The financial sustainability of the ageing welfare states in Europe has become a key policy issue... more The financial sustainability of the ageing welfare states in Europe has become a key policy issue recently. This study highlights a different aspect of the ageing process, namely its potential impact on income distributions. Since older people usually live on a lower income, their growing share in the population could mean that income inequality and poverty rates will rise in the years ahead. To what extent this occurs, however, also depends on the future shape of pension systems and other social security schemes. The book seeks to provide an empirical assessment of the relevance of welfare institutions for income distributions over the coming decades. The main current European welfare state types are identified through an analysis of quantifiable system characteristics. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of future inequality, redistribution and poverty rates for six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands. Together these countries represent not only the different 'welfare regimes', but also a large proportion of the population of the European Union. The distributive forecasts are based on demographic projections and economic modelling of various policy strategies. The outcomes indicate a clear trade-off between financial sustainability and distributive consequences. They also show that the policy reactions of the various governments will partly determine the financial and social consequences of the ageing process.
Abstract The ageing of the population will influence the sustainability of the welfare regimes, a... more Abstract The ageing of the population will influence the sustainability of the welfare regimes, as well as the growth trends, in all European countries. In order to compare the effect of the interactions between demographic developments, labour market and economic variables, ...
The paper deals with the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, with reference to ... more The paper deals with the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, with reference to the 30th International Book Fair of Turin (May 2017). An exercise for estimating the economic impact is performed along the three dimensions of direct, indirect, and induced effects. All in all, an economic impact of some 30 million euros is calculated, stemming from 6.9 million euros of direct effects from the supply side and 7.4 from the demand side. Organizing body’s budget data and more than 2,100 individual surveys are the main component of data source.
Il volume raccoglie i contributi presentati al Primo Workshop sulle Fondazioni organizzato nel 20... more Il volume raccoglie i contributi presentati al Primo Workshop sulle Fondazioni organizzato nel 2007 dal Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie \u201cG. Prato\u201d, presso la Facolt\ue0 di Economia dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Torino. Nella prima parte del lavoro il tema delle fondazioni viene affrontato in chiave evolutiva, proponendo una classificazione che mette in luce la pluralit\ue0 di esperienze, ovvero di patrimoni (ingenti e non) associati a differenti mission. Si analizzano poi in dettaglio le fondazioni di origine bancaria, i costi e i benefici delle valutazioni nell\u2019ambito delle fondazioni grant-making, nonch\ue9 il ruolo di sostituibilit\ue0/complementariet\ue0 degli interventi di queste fondazioni rispetto alle azioni degli Enti Locali. Si delinea infine un quadro essenziale della normativa. Nella seconda parte del lavoro viene dato spazio ad alcune esperienze: dalle fondazioni di erogazione piemontesi con patrimoni ingenti a una fondazione \u2...
The financial sustainability of the ageing welfare states in Europe has become a key policy issue... more The financial sustainability of the ageing welfare states in Europe has become a key policy issue recently. This study highlights a different aspect of the ageing process, namely its potential impact on income distributions. Since older people usually live on a lower income, their growing share in the population could mean that income inequality and poverty rates will rise in the years ahead. To what extent this occurs, however, also depends on the future shape of pension systems and other social security schemes. The book seeks to provide an empirical assessment of the relevance of welfare institutions for income distributions over the coming decades. The main current European welfare state types are identified through an analysis of quantifiable system characteristics. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of future inequality, redistribution and poverty rates for six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Netherlands. Together these countries represent not only the different 'welfare regimes', but also a large proportion of the population of the European Union. The distributive forecasts are based on demographic projections and economic modelling of various policy strategies. The outcomes indicate a clear trade-off between financial sustainability and distributive consequences. They also show that the policy reactions of the various governments will partly determine the financial and social consequences of the ageing process.
Abstract The ageing of the population will influence the sustainability of the welfare regimes, a... more Abstract The ageing of the population will influence the sustainability of the welfare regimes, as well as the growth trends, in all European countries. In order to compare the effect of the interactions between demographic developments, labour market and economic variables, ...
The paper deals with the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, with reference to ... more The paper deals with the role of culture as an activator of the local economy, with reference to the 30th International Book Fair of Turin (May 2017). An exercise for estimating the economic impact is performed along the three dimensions of direct, indirect, and induced effects. All in all, an economic impact of some 30 million euros is calculated, stemming from 6.9 million euros of direct effects from the supply side and 7.4 from the demand side. Organizing body’s budget data and more than 2,100 individual surveys are the main component of data source.
Il volume raccoglie i contributi presentati al Primo Workshop sulle Fondazioni organizzato nel 20... more Il volume raccoglie i contributi presentati al Primo Workshop sulle Fondazioni organizzato nel 2007 dal Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie \u201cG. Prato\u201d, presso la Facolt\ue0 di Economia dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Torino. Nella prima parte del lavoro il tema delle fondazioni viene affrontato in chiave evolutiva, proponendo una classificazione che mette in luce la pluralit\ue0 di esperienze, ovvero di patrimoni (ingenti e non) associati a differenti mission. Si analizzano poi in dettaglio le fondazioni di origine bancaria, i costi e i benefici delle valutazioni nell\u2019ambito delle fondazioni grant-making, nonch\ue9 il ruolo di sostituibilit\ue0/complementariet\ue0 degli interventi di queste fondazioni rispetto alle azioni degli Enti Locali. Si delinea infine un quadro essenziale della normativa. Nella seconda parte del lavoro viene dato spazio ad alcune esperienze: dalle fondazioni di erogazione piemontesi con patrimoni ingenti a una fondazione \u2...
Papers by Giovanna Segre