Im Südosten der Insel Elephantine befinden sich die Reste eines grossen, staatlichen Gebäudes, da... more Im Südosten der Insel Elephantine befinden sich die Reste eines grossen, staatlichen Gebäudes, das zu Beginn der 6. Dynastie erbaut wurde. In den vergangenen 40 Jahren führte das Deutsche Archäologische Institut Kairo innerhalb und ausserhalb dieses als Haus 2 bekannten Gebäudes unterschiedliche Ausgrabungen durch. Bei einer dieser Grabungen wurden in der Nordwestecke von Haus 2 Kisten, Schreine, Statuenrohlinge, Zylinder und Opfertische aus Kalzit-Alabaster, Siegelverschlussfragmente und weitere Objekte gefunden. All diese Objekte waren dort in zwei Deponierungsphasen zur Entsorgung abgestellt beziehungsweise weggeworfen worden. Andreas Dorn konnte anhand des Fundortes der portablen Schreine – in Verbindung mit antiken Restaurationen an den Schreinen und dank Darstellungen vergleichbarer Schreine in Gräbern des Alten Reiches – ihre wiederholte Verwendung im Rahmen von Prozessionsfesten nachweisen. Diese wurden zu Ehren verstorbener Privatpersonen ihm Rahmen von Nekropolenfesten durchgeführt. Derselbe Nutzungskontext liess sich auch für die Holzkisten mit durchbrochenen Seiten und abnehmbaren Deckeln erschliessen. Diese entstammen der unteren, älteren Deponierung, die am Ende der 6. Dynastie erfolgte. Aussergewöhnlich ist die Kiste, die mit dem Namen Heqaibs beschriftet ist: Sie ist auf beiden Längsseiten mit einer Scheintür dekoriert. Dadurch liegt eine mobile extrasepulchrale Scheintür vor, für deren Existenz lokale Faktoren als mögliche Erklärung diskutiert werden. Die zahlreichen Siegelverschlussfragmente decken die Zeitspanne vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zum Ende der 1. Zwischenzeit ab. Anhand von Doppelsiegelungen lässt sich das Nebeneinander von Knopfsiegeln und Skaraboiden/Skarabäen zeigen, wodurch der fliessende Übergang im Gebrauch dieser beiden unterschiedlichen Objektgattungen bestätigt werden konnte. Erico Peintner’s Bericht zu den umfangreichen Restaurationsmassnahmen, die an den teils sehr fragilen Holzobjekten zu ihrer Erhaltung und künftigen Präsentation vorgenommen wurden, enthält unter anderem Beobachtungen zu Werktechniken und unterschiedlichen Werkstätten. Die Auswertung und Interpretation des Befundes und der Funde wird durch einen umfangreichen Katalog sowie Indices abgerundet.
Esquisses égyptiennes… Recueil de textes offerts à Annie Gasse par ses collègues et amis, CENiM 32, 119–134 , 2022
Graffito 1261 was first published in 1956 by Jaroslav Cerny. In his drawing Cerny did not include... more Graffito 1261 was first published in 1956 by Jaroslav Cerny. In his drawing Cerny did not include remains of a fossil. This fossil was venerated by one of three figures forming part of the graffito. The so far unique graffito in the corpus of West-Theban graffiti with shows another particularity: The figures and the fossil are framed by two horizontal lines mentioning in each the same name of a workmen who was active at the end of the first millennium BCE. Also the reading of the inscription could be completed in the reedition of the graffito.
Schöne Denkmäler sind entstanden. Studien zu Ehren von Ursula Verhoeven, 2023
It could be shown with two types of representations of gods, Meretseger as sphinx and different r... more It could be shown with two types of representations of gods, Meretseger as sphinx and different renderings of Amun-Ra protomes, that intericonic relationships can also be found in the corpus of the graffiti de la montagne thébaine. With a clear copy-paste case—graffito 307 made by the sculptor Amennakhte (viii), who was active during the second half of the reign of Ramses II, and copied by deputy Hay (vii) in graffito 349, who was active during the mid-20th dynasty—adaptations and variations in the later rendering could be shown. Rare motives, like Meretseger as sphinx applied on the same spot, could be identified as clearly intericonically related. In these geographically closely related cases the impact of the existing image (agency) could be identified as one of the motivations for the application/production of the copy. It is more difficult to identify the motivation for the image production in the case of the dissemination of the two different forms of Amun-Ra protomes—variants of the once, in the 19th dynasty, established image type—over the entire royal necropolis (Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens and adjacent valleys) during the mid-20th dynasty. But based on the identification of several persons of the Deir el-Medine elite (deputy, scribe, draftsmen), who were involved in the dissemination process and who were all closely connected and aware of the dissemination process, it can be proposed that the application of the Amun-Ra protomes on different, more or less remote, spots in the necropolis was the common goal. Further, the connectedness of the producers may explain the iconographic variants in the renderings of the common motive as markers allowing their personal distinction.
TAG: name writing in public space. A reader of the 2017 conference about tagging at Freie Universität Berlin, edited by E. Birzin, J. Abarca and M. Hübner, Berlin 2022, 96–103, 2022
The paper presents a study on a particular spot on the way between the Valley of the Kings and De... more The paper presents a study on a particular spot on the way between the Valley of the Kings and Deir el-Medine where over generations mainly only one social group, the scribes of the necropolis, scratched their names.
The Museum Gustavianum, the Uppsala University collection, owns 18 funerary cones which were dona... more The Museum Gustavianum, the Uppsala University collection, owns 18 funerary cones which were donated by Queen Victoria, Karl Fredrik Piehl, Torgny Säve-Söderberg and others. The publication of this mostly unknown collection of cones originated from a BA-course on material culture and intends to make these objects accessible for everybody.
The use of iri.n as an introduction to donation inscriptions can be traced from the Old Kingdom i... more The use of iri.n as an introduction to donation inscriptions can be traced from the Old Kingdom in private and in royal inscriptions. The grammatical interpretation of such inscriptions introduced by iri.n and followed by a personal name (PN) has been long disputed. The most convincing explanation of the iri.n PN-formula was given by Karl Jansen-Winkeln in his study on ‘Vermerke (notations),’ in which he interprets it as a relative form without an explicit antecedent, being rendered as “(a donation) which NN has made.” This formula derives from the royal donation inscriptions of the type King’s Name iri.n=f m mnw=f n Divine Name-formula “(a work) which King NN has made as his monument for god NN,” which can be found mainly on monuments which the named king had built. The meaning of the iri.n PN-formula on private objects is less explicit than in royal inscriptions, in which a donation is explicitly stated via the phrase “made […] for god NN,” but this meaning is also valid for the private use of the formula. The donation meaning of the iri.n PN-formula on private objects is based on the generally accepted interpretation of stelae – the most prominent object bearing the iri.n PN-formula – as donations set up in sacred spaces like temples, shrines, or tomb complexes. For most of the objects treated below, an explication more specific than donation for this formula cannot be given: a dedication act is not necessarily implied if no further specification is given; nor is a classification as votive suitable without specific contextual indications.
O. Birmingham 1969W71 is a very well preserved mid-Twentieth dynasty artefact belonging to the cl... more O. Birmingham 1969W71 is a very well preserved mid-Twentieth dynasty artefact belonging to the class of so-called ‘ostraca-stelae’ and showing two men in proskynesis in front a unique iconographical composition of Mertseger and Ptah. While the captions added to the scene identify the men by their names and titles and additionally mention another individual not visually represented, they do not provide any information regarding their relationship. Taking three graffiti as point of departure for the investigation into the ostracon, the present article will reconstruct the prosopography of the men mentioned and demonstrate the agency of single individuals in matters of personal religion in Ramesside Egypt.
In workmen’s huts in the Valley of the Kings, which can be dated to the mid Twentieth Dynasty, a ... more In workmen’s huts in the Valley of the Kings, which can be dated to the mid Twentieth Dynasty, a large group of objects inscribed with name signs (workmen’s marks) was found. Due to those objects –ostraca, jar lids out of limestone, pottery, and some others – different use of the signs in a work context can be identified. On the one hand an administrative one is attested by lists with signs and on the other hand a private one by the practice to mark property with such signs. The high number of attested signs (over 100) leads to the conclusion that every workman owned such a sign. By contrasting the observed use of the signs in the given context with others, especially signatures of apprentice scribes under copies of literary texts, it becomes obvious that the signs as a short form of the name were not considered for all kind of applications as name substitutes.
In this paper, we offer a new interpretation for O. Cairo JdE 72460. Based on a discussion of the... more In this paper, we offer a new interpretation for O. Cairo JdE 72460. Based on a discussion of the expressions used for measuring distances in the New Kingdom documentation, we explore the various possible translations. We then try to map the abstract relationships between places as well as the related measurements onto actual archeological structures. We come to the conclusion that this ostracon might be linked to work in progress inside KV 5
Im Südosten der Insel Elephantine befinden sich die Reste eines grossen, staatlichen Gebäudes, da... more Im Südosten der Insel Elephantine befinden sich die Reste eines grossen, staatlichen Gebäudes, das zu Beginn der 6. Dynastie erbaut wurde. In den vergangenen 40 Jahren führte das Deutsche Archäologische Institut Kairo innerhalb und ausserhalb dieses als Haus 2 bekannten Gebäudes unterschiedliche Ausgrabungen durch. Bei einer dieser Grabungen wurden in der Nordwestecke von Haus 2 Kisten, Schreine, Statuenrohlinge, Zylinder und Opfertische aus Kalzit-Alabaster, Siegelverschlussfragmente und weitere Objekte gefunden. All diese Objekte waren dort in zwei Deponierungsphasen zur Entsorgung abgestellt beziehungsweise weggeworfen worden. Andreas Dorn konnte anhand des Fundortes der portablen Schreine – in Verbindung mit antiken Restaurationen an den Schreinen und dank Darstellungen vergleichbarer Schreine in Gräbern des Alten Reiches – ihre wiederholte Verwendung im Rahmen von Prozessionsfesten nachweisen. Diese wurden zu Ehren verstorbener Privatpersonen ihm Rahmen von Nekropolenfesten durchgeführt. Derselbe Nutzungskontext liess sich auch für die Holzkisten mit durchbrochenen Seiten und abnehmbaren Deckeln erschliessen. Diese entstammen der unteren, älteren Deponierung, die am Ende der 6. Dynastie erfolgte. Aussergewöhnlich ist die Kiste, die mit dem Namen Heqaibs beschriftet ist: Sie ist auf beiden Längsseiten mit einer Scheintür dekoriert. Dadurch liegt eine mobile extrasepulchrale Scheintür vor, für deren Existenz lokale Faktoren als mögliche Erklärung diskutiert werden. Die zahlreichen Siegelverschlussfragmente decken die Zeitspanne vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zum Ende der 1. Zwischenzeit ab. Anhand von Doppelsiegelungen lässt sich das Nebeneinander von Knopfsiegeln und Skaraboiden/Skarabäen zeigen, wodurch der fliessende Übergang im Gebrauch dieser beiden unterschiedlichen Objektgattungen bestätigt werden konnte. Erico Peintner’s Bericht zu den umfangreichen Restaurationsmassnahmen, die an den teils sehr fragilen Holzobjekten zu ihrer Erhaltung und künftigen Präsentation vorgenommen wurden, enthält unter anderem Beobachtungen zu Werktechniken und unterschiedlichen Werkstätten. Die Auswertung und Interpretation des Befundes und der Funde wird durch einen umfangreichen Katalog sowie Indices abgerundet.
Esquisses égyptiennes… Recueil de textes offerts à Annie Gasse par ses collègues et amis, CENiM 32, 119–134 , 2022
Graffito 1261 was first published in 1956 by Jaroslav Cerny. In his drawing Cerny did not include... more Graffito 1261 was first published in 1956 by Jaroslav Cerny. In his drawing Cerny did not include remains of a fossil. This fossil was venerated by one of three figures forming part of the graffito. The so far unique graffito in the corpus of West-Theban graffiti with shows another particularity: The figures and the fossil are framed by two horizontal lines mentioning in each the same name of a workmen who was active at the end of the first millennium BCE. Also the reading of the inscription could be completed in the reedition of the graffito.
Schöne Denkmäler sind entstanden. Studien zu Ehren von Ursula Verhoeven, 2023
It could be shown with two types of representations of gods, Meretseger as sphinx and different r... more It could be shown with two types of representations of gods, Meretseger as sphinx and different renderings of Amun-Ra protomes, that intericonic relationships can also be found in the corpus of the graffiti de la montagne thébaine. With a clear copy-paste case—graffito 307 made by the sculptor Amennakhte (viii), who was active during the second half of the reign of Ramses II, and copied by deputy Hay (vii) in graffito 349, who was active during the mid-20th dynasty—adaptations and variations in the later rendering could be shown. Rare motives, like Meretseger as sphinx applied on the same spot, could be identified as clearly intericonically related. In these geographically closely related cases the impact of the existing image (agency) could be identified as one of the motivations for the application/production of the copy. It is more difficult to identify the motivation for the image production in the case of the dissemination of the two different forms of Amun-Ra protomes—variants of the once, in the 19th dynasty, established image type—over the entire royal necropolis (Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens and adjacent valleys) during the mid-20th dynasty. But based on the identification of several persons of the Deir el-Medine elite (deputy, scribe, draftsmen), who were involved in the dissemination process and who were all closely connected and aware of the dissemination process, it can be proposed that the application of the Amun-Ra protomes on different, more or less remote, spots in the necropolis was the common goal. Further, the connectedness of the producers may explain the iconographic variants in the renderings of the common motive as markers allowing their personal distinction.
TAG: name writing in public space. A reader of the 2017 conference about tagging at Freie Universität Berlin, edited by E. Birzin, J. Abarca and M. Hübner, Berlin 2022, 96–103, 2022
The paper presents a study on a particular spot on the way between the Valley of the Kings and De... more The paper presents a study on a particular spot on the way between the Valley of the Kings and Deir el-Medine where over generations mainly only one social group, the scribes of the necropolis, scratched their names.
The Museum Gustavianum, the Uppsala University collection, owns 18 funerary cones which were dona... more The Museum Gustavianum, the Uppsala University collection, owns 18 funerary cones which were donated by Queen Victoria, Karl Fredrik Piehl, Torgny Säve-Söderberg and others. The publication of this mostly unknown collection of cones originated from a BA-course on material culture and intends to make these objects accessible for everybody.
The use of iri.n as an introduction to donation inscriptions can be traced from the Old Kingdom i... more The use of iri.n as an introduction to donation inscriptions can be traced from the Old Kingdom in private and in royal inscriptions. The grammatical interpretation of such inscriptions introduced by iri.n and followed by a personal name (PN) has been long disputed. The most convincing explanation of the iri.n PN-formula was given by Karl Jansen-Winkeln in his study on ‘Vermerke (notations),’ in which he interprets it as a relative form without an explicit antecedent, being rendered as “(a donation) which NN has made.” This formula derives from the royal donation inscriptions of the type King’s Name iri.n=f m mnw=f n Divine Name-formula “(a work) which King NN has made as his monument for god NN,” which can be found mainly on monuments which the named king had built. The meaning of the iri.n PN-formula on private objects is less explicit than in royal inscriptions, in which a donation is explicitly stated via the phrase “made […] for god NN,” but this meaning is also valid for the private use of the formula. The donation meaning of the iri.n PN-formula on private objects is based on the generally accepted interpretation of stelae – the most prominent object bearing the iri.n PN-formula – as donations set up in sacred spaces like temples, shrines, or tomb complexes. For most of the objects treated below, an explication more specific than donation for this formula cannot be given: a dedication act is not necessarily implied if no further specification is given; nor is a classification as votive suitable without specific contextual indications.
O. Birmingham 1969W71 is a very well preserved mid-Twentieth dynasty artefact belonging to the cl... more O. Birmingham 1969W71 is a very well preserved mid-Twentieth dynasty artefact belonging to the class of so-called ‘ostraca-stelae’ and showing two men in proskynesis in front a unique iconographical composition of Mertseger and Ptah. While the captions added to the scene identify the men by their names and titles and additionally mention another individual not visually represented, they do not provide any information regarding their relationship. Taking three graffiti as point of departure for the investigation into the ostracon, the present article will reconstruct the prosopography of the men mentioned and demonstrate the agency of single individuals in matters of personal religion in Ramesside Egypt.
In workmen’s huts in the Valley of the Kings, which can be dated to the mid Twentieth Dynasty, a ... more In workmen’s huts in the Valley of the Kings, which can be dated to the mid Twentieth Dynasty, a large group of objects inscribed with name signs (workmen’s marks) was found. Due to those objects –ostraca, jar lids out of limestone, pottery, and some others – different use of the signs in a work context can be identified. On the one hand an administrative one is attested by lists with signs and on the other hand a private one by the practice to mark property with such signs. The high number of attested signs (over 100) leads to the conclusion that every workman owned such a sign. By contrasting the observed use of the signs in the given context with others, especially signatures of apprentice scribes under copies of literary texts, it becomes obvious that the signs as a short form of the name were not considered for all kind of applications as name substitutes.
In this paper, we offer a new interpretation for O. Cairo JdE 72460. Based on a discussion of the... more In this paper, we offer a new interpretation for O. Cairo JdE 72460. Based on a discussion of the expressions used for measuring distances in the New Kingdom documentation, we explore the various possible translations. We then try to map the abstract relationships between places as well as the related measurements onto actual archeological structures. We come to the conclusion that this ostracon might be linked to work in progress inside KV 5
Ein Kennzeichen der literarischen Texte des Schreibers Amunnacht stellt die „Signatur“ dar, die j... more Ein Kennzeichen der literarischen Texte des Schreibers Amunnacht stellt die „Signatur“ dar, die jeweils durch jrj.n eingeleitet wird. Erst durch diese wird es möglich, die Texte, die Amunnacht verfasst hat, mit dem bekannten Schreiber Amunnacht, Sohn des Ipuy, zu verbinden, der in der Mitte der 20. Dynastie gelebt hat. Weder die „Lehre Amunnachts“ noch die beiden Texte auf O. Gardiner 25 (rto. Sehnsucht nach Theben; vso. Satirisches Gedicht) sind als Texte zu qualifizieren, die durch den Stiftungsvermerk jrj.n einer Gottheit oder dem regierenden König zugeeignet sind. Vielmehr wird mit diesem Vermerk klar, dass jrj.n zur Einleitung der Selbstpräsentation Amunnachts dient.
Anhand einer diachronen Analyse von nicht-königlichen jrj.n-Vermerken auf unterschiedlichen Objekten aus Deir el-Medine wird versucht (19. und 20. Dynastie), die mögliche Bedeutungsverschiebung von jrj.n vom einfachen Stiftungsvermerk hin zum Indikator für Selbstpräsentation aufzuzeigen.
Books by Andreas Dorn
Andreas Dorn konnte anhand des Fundortes der portablen Schreine – in Verbindung mit antiken Restaurationen an den Schreinen und dank Darstellungen vergleichbarer Schreine in Gräbern des Alten Reiches – ihre wiederholte Verwendung im Rahmen von Prozessionsfesten nachweisen. Diese wurden zu Ehren verstorbener Privatpersonen ihm Rahmen von Nekropolenfesten durchgeführt. Derselbe Nutzungskontext liess sich auch für die Holzkisten mit durchbrochenen Seiten und abnehmbaren Deckeln erschliessen. Diese entstammen der unteren, älteren Deponierung, die am Ende der 6. Dynastie erfolgte. Aussergewöhnlich ist die Kiste, die mit dem Namen Heqaibs beschriftet ist: Sie ist auf beiden Längsseiten mit einer Scheintür dekoriert. Dadurch liegt eine mobile extrasepulchrale Scheintür vor, für deren Existenz lokale Faktoren als mögliche Erklärung diskutiert werden.
Die zahlreichen Siegelverschlussfragmente decken die Zeitspanne vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zum Ende der 1. Zwischenzeit ab. Anhand von Doppelsiegelungen lässt sich das Nebeneinander von Knopfsiegeln und Skaraboiden/Skarabäen zeigen, wodurch der fliessende Übergang im Gebrauch dieser beiden unterschiedlichen Objektgattungen bestätigt werden konnte.
Erico Peintner’s Bericht zu den umfangreichen Restaurationsmassnahmen, die an den teils sehr fragilen Holzobjekten zu ihrer Erhaltung und künftigen Präsentation vorgenommen wurden, enthält unter anderem Beobachtungen zu Werktechniken und unterschiedlichen Werkstätten. Die Auswertung und Interpretation des Befundes und der Funde wird durch einen umfangreichen Katalog sowie Indices abgerundet.
Papers by Andreas Dorn
during the mid-20th dynasty—adaptations and variations in the later rendering could be shown. Rare motives, like Meretseger as sphinx applied on the same spot, could be identified as clearly intericonically related. In these geographically closely related cases the impact of the existing image (agency) could be identified as one of the motivations for the application/production of the copy. It is more difficult to identify the motivation for the image production in the case of the dissemination of the two different forms of Amun-Ra protomes—variants of the once, in the 19th dynasty, established image type—over the entire royal necropolis (Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens and adjacent valleys) during the mid-20th dynasty. But based on the identification of several persons of the Deir
el-Medine elite (deputy, scribe, draftsmen), who were involved in the dissemination process and who were all closely connected and aware of the dissemination process, it can be proposed that the application of the Amun-Ra protomes on different, more or less remote, spots in the necropolis was the common goal. Further, the connectedness of the producers may explain the iconographic variants in the renderings of the common motive as markers allowing their personal distinction.
The publication of this mostly unknown collection of cones originated from a BA-course on material culture and intends to make these objects accessible for everybody.
Andreas Dorn konnte anhand des Fundortes der portablen Schreine – in Verbindung mit antiken Restaurationen an den Schreinen und dank Darstellungen vergleichbarer Schreine in Gräbern des Alten Reiches – ihre wiederholte Verwendung im Rahmen von Prozessionsfesten nachweisen. Diese wurden zu Ehren verstorbener Privatpersonen ihm Rahmen von Nekropolenfesten durchgeführt. Derselbe Nutzungskontext liess sich auch für die Holzkisten mit durchbrochenen Seiten und abnehmbaren Deckeln erschliessen. Diese entstammen der unteren, älteren Deponierung, die am Ende der 6. Dynastie erfolgte. Aussergewöhnlich ist die Kiste, die mit dem Namen Heqaibs beschriftet ist: Sie ist auf beiden Längsseiten mit einer Scheintür dekoriert. Dadurch liegt eine mobile extrasepulchrale Scheintür vor, für deren Existenz lokale Faktoren als mögliche Erklärung diskutiert werden.
Die zahlreichen Siegelverschlussfragmente decken die Zeitspanne vom Ende des Alten Reiches bis zum Ende der 1. Zwischenzeit ab. Anhand von Doppelsiegelungen lässt sich das Nebeneinander von Knopfsiegeln und Skaraboiden/Skarabäen zeigen, wodurch der fliessende Übergang im Gebrauch dieser beiden unterschiedlichen Objektgattungen bestätigt werden konnte.
Erico Peintner’s Bericht zu den umfangreichen Restaurationsmassnahmen, die an den teils sehr fragilen Holzobjekten zu ihrer Erhaltung und künftigen Präsentation vorgenommen wurden, enthält unter anderem Beobachtungen zu Werktechniken und unterschiedlichen Werkstätten. Die Auswertung und Interpretation des Befundes und der Funde wird durch einen umfangreichen Katalog sowie Indices abgerundet.
during the mid-20th dynasty—adaptations and variations in the later rendering could be shown. Rare motives, like Meretseger as sphinx applied on the same spot, could be identified as clearly intericonically related. In these geographically closely related cases the impact of the existing image (agency) could be identified as one of the motivations for the application/production of the copy. It is more difficult to identify the motivation for the image production in the case of the dissemination of the two different forms of Amun-Ra protomes—variants of the once, in the 19th dynasty, established image type—over the entire royal necropolis (Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens and adjacent valleys) during the mid-20th dynasty. But based on the identification of several persons of the Deir
el-Medine elite (deputy, scribe, draftsmen), who were involved in the dissemination process and who were all closely connected and aware of the dissemination process, it can be proposed that the application of the Amun-Ra protomes on different, more or less remote, spots in the necropolis was the common goal. Further, the connectedness of the producers may explain the iconographic variants in the renderings of the common motive as markers allowing their personal distinction.
The publication of this mostly unknown collection of cones originated from a BA-course on material culture and intends to make these objects accessible for everybody.
Anhand einer diachronen Analyse von nicht-königlichen jrj.n-Vermerken auf unterschiedlichen Objekten aus Deir el-Medine wird versucht (19. und 20. Dynastie), die mögliche Bedeutungsverschiebung von jrj.n vom einfachen Stiftungsvermerk hin zum Indikator für Selbstpräsentation aufzuzeigen.