres) y un grupo control de 25 adultos de 20 a 60 años sin diagnóstico de enfermedad crónica (15 mujeres).
Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la escala TMMS-24 basada en Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) del grupo de investigación de Salovey y Mayer. Para obtener el nivel de atención, claridad y reparación emocional y la EMMCL Escala de evaluación del miedo a la muerte de Collet-Lester para obtener el nivel de miedo a la propia muerte, el nivel de miedo al propio proceso de morir, el nivel de miedo a la muerte de otros y el nivel de miedo al proceso de morir de los demás.
Palabras clave: inteligencia emocional, miedo a la muerte, ansiedad ante la muerte, enfermedad crónica.
The Objective of the current investigation was to determine the relationship between the emotional intelligence and the fear to dead on adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease.
The study of correlation type was counted on a sample of 25 adults diagnosticated with a chronical disease between 20 to 60 years old (15 women) and a control group with 25 adults between 20 to 60 years old without being diagnosticated (15 women)
The instruments used were the TMMS-24 based on Trait Meta Mood Scale by Salovey and Mayer, to obtain the emotional attention level, emotional clarity level and emotional repair level, and the Collet-Lester’s Fear of Death Scale (to obtain the fear of death of self level, the fear of death of others level, the fear of dying of self and the fear of dying of others.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, fear of death, anxiety and chronical disease.
ABSTRACT This research implements a context affective through a set of images of the International Affective Picture System: IAPS (pos-itive and negative valence) which were considered as affective stimuli experience previous to neutral image valuation. The objective was to determine the type of influence of previous emotional stimulation on the subsequent assessment based on the Self-Assessment Mani-kin: SAM, and the tendency of those assessments through exposure to multiple images. Method. 60 undergraduates participated, volunteers , with age between 18 and 23 years old. 104 trials were presented with series of one (52) and three (52) pleasant (26) or unpleasant (26) images followed by equal number of neutral images, which were qualified with a score between 1 (negative/unpleasant) to 9 (positive/ pleasant). Results. We found differences in the series of 3 images both positive and negative ratings. Neutral images were rated in the same direction of previous emotional load. The exposure to 1 image doesn't produce differences. On exposure to the series of three images was observed the tendency to reduce the emotional intensity as it increased the number of exposed images. Conclusion. The previous affective experience influences the rating of the later.