The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing transformations in economic life, to diversify its econ... more The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing transformations in economic life, to diversify its economic activities and not rely solely on petroleum activities. A new pattern of economic activities appeared, which is recreational activity, affecting the change in land use, especially on the city margins. In recent years, the city of Makkah has witnessed urban transformations that resulted in economic, service, and social changes. Population evacuation operations from the city center area in turn resulted from such transformations, which were matched by intensification in marginal areas, the most important of which is Al-Hussainiya suburb, which witnessed an increasing trend in recreational activities, the most significant of which is the increase in the number of cafes, football fields, and rest houses. The study concluded that the comprehensive survey has become one of the necessities for detailed studies of developments in land use as well as satellite imagery. Also, the geographical location of the suburb outside the borders of the Haram boundaries (Sacred boundaries of the Grand Mosque in Makkah) has provided potentials that have been exploited in the form of concentration of recreational activities, which helps to settle this kind of activities in the suburb by providing administrative regulations from the concerned authorities and establishing some recreation-related facilities.
The representation of the Earth' topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wi... more The representation of the Earth' topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies-the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia-have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah. It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from 2.5 and 5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between 5.1 and 8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at
This study aims to monitor the magnitudes, rates, and directions of spatial urban expansions east... more This study aims to monitor the magnitudes, rates, and directions of spatial urban expansions east of Cairo and their interactions with the initial morphologic landscapes. The approach relies on using CORONA satellite images acquired in 1969 with fine spatial resolution and time series images of Landsat and ASTER from 1984 to 2020. The CORONA images enable retrieval of the initial morphologic components, whereas the Landsat and ASTER images enable the spatial urban expansions to be mapped. The magnitudes of spatial urban expansions have been massive, in the order of 165 km 2. These expansions have occurred through four main temporal phases with different spatial extents, rates, and directions in response to common urban policies and socioeconomic settings. Assessing the interactions between urban expansions and the morphology of watersheds in the study area indicates that the directions of urban expansion have been opposite to the geospatial orientations of the watersheds. In addition, significant urban areas in the order of ~8 km 2 are under the direct threat of flash floods because they are misplaced within the valley floors of the studied watersheds. The study concludes that successful spatial urban expansion should consider the morphologic characteristics of the initial landscape for the purpose of maximizing interests and avoiding or reducing potential hazards against urban settlements.
The Egyptian Society of Environmental Changes, 2020
Jeddah est la plus grande ville côtière du royaume et abrite le premier port de la mer Rouge, rep... more Jeddah est la plus grande ville côtière du royaume et abrite le premier port de la mer Rouge, représentant la porte d'entrée des pèlerins pour rejoindre la Mecque. Cette cité historique, coincée entre la mer Rouge à l'ouest et la zone montagneuse du Hedjaz à l'est, est la deuxième ville d'Arabie Saoudite en termes d'extension spatiale et de population, après la capitale Riyad. Elle a connu une croissance urbaine sans précèdent, lors des décennies 70 et 80, qui s'est traduite par une littoralisation intensive. Cette étude se focalise sur cette pression anthropique continue sur la zone côtière .Une approche de suivi spatiotemporel de l'extension urbaine sur la mer, par l'utilisation des Systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) et des données de télédétection multisources a été adoptée. Les superficies des remblaiements successifs ont été cartographiées pour différentes périodes de 1965 à 2020. Les diverses affectations dont elles ont fait l'objet sont analysées, ainsi que changements morphologiques et environnementaux qu'elles entrainent. Les résultats montrent que la surface totale des terre-pleins sur la période d'observation atteint environ 33 km 2 (0,59 km 2 /an en moyenne) dont 24,5 km 2 entre 1972 et 1986, période de boom économique où Jeddah a enregistré sa plus grande expansion urbaine. Lors des diverses phases de la période d'étude, le port de Jeddah a gagné environ 11,8 km 2 de superficie sur la mer, soit 94,4% de la zone industrialo-portuaire actuelle. Ainsi ce sont des zones maritimes, des récifs coraliens et d'ilots qui ont été transformées en terrains urbanisés dont les utilisations sont variées ; installations portuaires (36,1%), gouvernementale (21,5%), service Public (16.4), récréative/touristique (15,2%), ou résidentielle et commerciale (10,8%). Ces mutations impliquent à leur tour un bouleversement de l'environnement marin côtier ; création de lagunes semi-fermées et d'ilots artificiels, disparition de récifs coralliens, d'ilots et une modification de la morphologie de cette zone côtière.
تشهد مدينة مكة المكرمة منذ عدة عقود تحولات عمرانية نتجت عنها تغيرات اقتصادية وخدمية واجتماعية، ون... more تشهد مدينة مكة المكرمة منذ عدة عقود تحولات عمرانية نتجت عنها تغيرات اقتصادية وخدمية واجتماعية، ونتجت عن تلك التحولات عمليات تفريغ سكاني من مركز المدينة يقابله عمليات تكثيف في الاحياء الهامشية أهمها حي العوالي، والذي شهد حراك جغرافي أهمه انتقال المقر الرئيس لجامعة أم القرى، والتمدد العمراني العشوائي في الأراضي الواقعة منه خارج حد الحرم المكي الشريف. وقد انتهى البحث إلى أن المسح الشامل أصبح من ضروريات الدراسات التفصيلية للأحياء الهامشية لمدينة مكة المكرمة، كما أن موضع الحي الجغرافي قد أتاح امكانات تم استغلالها في حل مشكلات الحي التخطيطية، وتبين من الدراسة التفصيلية للمناطق العشوائية بالحي تغلب الاستخدام الترفيهي بنسبة كبيرة مما يساعد على توطين هذا النشاط بالحي من خلال توفير اللوائح الادارية من الجهات المعنية وإقامة بعض المنشآت المتعلقة بالترفيه بجنوب الحي، كما تم تناول الحلول لمشكلة النقل لجامعة أم القرى، ولمشكلة المناطق العشوائية المعرضة للخطر من جراء السيول.
AL-AWALI DISTRICT OF MAKKAH CITY: THE GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND PLANNING OPPORTUNITIES Abstract Over the last few decades, the Holy City of Makkah has experienced massive urban transformations that resulted in economic and social changes. As a result of these transformations, depopulations have occurred in the City center whereas over populations have taken place at the marginal districts of the city such as Al-Awali district. The translocation of Umm Al-Qura University Campus from the center of the City into AlAwali District was a typical example of depopulation while these significant changes. In slums areas outside the border of Al-Haram region of the city was s salient example of unplanned spatial urban expansion. This research has demonstrated that the comprehensive spatial survey became a necessity for conducting detailed urban studies on the marginal areas around the city. In addition, the distinctive geographic locations of the district along with its characteristic spatial capabilities enabled the opportunity for providing solutions of various urban planning problems. Form the landuse point of view, the majority of slums are dominated by the re-creation activities because of the administrative facilities offered by governmental authorities along with establishing some landuse that are related to the recreation activities. The research handled as well the transportation issue for commuting the students from - and to - the campus of Umm Al-Qura University in Al-Awali District. One of the research recommendations as well was protecting the slums area from the potential flash flood hazards that frequently occurred in the main active channel of Wadi Uranah.
مجلة مركز البحوث الجغرافية والكارتوجرافية - كلية الاداب - جامعة المنوفية, 2019
مدينة ههيا تقع في المركز الهندسي لمحافظة الشرقية، وهي من المدن القديمة ذات الأصول الفرعونية، كما ... more مدينة ههيا تقع في المركز الهندسي لمحافظة الشرقية، وهي من المدن القديمة ذات الأصول الفرعونية، كما تم ذكرها في موسوعة وصف مصر تحت أسم (مدينة)، وهذه الدراسة محاولة لرصد معدلات التحضر بالمدينة ومدى تأثير ذلك على النمو العمراني، أيضا الوقوف على أهم الاثار الناتجة عن التحضر في محاولة لتقييم مشاكل التحضر ووضح حلول لها، وذلك من خلال عدة مناهج أهمها المنهج التاريخي والمنهج الإقليمي. الأصول التاريخية للمدينة ووقوعها وسط شبكة حضرية قديمة امتدت عبر آلاف السنين، ووجود شبكة قوية للنقل الحديدي والمائي والبري ساهم أيضا في زيادة معدلات التحضر بالمدينة وتأهلها لتصبح حاضرة مركزها الإداري منذ نحو 135عام بدون انقطاع. وقد بلغ عدد السكان بمدينة ههيا في التعداد الأخير للسكان عام 2017م ما يزيد قليلاً عن ستة وستون ألف نسمة، وهو ما شكل 3.9% من إجمالي حضر محافظة الشرقية. كما حدث نمو عمراني غير مسبوق بالمدينة، فبلغت مساحتها ستة أضعاف ما كانت علية في منتصف القرن العشرون. وبالتأكيد أثر النمو العمراني السريع على فقدان مئات الأفدنة التي تعد من أخصب الأراضي الزراعية وتحويلها الى مناطق سكنية، كما أدى أيضا هذا النمو الغير مخطط الى دخول عدة نويات ريفية والتحامها بالمدينة، من جهة أخرى خلفت تلك المرحلة العديد من الاثار والتي ظهر في تبعية المدينة للمدن المجاورة وظهور أشكال من العشوائيات داخل الكتلة العمرانية.
L'urbanisation de la ville d'Hehia et ses effets géographiques
Hehia est une des villes du centre de la province de Sharkia. Elle est une ancienne ville aux origines pharaoniques. L’encyclopédie de la description de l’Égypte l’a mentionnée sous le terme (ville). Cette étude se fixe comme objectif le suivi du taux de croissance démographique de la ville et son impact sur l'extension urbaine, ainsi que les effets les plus importants de l'urbanisation; en essayant de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à l'expansion urbaine. Cette étude a utilisé plusieurs approches, dont les plus importantes étant l'approche historique et l'approche régionale. Outre les atouts historiques de la ville et sa situation au cœur d'un ancien réseau, l'existence d'un réseau voie ferrée, fluviale et terrestre a également contribué à l'augmentation du taux d'urbanisation de la ville. Tout cela a permis à Hehia de devenir le chef-lieu du district administratif pendant 135 ans sans interruption. En 2017, la population de la ville était plus de 66000 habitants, soit 3,9% de la population urbaine de la province de Sharkia. La ville a également connu une croissance démographique sans précédent, six fois plus grande que sa taille du milieu du XXe siècle. La croissance urbaine rapide s'est traduite par la conversion des centaines feddans de terres agricoles les plus fertiles en zones résidentielles. Elle a également conduit à intégrer plusieurs noyaux ruraux dans ville. D'autres nombreux effets sont apparus dans la dépendance de la ville aux villes voisines. Ainsi de nouvelles formes spontanées sont apparues dans la masse urbaine.
Zagazig, ville moyenne du delta du Nil et chef-lieu de la province de Šarqayah, a enregistré une... more Zagazig, ville moyenne du delta du Nil et chef-lieu de la province de Šarqayah, a enregistré une croissance démographique très forte dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. La télédétection satellitaire permet de rendre compte de cette croissance par une série de cartes diachroniques de l'utilisation du sol urbain et péri-urbain, et de quantifier le processus de grignotage de l'espace rural qui en a résulté. La ville s'est par ailleurs dotée d'un ensemble de fonctions de commandement qui rayonnent sur des aires d'influence emboîtées dont les plus larges atteignent la Méditerranée et le canal de Suez, alors que vers le sud l'influence du Caire en limite l'extension. Dans une perspective d'aménagement régional il est proposé d'une part de modifier les limites administratives actuelles de manière à les mettre en adéquation avec les espaces vécus par la population, et d'autre part de geler le processus d'urbanisation péri-urbain afin de préserver l'espace agricole en délocalisant toute croissance future de l'espace résidentiel sur les marges désertiques du delta, à l'instar de ce qui a été réalisé, sur une grande échelle, autour du Caire.
Zagazig and its region Geographical dynamism of an Egyptian region during the second half of the 20th century Study in geography, planning and cartography
Zagazig, a middle city of the delta of the Nile and the capital of the province of Šarqayah, records a very high demographic growth in the second half of the 20th century. The remote sensing allows to emphasize this growth by a series of diachronic maps of the urban and peri-urban land use, and to quantify the process of urbanization of the rural space which resulted from it. The city, in addition, obtained many functions of commandment which shapes various areas of influence; the largest of them reaches the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, while towards the south the influence of Cairo limits the extension of these areas. In a perspective of regional planning, it is suggested to modify the current administrative limits to adjust them to the living spaces of the population, and on the other hand, to freeze the peri-urban process of urbanization in order to protect the agricultural land by delocalizing all future growth of residential space to the desert margins of the delta, like what has been achieved, on a greater scale, around Cairo.
The holy city of Makkah is located in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, and it is considered the spi... more The holy city of Makkah is located in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, and it is considered the spiritual capital of one and half billion Muslims worldwide and being visited by millions of pilgrims every year. However, the urban extent of Makah is constrained by the surrounding mountain ranges, but the developments of modern transport means (i.e. roads and ports) has resulted in the increase of pilgrims visiting Makah around the year. Concurrently, the landuse of Makah has drastically changed to cope with the increasing services required for pilgrims. Therefore, the town center of Makah, particularly around the Holy Mosque and the sacred sites of pilgrimage was redeveloped into sets of hotels and stores, which can be considered as the tourism zone in Makah. Moreover, the residential areas has expanded outside the current tourism zone, thus the urban development is being affected by the pilgrims activities. Therefore, this paper investigated the interaction between the evolution of pilgrims numbers, the urban growth and problems arising during the pilgrimage season.
واحدة من المشاكل التي تعاني منها مصر اليوم هي تلك الخاصة بتحول المساحات الزراعية إلي مناطق عمراني... more واحدة من المشاكل التي تعاني منها مصر اليوم هي تلك الخاصة بتحول المساحات الزراعية إلي مناطق عمرانية تحت ضغط النمو السكاني المطرد الذي أدي بدورة إلي توسع عمراني لم تشهده البلاد في تاريخها. لقد طالت مشكلة تآكل الأرض الزراعية كل المدن الموجودة في الدلتا ووادي النيل. والواقع إن الإحصائيات الخاصة بتحول الأراضي الزراعية إلي أراضي بناء هي مقلقة جداً. وتظهر المشكلة بوضوح حول مدن الدلتا، ففي وادي النيل وهوامش الدلتا تسمح الأراضي الصحراوية المتوفرة بإمكانية للتوسع العمراني بدون تقليص لمساحة الأرض الزراعية. ولكن في دلتا النيل، لا يوجد من إمكانية أخري للتوسع العمراني إلا علي الأراضي الزراعية المحيطة بالكتلة السكنية. وهذا ما نتج عنه امتداد للمدن علي آلاف الأفدنة التي تـُعرف بخصوبتها وقدرتها الإنتاجية العالية. إن النمو السكاني للعواصم الإقليمية علي وجه الخصوص كان هو السبب الرئيسي لتآكل الزمام الزراعي حول المدن وبالتالي فإن الحاجة إلي السكن كانت واحدة من أهم الأسباب التي أدت إلي هذه الظاهرة. فبين عامي 1947 و 2001، تزايد سكان مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة بالكتلة العمرانية بها بمعدل 6200 نسمة سنويا ، سواء 5.1% من إجمالي السكان. وقد وجد السكان الجدد ضالتهم فيما يخص السكن والاستثمار العقاري في الأحياء الجديدة المبنية علي الأرض الزراعية، حيث كان المطلوب توفير آلاف الوحدات السكنية لاستيعاب الزيادة الديموغرافية. وتشير تحليلات صور الأقمار الصناعية الحديثة ومقارنتها بالخرائط القديمة ان الامتداد العمراني بالمدينة والقرى المجاورة لها قد اكتسح ما يقرب من 4500 فدان في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين. وهذا البحث يحاول تشخيص الوضع الحالي الخطير للامتداد العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية في مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة عمرانيا بها و متابعة ظاهرة التوسع العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية ، وتحليل أسباب توقع عودتها إلي نشاطها ولو بنسبة اقل بعد إلغاء الأمر العسكري رقم (1) لسنة 1996 الخاص بتجريم البناء وحظر التبوير والتجريف والتشوين علي الأرض الزراعية والذي كان يلزم المتسبب بإعادة الأرض إلي الزراعة مرة أخري. كما يحاول هذا البحث رصد العوامل التي أدت إلي زيادة الامتداد العمراني وتلك التي أدت إلي تقليصه ودعم هذه العوامل الأخيرة وتفعيلها.
The Holy City of Makkah is one of the most important cities
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It ha... more The Holy City of Makkah is one of the most important cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a unique geographical setting, but suffers from overcrowding given the difficulties that encounter the urban expansion. Indeed, the mountain ranges have controlled the rates and directions of urban growth as they always represent a barrier However, economic growth of oil income has allowed the construction of tunnels and the creation of land plots at the expense of surrounding footslopes. The development of networks and facilities has promoted the increase of the Pilgrims' numbers, thus inducing a remarkable landuse changes. The most significant changes that have occurred in the city centre during the successive extension of the Holy Mosque, which required a large scale demolition and rock-cuts of the hillslopes. These dramatic changes have reshuffled the residential areas to the outskirts and the extensive development of hotels and stores in the central area near the Holy Mosque. The recent expansion of urban areas has been associated with the construction of main road networks away from the city centre, in order to accommodate the increasing number of population which reached 1.5 million in 1431 H. It is evident that the different stages of the Holy Mosque's expansion are the main driving force for the peripheral expansion of the city in different directions.
This book covers key areas of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. The contributions by the... more This book covers key areas of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. The contributions by the authors include Earth’ topography, map scales, contour interval, geomatics applications, storage energy reactions, energy exhaustion, gasification, X-ray Computed Tomography, Core image, multi-sensor core logger, Ocean drilling, community-based ecotourism, nature reserve, Green and Sustainable Management, Aquatic Environment, Pollution, hazardous substances, Soil water modeling, multi-scale soil water processes, pedostructure, hydrostructural soil properties, soil hydrodynamics, and soil water thermodynamics. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences.
The representation of the Earth’ topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies—the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia—have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah.
It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from ±2.5 and ±5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between ±5.1 and ±8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at medium and large map scales, and could not be utilized for topographic profiling in precise engineering and geomatics applications. Such findings should be vitally taken into account in mapping and engineering applications not just in Egypt and Saudi Arabia but worldwide as well.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing transformations in economic life, to diversify its econ... more The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing transformations in economic life, to diversify its economic activities and not rely solely on petroleum activities. A new pattern of economic activities appeared, which is recreational activity, affecting the change in land use, especially on the city margins. In recent years, the city of Makkah has witnessed urban transformations that resulted in economic, service, and social changes. Population evacuation operations from the city center area in turn resulted from such transformations, which were matched by intensification in marginal areas, the most important of which is Al-Hussainiya suburb, which witnessed an increasing trend in recreational activities, the most significant of which is the increase in the number of cafes, football fields, and rest houses. The study concluded that the comprehensive survey has become one of the necessities for detailed studies of developments in land use as well as satellite imagery. Also, the geographical location of the suburb outside the borders of the Haram boundaries (Sacred boundaries of the Grand Mosque in Makkah) has provided potentials that have been exploited in the form of concentration of recreational activities, which helps to settle this kind of activities in the suburb by providing administrative regulations from the concerned authorities and establishing some recreation-related facilities.
The representation of the Earth' topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wi... more The representation of the Earth' topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies-the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia-have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah. It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from 2.5 and 5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between 5.1 and 8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at
This study aims to monitor the magnitudes, rates, and directions of spatial urban expansions east... more This study aims to monitor the magnitudes, rates, and directions of spatial urban expansions east of Cairo and their interactions with the initial morphologic landscapes. The approach relies on using CORONA satellite images acquired in 1969 with fine spatial resolution and time series images of Landsat and ASTER from 1984 to 2020. The CORONA images enable retrieval of the initial morphologic components, whereas the Landsat and ASTER images enable the spatial urban expansions to be mapped. The magnitudes of spatial urban expansions have been massive, in the order of 165 km 2. These expansions have occurred through four main temporal phases with different spatial extents, rates, and directions in response to common urban policies and socioeconomic settings. Assessing the interactions between urban expansions and the morphology of watersheds in the study area indicates that the directions of urban expansion have been opposite to the geospatial orientations of the watersheds. In addition, significant urban areas in the order of ~8 km 2 are under the direct threat of flash floods because they are misplaced within the valley floors of the studied watersheds. The study concludes that successful spatial urban expansion should consider the morphologic characteristics of the initial landscape for the purpose of maximizing interests and avoiding or reducing potential hazards against urban settlements.
The Egyptian Society of Environmental Changes, 2020
Jeddah est la plus grande ville côtière du royaume et abrite le premier port de la mer Rouge, rep... more Jeddah est la plus grande ville côtière du royaume et abrite le premier port de la mer Rouge, représentant la porte d'entrée des pèlerins pour rejoindre la Mecque. Cette cité historique, coincée entre la mer Rouge à l'ouest et la zone montagneuse du Hedjaz à l'est, est la deuxième ville d'Arabie Saoudite en termes d'extension spatiale et de population, après la capitale Riyad. Elle a connu une croissance urbaine sans précèdent, lors des décennies 70 et 80, qui s'est traduite par une littoralisation intensive. Cette étude se focalise sur cette pression anthropique continue sur la zone côtière .Une approche de suivi spatiotemporel de l'extension urbaine sur la mer, par l'utilisation des Systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) et des données de télédétection multisources a été adoptée. Les superficies des remblaiements successifs ont été cartographiées pour différentes périodes de 1965 à 2020. Les diverses affectations dont elles ont fait l'objet sont analysées, ainsi que changements morphologiques et environnementaux qu'elles entrainent. Les résultats montrent que la surface totale des terre-pleins sur la période d'observation atteint environ 33 km 2 (0,59 km 2 /an en moyenne) dont 24,5 km 2 entre 1972 et 1986, période de boom économique où Jeddah a enregistré sa plus grande expansion urbaine. Lors des diverses phases de la période d'étude, le port de Jeddah a gagné environ 11,8 km 2 de superficie sur la mer, soit 94,4% de la zone industrialo-portuaire actuelle. Ainsi ce sont des zones maritimes, des récifs coraliens et d'ilots qui ont été transformées en terrains urbanisés dont les utilisations sont variées ; installations portuaires (36,1%), gouvernementale (21,5%), service Public (16.4), récréative/touristique (15,2%), ou résidentielle et commerciale (10,8%). Ces mutations impliquent à leur tour un bouleversement de l'environnement marin côtier ; création de lagunes semi-fermées et d'ilots artificiels, disparition de récifs coralliens, d'ilots et une modification de la morphologie de cette zone côtière.
تشهد مدينة مكة المكرمة منذ عدة عقود تحولات عمرانية نتجت عنها تغيرات اقتصادية وخدمية واجتماعية، ون... more تشهد مدينة مكة المكرمة منذ عدة عقود تحولات عمرانية نتجت عنها تغيرات اقتصادية وخدمية واجتماعية، ونتجت عن تلك التحولات عمليات تفريغ سكاني من مركز المدينة يقابله عمليات تكثيف في الاحياء الهامشية أهمها حي العوالي، والذي شهد حراك جغرافي أهمه انتقال المقر الرئيس لجامعة أم القرى، والتمدد العمراني العشوائي في الأراضي الواقعة منه خارج حد الحرم المكي الشريف. وقد انتهى البحث إلى أن المسح الشامل أصبح من ضروريات الدراسات التفصيلية للأحياء الهامشية لمدينة مكة المكرمة، كما أن موضع الحي الجغرافي قد أتاح امكانات تم استغلالها في حل مشكلات الحي التخطيطية، وتبين من الدراسة التفصيلية للمناطق العشوائية بالحي تغلب الاستخدام الترفيهي بنسبة كبيرة مما يساعد على توطين هذا النشاط بالحي من خلال توفير اللوائح الادارية من الجهات المعنية وإقامة بعض المنشآت المتعلقة بالترفيه بجنوب الحي، كما تم تناول الحلول لمشكلة النقل لجامعة أم القرى، ولمشكلة المناطق العشوائية المعرضة للخطر من جراء السيول.
AL-AWALI DISTRICT OF MAKKAH CITY: THE GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND PLANNING OPPORTUNITIES Abstract Over the last few decades, the Holy City of Makkah has experienced massive urban transformations that resulted in economic and social changes. As a result of these transformations, depopulations have occurred in the City center whereas over populations have taken place at the marginal districts of the city such as Al-Awali district. The translocation of Umm Al-Qura University Campus from the center of the City into AlAwali District was a typical example of depopulation while these significant changes. In slums areas outside the border of Al-Haram region of the city was s salient example of unplanned spatial urban expansion. This research has demonstrated that the comprehensive spatial survey became a necessity for conducting detailed urban studies on the marginal areas around the city. In addition, the distinctive geographic locations of the district along with its characteristic spatial capabilities enabled the opportunity for providing solutions of various urban planning problems. Form the landuse point of view, the majority of slums are dominated by the re-creation activities because of the administrative facilities offered by governmental authorities along with establishing some landuse that are related to the recreation activities. The research handled as well the transportation issue for commuting the students from - and to - the campus of Umm Al-Qura University in Al-Awali District. One of the research recommendations as well was protecting the slums area from the potential flash flood hazards that frequently occurred in the main active channel of Wadi Uranah.
مجلة مركز البحوث الجغرافية والكارتوجرافية - كلية الاداب - جامعة المنوفية, 2019
مدينة ههيا تقع في المركز الهندسي لمحافظة الشرقية، وهي من المدن القديمة ذات الأصول الفرعونية، كما ... more مدينة ههيا تقع في المركز الهندسي لمحافظة الشرقية، وهي من المدن القديمة ذات الأصول الفرعونية، كما تم ذكرها في موسوعة وصف مصر تحت أسم (مدينة)، وهذه الدراسة محاولة لرصد معدلات التحضر بالمدينة ومدى تأثير ذلك على النمو العمراني، أيضا الوقوف على أهم الاثار الناتجة عن التحضر في محاولة لتقييم مشاكل التحضر ووضح حلول لها، وذلك من خلال عدة مناهج أهمها المنهج التاريخي والمنهج الإقليمي. الأصول التاريخية للمدينة ووقوعها وسط شبكة حضرية قديمة امتدت عبر آلاف السنين، ووجود شبكة قوية للنقل الحديدي والمائي والبري ساهم أيضا في زيادة معدلات التحضر بالمدينة وتأهلها لتصبح حاضرة مركزها الإداري منذ نحو 135عام بدون انقطاع. وقد بلغ عدد السكان بمدينة ههيا في التعداد الأخير للسكان عام 2017م ما يزيد قليلاً عن ستة وستون ألف نسمة، وهو ما شكل 3.9% من إجمالي حضر محافظة الشرقية. كما حدث نمو عمراني غير مسبوق بالمدينة، فبلغت مساحتها ستة أضعاف ما كانت علية في منتصف القرن العشرون. وبالتأكيد أثر النمو العمراني السريع على فقدان مئات الأفدنة التي تعد من أخصب الأراضي الزراعية وتحويلها الى مناطق سكنية، كما أدى أيضا هذا النمو الغير مخطط الى دخول عدة نويات ريفية والتحامها بالمدينة، من جهة أخرى خلفت تلك المرحلة العديد من الاثار والتي ظهر في تبعية المدينة للمدن المجاورة وظهور أشكال من العشوائيات داخل الكتلة العمرانية.
L'urbanisation de la ville d'Hehia et ses effets géographiques
Hehia est une des villes du centre de la province de Sharkia. Elle est une ancienne ville aux origines pharaoniques. L’encyclopédie de la description de l’Égypte l’a mentionnée sous le terme (ville). Cette étude se fixe comme objectif le suivi du taux de croissance démographique de la ville et son impact sur l'extension urbaine, ainsi que les effets les plus importants de l'urbanisation; en essayant de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à l'expansion urbaine. Cette étude a utilisé plusieurs approches, dont les plus importantes étant l'approche historique et l'approche régionale. Outre les atouts historiques de la ville et sa situation au cœur d'un ancien réseau, l'existence d'un réseau voie ferrée, fluviale et terrestre a également contribué à l'augmentation du taux d'urbanisation de la ville. Tout cela a permis à Hehia de devenir le chef-lieu du district administratif pendant 135 ans sans interruption. En 2017, la population de la ville était plus de 66000 habitants, soit 3,9% de la population urbaine de la province de Sharkia. La ville a également connu une croissance démographique sans précédent, six fois plus grande que sa taille du milieu du XXe siècle. La croissance urbaine rapide s'est traduite par la conversion des centaines feddans de terres agricoles les plus fertiles en zones résidentielles. Elle a également conduit à intégrer plusieurs noyaux ruraux dans ville. D'autres nombreux effets sont apparus dans la dépendance de la ville aux villes voisines. Ainsi de nouvelles formes spontanées sont apparues dans la masse urbaine.
Zagazig, ville moyenne du delta du Nil et chef-lieu de la province de Šarqayah, a enregistré une... more Zagazig, ville moyenne du delta du Nil et chef-lieu de la province de Šarqayah, a enregistré une croissance démographique très forte dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. La télédétection satellitaire permet de rendre compte de cette croissance par une série de cartes diachroniques de l'utilisation du sol urbain et péri-urbain, et de quantifier le processus de grignotage de l'espace rural qui en a résulté. La ville s'est par ailleurs dotée d'un ensemble de fonctions de commandement qui rayonnent sur des aires d'influence emboîtées dont les plus larges atteignent la Méditerranée et le canal de Suez, alors que vers le sud l'influence du Caire en limite l'extension. Dans une perspective d'aménagement régional il est proposé d'une part de modifier les limites administratives actuelles de manière à les mettre en adéquation avec les espaces vécus par la population, et d'autre part de geler le processus d'urbanisation péri-urbain afin de préserver l'espace agricole en délocalisant toute croissance future de l'espace résidentiel sur les marges désertiques du delta, à l'instar de ce qui a été réalisé, sur une grande échelle, autour du Caire.
Zagazig and its region Geographical dynamism of an Egyptian region during the second half of the 20th century Study in geography, planning and cartography
Zagazig, a middle city of the delta of the Nile and the capital of the province of Šarqayah, records a very high demographic growth in the second half of the 20th century. The remote sensing allows to emphasize this growth by a series of diachronic maps of the urban and peri-urban land use, and to quantify the process of urbanization of the rural space which resulted from it. The city, in addition, obtained many functions of commandment which shapes various areas of influence; the largest of them reaches the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, while towards the south the influence of Cairo limits the extension of these areas. In a perspective of regional planning, it is suggested to modify the current administrative limits to adjust them to the living spaces of the population, and on the other hand, to freeze the peri-urban process of urbanization in order to protect the agricultural land by delocalizing all future growth of residential space to the desert margins of the delta, like what has been achieved, on a greater scale, around Cairo.
The holy city of Makkah is located in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, and it is considered the spi... more The holy city of Makkah is located in the southwest of Saudi Arabia, and it is considered the spiritual capital of one and half billion Muslims worldwide and being visited by millions of pilgrims every year. However, the urban extent of Makah is constrained by the surrounding mountain ranges, but the developments of modern transport means (i.e. roads and ports) has resulted in the increase of pilgrims visiting Makah around the year. Concurrently, the landuse of Makah has drastically changed to cope with the increasing services required for pilgrims. Therefore, the town center of Makah, particularly around the Holy Mosque and the sacred sites of pilgrimage was redeveloped into sets of hotels and stores, which can be considered as the tourism zone in Makah. Moreover, the residential areas has expanded outside the current tourism zone, thus the urban development is being affected by the pilgrims activities. Therefore, this paper investigated the interaction between the evolution of pilgrims numbers, the urban growth and problems arising during the pilgrimage season.
واحدة من المشاكل التي تعاني منها مصر اليوم هي تلك الخاصة بتحول المساحات الزراعية إلي مناطق عمراني... more واحدة من المشاكل التي تعاني منها مصر اليوم هي تلك الخاصة بتحول المساحات الزراعية إلي مناطق عمرانية تحت ضغط النمو السكاني المطرد الذي أدي بدورة إلي توسع عمراني لم تشهده البلاد في تاريخها. لقد طالت مشكلة تآكل الأرض الزراعية كل المدن الموجودة في الدلتا ووادي النيل. والواقع إن الإحصائيات الخاصة بتحول الأراضي الزراعية إلي أراضي بناء هي مقلقة جداً. وتظهر المشكلة بوضوح حول مدن الدلتا، ففي وادي النيل وهوامش الدلتا تسمح الأراضي الصحراوية المتوفرة بإمكانية للتوسع العمراني بدون تقليص لمساحة الأرض الزراعية. ولكن في دلتا النيل، لا يوجد من إمكانية أخري للتوسع العمراني إلا علي الأراضي الزراعية المحيطة بالكتلة السكنية. وهذا ما نتج عنه امتداد للمدن علي آلاف الأفدنة التي تـُعرف بخصوبتها وقدرتها الإنتاجية العالية. إن النمو السكاني للعواصم الإقليمية علي وجه الخصوص كان هو السبب الرئيسي لتآكل الزمام الزراعي حول المدن وبالتالي فإن الحاجة إلي السكن كانت واحدة من أهم الأسباب التي أدت إلي هذه الظاهرة. فبين عامي 1947 و 2001، تزايد سكان مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة بالكتلة العمرانية بها بمعدل 6200 نسمة سنويا ، سواء 5.1% من إجمالي السكان. وقد وجد السكان الجدد ضالتهم فيما يخص السكن والاستثمار العقاري في الأحياء الجديدة المبنية علي الأرض الزراعية، حيث كان المطلوب توفير آلاف الوحدات السكنية لاستيعاب الزيادة الديموغرافية. وتشير تحليلات صور الأقمار الصناعية الحديثة ومقارنتها بالخرائط القديمة ان الامتداد العمراني بالمدينة والقرى المجاورة لها قد اكتسح ما يقرب من 4500 فدان في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين. وهذا البحث يحاول تشخيص الوضع الحالي الخطير للامتداد العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية في مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة عمرانيا بها و متابعة ظاهرة التوسع العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية ، وتحليل أسباب توقع عودتها إلي نشاطها ولو بنسبة اقل بعد إلغاء الأمر العسكري رقم (1) لسنة 1996 الخاص بتجريم البناء وحظر التبوير والتجريف والتشوين علي الأرض الزراعية والذي كان يلزم المتسبب بإعادة الأرض إلي الزراعة مرة أخري. كما يحاول هذا البحث رصد العوامل التي أدت إلي زيادة الامتداد العمراني وتلك التي أدت إلي تقليصه ودعم هذه العوامل الأخيرة وتفعيلها.
The Holy City of Makkah is one of the most important cities
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It ha... more The Holy City of Makkah is one of the most important cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a unique geographical setting, but suffers from overcrowding given the difficulties that encounter the urban expansion. Indeed, the mountain ranges have controlled the rates and directions of urban growth as they always represent a barrier However, economic growth of oil income has allowed the construction of tunnels and the creation of land plots at the expense of surrounding footslopes. The development of networks and facilities has promoted the increase of the Pilgrims' numbers, thus inducing a remarkable landuse changes. The most significant changes that have occurred in the city centre during the successive extension of the Holy Mosque, which required a large scale demolition and rock-cuts of the hillslopes. These dramatic changes have reshuffled the residential areas to the outskirts and the extensive development of hotels and stores in the central area near the Holy Mosque. The recent expansion of urban areas has been associated with the construction of main road networks away from the city centre, in order to accommodate the increasing number of population which reached 1.5 million in 1431 H. It is evident that the different stages of the Holy Mosque's expansion are the main driving force for the peripheral expansion of the city in different directions.
This book covers key areas of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. The contributions by the... more This book covers key areas of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences. The contributions by the authors include Earth’ topography, map scales, contour interval, geomatics applications, storage energy reactions, energy exhaustion, gasification, X-ray Computed Tomography, Core image, multi-sensor core logger, Ocean drilling, community-based ecotourism, nature reserve, Green and Sustainable Management, Aquatic Environment, Pollution, hazardous substances, Soil water modeling, multi-scale soil water processes, pedostructure, hydrostructural soil properties, soil hydrodynamics, and soil water thermodynamics. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences.
The representation of the Earth’ topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies—the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia—have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah.
It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from ±2.5 and ±5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between ±5.1 and ±8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at medium and large map scales, and could not be utilized for topographic profiling in precise engineering and geomatics applications. Such findings should be vitally taken into account in mapping and engineering applications not just in Egypt and Saudi Arabia but worldwide as well.
Papers by Ibrahim ASCOURA
Over the last few decades, the Holy City of Makkah has experienced massive urban transformations that resulted in economic and social changes. As a result of these transformations, depopulations have occurred in the City center whereas over populations have taken place at the marginal districts of the city such as Al-Awali district. The translocation of Umm Al-Qura University Campus from the center of the City into AlAwali District was a typical example of depopulation while these significant changes. In slums areas outside the border of Al-Haram region of the city was s salient example of unplanned spatial urban expansion.
This research has demonstrated that the comprehensive spatial survey became a necessity for conducting detailed urban studies on the marginal areas around the city. In addition, the distinctive geographic locations of the district along with its characteristic spatial capabilities enabled the opportunity for providing solutions of various urban planning problems. Form the landuse point of view, the majority of slums are dominated by the re-creation activities because of the administrative facilities offered by governmental authorities along with establishing some landuse that are related to the recreation activities. The research handled as well the transportation issue for commuting the students from - and to - the campus of Umm Al-Qura University in Al-Awali District. One of the research recommendations as well was protecting the slums area from the potential flash flood hazards that frequently occurred in the main active channel of Wadi Uranah.
L'urbanisation de la ville d'Hehia et ses effets géographiques
Hehia est une des villes du centre de la province de Sharkia. Elle est une ancienne ville aux origines pharaoniques. L’encyclopédie de la description de l’Égypte l’a mentionnée sous le terme (ville). Cette étude se fixe comme objectif le suivi du taux de croissance démographique de la ville et son impact sur l'extension urbaine, ainsi que les effets les plus importants de l'urbanisation; en essayant de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à l'expansion urbaine. Cette étude a utilisé plusieurs approches, dont les plus importantes étant l'approche historique et l'approche régionale. Outre les atouts historiques de la ville et sa situation au cœur d'un ancien réseau, l'existence d'un réseau voie ferrée, fluviale et terrestre a également contribué à l'augmentation du taux d'urbanisation de la ville. Tout cela a permis à Hehia de devenir le chef-lieu du district administratif pendant 135 ans sans interruption.
En 2017, la population de la ville était plus de 66000 habitants, soit 3,9% de la population urbaine de la province de Sharkia. La ville a également connu une croissance démographique sans précédent, six fois plus grande que sa taille du milieu du XXe siècle. La croissance urbaine rapide s'est traduite par la conversion des centaines feddans de terres agricoles les plus fertiles en zones résidentielles. Elle a également conduit à intégrer plusieurs noyaux ruraux dans ville. D'autres nombreux effets sont apparus dans la dépendance de la ville aux villes voisines. Ainsi de nouvelles formes spontanées sont apparues dans la masse urbaine.
Zagazig and its region
Geographical dynamism of an Egyptian region during the second half of the 20th century
Study in geography, planning and cartography
Zagazig, a middle city of the delta of the Nile and the capital of the province of Šarqayah, records a very high demographic growth in the second half of the 20th century. The remote sensing allows to emphasize this growth by a series of diachronic maps of the urban and peri-urban land use, and to quantify the process of urbanization of the rural space which resulted from it. The city, in addition, obtained many functions of commandment which shapes various areas of influence; the largest of them reaches the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, while towards the south the influence of Cairo limits the extension of these areas. In a perspective of regional planning, it is suggested to modify the current administrative limits to adjust them to the living spaces of the population, and on the other hand, to freeze the peri-urban process of urbanization in order to protect the agricultural land by delocalizing all future growth of residential space to the desert margins of the delta, like what has been achieved, on a greater scale, around Cairo.
وتظهر المشكلة بوضوح حول مدن الدلتا، ففي وادي النيل وهوامش الدلتا تسمح الأراضي الصحراوية المتوفرة بإمكانية للتوسع العمراني بدون تقليص لمساحة الأرض الزراعية. ولكن في دلتا النيل، لا يوجد من إمكانية أخري للتوسع العمراني إلا علي الأراضي الزراعية المحيطة بالكتلة السكنية. وهذا ما نتج عنه امتداد للمدن علي آلاف الأفدنة التي تـُعرف بخصوبتها وقدرتها الإنتاجية العالية.
إن النمو السكاني للعواصم الإقليمية علي وجه الخصوص كان هو السبب الرئيسي لتآكل الزمام الزراعي حول المدن وبالتالي فإن الحاجة إلي السكن كانت واحدة من أهم الأسباب التي أدت إلي هذه الظاهرة. فبين عامي 1947 و 2001، تزايد سكان مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة بالكتلة العمرانية بها بمعدل 6200 نسمة سنويا ، سواء 5.1% من إجمالي السكان. وقد وجد السكان الجدد ضالتهم فيما يخص السكن والاستثمار العقاري في الأحياء الجديدة المبنية علي الأرض الزراعية، حيث كان المطلوب توفير آلاف الوحدات السكنية لاستيعاب الزيادة الديموغرافية. وتشير تحليلات صور الأقمار الصناعية الحديثة ومقارنتها بالخرائط القديمة ان الامتداد العمراني بالمدينة والقرى المجاورة لها قد اكتسح ما يقرب من 4500 فدان في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين.
وهذا البحث يحاول تشخيص الوضع الحالي الخطير للامتداد العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية في مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة عمرانيا بها و متابعة ظاهرة التوسع العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية ، وتحليل أسباب توقع عودتها إلي نشاطها ولو بنسبة اقل بعد إلغاء الأمر العسكري رقم (1) لسنة 1996 الخاص بتجريم البناء وحظر التبوير والتجريف والتشوين علي الأرض الزراعية والذي كان يلزم المتسبب بإعادة الأرض إلي الزراعة مرة أخري. كما يحاول هذا البحث رصد العوامل التي أدت إلي زيادة الامتداد العمراني وتلك التي أدت إلي تقليصه ودعم هذه العوامل الأخيرة وتفعيلها.
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a unique geographical
setting, but suffers from overcrowding given the difficulties that
encounter the urban expansion. Indeed, the mountain ranges have
controlled the rates and directions of urban growth as they always
represent a barrier However, economic growth of oil income has
allowed the construction of tunnels and the creation of land plots at
the expense of surrounding footslopes. The development of
networks and facilities has promoted the increase of the Pilgrims'
numbers, thus inducing a remarkable landuse changes. The most
significant changes that have occurred in the city centre during the
successive extension of the Holy Mosque, which required a large
scale demolition and rock-cuts of the hillslopes. These dramatic
changes have reshuffled the residential areas to the outskirts and the
extensive development of hotels and stores in the central area near
the Holy Mosque. The recent expansion of urban areas has been
associated with the construction of main road networks away from
the city centre, in order to accommodate the increasing number of
population which reached 1.5 million in 1431 H. It is evident that
the different stages of the Holy Mosque's expansion are the main
driving force for the peripheral expansion of the city in different
Books by Ibrahim ASCOURA
The representation of the Earth’ topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies—the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia—have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah.
It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from ±2.5 and ±5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between ±5.1 and ±8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at medium and large map scales, and could not be utilized for topographic profiling in precise engineering and geomatics applications. Such findings should be vitally taken into account in mapping and engineering applications not just in Egypt and Saudi Arabia but worldwide as well.
Over the last few decades, the Holy City of Makkah has experienced massive urban transformations that resulted in economic and social changes. As a result of these transformations, depopulations have occurred in the City center whereas over populations have taken place at the marginal districts of the city such as Al-Awali district. The translocation of Umm Al-Qura University Campus from the center of the City into AlAwali District was a typical example of depopulation while these significant changes. In slums areas outside the border of Al-Haram region of the city was s salient example of unplanned spatial urban expansion.
This research has demonstrated that the comprehensive spatial survey became a necessity for conducting detailed urban studies on the marginal areas around the city. In addition, the distinctive geographic locations of the district along with its characteristic spatial capabilities enabled the opportunity for providing solutions of various urban planning problems. Form the landuse point of view, the majority of slums are dominated by the re-creation activities because of the administrative facilities offered by governmental authorities along with establishing some landuse that are related to the recreation activities. The research handled as well the transportation issue for commuting the students from - and to - the campus of Umm Al-Qura University in Al-Awali District. One of the research recommendations as well was protecting the slums area from the potential flash flood hazards that frequently occurred in the main active channel of Wadi Uranah.
L'urbanisation de la ville d'Hehia et ses effets géographiques
Hehia est une des villes du centre de la province de Sharkia. Elle est une ancienne ville aux origines pharaoniques. L’encyclopédie de la description de l’Égypte l’a mentionnée sous le terme (ville). Cette étude se fixe comme objectif le suivi du taux de croissance démographique de la ville et son impact sur l'extension urbaine, ainsi que les effets les plus importants de l'urbanisation; en essayant de proposer des solutions aux problèmes liés à l'expansion urbaine. Cette étude a utilisé plusieurs approches, dont les plus importantes étant l'approche historique et l'approche régionale. Outre les atouts historiques de la ville et sa situation au cœur d'un ancien réseau, l'existence d'un réseau voie ferrée, fluviale et terrestre a également contribué à l'augmentation du taux d'urbanisation de la ville. Tout cela a permis à Hehia de devenir le chef-lieu du district administratif pendant 135 ans sans interruption.
En 2017, la population de la ville était plus de 66000 habitants, soit 3,9% de la population urbaine de la province de Sharkia. La ville a également connu une croissance démographique sans précédent, six fois plus grande que sa taille du milieu du XXe siècle. La croissance urbaine rapide s'est traduite par la conversion des centaines feddans de terres agricoles les plus fertiles en zones résidentielles. Elle a également conduit à intégrer plusieurs noyaux ruraux dans ville. D'autres nombreux effets sont apparus dans la dépendance de la ville aux villes voisines. Ainsi de nouvelles formes spontanées sont apparues dans la masse urbaine.
Zagazig and its region
Geographical dynamism of an Egyptian region during the second half of the 20th century
Study in geography, planning and cartography
Zagazig, a middle city of the delta of the Nile and the capital of the province of Šarqayah, records a very high demographic growth in the second half of the 20th century. The remote sensing allows to emphasize this growth by a series of diachronic maps of the urban and peri-urban land use, and to quantify the process of urbanization of the rural space which resulted from it. The city, in addition, obtained many functions of commandment which shapes various areas of influence; the largest of them reaches the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal, while towards the south the influence of Cairo limits the extension of these areas. In a perspective of regional planning, it is suggested to modify the current administrative limits to adjust them to the living spaces of the population, and on the other hand, to freeze the peri-urban process of urbanization in order to protect the agricultural land by delocalizing all future growth of residential space to the desert margins of the delta, like what has been achieved, on a greater scale, around Cairo.
وتظهر المشكلة بوضوح حول مدن الدلتا، ففي وادي النيل وهوامش الدلتا تسمح الأراضي الصحراوية المتوفرة بإمكانية للتوسع العمراني بدون تقليص لمساحة الأرض الزراعية. ولكن في دلتا النيل، لا يوجد من إمكانية أخري للتوسع العمراني إلا علي الأراضي الزراعية المحيطة بالكتلة السكنية. وهذا ما نتج عنه امتداد للمدن علي آلاف الأفدنة التي تـُعرف بخصوبتها وقدرتها الإنتاجية العالية.
إن النمو السكاني للعواصم الإقليمية علي وجه الخصوص كان هو السبب الرئيسي لتآكل الزمام الزراعي حول المدن وبالتالي فإن الحاجة إلي السكن كانت واحدة من أهم الأسباب التي أدت إلي هذه الظاهرة. فبين عامي 1947 و 2001، تزايد سكان مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة بالكتلة العمرانية بها بمعدل 6200 نسمة سنويا ، سواء 5.1% من إجمالي السكان. وقد وجد السكان الجدد ضالتهم فيما يخص السكن والاستثمار العقاري في الأحياء الجديدة المبنية علي الأرض الزراعية، حيث كان المطلوب توفير آلاف الوحدات السكنية لاستيعاب الزيادة الديموغرافية. وتشير تحليلات صور الأقمار الصناعية الحديثة ومقارنتها بالخرائط القديمة ان الامتداد العمراني بالمدينة والقرى المجاورة لها قد اكتسح ما يقرب من 4500 فدان في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين.
وهذا البحث يحاول تشخيص الوضع الحالي الخطير للامتداد العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية في مدينة الزقازيق والقرى الملتصقة عمرانيا بها و متابعة ظاهرة التوسع العمراني علي الأرض الزراعية ، وتحليل أسباب توقع عودتها إلي نشاطها ولو بنسبة اقل بعد إلغاء الأمر العسكري رقم (1) لسنة 1996 الخاص بتجريم البناء وحظر التبوير والتجريف والتشوين علي الأرض الزراعية والذي كان يلزم المتسبب بإعادة الأرض إلي الزراعة مرة أخري. كما يحاول هذا البحث رصد العوامل التي أدت إلي زيادة الامتداد العمراني وتلك التي أدت إلي تقليصه ودعم هذه العوامل الأخيرة وتفعيلها.
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has a unique geographical
setting, but suffers from overcrowding given the difficulties that
encounter the urban expansion. Indeed, the mountain ranges have
controlled the rates and directions of urban growth as they always
represent a barrier However, economic growth of oil income has
allowed the construction of tunnels and the creation of land plots at
the expense of surrounding footslopes. The development of
networks and facilities has promoted the increase of the Pilgrims'
numbers, thus inducing a remarkable landuse changes. The most
significant changes that have occurred in the city centre during the
successive extension of the Holy Mosque, which required a large
scale demolition and rock-cuts of the hillslopes. These dramatic
changes have reshuffled the residential areas to the outskirts and the
extensive development of hotels and stores in the central area near
the Holy Mosque. The recent expansion of urban areas has been
associated with the construction of main road networks away from
the city centre, in order to accommodate the increasing number of
population which reached 1.5 million in 1431 H. It is evident that
the different stages of the Holy Mosque's expansion are the main
driving force for the peripheral expansion of the city in different
The representation of the Earth’ topography in a 3D digital format is a vital constituent in a wide range of geographic, geomatics, environmental, and engineering activities. However, the accuracy of such representations could define its applicability and validity for a specific utilization. This chapter presents an analysis of four open-source Global Digital Elevation Models (GDEMs) and compares them on two topographic profiles (nearly flat, and hills regions) for mapping and geomatics applications in two countries. The main goal is to determine whether GDEMs-based heights, contour intervals, slopes, and topographic profiles are accurate for all topographic map scales, which is a significant problem in mapping operations. For the purpose of illustrating flat and moderate-topography patterns, two case studies—the Nile delta in Egypt and Makkah city in Saudi Arabia—have been used. The investigated GDEMs include the most-recent released models: ASTER v.3, ACE 2, SRTMGL1 v. 3, and NASADEM_HGT v.1 released in 2019 and 2020 with spatial resolutions of 1 and 3 arc seconds. There are 540 accurate Ground Control Points (GCP) available in the Nile delta and 175 in Makkah.
It has been determined based on the available datasets in two study locations that the accuracy of investigated GDEMs over known checkpoints range from ±2.5 and ±5.1 meters in the Nile delta region, while it varies between ±5.1 and ±8.0 meters in the Makkah area. This suggests that the use of GDEMs in topographic mapping varies greatly between spatial areas that are flat and those that are hilly. Therefore, it is advised against utilizing GDEMs to create topographic maps at scales of 1: 25,000 or greater in flat areas and 1: 50,000 or greater in hilly areas. Additionally, the achieved results demonstrated that throughout cross sections up to 30 kilometers in length, no GDEM-based slope matches the real slopes from known GCP. This leads to the conclusion that GDEMs are not the appropriate heights' source for topographic mapping at medium and large map scales, and could not be utilized for topographic profiling in precise engineering and geomatics applications. Such findings should be vitally taken into account in mapping and engineering applications not just in Egypt and Saudi Arabia but worldwide as well.