International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education
Degradation of morals or moral decadence has attacked young generations, especially college stude... more Degradation of morals or moral decadence has attacked young generations, especially college students. Therefore, this paper aims to find out forms of moral decadence found in college students. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, the data were collected through direct interviews with ten informants (college students) by using the purposive sampling technique. To strengthen interview data, the writer performed passive participation observation by coming directly to the observed location. All results of the interview were analyzed using Milles and Hauberman’s pattern. The research found nine forms of moral decadence in college students. They are: i) negligent in worship, ii)sexual promiscuity, iii) involved in drug abuse, iv) hedonism, v) revealing awrah, vi) lack of ethics, vii) impolite speaking, viii) dishonest in academics and ix) lack of time management. The results of this research can be used as initial data for future research investigating si...
This research is aimed to find the teachers‘ strategies in educating the student’s moral in prima... more This research is aimed to find the teachers‘ strategies in educating the student’s moral in primary school. The research used a qualitative method with the case study approach. The research data source was gotten by doing the interview, using a set interview protocol with fifteen respondents-the teacher of Islamic education, Quran teacher and the students. The data was analyzed thematically by using the software qualitative Nvivo 12. Overall, the results of the research got five themes relate to the teachers‘strategies in educating morals, such as: Conducting weekly lectures, Set a good example at the school, Giving advice to the students individually, Teach the moral lesson at the school, and Giving a warning and punishment to the students that doing the bad thing. All of those strategies was done by the teachers based on the result of this research. It can be a reference to others in educating students‘moral.
This study aims to analyze how the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community accor... more This study aims to analyze how the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community according to the perspective of Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, data sources are taken through interviews with ten people in Kenagarian Ganggo Mudiak, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. To strengthen the interview data, the researcher also made direct observations on the process and procedures for the practice pagang gadai is carried out by the community at the research location. All research data were then analyzed using the Miles Huberman technique. The research findings found two community mistakes in the practice of pagang gadai, namely i) pagang gadai is carried out by the community in Kanagarian Ganggo Mudiak is not in accordance with gadai in the perspective of Islamic sharia law, ii) the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community contains elements of usury which is legally contrary to sharia. Islam. Whereas in the ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui usaha guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui usaha guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri peserta didik melalui metode diskusi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari empat belas orang informan yang terdiri kepala sekolah, wakil kurikulum, guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Prakarya selaku wali kelas VII.1, dua orang tua peserta didik dari keluargabroken home, empat peserta didik yang berprestasi tinggi dengan nilai >80 dan empat peserta didik yang berprestasi tinggi dengan nilai <80 tersebut menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara kepada seluruh informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator terkait ketidakpercayaan diri peserta didik yaitu ;1). kurangnya keberanian terdapat tiga indikator yaitu; a). kurangnya keberanian untuk bertanya, b). kurangnya keberanian mengemu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebiasaan religius anak dalam keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara langsung dengan sepuluh orang informan (kepala keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh), untuk memperkokoh data wawancara penulis melakukan observasi selama dua tahun dengan cara terlibat langsung mengikuti kegiatan Jama’ah Tabligh seperti Ijtima’, Bayan Markas, Ta’lim Halaqah, Khuruj, Jaulah dan tidak jarang juga penulis bersilaturrahmi langsung ke rumah seluruh informan. Seluruh data wawancara dan observasi kemudian dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan Software NVivo 12. Secara keseluruhan temuan penelitian mendapati tujuh tema dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebiasaan religius anak dalam keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Tujuh tema tersebut yaitu: i) konsisten melaksanakan ibadah wajib, ii) melaksanakan cara hidup secara Islami, iii) ge...
Prevention of inter-religious conflict based on community activities offers a new reality for the... more Prevention of inter-religious conflict based on community activities offers a new reality for the advancement of living together in religious pluralism because there is a dynamic process in religious understanding and its application. This study aims to look at the prevention model of inter-religious conflict based on community activities. The research was carried out using a qualitative approach (multi-case single-site exploratory case study). Primary data was dug through in-depth interviews with 12 sources with details of 3 Muslims, 2 Catholics, 2 Protestants, 2 Hindus, 3 Buddhists from various regions in Indonesia using the Snowballing technique. Secondary data was extracted through literature analysis of various books, religious scriptures, and scientific articles related to this research. Data were analyzed qualitatively (thematically) with the help of NVIVO 12 software. Overall, the research findings found four main themes of the community activity-based inter-religious confli...
Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 2020
In general, problems that occur in the actual are the discovery of instruments that have not been... more In general, problems that occur in the actual are the discovery of instruments that have not been tested for problem solving abilities. The aim of this research is to reveal the content validity and interrater reliability of the instrument for evaluating the problem solving abilities that have been prepared. The research method is used a quantitative description by 3 expert judgments, they are experts in research and evaluation, mathematics education experts, and mathematics teachers. The instrument was developed in the form of an expert observation sheet with 3 aspects of assessment, they are the aspect of content eligibility, construction aspects, and language aspects, which of each aspect has 4 categories, which are very relevant, relevant, quite relevant, and highly irrelevant. Data were analyzed using the Aiken's V formula to determine the level of instrument validity and to determine the level of consistency / constancy between assessors using Instraclass Correlation Coeff...
The research is aimed at knowing the self-efficacy catogories and students academic procrastinati... more The research is aimed at knowing the self-efficacy catogories and students academic procrastination and finding out the correlation of the two variables toward students’ their academic assignment accomplishment. Quantitative method is used in the research. Data was obtained through 231 respondents using self-efficacy and academic procrastination instruments. The data then is analyzed by SPSS for windows release 20.0. The findings show that students’ self-efficacy belongs to high category (71,90%) while procrastination is in moderate category (52,30%). Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation shows that there is negative correlation between self-efficacy and academic procrastination (rcount)=-0.590 out of 0,000 significance level. It is implied that the more self-efficacy possessed by a students, the lower is the academic procrastination. Otherwise, the lower self-efficacy possessed by a students, th higher is the academic procrastination.
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of learning the Quran using the tartil method... more This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of learning the Quran using the tartil method. A quantitative approach (true experiment pretest-posttest control group design) was used as the research methodology. Sixty six (66) students whose Quran reading skills were poor were treated as the sample of this study. The data were collected through the Quran oral reading test and then analyzed through descriptive statistics using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Windows 22.0). The results showed that learning the Quran using the tartil method was effective. Therefore, this method can be used as an alternative in learning the Quran.
Difficulty in understanding and applying physics concepts is a problem that is often encountered ... more Difficulty in understanding and applying physics concepts is a problem that is often encountered in learning. Therefore, problem-solving abilities are needed in physics learning. The ability to solve problems in physics learning is an ability that students must have to find solutions to a problem, especially in understanding and applying physics concepts. Problem-solving in physics learning is certainly better if teachers explain directly. However, in certain situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers cannot help students directly. In hybrid learning, face-to-face learning can still be done virtually. Research in the last 10 years publish through reputable journals in various countries in the word (Taiwan, Belgia, Jerman and Indonesia) were are analyzed for the purpose of this article with the help of NVIVO 12 Software. Results of the analysis from various articles found that hybrid learning is a learning model that can be used as an alternative to help students solve proble...
This study is aimed at exploring how to build family-based Islamic character in the Tablighi Jama... more This study is aimed at exploring how to build family-based Islamic character in the Tablighi Jamaat community. As a qualitative study, the research was conducted by using an ethnographic approach. The data were collected through direct interviews with ten informants which are the heads of the family that belong to the Tablighi Jamaat community. Moreover, the researcher was also involved in some religious activities of the community for two years that the observation during the activities can be used to reinforce the result of the interviews. Those activities are Ijtima’ (annual gathering), Bayan Markas (sermon), Ta’lim Halaqah, Khuruj (proselytizing tour), Jaulah, and some informal visits to interviewees’ families. All data, both interviews and direct observation, were thematically analyzed by using specific software, namely NVivo 12. Based on the data it is found that there are five major Islamic characters could be developed through the family-based character building in the Jama...
The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among ... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows.Results of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first: by quoting the entire writings of the other person without mentioning the source, second: by quoting part / half of the text/writings of others, third: by quoting the writing of others then converted into their own statements. While there are eight factors that cause plagiarism which are: not understand about plagiarism, the student's instant culture in accomplishing academic tasks, the high volume of academic tasks given by lecturers, students' low interest in reading, not enough time to find the answer in the book, the ease of Information Technology, low purchasing power and lack of knowledge in how to write a scientific papers. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku plagiarisme dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya di kalangan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas perkuliahan agama Islam. Penelitian menggunakan metode gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif atau (Exploratory mixed methods designs). Data kualitatif diambil dari 15 makalah kelompok sebagai tugas perkuliahan dalam mata kuliah agama Islam, sedangkan data kuantitatif diambil menggunakan angket kepada 80 orang mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah agama Islam di Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Data yang diambil dari makalah kelompok dianalisis secara tematik dengan cara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan, sedangkan data angket dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan SPSS Windows 18.0. Hasil analisis dokumen mendapati bahwa terdapat tiga bentuk perilaku plagiarisme mahasiswa dalam meyelesaikan tugas perkuliahan yaitu, pertama: mengutip teks/tulisan orang lain secara utuh tanpa menuliskan sumbernya, kedua: mengutip sebagian/separuh dari teks/tulisan orang lain, tiga: mengutip teks/tulisan orang lain kemudian dirubah ke dalam bahasa sendiri. Sedangkan penyebab plagiarisme dilatarbelakangi oleh delapan faktor yaitu: tidak mengetahui tentang plagiarisme, budaya instan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas akademik, tingginya volume tugas perkuliahan dari dosen, rendahnya minat membaca mahasiswa, tidak cukup waktu mencari tugas melalui buku, kemudahan sarana IT, rendahnya daya beli buku dan masih minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara menulis karya ilmiah.
This study aims to design and to see the effectiveness of virtual geometry (VirGO) mobile applica... more This study aims to design and to see the effectiveness of virtual geometry (VirGO) mobile application in learning mathematics based on Augmented Reality (AR). To create a virtual geometry application, the writer uses the three stages prototype method, making an AR software application using Unity3D, the process of modelling with Blender, and using Vuforia to develop augmented reality and marker. The experiment involves one hundred and twenty students in three junior high schools in Padang. The results of the study show that VirGO based on augmented reality has three advantages namely (1) the availability to display the detail objects and learning material realistically, (2) its interactivity supported by cutting-edge and powerful videos, images and animations features, and (3) increasing students’ interest in learning mathematics and reducing boredom. The results of this study have proved that learning mathematics will be interesting and more memorable if the teacher has the will an...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi apakah nilai-nilai karakter yang dapat di... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi apakah nilai-nilai karakter yang dapat ditanamkan terhadap peserta didik melalui permainan congkak jika digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif atau Exploratory mixed methods designs . Data kualitatif tahap pertama diambil melalui wawancara mendalam ( indepth interview ) kepada 5 orang informan yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling . Seluruh data wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan alat analisis kualitatif Nvivo 10. Selanjutnya data tahap kedua diambil menggunakan angket kepada 46 orang peserta didik yang sedang belajar pada kelas V dan VI di sebuah Sekolah Dasar (SD). Seluruh data tahap kedua kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan alat analisis kuantitatif SPSS Windows 18.0. Secara keseluruhan hasil analisis kedua tahapan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sembilan nilai-nilai karakter yang terdapat di dalam ...
Teachers of Islamic Study bear a great responsibility to help students have a balanced personalit... more Teachers of Islamic Study bear a great responsibility to help students have a balanced personality; physics, emotions, and intelligence consistent with the philosophy of Islamic Study and the goal of national Education. The courses of Islamic Study, aqidah, observance, akhlak, fiqih, alquran and history require various strategies, methods, and teaching media. It is considered inappropriate if teachers of Islamic Study spend most of the hours explaining all materials about shalat, hajj, and the history of Islam using ‘chalk and talk’ strategy. Therefore, applying ICT in the classroom such as using computers and internet connection in a teaching and learning process is likely to be an alternative. Some other previous research showed that many Islamic Study teachers were seldom applying ICT during the teaching and learning process. It might be due to the lack of facilities and training, and teachers’ low esteem. This article explains how integrated ICT; computers and internet connectio...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru terhadap kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil ... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru terhadap kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil kepada sikap belajar murid, minat belajar murid dan pencapaian belajar murid dalam pengajaran al-Quran. Kaedah gabungan (Exploratory sequential mixed methods designs) telah digunakan sebagai metod kajian. Kajian ini dijalankan melalui dua fasa, fasa pertama menggunakan kajian kes melalui kaedah temu bual mendalam kepada 8 orang guru-guru terpilih serta telah mempunyai pengalaman mengajarkan kaedah tartil dalam pengajaran al-Quran sebagai pengumpulan data, fasa ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara terperinci dan mendalam daripada guru-guru tersebut. Fasa kedua menggunakan kajian tinjauan melibatkan 115 orang guru-guru yang juga mengajarkan al-Quran dengan kaedah tartil dalam pembelajaran al-Quran, fasa ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru-guru tersebut tentang kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil dalam pengajaran al-Quran. Data temu bual pada fasa pertama dianalisis seca...
The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among ... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows. R esults of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first: by quoting the entire writings of the other person withou...
As it is known that the roles and responsibilities of teachers, especially those teaching Islamic... more As it is known that the roles and responsibilities of teachers, especially those teaching Islamic education is enormous. Basically, Islamic Education Teachers teach not only in charge of the subject matter, but also burdened with the responsibility to build learners who have knowledge, morals, have identity, strong character, and has a life skills guidance in accordance with the teachings of Islam. To bear all the burdens and responsibilities required different skills, especially skills as a personal ideal Islamic Education Teachers. In a variety of classical texts, books, literature until recent Islamic educational research found five terms are embedded in referring the teachers, Mudarris, Mu'allim Murabbi, Mursyid, and Muaddib. No articles are discussing a thorough and detailed those five terms in question yet. This article aims to discuss in detail and comprehensively those five terms in Islamic Education Teachers. This research uses the qualitative method with content analys...
Choosing a career as an Early Childhood Education Teacher is both challenging and joyful. Not ev... more Choosing a career as an Early Childhood Education Teacher is both challenging and joyful. Not everyone is interested in this profession except for those who have strong motivation. This study aims to identify students’ exact motivation to select the Early Childhood Education Department at Public University. This study uses combined qualitative and quantitative methods (exploratory mixed methods design). Sources of qualitative data were taken from twenty informants through in-depth interviews and analyzed using NVivo 10 analysis software, while sources of quantitative data were taken from a hundred correspondents and analyzed using SPSS 20 software. Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses showed that students have seven motivations to select the Early Childhood Education Department. Those seven motivations are: i) parents encouragement (81%); ii) job opportunities after graduation (83%); iii) loving kids (85%); iv) teaching is a noble profession (100%); self-will (70%); vi) ...
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause bullying behavior among students and how to sol... more This study aims to analyze the factors that cause bullying behavior among students and how to solve it. This study was employed a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken through in-depth interviews with twenty informants consisting of elementary school students, junior high schools, senior high schools, principals, teachers, school security guards, education observers and parents of students. All interview data were then analyzed thematically using NVivo 10 quality analysis software. Overall, the study found nine important themes. Four themes related to the factors causing bullying behavior, namely: i) entrenched beliefs among students, ii) physical differences between the perpetrator and the victim, iii) discipline by seniors to juniors and iv) the condition of the victim's physical disability and weakness. Five themes related to solutions to tackling the problem of bullying, namely i) giving firm action to the perpetrator, ii) eliminating tele...
International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education
Degradation of morals or moral decadence has attacked young generations, especially college stude... more Degradation of morals or moral decadence has attacked young generations, especially college students. Therefore, this paper aims to find out forms of moral decadence found in college students. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, the data were collected through direct interviews with ten informants (college students) by using the purposive sampling technique. To strengthen interview data, the writer performed passive participation observation by coming directly to the observed location. All results of the interview were analyzed using Milles and Hauberman’s pattern. The research found nine forms of moral decadence in college students. They are: i) negligent in worship, ii)sexual promiscuity, iii) involved in drug abuse, iv) hedonism, v) revealing awrah, vi) lack of ethics, vii) impolite speaking, viii) dishonest in academics and ix) lack of time management. The results of this research can be used as initial data for future research investigating si...
This research is aimed to find the teachers‘ strategies in educating the student’s moral in prima... more This research is aimed to find the teachers‘ strategies in educating the student’s moral in primary school. The research used a qualitative method with the case study approach. The research data source was gotten by doing the interview, using a set interview protocol with fifteen respondents-the teacher of Islamic education, Quran teacher and the students. The data was analyzed thematically by using the software qualitative Nvivo 12. Overall, the results of the research got five themes relate to the teachers‘strategies in educating morals, such as: Conducting weekly lectures, Set a good example at the school, Giving advice to the students individually, Teach the moral lesson at the school, and Giving a warning and punishment to the students that doing the bad thing. All of those strategies was done by the teachers based on the result of this research. It can be a reference to others in educating students‘moral.
This study aims to analyze how the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community accor... more This study aims to analyze how the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community according to the perspective of Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, data sources are taken through interviews with ten people in Kenagarian Ganggo Mudiak, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. To strengthen the interview data, the researcher also made direct observations on the process and procedures for the practice pagang gadai is carried out by the community at the research location. All research data were then analyzed using the Miles Huberman technique. The research findings found two community mistakes in the practice of pagang gadai, namely i) pagang gadai is carried out by the community in Kanagarian Ganggo Mudiak is not in accordance with gadai in the perspective of Islamic sharia law, ii) the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community contains elements of usury which is legally contrary to sharia. Islam. Whereas in the ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui usaha guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui usaha guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri peserta didik melalui metode diskusi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari empat belas orang informan yang terdiri kepala sekolah, wakil kurikulum, guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Prakarya selaku wali kelas VII.1, dua orang tua peserta didik dari keluargabroken home, empat peserta didik yang berprestasi tinggi dengan nilai >80 dan empat peserta didik yang berprestasi tinggi dengan nilai <80 tersebut menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara kepada seluruh informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator terkait ketidakpercayaan diri peserta didik yaitu ;1). kurangnya keberanian terdapat tiga indikator yaitu; a). kurangnya keberanian untuk bertanya, b). kurangnya keberanian mengemu...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebiasaan religius anak dalam keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi, data penelitian diambil melalui wawancara langsung dengan sepuluh orang informan (kepala keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh), untuk memperkokoh data wawancara penulis melakukan observasi selama dua tahun dengan cara terlibat langsung mengikuti kegiatan Jama’ah Tabligh seperti Ijtima’, Bayan Markas, Ta’lim Halaqah, Khuruj, Jaulah dan tidak jarang juga penulis bersilaturrahmi langsung ke rumah seluruh informan. Seluruh data wawancara dan observasi kemudian dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan Software NVivo 12. Secara keseluruhan temuan penelitian mendapati tujuh tema dampak pendidikan orang tua terhadap kebiasaan religius anak dalam keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Tujuh tema tersebut yaitu: i) konsisten melaksanakan ibadah wajib, ii) melaksanakan cara hidup secara Islami, iii) ge...
Prevention of inter-religious conflict based on community activities offers a new reality for the... more Prevention of inter-religious conflict based on community activities offers a new reality for the advancement of living together in religious pluralism because there is a dynamic process in religious understanding and its application. This study aims to look at the prevention model of inter-religious conflict based on community activities. The research was carried out using a qualitative approach (multi-case single-site exploratory case study). Primary data was dug through in-depth interviews with 12 sources with details of 3 Muslims, 2 Catholics, 2 Protestants, 2 Hindus, 3 Buddhists from various regions in Indonesia using the Snowballing technique. Secondary data was extracted through literature analysis of various books, religious scriptures, and scientific articles related to this research. Data were analyzed qualitatively (thematically) with the help of NVIVO 12 software. Overall, the research findings found four main themes of the community activity-based inter-religious confli...
Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 2020
In general, problems that occur in the actual are the discovery of instruments that have not been... more In general, problems that occur in the actual are the discovery of instruments that have not been tested for problem solving abilities. The aim of this research is to reveal the content validity and interrater reliability of the instrument for evaluating the problem solving abilities that have been prepared. The research method is used a quantitative description by 3 expert judgments, they are experts in research and evaluation, mathematics education experts, and mathematics teachers. The instrument was developed in the form of an expert observation sheet with 3 aspects of assessment, they are the aspect of content eligibility, construction aspects, and language aspects, which of each aspect has 4 categories, which are very relevant, relevant, quite relevant, and highly irrelevant. Data were analyzed using the Aiken's V formula to determine the level of instrument validity and to determine the level of consistency / constancy between assessors using Instraclass Correlation Coeff...
The research is aimed at knowing the self-efficacy catogories and students academic procrastinati... more The research is aimed at knowing the self-efficacy catogories and students academic procrastination and finding out the correlation of the two variables toward students’ their academic assignment accomplishment. Quantitative method is used in the research. Data was obtained through 231 respondents using self-efficacy and academic procrastination instruments. The data then is analyzed by SPSS for windows release 20.0. The findings show that students’ self-efficacy belongs to high category (71,90%) while procrastination is in moderate category (52,30%). Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation shows that there is negative correlation between self-efficacy and academic procrastination (rcount)=-0.590 out of 0,000 significance level. It is implied that the more self-efficacy possessed by a students, the lower is the academic procrastination. Otherwise, the lower self-efficacy possessed by a students, th higher is the academic procrastination.
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of learning the Quran using the tartil method... more This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of learning the Quran using the tartil method. A quantitative approach (true experiment pretest-posttest control group design) was used as the research methodology. Sixty six (66) students whose Quran reading skills were poor were treated as the sample of this study. The data were collected through the Quran oral reading test and then analyzed through descriptive statistics using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Windows 22.0). The results showed that learning the Quran using the tartil method was effective. Therefore, this method can be used as an alternative in learning the Quran.
Difficulty in understanding and applying physics concepts is a problem that is often encountered ... more Difficulty in understanding and applying physics concepts is a problem that is often encountered in learning. Therefore, problem-solving abilities are needed in physics learning. The ability to solve problems in physics learning is an ability that students must have to find solutions to a problem, especially in understanding and applying physics concepts. Problem-solving in physics learning is certainly better if teachers explain directly. However, in certain situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers cannot help students directly. In hybrid learning, face-to-face learning can still be done virtually. Research in the last 10 years publish through reputable journals in various countries in the word (Taiwan, Belgia, Jerman and Indonesia) were are analyzed for the purpose of this article with the help of NVIVO 12 Software. Results of the analysis from various articles found that hybrid learning is a learning model that can be used as an alternative to help students solve proble...
This study is aimed at exploring how to build family-based Islamic character in the Tablighi Jama... more This study is aimed at exploring how to build family-based Islamic character in the Tablighi Jamaat community. As a qualitative study, the research was conducted by using an ethnographic approach. The data were collected through direct interviews with ten informants which are the heads of the family that belong to the Tablighi Jamaat community. Moreover, the researcher was also involved in some religious activities of the community for two years that the observation during the activities can be used to reinforce the result of the interviews. Those activities are Ijtima’ (annual gathering), Bayan Markas (sermon), Ta’lim Halaqah, Khuruj (proselytizing tour), Jaulah, and some informal visits to interviewees’ families. All data, both interviews and direct observation, were thematically analyzed by using specific software, namely NVivo 12. Based on the data it is found that there are five major Islamic characters could be developed through the family-based character building in the Jama...
The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among ... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows.Results of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first: by quoting the entire writings of the other person without mentioning the source, second: by quoting part / half of the text/writings of others, third: by quoting the writing of others then converted into their own statements. While there are eight factors that cause plagiarism which are: not understand about plagiarism, the student's instant culture in accomplishing academic tasks, the high volume of academic tasks given by lecturers, students' low interest in reading, not enough time to find the answer in the book, the ease of Information Technology, low purchasing power and lack of knowledge in how to write a scientific papers. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku plagiarisme dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya di kalangan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas perkuliahan agama Islam. Penelitian menggunakan metode gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif atau (Exploratory mixed methods designs). Data kualitatif diambil dari 15 makalah kelompok sebagai tugas perkuliahan dalam mata kuliah agama Islam, sedangkan data kuantitatif diambil menggunakan angket kepada 80 orang mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah agama Islam di Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Data yang diambil dari makalah kelompok dianalisis secara tematik dengan cara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan, sedangkan data angket dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan SPSS Windows 18.0. Hasil analisis dokumen mendapati bahwa terdapat tiga bentuk perilaku plagiarisme mahasiswa dalam meyelesaikan tugas perkuliahan yaitu, pertama: mengutip teks/tulisan orang lain secara utuh tanpa menuliskan sumbernya, kedua: mengutip sebagian/separuh dari teks/tulisan orang lain, tiga: mengutip teks/tulisan orang lain kemudian dirubah ke dalam bahasa sendiri. Sedangkan penyebab plagiarisme dilatarbelakangi oleh delapan faktor yaitu: tidak mengetahui tentang plagiarisme, budaya instan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas akademik, tingginya volume tugas perkuliahan dari dosen, rendahnya minat membaca mahasiswa, tidak cukup waktu mencari tugas melalui buku, kemudahan sarana IT, rendahnya daya beli buku dan masih minimnya pengetahuan tentang cara menulis karya ilmiah.
This study aims to design and to see the effectiveness of virtual geometry (VirGO) mobile applica... more This study aims to design and to see the effectiveness of virtual geometry (VirGO) mobile application in learning mathematics based on Augmented Reality (AR). To create a virtual geometry application, the writer uses the three stages prototype method, making an AR software application using Unity3D, the process of modelling with Blender, and using Vuforia to develop augmented reality and marker. The experiment involves one hundred and twenty students in three junior high schools in Padang. The results of the study show that VirGO based on augmented reality has three advantages namely (1) the availability to display the detail objects and learning material realistically, (2) its interactivity supported by cutting-edge and powerful videos, images and animations features, and (3) increasing students’ interest in learning mathematics and reducing boredom. The results of this study have proved that learning mathematics will be interesting and more memorable if the teacher has the will an...
Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi apakah nilai-nilai karakter yang dapat di... more Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi apakah nilai-nilai karakter yang dapat ditanamkan terhadap peserta didik melalui permainan congkak jika digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif atau Exploratory mixed methods designs . Data kualitatif tahap pertama diambil melalui wawancara mendalam ( indepth interview ) kepada 5 orang informan yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling . Seluruh data wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan alat analisis kualitatif Nvivo 10. Selanjutnya data tahap kedua diambil menggunakan angket kepada 46 orang peserta didik yang sedang belajar pada kelas V dan VI di sebuah Sekolah Dasar (SD). Seluruh data tahap kedua kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan alat analisis kuantitatif SPSS Windows 18.0. Secara keseluruhan hasil analisis kedua tahapan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sembilan nilai-nilai karakter yang terdapat di dalam ...
Teachers of Islamic Study bear a great responsibility to help students have a balanced personalit... more Teachers of Islamic Study bear a great responsibility to help students have a balanced personality; physics, emotions, and intelligence consistent with the philosophy of Islamic Study and the goal of national Education. The courses of Islamic Study, aqidah, observance, akhlak, fiqih, alquran and history require various strategies, methods, and teaching media. It is considered inappropriate if teachers of Islamic Study spend most of the hours explaining all materials about shalat, hajj, and the history of Islam using ‘chalk and talk’ strategy. Therefore, applying ICT in the classroom such as using computers and internet connection in a teaching and learning process is likely to be an alternative. Some other previous research showed that many Islamic Study teachers were seldom applying ICT during the teaching and learning process. It might be due to the lack of facilities and training, and teachers’ low esteem. This article explains how integrated ICT; computers and internet connectio...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru terhadap kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil ... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru terhadap kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil kepada sikap belajar murid, minat belajar murid dan pencapaian belajar murid dalam pengajaran al-Quran. Kaedah gabungan (Exploratory sequential mixed methods designs) telah digunakan sebagai metod kajian. Kajian ini dijalankan melalui dua fasa, fasa pertama menggunakan kajian kes melalui kaedah temu bual mendalam kepada 8 orang guru-guru terpilih serta telah mempunyai pengalaman mengajarkan kaedah tartil dalam pengajaran al-Quran sebagai pengumpulan data, fasa ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara terperinci dan mendalam daripada guru-guru tersebut. Fasa kedua menggunakan kajian tinjauan melibatkan 115 orang guru-guru yang juga mengajarkan al-Quran dengan kaedah tartil dalam pembelajaran al-Quran, fasa ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penilaian guru-guru tersebut tentang kesan penggunaan kaedah tartil dalam pengajaran al-Quran. Data temu bual pada fasa pertama dianalisis seca...
The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among ... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the behavior and causal factors of plagiarism among the undergraduate students in accomplishing their coursework in Islamic religion subject. The study used methods combination of qualitative and quantitative research or Exploratory mixed methods designs. Qualitative data were taken from 15 papers of group works in the subjects of Islamic religion, while quantitative data were taken using questionnaires towards 80 students who are taking course in Islamic religion at State University of Padang (UNP). Data taken from papers of groupwork were analyzed thematically with method of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and taking conclusion, while questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 18.0 for Windows. R esults of the document analysis found that there are three forms of behavior of student plagiarism in accomplishing the coursework, first: by quoting the entire writings of the other person withou...
As it is known that the roles and responsibilities of teachers, especially those teaching Islamic... more As it is known that the roles and responsibilities of teachers, especially those teaching Islamic education is enormous. Basically, Islamic Education Teachers teach not only in charge of the subject matter, but also burdened with the responsibility to build learners who have knowledge, morals, have identity, strong character, and has a life skills guidance in accordance with the teachings of Islam. To bear all the burdens and responsibilities required different skills, especially skills as a personal ideal Islamic Education Teachers. In a variety of classical texts, books, literature until recent Islamic educational research found five terms are embedded in referring the teachers, Mudarris, Mu'allim Murabbi, Mursyid, and Muaddib. No articles are discussing a thorough and detailed those five terms in question yet. This article aims to discuss in detail and comprehensively those five terms in Islamic Education Teachers. This research uses the qualitative method with content analys...
Choosing a career as an Early Childhood Education Teacher is both challenging and joyful. Not ev... more Choosing a career as an Early Childhood Education Teacher is both challenging and joyful. Not everyone is interested in this profession except for those who have strong motivation. This study aims to identify students’ exact motivation to select the Early Childhood Education Department at Public University. This study uses combined qualitative and quantitative methods (exploratory mixed methods design). Sources of qualitative data were taken from twenty informants through in-depth interviews and analyzed using NVivo 10 analysis software, while sources of quantitative data were taken from a hundred correspondents and analyzed using SPSS 20 software. Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses showed that students have seven motivations to select the Early Childhood Education Department. Those seven motivations are: i) parents encouragement (81%); ii) job opportunities after graduation (83%); iii) loving kids (85%); iv) teaching is a noble profession (100%); self-will (70%); vi) ...
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause bullying behavior among students and how to sol... more This study aims to analyze the factors that cause bullying behavior among students and how to solve it. This study was employed a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken through in-depth interviews with twenty informants consisting of elementary school students, junior high schools, senior high schools, principals, teachers, school security guards, education observers and parents of students. All interview data were then analyzed thematically using NVivo 10 quality analysis software. Overall, the study found nine important themes. Four themes related to the factors causing bullying behavior, namely: i) entrenched beliefs among students, ii) physical differences between the perpetrator and the victim, iii) discipline by seniors to juniors and iv) the condition of the victim's physical disability and weakness. Five themes related to solutions to tackling the problem of bullying, namely i) giving firm action to the perpetrator, ii) eliminating tele...
Papers by Engkizar Engkizar