Salmedin Mesihović
Born : 5. April 1975, in Sarajevo
Elementary school : “Razija Omanović” in Sarajevo. (1982. – 1990.)
High school : “First Gimnasium” in Sarajevo. (1990. – 1995.)
University : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995. – 1999.). Graduated on thesis “Glasinac culture”.
Postgraduate studies : Department of archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. (2001. – 2004.). Finished on thesis “The Problem of the Cultural and Ethnic Community of the Autariates”
Doctoral studies : Department of history, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. (2004. – 2007.). Finished on thesis : "Daesitiates: Cultural Community and Polity in Illyricum and the Conquests of the Octavian era".
Research assistant : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, (2000 - 2005).
Senior research assistant : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2005 – 2009.)
Assistant professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2009 - 2013)
Associate professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2013. – 2019.)
Full professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2019 - )
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović holds a chair in ancient and classical history at University of Sarajevo.
International project : Contact person of the EU project TEMPUS BIHERIT (2012 - 2013).
Fouder and first head of Chair of archaeology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2009. – 2012.).
Head of Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2016. – 2018.)
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović actively uses English, and passively speaks Italian and Latin.
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović has been active in the social and political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long time (usually from leftist or centre – left position). Within that activity, prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović has either been or is currently a leader in certain organizations of this type, and he has published dozens of "engaged" articles on general social, political, economic and cultural processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the surrounding area.
Address: Filozofski fakultet u Sarajevu/Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo
Odsjek za historiju/Department of history
Franje Račkog 1
Bosna i Hercegovina
Elementary school : “Razija Omanović” in Sarajevo. (1982. – 1990.)
High school : “First Gimnasium” in Sarajevo. (1990. – 1995.)
University : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995. – 1999.). Graduated on thesis “Glasinac culture”.
Postgraduate studies : Department of archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. (2001. – 2004.). Finished on thesis “The Problem of the Cultural and Ethnic Community of the Autariates”
Doctoral studies : Department of history, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. (2004. – 2007.). Finished on thesis : "Daesitiates: Cultural Community and Polity in Illyricum and the Conquests of the Octavian era".
Research assistant : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, (2000 - 2005).
Senior research assistant : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2005 – 2009.)
Assistant professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2009 - 2013)
Associate professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2013. – 2019.)
Full professor : Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2019 - )
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović holds a chair in ancient and classical history at University of Sarajevo.
International project : Contact person of the EU project TEMPUS BIHERIT (2012 - 2013).
Fouder and first head of Chair of archaeology at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2009. – 2012.).
Head of Department of history at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (2016. – 2018.)
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović actively uses English, and passively speaks Italian and Latin.
Prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović has been active in the social and political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long time (usually from leftist or centre – left position). Within that activity, prof. dr. sc. Salmedin Mesihović has either been or is currently a leader in certain organizations of this type, and he has published dozens of "engaged" articles on general social, political, economic and cultural processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the surrounding area.
Address: Filozofski fakultet u Sarajevu/Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo
Odsjek za historiju/Department of history
Franje Račkog 1
Bosna i Hercegovina
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Books by Salmedin Mesihović
gnificant place is occupied by the phenomenon of existen
ce of a settlement with the name Bistue, which was both the
urban and administrative center of the municipal autonomy
unit of the same name as well as the seat of the late antique
episcopate of the same name. Both the municipium and the
episcopate had under their authority a huge territory in cen
tral Bosnia. The existence of Bistua, its municipium and la
ter episcopate is evidenced by epigraphic monuments, itine
raries, cartographic representations, acts of church councils
and even toponymy. To date, there has not been a generally
accepted consensus on the location of Bistua, nor on the bor
ders of the municipium and bishopric. Bistue was mainly lo
cated in Zenica, Mošunj, Bugojno. However, judging by the
toponym Bestovljani, which was preserved until the first years
of the Austro-Hungarian occupation, and to which previo
us research has not paid enough attention, the Bistua urban
and administrative center could be detected between the pre
sent-day hillfort of Alihodža and village Mošunj. The historical
construction of Bistua’s existence could then be interpreted
as follows. The hillfort of Alihodža was a pre-Roman Bistue.
In the era of classical civilizations, the name Bistue would re
fer to the settlement in nearby plain Mošunj. In the historical
circumstances of Late Antiquity, the settlement would have
returned to the more protected area of Alihodža, and in that
zone of Bestovljani / Peštovići and Alihodža the episcopal seat
of the Bestoen church would have been located.
The conspirators managed to separate Caligula from his Germanic bodyguards and kill him in an underground passage, then rushed to the Senate to proclaim the Republic. However, the praetorians who broke into the palace found a frightened Claudius, Caligula's uncle, behind a curtain. They pulled him out and declared him the new princeps, because they rejected Republic. While the Senate debated the restoration of the Republic and gave thanks to the conspirators, the praetorians dragged Claudius into their camp as the new princeps. As the main mediator between praetorians and the Senate, was appointed Jewish king Herod Agrippa, who was a close friend of both Caligula and Claudius and who also knew a large number of senators. He clearly sided with Claudius and succeeded in persuading Senate to recognize Claudius as the new princeps, in order to avoid civil war. Once the agreement was established, Claudius became the new princeps. An amnesty was declared, except for Cassius Chaerea and those who personally participated in the murder of the rest of Caligula's family, his wife Caesonia and their little daughter. This is how the conspiracy and assassination of Caligula ended. The following year there was a renewed attempt to restore the Republic led by Scribonian, governor of the province of Dalmatia. This attempt also failed, and Claudius completely consolidated his power.
After collecting all previous knowledge about the text and the vessel on which it was written, the first thing to do was to revise the previous theses, including a proposal for a new transcription of the letters from the inscription. When a new transcribed sequence was obtained, it was started to be divided into possible words. The large number of ligatures, although it made it difficult to detect individual letters, made it easier to divide them into words. It is realistic to assume that if the letters were joined in one ligature, they were also within the same word. When such a ligature division was made, similarities of combinations of such letters were tried to be found in the Etruscan, Umbrian and Albanian language (which is considered to still contain the most linguistic elements from the Illyrian ethnic and linguistic continuum). From the very beginning, it was noticed that most of the words have etymological connections with certain present-day Albanian words and some remnants of ancient, "pagan", non-Ahrahamanic beliefs of isolated Albanian communities. After that, a paraphrased reconstruction of the text was possible.
The text of the inscription itself was apparently in the Illyrian language and would have been of a dedicatory, votive character where the merchant, whose name is still unidentified, sacrifices/offers wine, grapes or Ferula communis, its juice (dried or not) to the Illyrian deity who has in his name and the epithet of father. That deity was of the celestial – solar luminous type and was derived from the same supreme Proto-Indo-European deity and can be interpreted as the Greek Zeus and the Roman Jupiter.
In the book "Battle for Illyricum" I presented in detail the original material that was known until then in a separate chapter. However, in the years after the publication of my last monograph on the Great Illyrian Uprising, I came to new sources and to new knowledge about warfare in the province of Illyricum from the 6th to the 9th AD. This necessitated, and bearing in mind the increasing attention of the public towards Great Illyrian Uprising, especially its leader Bato Daesitiat, the creation of a publication in the form of a chrestomaty of the original material and which would be available to the general public and would be a good basis and for some later more serious research ideas and endeavors. Of course, those discovered sources, such as data from the works of Tacitus, Solinus and Zonaras, as well as the epigraphic monument of Plautius Silvanus, the calendar from Antium, the inscription from Cupra Maritima and Fasti Praenestini, and some new numismatic findings.
Although the informational value offered by these newly included data on the Great Illyrian Uprising is insignificant and does not affect the already framed synthetic narratives too much, it is still necessary to subject them to analysis, include them in the collection and make them public. Every little bit of new evidence about the Great Illyrian Uprising simply must not be ignored or neglected. And any new quality addition to knowledge about the Great Illyrian Uprising should actually be primarily based on the discovery of new sources and original data. These new discoveries should mostly be oriented towards new archaeological investigations of localities or findings that there is a possibility that they were in some way connected with the warfare in Illyricum from the 6th to the 9th AD. Any new, for example, epigraphic monument on which this warfare would be mentioned or an object found that would be linked to this period would be a valuable contribution to our knowledge. And on the basis of such understanding and approach, the supplemented collection of sources can be an excellent instrument for any new work on Great Illyrian Uprising and the search for new sources.
The book "Roman Town on Sarajevo Area. Chrestomathy" offers a selection of texts from literature (published from 1880 to the present day), a selection of ancient materials and sources and some new researchs related to the phenomenon of the res publica Aquarum, the oldest known territorial-administrative unit that included the Sarajevo area as well as its administrative and urban seat called Aq(ua?e), and the oldest urban stratum in the Sarajevo area. The goal of this chrestomathy about this ancient roman town and municipality (res publica) is collecting in one place as much as possible of previous knowledge, articles, papers, sources, material in order to facilitate, I hope, new research and discoveries in the near future. The selection of works and material in this chrestomathy is the result of my personal assessment.
Knjiga “Rimski grad na sarajevskom polju. Hrestomatija” nudi izbor tekstova iz znanstvene literature (objavljivane od 1880. god. do danas), izbor izvorne građe i neke nove rezultate istraživanje koji se odnose na fenomen akvesijenske respublike, najstarije do danas poznate po imenu teritorijalno – upravne jedinice koja je obuhvatala sarajevsko područje, kao i njenog upravnog i urbanog sjedišta pod nazivu Aq(ua?e), i najstarijeg urbanog stratuma na sarajevskom području. Cilj hrestomatije o rimskom gradu Akve je bio da u nju saberem na jedno mjesto što je moguće više dosadašnjeg znanja, članaka, radova, izvora, građe kako bi se olakšala, nadam se, nova istraživanja i otkrića u skoroj budučnosti. Izbor radova i građe u hrestomatiju je rezultat moje osobne procjene.
Knjiga „Scipionovsko stoljeće. Hrestomatija izabranih vrela” nudi izabrane dijelove tekstova pisaca iz epohe klasične civilizacije, uz odgovarajući znanstveni aparat, koji se odnose na period od 235. do 133. god. stare ere, kada je Rimska Republika postala hegemon Euromediterana, ali i kada je počela kriza koja ju je na kraju i uništila. Izbor tekstova u hrestomatiju je rezultat moje osobne procjene….
FONTES – Izvori za historiju rimskog svijeta“ je knjiga takvoga karaktera i formata
da omogućava okvirno upoznavanje sa izvornom građom, na osnovu koje se danas
rekonstruira historija rimskog svijeta. Samim tim, ona nije strogo gledano usko
specijalističko djelo za uski krug znanstvenog ili stručnog miljea, nego je namijenjena
široj javnosti, a posebno svim onima koji se smatraju entuzijastima i zaljubljenicima
u studije o klasičnoj grčko – rimskoj civilizaciji, te svim onim interesentima koji se
zanimaju za povijesno postojanje rimskog svijeta, bilo u njegovoj cjelosti ili samo u
nekim njegovim aspektima. Iz tog razloga, „FONTES – Izvori za historiju rimskog svijeta“
može se smatrati i preglednim i razumljivim udžbenikom.
In available literary sources and epigraphic monuments written in Latin and refer to Illyrian provinces, which are found and published to this day, there is a mention of institution of principes of civitates peregrinae.
In roman classical world, word princeps (plural principes) was very often used in various contexts to conceptually define different contents. In its literal, fundamental meaning, it could be translated as "first, most important, most prominent, chief" and from that meaning
it developed, as Roman state developed, expanded and complicated, into a nomenclature for a number of institutions, services, ranks, honorary titles (e.g. princeps iuventutis) in Roman state, army, administration and provincial administration. Of all these contents, the most
famous is that which referred to the head of state in political system established by Augustus, called Principate, which lasted almost 300 years until Diocletian and which could be translated as "the first citizen". In institutional - administrative arrangement of civitates
peregrinae, principes were called domestic, local dignitaries and officials, regardless of whether they were holders of Roman citizenship or not.
gnificant place is occupied by the phenomenon of existen
ce of a settlement with the name Bistue, which was both the
urban and administrative center of the municipal autonomy
unit of the same name as well as the seat of the late antique
episcopate of the same name. Both the municipium and the
episcopate had under their authority a huge territory in cen
tral Bosnia. The existence of Bistua, its municipium and la
ter episcopate is evidenced by epigraphic monuments, itine
raries, cartographic representations, acts of church councils
and even toponymy. To date, there has not been a generally
accepted consensus on the location of Bistua, nor on the bor
ders of the municipium and bishopric. Bistue was mainly lo
cated in Zenica, Mošunj, Bugojno. However, judging by the
toponym Bestovljani, which was preserved until the first years
of the Austro-Hungarian occupation, and to which previo
us research has not paid enough attention, the Bistua urban
and administrative center could be detected between the pre
sent-day hillfort of Alihodža and village Mošunj. The historical
construction of Bistua’s existence could then be interpreted
as follows. The hillfort of Alihodža was a pre-Roman Bistue.
In the era of classical civilizations, the name Bistue would re
fer to the settlement in nearby plain Mošunj. In the historical
circumstances of Late Antiquity, the settlement would have
returned to the more protected area of Alihodža, and in that
zone of Bestovljani / Peštovići and Alihodža the episcopal seat
of the Bestoen church would have been located.
The conspirators managed to separate Caligula from his Germanic bodyguards and kill him in an underground passage, then rushed to the Senate to proclaim the Republic. However, the praetorians who broke into the palace found a frightened Claudius, Caligula's uncle, behind a curtain. They pulled him out and declared him the new princeps, because they rejected Republic. While the Senate debated the restoration of the Republic and gave thanks to the conspirators, the praetorians dragged Claudius into their camp as the new princeps. As the main mediator between praetorians and the Senate, was appointed Jewish king Herod Agrippa, who was a close friend of both Caligula and Claudius and who also knew a large number of senators. He clearly sided with Claudius and succeeded in persuading Senate to recognize Claudius as the new princeps, in order to avoid civil war. Once the agreement was established, Claudius became the new princeps. An amnesty was declared, except for Cassius Chaerea and those who personally participated in the murder of the rest of Caligula's family, his wife Caesonia and their little daughter. This is how the conspiracy and assassination of Caligula ended. The following year there was a renewed attempt to restore the Republic led by Scribonian, governor of the province of Dalmatia. This attempt also failed, and Claudius completely consolidated his power.
After collecting all previous knowledge about the text and the vessel on which it was written, the first thing to do was to revise the previous theses, including a proposal for a new transcription of the letters from the inscription. When a new transcribed sequence was obtained, it was started to be divided into possible words. The large number of ligatures, although it made it difficult to detect individual letters, made it easier to divide them into words. It is realistic to assume that if the letters were joined in one ligature, they were also within the same word. When such a ligature division was made, similarities of combinations of such letters were tried to be found in the Etruscan, Umbrian and Albanian language (which is considered to still contain the most linguistic elements from the Illyrian ethnic and linguistic continuum). From the very beginning, it was noticed that most of the words have etymological connections with certain present-day Albanian words and some remnants of ancient, "pagan", non-Ahrahamanic beliefs of isolated Albanian communities. After that, a paraphrased reconstruction of the text was possible.
The text of the inscription itself was apparently in the Illyrian language and would have been of a dedicatory, votive character where the merchant, whose name is still unidentified, sacrifices/offers wine, grapes or Ferula communis, its juice (dried or not) to the Illyrian deity who has in his name and the epithet of father. That deity was of the celestial – solar luminous type and was derived from the same supreme Proto-Indo-European deity and can be interpreted as the Greek Zeus and the Roman Jupiter.
In the book "Battle for Illyricum" I presented in detail the original material that was known until then in a separate chapter. However, in the years after the publication of my last monograph on the Great Illyrian Uprising, I came to new sources and to new knowledge about warfare in the province of Illyricum from the 6th to the 9th AD. This necessitated, and bearing in mind the increasing attention of the public towards Great Illyrian Uprising, especially its leader Bato Daesitiat, the creation of a publication in the form of a chrestomaty of the original material and which would be available to the general public and would be a good basis and for some later more serious research ideas and endeavors. Of course, those discovered sources, such as data from the works of Tacitus, Solinus and Zonaras, as well as the epigraphic monument of Plautius Silvanus, the calendar from Antium, the inscription from Cupra Maritima and Fasti Praenestini, and some new numismatic findings.
Although the informational value offered by these newly included data on the Great Illyrian Uprising is insignificant and does not affect the already framed synthetic narratives too much, it is still necessary to subject them to analysis, include them in the collection and make them public. Every little bit of new evidence about the Great Illyrian Uprising simply must not be ignored or neglected. And any new quality addition to knowledge about the Great Illyrian Uprising should actually be primarily based on the discovery of new sources and original data. These new discoveries should mostly be oriented towards new archaeological investigations of localities or findings that there is a possibility that they were in some way connected with the warfare in Illyricum from the 6th to the 9th AD. Any new, for example, epigraphic monument on which this warfare would be mentioned or an object found that would be linked to this period would be a valuable contribution to our knowledge. And on the basis of such understanding and approach, the supplemented collection of sources can be an excellent instrument for any new work on Great Illyrian Uprising and the search for new sources.
The book "Roman Town on Sarajevo Area. Chrestomathy" offers a selection of texts from literature (published from 1880 to the present day), a selection of ancient materials and sources and some new researchs related to the phenomenon of the res publica Aquarum, the oldest known territorial-administrative unit that included the Sarajevo area as well as its administrative and urban seat called Aq(ua?e), and the oldest urban stratum in the Sarajevo area. The goal of this chrestomathy about this ancient roman town and municipality (res publica) is collecting in one place as much as possible of previous knowledge, articles, papers, sources, material in order to facilitate, I hope, new research and discoveries in the near future. The selection of works and material in this chrestomathy is the result of my personal assessment.
Knjiga “Rimski grad na sarajevskom polju. Hrestomatija” nudi izbor tekstova iz znanstvene literature (objavljivane od 1880. god. do danas), izbor izvorne građe i neke nove rezultate istraživanje koji se odnose na fenomen akvesijenske respublike, najstarije do danas poznate po imenu teritorijalno – upravne jedinice koja je obuhvatala sarajevsko područje, kao i njenog upravnog i urbanog sjedišta pod nazivu Aq(ua?e), i najstarijeg urbanog stratuma na sarajevskom području. Cilj hrestomatije o rimskom gradu Akve je bio da u nju saberem na jedno mjesto što je moguće više dosadašnjeg znanja, članaka, radova, izvora, građe kako bi se olakšala, nadam se, nova istraživanja i otkrića u skoroj budučnosti. Izbor radova i građe u hrestomatiju je rezultat moje osobne procjene.
Knjiga „Scipionovsko stoljeće. Hrestomatija izabranih vrela” nudi izabrane dijelove tekstova pisaca iz epohe klasične civilizacije, uz odgovarajući znanstveni aparat, koji se odnose na period od 235. do 133. god. stare ere, kada je Rimska Republika postala hegemon Euromediterana, ali i kada je počela kriza koja ju je na kraju i uništila. Izbor tekstova u hrestomatiju je rezultat moje osobne procjene….
FONTES – Izvori za historiju rimskog svijeta“ je knjiga takvoga karaktera i formata
da omogućava okvirno upoznavanje sa izvornom građom, na osnovu koje se danas
rekonstruira historija rimskog svijeta. Samim tim, ona nije strogo gledano usko
specijalističko djelo za uski krug znanstvenog ili stručnog miljea, nego je namijenjena
široj javnosti, a posebno svim onima koji se smatraju entuzijastima i zaljubljenicima
u studije o klasičnoj grčko – rimskoj civilizaciji, te svim onim interesentima koji se
zanimaju za povijesno postojanje rimskog svijeta, bilo u njegovoj cjelosti ili samo u
nekim njegovim aspektima. Iz tog razloga, „FONTES – Izvori za historiju rimskog svijeta“
može se smatrati i preglednim i razumljivim udžbenikom.
In available literary sources and epigraphic monuments written in Latin and refer to Illyrian provinces, which are found and published to this day, there is a mention of institution of principes of civitates peregrinae.
In roman classical world, word princeps (plural principes) was very often used in various contexts to conceptually define different contents. In its literal, fundamental meaning, it could be translated as "first, most important, most prominent, chief" and from that meaning
it developed, as Roman state developed, expanded and complicated, into a nomenclature for a number of institutions, services, ranks, honorary titles (e.g. princeps iuventutis) in Roman state, army, administration and provincial administration. Of all these contents, the most
famous is that which referred to the head of state in political system established by Augustus, called Principate, which lasted almost 300 years until Diocletian and which could be translated as "the first citizen". In institutional - administrative arrangement of civitates
peregrinae, principes were called domestic, local dignitaries and officials, regardless of whether they were holders of Roman citizenship or not.
same language and had the same institutions and customs as the Eravisci, Cisdanubian people. The Eravisci or Aravisci inhabited north-western part of Lower Pannonia, along the banks of the Danube,
east of Esztergom. Their centre was located on the hill Gellérthegy, near today's Buda (ancient Aquincum). During their independence, the Eravisci also issued their own silver currency modelled on Roman Republican denarii. The name of this tribe is mentioned in a significant number of
epigraphic monuments. There are both Celtic and Illyro-Pannonian names in the onomastics of Eravisci, so it could be considered that they are of Illyro-Pannonian origin, but that they were under strong and significant Celtic influence. During the Roman rule civitas Eraviscorum was absorbed or grew into a municipium and later the colony of Aquincum. Their ethnic relatives, the Osi, are the only known to date Illyro-Pannonian community that has lived north of the Danube River, in the Eipel River Valley. In Tacitus’ time, they recognized the supreme authority of the neighbouring Germanic or Sarmatian peoples. The Historia Augusta mentions the Osi as one of Transdanubian nations that took part in the wars against the Romans during the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius. Thus, they would
be the last people to be connected with the Illyrian ethnic and linguistic continuum, which would be at war with the Romans, at a time when the vast majority of Illyrians south of the Danube were already Romanised. During or after these wars, the Osi, at least part of them, were relocated to the lands just south of the Danube River
The introduction of this paper gives a short overview of the results of
archaeological, historiographic, and epigraphic research of the Roman municipium Aquae. The urban center of the municipium Aquae was in Ilidža, one of nine municipalities of the Sarajevo Canton. In 2022, at the right bank of the Željeznica river, an unpublished Roman-period monument was recorded. Analysis has determined that this is a fragment of a tombstone (cippus) or an honorary inscription (tituli publici). Moreover, this paper addresses the issue of unregistered archaeological material from the Roman period that is recorded in the Željeznica riverbed and near
previously corroborated archaeological sites in Ilidža. In this context, two fragments of honorary bases stand out. One of these fragments has preserved indentations that served to attach the statue or bust to the base. Finally, the paper includes maps made as the result of systematic research in 1979. This research was conducted by the Sarajevo
City Institute for the Protection and Organization of Cultural Monuments (today’s Cantonal Institution for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Sarajevo).
U 11. broju BOSONA nalaze se dvije epizode serijala “Batonov ustanak” i to :
1. „Stranac/Čovjek niotkud“, sa mojim tekstom „Šta kaže historija : Ilirik“
2. „Čovjek srebrnih planina“, sa mojim tekstom „Šta kaže historija : Eksploatacija“,
I would like to represent the world premiere of the comic series "Bato's Uprising", dedicated to the Great Illyrian Uprising from 6 till 9 AD, published by BOSONA, the only comic magazine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I work on this series as a professional associate.
In the 11th issue of BOSONA, there are two episodes of the series "Bato's Uprising", namely:
1. "Stranger/Man from nowhere", with my text "What history says: Illyricum"
2. "The Man of the Silver Mountains", with my text "What History Says: Exploitation"
immediate vicinity of the town of Jajce. It mentions Dasius, princeps of illyrian
nation Maezeiand a priest of the imperial cult. In addition to the inscription, there is
a beautifully made relief of a man with a saddled horse on the monument. Judging by
the context of the find, the location where it was found is not its primary location. The
inscription was probably used in earlier centuries in the construction of mosques or
churches that were demolished in 1992 or 1993, and then that material was dislocated
to the location where it was found. This valuable inscription provides an insight into
the administrative and institutional structure of the Maezei civitas, about which no
data have been available so far.
of Paris immediately after he fled with Sparta from
Sparta and the actual historical events in Asia Minor
and the Levant in the first half of the XIII century BC.
Thus, the possibility is pointed out that Motylos, who
is mentioned in mythology as a king in Asia Minor,
is in fact a mythological memory of the famous Hittite king Muwatal, who made a treaty with the ruler of
Wiluse named Alexander. Alexander is usually associated with Paris / Alexander and Wilusa with Ilion.
study of Roman roads in the territory of Illyricum,
and especially its continental interior. These findings
also indicate a possible road connection across Mount
Zvijezda, and towards the east, Domavia and further
towards Pannonia. In addition, this finds are valuable because they were detected in an area from which
very few finds from the Roman period were previously known. All this indicates the need for new research.
papers, studies, and books dealing with the Iliad and the Odyssey have been published.
One reason for this is that Homer’s epics offer so many opportunities for exploration.
This was also the motivation for writing this paper which deals with the question of the
appearance of Thersites in the Iliad. Thersites appears in only one episode, with unusual
speech and behavior in relation to what other characters in the epic say and do. This
conspicuous and unique appearance of his must have been the result of a certain hidden
desire of the author of the Iliad himself. It is possible that in fact Thersites in this case
served as a kind of alter ego of the author who sought to conceal, within the aristocratic
and elitist milieu for which the epic itself was made, in a very skillful way his real opinion of the Trojan War and the aristocracy. Thersites and his rage could also represent a
kind of hidden Homeric code, of which there may be several more in the Iliad.
reasons in 8 CE, by the first emperor Augustus, to the remote town of Tomis on the
Black Sea coast, at the then-outmost eastern border of the Roman Empire. Ovid himself
emphasised to have been banished for a mistake and a poem, but did not provide more
elaborate details as to what the cause had exactly been. That was the period when the
Roman Empire fought a difficult war against the Illyrian rebels and their military and
political Alliance led by Bato the Daesitiate. For that reason, Ovid was sent to Tomis not
through the Adriatic shore but rather through roundabouts, via Greece and Moesia. Ovid
was very sad in Tomis, constantly pleading for amnesty. For that reason, he kept sending
letters to influential friends and members of the ruling Augustus family, asking them to
advocate for his return. In one of the letters to Germanicus, Ovid described in detail the
triumphant procession honouring the victory over the rebelled Illyrians, mentioning also
the captured Bato the Daesitate and the kind treatment he had received.
I. A small, oligarchic and comprador network of individuals and their families. They function as a kind of octopus that controls politics, business, media and crime and is in a close and intertwined relationship with foreign neo-colonialists, protectors and patronizers.
II. The middle class, which is the remnant of the former majority part of the population of the socialist republic. There is still some opposition activity there. That is why one of the goals of the oligarchic-comprador class is to reduce the number of the middle class as much as possible to some tolerable minimum. This class cannot be completely destroyed, because teachers, professors, doctors, engineers, artists, class-conscious workers and peasants, and other professional personnel are still necessary.
III. The most numerous class is that which is considered to be currently in the field of precariat, proletariat and lumpenproletariat. They are actually completely disenfranchised and impoverished. Since they are the most numerous, and the main object of enrichment and maintenance of the privileges of the oligarchic-comprador class, full propaganda control is exercised over them through demagoguery and judgment-narratives that are constantly delivered to them through the media and institutions (political, educational, religious). Because of this, their sense of class consciousness has been completely erased. It is completely irrelevant for the oligarchic - comprador class what this large class looks like (as long as it brings income for them), so they think of filling it with cheap foreign labor and migrants. As time passes, this disenfranchised class looks more and more like the Lacedaemonian helots.
Oligarchic-comprador power over the middle class and the "helot" class is exercised in the following ways:
1. By constantly maintaining a state of strife, both at the level of individuals in the middle class and at the level of identity collectivities in the "helot class".
2. Excessive and radical promotion of the ideal of individualism and pseudo-freedom in order to weaken or make impossible any association and common action of the subordinate classes.
3. By the constant weakening of rational consciousness within the framework of the complete community, by diminishing the art of enlightenment, rationalism and thoughtfulness and understanding of the situation.
4. By eliminating or compromising anyone who would understand what it is about based on freedom of conscience, freedom of knowledge and creativity.
5. The establishment of a pseudo-liberal, but actually very sophisticated totalitarian system that controls two subordinate classes.
6. By imposing and forcing excessive and senseless consumerism and consumption.
7. By corrupting middle-class individuals, who would be offered crumbs of privilege, or even transition to the oligarchic-comprador elite.
8. Using criminal-lumpenproletarian elements from the “helot class” to carry out dirty work.
The situation is completely identical in Serbia and Croatia. In order to stop further stagnation that has grown into decadence, it is necessary for the middle class and the "helot" class to wrest control of the oligarchic-comprador class over the means of politics, business, and the media, and to eliminate crime. For this to happen, a organisation of conscious people is needed and willing ones who would lead a disciplined organization, a party of the "plebs", a movement of the "plebs", as a vanguard.