Books by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
S T U D I E N zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung 43, 2019
Das österreichische Kronland Galizien war im Ersten Weltkrieg nicht nur ein wichtiger Kriegsschau... more Das österreichische Kronland Galizien war im Ersten Weltkrieg nicht nur ein wichtiger Kriegsschauplatz für Österreich-Ungarn und Russland, sondern auch ein bedeutendes propagandistisches Schlachtfeld der beiden Imperien. Bereits in den Vorkriegsjahren trug Galizien erheblich zu den außenpolitischen Spannungen zwischen Österreich-Ungarn und Russland bei. Mit Kriegsbeginn nahm die Aufmerksamkeit für die Region weiter zu. Sowohl in Russland als auch in Österreich erschien eine Vielzahl von Broschüren und Zeitungsartikeln zu Galizien, welche die Region in einem neuen Licht zeigten.
Diese Studie untersucht die Presseberichterstattung zu Galizien in den Hauptstädten der beiden kriegführenden Imperien im Zeitraum 1914-1917. Anhand der Berichterstattung wichtiger Zeitungen unterschiedlicher politischer Orientierung werden die verschiedenen Argumentationsweisen analysiert. Dabei werden deren ideologischer Hintergrund und traditionelle Stereotype ebenso berücksichtigt wie die Bedingungen des Krieges und propagandistische Erfordernisse. Zugleich thematisiert die Arbeit die Rolle der Kriegszensur in Russland und in Österreich.
Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die in der Presse transportierten Bilder dieser Grenzregion und ihrer Bewohner. Es untersucht die Rolle Galiziens für die österreichische und russische Kriegspropaganda sowie für politische Debatten zu Nationalitätenfragen. Schließlich beleuchtet es Debatten zum Krieg und seinen Folgen.
"Armenhaus Europas“ und „Halb-Asien“ – so hieß es im 19. Jahrhundert über das habsburgische Kronl... more "Armenhaus Europas“ und „Halb-Asien“ – so hieß es im 19. Jahrhundert über das habsburgische Kronland Galizien. Man war der Auffassung, dass diese „rückständige“ Grenzregion am nordöstlichen Rand der Donaumonarchie von den „Errungenschaften der Moderne“ kaum berührt sei. Ein differenzierteres Bild der galizischen „Peripherie“ hingegen möchte dieser Tagungsband des Doktorkollegs „Das österreichische Galizien und sein multikulturelles Erbe“ der Universität Wien zeichnen. In den geschichts- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Beiträgen werden unterschiedliche Facetten der Moderne dieser multiethnischen und plurikulturellen Region beleuchtet und spezifisch galizische Ausprägungen thematisiert. Dabei wird Galizien nicht zur bloßen „Peripherie der Moderne“ reduziert, sondern im Gegenteil als nahezu idealer Verhandlungsort der „Vielfalt der Moderne“ verstanden. Im Blickpunkt stehen unterschiedliche Selbst- und Fremdzuschreibungen Galiziens innerhalb der Diskurse um die Moderne. Dabei spannt sich der Bogen von modernen Krisensymptomen, neuen nationalen Ideologien, innerjüdische Assimilationsdebatten und interreligiösen Spannungen über die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen von Modernisierungsprozessen in Verwaltung, Politik und Militär bis hin zur Konstruktion Galiziens als postmodernem Erinnerungsraum in der Gegenwart.
*proof of the Special Issue introduction
* Full citation: Tamara Scheer, Nancy M. Wingfield (ed... more *proof of the Special Issue introduction
* Full citation: Tamara Scheer, Nancy M. Wingfield (eds.), Special Issue: Habsburg Home Fronts during the First World War and Beyond, in: European Review of History/ Revue européenne d’histoire 24.02 (April 2017).
* Published version download:
* Special issue contains of the following articles:
● Introductory remarks: space, chronology and the Habsburg home fronts,Maureen Healy
● The wartime treatment of the Italian-speaking population in Austria-Hungary,Alessandro Livio
● Galicia: a bulwark against Russia? Propaganda and violence in a border region during the First World War,Elisabeth Haid
● Denunciation and the decline of the Habsburg home front during the First World War,Tamara Scheer
● Local politics during the First World War: political players in the armaments center Wiener Neustadt,Sabine Schmitner
● The Long First World War and the survival of business elites in East-Central Europe: Transylvania’s industrial boom and the enrichment of economic elites,Mate Rigo
● The social degeneration of the Habsburg home front: “forbidden intercourse” and POWs during the First World War,Julia Walleczek-Fritz
● For God and/or emperor: Habsburg Romanian military chaplains and wartime propaganda in camps for returning POWs,Zaharia Ionela
● The Wehrmann in Eisen: nailed statues as barometers of Habsburg social order during the First World War,Kate Densford
Papers by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Imperial Cities in the Tsarist, the Habsburg, and the Ottoman Empires, edited by Ulrich Hofmeister and Florian Riedler. New York: Routledge 2024, p. 270-297, 2024
Krieg und Frieden. Folgen der Russischen Revolution. Nordost-Archiv XXVII (2018), 193-212, 2020
Following the start of the First World War the German Empire as well as Austria-Hungary pushed fo... more Following the start of the First World War the German Empire as well as Austria-Hungary pushed for settlement of differences on the domestic political front. However unresolved conflicts erupted all the more violently during the last years of the war. Likewise, discussions regarding the so-called Polish question intensified. On the one hand the discussions were characterised by the individual domestic political situations whereby the war experiences also played a vital role. Whereas in the German Empire the debates focused mainly on continued legal discrimination and on equal civic rights, in the Habsburg Monarchy it was questions regarding national autonomy and in Austria complaints took centre stage, which concerned the infringements of rights committed by the government and the army during the war. On the other hand the changed constellation in foreign political issues had a fundamental impact. The courtship of the partitioning powers for Polish support had raised hopes amongst the Polish people for an improvement of their domestic political situation, but it had also opened up perspectives for a re-unification of Poland. Political reforms, however, were long in coming. The risk of centrifugal trends was used as an argument to block reforms. The willingness of the political players to compromise was reduced in the face of alternative political options. Whilst in 1917 discussions about the Polish question were still mostly centred around domestic political reform, in 1918 the domestic political demands of the Polish gave way increasingly to preparations to connect to an independent Regency Kingdom of Poland.
Accepted Manuscript; Published Version: European Review of History 24 (2017), 2, 200-213 (
The mobilization of the Galician home front was of particular
importance for the Habsburg monarch... more The mobilization of the Galician home front was of particular
importance for the Habsburg monarchy because of the strategic
importance of this province during the First World War. The aim of
this article is to take a closer look at the diverse political measures
of the Habsburg political and military authorities in Galicia, which
were often inconsistent with one another. It deals with propaganda
as well as with oppressive measures and discriminatory policy towards
certain nationalities. It argues that the political situation in Galicia,
which was a national trouble spot in the decades before the First
World War, as well as the fact that the province was a war zone,
influenced these measures. Moreover, the article demonstrates the
contribution of Galician protagonists both to the propagandistic
mobilization for war and to the acts of violence. The article argues
that the mobilization of the Galician home front was a failure. The
propaganda efforts contrasted strongly with the brutal measures of
the Austro-Hungarian army and with the growing national conflicts
in Galicia. Instead of strengthening a sense of community in view of
the common enemy, the war rather alienated the different Galician
population groups from each other, but also from the Austrian state.
Der Große Krieg beginnt: Sommer und Herbst 1914. Nordost-Archiv XXIV (2015), 66-80 (, 2016
This article describes the significance of front line reporting as a propaganda instrument in the... more This article describes the significance of front line reporting as a propaganda instrument in the Austrian and Russian press at the beginning of the First World War. The focus is on the Eastern Front, initially the most important theatre of war for both states. The manipulative function of the various reports is analysed in the light of war events. Despite the restrictions imposed by censorship and state news policy, journalists still had some scope for interpretation. Nevertheless, the press coverage of both states was very similar in terms of the propagandistic strategies employed. The primary aim was to motivate the population for war and to boost their confidence in victory. The reports in the first months of the war characteristically conveyed the hope that the war would be short. Newspaper reports thus presented the larger battles as decisive conflicts, highlighted the achievements of their own troops and, by concentrating on the successful areas of the front, gave the impression that the war was progressing favourably. Defeats were frequently passed over or presented as strategic withdrawals. The military-strategic appraisals were often accompanied by ideological-moral interpretations, portraying the war as one of liberation or defence. Despite all the attempts to gloss over military setbacks, developments on the war front led to a certain disillusionment, and people gradually began to realise that the war was not going to be as short as hoped. This resulted in a more cautious press coverage of the war fronts; nevertheless, there are numerous examples which show continuity in the propaganda strategies followed in the further course of the war.
Österreich-Ungarns "Großer Krieg" im Vergleich, 2013
Book Reviews by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 2023
Nordost-Archiv XXVII (2018), 255-257
Conference Presentations by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Dissertation by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
The Habsburg crownland Galicia was one of the most important theaters of war between the Russian ... more The Habsburg crownland Galicia was one of the most important theaters of war between the Russian and the Austrian Empires in World War I – not only at the battlefields, but also in wartime propaganda. While Galicia was a key issue in the relations between Austria and Russia already in the pre-war period, attention even increased when it became a battlefield during the war. Many brochures and press articles about Galicia emerged, both in Russia and in Austria, and put a new complexion on this region.
This thesis presents an analysis of press reporting on Galicia in the capitals of the two belligerent empires in the course of the war (1914-1917). It compares different argumentations in the context of ideological background, pre-war stereotypes, conditions of the war, and the needs of propaganda. At the same time it discusses the role of wartime censorship in Russia and in Austria.
The thesis surveys the images of this border province and its inhabitants. It focuses on the role of Galicia in Austrian and Russian wartime propaganda as well as in political debates on nationalities questions. Finally it goes into debates on the war and its consequences.
Conference by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
The concept of crisis has been employed by political, economic, social, and cultural historians i... more The concept of crisis has been employed by political, economic, social, and cultural historians in order to analyze the weakening or breakdown of established systems, institutions, social relations, norms and values. Crises are periods of rapid change and upheaval, which generate a variety of options that should not be interpreted in hindsight as fixed outcomes but rather should be viewed as open-ended processes. At this conference we welcome contributions about crises occurring in international relations, domestic politics and economic systems. We are equally interested in the erosion of social cohesion and rules as well as cultural ties. The second key term is solidarity as one possible response to crises. Solidarity can be based on a horizontal network of support on a private/personal or public/institutional level. Therefore crises can also strengthen communities of solidarity or provoke new forms thereof. The conference intends to take a historical approach to these phenomena and to highlight different forms of solidarity in European history. Whereas solidarity could mean a legal obligation up to the early modern period, in the context of the French Revolution it referred to an ethical-moral commitment in terms of (universal) fraternity. In the 19th and 20th centuries it became a keyword of labour movements and social welfare systems - most famously in the "Solidarność" (Solidarity) movement in socialist Poland. The term has referred to different communities of solidarity - based on kinship ties, common political interests, shared values or sympathy, based on group membership or a more conscious individual choice.
Books by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Diese Studie untersucht die Presseberichterstattung zu Galizien in den Hauptstädten der beiden kriegführenden Imperien im Zeitraum 1914-1917. Anhand der Berichterstattung wichtiger Zeitungen unterschiedlicher politischer Orientierung werden die verschiedenen Argumentationsweisen analysiert. Dabei werden deren ideologischer Hintergrund und traditionelle Stereotype ebenso berücksichtigt wie die Bedingungen des Krieges und propagandistische Erfordernisse. Zugleich thematisiert die Arbeit die Rolle der Kriegszensur in Russland und in Österreich.
Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die in der Presse transportierten Bilder dieser Grenzregion und ihrer Bewohner. Es untersucht die Rolle Galiziens für die österreichische und russische Kriegspropaganda sowie für politische Debatten zu Nationalitätenfragen. Schließlich beleuchtet es Debatten zum Krieg und seinen Folgen.
* Full citation: Tamara Scheer, Nancy M. Wingfield (eds.), Special Issue: Habsburg Home Fronts during the First World War and Beyond, in: European Review of History/ Revue européenne d’histoire 24.02 (April 2017).
* Published version download:
* Special issue contains of the following articles:
● Introductory remarks: space, chronology and the Habsburg home fronts,Maureen Healy
● The wartime treatment of the Italian-speaking population in Austria-Hungary,Alessandro Livio
● Galicia: a bulwark against Russia? Propaganda and violence in a border region during the First World War,Elisabeth Haid
● Denunciation and the decline of the Habsburg home front during the First World War,Tamara Scheer
● Local politics during the First World War: political players in the armaments center Wiener Neustadt,Sabine Schmitner
● The Long First World War and the survival of business elites in East-Central Europe: Transylvania’s industrial boom and the enrichment of economic elites,Mate Rigo
● The social degeneration of the Habsburg home front: “forbidden intercourse” and POWs during the First World War,Julia Walleczek-Fritz
● For God and/or emperor: Habsburg Romanian military chaplains and wartime propaganda in camps for returning POWs,Zaharia Ionela
● The Wehrmann in Eisen: nailed statues as barometers of Habsburg social order during the First World War,Kate Densford
Papers by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
importance for the Habsburg monarchy because of the strategic
importance of this province during the First World War. The aim of
this article is to take a closer look at the diverse political measures
of the Habsburg political and military authorities in Galicia, which
were often inconsistent with one another. It deals with propaganda
as well as with oppressive measures and discriminatory policy towards
certain nationalities. It argues that the political situation in Galicia,
which was a national trouble spot in the decades before the First
World War, as well as the fact that the province was a war zone,
influenced these measures. Moreover, the article demonstrates the
contribution of Galician protagonists both to the propagandistic
mobilization for war and to the acts of violence. The article argues
that the mobilization of the Galician home front was a failure. The
propaganda efforts contrasted strongly with the brutal measures of
the Austro-Hungarian army and with the growing national conflicts
in Galicia. Instead of strengthening a sense of community in view of
the common enemy, the war rather alienated the different Galician
population groups from each other, but also from the Austrian state.
Book Reviews by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Conference Presentations by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Dissertation by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
This thesis presents an analysis of press reporting on Galicia in the capitals of the two belligerent empires in the course of the war (1914-1917). It compares different argumentations in the context of ideological background, pre-war stereotypes, conditions of the war, and the needs of propaganda. At the same time it discusses the role of wartime censorship in Russia and in Austria.
The thesis surveys the images of this border province and its inhabitants. It focuses on the role of Galicia in Austrian and Russian wartime propaganda as well as in political debates on nationalities questions. Finally it goes into debates on the war and its consequences.
Conference by Elisabeth Haid-Lener
Diese Studie untersucht die Presseberichterstattung zu Galizien in den Hauptstädten der beiden kriegführenden Imperien im Zeitraum 1914-1917. Anhand der Berichterstattung wichtiger Zeitungen unterschiedlicher politischer Orientierung werden die verschiedenen Argumentationsweisen analysiert. Dabei werden deren ideologischer Hintergrund und traditionelle Stereotype ebenso berücksichtigt wie die Bedingungen des Krieges und propagandistische Erfordernisse. Zugleich thematisiert die Arbeit die Rolle der Kriegszensur in Russland und in Österreich.
Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die in der Presse transportierten Bilder dieser Grenzregion und ihrer Bewohner. Es untersucht die Rolle Galiziens für die österreichische und russische Kriegspropaganda sowie für politische Debatten zu Nationalitätenfragen. Schließlich beleuchtet es Debatten zum Krieg und seinen Folgen.
* Full citation: Tamara Scheer, Nancy M. Wingfield (eds.), Special Issue: Habsburg Home Fronts during the First World War and Beyond, in: European Review of History/ Revue européenne d’histoire 24.02 (April 2017).
* Published version download:
* Special issue contains of the following articles:
● Introductory remarks: space, chronology and the Habsburg home fronts,Maureen Healy
● The wartime treatment of the Italian-speaking population in Austria-Hungary,Alessandro Livio
● Galicia: a bulwark against Russia? Propaganda and violence in a border region during the First World War,Elisabeth Haid
● Denunciation and the decline of the Habsburg home front during the First World War,Tamara Scheer
● Local politics during the First World War: political players in the armaments center Wiener Neustadt,Sabine Schmitner
● The Long First World War and the survival of business elites in East-Central Europe: Transylvania’s industrial boom and the enrichment of economic elites,Mate Rigo
● The social degeneration of the Habsburg home front: “forbidden intercourse” and POWs during the First World War,Julia Walleczek-Fritz
● For God and/or emperor: Habsburg Romanian military chaplains and wartime propaganda in camps for returning POWs,Zaharia Ionela
● The Wehrmann in Eisen: nailed statues as barometers of Habsburg social order during the First World War,Kate Densford
importance for the Habsburg monarchy because of the strategic
importance of this province during the First World War. The aim of
this article is to take a closer look at the diverse political measures
of the Habsburg political and military authorities in Galicia, which
were often inconsistent with one another. It deals with propaganda
as well as with oppressive measures and discriminatory policy towards
certain nationalities. It argues that the political situation in Galicia,
which was a national trouble spot in the decades before the First
World War, as well as the fact that the province was a war zone,
influenced these measures. Moreover, the article demonstrates the
contribution of Galician protagonists both to the propagandistic
mobilization for war and to the acts of violence. The article argues
that the mobilization of the Galician home front was a failure. The
propaganda efforts contrasted strongly with the brutal measures of
the Austro-Hungarian army and with the growing national conflicts
in Galicia. Instead of strengthening a sense of community in view of
the common enemy, the war rather alienated the different Galician
population groups from each other, but also from the Austrian state.
This thesis presents an analysis of press reporting on Galicia in the capitals of the two belligerent empires in the course of the war (1914-1917). It compares different argumentations in the context of ideological background, pre-war stereotypes, conditions of the war, and the needs of propaganda. At the same time it discusses the role of wartime censorship in Russia and in Austria.
The thesis surveys the images of this border province and its inhabitants. It focuses on the role of Galicia in Austrian and Russian wartime propaganda as well as in political debates on nationalities questions. Finally it goes into debates on the war and its consequences.