Mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram harus menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) sebagai salah satu syarat... more Mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram harus menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, banyak mahasiswa yang mengalami kendala dalam menyelesaikan KTI sehingga memperlama masa studi. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan kegiatan pendampingan untuk membantu mahasiswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI). Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram yang mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan KTI dan mendaftar sebagai peserta. Coaching Clinic dilaksanakan dengan memberikan pendampingan secara intenstif kepada mahasiswa peserta kegiatan. Pelaksanaan Coaching Clinic dilaksanakan secara klasikal dan diskusi intensif, di mana setiap mahasiswa memeproleh mentor yang mendampingi selama 1 minggu kegiatan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 19 mahasiswa dan melibatkan 10 dosen DIII Pariwisata dengan jumlah mentor sebanyak 9 dosen. Setelah mengikuti Coaching Clinic, sebanyak 80% peserta berhasil menyelesaikan KTI dan sudah lul...
International Journal of Tourism Business Research
The Malioboro area is an icon of Yogyakarta tourism as well as a cultural heritage and an economi... more The Malioboro area is an icon of Yogyakarta tourism as well as a cultural heritage and an economic center which makes it always crowded with visitors. The large number of uncontrolled space users makes Malioboro often reported as an inaccessible area for tourists, especially people with disabilities. Even though according to Tourism Act of Indonesia No. 10 2009 states that tourists with special needs have the right to receive services according to their needs. Therefore, research related to accessibility for persons with disabilities in the Malioboro area is needed to find out the fulfilment of the rights of tourists with special needs in the area. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of literature studies, observation and documentation. While data analysis was carried out by comparing the facts found in the field with the theory of accessibility of the urban environment and cultural heritage. The results of the st...
International Journal of Tourism Business Research
Tete Batu is one of the Tourism Villages in East Lombok Regency that offers tourist attractions o... more Tete Batu is one of the Tourism Villages in East Lombok Regency that offers tourist attractions of natural beauty, culture, and local traditions that have developed and are expected to be able to become sustainable activities. However, in its implementation, tourism development can also pose challenges related to sustainable tourism development from various aspects, such as community involvement, economic progress, socio-cultural sustainability, and environmental conservation efforts. This research aims to examine the development of sustainable tourism in Tete Batu by analyzing the potential of sustainable tourism in Tete Batu using SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges faced in realizing sustainable tourism in this region. The results of this study found that there are each strengths, weaknesses internally as well as the existence of opportunities and threats in the development of tourism in Tete Batu, especially in the awareness and inv...
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Purpose: Â This study aims to investigate the equilibrium between demand and supply of halal touri... more Purpose: Â This study aims to investigate the equilibrium between demand and supply of halal tourism products in Lombok, Indonesia. This study utilized 34 halal tourism parameters from the Global Muslim Travel Index (2019). Â Theoretical framework: Â This study uses two types of analyses: quadrant analysis and gap analysis. The quadrant analysis aims to determine tourists' response to different attributes, which are categorized based on the level of satisfaction and performance. Â Design/methodology/approach: Â This research is a descriptive study conducted to analyze the priorities of the development of halal tourism in Lombok Island. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through a survey of 200 tourists in Lombok, selected using simple random sampling technique. Â Findings: Â The results showed that there is an imbalance in the equilibrium of the halal tourism market, where the demand for some halal tourism indicators is higher than the existing supply. Thus, there...
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Permasalahan yang sering timbul ketika mahasiswa Prodi Pariwisata Universitas Mataram menyusun la... more Permasalahan yang sering timbul ketika mahasiswa Prodi Pariwisata Universitas Mataram menyusun laporan akhir adalah penulisan berbagai kutipan pada daftar pustaka. Para mahasiswa terkesan masih menulisnya dengan cara manual tanpa menggunaan aplikasi saat ini yang telah banyak dikenal yaitu Mendeley. Kesulitas tersebut terkadang mengakibatkan para mahasiswa terus merevisi tulisannya dan berimbas pada keterlambatan dalam mengikuti seminar laporannya masing-masing. Untuk itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan dan mengoperasikan aplikasi Mendeley. Metode yang digunakan yaitu memberikan pelatihan langsung kepada peserta baik secara teori maupun praktek, serta melakukan pre-test dan post-test untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta dalam menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley. Dari hasil pelatihan yang telah dilakukan, kegiatan berlangsung dengan baik dan sukses, kegiatan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi Mendeley dilaksanakan di prodi pariwisata Universitas M...
ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, & Entrepreneurship)
Maringkik Island is one of the small islands in Keruak District, East Lombok Regency which offers... more Maringkik Island is one of the small islands in Keruak District, East Lombok Regency which offers natural, cultural and artificial tourist attractions. However, tourism development on Maringkik Island has not been running massively due to concerns about the erosion of local community values and norms. So the development of halal tourism is an alternative tourism development that is in accordance with the beliefs and rules that apply to the local community. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection methods obtained through observations and interviews with the management of tourism awareness groups and the village government to explore the potential for developing Maringkik Island as a halal tourism destination as seen from the variables and dimensions of halal tourism and the availability of 4A (Attractions, Accessibility, Amenity, Ansilari) on Maringkik Island. The results of this study found that Maringkik Island needs to implement policies or rules f...
The tourism sector in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi continues to increase and has becom... more The tourism sector in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi continues to increase and has become one of the main sources of income for the local community after the major eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010. The high number of visitors with various characteristics to disaster-prone areas has placed visitors at high risk during a disaster, especially those with no disaster awareness. Visitors should possess disaster awareness to reduce the risks when a disaster occurs. This study aims to determine the visitors' disaster awareness profile to volcanic eruptions in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi. The results indicated that visitors' disaster knowledge was considered average, meaning that they had an average level of disaster awareness. They possessed an average understanding of disasters, volcanic eruptions, and the risks of carrying out activities in the disaster-prone tourism area. However, the practical knowledge of self-rescue during emergency response remained low. ...
Mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram harus menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) sebagai salah satu syarat... more Mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram harus menyusun Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, banyak mahasiswa yang mengalami kendala dalam menyelesaikan KTI sehingga memperlama masa studi. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan kegiatan pendampingan untuk membantu mahasiswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI). Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah mahasiswa DIII Pariwisata Unram yang mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan KTI dan mendaftar sebagai peserta. Coaching Clinic dilaksanakan dengan memberikan pendampingan secara intenstif kepada mahasiswa peserta kegiatan. Pelaksanaan Coaching Clinic dilaksanakan secara klasikal dan diskusi intensif, di mana setiap mahasiswa memeproleh mentor yang mendampingi selama 1 minggu kegiatan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 19 mahasiswa dan melibatkan 10 dosen DIII Pariwisata dengan jumlah mentor sebanyak 9 dosen. Setelah mengikuti Coaching Clinic, sebanyak 80% peserta berhasil menyelesaikan KTI dan sudah lul...
International Journal of Tourism Business Research
The Malioboro area is an icon of Yogyakarta tourism as well as a cultural heritage and an economi... more The Malioboro area is an icon of Yogyakarta tourism as well as a cultural heritage and an economic center which makes it always crowded with visitors. The large number of uncontrolled space users makes Malioboro often reported as an inaccessible area for tourists, especially people with disabilities. Even though according to Tourism Act of Indonesia No. 10 2009 states that tourists with special needs have the right to receive services according to their needs. Therefore, research related to accessibility for persons with disabilities in the Malioboro area is needed to find out the fulfilment of the rights of tourists with special needs in the area. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of literature studies, observation and documentation. While data analysis was carried out by comparing the facts found in the field with the theory of accessibility of the urban environment and cultural heritage. The results of the st...
International Journal of Tourism Business Research
Tete Batu is one of the Tourism Villages in East Lombok Regency that offers tourist attractions o... more Tete Batu is one of the Tourism Villages in East Lombok Regency that offers tourist attractions of natural beauty, culture, and local traditions that have developed and are expected to be able to become sustainable activities. However, in its implementation, tourism development can also pose challenges related to sustainable tourism development from various aspects, such as community involvement, economic progress, socio-cultural sustainability, and environmental conservation efforts. This research aims to examine the development of sustainable tourism in Tete Batu by analyzing the potential of sustainable tourism in Tete Batu using SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges faced in realizing sustainable tourism in this region. The results of this study found that there are each strengths, weaknesses internally as well as the existence of opportunities and threats in the development of tourism in Tete Batu, especially in the awareness and inv...
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Purpose: Â This study aims to investigate the equilibrium between demand and supply of halal touri... more Purpose: Â This study aims to investigate the equilibrium between demand and supply of halal tourism products in Lombok, Indonesia. This study utilized 34 halal tourism parameters from the Global Muslim Travel Index (2019). Â Theoretical framework: Â This study uses two types of analyses: quadrant analysis and gap analysis. The quadrant analysis aims to determine tourists' response to different attributes, which are categorized based on the level of satisfaction and performance. Â Design/methodology/approach: Â This research is a descriptive study conducted to analyze the priorities of the development of halal tourism in Lombok Island. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through a survey of 200 tourists in Lombok, selected using simple random sampling technique. Â Findings: Â The results showed that there is an imbalance in the equilibrium of the halal tourism market, where the demand for some halal tourism indicators is higher than the existing supply. Thus, there...
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Permasalahan yang sering timbul ketika mahasiswa Prodi Pariwisata Universitas Mataram menyusun la... more Permasalahan yang sering timbul ketika mahasiswa Prodi Pariwisata Universitas Mataram menyusun laporan akhir adalah penulisan berbagai kutipan pada daftar pustaka. Para mahasiswa terkesan masih menulisnya dengan cara manual tanpa menggunaan aplikasi saat ini yang telah banyak dikenal yaitu Mendeley. Kesulitas tersebut terkadang mengakibatkan para mahasiswa terus merevisi tulisannya dan berimbas pada keterlambatan dalam mengikuti seminar laporannya masing-masing. Untuk itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan dan mengoperasikan aplikasi Mendeley. Metode yang digunakan yaitu memberikan pelatihan langsung kepada peserta baik secara teori maupun praktek, serta melakukan pre-test dan post-test untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta dalam menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley. Dari hasil pelatihan yang telah dilakukan, kegiatan berlangsung dengan baik dan sukses, kegiatan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi Mendeley dilaksanakan di prodi pariwisata Universitas M...
ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, & Entrepreneurship)
Maringkik Island is one of the small islands in Keruak District, East Lombok Regency which offers... more Maringkik Island is one of the small islands in Keruak District, East Lombok Regency which offers natural, cultural and artificial tourist attractions. However, tourism development on Maringkik Island has not been running massively due to concerns about the erosion of local community values and norms. So the development of halal tourism is an alternative tourism development that is in accordance with the beliefs and rules that apply to the local community. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection methods obtained through observations and interviews with the management of tourism awareness groups and the village government to explore the potential for developing Maringkik Island as a halal tourism destination as seen from the variables and dimensions of halal tourism and the availability of 4A (Attractions, Accessibility, Amenity, Ansilari) on Maringkik Island. The results of this study found that Maringkik Island needs to implement policies or rules f...
The tourism sector in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi continues to increase and has becom... more The tourism sector in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi continues to increase and has become one of the main sources of income for the local community after the major eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010. The high number of visitors with various characteristics to disaster-prone areas has placed visitors at high risk during a disaster, especially those with no disaster awareness. Visitors should possess disaster awareness to reduce the risks when a disaster occurs. This study aims to determine the visitors' disaster awareness profile to volcanic eruptions in the disaster-prone area of Mount Merapi. The results indicated that visitors' disaster knowledge was considered average, meaning that they had an average level of disaster awareness. They possessed an average understanding of disasters, volcanic eruptions, and the risks of carrying out activities in the disaster-prone tourism area. However, the practical knowledge of self-rescue during emergency response remained low. ...
Papers by Mahmudah Budiatiningsih