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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 14, 2022

Two Methods for the Implicit Integration of Stiff Reaction Systems

  • Ivan D. Butakov ORCID logo and Kirill M. Terekhov ORCID logo EMAIL logo


We present two methods for the implicit integration of nonlinear stiff systems. Direct application of the Newton method to backward Euler discretization of such systems may diverge. We observe that the solution is recovered by smoothing out certain eigenvalues in the Jacobian matrix. To this end, we introduce a solution-dependent matrix-weighted combination of backward and forward Euler methods. The weight is tuned on each Newton iteration to reproduce the solution with an exponential integrator, whereby a weight function for smoothing eigenvalues is obtained. We apply the proposed techniques, namely quasi-Newton backward Euler and matrix-weighted Euler, to several stiff systems, including Lotka–Volterra, Van der Pol’s, and a blood coagulation cascade.

MSC 2010: 65L04; 90C53

Award Identifier / Grant number: 21-71-20024

Funding statement: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation through the grant 21-71-20024.


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Received: 2022-04-05
Revised: 2022-07-18
Accepted: 2022-08-08
Published Online: 2022-09-14
Published in Print: 2023-01-01

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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