EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during ... more EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during pre-Roman and Roman times in the district of Baillestavy (France). The evidence has been obtained from the works in four mining sites: Mas Morer, Pena Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. The data coming from sites like Mas Bourras have allowed tracing the mining activity to the 1st century AD, with evidence that could take it back to the First Iron Age. francaisLa region des Pyrenees Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archeologiques lies a la proto-industrie metallurgique, notamment siderurgique. Dans la region du Canigou, la plus importante zone metallifere se trouve a la peripherie du massif, ou des venues hydrothermales ont penetre les failles et les chevauchements de la serie des terrains metamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se presente en general sous forme d’oxydes (hematite) et de carbonates (siderite). Dans cette cei...
... Les mines d'or antiques d'Europe hors péninsule Ibérique. État des connaissances et... more ... Les mines d'or antiques d'Europe hors péninsule Ibérique. État des connaissances et travaux récents = The ancient gold mines of Europe in the Iberican peninsula. State of our knowledge and recent works. Auteur(s) / Author(s). CAUUET Béatrice (1) ; ...
in Paisagens Mineiras Antigas na Europa Ocidental. Investigação e Valorização Cultural. (coord. e... more in Paisagens Mineiras Antigas na Europa Ocidental. Investigação e Valorização Cultural. (coord. ed. Luís Fontes), Atas do Simpósio Internacional (Boticas, 25/26/27 julho 2014), Câmara Municipal de Boticas: Boticas, p.81-104.
La plus grande region aurifere de la Gaule independante se trouve sur le territoire des Lemovices... more La plus grande region aurifere de la Gaule independante se trouve sur le territoire des Lemovices, peuple gaulois qui occupait tout l’actuel Limousin, augmente du nord-est de la Dordogne. Alors qu’aucune fouille n’avait ete menee sur ces mines, appelees aurieres, elles etaient considerees comme etant d’epoque gallo-romaine. Mais leur etude devait reveler des le milieu des annees 1980 qu’elles avaient ete exploitees a l’epoque gauloise.
francaisL’or des Pyrenees etait connu des auteurs anciens et des recherches archeo-geologiques re... more francaisL’or des Pyrenees etait connu des auteurs anciens et des recherches archeo-geologiques recentes l’ont mis en evidence sur le plateau de l’Assaladou, entre Sorgeat et d’Ignaux, au S-E d’Ax-les-Thermes en Ariege. Cette source primaire jusque-la inedite a ete localisee par la presence d’anciens chantiers miniers a ciel ouvert. Reperes par des prospecteurs du BRGM et de la COGEMA a la fin des annees 1970, ils ont ete ensuite inventories (30 fosses), fouilles et dates par notre equipe entre 1993 et 1997, puis une etude mineralogique a ete menee en 2000 et 2016. Deux groupes de travaux remarquables ont ete etudies : une fosse et un ensemble comprenant une mine a ciel ouvert prolongee par une galerie longue de 13 m. La fosse sondee a pu etre datee des IIIe-IVe s. de notre ere grâce a une base de foyer conservee sur la sole. L’autre ensemble etudie (fosse et galerie) a confirme cette datation avec la decouverte de charbons de bois, residus d’un abattage au feu et d’une ceramique. Le...
Extr. de res. d'A. (...) Les premiers resultats obtenus montrent qu'il s'agit d'u... more Extr. de res. d'A. (...) Les premiers resultats obtenus montrent qu'il s'agit d'une longue excavation miniere a ciel ouvert, aux flancs creuses en gradins et prolongee en galeries souterraines en divers points. Le reseau souterrain presente de hautes galeries, un systeme d'exhaure (par travers-banc et canal) et des boisages (analyses dendrochrolonogiques en cours). Au bord de la mine a ciel ouvert, des sondages ont revele des structures d'habitats (sol amenage, clayonnage, foyer, poteries). Les premiers elements chronologiques concernent deux periodes distinctes : Tene III et fin du Ier siecle-debut du IIe siecle apres Jesus-Christ
EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during ... more EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during pre-Roman and Roman times in the district of Baillestavy (France). The evidence has been obtained from the works in four mining sites: Mas Morer, Pena Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. The data coming from sites like Mas Bourras have allowed tracing the mining activity to the 1st century AD, with evidence that could take it back to the First Iron Age. francaisLa region des Pyrenees Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archeologiques lies a la proto-industrie metallurgique, notamment siderurgique. Dans la region du Canigou, la plus importante zone metallifere se trouve a la peripherie du massif, ou des venues hydrothermales ont penetre les failles et les chevauchements de la serie des terrains metamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se presente en general sous forme d’oxydes (hematite) et de carbonates (siderite). Dans cette cei...
... Fabrice MONNA ■ Christophe PETIT ■ Jean-Paul GUILLAUMET ... En complément, le Centre Georges ... more ... Fabrice MONNA ■ Christophe PETIT ■ Jean-Paul GUILLAUMET ... En complément, le Centre Georges Chevrier et la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon ont organisé, en janvier 2002, une journée d'études sur « L'Invention du patri-moine en Bourgogne ». ...
Diagnostic realise dans l’enceinte du groupe scolaire du Clos Jovet a Autun (71) : bordure orient... more Diagnostic realise dans l’enceinte du groupe scolaire du Clos Jovet a Autun (71) : bordure orientale d’un ilot occupe de l’epoque.augusto-tiberienne.au Ve siecle
L'exploitation gauloise de l'or dans le Sud-Limousin a laisse de nombreux vestiges minier... more L'exploitation gauloise de l'or dans le Sud-Limousin a laisse de nombreux vestiges miniers a ciel ouvert. Leur inventaire et leur mise en relation avec les habitats ont fait appel a differentes methodes archeologiques, par ailleurs classiques, mais d'une grande efficacite pour les mines (importantes anomalies topographiques). Pour la detection des habitats, il a fallu adapter ces techniques a un milieu regional relativement ingrat dans ce domaine de travail. Outre les methodes utilisees, sont presentees les premiers resultats, tres prometteurs, obtenus sur les habitats grâce a la prospection aerienne et a la photo-interpretation
EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during ... more EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during pre-Roman and Roman times in the district of Baillestavy (France). The evidence has been obtained from the works in four mining sites: Mas Morer, Pena Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. The data coming from sites like Mas Bourras have allowed tracing the mining activity to the 1st century AD, with evidence that could take it back to the First Iron Age. francaisLa region des Pyrenees Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archeologiques lies a la proto-industrie metallurgique, notamment siderurgique. Dans la region du Canigou, la plus importante zone metallifere se trouve a la peripherie du massif, ou des venues hydrothermales ont penetre les failles et les chevauchements de la serie des terrains metamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se presente en general sous forme d’oxydes (hematite) et de carbonates (siderite). Dans cette cei...
... Les mines d'or antiques d'Europe hors péninsule Ibérique. État des connaissances et... more ... Les mines d'or antiques d'Europe hors péninsule Ibérique. État des connaissances et travaux récents = The ancient gold mines of Europe in the Iberican peninsula. State of our knowledge and recent works. Auteur(s) / Author(s). CAUUET Béatrice (1) ; ...
in Paisagens Mineiras Antigas na Europa Ocidental. Investigação e Valorização Cultural. (coord. e... more in Paisagens Mineiras Antigas na Europa Ocidental. Investigação e Valorização Cultural. (coord. ed. Luís Fontes), Atas do Simpósio Internacional (Boticas, 25/26/27 julho 2014), Câmara Municipal de Boticas: Boticas, p.81-104.
La plus grande region aurifere de la Gaule independante se trouve sur le territoire des Lemovices... more La plus grande region aurifere de la Gaule independante se trouve sur le territoire des Lemovices, peuple gaulois qui occupait tout l’actuel Limousin, augmente du nord-est de la Dordogne. Alors qu’aucune fouille n’avait ete menee sur ces mines, appelees aurieres, elles etaient considerees comme etant d’epoque gallo-romaine. Mais leur etude devait reveler des le milieu des annees 1980 qu’elles avaient ete exploitees a l’epoque gauloise.
francaisL’or des Pyrenees etait connu des auteurs anciens et des recherches archeo-geologiques re... more francaisL’or des Pyrenees etait connu des auteurs anciens et des recherches archeo-geologiques recentes l’ont mis en evidence sur le plateau de l’Assaladou, entre Sorgeat et d’Ignaux, au S-E d’Ax-les-Thermes en Ariege. Cette source primaire jusque-la inedite a ete localisee par la presence d’anciens chantiers miniers a ciel ouvert. Reperes par des prospecteurs du BRGM et de la COGEMA a la fin des annees 1970, ils ont ete ensuite inventories (30 fosses), fouilles et dates par notre equipe entre 1993 et 1997, puis une etude mineralogique a ete menee en 2000 et 2016. Deux groupes de travaux remarquables ont ete etudies : une fosse et un ensemble comprenant une mine a ciel ouvert prolongee par une galerie longue de 13 m. La fosse sondee a pu etre datee des IIIe-IVe s. de notre ere grâce a une base de foyer conservee sur la sole. L’autre ensemble etudie (fosse et galerie) a confirme cette datation avec la decouverte de charbons de bois, residus d’un abattage au feu et d’une ceramique. Le...
Extr. de res. d'A. (...) Les premiers resultats obtenus montrent qu'il s'agit d'u... more Extr. de res. d'A. (...) Les premiers resultats obtenus montrent qu'il s'agit d'une longue excavation miniere a ciel ouvert, aux flancs creuses en gradins et prolongee en galeries souterraines en divers points. Le reseau souterrain presente de hautes galeries, un systeme d'exhaure (par travers-banc et canal) et des boisages (analyses dendrochrolonogiques en cours). Au bord de la mine a ciel ouvert, des sondages ont revele des structures d'habitats (sol amenage, clayonnage, foyer, poteries). Les premiers elements chronologiques concernent deux periodes distinctes : Tene III et fin du Ier siecle-debut du IIe siecle apres Jesus-Christ
EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during ... more EnglishThis study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during pre-Roman and Roman times in the district of Baillestavy (France). The evidence has been obtained from the works in four mining sites: Mas Morer, Pena Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. The data coming from sites like Mas Bourras have allowed tracing the mining activity to the 1st century AD, with evidence that could take it back to the First Iron Age. francaisLa region des Pyrenees Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archeologiques lies a la proto-industrie metallurgique, notamment siderurgique. Dans la region du Canigou, la plus importante zone metallifere se trouve a la peripherie du massif, ou des venues hydrothermales ont penetre les failles et les chevauchements de la serie des terrains metamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se presente en general sous forme d’oxydes (hematite) et de carbonates (siderite). Dans cette cei...
... Fabrice MONNA ■ Christophe PETIT ■ Jean-Paul GUILLAUMET ... En complément, le Centre Georges ... more ... Fabrice MONNA ■ Christophe PETIT ■ Jean-Paul GUILLAUMET ... En complément, le Centre Georges Chevrier et la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Dijon ont organisé, en janvier 2002, une journée d'études sur « L'Invention du patri-moine en Bourgogne ». ...
Diagnostic realise dans l’enceinte du groupe scolaire du Clos Jovet a Autun (71) : bordure orient... more Diagnostic realise dans l’enceinte du groupe scolaire du Clos Jovet a Autun (71) : bordure orientale d’un ilot occupe de l’epoque.augusto-tiberienne.au Ve siecle
L'exploitation gauloise de l'or dans le Sud-Limousin a laisse de nombreux vestiges minier... more L'exploitation gauloise de l'or dans le Sud-Limousin a laisse de nombreux vestiges miniers a ciel ouvert. Leur inventaire et leur mise en relation avec les habitats ont fait appel a differentes methodes archeologiques, par ailleurs classiques, mais d'une grande efficacite pour les mines (importantes anomalies topographiques). Pour la detection des habitats, il a fallu adapter ces techniques a un milieu regional relativement ingrat dans ce domaine de travail. Outre les methodes utilisees, sont presentees les premiers resultats, tres prometteurs, obtenus sur les habitats grâce a la prospection aerienne et a la photo-interpretation
VIII Congreso Internacional sobre minería y metalurgia históricas en el sudoeste europeo, 2014
The aim of the research program MineMet 2012-2015 financially supported by ANR (French National A... more The aim of the research program MineMet 2012-2015 financially supported by ANR (French National Agency for Research) is to study and characterise the economic implications of new mining districts on secondary deposits during the Antiquity. Our study is focused on two regions with Au placer deposits, one in Gaul to the Lemovices (Limousin and North Perigord) and another one in Hispania, to the Cerretanes in Cerdagne, and on tin placer deposit in Gaul to the Eduens in Morvan (Burgundy). We present here our results on gold from Cerdagne and tin from Morvan.
The project propose to identify and characterise new mining districts which are detectable in the landscape as topographical anomalies of the slopes and show similarities with certified Antique mining sites known from other locations. To accomplish the project’s purposes a new field research approach was initiated with the mapping of the supposed new mining districts and the detailed mapping of several excavated structures showing similarities with channels and water tanks, remnants of an ancient hydraulic network as well as exploitation sites. Their study involving archaeological diggings also allow identifying the dynamic of exploitation and uncovering hidden structures (channels, basins) and artifacts which together prove the presence of mining driven structures and offer clues for chronology. Metal provenance studies (geology, geochemistry/isotopes) are going on in parallel for the alluvial gold from Cerdagne and the colluvial cassiterite from Morvan. EIectrum/gold grains and cassiterite grains sampled in the vicinity of the studied mining structures will be compared with pre-Roman and Roman gold and bronze artifacts discovered in the same two regions.
The first research in Cerdagne started in 2008 in the valley of Segre between French and Catalan Cerdagne in a broad partnership between historians, archaeologists and geologists from Toulouse and Barcelona (Olesti et al., forthcoming). About 30 sites presenting deep erosional profiles and being strictly contoured on the slopes have been mapped. These negative anomalies in the landscape are very similar to the trench mining sites as are known in NW Spain or NW Romania for the alluvial gold mining during Antiquity.
These deep incisions were considered until now as traces of natural erosion along the slopes. However, several panning campaigns in Cerdagne on the Catalan side around the village of All, and on the French side NE of Sail/agouse confirmed the constant presence of electrum/gold grains in the alluvial deposits. In the frame of the MineMet program the collected electrum grains are currently prepared for geochemical and isotope analyses for traceability purposes.
Between 2010 and 2011 several diggings made in Las Guilleteres (All, Catalonia, Spain) revealed a sort of basin or water tank made of two superposed dams of stones situated on the slope upstream of deep trenches cut in alluvial deposits. The presence of common ceramic fragments found in the filling of the basin indicates an Antique occupation of the structure. It is possible to consider this structure as a water reserve for alluvial Au exploitation downstream but for the moment we did not identified any trace of channel connecting the basin with the exploitation sites. New diggings are necessary in Cerdagne to ultimately prove the surface exploitation of the alluvial gold.
South and east of Autun (Burgundy, France) BRGM discovered a significant tin anomaly (cassiterite) within secondary deposits (alluvial and arenitic deposits) developed on granite rocks. Furthermore, the forestry slopes from these areas are crosscut by a dense network of up to 4 m deep trenches which downstream pass into large cirques. These lowlands in the landscape were interpreted as surface mines in secondary deposits. These surface works were created by hydraulic mining of secondary cassiterite deposits. Upstream of cirques and trenches it is easily to follow a hydraulic network made of channels and several basins. The source of water is situated in the upper part of the hills, the so-called Montjeau domain, south ofAutun, where several lakes still exists.
Archaeological diggings were done in 2005 close to a trench exploitation for tin in the so-called La Montagne (Autun) site. A hidden channel was revealed firstly by geophysical prospection and it was afterwards confirmed during the diggings by the presence of iron hydroxides concentrated along the lowermost part of the channel. The diggings allowed us to discover two hidden channels going towards the exploitation site validating thus the hypothesis of placer mining. The ceramics discovered on the bottom of the channels date its abandon during 1st c. AD.
The trenches and cirques are located downstream of the hydraulic system (channels and basins) to which they are connected and altogether are found in a forested area and thus invisible for classical aerial investigations. The difficulty of the field covered by forests imposed the use of LIDAR technique which was finally made in the frame of MineMet ANR program. The LIDAR output obtained end 2013—early 2014 allow us to make a detailed mapping of the mining structures, i.e. channels, basins, exploitation sites until now completely hidden by the forests in the aerial views. The first results are outstanding and the field may be "read" perfectly as an unforested one.
The mining complex for tin located south of Autun comprises surface mining works covering about 300 hectares and partly active during Roman times (Cauuet and Tamas, 2009). Close to the water sources the LIDAR investigations revealed a big enclosed site situated in the vicinity of a bronze deposit from Bronze Age. Furthermore, just above the channels and exploitation sites the LIDAR results indicate two Prehistory enclosures (Bronze Age or more probably Iron Age). These dwellings associated to mining structures showing multiple crosscutting relationships which are currently identified indicate a long period of exploitation during several ancient ages. Presently, the inventory and the mapping of the mining vestiges is advancing on the basis of numerical data model generated by the acquisition of LIDAR mapping on 60 k centred on Autun.
Papers by Béatrice Cauuet
The project propose to identify and characterise new mining districts which are detectable in the landscape as topographical anomalies of the slopes and show similarities with certified Antique mining sites known from other locations. To accomplish the project’s purposes a new field research approach was initiated with the mapping of the supposed new mining districts and the detailed mapping of several excavated structures showing similarities with channels and water tanks, remnants of an ancient hydraulic network as well as exploitation sites. Their study involving archaeological diggings also allow identifying the dynamic of exploitation and uncovering hidden structures (channels, basins) and artifacts which together prove the presence of mining driven structures and offer clues for chronology. Metal provenance studies (geology, geochemistry/isotopes) are going on in parallel for the alluvial gold from Cerdagne and the colluvial cassiterite from Morvan. EIectrum/gold grains and cassiterite grains sampled in the vicinity of the studied mining structures will be compared with pre-Roman and Roman gold and bronze artifacts discovered in the same two regions.
The first research in Cerdagne started in 2008 in the valley of Segre between French and Catalan Cerdagne in a broad partnership between historians, archaeologists and geologists from Toulouse and Barcelona (Olesti et al., forthcoming). About 30 sites presenting deep erosional profiles and being strictly contoured on the slopes have been mapped. These negative anomalies in the landscape are very similar to the trench mining sites as are known in NW Spain or NW Romania for the alluvial gold mining during Antiquity.
These deep incisions were considered until now as traces of natural erosion along the slopes. However, several panning campaigns in Cerdagne on the Catalan side around the village of All, and on the French side NE of Sail/agouse confirmed the constant presence of electrum/gold grains in the alluvial deposits. In the frame of the MineMet program the collected electrum grains are currently prepared for geochemical and isotope analyses for traceability purposes.
Between 2010 and 2011 several diggings made in Las Guilleteres (All, Catalonia, Spain) revealed a sort of basin or water tank made of two superposed dams of stones situated on the slope upstream of deep trenches cut in alluvial deposits. The presence of common ceramic fragments found in the filling of the basin indicates an Antique occupation of the structure. It is possible to consider this structure as a water reserve for alluvial Au exploitation downstream but for the moment we did not identified any trace of channel connecting the basin with the exploitation sites. New diggings are necessary in Cerdagne to ultimately prove the surface exploitation of the alluvial gold.
South and east of Autun (Burgundy, France) BRGM discovered a significant tin anomaly (cassiterite) within secondary deposits (alluvial and arenitic deposits) developed on granite rocks. Furthermore, the forestry slopes from these areas are crosscut by a dense network of up to 4 m deep trenches which downstream pass into large cirques. These lowlands in the landscape were interpreted as surface mines in secondary deposits. These surface works were created by hydraulic mining of secondary cassiterite deposits. Upstream of cirques and trenches it is easily to follow a hydraulic network made of channels and several basins. The source of water is situated in the upper part of the hills, the so-called Montjeau domain, south ofAutun, where several lakes still exists.
Archaeological diggings were done in 2005 close to a trench exploitation for tin in the so-called La Montagne (Autun) site. A hidden channel was revealed firstly by geophysical prospection and it was afterwards confirmed during the diggings by the presence of iron hydroxides concentrated along the lowermost part of the channel. The diggings allowed us to discover two hidden channels going towards the exploitation site validating thus the hypothesis of placer mining. The ceramics discovered on the bottom of the channels date its abandon during 1st c. AD.
The trenches and cirques are located downstream of the hydraulic system (channels and basins) to which they are connected and altogether are found in a forested area and thus invisible for classical aerial investigations. The difficulty of the field covered by forests imposed the use of LIDAR technique which was finally made in the frame of MineMet ANR program. The LIDAR output obtained end 2013—early 2014 allow us to make a detailed mapping of the mining structures, i.e. channels, basins, exploitation sites until now completely hidden by the forests in the aerial views. The first results are outstanding and the field may be "read" perfectly as an unforested one.
The mining complex for tin located south of Autun comprises surface mining works covering about 300 hectares and partly active during Roman times (Cauuet and Tamas, 2009). Close to the water sources the LIDAR investigations revealed a big enclosed site situated in the vicinity of a bronze deposit from Bronze Age. Furthermore, just above the channels and exploitation sites the LIDAR results indicate two Prehistory enclosures (Bronze Age or more probably Iron Age). These dwellings associated to mining structures showing multiple crosscutting relationships which are currently identified indicate a long period of exploitation during several ancient ages. Presently, the inventory and the mapping of the mining vestiges is advancing on the basis of numerical data model generated by the acquisition of LIDAR mapping on 60 k centred on Autun.