Social Movements, Rebellion, and Insurgency by Fernanda R Page Poma
Research in Social Movements and Change. Four Dead in Ohio. Emerald Publishing Limited., 2021
This paper analyzes the relationship between the Chilean student movement and state force action ... more This paper analyzes the relationship between the Chilean student movement and state force action during the period 2000–2012, placing specific attention on three waves of student contention that took place at the turn of the century. During the decade under study, the Chilean students became more contentious, they broadened their demands beyond specific grievances to encompass a critique to the education system as a whole, their alliance system grew (gaining from these denser networks of collaboration more resources to mobilize), and they managed to win public opinion on their side. However, the relationship with state forces has not been static across time, and both students and state forces have experienced changes in how they interact with each other. The results of this paper are based on a mixed method approach that drew on a quantitative database of student contention in Chile (n = 491 student events) and 15 in-depth interviews with leader activists from the most salient recent Chilean student movements of three periods under study, in addition to some key informants. The findings confirm that when student protests target the government, when they use disruptive strategies that affect the status-quo, and when they mobilize alongside other challenging actors, they are more likely to be met with direct repression by authorities. The research shows that there is a “dialect of repression” at play by which state forces' direct repression of protest can be two-fold: on the one hand, it gives students visibility in the public opinion, but on the other, it can be negative for ushering support if the media and authorities are successful in portraying them as violent or a threat to public order. In this sense, the figure of the “encapuchado,” students who disguise their identity and purposefully seek confrontation with authorities during mobilizations is problematized by the movement itself. How to win public opinion and use that visibility in their favor is related to decision-making mechanisms that the movement puts at play but also to the calculations done on the part of the government and security forces about the leverage of the movement.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Student movements in Latin America have historically been at the forefront of democratization and... more Student movements in Latin America have historically been at the forefront of democratization and progressive social action. This article seeks to understand state-led protest control against students and their movements in Argentina in the last decades (1997–2007). By drawing on a database of contentious politics events in Argentina using newspaper data, analysis of secondary sources, and in-depth interviews of actors, it closely examines when, why, where, and how the state contains student protests and how the power relations between them and the state unfolds over time. A main finding underlying this study is that the nature of state repression of students is related to (a) the tactics being used, (b) the demands being made, (c) the actors that are protesting alongside them, and (d) the political party in power. The article shows how the associational ties between students, teacher movements, political parties, and other movements change during moments of economic crisis and poli...
Theory in Action, 2020
In a context of an economic, social, and political crisis that resulted in widespread food riots ... more In a context of an economic, social, and political crisis that resulted in widespread food riots and uprisings, what explains the absence of collective violence and lootings in a district with a legacy of intense mobilization? I argue that the answer to this question lies in a specific combination of patronage politics and collective action. Far from dominating their clients and preventing horizontal ties, brokers in the poverty-stricken district of Florencio Varela in Argentina mobilized the population to act together and suppress violence. Drawing on in- depth interviews, newspaper reports, and secondary sources, I posit that during the peak of the revolts in December of 2001, brokers in this district appeared to validate collective mobilization seeking to prevent violence and lootings. The primary significance of this work is the differential way in which patron-client ties unfold to promote
participation and collective actions.
Latin American Politics and …, 2009
Based on ethnographic reanalysis and on current qualitative research on poor people's politics, t... more Based on ethnographic reanalysis and on current qualitative research on poor people's politics, this article argues that routine patronage politics and nonroutine collective action should be examined not as opposite and conflicting political phenomena but as dynamic processes that often establish recursive relationships. Through a series of case studies conducted in contemporary Argentina, this article examines four instances in which patronage and collective action intersect and interact: network breakdown, patron's certification, clandestine support, and reaction to threat. These four scenarios demonstrate that more than two opposing spheres of action or two different forms of sociability, patronage, and contentious politics can be mutually imbricated. Either when it malfunctions or when it thrives, clientelism may lie at the root of collective action.
We ask why it is that most signature campaigns attract only a handful of supporters while a few a... more We ask why it is that most signature campaigns attract only a handful of supporters while a few are backed by millions. Using a field experimental design on the popular petitioning website, we investigate the role of emergent phenomena during the mobilization process in determining levels of collective action. We demonstrate the significant character of these emergent processes while controlling the structural profiles, organizing strategies, and initial signatory volumes of online petition campaigns. Differences in ultimate signatory support between similar petitions are as extreme as theories of critical mass and tipping points would suggest, yet the dynamics leading up to these arbitrary inequalities are unexpected; growth is highly erratic with initially unpopular campaigns experiencing wholly unexpected revivals, limiting the predictability of future from past momentum to just the short run. The mechanism we identify driving these unpredictable dynamics we call ‘accidental activation’: the unanticipated recruitment of secondary mobilizers
Papers by Fernanda R Page Poma
Cuestiones de Sociología
La pandemia de Covid-19 y las medidas de aislamiento preventivo y obligatorio profundizaron las v... more La pandemia de Covid-19 y las medidas de aislamiento preventivo y obligatorio profundizaron las violencias por motivos de género al confinar a muchas personas en sus hogares junto con sus agresores. Como consecuencia de ello, el gobierno argentino aprobó una serie de medidas orientadas a controlar dicho fenómeno. Este trabajo se propone analizar, desde un enfoque interseccional (Crenshaw, 1989; Bidaseca, 2011) las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno argentino a nivel nacional y aquellas adoptadas por la provincia de Jujuy. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas en la función pública, la militancia popular y el ámbito académico. También se realizó una revisión de la normativa, de informes y planes de gestión pública, y un análisis de prensa y redes sociales para caracterizar y estudiar los desafíos de las respuestas del Estado. Encontramos que las medidas se han focalizado en ampliar los canales de denuncia y atender la violencia doméstica...
Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, 2019
The sustained increase in demands of citizens for greater security, along with the emergence of n... more The sustained increase in demands of citizens for greater security, along with the emergence of new information technologies, has given a predominant place to crime statistics. However, data collection is a complex task, and not a scarce one for discussion. The tools used to measure violence and crime levels are in constant debate, as are the sources of information available. In this paper, we aim to make a diagnosis and an evaluation of the online and public access information systems on public security in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires between 2011 and 2016.
Delito y Sociedad, 2021
El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es relevar y analizar las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos ... more El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es relevar y analizar las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos sobre las competencias profesionales requeridas y los modos de adquirirlas en las cuatro fuerzas policiales y de seguridad federales en Argentina. Para ello, elaboramos un estudio descriptivo basado en fuentes secundarias y en entrevistas a integrantes de las fuerzas que indagan respecto a dichas temáticas. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan a la elaboración de dispositivos de formación y capacitación sensibles a las demandas particulares de la profesionalización policial en los agrupamientos preventivos e investigativos de las fuerzas federales.
El incremento sostenido de demandas por mayor seguridad, junto con el surgimiento de nuevas tecno... more El incremento sostenido de demandas por mayor seguridad, junto con el surgimiento de nuevas tecnologias de la informacion, otorgan un lugar preponderante a las estadisticas sobre criminalidad. Sin embar-go, la recoleccion de datos es una tarea compleja y no escasa de discusion. Las herramientas que se utili-zan para medir los niveles de violencia y delito estan en constante debate asi como las fuentes de infor-macion disponibles. En este articulo nos proponemos hacer un diagnostico y una evaluacion de los sistemas de informacion en materia de seguridad publica de acceso publico online en la Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires entre 2011 y 2016.
Four Dead in Ohio, 2021
This paper analyzes the relationship between the Chilean student movement and state force action ... more This paper analyzes the relationship between the Chilean student movement and state force action during the period 2000–2012, placing specific attention on three waves of student contention that took place at the turn of the century. During the decade under study, the Chilean students became more contentious, they broadened their demands beyond specific grievances to encompass a critique to the education system as a whole, their alliance system grew (gaining from these denser networks of collaboration more resources to mobilize), and they managed to win public opinion on their side. However, the relationship with state forces has not been static across time, and both students and state forces have experienced changes in how they interact with each other. The results of this paper are based on a mixed method approach that drew on a quantitative database of student contention in Chile (n = 491 student events) and 15 in-depth interviews with leader activists from the most salient recent Chilean student movements of three periods under study, in addition to some key informants. The findings confirm that when student protests target the government, when they use disruptive strategies that affect the status-quo, and when they mobilize alongside other challenging actors, they are more likely to be met with direct repression by authorities. The research shows that there is a “dialect of repression” at play by which state forces' direct repression of protest can be two-fold: on the one hand, it gives students visibility in the public opinion, but on the other, it can be negative for ushering support if the media and authorities are successful in portraying them as violent or a threat to public order. In this sense, the figure of the “encapuchado,” students who disguise their identity and purposefully seek confrontation with authorities during mobilizations is problematized by the movement itself. How to win public opinion and use that visibility in their favor is related to decision-making mechanisms that the movement puts at play but also to the calculations done on the part of the government and security forces about the leverage of the movement.
En esta obra se presenta el marco teorico de la investigacion donde se resumen las principales de... more En esta obra se presenta el marco teorico de la investigacion donde se resumen las principales definiciones de violencia de acuerdo a los tratados internacionales, el enfoque interseccional que se adopta en esta investigacion y la propuesta de Landman & Carvalho (2010) para evaluar la implementacion de las politicas publicas. Tambien se muestra la metodologia de la investigacion, ademas de una breve contextualizacion de cada pais y la descripcion de las medidas adoptadas por Argentina y Chile para abordar, enfrentar y prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres y ninas durante el primer ano de la crisis producida por el COVID-19. Asimismo, se analizan los factores que incidieron en la adopcion de las medidas, los principales obstaculos y desafios para su implementacion y evaluacion del nivel de efectividad
Theory in Action, 2020
In a context of an economic, social, and political crisis that resulted in widespread food riots ... more In a context of an economic, social, and political crisis that resulted in widespread food riots and uprisings, what explains the absence of collective violence and lootings in a district with a legacy of intense mobilization? I argue that the answer to this question lies in a specific combination of patronage politics and collective action. Far from dominating their clients and preventing horizontal ties, brokers in the poverty-stricken district of Florencio Varela in Argentina mobilized the population to act together and suppress violence. Drawing on indepth interviews, newspaper reports, and secondary sources, I posit that during the peak of the revolts in December of 2001, brokers in this district appeared to validate collective mobilization seeking to prevent violence and lootings. The primary significance of this work is the differential way in which patron-client ties unfold to promote participation and collective actions.
Delito y sociedad, 2021
El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es relevar y analizar
las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos ... more El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es relevar y analizar
las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos sobre las competencias
profesionales requeridas y los modos de adquirirlas en las cuatro
fuerzas policiales y de seguridad federales en Argentina. Para ello,
elaboramos un estudio descriptivo basado en fuentes secundarias
y en entrevistas a integrantes de las fuerzas que indagan respecto
a dichas temáticas. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan a la
elaboración de dispositivos de formación y capacitación sensibles
a las demandas particulares de la profesionalización policial en los
agrupamientos preventivos e investigativos de las fuerzas federales.
Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 2015
We ask why most online signature campaigns attract only a handful of supporters while a few are b... more We ask why most online signature campaigns attract only a handful of supporters while a few are backed by millions. Using a field-experimental design on the popular petitioning website, we investigate the role of emergent phenomena during the mobilization process in determining levels of collective action. We demonstrate the significance of these emergent processes while controlling the structural profiles, organizing strategies, and initial signatory volumes of online petition campaigns. Differences in ultimate signatory support among similar petitions are as extreme as theories of critical mass and tipping points would suggest, yet the dynamics leading up to these arbitrary disparities are unexpected. Growth is highly erratic, with initially unpopular campaigns experiencing wholly unexpected revivals, limiting the predictability of future from past momentum to just the short run. The mechanism we identify driving these unpredictable dynamics we call “accidental activati...
Pensar. Epistemología y Ciencias Sociales, 2011
Revue Internationale De Politique Comparee, 2010
... suite. AuteursJavier Auyero du même auteur. Professeur de sociologie latino-américaine à l&am... more ... suite. AuteursJavier Auyero du même auteur. Professeur de sociologie latino-américaine à l'université du Texas à Austin (chaire Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long). ... Fernanda Page Poma du même auteur. Est doctorante en sociologie à l'université de New York à Stony Brook. ...
Social Movements, Rebellion, and Insurgency by Fernanda R Page Poma
participation and collective actions.
Papers by Fernanda R Page Poma
las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos sobre las competencias
profesionales requeridas y los modos de adquirirlas en las cuatro
fuerzas policiales y de seguridad federales en Argentina. Para ello,
elaboramos un estudio descriptivo basado en fuentes secundarias
y en entrevistas a integrantes de las fuerzas que indagan respecto
a dichas temáticas. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan a la
elaboración de dispositivos de formación y capacitación sensibles
a las demandas particulares de la profesionalización policial en los
agrupamientos preventivos e investigativos de las fuerzas federales.
participation and collective actions.
las percepciones de oficiales y subalternos sobre las competencias
profesionales requeridas y los modos de adquirirlas en las cuatro
fuerzas policiales y de seguridad federales en Argentina. Para ello,
elaboramos un estudio descriptivo basado en fuentes secundarias
y en entrevistas a integrantes de las fuerzas que indagan respecto
a dichas temáticas. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan a la
elaboración de dispositivos de formación y capacitación sensibles
a las demandas particulares de la profesionalización policial en los
agrupamientos preventivos e investigativos de las fuerzas federales.
Fecha límite para la presentación de resúmenes (ponencias o paneles cerrados): lunes 29 de abril de 2019, a las 12 de la noche (Hora Argentina).