The State of Israel awarded the Greek Catholic Bishop Pavel Gojdič the title of Righteous Among t... more The State of Israel awarded the Greek Catholic Bishop Pavel Gojdič the title of Righteous Among the Nations in 2007. In the critical years 1939-1945, he publicallyly stood up for the persecuted Jews and saved many from death. The study focuses on the analysis of his personality and attitudes to the Slovak Jewish community. It reveals his way of thinking and the specific examples which show us how it was manifested in relation to the persecuted. The study also contains the attitude of the Slovak elites towards the bishop and his activities in Slovakia.
E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty, 2011
Activity of the Communist Government Appointed in the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Office in Prešov T... more Activity of the Communist Government Appointed in the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Office in Prešov The paper deals with the activities of the government appointee in the Greek Catholic Episcopal office in Presov before the violent destruction of the Greek Catholic Church in 1950. The government appointee was used by the communists in the Episcopal office to limit the freedom of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Slovakia. This was an unprecedented intrusion into the jurisdiction of bishops, which contravened the church, but also democratic principles. Government appointees were part of the planned fight against the Church, which was at that time, the last real force, capable of contradicting the emerging totalitarian regime.
The paper deals with the analysis of a document from July 1831, which the Bishop of Prešov, Grego... more The paper deals with the analysis of a document from July 1831, which the Bishop of Prešov, Gregor Tarkovič, sent to the residences of all 17 deaneries of his diocese, as well as the rebuilt monasteries in Krásny Brod and Bukova hôrka. The instruction contained practical advice on prevention and treatment, as well as the celebration of divine liturgies, the administration of the sacraments, and the way in which cholera victims were buried during the epidemic. The significance of the document lies in the fact that its author reflects on the situation and, with the help of acquired knowledge, guides the priests, consecrated persons and believers of his diocese on how to defend themselves against the new disease, both physically and spiritually. The document can be considered timeless in the case of guidelines on religious life and priestly service at the time of the epidemic, as its provisions can be applied to any infectious disease, including the current COVID-19 disease caused by t...
Východné kresťanstvo reprezentované na Slovensku Gréckokatolíckou a Pravoslávnou cirkvou ovplyvni... more Východné kresťanstvo reprezentované na Slovensku Gréckokatolíckou a Pravoslávnou cirkvou ovplyvnilo vývoj slovenskej spoločnosti v priebehu stáročí. Spoločné dejiny aj koexistencia oboch cirkvi v jednom geografickom priestore priniesla rôznorodé skúsenosti, ktoré si obe cirkvi uchovávajú v pamäti. Vysokoškolská učebnica, ktorá sa zaoberá ich dejinami obsahuje základné materiály k štúdiu a zameriava sa na dôležité medzníky v ich dejinách. Obsahuje všeobecné informácie o pôvode východného kresťanstva a v chronologickom poradí prezentuje poznatky o dejinách cirkví, ktoré ho reprezentujú na Slovensku od 9. do 21. storočia.
Predstavitelia a veriaci Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v Československu museli počas jesennej krízy v r... more Predstavitelia a veriaci Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v Československu museli počas jesennej krízy v roku 1938 a po rozbití republiky reagovať na zmeny politickej situácie. Mukačevská a Prešovská eparchia boli rozdelene najprv v jeseni 1938 na niekoľko mesiacov medzi dva štáty, a od marca 1939 do troch štátnych útvarov, z ktorých ani jeden nebol demokratický. V daných podmienkach cirkev vykonávala svoju činnosť a miera jej angažovania v spoločensko-politických otázkach bola rôzna. Monografia sa v štyroch kapitolách venuje reakcii na zmeny hraníc a činnosti cirkvi na jednotlivých územiach bývalého Československa počas rokov 1938 – 1945. Odkrýva zapojenie niektorých duchovných do politického diania a zaoberá sa aj situáciou vo vzťahu k Židom. Všíma si aj dôsledky vyplývajúce pre gréckokatolícku cirkev v slovenskom štáte.
The State of Israel awarded the Greek Catholic Bishop Pavel Gojdič the title of Righteous Among t... more The State of Israel awarded the Greek Catholic Bishop Pavel Gojdič the title of Righteous Among the Nations in 2007. In the critical years 1939-1945, he publicallyly stood up for the persecuted Jews and saved many from death. The study focuses on the analysis of his personality and attitudes to the Slovak Jewish community. It reveals his way of thinking and the specific examples which show us how it was manifested in relation to the persecuted. The study also contains the attitude of the Slovak elites towards the bishop and his activities in Slovakia.
E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty, 2011
Activity of the Communist Government Appointed in the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Office in Prešov T... more Activity of the Communist Government Appointed in the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Office in Prešov The paper deals with the activities of the government appointee in the Greek Catholic Episcopal office in Presov before the violent destruction of the Greek Catholic Church in 1950. The government appointee was used by the communists in the Episcopal office to limit the freedom of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Slovakia. This was an unprecedented intrusion into the jurisdiction of bishops, which contravened the church, but also democratic principles. Government appointees were part of the planned fight against the Church, which was at that time, the last real force, capable of contradicting the emerging totalitarian regime.
The paper deals with the analysis of a document from July 1831, which the Bishop of Prešov, Grego... more The paper deals with the analysis of a document from July 1831, which the Bishop of Prešov, Gregor Tarkovič, sent to the residences of all 17 deaneries of his diocese, as well as the rebuilt monasteries in Krásny Brod and Bukova hôrka. The instruction contained practical advice on prevention and treatment, as well as the celebration of divine liturgies, the administration of the sacraments, and the way in which cholera victims were buried during the epidemic. The significance of the document lies in the fact that its author reflects on the situation and, with the help of acquired knowledge, guides the priests, consecrated persons and believers of his diocese on how to defend themselves against the new disease, both physically and spiritually. The document can be considered timeless in the case of guidelines on religious life and priestly service at the time of the epidemic, as its provisions can be applied to any infectious disease, including the current COVID-19 disease caused by t...
Východné kresťanstvo reprezentované na Slovensku Gréckokatolíckou a Pravoslávnou cirkvou ovplyvni... more Východné kresťanstvo reprezentované na Slovensku Gréckokatolíckou a Pravoslávnou cirkvou ovplyvnilo vývoj slovenskej spoločnosti v priebehu stáročí. Spoločné dejiny aj koexistencia oboch cirkvi v jednom geografickom priestore priniesla rôznorodé skúsenosti, ktoré si obe cirkvi uchovávajú v pamäti. Vysokoškolská učebnica, ktorá sa zaoberá ich dejinami obsahuje základné materiály k štúdiu a zameriava sa na dôležité medzníky v ich dejinách. Obsahuje všeobecné informácie o pôvode východného kresťanstva a v chronologickom poradí prezentuje poznatky o dejinách cirkví, ktoré ho reprezentujú na Slovensku od 9. do 21. storočia.
Predstavitelia a veriaci Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v Československu museli počas jesennej krízy v r... more Predstavitelia a veriaci Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v Československu museli počas jesennej krízy v roku 1938 a po rozbití republiky reagovať na zmeny politickej situácie. Mukačevská a Prešovská eparchia boli rozdelene najprv v jeseni 1938 na niekoľko mesiacov medzi dva štáty, a od marca 1939 do troch štátnych útvarov, z ktorých ani jeden nebol demokratický. V daných podmienkach cirkev vykonávala svoju činnosť a miera jej angažovania v spoločensko-politických otázkach bola rôzna. Monografia sa v štyroch kapitolách venuje reakcii na zmeny hraníc a činnosti cirkvi na jednotlivých územiach bývalého Československa počas rokov 1938 – 1945. Odkrýva zapojenie niektorých duchovných do politického diania a zaoberá sa aj situáciou vo vzťahu k Židom. Všíma si aj dôsledky vyplývajúce pre gréckokatolícku cirkev v slovenskom štáte.
Papers by Peter Borza
Books by Peter Borza