My passion is in the field of Non Formal Education, local culture in particularly Lombok (Sasak Tribe). I am also a faculty member in University of Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram. Since 2016, I have started an organization (Beruga' Alam Institute) where education and culture can be seen from different lens. Address: East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Tulisan ini memuat beberapa contoh kearifan lokal Suku Sasak yang sering terungkap dalam percakap... more Tulisan ini memuat beberapa contoh kearifan lokal Suku Sasak yang sering terungkap dalam percakapan sehari-hari masyarakat Dusun Gelanggang Buwuh Desa Gelanggang, Kecamatan Sakra Timur. Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kearifan lokal yang dicontohkan dalam tulisan merupakan bentuk pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan para leluhur Dusun Gelanggang Buwuh yang dibungkus dalam istilah “Basen Dengan Toaq”. Penggunaan ungkapan tersebut dalam komunikasi sehari hari bertujuan untuk saling mengingatkan atau saling memberi nasehat antar warga sebagai wujud rasa kekeluargaan yang tinggi.
Humanitatis : Journal of Language and Literature, 2020
This study aims at finding out the effect of direct-focused and direct-unfocused written correcti... more This study aims at finding out the effect of direct-focused and direct-unfocused written corrective feedback in improving freshmen essay writing the use of preposition, article and past tense are investigated in students revision text and new pieces of essay writing. The study uses an experimental method and true-experimental design. Data collected from 60 students for 3 month. Data are analyzed by two-way ANOVAs using SPSS 21. The study found the significant effect of Direct-Focused CF. Likewise, using Direct-Unfocused CF has positive effect. Both groups outperform in revision and new pieces of writing than group without corrective feedback. In addition, there is positive interaction effect among the use of such corrective feedback and exposure. For that reason, it seems that is evidence underpinning the importance of such feedbacks and exposure in increasing students’ writing accuracy at using any grammatical items. Further study needs to be held in order to reveal the relationshi...
Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia t... more Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia terutama dalam bidang perekonomian. Salah satu upaya untuk bangkit dan memperbaiki kondisi tersebut adalah melalui pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Desa Gelanggang Kecamatan Sakra Timur merupakan salah satu Desa di kabupen Lombok Timur yang memiliki potensi untuk di kembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Adapun tahapan awal untuk pengembangan destinasi wisata pedesaan adalah dengan melakukan pemetaan potensi wisata. Kegiatan pemetaan ini dilaksanakan oleh tim kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) Tematik Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram bekerjasama dengan Pokdarwis Desa Gelanggang selama 45 lima hari. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan potensi wisata tersebut, ditemukan beberapa lokus wisata yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan yakni Sungai Gelanggang dan Sawah, Situs Bersejarah Sombe, Kelompok Seni, serta Pusat Pelatihan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
Keterampilan berbicara merupakan satu dari empat keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu dimiliki oleh ... more Keterampilan berbicara merupakan satu dari empat keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu dimiliki oleh setiap individu agar mereka berhasil dalam mengkomunikasikan pemikirannya kepada orang lain secara efektif. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Design Based Ressearch (DBR), penelitian ini mendeskripsikan prinsip-prinsip dan langkah-langkah memodifikasi Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan berpikir kritis mahasiswa . Penelitian melibatkan 5-9 partisipan yang terdiri dosen dan mahasiswa dimana pengambilan data dilakukan dalam empat siklus melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi catatan refleksi diri peserta. Prinsip-prinsip sekaligus langkah-langkah implementasi FGD untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dan berpikir krtis mahasiswa yakni:(1) pengenalan dan simulasi FGD, (2) penentuan kelompok dan penyiapan topik FGD, (3) penggalian informasi dan peningkatan kosakata melalui kegiatan membaca, (4) praktik FGD, (5) refleksi dan pemberian masukan...
The current article presents some key theories most relevant to the development of oral communica... more The current article presents some key theories most relevant to the development of oral communication skills in an Indonesian senior high school. Critical analysis on the learners’ background is employed to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. The brief overview of the learning context and learners’ characteristic are used to identify which particular theories and issues of L2 teaching would best suit the need of developing their oral communication skills.
This case study aimed at identifying barriers encountered by an English teaching who taught in a ... more This case study aimed at identifying barriers encountered by an English teaching who taught in a large class and how he dealt with them. The participant of this study was an English teacher in a private owned school and the number of students he taught was more than 30, which is considered a large class for language learning. An in-depth interview and classroom observation were conducted to gain data. Analysis was done in an iterative way. This study revealed seven issues which were encountered by the participant in his EFL class. All of which were associated with the difficulty to 1) evaluate and provide individual feedback, 2) control students’(discipline), 3) achieve learning effectiveness and learning outcomes, 4) engage students to the lesson, 5) pay individual attention. Other issues occurring in his class were the use of local language by the students in EFL class and decreased interest (motivation) to learn English. In order to tackle these issues, the teacher employed two s...
Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama di program studi pendidikan bahasa In... more Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama di program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Aktifitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh "beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan bagaiman langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis.
Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing the organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strate... more Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing the organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strategy are derived from their study on a number of global enterprises like Apple, Microsoft etc. which have successfully reached their peak performance . Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve such higher performance, better customer focus, and more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens
The present study investigated an English teacher’s belief regarding the best strategies to learn... more The present study investigated an English teacher’s belief regarding the best strategies to learn and teach English. A case study was employed as it explored a case (an English teacher) in depth. In-depth interviews were carried to gain deep understanding about the participant’s belief. This study reveals that he has been learning English for roughly ten years and his motivation changed from being forced to learn English (external) to having internal motivation. He believed that quality teacher affects his motivation to learn English. Concerning his personal theory about best way to learn English, he argues that there is no any best way to learn English. Instead, he believes that there are other effective approaches fitting different learning purposes. For him, the key feature to learn and teach English in his context is exposure to the language. He also believes that doing some changes like how he evaluates the learner’s skill can reduce the students’ negative feeling. He admits th...
Peningkatan pengguna internet serta kemajuan teknologi informasi, menyebabkan perubahan terhadap ... more Peningkatan pengguna internet serta kemajuan teknologi informasi, menyebabkan perubahan terhadap cara berdakwah. Kemudahan untuk menemui jaringan internet merupakan suatu kelebihan yang dapat menjadikan internet sebagai media atau sebuah sarana alternatif dalam berdakwah. Koneksi atau jaringan internet dapat dijumpai di beberapa tempat seperti warnet, restoran atau caffe yang menyediakan layanan internet menggunakan jaringan wifi, serta layanan internet yang diberikan oleh provider-provider telekomunikasi yang semakin hari semakin berkembang. Selain itu perlu diketahui, kegiatan dakwah islam tidak mesti harus selalu diadakan pada lingkup majelis ta’lim yang berisi ceramah, tausiyah maupun nasihat tentang ilmu keagamaan baik membahas tentang ilmu syari’at Islam, tafsir, tauhid, dan lain-lainnya. Tetapi dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dakwah Islam dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda, salah satunya menggunakan media sosial facebook. Media sosial ini sangat efektif ...
The vast majority of EFL learners found reading and writing quite challenging learning activities... more The vast majority of EFL learners found reading and writing quite challenging learning activities to engage in. This has also been the case in our EFL class. As a result, many of them feel discouraged to read and to write. These barriers also led to poor achievement in these language skills. To deal with such an issue, EFL teachers need to design an enjoyable and meaningful reading and writing activities in their class. This article presents some ideas of how EFL teachers could integrate reading and writing activities regarding personal narrative.
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 2019
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the practice of professional learning as experienced by novice En... more ABSTRACTThis study investigated the practice of professional learning as experienced by novice English Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers especially those teaching at Islamic Boarding Schools or Pesantren which ran English and Arabic language program. Case study was employed by involving English Teachers and a School headmaster. This study revealed EFL teachers found it challenging to manage classroom. This is partly caused by the class size and their limited experiences and authority to manage class. They also suffered from intimidating lesson plans design. Moreover, they found it daunting to encourage students to learning English, resulting in teachers' stress. Further, barriers of novice EFL teachers' professional learning were associasted with their attitude toward continous learning needs and limited programs to improve teachers' competency. It also revealed that this pesantren and the school where this study was carried out have yet to set TPD programs for its teache...
International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events
Education tourism refers to a travel program to a location with the primary goal is to engage in ... more Education tourism refers to a travel program to a location with the primary goal is to engage in learning activities directly associated with a tourist destination. The current study explores the practice of edutourism as implemented by Beruga’ Alam Institute which involved college students of English language education. This case study employed participant observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation to gain a deep understanding regarding the case under study. 13 participants consisting of 7 students of English language education, a program coordinator, 2 tour guides and the head of the institute took part in the interviews. Collected data were analyzed interactively to conclude the study. The findings of this study revealed that the concept of educational tourism practiced in Beruga’ Alam Institute reflected its five fundamental vision namely: a) well behaved; b) being insightful; c) being skillful; d) being self-reliant and; e) contribution. The promoted model of edutouri...
Jurnalistrendi : Jurnal Linguistik, Sastra, dan Pendidikan, 2019
Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun
pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa ... more Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Aktivitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh "beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis
JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 2020
The present study investigated an English teacher's belief regarding the best strategies to learn... more The present study investigated an English teacher's belief regarding the best strategies to learn and teach English. A case study was employed as it explored a case (an English teacher) in depth. In-depth interviews were carried to gain deep understanding about the participant's belief. This study reveals that he has been learning English for roughly ten years and his motivation changed from being forced to learn English (external) to having internal motivation. He believed that quality teacher affects his motivation to learn English. Concerning his personal theory about best way to learn English, he argues that there is no any best way to learn English. Instead, he believes that there are other effective approaches fitting different learning purposes. For him, the key feature to learn and teach English in his context is exposure to the language. He also believes that doing some changes like how he evaluates the learner's skill can reduce the students' negative feeling. He admits that these preferences as the reflection of this previous learning experiences form all his experiences in learning. INTRODUCTION English plays a major role in today's globalized context. People use it as a tool for communication around the world. Not only does it connect people from diverse cultural backgrounds, but it also mediates people in business, politics, education and technology advancement. Despite this, English for the context of Indonesia remains a foreign language, and it is very unlikely to be adopted as a second language like those in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei. The status of English as a foreign language has implications on learners' and teachers' motivation for teaching and learning English (Haerazi, et al., 2018). For learners, they cannot find any immediate use of mastering English, except to pass the national exam. For teachers, the limited time allocated for learning English (only two hours per week) is of a great challenge (Martin-anatias, 2018). Time constraint leads to teachers' difficulty to create an engaging and encouraging learning atmosphere. A plethora of studies have been conducted to deal with students' problems in learning English. These studies cover qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method and all of which aim to tackle the language learning issues and to promote effective learning and better learning outcomes. Despite the presence of the existing studies, there is limited discussion found in the literature about effective learning and teaching strategies from the context of English language teachers. This study aimed at uncovering an Indonesia English teacher's belief about effective ways to learn and teach English.
The 1st Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 2019
Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing organizational changes.
Katzenbach‘s strategy i... more Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strategy is derived from their study on several global enterprises like Apple, Microsoft, etc. which have successfully reached their peak performance. Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve much higher performance, better customer focus, and a more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens.
Tulisan ini memuat beberapa contoh kearifan lokal Suku Sasak yang sering terungkap dalam percakap... more Tulisan ini memuat beberapa contoh kearifan lokal Suku Sasak yang sering terungkap dalam percakapan sehari-hari masyarakat Dusun Gelanggang Buwuh Desa Gelanggang, Kecamatan Sakra Timur. Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Kearifan lokal yang dicontohkan dalam tulisan merupakan bentuk pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan para leluhur Dusun Gelanggang Buwuh yang dibungkus dalam istilah “Basen Dengan Toaq”. Penggunaan ungkapan tersebut dalam komunikasi sehari hari bertujuan untuk saling mengingatkan atau saling memberi nasehat antar warga sebagai wujud rasa kekeluargaan yang tinggi.
Humanitatis : Journal of Language and Literature, 2020
This study aims at finding out the effect of direct-focused and direct-unfocused written correcti... more This study aims at finding out the effect of direct-focused and direct-unfocused written corrective feedback in improving freshmen essay writing the use of preposition, article and past tense are investigated in students revision text and new pieces of essay writing. The study uses an experimental method and true-experimental design. Data collected from 60 students for 3 month. Data are analyzed by two-way ANOVAs using SPSS 21. The study found the significant effect of Direct-Focused CF. Likewise, using Direct-Unfocused CF has positive effect. Both groups outperform in revision and new pieces of writing than group without corrective feedback. In addition, there is positive interaction effect among the use of such corrective feedback and exposure. For that reason, it seems that is evidence underpinning the importance of such feedbacks and exposure in increasing students’ writing accuracy at using any grammatical items. Further study needs to be held in order to reveal the relationshi...
Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia t... more Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia terutama dalam bidang perekonomian. Salah satu upaya untuk bangkit dan memperbaiki kondisi tersebut adalah melalui pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Desa Gelanggang Kecamatan Sakra Timur merupakan salah satu Desa di kabupen Lombok Timur yang memiliki potensi untuk di kembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Adapun tahapan awal untuk pengembangan destinasi wisata pedesaan adalah dengan melakukan pemetaan potensi wisata. Kegiatan pemetaan ini dilaksanakan oleh tim kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) Tematik Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram bekerjasama dengan Pokdarwis Desa Gelanggang selama 45 lima hari. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan potensi wisata tersebut, ditemukan beberapa lokus wisata yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan yakni Sungai Gelanggang dan Sawah, Situs Bersejarah Sombe, Kelompok Seni, serta Pusat Pelatihan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
Keterampilan berbicara merupakan satu dari empat keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu dimiliki oleh ... more Keterampilan berbicara merupakan satu dari empat keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu dimiliki oleh setiap individu agar mereka berhasil dalam mengkomunikasikan pemikirannya kepada orang lain secara efektif. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Design Based Ressearch (DBR), penelitian ini mendeskripsikan prinsip-prinsip dan langkah-langkah memodifikasi Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan berpikir kritis mahasiswa . Penelitian melibatkan 5-9 partisipan yang terdiri dosen dan mahasiswa dimana pengambilan data dilakukan dalam empat siklus melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi catatan refleksi diri peserta. Prinsip-prinsip sekaligus langkah-langkah implementasi FGD untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dan berpikir krtis mahasiswa yakni:(1) pengenalan dan simulasi FGD, (2) penentuan kelompok dan penyiapan topik FGD, (3) penggalian informasi dan peningkatan kosakata melalui kegiatan membaca, (4) praktik FGD, (5) refleksi dan pemberian masukan...
The current article presents some key theories most relevant to the development of oral communica... more The current article presents some key theories most relevant to the development of oral communication skills in an Indonesian senior high school. Critical analysis on the learners’ background is employed to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. The brief overview of the learning context and learners’ characteristic are used to identify which particular theories and issues of L2 teaching would best suit the need of developing their oral communication skills.
This case study aimed at identifying barriers encountered by an English teaching who taught in a ... more This case study aimed at identifying barriers encountered by an English teaching who taught in a large class and how he dealt with them. The participant of this study was an English teacher in a private owned school and the number of students he taught was more than 30, which is considered a large class for language learning. An in-depth interview and classroom observation were conducted to gain data. Analysis was done in an iterative way. This study revealed seven issues which were encountered by the participant in his EFL class. All of which were associated with the difficulty to 1) evaluate and provide individual feedback, 2) control students’(discipline), 3) achieve learning effectiveness and learning outcomes, 4) engage students to the lesson, 5) pay individual attention. Other issues occurring in his class were the use of local language by the students in EFL class and decreased interest (motivation) to learn English. In order to tackle these issues, the teacher employed two s...
Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama di program studi pendidikan bahasa In... more Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama di program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Aktifitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh "beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan bagaiman langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis.
Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing the organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strate... more Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing the organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strategy are derived from their study on a number of global enterprises like Apple, Microsoft etc. which have successfully reached their peak performance . Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve such higher performance, better customer focus, and more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens
The present study investigated an English teacher’s belief regarding the best strategies to learn... more The present study investigated an English teacher’s belief regarding the best strategies to learn and teach English. A case study was employed as it explored a case (an English teacher) in depth. In-depth interviews were carried to gain deep understanding about the participant’s belief. This study reveals that he has been learning English for roughly ten years and his motivation changed from being forced to learn English (external) to having internal motivation. He believed that quality teacher affects his motivation to learn English. Concerning his personal theory about best way to learn English, he argues that there is no any best way to learn English. Instead, he believes that there are other effective approaches fitting different learning purposes. For him, the key feature to learn and teach English in his context is exposure to the language. He also believes that doing some changes like how he evaluates the learner’s skill can reduce the students’ negative feeling. He admits th...
Peningkatan pengguna internet serta kemajuan teknologi informasi, menyebabkan perubahan terhadap ... more Peningkatan pengguna internet serta kemajuan teknologi informasi, menyebabkan perubahan terhadap cara berdakwah. Kemudahan untuk menemui jaringan internet merupakan suatu kelebihan yang dapat menjadikan internet sebagai media atau sebuah sarana alternatif dalam berdakwah. Koneksi atau jaringan internet dapat dijumpai di beberapa tempat seperti warnet, restoran atau caffe yang menyediakan layanan internet menggunakan jaringan wifi, serta layanan internet yang diberikan oleh provider-provider telekomunikasi yang semakin hari semakin berkembang. Selain itu perlu diketahui, kegiatan dakwah islam tidak mesti harus selalu diadakan pada lingkup majelis ta’lim yang berisi ceramah, tausiyah maupun nasihat tentang ilmu keagamaan baik membahas tentang ilmu syari’at Islam, tafsir, tauhid, dan lain-lainnya. Tetapi dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dakwah Islam dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda, salah satunya menggunakan media sosial facebook. Media sosial ini sangat efektif ...
The vast majority of EFL learners found reading and writing quite challenging learning activities... more The vast majority of EFL learners found reading and writing quite challenging learning activities to engage in. This has also been the case in our EFL class. As a result, many of them feel discouraged to read and to write. These barriers also led to poor achievement in these language skills. To deal with such an issue, EFL teachers need to design an enjoyable and meaningful reading and writing activities in their class. This article presents some ideas of how EFL teachers could integrate reading and writing activities regarding personal narrative.
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 2019
ABSTRACTThis study investigated the practice of professional learning as experienced by novice En... more ABSTRACTThis study investigated the practice of professional learning as experienced by novice English Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers especially those teaching at Islamic Boarding Schools or Pesantren which ran English and Arabic language program. Case study was employed by involving English Teachers and a School headmaster. This study revealed EFL teachers found it challenging to manage classroom. This is partly caused by the class size and their limited experiences and authority to manage class. They also suffered from intimidating lesson plans design. Moreover, they found it daunting to encourage students to learning English, resulting in teachers' stress. Further, barriers of novice EFL teachers' professional learning were associasted with their attitude toward continous learning needs and limited programs to improve teachers' competency. It also revealed that this pesantren and the school where this study was carried out have yet to set TPD programs for its teache...
International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events
Education tourism refers to a travel program to a location with the primary goal is to engage in ... more Education tourism refers to a travel program to a location with the primary goal is to engage in learning activities directly associated with a tourist destination. The current study explores the practice of edutourism as implemented by Beruga’ Alam Institute which involved college students of English language education. This case study employed participant observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation to gain a deep understanding regarding the case under study. 13 participants consisting of 7 students of English language education, a program coordinator, 2 tour guides and the head of the institute took part in the interviews. Collected data were analyzed interactively to conclude the study. The findings of this study revealed that the concept of educational tourism practiced in Beruga’ Alam Institute reflected its five fundamental vision namely: a) well behaved; b) being insightful; c) being skillful; d) being self-reliant and; e) contribution. The promoted model of edutouri...
Jurnalistrendi : Jurnal Linguistik, Sastra, dan Pendidikan, 2019
Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun
pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa ... more Bagi penulis pemula, khususnya bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Aktivitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh "beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan langkah-langkah strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis
JOLLT Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 2020
The present study investigated an English teacher's belief regarding the best strategies to learn... more The present study investigated an English teacher's belief regarding the best strategies to learn and teach English. A case study was employed as it explored a case (an English teacher) in depth. In-depth interviews were carried to gain deep understanding about the participant's belief. This study reveals that he has been learning English for roughly ten years and his motivation changed from being forced to learn English (external) to having internal motivation. He believed that quality teacher affects his motivation to learn English. Concerning his personal theory about best way to learn English, he argues that there is no any best way to learn English. Instead, he believes that there are other effective approaches fitting different learning purposes. For him, the key feature to learn and teach English in his context is exposure to the language. He also believes that doing some changes like how he evaluates the learner's skill can reduce the students' negative feeling. He admits that these preferences as the reflection of this previous learning experiences form all his experiences in learning. INTRODUCTION English plays a major role in today's globalized context. People use it as a tool for communication around the world. Not only does it connect people from diverse cultural backgrounds, but it also mediates people in business, politics, education and technology advancement. Despite this, English for the context of Indonesia remains a foreign language, and it is very unlikely to be adopted as a second language like those in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei. The status of English as a foreign language has implications on learners' and teachers' motivation for teaching and learning English (Haerazi, et al., 2018). For learners, they cannot find any immediate use of mastering English, except to pass the national exam. For teachers, the limited time allocated for learning English (only two hours per week) is of a great challenge (Martin-anatias, 2018). Time constraint leads to teachers' difficulty to create an engaging and encouraging learning atmosphere. A plethora of studies have been conducted to deal with students' problems in learning English. These studies cover qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method and all of which aim to tackle the language learning issues and to promote effective learning and better learning outcomes. Despite the presence of the existing studies, there is limited discussion found in the literature about effective learning and teaching strategies from the context of English language teachers. This study aimed at uncovering an Indonesia English teacher's belief about effective ways to learn and teach English.
The 1st Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 2019
Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing organizational changes.
Katzenbach‘s strategy i... more Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strategy is derived from their study on several global enterprises like Apple, Microsoft, etc. which have successfully reached their peak performance. Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve much higher performance, better customer focus, and a more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens.
Motivation to write is at the outset and the pick of writing. This works attempts to uncover the ... more Motivation to write is at the outset and the pick of writing. This works attempts to uncover the motivation of writing as shared by Doctors and a Professor in Simposium Penulis Muda Nahdlatul Wathan
Beruga' Alam Institute & English Language Education, UNW Mataram, 2018
Teachers often times become the center of learning,
particularly in conventional, not to mention,... more Teachers often times become the center of learning, particularly in conventional, not to mention, traditional teaching approach. In the classroom, they play dominant roles during the process of knowledge transfer. For instance, they are the one who should decide what learners are to learn, how the students should "behave" in the classroom. In the end of the teaching learning process, it is the teachers who would judge the students' learning achievement.
Kualitas pembelajaran pada LPTK ditentukan oleh semangat tenaga pendidiknya (dosen) untuk terus b... more Kualitas pembelajaran pada LPTK ditentukan oleh semangat tenaga pendidiknya (dosen) untuk terus belajar mengembangkan diri. Dosen LPTK sebagai pendidik calon guru dituntut oleh profesinya untuk terus mengudate kapasitasnya secara terus menerus. Pada tahun 2018, dosen-dosen Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan UNW Mataram berkesempatan untuk mengikuti program Penugasan Dosen di Sekolah yang merupakan Hibah dari Kemenristek dikti. Apa saja yang dilakukan dosen PDS UNW dan apa saja pelajaran yang mereka peroleh terekam dalam laporan Best Practice Penugasan Dosen di Sekolah
Meskipun kegiatan menulis telah ada jauh sebelum manusia pertama (Nabi Adam As) diciptakan, tetap... more Meskipun kegiatan menulis telah ada jauh sebelum manusia pertama (Nabi Adam As) diciptakan, tetapi kebiasaan menulis baru diminati dan digeluti sebagian kecil umat manusia. Hal ini disebabkan karena menulis menuntut tidak sekedar menumpahkan pikiran, perasaan, pengalaman atau pengetahuan, tetapi juga kesabaran untuk terus mengembangkan diri dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, sebagai seorang penulis. Booklet sederhana ini diperuntukkan bagi siapa saja yang ingin mencoba untuk memasuki dunia yang penuh dengan keunikannya. Selamat menulis
Di awal tahun 2016, kurang dari separoh mahasiswa senior program studi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ... more Di awal tahun 2016, kurang dari separoh mahasiswa senior program studi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris bertemu dalam satu ruangan, di ruang kelas berukuran 7x9m2 yang biasa mereka jadikan sebagai tempat untuk mendengarkan ceramah dari dosen. Ceramah tentang berbagai topik yang terkadang tidak lagi uptodate bahkan kurang begitu relevan dengan konteks budaya dan sosial mahasiswa. Ruang tersebut telah merekam sejarah panjang kehidupan kampus para mahasiswa, dimana setiap dinding, meja dan bangku yang mereka duduki akan menjadi saksi atas berbagai sikap dan tindakan mereka selama berada di ruangan tersebut. Semua benda di ruangan itupun diam membisu menyaksikan ada mahasiswa yang ngantuk dan jenuh mendengarkan ceramah dosen mereka. Mereka dibiarkan terbawa ke alam hayalan, ketempat yang jauh dan berpuluhan kilometer dari ruang tersebut. Seringkali mereka kembali dari alam " dimensi maya " tersebut setelah mata kuliah berakhir. Tetapi, tidak semua mahasiswa berperilaku demikian karena ada juga mahasiswa berusaha untuk tetap fokus mendengarkan kata demi kata dari sang pengajar yang dianggap mulia. Mungkin karena mereka pernah belajar Ta'lim Muta'allim atau ahlakul banin, yakni ilmu tentang adab dan etika sebagai seorang pembelajar. Kisah ini bukan tentang ilmu adab tersebut, bukan pula tentang ruangan dengan kursi yang seringkali tak tertata dan terkadang mata kesulitan untuk menemukan bagian mana yang bisa ditonjolkan keindahannya. Kisah ini adalah tentang perjalanan sekelompok mahasiswa menjadi ilmuwan muda, yang berangkat dari titik mencari dan menerima pengetahuan, dan akhirnya berevolusi menjadi individu yang suka memberi dan berbagi, namun mereka dipenuhi hasrat rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam. Dan merekapun telah melalui serangkaian uji coba kesabaran, yang akhirnya membuat mereka menjadi sarjana pendidikan yang memiliki rasa percaya diri tinggi. Senyum sumringah dengan tatapan penuh syukur di relung hati mereka karena telah meraih satu pencapaian hidup yakni menyelesaikan ujian skripsi, yudisium dan wisuda. Hal tersebu menjadi bukti kepuasan bathin yang tak mampu diukur oleh rupiah atau nalar biasa. Sebuah pencapaian yang penuh makna.
Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University, 2019
A paper presented and published in the fifth Internasional Conference on Education in Muslim Soci... more A paper presented and published in the fifth Internasional Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEM)
Research on tourism suggests that tourist guides are key representatives in the tourism industry ... more Research on tourism suggests that tourist guides are key representatives in the tourism industry as they contribute significantly to the satisfaction of visitors and affect whether or not the tourist will revisit destinations. The present article reviews the existing literature on tourist guides from diverse perspectives in the hope that it would shed light on this career brighter. It begins with the definition of tourist guides, their key roles in the tourism industry, future of tourist guides, education and training and their needs for further learning. Some ecommendations for future studies are presented.
This article presents three specific challenges faced by novice
teachers in my school and how men... more This article presents three specific challenges faced by novice teachers in my school and how mentoring can help them deal with those obstacles. Their problems include difficulty in designing their teaching subjects, classroom management and handling caretaking program in our school. Research suggests that mentoring program would benefit these teachers in a way that by being paired with senior teachers who are acting as their mentors they can gain insight, skills and experiences which lead to professional development and personality growth
Abstrak Menulis tetap menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pembelajar dan pengguna bahasa walaupun k... more Abstrak Menulis tetap menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pembelajar dan pengguna bahasa walaupun kegiatan menulis telah hadir jauh sebelum manusia diciptakan. Meskipun kita telah lama bergelut dalam aktivitas menulis, khususnya di bangku sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, menulis tetaplah menjadi beban tersendiri bagi banyak orang, terutama bagi penulis pemula. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor dan salah satunya adalah hambatan yang muncul dari dalam diri si penulis.Artikel ini mencoba menawarkan gagasan tentang penerapan prinsip dan teknik fotografi kedalam kegiatan menulis khususnya bagi para penulis pemula yang bermaksud untuk mengembangkan kemampuan menulisnya.Ide yang dipresentasikan dalam artikel ini disebut dengan istilah "Photography Writing (Photrite)". Kata Kunci: Photography, Menulis, Penulis Pemula Pendahuluan Terminologi "photography writing" merupakan sesuatu yang masih asing di telinga kita meskipun aktivitas menulis dan fotografi bukanlah sesuatu yang lahir kemarin sore. Dua hal tersebut telah lama menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan kita, khususnya generasi "zaman now" yang dikenal dengan facebookers,vlogers, instagrammers atau sebutan lainnya. Smith (2018) menekankan bahwa menulis merupakan cara bercerita melalui kata-kata sedangkan fotgrafy merupakan cara mengungkapkan sebuah cerita dengan kekuatan gambar. Artinya, kegiatan photography dan writing merupakan media untuk mengungkapkan apa yang kita lihat dan dengar di pikiran kita. Kedua kegiatan tersebut sudah menjadi aktivitas utama masyarakat era digital, sebagaimana yang bisa ditemukan di sosial media. Konsep photography writing (dsingkat "PHOTRITE") sederhananya merupakan upaya untuk mengaplikasikan "spirit" dan "habit" atau motivasi dan teknik-teknik fotografi kedalam activitas tulis-menulis (Hadi, 2016). Artinya, terdapat prinsip-prinsip dalam fotografi yang bisa ditransformasikan ke dalam kegiatan menulis terutama dalam rangka menumbuhkan minat dan mengembangkan kemampuan para penulis pemula. Selain itu, photography writing juga bisa dimaknai sebagai upaya seseorang untuk mengungkapkan realita melalui photo dan teks. Makna lain dari photography writing yakni mengungkap konteks dari satu atau beberapa photo melalui
Most undergraduate students, particularly those in English Language Education, found it quite a c... more Most undergraduate students, particularly those in English Language Education, found it quite a challenge to write their final project or thesis. This is due a number of factors. The paper summarized key pointers to get through the whole process of writing an undergraduate thesis
Papers by Marham J Hadi
pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris.
Aktivitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya
terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali
dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk
mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh
"beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan langkah-langkah
strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang
ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka
yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis
Katzenbach‘s strategy is derived from their study on several global enterprises like
Apple, Microsoft, etc. which have successfully reached their peak
performance. Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve much higher performance, better customer focus, and a more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens.
pertama pada program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris.
Aktivitas menulis bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak hanya
terbentur dengan kendala psikologis, mereka seringkali
dihadapkan pada masalah teknis. Artikel ini mencoba untuk
mengungkap beberapa kendala yang umum dihadapi oleh
"beginning writers" atau penulis pemula dan langkah-langkah
strategis untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Ide yang
ditawarkan pada tulisan ini disarikan dari hasil kajian pustaka
yang dipadukan dengan pengalaman penulis
Katzenbach‘s strategy is derived from their study on several global enterprises like
Apple, Microsoft, etc. which have successfully reached their peak
performance. Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve much higher performance, better customer focus, and a more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles. More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happens.
particularly in conventional, not to mention, traditional teaching
approach. In the classroom, they play dominant roles during the
process of knowledge transfer. For instance, they are the one
who should decide what learners are to learn, how the
students should "behave" in the classroom. In the end of the
teaching learning process, it is the teachers who would judge
the students' learning achievement.
teachers in my school and how mentoring can help them deal with
those obstacles. Their problems include difficulty in designing their
teaching subjects, classroom management and handling caretaking
program in our school. Research suggests that mentoring program
would benefit these teachers in a way that by being paired with
senior teachers who are acting as their mentors they can gain insight,
skills and experiences which lead to professional development and
personality growth