—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromag... more —In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromagnetic plates. A special attention is paid to the presentation of results in the form of images. A three-dimensional modelisation with finite element method to solved the distribution of the eddy-currents inside the material under test. With this purpose a uniform field probe is used to guarantee a spatially invariant excitation field for probe scanning translations.
Dédicaces Je dédie cet humble travail À mes très chers parents pour leurs grand amour et leurs sa... more Dédicaces Je dédie cet humble travail À mes très chers parents pour leurs grand amour et leurs sacrifices À toute ma famille À toutes mes amis À tous ce qu'il m'a aidé SAFER OMAR ADIB Remerciements UNIVERSITE DE MSILA 2013/2014 Page ii Remerciements En préambule à ce mémoire, je souhaitais adresser mes remerciements les plus sincères aux personnes qui m'ont apporté leur aide et qui ont contribué à l'élaboration de ce mémoire. Je tiens à remercier sincèrement Monsieur Abdelhak .ABDOU, qui, en tant qu'encadreur de mémoire, s'est toujours montré à l'écoute et très disponible tout au long de la réalisation de ce mémoire, ainsi pour l'inspiration, l'aide et le temps qu'il a bien voulu me consacrer et sans qui ce mémoire n'aurait jamais vu le jour. Je suis aussi redevable à, tout les enseignants du département de génie électrique, ainsi qu'à Monsieur BERRABEH Fouaade , chef du département de génie électrique. Je ne peux oublier Je tiens également à adresser mes vives remerciements à Mr. ZEROGUI ABDELRACHIDE, Ingénieur au MEI, qui nous a autorisé à faire le stage au sein de l'entreprise, ainsi que tous le personnel de l'entreprise qui ont instauré un environnement d'entraide et de soutien tant au plan technique qu'au plan humain. Durant notre stage. Une pensée particulière à mes parents pour leurs contributions, leurs soutiens et leurs patiences. Que DIEU les gardent. Enfin, j'adresse mes plus sincères remerciements à tous mes proches et amis, qui m'ont toujours soutenue et encouragé au cours de la réalisation de ce mémoire.
Islamic values portraying sex outside of marriage as sinful are often believed to contribute to H... more Islamic values portraying sex outside of marriage as sinful are often believed to contribute to HIV transmission as they reject safe-sex practices. Moreover, stigma associated with sinful behaviour is frequently assumed to interfere with access to care for those infected. In contrast, adherence to religious values such as abstinence is viewed as an explanation for the relatively low incidence of HIV infection in Islamic populations. Inspired by this debate, a study was conducted into the possibilities of using Islamic texts as a starting point for health promotion addressing HIV infection and HIV/AIDS related stigma in Lamu, a Muslim community in Kenya. The study also explored the potential role of Lamu's Islamic leaders in the delivery of that health promotion. In collaboration with Islamic leaders, texts were identified that applied to sexual conduct, health, stigma and the responsibilities of Islamic leaders towards their congregations. In spite of the association of HIV with improper sexual behaviour, Islamic texts offer a starting point for tackling HIV transmission and HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Under particular conditions, the identified Islamic texts may even justify the promotion of safer sex methods including condom use.
Paediatric patients are more vulnerable to drug administration errors due to a lack of appropriat... more Paediatric patients are more vulnerable to drug administration errors due to a lack of appropriate drug dosages and strengths for use in this group of patients. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the extent and types of drug administration errors in two paediatric wards and to identify measures to reduce such errors. A researcher was stationed in two paediatric wards of a teaching hospital to observe all drugs administered to paediatric inpatients in each of the ward, for 1 day in a week over ten consecutive weeks. All data were recorded in a data collection form and then compared with the actual drugs and dosages prescribed for the patients. Of the 857 drug administrations observed, 100 doses had errors, and this gave an error rate of 11.7% [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.5–13.9%]. If wrong time administration errors were excluded, the error rate reduced to 7.8% (95% CI 6.0–9.6%). The most common types of drug administration errors were incorrect time of administration (28.8%), followed by incorrect drug preparation (26%), omission errors (16.3%) and incorrect dose (11.5%). None of the errors observed were considered as potentially life threatening, although 40.4% could possibly cause patient harm. Drug administration errors are as common in paediatric wards in Malaysia as in other countries. Double-checking should be conducted, as this could reduce drug administration errors by about 20%, but collaborative efforts between all healthcare professionals are essential.
This study evaluates the incidents associated with GyneFIX insertion and first-year expulsion and... more This study evaluates the incidents associated with GyneFIX insertion and first-year expulsion and continuity rates within the usual intrauterine contraceptive practice of a working group of Spanish professionals (GESEG), formed specifically with this aim. It is a prospective, multicenter, observational study of GyneFIX insertion in 1684 women. Data were prospectively collected on a structured form and processed centrally. Interest was focused on difficulties encountered during the insertion procedure and symptoms experienced during insertion. All terms were defined by consensus. Among the total, 18.6% of the women were nulliparous. GyneFIX insertion was rated easy in 92%, with more difficulty in nulliparous women, who showed significantly more symptoms during insertion of the device. First-year expulsion and continuity rates were 5.6 and 88 per 100 women, respectively. The pregnancy rate was 0.3 per 100 women/years. The GyneFIX system is an interesting alternative to standard IUDs for intrauterine contraception with copper, particularly in women who have experienced expulsion of other types of IUDs. Experienced professionals in IUD insertion quickly acquire familiarity with the GyneFIX insertion system, but proper implantation does not completely eliminate the risk of expulsion. Thus, the insertion system should be further modified to achieve a simpler, safer technique.
About 30% of patients with cirrhosis have diabetes mellitus (DM). Nowadays, it is a matter for de... more About 30% of patients with cirrhosis have diabetes mellitus (DM). Nowadays, it is a matter for debate whether type 2 DM in the absence of obesity and hypertriglyceridemia may be a risk factor for chronic liver disease. DM, which develops as a complication of cirrhosis, is known as "hepatogenous diabetes". Insulin resistance in muscular and adipose tissues and hyperinsulinemia seem to be the pathophysiologic bases of diabetes in liver disease. An impaired response of the islet beta-cells of the pancreas and hepatic insulin resistance are also contributory factors. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and hemochromatosis are more frequently associated with DM. Insulin resistance increases the failure of the response to treatment in patients with CHC and enhances progression of fibrosis. DM in cirrhotic patients may be subclinical. Hepatogenous diabetes is clinically different from that of type 2 DM, since it is less frequently associated with microangiopathy and patients more frequently suffer complications of cirrhosis. DM increases the mortality of cirrhotic patients. Treatment of the diabetes is complex due to liver damage and hepatotoxicity of oral hypoglycemic drugs. This manuscript will review evidence that exists in relation to: type 2 DM alone or as part of the metabolic syndrome in the development of liver disease; factors involved in the genesis of hepatogenous diabetes; the impact of DM on the clinical outcome of liver disease; the management of DM in cirrhotic patients and the role of DM as a risk factor for the occurrence and exacerbation of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Little is known on how forced sex contributes to the sexual transmission of HIV in marriage. This... more Little is known on how forced sex contributes to the sexual transmission of HIV in marriage. This paper describes traditional gender norms surrounding forced sex in Zimbabwean marriage. Data were collected from 4 focus group discussions and 36 in-depth interviews with married women and men in Harare. Results indicate that hegemonic masculinity characterised by a perceived entitlement to sex, male dominance and being a provider contributed to forced sex in marriage. A femininity characterised by a tolerance of marital rape, the desire to please the husband and submission contributed to women experiencing forced sex. An alternative femininity characterised by sexual pleasure-seeking contributed to women forcing their spouses to have sex. Future HIV interventions must go beyond narrowly advocating for safer sex within marriage and instead address practices that increase risk as well as promote positive marital relationship needs such as mutual respect, love and friendship.Les connaissances sont limitées sur l'influence des rapports sexuels forcés sur la transmission sexuelle du VIH dans le cadre du mariage. Cet article décrit les normes de genre traditionnelles sous-jacentes aux rapports sexuels forcés dans le cadre du mariage au Zimbabwe. Les données sont issues de quatre groupes de discussion thématique et de 36 entretiens en profondeur avec des femmes et des hommes mariés vivant à Harare. Les résultats indiquent que la masculinité hégémonique caractérisée par la perception d'un droit aux rapports sexuels, la domination masculine et le fait de subvenir aux besoins de la famille, constitue un facteur de risque pour les rapports sexuels forcés dans le cadre du mariage. La féminité caractérisée par une certaine tolérance vis-à-vis du viol conjugal, du désir de faire plaisir à son mari, et la soumission à celui-ci, est corrélée à l'expérience des rapports forcés chez les femmes. Un autre type de féminité, caractérisée par la recherche du plaisir sexuel, participe de l'expérience des femmes qui forcent leurs époux à avoir des rapports sexuels. Plutôt que de se limiter au plaidoyer pour le sexe à moindre risque au sein du mariage, les futures interventions de prévention du VIH doivent prendre en considération les pratiques qui augmentent les risques de transmission du virus. De même doivent-elles promouvoir les facteurs d'équilibre des relations maritales, comme le respect mutuel, l'amour et l'amitié.Poco se sabe sobre el modo en que las relaciones sexuales forzadas son una de las causas de la transmisión sexual del VIH en el matrimonio. En este artículo describimos las normas tradicionales de cada sexo en torno al sexo forzado en los matrimonios en Zimbabue. Se recabaron datos a partir de 4 charlas en grupo y 36 entrevistas exhaustivas con mujeres y hombres casados de Harare. Los resultados indican que la masculinidad hegemónica, caracterizada por un derecho percibido al sexo, el dominio masculino y el hecho de que el hombre sea el sostén económico de la familia, es un factor que contribuye al sexo forzado en el matrimonio. Una feminidad caracterizada por la tolerancia de la violación en el matrimonio, el deseo de complacer al marido y la sumisión es una de las causas de que las mujeres sufran el sexo forzado. Una feminidad alternativa caracterizada por la búsqueda del placer sexual es motivo de que las mujeres fuerzan a sus esposos a tener relaciones sexuales. En los futuros programas de prevención del sida se debería ir más allá de abogar por relaciones sexuales seguras en el matrimonio y en su lugar se deberían abordar las prácticas que aumentan el riesgo de contagio así como fomentar los requisitos para unas relaciones matrimoniales positivas tales como el respeto mutuo, el amor y la amistad.
Abstract—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-... more Abstract—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromagnetic plates. A special attention is paid to the presentation of results in the form of images. A three-dimensional modelisation with finite element method to solved the distribution of the eddy-currents inside the material under test. With this purpose a uniform field probe is used to guarantee a spatially invariant excitation field for probe scanning translations.
Detecting the cracks is a major challenge in the development of Eddy Current (EC) Non-Destructive... more Detecting the cracks is a major challenge in the development of Eddy Current (EC) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). In fact, the detection sensitivity of EC-NDT depends on the interaction between the crack characteristics and the EC formed in the materials. The induced currents are primarily generated along a single direction in the tested sample. This paper presents a excitation method for generating a ac magnetic field and, consequently, eddy currents. This method significantly improves the detection of cracks of two different kind of material (non magnetic conductive material and ferromagnetic material). The magnetic flux density signature of the defect is studied using a 2D Finite Element Model FEM.
—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromag... more —In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromagnetic plates. A special attention is paid to the presentation of results in the form of images. A three-dimensional modelisation with finite element method to solved the distribution of the eddy-currents inside the material under test. With this purpose a uniform field probe is used to guarantee a spatially invariant excitation field for probe scanning translations.
Dédicaces Je dédie cet humble travail À mes très chers parents pour leurs grand amour et leurs sa... more Dédicaces Je dédie cet humble travail À mes très chers parents pour leurs grand amour et leurs sacrifices À toute ma famille À toutes mes amis À tous ce qu'il m'a aidé SAFER OMAR ADIB Remerciements UNIVERSITE DE MSILA 2013/2014 Page ii Remerciements En préambule à ce mémoire, je souhaitais adresser mes remerciements les plus sincères aux personnes qui m'ont apporté leur aide et qui ont contribué à l'élaboration de ce mémoire. Je tiens à remercier sincèrement Monsieur Abdelhak .ABDOU, qui, en tant qu'encadreur de mémoire, s'est toujours montré à l'écoute et très disponible tout au long de la réalisation de ce mémoire, ainsi pour l'inspiration, l'aide et le temps qu'il a bien voulu me consacrer et sans qui ce mémoire n'aurait jamais vu le jour. Je suis aussi redevable à, tout les enseignants du département de génie électrique, ainsi qu'à Monsieur BERRABEH Fouaade , chef du département de génie électrique. Je ne peux oublier Je tiens également à adresser mes vives remerciements à Mr. ZEROGUI ABDELRACHIDE, Ingénieur au MEI, qui nous a autorisé à faire le stage au sein de l'entreprise, ainsi que tous le personnel de l'entreprise qui ont instauré un environnement d'entraide et de soutien tant au plan technique qu'au plan humain. Durant notre stage. Une pensée particulière à mes parents pour leurs contributions, leurs soutiens et leurs patiences. Que DIEU les gardent. Enfin, j'adresse mes plus sincères remerciements à tous mes proches et amis, qui m'ont toujours soutenue et encouragé au cours de la réalisation de ce mémoire.
Islamic values portraying sex outside of marriage as sinful are often believed to contribute to H... more Islamic values portraying sex outside of marriage as sinful are often believed to contribute to HIV transmission as they reject safe-sex practices. Moreover, stigma associated with sinful behaviour is frequently assumed to interfere with access to care for those infected. In contrast, adherence to religious values such as abstinence is viewed as an explanation for the relatively low incidence of HIV infection in Islamic populations. Inspired by this debate, a study was conducted into the possibilities of using Islamic texts as a starting point for health promotion addressing HIV infection and HIV/AIDS related stigma in Lamu, a Muslim community in Kenya. The study also explored the potential role of Lamu's Islamic leaders in the delivery of that health promotion. In collaboration with Islamic leaders, texts were identified that applied to sexual conduct, health, stigma and the responsibilities of Islamic leaders towards their congregations. In spite of the association of HIV with improper sexual behaviour, Islamic texts offer a starting point for tackling HIV transmission and HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Under particular conditions, the identified Islamic texts may even justify the promotion of safer sex methods including condom use.
Paediatric patients are more vulnerable to drug administration errors due to a lack of appropriat... more Paediatric patients are more vulnerable to drug administration errors due to a lack of appropriate drug dosages and strengths for use in this group of patients. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the extent and types of drug administration errors in two paediatric wards and to identify measures to reduce such errors. A researcher was stationed in two paediatric wards of a teaching hospital to observe all drugs administered to paediatric inpatients in each of the ward, for 1 day in a week over ten consecutive weeks. All data were recorded in a data collection form and then compared with the actual drugs and dosages prescribed for the patients. Of the 857 drug administrations observed, 100 doses had errors, and this gave an error rate of 11.7% [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.5–13.9%]. If wrong time administration errors were excluded, the error rate reduced to 7.8% (95% CI 6.0–9.6%). The most common types of drug administration errors were incorrect time of administration (28.8%), followed by incorrect drug preparation (26%), omission errors (16.3%) and incorrect dose (11.5%). None of the errors observed were considered as potentially life threatening, although 40.4% could possibly cause patient harm. Drug administration errors are as common in paediatric wards in Malaysia as in other countries. Double-checking should be conducted, as this could reduce drug administration errors by about 20%, but collaborative efforts between all healthcare professionals are essential.
This study evaluates the incidents associated with GyneFIX insertion and first-year expulsion and... more This study evaluates the incidents associated with GyneFIX insertion and first-year expulsion and continuity rates within the usual intrauterine contraceptive practice of a working group of Spanish professionals (GESEG), formed specifically with this aim. It is a prospective, multicenter, observational study of GyneFIX insertion in 1684 women. Data were prospectively collected on a structured form and processed centrally. Interest was focused on difficulties encountered during the insertion procedure and symptoms experienced during insertion. All terms were defined by consensus. Among the total, 18.6% of the women were nulliparous. GyneFIX insertion was rated easy in 92%, with more difficulty in nulliparous women, who showed significantly more symptoms during insertion of the device. First-year expulsion and continuity rates were 5.6 and 88 per 100 women, respectively. The pregnancy rate was 0.3 per 100 women/years. The GyneFIX system is an interesting alternative to standard IUDs for intrauterine contraception with copper, particularly in women who have experienced expulsion of other types of IUDs. Experienced professionals in IUD insertion quickly acquire familiarity with the GyneFIX insertion system, but proper implantation does not completely eliminate the risk of expulsion. Thus, the insertion system should be further modified to achieve a simpler, safer technique.
About 30% of patients with cirrhosis have diabetes mellitus (DM). Nowadays, it is a matter for de... more About 30% of patients with cirrhosis have diabetes mellitus (DM). Nowadays, it is a matter for debate whether type 2 DM in the absence of obesity and hypertriglyceridemia may be a risk factor for chronic liver disease. DM, which develops as a complication of cirrhosis, is known as "hepatogenous diabetes". Insulin resistance in muscular and adipose tissues and hyperinsulinemia seem to be the pathophysiologic bases of diabetes in liver disease. An impaired response of the islet beta-cells of the pancreas and hepatic insulin resistance are also contributory factors. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and hemochromatosis are more frequently associated with DM. Insulin resistance increases the failure of the response to treatment in patients with CHC and enhances progression of fibrosis. DM in cirrhotic patients may be subclinical. Hepatogenous diabetes is clinically different from that of type 2 DM, since it is less frequently associated with microangiopathy and patients more frequently suffer complications of cirrhosis. DM increases the mortality of cirrhotic patients. Treatment of the diabetes is complex due to liver damage and hepatotoxicity of oral hypoglycemic drugs. This manuscript will review evidence that exists in relation to: type 2 DM alone or as part of the metabolic syndrome in the development of liver disease; factors involved in the genesis of hepatogenous diabetes; the impact of DM on the clinical outcome of liver disease; the management of DM in cirrhotic patients and the role of DM as a risk factor for the occurrence and exacerbation of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Little is known on how forced sex contributes to the sexual transmission of HIV in marriage. This... more Little is known on how forced sex contributes to the sexual transmission of HIV in marriage. This paper describes traditional gender norms surrounding forced sex in Zimbabwean marriage. Data were collected from 4 focus group discussions and 36 in-depth interviews with married women and men in Harare. Results indicate that hegemonic masculinity characterised by a perceived entitlement to sex, male dominance and being a provider contributed to forced sex in marriage. A femininity characterised by a tolerance of marital rape, the desire to please the husband and submission contributed to women experiencing forced sex. An alternative femininity characterised by sexual pleasure-seeking contributed to women forcing their spouses to have sex. Future HIV interventions must go beyond narrowly advocating for safer sex within marriage and instead address practices that increase risk as well as promote positive marital relationship needs such as mutual respect, love and friendship.Les connaissances sont limitées sur l'influence des rapports sexuels forcés sur la transmission sexuelle du VIH dans le cadre du mariage. Cet article décrit les normes de genre traditionnelles sous-jacentes aux rapports sexuels forcés dans le cadre du mariage au Zimbabwe. Les données sont issues de quatre groupes de discussion thématique et de 36 entretiens en profondeur avec des femmes et des hommes mariés vivant à Harare. Les résultats indiquent que la masculinité hégémonique caractérisée par la perception d'un droit aux rapports sexuels, la domination masculine et le fait de subvenir aux besoins de la famille, constitue un facteur de risque pour les rapports sexuels forcés dans le cadre du mariage. La féminité caractérisée par une certaine tolérance vis-à-vis du viol conjugal, du désir de faire plaisir à son mari, et la soumission à celui-ci, est corrélée à l'expérience des rapports forcés chez les femmes. Un autre type de féminité, caractérisée par la recherche du plaisir sexuel, participe de l'expérience des femmes qui forcent leurs époux à avoir des rapports sexuels. Plutôt que de se limiter au plaidoyer pour le sexe à moindre risque au sein du mariage, les futures interventions de prévention du VIH doivent prendre en considération les pratiques qui augmentent les risques de transmission du virus. De même doivent-elles promouvoir les facteurs d'équilibre des relations maritales, comme le respect mutuel, l'amour et l'amitié.Poco se sabe sobre el modo en que las relaciones sexuales forzadas son una de las causas de la transmisión sexual del VIH en el matrimonio. En este artículo describimos las normas tradicionales de cada sexo en torno al sexo forzado en los matrimonios en Zimbabue. Se recabaron datos a partir de 4 charlas en grupo y 36 entrevistas exhaustivas con mujeres y hombres casados de Harare. Los resultados indican que la masculinidad hegemónica, caracterizada por un derecho percibido al sexo, el dominio masculino y el hecho de que el hombre sea el sostén económico de la familia, es un factor que contribuye al sexo forzado en el matrimonio. Una feminidad caracterizada por la tolerancia de la violación en el matrimonio, el deseo de complacer al marido y la sumisión es una de las causas de que las mujeres sufran el sexo forzado. Una feminidad alternativa caracterizada por la búsqueda del placer sexual es motivo de que las mujeres fuerzan a sus esposos a tener relaciones sexuales. En los futuros programas de prevención del sida se debería ir más allá de abogar por relaciones sexuales seguras en el matrimonio y en su lugar se deberían abordar las prácticas que aumentan el riesgo de contagio así como fomentar los requisitos para unas relaciones matrimoniales positivas tales como el respeto mutuo, el amor y la amistad.
Abstract—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-... more Abstract—In this paper the eddy current method is used to characterize defects in conductive non-ferromagnetic plates. A special attention is paid to the presentation of results in the form of images. A three-dimensional modelisation with finite element method to solved the distribution of the eddy-currents inside the material under test. With this purpose a uniform field probe is used to guarantee a spatially invariant excitation field for probe scanning translations.
Detecting the cracks is a major challenge in the development of Eddy Current (EC) Non-Destructive... more Detecting the cracks is a major challenge in the development of Eddy Current (EC) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). In fact, the detection sensitivity of EC-NDT depends on the interaction between the crack characteristics and the EC formed in the materials. The induced currents are primarily generated along a single direction in the tested sample. This paper presents a excitation method for generating a ac magnetic field and, consequently, eddy currents. This method significantly improves the detection of cracks of two different kind of material (non magnetic conductive material and ferromagnetic material). The magnetic flux density signature of the defect is studied using a 2D Finite Element Model FEM.
Papers by Safer Omar
Drafts by Safer Omar