SH code - each SH has a unique accession code - e.g. SH001616.07FU - where SH translates into Species Hypothesis and is followed by a unique number, full stop, version number, and taxon acronym (FU for Fungi).
Version - UNITE SH version (current version is 9.0).
Threshold - each threshold value shows minimum distance between two sister Species Hypotheses (SH). Threshold value 1.0% means that two sequences belong into different SHs if their ITS2 sequences are more than 1% different. However, they fall into single SH under 1% threshold value if third sequence, which is 0.5% different from both sequences, becomes available. In other words, two sister SHs fall into single SH under specific threshold value if the distance between two most similar sequences in sister SHs are more similar than this specific threshold value requires.
Include - defines whether to include SHs based on one sequence only or not. Default value includes both.
Include true singleton SHs - defines whether to include SHs based on one singleton sequence (read count == 1) only. Default value excludes true singleton SHs.
Taxon name - returns only SH-s belonging to given taxon name, "Include sub-taxa"" returns also SH-s belonging to any of the specified taxon's children.
Accession number - UNITE or INSD sequence accession number or a list of comma separated accession numbers.
Dataset - Defines whether search is conducted on UNITE or INSD sequences.
Accession number - UNITE or INSD sequence accession number or a list of comma separated accession numbers.
Country - Country of origin.
Source - Sequence source.
Taxon name - Returns only sequences identified as belonging to given taxon name, "Include sub-taxa"" returns also sequences identified as belonging to any of the specified taxon's children.
Interacting taxa - Host and co-occurring taxa associated with this sequence.
INSD organism - Original INSD organism field.
EcM lineage - Ectomycorrhizal lineage according to Tedersoo et al. 2010 (read more about EcM lineages here);
Chimeric - If set to "true" (checked), only sequences flagged as chimeric are returned (by default set to "false").
Low quality - If set to "true" (checked), only sequences flagged as low quality are returned (by default set to "false").
Sequence type - Sequence regions required to be set for sequences returned.