Papers by Rossella Pansini
Archaeopress Publishing Ltd eBooks, Aug 24, 2023
The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences/International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, Feb 14, 2024
Libyan Studies
This article investigates the development of urbanism and architecture at the site of Sala (Chell... more This article investigates the development of urbanism and architecture at the site of Sala (Chellah), from the end of the first century BC to the latter half of the second century AD. By looking at the transformations in the town's civic centre from the Mauretanian to Roman imperial period, the aim is to assess how the layout and function of public spaces and buildings were reshaped to respond to new ideas of monumentality. A range of research methodologies are applied to address this question, including architectural, archival, and archaeological analyses, as well as the use of 3D digital modelling. The case study of Sala is of particular importance, as it shows how certain pre-Roman monuments were kept in use within new public contexts, and how imperial-style, urban and architectural features were introduced in the town as part of trends that can be recognized across North Africa and the Roman Empire more broadly.
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2022
Introduzione a A. Arrighetti, R. Pansini (eds.), Sistemi e tecniche di documentazione, gestione e... more Introduzione a A. Arrighetti, R. Pansini (eds.), Sistemi e tecniche di documentazione, gestione e valorizzazione dell’architettura storica. Alcune recenti esperienze. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 33.1, 2022.
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2022
The paper analyses the practise of surveying and reconstruction of the buildings in a Roman North... more The paper analyses the practise of surveying and reconstruction of the buildings in a Roman North Africa monumental centre by means of photogrammetry and three-dimensional modeling. Photogrammetry, in particular, proves to be an efficient and economic method for field analysis, although it has limitations in terms of processing time and the need for very powerful computers. Photogrammetric models, characterized by a high volumetric and colorimetric quality, constitute an ideal basis for reconstruction by means of 3D modeling, particularly in the case of research, such as this one, related to the Archaeology of Construction.
In Camporeale, S. Il Foro di Sala 1. Il Capitolium. MAS 3. Roma, Quasar , 2021
Bukowiecki, E., Pizzo, A., Volpe, R. (a cura di), Demolire, Riciclare, Reinventare La lunga vita e l’eredità del laterizio romano nella storia dell’architettura. ATTI DEL III CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE “LATERIZIO” (ROMA, 6-8 MARZO 2019), pp. 145-151. Roma: Quasar, 2021
Il contributo descrive il processo di analisi delle murature della torre di Via dei Montanini 16 ... more Il contributo descrive il processo di analisi delle murature della torre di Via dei Montanini 16 a Siena, costruita con materiali di riutilizzo di una precedente struttura di età romana. La presenza di un frammento di epigrafe, murato nell’edificio attiguo, e alcune ricerche precedenti sembrano indicare qui la presenza di un arco di età romana, le cui murature sarebbero state in parte inglobate e in parte riutilizzate per la costruzione della torre. I materiali utilizzati nella costruzione sembrano, in effetti, confermare questa ipotesi: l’interfaccia di distruzione dell’arco è ben osservabile sia sul prospetto W della struttura, sia sul prospetto E della torre ad essa affrontata. La muratura dei lati S e W della torre al n. civico 16, inoltre, è stata realizzata con blocchi di riutilizzo in travertino, calcare ad amphistegine, cocciopesto e laterizi. Sul prospetto S, in particolare, i laterizi si trovano sotto forma di conci, squadrati e spianati a somiglianza dei conci in pietra di età posteriore, e collocati su filari tendenzialmente rettilinei. Il grafico di dispersione delle dimensioni (spessore e lunghezza) dei laterizi riferibili all’età romana rivela la presenza di due serie dimensionali caratterizzate da uno spessore medio analogo di 3,9 cm e di lunghezza media di 20,8 cm e 29,1 cm. Il confronto con le misure canoniche dei mattoni romani e dei loro sottomultipli ha spinto a formulare l’ipotesi che si tratti di una variante locale di un modulo rettangolare di 20,8x29,1 cm, oppure di un modulo quadrato tagliato in due sulla diagonale. Altri lacerti di murature in laterizi riutilizzati per la costruzione di altri edifici della città presentano misure conformi a queste.
Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente, 2019
La campagna 2019 ha visto l’inizio delle attività di rilievo delle cave del promontorio di Hekat... more La campagna 2019 ha visto l’inizio delle attività di rilievo delle cave del promontorio di Hekatòn Kephalès, presso l’antica città di Efestia. I fronti di cava sono stati rilevati tramite stazione totale e fotogrammetria tridimensionale da terra e da drone.
Il rilievo è propedeutico a future indagini sui metodi di cavatura, sulla quantità di materiale lapideo utilizzato e sulle tecniche edilizie della città antica.
Abstract. The 2019 campaign saw the start of survey activities in the quarries of the promontory of Hekatòn Kephalès, near the ancient city of Hephaestia. The quarry fronts were surveyed with total station and 3D photogrammetry. The survey is preparatory to future investigations into the methods of quarrying, the amount of stone used and the building techniques of the ancient city.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2012 (CHNT 17, 2012) , 2013
The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the reconstruction of the urban plan of the city o... more The main aim of this paper is to contribute to the reconstruction of the urban plan of the city of
Siena (Tuscany, Italy) during Roman times through one of the rare material evidence that witness the
presence of an ancient structure. The focus of the research were two medieval towers in which Roman
building materials were used and that appear to incorporate the remains of a Roman arch. The presence of
this structure in the city is attested by several local historical sources which refer to it as “San Donato Arch”.
The identification of the structure was possible through building archaeology and the application of closerange
photogrammetric instruments and software (Zscan, Menci Software), that allowed us to create a 3D
point cloud model of the two towers. We then performed a second post-processing phase using ZMap
(Menci Software) which let us draw 3D wireframes of the buildings and produce orthophotos, DEM and wall
profiles. Through the application of stratigraphical method it was then possible to identify the main building
phases of the two towers and to analyze the bricks clearly related to Roman times. Those bricks were
measured and compared with the ones of other buildings present in the city which could be linked to the
same period, forming thus a first basis for future and deeper studies on Roman building phases throughout
the city and on town planning.
Finally, a hypothetical reconstruction of the profile of the Roman arch was produced; this made possible to
interpret it as a structure indicating the boundary between the urbanitas and the beginning of the suburban
area with a necropolis.
Conference Presentations by Rossella Pansini
"Arqueología de las ciudades romanas de Marruecos", 20/05/2019, Aula Diego Angulo, Facultad de Ge... more "Arqueología de las ciudades romanas de Marruecos", 20/05/2019, Aula Diego Angulo, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad de Sevilla.
Incontro dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, 15/10/2018, Deutsches Archäolo... more Incontro dell'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, 15/10/2018, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut: Archeologia dei cantieri e topografia di Roma: analisi e proposte ricostruttive.
Roman Archaeology Conference (RAC 2018) - Session 1b: "From Plans to Processes: A New Look at the... more Roman Archaeology Conference (RAC 2018) - Session 1b: "From Plans to Processes: A New Look at the Cities of Roman North Africa". University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, 12-14 April, 2018.
CAA2015. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 2016
In this paper we present the research strategy adopted during our archaeological survey in Lixus ... more In this paper we present the research strategy adopted during our archaeological survey in Lixus (Larache – Morocco). The aim of the project was to update the existing topographical documentation, based on previous researches, and to create the starting point for a new study of the evolution of the urban tissue through time.
The survey adopted a combination of different methods and techniques:
- DGPS survey,
- geophysical prospections of unexcavated areas,
- topographical survey of emerging structures,
- study of published documentation and archival records,
- 2D and 3D land-based and aerial photogrammetry.
The results of these activities led to the revision of Lixus plan. In particular, the survey and analysis of the archaeological stratification and building techniques of the city walls and of a quarter located on the eastern slope of the hill brought new light to the diachronical evolution of the city.
Poster by Rossella Pansini
DEMOLIRE RICICLARE REINVENTARE. La lunga vita e l'eredità del laterizio romano nella storia dell'... more DEMOLIRE RICICLARE REINVENTARE. La lunga vita e l'eredità del laterizio romano nella storia dell'architettura. III Convegno internazionale "Laterizio", Roma, 6-8 marzo 2019. École française de Rome - Piazza Navona, 62; Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Architettura Largo G. B. Marzi, 10 - Aula Adalberto Libera.
PhD Dissertation by Rossella Pansini
University of Pisa (Italy), 2019.
Book reviews by Rossella Pansini
Economia e tecniche della costruzione by Rossella Pansini
Papers by Rossella Pansini
Il rilievo è propedeutico a future indagini sui metodi di cavatura, sulla quantità di materiale lapideo utilizzato e sulle tecniche edilizie della città antica.
Abstract. The 2019 campaign saw the start of survey activities in the quarries of the promontory of Hekatòn Kephalès, near the ancient city of Hephaestia. The quarry fronts were surveyed with total station and 3D photogrammetry. The survey is preparatory to future investigations into the methods of quarrying, the amount of stone used and the building techniques of the ancient city.
Siena (Tuscany, Italy) during Roman times through one of the rare material evidence that witness the
presence of an ancient structure. The focus of the research were two medieval towers in which Roman
building materials were used and that appear to incorporate the remains of a Roman arch. The presence of
this structure in the city is attested by several local historical sources which refer to it as “San Donato Arch”.
The identification of the structure was possible through building archaeology and the application of closerange
photogrammetric instruments and software (Zscan, Menci Software), that allowed us to create a 3D
point cloud model of the two towers. We then performed a second post-processing phase using ZMap
(Menci Software) which let us draw 3D wireframes of the buildings and produce orthophotos, DEM and wall
profiles. Through the application of stratigraphical method it was then possible to identify the main building
phases of the two towers and to analyze the bricks clearly related to Roman times. Those bricks were
measured and compared with the ones of other buildings present in the city which could be linked to the
same period, forming thus a first basis for future and deeper studies on Roman building phases throughout
the city and on town planning.
Finally, a hypothetical reconstruction of the profile of the Roman arch was produced; this made possible to
interpret it as a structure indicating the boundary between the urbanitas and the beginning of the suburban
area with a necropolis.
Conference Presentations by Rossella Pansini
The survey adopted a combination of different methods and techniques:
- DGPS survey,
- geophysical prospections of unexcavated areas,
- topographical survey of emerging structures,
- study of published documentation and archival records,
- 2D and 3D land-based and aerial photogrammetry.
The results of these activities led to the revision of Lixus plan. In particular, the survey and analysis of the archaeological stratification and building techniques of the city walls and of a quarter located on the eastern slope of the hill brought new light to the diachronical evolution of the city.
Poster by Rossella Pansini
PhD Dissertation by Rossella Pansini
Book reviews by Rossella Pansini
Economia e tecniche della costruzione by Rossella Pansini
Il rilievo è propedeutico a future indagini sui metodi di cavatura, sulla quantità di materiale lapideo utilizzato e sulle tecniche edilizie della città antica.
Abstract. The 2019 campaign saw the start of survey activities in the quarries of the promontory of Hekatòn Kephalès, near the ancient city of Hephaestia. The quarry fronts were surveyed with total station and 3D photogrammetry. The survey is preparatory to future investigations into the methods of quarrying, the amount of stone used and the building techniques of the ancient city.
Siena (Tuscany, Italy) during Roman times through one of the rare material evidence that witness the
presence of an ancient structure. The focus of the research were two medieval towers in which Roman
building materials were used and that appear to incorporate the remains of a Roman arch. The presence of
this structure in the city is attested by several local historical sources which refer to it as “San Donato Arch”.
The identification of the structure was possible through building archaeology and the application of closerange
photogrammetric instruments and software (Zscan, Menci Software), that allowed us to create a 3D
point cloud model of the two towers. We then performed a second post-processing phase using ZMap
(Menci Software) which let us draw 3D wireframes of the buildings and produce orthophotos, DEM and wall
profiles. Through the application of stratigraphical method it was then possible to identify the main building
phases of the two towers and to analyze the bricks clearly related to Roman times. Those bricks were
measured and compared with the ones of other buildings present in the city which could be linked to the
same period, forming thus a first basis for future and deeper studies on Roman building phases throughout
the city and on town planning.
Finally, a hypothetical reconstruction of the profile of the Roman arch was produced; this made possible to
interpret it as a structure indicating the boundary between the urbanitas and the beginning of the suburban
area with a necropolis.
The survey adopted a combination of different methods and techniques:
- DGPS survey,
- geophysical prospections of unexcavated areas,
- topographical survey of emerging structures,
- study of published documentation and archival records,
- 2D and 3D land-based and aerial photogrammetry.
The results of these activities led to the revision of Lixus plan. In particular, the survey and analysis of the archaeological stratification and building techniques of the city walls and of a quarter located on the eastern slope of the hill brought new light to the diachronical evolution of the city.
L’obiettivo del programma ACoR, iniziato nel 2012, è lo sviluppo di un atlante delle tecniche della costruzione romana, in riferimento a un ampio quadro geografico e cronologico. Il progetto si è concretizzato nella realizzazione di un database, consultabile in questo sito web, che stabilisce un corpus di tecniche, identificate, classificate e localizzate in un dato territorio, sito e edificio.
Alla scala dell’edificio, la caratterizzazione morfologica e tecnica degli elementi di costruzione obbedisce alla logica delle fasi di un cantiere, distinguendo i differenti interventi costruttivi: preparazione del terreno, fondazioni, elevati, aperture, orizzontamenti e coperture, pavimenti, strutture di servizio e archi (questi ultimi possono essere studiati autonomamente o in associazione con un altro intervento). A ciò si aggiunge un’analisi specifica delle tracce di cantiere, comuni alla maggior parte degli interventi.
Quattro modi di consultazione delle tecniche, fra loro interrelati, sono proposti in questo sito:
• un modulo di ricerca multicriterio
• una consultazione per tipi tecnici(raggruppamenti di tecniche secondo caratteri comuni)
• una visualizzazione cartografica
• un manuale illustrato interattivo che presenta, per ciascun intervento di costruzione, i principali elementi caratterizzanti.
Disegni: R. Pansini
Video in CG realizzato da CINECA Visit Lab per L'Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna.
Supporto alla fotogrammetria: R. Pansini