La temática actual de mi investigación se enfoca hacia el estudio de las evidencias arqueológicas más antiguas en el noroeste de Argentina (NOA), las cuales se remontan a más de 10 mil años de antigüedad. Mis investigaciones se orientan a lograr una mejor comprensión y explicación de la dinámica del poblamiento inicial y colonización humana de las diferentes eco-regiones que componen el NOA, a través del estudio de la subsistencia (técnicas de caza) y de la organización de la tecnología lítica. Dirijo mis investigaciones de campo principalmente en dos áreas dentro del NOA: Antofagasta de la Sierra, en el sector norte de la provincia de Catamarca (Puna sur de Argentina).
This paper presents the results of recent archaeological research carried out in Quebrada de Los ... more This paper presents the results of recent archaeological research carried out in Quebrada de Los Corrales, a high altitude ravine in the west-central region of Tucuman province, in northwest of Argentina. Most of the information for this area is given for the period ca. 1750–1560 BP, within the frame of agro-pastoralist societies that produced their own food. Nevertheless, recent radiocarbon dating from Taller Puesto Viejo 1 site has confirmed the presence of human settlements from at least the middle Holocene in this ravine, extending the antiquity of the hunter–gatherers groups. This area is located over 3000 m asl in the Aconquija mountain system. This evidence opens an interesting view that will broaden knowledge about the early hunter–gatherers societies for valleys in northwest Argentina.
In recent decades, wild camelids hunting strategies have been a topic of interest for several res... more In recent decades, wild camelids hunting strategies have been a topic of interest for several research groups in Argentina’s southern Puna in Northwestern Argentina. In this chapter, we present a synthesis of hunting strategies models that would have been implemented at Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina) in a long-lasting account that covers the entire Holocene. The models we will treat were defined for two discrete areas within this Puna environment: Quebrada Seca and the Antofalla ravine. For both areas, different hunting models were postulated based on the combination of a series of variables such as landscape features and weapon systems. They varied in time and space for both areas, although vicuñas were a common factor as hunting prey. Our interest here lies, then, in reflexively evaluating these models in order to form a theoretical, methodological, and technical basis for the study of pre-Hispanic hunting practices in the higher Andes environment.
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Ancient Mitogenomes Shed Light on the Evolutionary History and Biogeography of Sloths Frédéric Delsuc, Melanie Kuch, Gillian Gibb, Emil Karpinski, Dirk Hackenberger, Paul Szpak, Jorge Martinez, Jim Mead, H. Gregory Mcdonald, Ross Macphee, et al.
Cueva de Los Corrales 1 se ubica en la quebrada de Los Corrales (El Infiernillo, Tucumán). Es un ... more Cueva de Los Corrales 1 se ubica en la quebrada de Los Corrales (El Infiernillo, Tucumán). Es un sitio arqueológico complejo tanto en su espacialidad como en su temporalidad ya que presenta tres sectores de uso ‒dos en el interior (cueva propiamente dicha y morteros fijos) y uno en el exterior (alero)‒ en varios momentos de ocupación entre ca. 3000 y 600 años AP. Se presenta una síntesis de la información generada que incluye el examen de distintas materialidades, dataciones radiocarbónicas y análisis desde diferentes líneas de investigación, los cuales, en conjunto, han permitido establecer al menos cuatro eventos ocupacionales. Se evalúan los posibles usos que tuvo CC1 en los distintos momentos en que estuvo habitado y su rol en el devenir de las ocupaciones humanas de la quebrada de Los Corrales y de la región del sur de cumbres Calchaquíes-norte del sistema del Aconquija en tiempos prehispánicos.
Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, 2001
Results ofthe analysis ofvarious variables that could have played a par! in hunting ofwild cameli... more Results ofthe analysis ofvarious variables that could have played a par! in hunting ofwild camelids during the Holocene in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca) are presented here. The archaeofaunistic evidence from the Quebrada Seca 3 site, and of other sites in the Puna area, show that wild camelids were extremely importallf asfood resourcefor ¡he subsisten ce ofhuman groups living in the Puna, starting at least during the tral/Sition Pleistocene/Holocene about ] 0000 years ago. Hunting, viewed as a means ofobtainingfaunal resources, is discussed here throught thejoint (" ) CONICET. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
For over 200 years, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas th... more For over 200 years, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas that have ranged from giant ground sloths to the 'native' South American ungulates, groups of mammals that evolved in relative isolation on South America. Ground sloths belong to the South American xenarthrans, a group with modern although morphologically and ecologically very different representatives (anteaters, armadillos and sloths), which has been proposed to be one of the four main eutherian clades. Recently, proteomics analyses of bone collagen have recently been used to yield a molecular phylogeny for a range of mammals including the unusual…
Recent investigations carried out in the southern Puna of northwest Argentina confirmed the prese... more Recent investigations carried out in the southern Puna of northwest Argentina confirmed the presence of giant ground sloth (Megatheriinae) and Pleistocene horse (Hippidion sp.), which were dated to the late Pleistocene, between 13,350 and 12,510 RCYBP (three uncalibrated dates) (Martínez et al. 2004). These megafauna taxa, not previously reported above 3400 m a.s.l., were found in two high-altitude archaeological sites under study, Peñas de las Trampas 1.1 (PT1.1; 3582 m a.s.l.) and Cueva Cacao 1A (CC1A; 3730 m a.s.l.), both located in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. The 14C dates were obtained on stratified megaherbivore dung samples very well preserved because of the extreme aridity of this ecoregion (precipitation less than 50 mm/year). The samples come from two rockshelters, which also show evidence of Holocene human utilization after 10,000 RCYBP. The dung dates mark the final stage in the presence of these large mammals in this part of the Puna. Hence, the inte...
This paper presents the results of recent archaeological research carried out in Quebrada de Los ... more This paper presents the results of recent archaeological research carried out in Quebrada de Los Corrales, a high altitude ravine in the west-central region of Tucuman province, in northwest of Argentina. Most of the information for this area is given for the period ca. 1750–1560 BP, within the frame of agro-pastoralist societies that produced their own food. Nevertheless, recent radiocarbon dating from Taller Puesto Viejo 1 site has confirmed the presence of human settlements from at least the middle Holocene in this ravine, extending the antiquity of the hunter–gatherers groups. This area is located over 3000 m asl in the Aconquija mountain system. This evidence opens an interesting view that will broaden knowledge about the early hunter–gatherers societies for valleys in northwest Argentina.
In recent decades, wild camelids hunting strategies have been a topic of interest for several res... more In recent decades, wild camelids hunting strategies have been a topic of interest for several research groups in Argentina’s southern Puna in Northwestern Argentina. In this chapter, we present a synthesis of hunting strategies models that would have been implemented at Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina) in a long-lasting account that covers the entire Holocene. The models we will treat were defined for two discrete areas within this Puna environment: Quebrada Seca and the Antofalla ravine. For both areas, different hunting models were postulated based on the combination of a series of variables such as landscape features and weapon systems. They varied in time and space for both areas, although vicuñas were a common factor as hunting prey. Our interest here lies, then, in reflexively evaluating these models in order to form a theoretical, methodological, and technical basis for the study of pre-Hispanic hunting practices in the higher Andes environment.
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Ancient Mitogenomes Shed Light on the Evolutionary History and Biogeography of Sloths Frédéric Delsuc, Melanie Kuch, Gillian Gibb, Emil Karpinski, Dirk Hackenberger, Paul Szpak, Jorge Martinez, Jim Mead, H. Gregory Mcdonald, Ross Macphee, et al.
Cueva de Los Corrales 1 se ubica en la quebrada de Los Corrales (El Infiernillo, Tucumán). Es un ... more Cueva de Los Corrales 1 se ubica en la quebrada de Los Corrales (El Infiernillo, Tucumán). Es un sitio arqueológico complejo tanto en su espacialidad como en su temporalidad ya que presenta tres sectores de uso ‒dos en el interior (cueva propiamente dicha y morteros fijos) y uno en el exterior (alero)‒ en varios momentos de ocupación entre ca. 3000 y 600 años AP. Se presenta una síntesis de la información generada que incluye el examen de distintas materialidades, dataciones radiocarbónicas y análisis desde diferentes líneas de investigación, los cuales, en conjunto, han permitido establecer al menos cuatro eventos ocupacionales. Se evalúan los posibles usos que tuvo CC1 en los distintos momentos en que estuvo habitado y su rol en el devenir de las ocupaciones humanas de la quebrada de Los Corrales y de la región del sur de cumbres Calchaquíes-norte del sistema del Aconquija en tiempos prehispánicos.
Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, 2001
Results ofthe analysis ofvarious variables that could have played a par! in hunting ofwild cameli... more Results ofthe analysis ofvarious variables that could have played a par! in hunting ofwild camelids during the Holocene in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca) are presented here. The archaeofaunistic evidence from the Quebrada Seca 3 site, and of other sites in the Puna area, show that wild camelids were extremely importallf asfood resourcefor ¡he subsisten ce ofhuman groups living in the Puna, starting at least during the tral/Sition Pleistocene/Holocene about ] 0000 years ago. Hunting, viewed as a means ofobtainingfaunal resources, is discussed here throught thejoint (" ) CONICET. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
For over 200 years, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas th... more For over 200 years, fossils of bizarre extinct creatures have been described from the Americas that have ranged from giant ground sloths to the 'native' South American ungulates, groups of mammals that evolved in relative isolation on South America. Ground sloths belong to the South American xenarthrans, a group with modern although morphologically and ecologically very different representatives (anteaters, armadillos and sloths), which has been proposed to be one of the four main eutherian clades. Recently, proteomics analyses of bone collagen have recently been used to yield a molecular phylogeny for a range of mammals including the unusual…
Recent investigations carried out in the southern Puna of northwest Argentina confirmed the prese... more Recent investigations carried out in the southern Puna of northwest Argentina confirmed the presence of giant ground sloth (Megatheriinae) and Pleistocene horse (Hippidion sp.), which were dated to the late Pleistocene, between 13,350 and 12,510 RCYBP (three uncalibrated dates) (Martínez et al. 2004). These megafauna taxa, not previously reported above 3400 m a.s.l., were found in two high-altitude archaeological sites under study, Peñas de las Trampas 1.1 (PT1.1; 3582 m a.s.l.) and Cueva Cacao 1A (CC1A; 3730 m a.s.l.), both located in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. The 14C dates were obtained on stratified megaherbivore dung samples very well preserved because of the extreme aridity of this ecoregion (precipitation less than 50 mm/year). The samples come from two rockshelters, which also show evidence of Holocene human utilization after 10,000 RCYBP. The dung dates mark the final stage in the presence of these large mammals in this part of the Puna. Hence, the inte...
Miles de años de historia… Entre vegas, peñas y quebradas en Antofagasta de la Sierra constituye ... more Miles de años de historia… Entre vegas, peñas y quebradas en Antofagasta de la Sierra constituye un relato sobre la vida en la antigua Puna centrado en uno de los enclaves icónicos de este desierto de altura en territorio argentino, que se basa en más de tres décadas de estudios arqueológicos. El libro nos invita a transitar por los paisajes antofagasteños del modo en que sus habitantes lo habrían hecho de manera ininterrumpida desde los inicios de la ocupación del área, hace más de diez mil años, hasta tiempos más recientes, describiendo las continuidades y cambios que marcaron los distintos momentos de este largo trayecto. Residencias, espacios de producción, otros de congregación, sitios rituales y relacionados con los ancestros, rutas, áreas de tránsito y distintos puntos del paisaje en donde se localizan plantas, animales y minerales, así como los más diversos objetos que ha conservado este ambiente, son las materias primas que cuidadosamente se estudian e integran. ¿Qué sucedió en este territorio?, ¿cómo fue habitado?, ¿qué vínculos existieron y existen entre la gente y los diferentes elementos y aspectos de la naturaleza y del mundo?, ¿cómo era este paisaje?, ¿cómo circulaban las personas en él?, ¿cuáles habrían sido sus problemas, sus desafíos y sus logros? son algunos de los interrogantes que encuentran sus alternativas en estas páginas. Al final de este recorrido, nos habremos fascinado por la profunda historia humana del desierto.
En este tercer conversatorio sobre tecnología y arqueología el Dr. Jorge Martínez discute sobre e... more En este tercer conversatorio sobre tecnología y arqueología el Dr. Jorge Martínez discute sobre el cambio tecnológico en la Puna meridional Argentina a partir de su amplia trayectoria de investigación. Uno de los aspectos de mayor interés en cuanto a nuestro entendimiento de este proceso se basa en las evidencias conocidas sobre las primeras tecnologías y el inicio del poblamiento de la región. Al respecto se plantea la posibilidad de instancias más tempranas de las conocidas en la actualidad y el modo en que esto impactaría en nuestra visión del proceso de cambio. Asimismo, se aborda el rol de la experimentación en el entendimiento de las estrategias de caza y las transiciones tecnológicas ocurridas a lo largo del Holoceno.
Participan en este conversatorio Jorge Gabriel Martínez (Dr. en Arqueología. UNT Investigador Independiente del ISES-CONICET). Hernán Juan Muscio (Dr. en Arqueología. UBA Investigador Independiente del CONICET) y Marcelo Cardillo (Dr. en Arqueología. UBA. Investigador Independiente del CONICET).
Papers by Jorge G. Martínez
Participan en este conversatorio Jorge Gabriel Martínez (Dr. en Arqueología. UNT Investigador Independiente del ISES-CONICET). Hernán Juan Muscio (Dr. en Arqueología. UBA Investigador Independiente del CONICET) y Marcelo Cardillo (Dr. en Arqueología. UBA. Investigador Independiente del CONICET).