Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Da... more Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik genangan banjir di kawasan tersebut pada kondisi eksisting dan dengan skenario pengendalian menggunakan sistem pompa dan peningkatan luasan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Penelusuran banjir di kolam retensi dilakukan dengan bantuan program HEC-HMS, sedangkan visualisasi genangan banjir dilakukan dengan bantuan program Global Mapper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas kolam retensi saat ini sudah tidak mencukupi untuk menampung volume limpasan, dimana debit puncak banjir periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar 22,2 m 3 /s berpotensi menggenangi kawasan sekitar kolam dengan luasan mencapai 11,09 Ha. Pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa berkapasitas total 4 m 3 /s mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 58,79%, sedangkan pengendalian banjir dengan peningkatan RTH sebesar 30% hanya mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 15,33%. Kombinasi pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa banjir dan peningkatan RTH mampu mereduksi luasan genangan banjir sebesar 75,92%. Dengan metode pengendalian tersebut dihasilkan kedalaman genangan maksimum kurang dari 0,5 m dengan potensi lama genangan hanya selama 20 menit, dimana jalan Demang Lebar Daun tidak lagi tergenang. Untuk mitigasi banjir jangka pendek diperlukan pembangunan stasiun pompa banjir di kolam retensi Siti Khadijah, sedangkan untuk jangka panjang diperlukan penyediaan RTH yang dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Kata kunci. kolam retensi, HEC-HMS, penelusuran banjir, pengendalian banjir.
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
Flood analysis requires accurate topographic data to obtain a good overview of flood inundation. ... more Flood analysis requires accurate topographic data to obtain a good overview of flood inundation. At this time, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is the best technology of remote sensing for collecting elevation data from earth surface. This elevation data can be used to create relief of the earth’s surface in three-dimensional format which is often referred to as a digital elevation model (DEM).
This paper dealt with the utilization of LIDAR technology in analysis of flood inundation due to overflowing river based on simulation of hydrodynamic model. The creation of DEM from elevation data was done by geographic information system technique using Global Mapper software. The river geometry model was established by using HEC-GeoRAS installed in ArcGIS which then water surface profiles of flood were simulated using HEC-RAS.
The result of flood profiles simulation were imported into HEC-GeoRAS in order to obtain flood inundation map. The utilization of LIDAR technology is very helpful within analysis of flood inundation, so that the availability and its access need to be improved.
Chlorine content in drinking water and dwelling time of water in the pipe network before being de... more Chlorine content in drinking water and dwelling time of water in the pipe network before being delivered to the consumer are important indicators to water quality. Simulations of such indicators in the pipe networks have been conducted since the advent of computers and numerical modeling. Yet such simulation has not been an important priority in Indonesia. With the increasing concern of the government and the new law with regard to quality of distributed water to consumers, it is of important to develop experience in water quality modeling particularly relevant to cases in Indonesia. A pipe distribution network of Magelang District of Indonesia was selected for the research. The network is relatively small but it is well managed especially as this network is a model for quality drinking water distribution network in the company. This network is called ZAMP which stand for Prime Quality Water Zone. The quality of water (chlorine content) in the network is controlled automatically at Sambung chlorine booster station to assure that the chlorine content meet the standard level. Numerical simulations were conducted using available software, these are EPANET and WaterNet. The later was developed by the first author of this paper. It was found that the difficulties of the simulation started from data collections and model calibration. Hydraulic calibrations and hence chlorine decay calibration have to be based on both reliable data and some assumptions. The results showed that it is possible to simulate water age or dwelling time in the network and chlorine content to a certain level of accuracy. It is also shown that the EPANET and WaterNet produced very close results indicating that both software are capable of water quality simulation. Discrepancies between the results of simulation and the measurement were discussed in the paper.
Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang rawan mengalami bencana banjir, dimana sebagian wil... more Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang rawan mengalami bencana banjir, dimana sebagian wilayahnya memiliki potensi banjir yang tinggi sampai dengan sangat tinggi. Simulasi banjir diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik aliran banjir sehingga dapat diperkirakan lokasi-lokasi di sepanjang sungai yang berpotensi untuk terjadi genangan banjir. Makalah ini membahas visualisasi genangan banjir melalui penelusuran aliran di Sungai Lambidaro, yaitu salah satu anak Sungai Musi dengan luasan subsistem terbesar di Kota Palembang, yang sering meluap dan menyebabkan genangan di sekitar sungai. Debit banjir rancangan dihitung menggunakan metode hidrograf satuan sintetik SCS untuk periode ulang 5, 10, 20, 50, dan 100 tahun. Profil muka air banjir untuk setiap debit banjir rancangan disimulasikan menggunakan model hidrodinamik HEC-RAS 4.1. Kondisi batas simulasi profil muka air banjir yang digunakan adalah hidrograf debit banjir rancangan, hidrograf aliran lateral, dan elevasi muka air pasang maskimum. Hasil visualisasi profil muka air banjir dengan HEC-RAS 4.1 menunjukkan bahwa untuk periode ulang 5 tahun, elevasi muka air sudah melampaui bantaran sungai di sebagian besar lokasi di sepanjang sungai. Semakin besar periode ulang, maka elevasi muka air semakin tinggi sehingga semakin banyak lokasi yang berpotensi tergenang banjir.
Klorin sebagai desinfektan diperlukan untuk memastikan air minum yang didistribusikan agar tetap ... more Klorin sebagai desinfektan diperlukan untuk memastikan air minum yang didistribusikan agar tetap higienis, dimana konsentrasi sisa klorin yang harus dipertahankan dalam sistem distribusi air minum adalah 0,2 - 5,0 mg/L. Konsentrasi sisa klorin ini dapat berkurang yang diakibatkan oleh laju kehilangan klorin yang dipengaruhi oleh perilaku hidraulika jaringan distribusi. Studi ini bertujuan melakukan simulasi hidraulika sisa klorin dengan mengambil studi kasus sistem distribusi air minum pada perumahan PT. Pusri Palembang. Pembangunan model sistem distribusi dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak EPANET 2.0, yang kemudian disimulasikan berdasarkan extended period simulation (EPS) selama 24 jam. Hasil simulasi hidraulika menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas jaringan distribusi masih sangat memadai ditinjau dari segi penyediaan tekanan sisa. Walaupun demikian, kecepatan aliran hampir di seluruh jaringan distribusi sangat lambat sehingga tidak memenuhi kriteria desain yang layak. Hal ini menyebabkan waktu tinggal air menjadi sangat lama, sehingga konsentrasi sisa klorin yang memenuhi syarat tidak dapat terpenuhi. Perbaikan hidraulika dilakukan dengan melakukan pembesaran dan pengecilan diameter pipa dengan tujuan mengoptimalkan parameter kecepatan aliran dan kehilangan tekanan. Simulasi sisa klorin pada jaringan distribusi setelah perbaikan hidraulika menunjukkan konsentrasi sisa klorin hampir di setiap node telah memenuhi syarat. Walaupun demikian, diperlukan penambahan booster klorin untuk menjaga konsentrasi sisa klorin agar tidak kurang dari 0,2 mg/L.
Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Da... more Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik genangan banjir di kawasan tersebut pada kondisi eksisting dan dengan skenario pengendalian menggunakan sistem pompa dan peningkatan luasan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Penelusuran banjir di kolam retensi dilakukan dengan bantuan program HEC-HMS, sedangkan visualisasi genangan banjir dilakukan dengan bantuan program Global Mapper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas kolam retensi saat ini sudah tidak mencukupi untuk menampung volume limpasan, dimana debit puncak banjir periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar 22,2 m 3 /s berpotensi menggenangi kawasan sekitar kolam dengan luasan mencapai 11,09 Ha. Pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa berkapasitas total 4 m 3 /s mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 58,79%, sedangkan pengendalian banjir dengan peningkatan RTH sebesar 30% hanya mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 15,33%. Kombinasi pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa banjir dan peningkatan RTH mampu mereduksi luasan genangan banjir sebesar 75,92%. Dengan metode pengendalian tersebut dihasilkan kedalaman genangan maksimum kurang dari 0,5 m dengan potensi lama genangan hanya selama 20 menit, dimana jalan Demang Lebar Daun tidak lagi tergenang. Untuk mitigasi banjir jangka pendek diperlukan pembangunan stasiun pompa banjir di kolam retensi Siti Khadijah, sedangkan untuk jangka panjang diperlukan penyediaan RTH yang dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Kata kunci. kolam retensi, HEC-HMS, penelusuran banjir, pengendalian banjir.
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
Flood analysis requires accurate topographic data to obtain a good overview of flood inundation. ... more Flood analysis requires accurate topographic data to obtain a good overview of flood inundation. At this time, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is the best technology of remote sensing for collecting elevation data from earth surface. This elevation data can be used to create relief of the earth’s surface in three-dimensional format which is often referred to as a digital elevation model (DEM).
This paper dealt with the utilization of LIDAR technology in analysis of flood inundation due to overflowing river based on simulation of hydrodynamic model. The creation of DEM from elevation data was done by geographic information system technique using Global Mapper software. The river geometry model was established by using HEC-GeoRAS installed in ArcGIS which then water surface profiles of flood were simulated using HEC-RAS.
The result of flood profiles simulation were imported into HEC-GeoRAS in order to obtain flood inundation map. The utilization of LIDAR technology is very helpful within analysis of flood inundation, so that the availability and its access need to be improved.
Chlorine content in drinking water and dwelling time of water in the pipe network before being de... more Chlorine content in drinking water and dwelling time of water in the pipe network before being delivered to the consumer are important indicators to water quality. Simulations of such indicators in the pipe networks have been conducted since the advent of computers and numerical modeling. Yet such simulation has not been an important priority in Indonesia. With the increasing concern of the government and the new law with regard to quality of distributed water to consumers, it is of important to develop experience in water quality modeling particularly relevant to cases in Indonesia. A pipe distribution network of Magelang District of Indonesia was selected for the research. The network is relatively small but it is well managed especially as this network is a model for quality drinking water distribution network in the company. This network is called ZAMP which stand for Prime Quality Water Zone. The quality of water (chlorine content) in the network is controlled automatically at Sambung chlorine booster station to assure that the chlorine content meet the standard level. Numerical simulations were conducted using available software, these are EPANET and WaterNet. The later was developed by the first author of this paper. It was found that the difficulties of the simulation started from data collections and model calibration. Hydraulic calibrations and hence chlorine decay calibration have to be based on both reliable data and some assumptions. The results showed that it is possible to simulate water age or dwelling time in the network and chlorine content to a certain level of accuracy. It is also shown that the EPANET and WaterNet produced very close results indicating that both software are capable of water quality simulation. Discrepancies between the results of simulation and the measurement were discussed in the paper.
Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang rawan mengalami bencana banjir, dimana sebagian wil... more Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang rawan mengalami bencana banjir, dimana sebagian wilayahnya memiliki potensi banjir yang tinggi sampai dengan sangat tinggi. Simulasi banjir diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik aliran banjir sehingga dapat diperkirakan lokasi-lokasi di sepanjang sungai yang berpotensi untuk terjadi genangan banjir. Makalah ini membahas visualisasi genangan banjir melalui penelusuran aliran di Sungai Lambidaro, yaitu salah satu anak Sungai Musi dengan luasan subsistem terbesar di Kota Palembang, yang sering meluap dan menyebabkan genangan di sekitar sungai. Debit banjir rancangan dihitung menggunakan metode hidrograf satuan sintetik SCS untuk periode ulang 5, 10, 20, 50, dan 100 tahun. Profil muka air banjir untuk setiap debit banjir rancangan disimulasikan menggunakan model hidrodinamik HEC-RAS 4.1. Kondisi batas simulasi profil muka air banjir yang digunakan adalah hidrograf debit banjir rancangan, hidrograf aliran lateral, dan elevasi muka air pasang maskimum. Hasil visualisasi profil muka air banjir dengan HEC-RAS 4.1 menunjukkan bahwa untuk periode ulang 5 tahun, elevasi muka air sudah melampaui bantaran sungai di sebagian besar lokasi di sepanjang sungai. Semakin besar periode ulang, maka elevasi muka air semakin tinggi sehingga semakin banyak lokasi yang berpotensi tergenang banjir.
Klorin sebagai desinfektan diperlukan untuk memastikan air minum yang didistribusikan agar tetap ... more Klorin sebagai desinfektan diperlukan untuk memastikan air minum yang didistribusikan agar tetap higienis, dimana konsentrasi sisa klorin yang harus dipertahankan dalam sistem distribusi air minum adalah 0,2 - 5,0 mg/L. Konsentrasi sisa klorin ini dapat berkurang yang diakibatkan oleh laju kehilangan klorin yang dipengaruhi oleh perilaku hidraulika jaringan distribusi. Studi ini bertujuan melakukan simulasi hidraulika sisa klorin dengan mengambil studi kasus sistem distribusi air minum pada perumahan PT. Pusri Palembang. Pembangunan model sistem distribusi dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak EPANET 2.0, yang kemudian disimulasikan berdasarkan extended period simulation (EPS) selama 24 jam. Hasil simulasi hidraulika menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas jaringan distribusi masih sangat memadai ditinjau dari segi penyediaan tekanan sisa. Walaupun demikian, kecepatan aliran hampir di seluruh jaringan distribusi sangat lambat sehingga tidak memenuhi kriteria desain yang layak. Hal ini menyebabkan waktu tinggal air menjadi sangat lama, sehingga konsentrasi sisa klorin yang memenuhi syarat tidak dapat terpenuhi. Perbaikan hidraulika dilakukan dengan melakukan pembesaran dan pengecilan diameter pipa dengan tujuan mengoptimalkan parameter kecepatan aliran dan kehilangan tekanan. Simulasi sisa klorin pada jaringan distribusi setelah perbaikan hidraulika menunjukkan konsentrasi sisa klorin hampir di setiap node telah memenuhi syarat. Walaupun demikian, diperlukan penambahan booster klorin untuk menjaga konsentrasi sisa klorin agar tidak kurang dari 0,2 mg/L.
Papers by M. Baitullah Al Amin
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
This paper dealt with the utilization of LIDAR technology in analysis of flood inundation due to overflowing river based on simulation of hydrodynamic model. The creation of DEM from elevation data was done by geographic information system technique using Global Mapper software. The river geometry model was established by using HEC-GeoRAS installed in ArcGIS which then water surface profiles of flood were simulated using HEC-RAS.
The result of flood profiles simulation were imported into HEC-GeoRAS in order to obtain flood inundation map. The utilization of LIDAR technology is very helpful within analysis of flood inundation, so that the availability and its access need to be improved.
A pipe distribution network of Magelang District of Indonesia was selected for the research. The network is relatively small but it is well managed especially as this network is a model for quality drinking water distribution network in the company. This network is called ZAMP which stand for Prime Quality Water Zone. The quality of water (chlorine content) in the network is controlled automatically at Sambung chlorine booster station to assure that the chlorine content meet the standard level. Numerical simulations were conducted using available software, these are EPANET and WaterNet. The later was developed by the first author of this paper.
It was found that the difficulties of the simulation started from data collections and model calibration. Hydraulic calibrations and hence chlorine decay calibration have to be based on both reliable data and some assumptions. The results showed that it is possible to simulate water age or dwelling time in the network and chlorine content to a certain level of accuracy. It is also shown that the EPANET and WaterNet produced very close results indicating that both software are capable of water quality simulation. Discrepancies between the results of simulation and the measurement were discussed in the paper.
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
This paper dealt with the utilization of LIDAR technology in analysis of flood inundation due to overflowing river based on simulation of hydrodynamic model. The creation of DEM from elevation data was done by geographic information system technique using Global Mapper software. The river geometry model was established by using HEC-GeoRAS installed in ArcGIS which then water surface profiles of flood were simulated using HEC-RAS.
The result of flood profiles simulation were imported into HEC-GeoRAS in order to obtain flood inundation map. The utilization of LIDAR technology is very helpful within analysis of flood inundation, so that the availability and its access need to be improved.
A pipe distribution network of Magelang District of Indonesia was selected for the research. The network is relatively small but it is well managed especially as this network is a model for quality drinking water distribution network in the company. This network is called ZAMP which stand for Prime Quality Water Zone. The quality of water (chlorine content) in the network is controlled automatically at Sambung chlorine booster station to assure that the chlorine content meet the standard level. Numerical simulations were conducted using available software, these are EPANET and WaterNet. The later was developed by the first author of this paper.
It was found that the difficulties of the simulation started from data collections and model calibration. Hydraulic calibrations and hence chlorine decay calibration have to be based on both reliable data and some assumptions. The results showed that it is possible to simulate water age or dwelling time in the network and chlorine content to a certain level of accuracy. It is also shown that the EPANET and WaterNet produced very close results indicating that both software are capable of water quality simulation. Discrepancies between the results of simulation and the measurement were discussed in the paper.