The present work examined the empirical relationship between strategic purchasing on organization... more The present work examined the empirical relationship between strategic purchasing on organization performance through negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship. Data were obtained using questionnaires distributed to 80 food and beverage companies domiciled in East Java of Indonesia. The manager of purchasing represented each company. Statistical analysis was performed using partial least square (PLS) technique. The result reveals that negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship mediate the effect of strategic purchasing on organization performance. Strategic purchasing also influences organization performance directly. Furtherly, Negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship influence organization performance and negotiation strategy have a more significant impact on organization performance than has the buyer-supplier relationship.
The global order has suddenly changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries, including Ind... more The global order has suddenly changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries, including Indonesia, have applied lockdown policies to stop the spread of COVID-19. Lockdown policies have disrupted the supply of raw materials and the demand for finished goods. The manufacturing industry is one of the sectors that has suffered most in this situation, and they have struggled to reconfigure their internal and external supply chain network and partnership. This study examined the impact of internal integration, supply chain partnership, supply chain agility, and supply chain resilience on sustainable advantage. The participants of this study were from manufacturing companies in Indonesia. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, with a five-point Likert scale to obtain the respondents’ opinions. Using Google Form link, the questionnaire was distributed via email and the WhatsApp social media application to the predetermined set of manufacturing companies. Respondents filled out...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a sudden change from normal conditions to disruption cond... more The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a sudden change from normal conditions to disruption conditions, and industrial sectors have experienced eroded growth. In particular, the manufacturing industry experienced a slowdown due to the sudden disruption in supply and demand. This situation stimulates the manufacturing industry to recover from this current challenging disruption. This study investigates the impact of supply chain integration on business performance through supply chain resilience, supply chain flexibility, and innovation system in Indonesia’s manufacturing companies. Data collection has obtained as many as 470 questionnaires considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis used the partial least square (PLS) technique using smartPLS software version 3.0. The results show that supply chain integration affects innovation system, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain resilience because of its ability to share complete product information and share production pl...
Supply chain management is vital for manufacturing companies in connecting suppliers, manufacture... more Supply chain management is vital for manufacturing companies in connecting suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and corporate customers. The company's products will enter the company's distribution system through distributors, retailers, and end customers. This study examines how to enhance retailer satisfaction by taking into account the application of information technology, supply chain management practices, and retailer-distributor relationships. This study surveyed 86 modern retailers using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. Data processing used PLS. The results showed that the information technology significantly improves the retailer-distributor relationships with a coefficient of 0.303. Also, information technology affects supply chain management practices with a coefficient of 0.527. Information technology has an effect of 0.281 on retailer satisfaction. The company implementing supply chain management practice improves the retailer-distributor relationship...
Cosmetics industry growth development in Indonesia was improving up to 20 % or four times compare... more Cosmetics industry growth development in Indonesia was improving up to 20 % or four times compared to national economy growth. The cosmetics industry was one of the leading sectors. Lots of cosmetic industry was using the public figure as their advertisement tool to affect the consumers. The selection of public figures as brand ambassadors to build brand image and brand awareness had the goal of affecting people in their purchase decision. The object in this research was Pantene shampoo. Data collection in the research was done with distributing surveys. The sample in this research was 100 respondents, using a purposing sampling method and using partial least square as a statistic processing tool. Based on the result and analysis, the brand ambassador that Pantene shampoo was using had a significant effect on brand awareness. Brand ambassador Pantene had a significant effect on brand image, brand awareness. Brand ambassador and brand image also had a significant effect on the consum...
This Study investigate The Effect of Product Knowledge on salesperson Performance with the modera... more This Study investigate The Effect of Product Knowledge on salesperson Performance with the moderating Role of Attitude. Amout of 65 from 72 questionnaires are considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) with the smartPLS software version 3.0. Data analysis was performed to assess the measurement model and the inner model. The result revealed that one hypothesis was supported and the other one was not supported. Product knowledge influence the salesperson performance while attitude did not moderate the influence of product knowledge on the salesperson performance. This result of study enhances the insight of the sales manager that attitude did not moderate the salesperson performance. Manager needs to review the training of the salesperson in order the attitude contribute to the salesperson performance.
This study examines the effect of IT application on the supply chain performance through green su... more This study examines the effect of IT application on the supply chain performance through green supply chain management in the Food and Beverage Industry in Surabaya. Data collection is conducted using questionnaires designed with a five-point Likert scale. From 70 questionnaires distributed, 64 were considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis uses the SEM-PLS technique with SmartPLS software version 3.0. This study assesses the extent to which the corporate apply IT and adopt the green supply chain management in improving the supply chain performance. The results of this study indicate that the use of IT applications influences supply chain performance. The IT application affects the green supply chain management. Green supply chain management affects the supply chain management. One of the interesting findings is that the IT application indirectly affects supply chain performance through green supply chain management. The findings of this study provide an insight for the m...
The company's performance must be continuously improved to be able to face the increasingly f... more The company's performance must be continuously improved to be able to face the increasingly fierce global competition. The improvement of the company's performance can be made by implementing supply chain practices. The implementation of supply chain practice is a policy set by the company's top management by making the system integrated. Integration of all functions, internally and externally, is done by using integrated information technology. This study takes data from companies in East Java, engaged in machinery that has a workforce of more than 100 people categorized as medium and large companies. Respondents were set on employees with a minimum of 2 yr of working experience and a middle manager position. There were 55 respondents in this study, with data analysis using partial least square (PLS) to test the research hypothesis. The result of the data processing found that the commitment of top management affects the supply chain practices and the use of information...
Businesses always compete to improve customer satisfaction. A firm engaged in as a distributor as... more Businesses always compete to improve customer satisfaction. A firm engaged in as a distributor as well, always try to provide satisfaction to their customer, in this case, retailer and wholesales. The distributor can improve retailer satisfaction by providing such information that suits retailer requirements in the pursuit that the supply chain flow can move quickly, particularly on the flow of products from the manufacturing ordered by the distributors. This study aims to obtain a relationship between distributors and retailer companies. This study surveyed 100 retailers, and wholesale companies engaged in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and the supplier domiciled in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, with revenues of more than IDR 300,000,000. - / year. SmartPLS software version 2.0 was used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study found that information quality can provide a positive increase in improving supplier relationship management. Adequate information quality...
The government bond (GB) has become the most attractive investment portfolio option, even though ... more The government bond (GB) has become the most attractive investment portfolio option, even though many macroeconomic factors affect the bond yield. This paper aims to investigate the determining factor of local currency government bond yield by considering the inflation rate, credit default swap, stock market index, exchange rate, and volatility index. This study used 240 data panel from the Bloomberg stock market in the form of data panel covering Southeast developing countries, namely Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, for five years or sixty months from January 2015 to December 2019. Data analysis used recursive models and multivariate regression techniques using EViews software. The random effect model results revealed that change in the foreign exchange rate and volatility indexes affected, partially and simultaneously, the changes in the stock market index. The result also showed that changes in the stock market index, inflation rate, and credit default swap af...
This study aims to determine the effect of perceived security and perceived enjoyment as moderate... more This study aims to determine the effect of perceived security and perceived enjoyment as moderated variable on intention to use mobile payment, either directly or through mediation of attitude towards use. The method used in this study is quantitative by spreading the questionnaires to 211 respondents of mobile payment application users both online and offline in Surabaya. The selection of this research sample used a judgment sampling technique with criteria determined by the researcher. The data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), SmartPLS tools. The questionnaire collected was 192 questionnaires. The results show that perceived security and perceived enjoyment have a significant directly influence on intention to use and indirectly through mediating attitudes to use mobile payment. In addition, it was found that perceived enjoyment variable moderated the relationship between perceived security and attitudes to use but did not moderate the relationship between per...
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between enterprise resource planning (ERP) a... more The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and its impacts on operational performance. The population is 98 manufacturing companies, ranging from medium to large size, domiciled in industrial area district of Sidoarjo East Java, Indonesia. Data collection used a questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale and each company represented by a middle manager. 38 questionnaires are considered correctly completed and valid for the data analysis. Data were then analyzed using partial least square (PLS) technique with smartPLS software. The result indicates that ERP sustainability results in improved operational process integration. The ERP sustainability has not strong enough influence to improve planning and control integration. Operation process integration affects planning and control integration. ERP sustainability has no effect on operational performance directly. And Operational process integration has no effect on operational performance directly. These findings contribute to the current research on the relationship between enterprise resource planning sustainability and operational performance with the inclusion of the operational process integration. The manufacturing company can adopt this finding to improve their operational performance.
Changes in customer needs from a service company results in changes requirement from the supplier... more Changes in customer needs from a service company results in changes requirement from the supplier to meet the company’s demand. Excellent supplier performance is one of the mandatory requirements enabling the company to meet the customer demand. Better supplier performance can be improved when they have an excellent buyer-supplier relationship. The buyer-supplier relationship through better supplier trust from the buyer which means the company believes that the supplier can meet the needs of the company. Further, the supplier builds innovation providing better value to the company. This research examines the influence of supplier trust, supplier innovation, and buyer-supplier relationship to improve supplier performance at death service company in Surabaya. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 52 service suppliers in Surabaya. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The findings show that all hypotheses are supported. There is a positive influence o...
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
The role of the top management commitment is in enhancing the competitive advantage through ERP i... more The role of the top management commitment is in enhancing the competitive advantage through ERP integration and the purchasing strategy. Data were collected using questionnaires from 49 manufacturing companies domiciled in the region of East Java, Indonesia. PLS technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the study indicated that top management commitment influences ERP integration and the purchasing strategy, top management commitment influences the competitive advantage, ERP integration affects the purchasing strategy, and ERP integration and purchasing strategy influences the competitive advantage. One of the most exciting findings revealed that ERP integration and purchasing strategy mediated the influence of top management commitment on the competitive advantage. Top management influences, directly and indirectly, the competitive advantage. This result provides the managerial implication that the management needs to establish an ERP integration and define a proper pur...
This study examines the influence of key user empowerment on the operational performance through ... more This study examines the influence of key user empowerment on the operational performance through the mediating role of process integration, purchasing strategy and production system. The questionnaires were distributed to 120 manufacturing companies domiciled in East Java Region. Of the 120, 70 questionnaires are valid for further analysis. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) version 3.0. The finding are as follows: Key user empowerment affects the process integration. Key user empowerment influence the purchasing strategy. Process integration affects the purchasing. Process integration also influence the production system. Purchasing strategy provide support in the company's production system. Process Integration affects the company's operational performance. Purchasing strategy does not affect the operational performance. Purchasing strategy has an impact on company performance through a production system. The production system provides an increasein company perf...
Fenomena penggunaan toko online (online shop) sebagai media transaksi pembelian barang maupun jas... more Fenomena penggunaan toko online (online shop) sebagai media transaksi pembelian barang maupun jasa meningkat pesat di Indonesia. Jumlah pemilik toko online juga meningkat tajam sehingga persaingan tidak bisa dihindarkan. Kualitas situs web (website quality) merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan kepercayaan (trust) dan selanjutnya akan menghasilkan loyalitas (loyalty) pelanggan online shop. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh website quality terhadap trust dan pengaruh trust terhadap loyalty pelanggan online shop di wilayah Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner secara online dan offline di lingkungan Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. Data sebanyak 249 responden digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian ini dan di analisis menggunakan program SPSS for Windows Version 16 dan SmartPLS Version 1.01. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa website quality berpengaruh terhadap trust, dan trust berpengaruh terhadap loyalty pelanggan online shop.
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning
This study aims at examining the mediating effects of information sharing and information quality... more This study aims at examining the mediating effects of information sharing and information quality over the relationship between Information Technology (IT) implementation and supply chain performance. The sample size of 110 respondents, representing 55 manufacturing companies, have been interviewed using a questionnaire designed with five-point Likert scale. Data were then analyzed using SmartPLS software. The result of the research shows that IT implementation has positive direct impacts on the supply chain performance, information sharing, and information quality. Meanwhile, information sharing and information quality also affect supply chain performance directly. Furthermore, information sharing and information quality mediate the influence of IT implementation on supply chain performance. This finding contributes to the ongoing research on the supply chain management. The result also paves the way for the manager to establish the IT implementation, information sharing, and information quality in the pursuit of increased supply chain performance in the manufacturing company.
In this thesis discuss about the affect of Information Technology Application to Organizational P... more In this thesis discuss about the affect of Information Technology Application to Organizational Performance through Warehouse Management and Customer Relationship Management on company. In this study using primary data with a population of 109 companies and 52 samples of companies using data collection methods, namely 5 points Likert scale in the form of questionnaires distributed in companies that are groups on third party logistic companies in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling analysis techniques, also called path modeling with SmartPLS tools. The questionnaire collected was 53 questionnaires. The result showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Organizational Performance were positive and significant. In addition, the results also showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Warehouse Management were positive and significant, the result showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Custom...
The present work examined the empirical relationship between strategic purchasing on organization... more The present work examined the empirical relationship between strategic purchasing on organization performance through negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship. Data were obtained using questionnaires distributed to 80 food and beverage companies domiciled in East Java of Indonesia. The manager of purchasing represented each company. Statistical analysis was performed using partial least square (PLS) technique. The result reveals that negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship mediate the effect of strategic purchasing on organization performance. Strategic purchasing also influences organization performance directly. Furtherly, Negotiation strategy and buyer-supplier relationship influence organization performance and negotiation strategy have a more significant impact on organization performance than has the buyer-supplier relationship.
The global order has suddenly changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries, including Ind... more The global order has suddenly changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries, including Indonesia, have applied lockdown policies to stop the spread of COVID-19. Lockdown policies have disrupted the supply of raw materials and the demand for finished goods. The manufacturing industry is one of the sectors that has suffered most in this situation, and they have struggled to reconfigure their internal and external supply chain network and partnership. This study examined the impact of internal integration, supply chain partnership, supply chain agility, and supply chain resilience on sustainable advantage. The participants of this study were from manufacturing companies in Indonesia. For data collection, a questionnaire was used, with a five-point Likert scale to obtain the respondents’ opinions. Using Google Form link, the questionnaire was distributed via email and the WhatsApp social media application to the predetermined set of manufacturing companies. Respondents filled out...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a sudden change from normal conditions to disruption cond... more The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a sudden change from normal conditions to disruption conditions, and industrial sectors have experienced eroded growth. In particular, the manufacturing industry experienced a slowdown due to the sudden disruption in supply and demand. This situation stimulates the manufacturing industry to recover from this current challenging disruption. This study investigates the impact of supply chain integration on business performance through supply chain resilience, supply chain flexibility, and innovation system in Indonesia’s manufacturing companies. Data collection has obtained as many as 470 questionnaires considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis used the partial least square (PLS) technique using smartPLS software version 3.0. The results show that supply chain integration affects innovation system, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain resilience because of its ability to share complete product information and share production pl...
Supply chain management is vital for manufacturing companies in connecting suppliers, manufacture... more Supply chain management is vital for manufacturing companies in connecting suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and corporate customers. The company's products will enter the company's distribution system through distributors, retailers, and end customers. This study examines how to enhance retailer satisfaction by taking into account the application of information technology, supply chain management practices, and retailer-distributor relationships. This study surveyed 86 modern retailers using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. Data processing used PLS. The results showed that the information technology significantly improves the retailer-distributor relationships with a coefficient of 0.303. Also, information technology affects supply chain management practices with a coefficient of 0.527. Information technology has an effect of 0.281 on retailer satisfaction. The company implementing supply chain management practice improves the retailer-distributor relationship...
Cosmetics industry growth development in Indonesia was improving up to 20 % or four times compare... more Cosmetics industry growth development in Indonesia was improving up to 20 % or four times compared to national economy growth. The cosmetics industry was one of the leading sectors. Lots of cosmetic industry was using the public figure as their advertisement tool to affect the consumers. The selection of public figures as brand ambassadors to build brand image and brand awareness had the goal of affecting people in their purchase decision. The object in this research was Pantene shampoo. Data collection in the research was done with distributing surveys. The sample in this research was 100 respondents, using a purposing sampling method and using partial least square as a statistic processing tool. Based on the result and analysis, the brand ambassador that Pantene shampoo was using had a significant effect on brand awareness. Brand ambassador Pantene had a significant effect on brand image, brand awareness. Brand ambassador and brand image also had a significant effect on the consum...
This Study investigate The Effect of Product Knowledge on salesperson Performance with the modera... more This Study investigate The Effect of Product Knowledge on salesperson Performance with the moderating Role of Attitude. Amout of 65 from 72 questionnaires are considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) with the smartPLS software version 3.0. Data analysis was performed to assess the measurement model and the inner model. The result revealed that one hypothesis was supported and the other one was not supported. Product knowledge influence the salesperson performance while attitude did not moderate the influence of product knowledge on the salesperson performance. This result of study enhances the insight of the sales manager that attitude did not moderate the salesperson performance. Manager needs to review the training of the salesperson in order the attitude contribute to the salesperson performance.
This study examines the effect of IT application on the supply chain performance through green su... more This study examines the effect of IT application on the supply chain performance through green supply chain management in the Food and Beverage Industry in Surabaya. Data collection is conducted using questionnaires designed with a five-point Likert scale. From 70 questionnaires distributed, 64 were considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis uses the SEM-PLS technique with SmartPLS software version 3.0. This study assesses the extent to which the corporate apply IT and adopt the green supply chain management in improving the supply chain performance. The results of this study indicate that the use of IT applications influences supply chain performance. The IT application affects the green supply chain management. Green supply chain management affects the supply chain management. One of the interesting findings is that the IT application indirectly affects supply chain performance through green supply chain management. The findings of this study provide an insight for the m...
The company's performance must be continuously improved to be able to face the increasingly f... more The company's performance must be continuously improved to be able to face the increasingly fierce global competition. The improvement of the company's performance can be made by implementing supply chain practices. The implementation of supply chain practice is a policy set by the company's top management by making the system integrated. Integration of all functions, internally and externally, is done by using integrated information technology. This study takes data from companies in East Java, engaged in machinery that has a workforce of more than 100 people categorized as medium and large companies. Respondents were set on employees with a minimum of 2 yr of working experience and a middle manager position. There were 55 respondents in this study, with data analysis using partial least square (PLS) to test the research hypothesis. The result of the data processing found that the commitment of top management affects the supply chain practices and the use of information...
Businesses always compete to improve customer satisfaction. A firm engaged in as a distributor as... more Businesses always compete to improve customer satisfaction. A firm engaged in as a distributor as well, always try to provide satisfaction to their customer, in this case, retailer and wholesales. The distributor can improve retailer satisfaction by providing such information that suits retailer requirements in the pursuit that the supply chain flow can move quickly, particularly on the flow of products from the manufacturing ordered by the distributors. This study aims to obtain a relationship between distributors and retailer companies. This study surveyed 100 retailers, and wholesale companies engaged in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and the supplier domiciled in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, with revenues of more than IDR 300,000,000. - / year. SmartPLS software version 2.0 was used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study found that information quality can provide a positive increase in improving supplier relationship management. Adequate information quality...
The government bond (GB) has become the most attractive investment portfolio option, even though ... more The government bond (GB) has become the most attractive investment portfolio option, even though many macroeconomic factors affect the bond yield. This paper aims to investigate the determining factor of local currency government bond yield by considering the inflation rate, credit default swap, stock market index, exchange rate, and volatility index. This study used 240 data panel from the Bloomberg stock market in the form of data panel covering Southeast developing countries, namely Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, for five years or sixty months from January 2015 to December 2019. Data analysis used recursive models and multivariate regression techniques using EViews software. The random effect model results revealed that change in the foreign exchange rate and volatility indexes affected, partially and simultaneously, the changes in the stock market index. The result also showed that changes in the stock market index, inflation rate, and credit default swap af...
This study aims to determine the effect of perceived security and perceived enjoyment as moderate... more This study aims to determine the effect of perceived security and perceived enjoyment as moderated variable on intention to use mobile payment, either directly or through mediation of attitude towards use. The method used in this study is quantitative by spreading the questionnaires to 211 respondents of mobile payment application users both online and offline in Surabaya. The selection of this research sample used a judgment sampling technique with criteria determined by the researcher. The data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), SmartPLS tools. The questionnaire collected was 192 questionnaires. The results show that perceived security and perceived enjoyment have a significant directly influence on intention to use and indirectly through mediating attitudes to use mobile payment. In addition, it was found that perceived enjoyment variable moderated the relationship between perceived security and attitudes to use but did not moderate the relationship between per...
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between enterprise resource planning (ERP) a... more The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and its impacts on operational performance. The population is 98 manufacturing companies, ranging from medium to large size, domiciled in industrial area district of Sidoarjo East Java, Indonesia. Data collection used a questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale and each company represented by a middle manager. 38 questionnaires are considered correctly completed and valid for the data analysis. Data were then analyzed using partial least square (PLS) technique with smartPLS software. The result indicates that ERP sustainability results in improved operational process integration. The ERP sustainability has not strong enough influence to improve planning and control integration. Operation process integration affects planning and control integration. ERP sustainability has no effect on operational performance directly. And Operational process integration has no effect on operational performance directly. These findings contribute to the current research on the relationship between enterprise resource planning sustainability and operational performance with the inclusion of the operational process integration. The manufacturing company can adopt this finding to improve their operational performance.
Changes in customer needs from a service company results in changes requirement from the supplier... more Changes in customer needs from a service company results in changes requirement from the supplier to meet the company’s demand. Excellent supplier performance is one of the mandatory requirements enabling the company to meet the customer demand. Better supplier performance can be improved when they have an excellent buyer-supplier relationship. The buyer-supplier relationship through better supplier trust from the buyer which means the company believes that the supplier can meet the needs of the company. Further, the supplier builds innovation providing better value to the company. This research examines the influence of supplier trust, supplier innovation, and buyer-supplier relationship to improve supplier performance at death service company in Surabaya. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 52 service suppliers in Surabaya. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The findings show that all hypotheses are supported. There is a positive influence o...
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
The role of the top management commitment is in enhancing the competitive advantage through ERP i... more The role of the top management commitment is in enhancing the competitive advantage through ERP integration and the purchasing strategy. Data were collected using questionnaires from 49 manufacturing companies domiciled in the region of East Java, Indonesia. PLS technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the study indicated that top management commitment influences ERP integration and the purchasing strategy, top management commitment influences the competitive advantage, ERP integration affects the purchasing strategy, and ERP integration and purchasing strategy influences the competitive advantage. One of the most exciting findings revealed that ERP integration and purchasing strategy mediated the influence of top management commitment on the competitive advantage. Top management influences, directly and indirectly, the competitive advantage. This result provides the managerial implication that the management needs to establish an ERP integration and define a proper pur...
This study examines the influence of key user empowerment on the operational performance through ... more This study examines the influence of key user empowerment on the operational performance through the mediating role of process integration, purchasing strategy and production system. The questionnaires were distributed to 120 manufacturing companies domiciled in East Java Region. Of the 120, 70 questionnaires are valid for further analysis. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) version 3.0. The finding are as follows: Key user empowerment affects the process integration. Key user empowerment influence the purchasing strategy. Process integration affects the purchasing. Process integration also influence the production system. Purchasing strategy provide support in the company's production system. Process Integration affects the company's operational performance. Purchasing strategy does not affect the operational performance. Purchasing strategy has an impact on company performance through a production system. The production system provides an increasein company perf...
Fenomena penggunaan toko online (online shop) sebagai media transaksi pembelian barang maupun jas... more Fenomena penggunaan toko online (online shop) sebagai media transaksi pembelian barang maupun jasa meningkat pesat di Indonesia. Jumlah pemilik toko online juga meningkat tajam sehingga persaingan tidak bisa dihindarkan. Kualitas situs web (website quality) merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan kepercayaan (trust) dan selanjutnya akan menghasilkan loyalitas (loyalty) pelanggan online shop. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh website quality terhadap trust dan pengaruh trust terhadap loyalty pelanggan online shop di wilayah Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner secara online dan offline di lingkungan Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya. Data sebanyak 249 responden digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian ini dan di analisis menggunakan program SPSS for Windows Version 16 dan SmartPLS Version 1.01. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa website quality berpengaruh terhadap trust, dan trust berpengaruh terhadap loyalty pelanggan online shop.
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning
This study aims at examining the mediating effects of information sharing and information quality... more This study aims at examining the mediating effects of information sharing and information quality over the relationship between Information Technology (IT) implementation and supply chain performance. The sample size of 110 respondents, representing 55 manufacturing companies, have been interviewed using a questionnaire designed with five-point Likert scale. Data were then analyzed using SmartPLS software. The result of the research shows that IT implementation has positive direct impacts on the supply chain performance, information sharing, and information quality. Meanwhile, information sharing and information quality also affect supply chain performance directly. Furthermore, information sharing and information quality mediate the influence of IT implementation on supply chain performance. This finding contributes to the ongoing research on the supply chain management. The result also paves the way for the manager to establish the IT implementation, information sharing, and information quality in the pursuit of increased supply chain performance in the manufacturing company.
In this thesis discuss about the affect of Information Technology Application to Organizational P... more In this thesis discuss about the affect of Information Technology Application to Organizational Performance through Warehouse Management and Customer Relationship Management on company. In this study using primary data with a population of 109 companies and 52 samples of companies using data collection methods, namely 5 points Likert scale in the form of questionnaires distributed in companies that are groups on third party logistic companies in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling analysis techniques, also called path modeling with SmartPLS tools. The questionnaire collected was 53 questionnaires. The result showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Organizational Performance were positive and significant. In addition, the results also showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Warehouse Management were positive and significant, the result showed that the affect of Information Technology Application on Custom...
Papers by hotlan siagian