We present a study on Self-evaluation in the subject of Graphic Engineering in industrial enginee... more We present a study on Self-evaluation in the subject of Graphic Engineering in industrial engineering degrees. It has been implemented at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in its Terrassa campus (Barcelona). This pilot project started in the 2017-18 academic year and it has continued in 2018-19 school year. The research begins with a survey completed by the students after they have developed and presented the final project of Graphic Engineering. Students must respond about the contents and competences they acquire throughout the course. Although the survey also asks for teamwork on the whole subject, we will focus on data corresponding to the project and self-evaluate it to its final result. Students must assess their learning from different graphic skills such as: pieces representation, dimensioning, sections and the knowledge of 3D geometry. The self-assessment is not yet a binding evaluation, but it helps to obtain more consensual assessment, taking into account, the teacher evaluation first, without underestimating what the student does.
(UPC) consiguen que sus estudiantes adquieran un elevado nivel de ingeniería gráfica gracias al t... more (UPC) consiguen que sus estudiantes adquieran un elevado nivel de ingeniería gráfica gracias al trabajo continuado en clase y en casa, mediante herramientas Diseño Asistido por Ordenador y croquis, junto con el tipo de ejercicios, las clases de teoría expositiva y teoría aplicada, que permite a los alumnos tener suficientes recursos para poder superar de una manera brillante la evaluación de la asignatura. El artículo permite ver la organización de la asignatura en las dos principales escuelas de la UPC, mediante la combinación de teoría y práctica, su evaluación mediante rúbricas públicas, y la realización de proyecto de ingeniería.
Se presenta una breve introduccion de la energia solar y su aprovechamiento. De los diferentes pr... more Se presenta una breve introduccion de la energia solar y su aprovechamiento. De los diferentes procesos solares, se destaca las ventajas de la energia termosolar. Se repasan las principales tecnologias existentes en la termosolar: colectores cilindricos parabolicos, colectores lineales Fresnel, receptor central, y discos parabolicos. El documento termina con un estado del arte de la energia termosolar en Espana y en el mundo, destacando la posicion de emergencia tecnologica de Espana en este ambito.
Narra les caracteristiques fisiques i naturals, a la vegada que les circumstancies historiques, d... more Narra les caracteristiques fisiques i naturals, a la vegada que les circumstancies historiques, de la font de Llops de Viladrau (Parc Natural del Montseny), aixi com tambe l’arranjament portat a terme a l’estiu de l’any 2017.
Durant l'hivern del 2019 hem analitzat mineralògicament l'aigua de setanta-cinc fonts del Montsen... more Durant l'hivern del 2019 hem analitzat mineralògicament l'aigua de setanta-cinc fonts del Montseny est usant tècniques de potenciometria, conductimetria, volumetria àcid-base, volumetria Möhr, turbidimetria, espectrofotometria UV, complexometria i fotometria de flama. L'anàlisi comparativa amb els estudis portats a terme als anys 2017 i 2018 demostra que al Montseny la mineralització global de l'aigua de les fonts és baixa al nord i a l'est, tot i que mitjana a l'aigua de les fonts de l'oest. A les zones nord i est del Montseny, l'altura de la font ens pot indicar el grau de mineralització. Els ions majoritaris són el bicarbonat i el calci, i en alguns casos de l'est, el sodi. Respecte a la contaminació per nitrats, es demostra que l'aigua és de gran qualitat, ja que sols un 4% de les fonts superen els 50 mg/l establert en el RD 140/2003 com a límit per a aigua potable.
Desde el ICE de la UPC se ha planteado una nueva formacion dirigida a todo el profesorado basada ... more Desde el ICE de la UPC se ha planteado una nueva formacion dirigida a todo el profesorado basada en la adquisicion de competencias docentes. Uno de los modulos de formacion puesto en marcha trabaja la adquisicion de la competencia interpersonal. Hasta la fecha se han realizado dos cursos a lo largo del ano 2013. En este articulo se detallan los contenidos tratados en el modulo y las experiencias desarrolladas por algunos de los profesores que lo pusieron en practica.
With more than 25 years of university teaching in technical careers behind them, book’s authors h... more With more than 25 years of university teaching in technical careers behind them, book’s authors have been observing for a long time Constructivism. It is an essential part in training students process and how interaction between them and Instruction are decisive in learning, being equal or greater importance than the content or the way information is presented. The authors carry out their teaching activities involved with GOMS, Learning by Doing and Situated Learning models, as well as Problem Based Learning and the Case Method. All have led them to reach high levels of performance among their students. The reader can discover numerous publications made in prestigious magazines in this book. The book you are holding makes a review of the most important theories and constructivism’s models, attempting to shed light on the wide range of methodological proposals. Everything to achieve and develop higher quality teaching.
Revista Del Congres Internacional De Docencia Universitaria I Innovacio, Mar 11, 2015
La metodología docente de la asignatura EG, basada en objetivos docentes para el autoestudio, par... more La metodología docente de la asignatura EG, basada en objetivos docentes para el autoestudio, para DAO, de conocimiento combinado, y transversales; la organización en clases teóricas de autoaprendizaje, junto con gran cantidad de trabajo semanal asignado al alumno, y las correcciones basadas en rúbricas de rápido retorno, han permitido aumentar el conocimiento del área de los estudiantes y los resultados académicos, toda vez que suponen una oportunidad para el ámbito de la ingeniería gráfica.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/ grups/grapa) the own university, GRAPA. This percentage represents a 47% of the total GRAPA membership, so from the most sensible professors with the evaluation matter in the university, closely the half has answered. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. The most evaluated generic competencies have been the teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%) all of them very recognized competencies for the engineering profession. Two dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 show that there is a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of used tool and the assessed competencies. However, any significant correlation has not been found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, typology of evaluation (formative or summative), feedback frequency given to the students or satisfaction degree of the students so none of those variables have influence on the kind of used assessment tool. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group the own university, GRAPA. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/ grups/grapa) the own university, GRAPA. This percentage represents a 47% of the total GRAPA membership, so from the most sensible professors with the evaluation matter in the university, closely the half has answered. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. The most evaluated generic competencies have been the teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%) all of them very recognized competencies for the engineering profession. Two dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 show that there is a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of used tool and the assessed competencies. However, any significant correlation has not been found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, typology of evaluation (formative or summative), feedback frequency given to the students or satisfaction degree of the students so none of those variables have influence on the kind of used assessment tool. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
Estudi mineralogic de l’aigua de les 100 principals fonts del Montseny nord usant potenciometria,... more Estudi mineralogic de l’aigua de les 100 principals fonts del Montseny nord usant potenciometria, conductimetria, volumetria acid-base, volumetria Mohr, turbidimetria, espectrofotometria UV, complexometria i fotometria de flama. La correlacio dels valors amb l’altitud mostra menor mineralitzacio en les mostres de major altitud per la menor distancia recorreguda per l’aigua i la menor interaccio amb les formacions geologiques. Es destaca el predomini de baixa mineralitzacio, que les aigues son lleugerament bicarbonatades i calciques, en algun cas sodiques, i que en 15 casos els valors de nitrats son superiors a 10 mg/l.
We present a study on Self-evaluation in the subject of Graphic Engineering in industrial enginee... more We present a study on Self-evaluation in the subject of Graphic Engineering in industrial engineering degrees. It has been implemented at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in its Terrassa campus (Barcelona). This pilot project started in the 2017-18 academic year and it has continued in 2018-19 school year. The research begins with a survey completed by the students after they have developed and presented the final project of Graphic Engineering. Students must respond about the contents and competences they acquire throughout the course. Although the survey also asks for teamwork on the whole subject, we will focus on data corresponding to the project and self-evaluate it to its final result. Students must assess their learning from different graphic skills such as: pieces representation, dimensioning, sections and the knowledge of 3D geometry. The self-assessment is not yet a binding evaluation, but it helps to obtain more consensual assessment, taking into account, the teacher evaluation first, without underestimating what the student does.
(UPC) consiguen que sus estudiantes adquieran un elevado nivel de ingeniería gráfica gracias al t... more (UPC) consiguen que sus estudiantes adquieran un elevado nivel de ingeniería gráfica gracias al trabajo continuado en clase y en casa, mediante herramientas Diseño Asistido por Ordenador y croquis, junto con el tipo de ejercicios, las clases de teoría expositiva y teoría aplicada, que permite a los alumnos tener suficientes recursos para poder superar de una manera brillante la evaluación de la asignatura. El artículo permite ver la organización de la asignatura en las dos principales escuelas de la UPC, mediante la combinación de teoría y práctica, su evaluación mediante rúbricas públicas, y la realización de proyecto de ingeniería.
Se presenta una breve introduccion de la energia solar y su aprovechamiento. De los diferentes pr... more Se presenta una breve introduccion de la energia solar y su aprovechamiento. De los diferentes procesos solares, se destaca las ventajas de la energia termosolar. Se repasan las principales tecnologias existentes en la termosolar: colectores cilindricos parabolicos, colectores lineales Fresnel, receptor central, y discos parabolicos. El documento termina con un estado del arte de la energia termosolar en Espana y en el mundo, destacando la posicion de emergencia tecnologica de Espana en este ambito.
Narra les caracteristiques fisiques i naturals, a la vegada que les circumstancies historiques, d... more Narra les caracteristiques fisiques i naturals, a la vegada que les circumstancies historiques, de la font de Llops de Viladrau (Parc Natural del Montseny), aixi com tambe l’arranjament portat a terme a l’estiu de l’any 2017.
Durant l'hivern del 2019 hem analitzat mineralògicament l'aigua de setanta-cinc fonts del Montsen... more Durant l'hivern del 2019 hem analitzat mineralògicament l'aigua de setanta-cinc fonts del Montseny est usant tècniques de potenciometria, conductimetria, volumetria àcid-base, volumetria Möhr, turbidimetria, espectrofotometria UV, complexometria i fotometria de flama. L'anàlisi comparativa amb els estudis portats a terme als anys 2017 i 2018 demostra que al Montseny la mineralització global de l'aigua de les fonts és baixa al nord i a l'est, tot i que mitjana a l'aigua de les fonts de l'oest. A les zones nord i est del Montseny, l'altura de la font ens pot indicar el grau de mineralització. Els ions majoritaris són el bicarbonat i el calci, i en alguns casos de l'est, el sodi. Respecte a la contaminació per nitrats, es demostra que l'aigua és de gran qualitat, ja que sols un 4% de les fonts superen els 50 mg/l establert en el RD 140/2003 com a límit per a aigua potable.
Desde el ICE de la UPC se ha planteado una nueva formacion dirigida a todo el profesorado basada ... more Desde el ICE de la UPC se ha planteado una nueva formacion dirigida a todo el profesorado basada en la adquisicion de competencias docentes. Uno de los modulos de formacion puesto en marcha trabaja la adquisicion de la competencia interpersonal. Hasta la fecha se han realizado dos cursos a lo largo del ano 2013. En este articulo se detallan los contenidos tratados en el modulo y las experiencias desarrolladas por algunos de los profesores que lo pusieron en practica.
With more than 25 years of university teaching in technical careers behind them, book’s authors h... more With more than 25 years of university teaching in technical careers behind them, book’s authors have been observing for a long time Constructivism. It is an essential part in training students process and how interaction between them and Instruction are decisive in learning, being equal or greater importance than the content or the way information is presented. The authors carry out their teaching activities involved with GOMS, Learning by Doing and Situated Learning models, as well as Problem Based Learning and the Case Method. All have led them to reach high levels of performance among their students. The reader can discover numerous publications made in prestigious magazines in this book. The book you are holding makes a review of the most important theories and constructivism’s models, attempting to shed light on the wide range of methodological proposals. Everything to achieve and develop higher quality teaching.
Revista Del Congres Internacional De Docencia Universitaria I Innovacio, Mar 11, 2015
La metodología docente de la asignatura EG, basada en objetivos docentes para el autoestudio, par... more La metodología docente de la asignatura EG, basada en objetivos docentes para el autoestudio, para DAO, de conocimiento combinado, y transversales; la organización en clases teóricas de autoaprendizaje, junto con gran cantidad de trabajo semanal asignado al alumno, y las correcciones basadas en rúbricas de rápido retorno, han permitido aumentar el conocimiento del área de los estudiantes y los resultados académicos, toda vez que suponen una oportunidad para el ámbito de la ingeniería gráfica.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/ grups/grapa) the own university, GRAPA. This percentage represents a 47% of the total GRAPA membership, so from the most sensible professors with the evaluation matter in the university, closely the half has answered. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. The most evaluated generic competencies have been the teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%) all of them very recognized competencies for the engineering profession. Two dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 show that there is a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of used tool and the assessed competencies. However, any significant correlation has not been found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, typology of evaluation (formative or summative), feedback frequency given to the students or satisfaction degree of the students so none of those variables have influence on the kind of used assessment tool. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group the own university, GRAPA. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professo... more This work presents an analysis that has been done about the assessment tools used by the professors of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering. In order to realize this study has been elaborated a survey which has been done anonymously to a sample of the most receptive professors with the educational innovation of the own university. In total there were 80 professors who answered the cited survey, of whom the 26% resulted to be members of the evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/ grups/grapa) the own university, GRAPA. This percentage represents a 47% of the total GRAPA membership, so from the most sensible professors with the evaluation matter in the university, closely the half has answered. The variables analysis realized using the statistical program SPPS v19 shows that for practically the 49% of the surveyed the rubrics are the most utilized tools to assess the generic competencies integrated with the specific ones, and of those the 60% use them frequently or always. The most evaluated generic competencies have been the teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%) all of them very recognized competencies for the engineering profession. Two dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 show that there is a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of used tool and the assessed competencies. However, any significant correlation has not been found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, typology of evaluation (formative or summative), feedback frequency given to the students or satisfaction degree of the students so none of those variables have influence on the kind of used assessment tool. In addition, the results also indicate that there are not significant differences between the GRAPA's professorship and the remain of the surveyed.
Estudi mineralogic de l’aigua de les 100 principals fonts del Montseny nord usant potenciometria,... more Estudi mineralogic de l’aigua de les 100 principals fonts del Montseny nord usant potenciometria, conductimetria, volumetria acid-base, volumetria Mohr, turbidimetria, espectrofotometria UV, complexometria i fotometria de flama. La correlacio dels valors amb l’altitud mostra menor mineralitzacio en les mostres de major altitud per la menor distancia recorreguda per l’aigua i la menor interaccio amb les formacions geologiques. Es destaca el predomini de baixa mineralitzacio, que les aigues son lleugerament bicarbonatades i calciques, en algun cas sodiques, i que en 15 casos els valors de nitrats son superiors a 10 mg/l.
Papers by Oscar Farrerons-Vidal