Papers by Fatjon Muca

Matematikanët shumë herë nuk të ndihmojnë por kanë përplasje kur fizikanët përpiqen të bëjnë mate... more Matematikanët shumë herë nuk të ndihmojnë por kanë përplasje kur fizikanët përpiqen të bëjnë matematikë dhe aq më tepër kur fizikanët pretendojnë se janë 'të saktë' me matematikën e tyre. Ky kapitull nuk është shkruar për të plotësuar matematikanët për dy arsye. E para , unë nuk jam një matematikanë, kështu që jam mjaft i sigurtë që do të ketë përplasje pavarsisht arritjeve të mia me te mira. Ndonëse më e rëndësishme , kjo është krijuar për të qenë e arritëshme për inxhinierët dhe fizikantët dhe për rastet e shpeshta ku matematikanët e përkufizojnë si 'rast i vecantë' që janë të vetmet raste që ne përdorim. Kështu që me një kërkesë për falje për të gjithë matematikanët që po e lexojnë këtë, qëllimi i këtij kapitulli është i trefishtë : Së pari, dëshirojmë të ndihmojmë lexuesin të zhvillohet mbi vlerësimin për cfarë problemet inverse jane dhe cfarë i bën ato të vështira. Së dyti, dëshirojmë të prezantojmë metodat e specializuara që janë përdorur për zgjidhjen e problemit invers. Së fundmi, parashtrojmë fokusin tonë mbi aplikimet e vecanta dhe përshtatim zhvillimin e ideve për qëllime të dizenjimit të pajisjeve fotonike. Janë shumë referime të mira mbi problemet inverse. një referim standart është libri mësimor i Engl i cili paraqet një pasqyrim të plotë të lëndës por matematika është krejtësisht formale. Nje prezantim shume i mirë për temën për fizikantët mundet të gjendet në seritë e leksioneve të Sze Tan dhe Colin Fox në Universitetin e Auckland. Puna e Per Christian Hansen është më shumë e fokusuar mbi problemët dimensionale diskrete dhe të fundme dhe që këtu përshtatet vecanërishtë për aplikimet tona. Ai gjithashtu ka paraqitur disa funksione paketash në matlab për problemet inverse të disponueshme gjithashtu për tu shkarkuar. Idetë e paraqitura në këtë kapitull janë marr kryesishtë nga puna e tij, megjithëse shqyrtimi i funksionimit në dallimin ndërmjet problemeve të avancuara dhe inverse janë për njohuritë tona por të paparaqitura diku-tjetër. Arnold Neumaier gjithashtu ofron një trajtim të prerë e të ngjashme me Hansen, por krijon një hapsirë në trajtimin e dimensioneve të pafundëme të problemeve inverse me më shumë maturi matematikore. Fillojmë kapitullin duke u përpjekur të përcaktojm cfarë problemi invers është përmes disa shembujsh të problemeve fizike të thjeshta. Prezantojmë konceptin e problemit te keq-paraqitur. Në pjesën 3.2 i qëndrojmë diskutimit tonë të operatorve linear dimensional të fundëm. Shembull numerik është paraqitur për të ndihmuar ilustrimin e efekteve te keq-kushtëzimit. Përdorimi i zbërthimit të vlerës së vet (ZVV) të shpjeguar me metodat standarde do të dështojnë në zgjidhjen e problemit invers. ZVV gjithashtu lejon të shfrytëzojmë numrin e kushtit si nje matricë sasiore për mënyrën se si është keq-paraqitja e problemit të vecantë. Në pjesën 3.3 paraqitet rregulluesi si një mjet për zgjidhjen e problemit invers. Konkluzioni qëndron me një paraqitje të shkurtër të ndryshimeve që priten të ndeshen për qëllimin e projektimit të pajisjes PBG.

The prevention of mass unemployment is now universally considered a primary goal of economic poli... more The prevention of mass unemployment is now universally considered a primary goal of economic policy. Most of the literature on full em-ployment has been concerned with policies by which full employment can be reached or maintained. This paper will not cover such policies. Rather, it will deal first with the definition and measurement of full employment, with ways of determining when full employment has been reached and when departures from it begin. The second part of the paper will deal with factors that affect the level of full employment as defined and measured in a specific way. These factors can change fullemployment levels over time and cause them to differ frOm one economy to another. Frictional unemploy-ment must here be defined broadly enough to include all unemploy-ment, not'excepting seasonal, that exists in the presence of "adequate" total demand for commodities and labor in the economy.
“So very difficult a matter it is to trace and find out the truth of anything in history.”
Plutar... more “So very difficult a matter it is to trace and find out the truth of anything in history.”
Plutarch, The Life of Pericles
The term “research” is semantically overloaded given its use in everyday language. In an academic... more The term “research” is semantically overloaded given its use in everyday language. In an academic context, research is used to refer to the activity of a diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation in an area, with the objective of discovering or revising facts, theories, applications etc.
There was five exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through
2003, but... more There was five exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through
2003, but that much information is now created every two days, and the pace is increasing.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, 2010
Teaching Documents by Fatjon Muca
Për të kuptuar vlersimin e matjes, duhet si fillim te njohim përkatësisht tre matësit kryesor për... more Për të kuptuar vlersimin e matjes, duhet si fillim te njohim përkatësisht tre matësit kryesor për funksionet : mesatarja, mediana dhe moda.
Paraqitja e të dhënave në formë grafike janë hapi i parë dhe shpesh më i rëndësishëm në analizën ... more Paraqitja e të dhënave në formë grafike janë hapi i parë dhe shpesh më i rëndësishëm në analizën e të dhënave. Në ditët e sotme, kërkuesit shumë shpesh shohin vetëm rezultatet e analizave kompjuterike komplekse pa i marrë kurrë parasysh të dhënat. në këtë paragraf do të paraqesim një përshkrim të shkurtër të diagramave të shpikur nga William Playfair në shekullin e 18-të, si dhe paraqitjet e box plot të shpikura nga John Tukey në shekullin e 20të. Me këto metoda , që do i trajtojmë teorikishtë, do të njihemi me paraqitjet grafike që shfaqen si rezultat i intervistave të kryera për nevoja studimi.
Një grup i të dhënave që siguron informacion rreth një grupi individësh,ku këta individë zakonish... more Një grup i të dhënave që siguron informacion rreth një grupi individësh,ku këta individë zakonisht janë përfaqësues të zgjedhur nga një popullsi në studim. Për dhënat e individëve të marr në studim kanë për qëllim, qoftë joformalisht apo formalisht, që të na lejojë të nxjerrim konkluzione rreth popullsisë. Individët janë objektet e përshkruara nga të dhënat. Variablat janë karakteristika të një individi. Për të paraqitur të dhënat, ne duhet së pari të njohim llojet e të dhënave në shqyrtim Më poshtë po paraqesim disa përkufizime mbi konceptimin e popullsisë : Popullsia është çdo koleksion specifik i objekteve me interes. Nje model është çdo nëngrup ose nëngrup i popullsisë, duke përfshirë rastin se modeli konsiston në të gjithë popullsinë, në këtë rast është quajtur regjistrim (census) .
There is a slight difference between Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering research. The... more There is a slight difference between Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering research. The fundamental knowledge underlying computing research is from philosophy. Philosophical research is characterized by abstract academic exercise which are constrained by reasoning and formalized in logic. At the next level is Mathematics. Mathematical research are analytic in nature and they are constrained by theoretically provable propositions and axioms. Computer science is at the next level of research and it derives its power of expression from mathematics, particularly discrete mathematics.
Në këtë detyrë kursi do të mbështetemi mbi të dhënat e marra në lidhje me matjet që janë kryer pë... more Në këtë detyrë kursi do të mbështetemi mbi të dhënat e marra në lidhje me matjet që janë kryer për lidhken dhe vartesine e pehashit të tokës ( dhe pjertësisë (slope). Kemi parasyshë që matjet janë kryer për një qëllim statistikor, ku duhet të bëhet specifikimi në lidhje me punime apo studime të ndryshme dhe të nevojshme. Më poshtë do të paraqesim metodën e programimit me anë të gjuhës R për studimin tonë.
Book Reviews by Fatjon Muca

This project has the main purpose of introducing a model of polynomial function analysis. The pro... more This project has the main purpose of introducing a model of polynomial function analysis. The project is conceived as divided into these main chapters: In the first chapter is included a presentation of the polynomial function explaining the construction of a polynomial as well as the properties belonging to a polynomial function.
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed analysis of the R language environment, where we get general knowledge about the installation and configuration of the packages needed for the implementation of polynomial functions in this software, in order for the theoretical application to take practical form .
In the fourth and fifth chapters I have dealt with some general knowledge of the data model and knowledge on graphs that are used in general for the study of different phenomena. Further, a special chapter is devoted to the models of meters that serve for the analysis of polynomial functions.
In the last three chapters, we entered the application base where the main functions for the use of polynomial functions are dealt with. In these chapters are given the theoretical knowledge and application enabled in the R software to better understand the importance of using polynomial functions for the study of analysis models.

This study has the main purpose of introducing a model of survival analysis functions. The study... more This study has the main purpose of introducing a model of survival analysis functions. The study is conceived as follows in these main chapters:
In the first chapter is included a presentation of the study for the functions of analysis, in the perspective of the action and importance they carry.
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed Analysis of Survival Analysis describing the survival model survivability, survival and survival function study, survival analysis expectancy and descriptive analysis methods Survival.
In the third chapter I have dealt with some important models studying survival analysis such as Parametric Model, Survey survival regression model, Exponential distribution, Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution parameter, Normal-log distribution, General distribution of gamems as well Some important variables of the Survival Time. There is a theoretical presentation of each of them by illustrating with some examples mathematically solved.
In the last chapters we entered the application base where the above-mentioned models developed in the R. program are handled. Data is collected on the mortality of elderly people.
Në këtë temë janë trajtuar modelet gjeometrike, format e tyre dhe fushat ku është i përhapur ky m... more Në këtë temë janë trajtuar modelet gjeometrike, format e tyre dhe fushat ku është i përhapur ky model vitet e fundit. Gjithashtu në këtë pjesë flasim për përmbledhjen e metodave Bayesiane statistikore për këte model.Më pas vijojme me përshkrimin e probabilitetit Prior,përkufizimi i tij, parametrat dhe formulat përkatëse.

I have chosen this topic " Kosovo’s economy'' because of Kosovo is being a new state establis... more I have chosen this topic " Kosovo’s economy'' because of Kosovo is being a new state established on 17 February 2008 and in its multiyear history has had many economic fluctuations. In this way, I started to study Kosovo’s economic during the years 1990-2014.
In my topic, I made economic treatment to understand how the economy has evolved by passing many difficulties such as, the war experienced during the period 1990-1999, after war, the impact of EU and UMNIK until the final independence and its performance without external political interference.
These are reasons that attracted me to choose this topic and to study the economic section since Kosovo is ideal state which contains all of the components over 24 years of study. I note that in Chapter 1 I made a description of the economic performance of Kosovo along its key periods.
In chapter 2 I mentioned some literatures or phrases of important characters, who cited the economic situation of Kosovo, while in Chapter 3 I have provided an informative theoretical explanation of some important concepts which serve to receive an idea to study the application we choose. The empirical findings is presented in Chapter 4, the data are obtained from Kushnirs.
Papers by Fatjon Muca
Plutarch, The Life of Pericles
2003, but that much information is now created every two days, and the pace is increasing.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, 2010
Teaching Documents by Fatjon Muca
Book Reviews by Fatjon Muca
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed analysis of the R language environment, where we get general knowledge about the installation and configuration of the packages needed for the implementation of polynomial functions in this software, in order for the theoretical application to take practical form .
In the fourth and fifth chapters I have dealt with some general knowledge of the data model and knowledge on graphs that are used in general for the study of different phenomena. Further, a special chapter is devoted to the models of meters that serve for the analysis of polynomial functions.
In the last three chapters, we entered the application base where the main functions for the use of polynomial functions are dealt with. In these chapters are given the theoretical knowledge and application enabled in the R software to better understand the importance of using polynomial functions for the study of analysis models.
In the first chapter is included a presentation of the study for the functions of analysis, in the perspective of the action and importance they carry.
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed Analysis of Survival Analysis describing the survival model survivability, survival and survival function study, survival analysis expectancy and descriptive analysis methods Survival.
In the third chapter I have dealt with some important models studying survival analysis such as Parametric Model, Survey survival regression model, Exponential distribution, Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution parameter, Normal-log distribution, General distribution of gamems as well Some important variables of the Survival Time. There is a theoretical presentation of each of them by illustrating with some examples mathematically solved.
In the last chapters we entered the application base where the above-mentioned models developed in the R. program are handled. Data is collected on the mortality of elderly people.
In my topic, I made economic treatment to understand how the economy has evolved by passing many difficulties such as, the war experienced during the period 1990-1999, after war, the impact of EU and UMNIK until the final independence and its performance without external political interference.
These are reasons that attracted me to choose this topic and to study the economic section since Kosovo is ideal state which contains all of the components over 24 years of study. I note that in Chapter 1 I made a description of the economic performance of Kosovo along its key periods.
In chapter 2 I mentioned some literatures or phrases of important characters, who cited the economic situation of Kosovo, while in Chapter 3 I have provided an informative theoretical explanation of some important concepts which serve to receive an idea to study the application we choose. The empirical findings is presented in Chapter 4, the data are obtained from Kushnirs.
Plutarch, The Life of Pericles
2003, but that much information is now created every two days, and the pace is increasing.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, 2010
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed analysis of the R language environment, where we get general knowledge about the installation and configuration of the packages needed for the implementation of polynomial functions in this software, in order for the theoretical application to take practical form .
In the fourth and fifth chapters I have dealt with some general knowledge of the data model and knowledge on graphs that are used in general for the study of different phenomena. Further, a special chapter is devoted to the models of meters that serve for the analysis of polynomial functions.
In the last three chapters, we entered the application base where the main functions for the use of polynomial functions are dealt with. In these chapters are given the theoretical knowledge and application enabled in the R software to better understand the importance of using polynomial functions for the study of analysis models.
In the first chapter is included a presentation of the study for the functions of analysis, in the perspective of the action and importance they carry.
The second chapter is devoted in detail to the detailed Analysis of Survival Analysis describing the survival model survivability, survival and survival function study, survival analysis expectancy and descriptive analysis methods Survival.
In the third chapter I have dealt with some important models studying survival analysis such as Parametric Model, Survey survival regression model, Exponential distribution, Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution parameter, Normal-log distribution, General distribution of gamems as well Some important variables of the Survival Time. There is a theoretical presentation of each of them by illustrating with some examples mathematically solved.
In the last chapters we entered the application base where the above-mentioned models developed in the R. program are handled. Data is collected on the mortality of elderly people.
In my topic, I made economic treatment to understand how the economy has evolved by passing many difficulties such as, the war experienced during the period 1990-1999, after war, the impact of EU and UMNIK until the final independence and its performance without external political interference.
These are reasons that attracted me to choose this topic and to study the economic section since Kosovo is ideal state which contains all of the components over 24 years of study. I note that in Chapter 1 I made a description of the economic performance of Kosovo along its key periods.
In chapter 2 I mentioned some literatures or phrases of important characters, who cited the economic situation of Kosovo, while in Chapter 3 I have provided an informative theoretical explanation of some important concepts which serve to receive an idea to study the application we choose. The empirical findings is presented in Chapter 4, the data are obtained from Kushnirs.