Morphology, dialectology, language contact, morphological change Phone: +30-6972819113 Address: Department of Philology Linguistics Section University of Patras 26504 Rio _ Patras Greece
This article aims to test the general validity of borrowability scales by investigating contrasti... more This article aims to test the general validity of borrowability scales by investigating contrastively two contact induced linguistic varieties of Greek. It tries to elucidate the factors that facilitate or inhibit the borrowability of free grammatical elements, which are usually considered as less amenable to transfer. It argues against the formulation of any borrowability scales of a generalized predictive power, even in cases where there is a common denominator. It suggests that factors such as the (in)compatibility between the two languages in contact, specific re-arrangements brought to the replica language, and the category of the items under investigation play a key role for the adoption of free grammatical elements. It demonstrates that while borrowability of free grammatical elements is not shown to be an exact mirroring of their ranking on the cline of lexicality-grammaticality, general tendencies seem to be at play.
Order, combinability and combinatorial restrictions derivational affixes are subject to have alwa... more Order, combinability and combinatorial restrictions derivational affixes are subject to have always been among the central issues of word formation and various theoretical proposals have been put forward in order to account for them (see, for example, Kiparsky 1982, Fabb 1988, ...
Greek immigration to Canada dates back to the early 20 th century, culminating between 1945 and 1... more Greek immigration to Canada dates back to the early 20 th century, culminating between 1945 and 1975, when more than 107,000 Greek citizens arrived in Canada for economic and political reasons. According to the 2011 census, 350,000 Canadian citizens described themselves as Greeks or of Greek origin. Currently, Greek-speaking communities and organizations are a dynamic component of a multicultural and multilingual Canadian society. These communities can be located in all major Canadian cities,
To παρόν κείμενο αποτελεί την τελική αναφορά υλοποίησης του προγράμματος «Μορφολογία και γλωσσική... more To παρόν κείμενο αποτελεί την τελική αναφορά υλοποίησης του προγράμματος «Μορφολογία και γλωσσική επαφή: Ελληνικές διάλεκτοι σε επαφή με την Τουρκική και την Ιταλική (ΜΟRILΑΝ)» (Αριστεία Ι/643) για τις εργασίες που έχουν εκτελεστεί κατά την διάρκειά του. Στην παρούσα αναφορά, περιγράφονται αναλυτικά όλες οι ενότητες εργασίας, όπως αυτές έχουν περιγραφεί στην αρχική πρόταση υποβολής και η οποία ενημερώθηκε από το τεχνικό δελτίο, και αναλύονται οι εργασίες που έχουν εκτελεστεί για την υλοποίηση του προγράμματος και την ολοκλήρωση των παραδοτέων. Η περιγραφή των δραστηριοτήτων γίνεται με βάση τους στόχους που είχαν τεθεί, αλλά γίνεται και αναλυτική περιγραφή της συμβολής του κάθε συμμετέχοντα στο πρόγραμμα, ώστε να μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί το αποτέλεσμα. Σε κάθε ενότητα εργασίας και στο τέλος της παρούσας αναφοράς περιγράφονται αναλυτικά τα προϊόντα και τα παραδοτέα που έχουν προκύψει.
STRESS DOMAINS IN GREEK COMPOUNDS: A CASE OF MORPHOLOGY-PHONOLOGY INTERACTION MARINA NESPOR &... more STRESS DOMAINS IN GREEK COMPOUNDS: A CASE OF MORPHOLOGY-PHONOLOGY INTERACTION MARINA NESPOR & ANGELA RALLI University of Amsterdam, University ofAthens 1. Introduction Greek compounds are not characterized by having a uniform stress. In some cases the ...
Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, 1999
This study deals with theta-role saturation in deverbal and verbal compounds in Greek. We claim t... more This study deals with theta-role saturation in deverbal and verbal compounds in Greek. We claim that theta-role saturation inside compounds is related to the configurational properties of argument structure, as well as to the properties of rich morphology, particularly to strong inflection. This claim, combined with the fact that several semantic roles may be expressed in an adjunct position whereas a more restricted set of semantic roles is represented in a complement position, can account for theta-role saturation inside Greek compounds.
MARTA CZAPIŃSKA-BAMBARA * ZNACZENIE GAJÓW ORKU W ENEIDZIE WERGILIUSZA Z przedstawionej w Eneidzie... more MARTA CZAPIŃSKA-BAMBARA * ZNACZENIE GAJÓW ORKU W ENEIDZIE WERGILIUSZA Z przedstawionej w Eneidzie wizji zaświatów dowiadujemy się, że są one miejscem zalesionym. Informują o tym słowa Sybilli, wieszczki kumejskiej, kiedy radząc Eneaszowi, jak może bezpiecznie zejść do Podziemia, wyjaśnia, że w tamtej krainie gęstwią się nieprzejrzane bory (Aen. VI 131: "tenent media omnia silvae") i jeśli Eneasz spełni określone warunki, będzie mógł je zobaczyć (Aen. VI 154-155: "sic demum lucos Stygis (…) aspicies"). Ze szczegółowego opisu świata podziemnego wynika zaś, że mowa jest w zasadzie o dwóch gatunkach drzew, które w krainie ciemności, zwanej przez Rzymian Orcus, rozrosły się w gaje. Znajdował się tam bowiem wielki las mirtowy (Aen. VI 443-444: "myrtea circum silva tegit"; VI 451: "silva in magna"), porastający Pola Żalu, i gaj wawrzynów, rosnący na Polach Elizejskich (Aen. VI 658: "odoratum lauris nemus"), gdzie rozsiewał swoją woń wokół zebranych tam dusz. Obecność lasów w antycznym wyobrażeniu zaświatów nie budzi większego zdziwienia u współczesnego czytelnika. Królestwo Orku w opowieści Wergiliusza istnieje bowiem w świecie równoległym do świata żywych i jest ono kompletne w całej swojej złożoności. Znajduje się wszak pod Italią, a nie w innym wymiarze i jego krajobraz jest analogiczny do tego znajdującego się na powierzchni ziemi. Są tam wzniesienia, doliny i równiny, które porastają lasy i opływają rzeki (Turner 35). Może natomiast ciekawić pytanie, dlaczego Wergiliusz wybrał te właśnie gatunki drzew i jakie właściwie znaczenie miały lasy mirtowe i laurowe w tym konkretnym miejscu. Celem tego artykułu jest zatem próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy w podziemnym świecie Eneidy można dostrzec pod postacią mirtu i wawrzynu pewne ukryte znaczenia i jakie właściwie treści przekazuje za ich pośrednictwem Wergiliusz.
In this paper, we examine Modern Greek adjectives with the negative prefix α-[a] (also called alp... more In this paper, we examine Modern Greek adjectives with the negative prefix α-[a] (also called alpha privative) which are derived from nouns. These formations display formal and semantic properties that cannot be attributed to any overt element of the structure. Following a bottom-up approach, we revisit the question of whether zero morphemes are useful in the realm of derivational morphology. We argue for a zero derivational suffix that accounts for the lexical category and the inflectional properties of the formation and in combination with the negative prefix a-gives a privative reading. As this zero suffix attributes the basic properties of the formations, but it is not part of the overt structure, we raise the question of whether derivational structures can also be exocentric. Many scholars have claimed that exocentricity is a property pertinent only to compounds. However, we argue that there is no reason why the presence of zero morphemes and the notion of exocentricity should be excluded from derivational morphology.
Chapter 10 explores formations consisting of one stem and one bound element. First, it is argued ... more Chapter 10 explores formations consisting of one stem and one bound element. First, it is argued that the bound element is a deverbal noun stem; thus, the structures containing it are deverbal compounds. However, contrary to other stems, bound stems do not become free units (i.e. words) when they are combined with the appropriate inflectional affixes. Second, the properties that distinguish common compounds from those with bound stems are examined. It is claimed that they are governed by the basic structural principles of Modern Greek compounding, and substantial evidence is provided showing their right-headed endocentric character, [stem-stem] structure, internal theta-role saturation, compound marking and their peculiar stress properties. Third, the productivity rate of the particular formations is discussed. It is maintained that these words are part of the actual Greek morphological system and are productively created, as illustrated by the large number of neologisms.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, May 23, 2019
Complex compounds in which transition metal atoms are bound to a number of anions or neutral mole... more Complex compounds in which transition metal atoms are bound to a number of anions or neutral molecules. Postulates of Werner's Theory of Coordination Compounds. In coordination compounds, there are two types of linkages (valences)-primary and secondary. The primary valences are ionisable, and are satisfied by negative ions. The secondary valences are non-ionisable, and are satisfied by negative ions or neutral molecules. The secondary valence is equal to the coordination number of a metal, and remains fixed for a metal. Different coordination numbers have characteristic spatial arrangement of ions or groups bound by the secondary linkages. Such spatial arrangements are called coordination polyhedral. The species within the square brackets are called coordination entities or complexes, and the ions outside the square brackets are called counter ions. Difference between a Double Salt and a Complex In water, a double salt dissociates completely to give simpler ions. Examples of double salt : carnallite (KCl.MgCl 2 .6H 2 O), Mohr's salt *FeSO 4. (NH 4) 2 SO 4 .6H 2 O] Complex ions do not dissociate further to give simpler ions; for example, [Fe(CN) 6 ]4-, [Fe(C 2 O 4) 3 ]3-. Definition of important terms in Coordination Compounds Coordination Entity: Constitutes a central metal atom or ion bonded to a fixed number of ions or molecules. Example : [CoCl 3 (NH 3) 3 ] is a coordination entity Central Atom or Ion: The atom or ion to which a fixed number of ions/groups are bound in a definite geometrical arrangement around it in a coordination entity Example: Ni 2+ in [NiCl 2 (H 2 O) 4 ] and Fe 3+ in [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3- Ligands: Ions or molecules bound to the central metal atom or ion in a coordination entity. Ligand is capable of donating one or more pairs of electrons to the central metal ion or atom forming coordinate covalent bonds. (a) Mono dentate Ligands : Ligand which coordinate with the central metal Ion through only one donor atom is called Mono dentate or unidentate ligands. ex : NH 3 ,CO,NO,Cl-,OH-,CH 3 COOetc. (b) Didentate Ligands: Have 2 donor atoms and hence can coordinate simultaneously from two positions with the central atom. Ex : H 2 N-CH 2-CH 2-NH 2 (Ethane-1.2-diamine) C 2 O 4 2-(Oxalate) (c)Polydentate : Having many donor atoms (d) Ambidentate : A ligand which contains more than one donor atoms but coordinate with the central metal Ion using any one of the atom is called ambidentate ligand.
This article aims to test the general validity of borrowability scales by investigating contrasti... more This article aims to test the general validity of borrowability scales by investigating contrastively two contact induced linguistic varieties of Greek. It tries to elucidate the factors that facilitate or inhibit the borrowability of free grammatical elements, which are usually considered as less amenable to transfer. It argues against the formulation of any borrowability scales of a generalized predictive power, even in cases where there is a common denominator. It suggests that factors such as the (in)compatibility between the two languages in contact, specific re-arrangements brought to the replica language, and the category of the items under investigation play a key role for the adoption of free grammatical elements. It demonstrates that while borrowability of free grammatical elements is not shown to be an exact mirroring of their ranking on the cline of lexicality-grammaticality, general tendencies seem to be at play.
Order, combinability and combinatorial restrictions derivational affixes are subject to have alwa... more Order, combinability and combinatorial restrictions derivational affixes are subject to have always been among the central issues of word formation and various theoretical proposals have been put forward in order to account for them (see, for example, Kiparsky 1982, Fabb 1988, ...
Greek immigration to Canada dates back to the early 20 th century, culminating between 1945 and 1... more Greek immigration to Canada dates back to the early 20 th century, culminating between 1945 and 1975, when more than 107,000 Greek citizens arrived in Canada for economic and political reasons. According to the 2011 census, 350,000 Canadian citizens described themselves as Greeks or of Greek origin. Currently, Greek-speaking communities and organizations are a dynamic component of a multicultural and multilingual Canadian society. These communities can be located in all major Canadian cities,
To παρόν κείμενο αποτελεί την τελική αναφορά υλοποίησης του προγράμματος «Μορφολογία και γλωσσική... more To παρόν κείμενο αποτελεί την τελική αναφορά υλοποίησης του προγράμματος «Μορφολογία και γλωσσική επαφή: Ελληνικές διάλεκτοι σε επαφή με την Τουρκική και την Ιταλική (ΜΟRILΑΝ)» (Αριστεία Ι/643) για τις εργασίες που έχουν εκτελεστεί κατά την διάρκειά του. Στην παρούσα αναφορά, περιγράφονται αναλυτικά όλες οι ενότητες εργασίας, όπως αυτές έχουν περιγραφεί στην αρχική πρόταση υποβολής και η οποία ενημερώθηκε από το τεχνικό δελτίο, και αναλύονται οι εργασίες που έχουν εκτελεστεί για την υλοποίηση του προγράμματος και την ολοκλήρωση των παραδοτέων. Η περιγραφή των δραστηριοτήτων γίνεται με βάση τους στόχους που είχαν τεθεί, αλλά γίνεται και αναλυτική περιγραφή της συμβολής του κάθε συμμετέχοντα στο πρόγραμμα, ώστε να μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί το αποτέλεσμα. Σε κάθε ενότητα εργασίας και στο τέλος της παρούσας αναφοράς περιγράφονται αναλυτικά τα προϊόντα και τα παραδοτέα που έχουν προκύψει.
STRESS DOMAINS IN GREEK COMPOUNDS: A CASE OF MORPHOLOGY-PHONOLOGY INTERACTION MARINA NESPOR &... more STRESS DOMAINS IN GREEK COMPOUNDS: A CASE OF MORPHOLOGY-PHONOLOGY INTERACTION MARINA NESPOR & ANGELA RALLI University of Amsterdam, University ofAthens 1. Introduction Greek compounds are not characterized by having a uniform stress. In some cases the ...
Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, 1999
This study deals with theta-role saturation in deverbal and verbal compounds in Greek. We claim t... more This study deals with theta-role saturation in deverbal and verbal compounds in Greek. We claim that theta-role saturation inside compounds is related to the configurational properties of argument structure, as well as to the properties of rich morphology, particularly to strong inflection. This claim, combined with the fact that several semantic roles may be expressed in an adjunct position whereas a more restricted set of semantic roles is represented in a complement position, can account for theta-role saturation inside Greek compounds.
MARTA CZAPIŃSKA-BAMBARA * ZNACZENIE GAJÓW ORKU W ENEIDZIE WERGILIUSZA Z przedstawionej w Eneidzie... more MARTA CZAPIŃSKA-BAMBARA * ZNACZENIE GAJÓW ORKU W ENEIDZIE WERGILIUSZA Z przedstawionej w Eneidzie wizji zaświatów dowiadujemy się, że są one miejscem zalesionym. Informują o tym słowa Sybilli, wieszczki kumejskiej, kiedy radząc Eneaszowi, jak może bezpiecznie zejść do Podziemia, wyjaśnia, że w tamtej krainie gęstwią się nieprzejrzane bory (Aen. VI 131: "tenent media omnia silvae") i jeśli Eneasz spełni określone warunki, będzie mógł je zobaczyć (Aen. VI 154-155: "sic demum lucos Stygis (…) aspicies"). Ze szczegółowego opisu świata podziemnego wynika zaś, że mowa jest w zasadzie o dwóch gatunkach drzew, które w krainie ciemności, zwanej przez Rzymian Orcus, rozrosły się w gaje. Znajdował się tam bowiem wielki las mirtowy (Aen. VI 443-444: "myrtea circum silva tegit"; VI 451: "silva in magna"), porastający Pola Żalu, i gaj wawrzynów, rosnący na Polach Elizejskich (Aen. VI 658: "odoratum lauris nemus"), gdzie rozsiewał swoją woń wokół zebranych tam dusz. Obecność lasów w antycznym wyobrażeniu zaświatów nie budzi większego zdziwienia u współczesnego czytelnika. Królestwo Orku w opowieści Wergiliusza istnieje bowiem w świecie równoległym do świata żywych i jest ono kompletne w całej swojej złożoności. Znajduje się wszak pod Italią, a nie w innym wymiarze i jego krajobraz jest analogiczny do tego znajdującego się na powierzchni ziemi. Są tam wzniesienia, doliny i równiny, które porastają lasy i opływają rzeki (Turner 35). Może natomiast ciekawić pytanie, dlaczego Wergiliusz wybrał te właśnie gatunki drzew i jakie właściwie znaczenie miały lasy mirtowe i laurowe w tym konkretnym miejscu. Celem tego artykułu jest zatem próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy w podziemnym świecie Eneidy można dostrzec pod postacią mirtu i wawrzynu pewne ukryte znaczenia i jakie właściwie treści przekazuje za ich pośrednictwem Wergiliusz.
In this paper, we examine Modern Greek adjectives with the negative prefix α-[a] (also called alp... more In this paper, we examine Modern Greek adjectives with the negative prefix α-[a] (also called alpha privative) which are derived from nouns. These formations display formal and semantic properties that cannot be attributed to any overt element of the structure. Following a bottom-up approach, we revisit the question of whether zero morphemes are useful in the realm of derivational morphology. We argue for a zero derivational suffix that accounts for the lexical category and the inflectional properties of the formation and in combination with the negative prefix a-gives a privative reading. As this zero suffix attributes the basic properties of the formations, but it is not part of the overt structure, we raise the question of whether derivational structures can also be exocentric. Many scholars have claimed that exocentricity is a property pertinent only to compounds. However, we argue that there is no reason why the presence of zero morphemes and the notion of exocentricity should be excluded from derivational morphology.
Chapter 10 explores formations consisting of one stem and one bound element. First, it is argued ... more Chapter 10 explores formations consisting of one stem and one bound element. First, it is argued that the bound element is a deverbal noun stem; thus, the structures containing it are deverbal compounds. However, contrary to other stems, bound stems do not become free units (i.e. words) when they are combined with the appropriate inflectional affixes. Second, the properties that distinguish common compounds from those with bound stems are examined. It is claimed that they are governed by the basic structural principles of Modern Greek compounding, and substantial evidence is provided showing their right-headed endocentric character, [stem-stem] structure, internal theta-role saturation, compound marking and their peculiar stress properties. Third, the productivity rate of the particular formations is discussed. It is maintained that these words are part of the actual Greek morphological system and are productively created, as illustrated by the large number of neologisms.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, May 23, 2019
Complex compounds in which transition metal atoms are bound to a number of anions or neutral mole... more Complex compounds in which transition metal atoms are bound to a number of anions or neutral molecules. Postulates of Werner's Theory of Coordination Compounds. In coordination compounds, there are two types of linkages (valences)-primary and secondary. The primary valences are ionisable, and are satisfied by negative ions. The secondary valences are non-ionisable, and are satisfied by negative ions or neutral molecules. The secondary valence is equal to the coordination number of a metal, and remains fixed for a metal. Different coordination numbers have characteristic spatial arrangement of ions or groups bound by the secondary linkages. Such spatial arrangements are called coordination polyhedral. The species within the square brackets are called coordination entities or complexes, and the ions outside the square brackets are called counter ions. Difference between a Double Salt and a Complex In water, a double salt dissociates completely to give simpler ions. Examples of double salt : carnallite (KCl.MgCl 2 .6H 2 O), Mohr's salt *FeSO 4. (NH 4) 2 SO 4 .6H 2 O] Complex ions do not dissociate further to give simpler ions; for example, [Fe(CN) 6 ]4-, [Fe(C 2 O 4) 3 ]3-. Definition of important terms in Coordination Compounds Coordination Entity: Constitutes a central metal atom or ion bonded to a fixed number of ions or molecules. Example : [CoCl 3 (NH 3) 3 ] is a coordination entity Central Atom or Ion: The atom or ion to which a fixed number of ions/groups are bound in a definite geometrical arrangement around it in a coordination entity Example: Ni 2+ in [NiCl 2 (H 2 O) 4 ] and Fe 3+ in [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3- Ligands: Ions or molecules bound to the central metal atom or ion in a coordination entity. Ligand is capable of donating one or more pairs of electrons to the central metal ion or atom forming coordinate covalent bonds. (a) Mono dentate Ligands : Ligand which coordinate with the central metal Ion through only one donor atom is called Mono dentate or unidentate ligands. ex : NH 3 ,CO,NO,Cl-,OH-,CH 3 COOetc. (b) Didentate Ligands: Have 2 donor atoms and hence can coordinate simultaneously from two positions with the central atom. Ex : H 2 N-CH 2-CH 2-NH 2 (Ethane-1.2-diamine) C 2 O 4 2-(Oxalate) (c)Polydentate : Having many donor atoms (d) Ambidentate : A ligand which contains more than one donor atoms but coordinate with the central metal Ion using any one of the atom is called ambidentate ligand.
Virtual Museum of Greek Immigration to Canada, 2019
This is an online portal offering an encompassing view into the Greek-Canadian immigrant experien... more This is an online portal offering an encompassing view into the Greek-Canadian immigrant experience from the departure point all the way to today. You will be able to follow personal stories and experiences throughout the various stages of the immigration trajectory thanks to a variety of audiovisual material.
Papers by Angela Ralli