Rebeca Carpi Martin teaches Private Law at the Esade Law School (University Ramon Llull - Spain) since 2000. She was Visiting Researcher at University of East Anglia (UK) and Bocconi University (Italy), and Post-Doctoral Grantee at the Max-Planck Institut in 2016 and 2019 (Germany). She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona and graduated summa cum laude at the PHD Program from the University Ramon Llull (Esade Law School, 2003). Member of various national (ref.: DER 2011-29198, SEJ 2007-63752/JURI, BJU 2003-06893) and regional Research Projects (GENCAT JUS/1574/2009; GENCAT JUS/2378/2007; DURSI GENCAT MQD 2002), as well as several academic organizations at international level (European Law Institute, Friends of Max Planck Institute). Currently, Rebeca Carpi, together with Joaquim Castañer, are the lead researchers of the project "FINOBANSTART - Non-bank financing for start-ups: risks and remedies from a private law perspective" - PID2021-128762NB-I00, presented in the 2021 call for "R+D Projects for Knowledge Generation” within the framework of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023. She is author of several books and book chapters. Her articles have appeared in a number of peer-reviewed law reviews -such as Indret, Revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil, and Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario. Appointed as an associate judge of the Court of Appeal of Tarragona from 2006 to 2018 (Audiencia Provincial de Tarragona), she has been the drafter judge of more than 250 judgements. She has been Executive Director and Director of the PH Program in Law at the Esade Law School (2007-2017) and the head of the Law Department (2017-2024). She is currently the Vice-Dean for Faculty and Research at Esade Law School.
Esta tesis pretende en este trabajo ofrecer una vision panoramica de los medios de reaccion con q... more Esta tesis pretende en este trabajo ofrecer una vision panoramica de los medios de reaccion con que cuenta el acreedor hipotecario, mientras se halla la obligacion garantizada con hipoteca pendiente de vencimiento, ante aquellos hechos que, deteriorando el objeto hipotecado, generen en el mismo una dimsinucion de valor reduciendo con ello su eficacia como garantia real del credito. Tras definir que compone el objeto de la hipoteca inmobiliaria, se analizan, en primer lugar, los medios defensivos legalmente previstos. Entre ellos, ocupa un lugar principal la accion que ante los menoscabos imputables al dueno del bien hipotecado recoge el articulo 117 de La Ley Hipotecaria. Su examen se aborda con profundidad, dada su condicion de unico mecanismos tutelar frente a deterioros inserto en la configuraicon institucional de la hipoteca. A continuacion, se procede a la busqueda de otros modos de reaccion ofrecidos por el ordenamiento juridico, ya sea dentro de normas protectoras de todo acr...
El presente capítulo tiene por objeto el repaso al origen del vigente régimen legal de la financi... more El presente capítulo tiene por objeto el repaso al origen del vigente régimen legal de la financiación participativa en Europa tras la entrada en vigor del Reglamento 2020/1503 y del texto modificado de la Ley 5/2015. En este repaso se constata el paralelismo con el proceso regulatorio de este sector vivido años antes en Estados Unidos A continuación se analizan las novedades más destacables del actual régimen europeo y español en relación con la protección de los inversores. Finaliza con un recorrido a las cuestiones aún pendientes de reflexión o desarrollo en esta normativa. PALABRAS CLAVE Financiación participativa. Protección de inversores. Empresas emergentes. Mercado financiero regulado.
Derecho e inteligencia artificial. El jurista ante los retos de la era digital (dir. I. Herbosa/D. Fernández de Retana), 2023
1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia
2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas ... more ÍNDICE 1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia 2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas automatizados de evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: riesgos inherentes 3. Los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia en la Ley de IA 3.1. Una norma con enfoque generalista que debe integrarse en el ecosistema normativo 3.2. Ámbito objetivo de aplicación: «alto riesgo» e «inteligencia artificial» como parámetros delimitadores 3.3. Régimen aplicable a los sistemas de alto riesgo: cuatro novedades destacables 4. Inteligencia artificial, datos y ficheros de solvencia 4.1. La importancia de los datos de entrenamiento y el control de acceso a los mismos. 4.2. Datos relevantes para evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: vías de licitud para su uso en sistemas de alto riesgo 4.2.1. Pautas generales de acceso a datos de solvencia 4.2.2. El tratamiento automatizado de los datos de solvencia 4.2.3. Régimen de acceso y tratamiento de datos alternativos.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to review, in three different aspects,
the current legal frame... more ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to review, in three different aspects, the current legal framework governing appraisal companies and their activity valuing properties for lending purposes in the Spanish system. Firstly, it analyses the impact the pandemic has had on the sector and what negative consequences could remain, proposing the reinterpretation of the law to neutralise the risk of destabilization that is always present in the mortgage market. Secondly it analyses if the transposition of the Directive 2014/17/ EU, through the Law 5/2019, has been fully completed, by contrasting it with the transposition of the same directive in other European countries whose legislations are functionally comparable with Spanish law. Thirdly, the paper reviews the international standards for appraisal companies that the Directive considered reliable standards for the valuation of residential immovable property for mortgage lending purposes and are part of the internal law through the transposition of this Directive. Finally, the paper revises those peculiar characteristics of Spanish law that distinguish it from other legal systems, as well as its integration with the international standards of reference.
En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411... more En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411-9 del Código civil catalán reconoce al llamado a heredar sobre los bienes relictos: qué actos de administración puede asumir, cómo y con qué consecuencias. Y ello tomando hilo conductor la orientación de esos actos, en todo caso, a la conservación del conjunto patrimonial relicto, bajo la premisa de que conservar los bienes de la herencia legitima para toda acción que tenga como consecuencia el mantenimiento del conjunto, y no tanto el de cada uno de los bienes individuales que lo conforman. Conservación dinámica, y no estática. El trabajo pretende revitalizar un concepto clásico, aunque a veces olvidado, de conservación dinámica, a través de su adaptación a las necesidades concretas que una herencia yacente presenta en el momento actual. Repasa el preciso significado de las cuatro categorías de actuación que recoge el art. 411-9, orientando su aplicación a casos concretos: lo urgente, lo ordinario, lo defensivo y lo posesorio, no solo en el ámbito propiamente atribuido al derecho civil, sino también en dimensiones como la del derecho societario o el concursal, que escapan a la estricta lógica de los postulados civiles al responder a intereses diferentes, pero que también son subsumibles en la legitimación para gestionar que el precepto estudiado atribuye al llamado a la herencia. This essay provides an interpretation on the first paragraph of article 411-9 of the Catalan Civil Code, regarding the administration powers attributed to the expectant heirs over the goods to inherit until the inheritance is accepted or rejected. What actuations may be undertaken? What are the consequences of these actuations? The guiding principle to decide these issues is always the need to preserve the assets as a whole patrimony instead of any particular asset. The preservation powers and functions are additionally dynamic rather than static. This paper aims to revitalize a classic, although sometimes forgotten, concept of dynamic preservation adapted to the specific needs of the assets involved. The scope of art. 411-9 is analysed in connection with specific matters needed of a clear criterion: what is urgent, what is ordinary management? What defensive action may be undertaken? How is and must be the possession of the assets? The analysis of these issues is not just limited to traditional private law. It also covers other legal fields such as corporate law or bankruptcy law to the extent that these subjects are affected by this matter.
This article reflects on the importance and impact,
in the current consumer credit market in Spai... more This article reflects on the importance and impact, in the current consumer credit market in Spain, of the information channels on the creditworthiness of potential borrowers, as well as of the efficiency of the solvency control that credit institutions must carry out. We assume as a premise the advantages of positive solvency files, and question whether the need to protect the privacy of borrowers is sufficient argument to exclude them. In connection with the aforementioned, we review the current regulation in Spain in this regard, connecting it with the obligation to monitor the solvency that is imposed to credit institutions. We conclude that the difficulties arising from the current Spanish law in order to conduct such analyses of solvency generate various negative consequences that result both in the reduced security of the credit system as in the rise in the cost of credit to consumers.
European Commision legal policies on crowfunding are describe in this work, as well as a comparat... more European Commision legal policies on crowfunding are describe in this work, as well as a comparative-law analysis of the main EU jurisdictions on this matter, including the recent banking Spanish rules to promote entrepreneurial financing. The scarcity of special rules on participative financing platforms is criticized. We show their connection with Directives on information society services, misleading advertising, and disloyal comercial practices.
The aim of this paper is to review the legal frame and the correction of the activity developed b... more The aim of this paper is to review the legal frame and the correction of the activity developed by appraisal firms and its activity determining the value of properties, from the birth of the current mortgage market until the reforms after the crisis. It is one of the less analyzed issued inside the global readjustment of the legal regime of mortgage credit in the last years. A review about the evolution on this matter evidences that the risks of the system, transformed now in perversions, were already present since the “Ley del Mercado Hipotecario” from 1981.
ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the substantive and procedural issues that emerge when one of the p... more ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the substantive and procedural issues that emerge when one of the parties in litigation is a «vacant or unclaimed inheritance». We revise the specific legal and factual difficulties of a suit in which a vacant inheritance is involved, taking as the starting point the formal recognition of its passive procedural standing in artículo 6.1.4º LEC, previously admitted by the courts. These difficulties are due, mainly, to the ambiguity of this legal recognition and its lack of development beyond articles 6.1.4º and 7.5 LEC. We first address the procedural complexity that may involve the question of whether the defendant lives or not, and his estate is provisionally without a a person who has title, either before the trial, during or at the time of enforcing the judgment. Then we analyze the set of measures that are necessary for our courts so as to not cause a lack of defenses to the future owners of the vacant inheritance (the heirs), because that could cause the invalidity of judicial proceedings. Finally, we examine the doctrine of the Dirección General de Registros y Notariado concerning the registrations resulting from judicial decisions over real property integrated into a vacant inheritance.
Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles de España, 2005
Esta obra pretende ofrecer una visión panorámica de los medios de reacción con que cuenta el acre... more Esta obra pretende ofrecer una visión panorámica de los medios de reacción con que cuenta el acreedor hipotecario, mientras se halla la obligación garantizada con hipoteca pendiente de vencimiento, ante aquellos hechos que, deteriorando el objeto hipotecado, generen en el mismo una disminución de valor reduciendo con ello su eficacia como garantía real del crédito.
La voluntad privada en las relaciones jurídico-familiares, Autores: Camino Sanciñena Asurmendi (coord.), Julio Carbajo González (coord.) Aranzadi, ISBN: 978-84-9177-829-5, 2018
Las relaciones de convivencia entre personas que comparten vivienda habitual, gastos comunes o tr... more Las relaciones de convivencia entre personas que comparten vivienda habitual, gastos comunes o trabajo doméstico, sin contraprestación y con permanencia, se regularon en Cataluña en 1998 (Ley 19/1998), con gran expectación por lo novedoso, en aquel momento, de la cuestión. Ya entonces se dudó de su pertinencia y utilidad, pues sin perjuicio de la evidente eficacia que negocios jurídicos como estos pueden tener, no era tan evidente la necesidad de encorsetarlos en una norma que, bajo apariencia de darles un cauce legal, en realidad los encerraba en un régimen formal que no parecía facilitador de su celebración ni ofrecía ventajas evidentes. Su presencia en el Derecho catalán se confirmó en el Libro II del CCCat en el año 2010, introduciendo algunos cambios que son revisados en este capítulo, que concluye finalmente con una reflexión final sobre su pertinencia y utilidad.
Esta tesis pretende en este trabajo ofrecer una vision panoramica de los medios de reaccion con q... more Esta tesis pretende en este trabajo ofrecer una vision panoramica de los medios de reaccion con que cuenta el acreedor hipotecario, mientras se halla la obligacion garantizada con hipoteca pendiente de vencimiento, ante aquellos hechos que, deteriorando el objeto hipotecado, generen en el mismo una dimsinucion de valor reduciendo con ello su eficacia como garantia real del credito. Tras definir que compone el objeto de la hipoteca inmobiliaria, se analizan, en primer lugar, los medios defensivos legalmente previstos. Entre ellos, ocupa un lugar principal la accion que ante los menoscabos imputables al dueno del bien hipotecado recoge el articulo 117 de La Ley Hipotecaria. Su examen se aborda con profundidad, dada su condicion de unico mecanismos tutelar frente a deterioros inserto en la configuraicon institucional de la hipoteca. A continuacion, se procede a la busqueda de otros modos de reaccion ofrecidos por el ordenamiento juridico, ya sea dentro de normas protectoras de todo acr...
El presente capítulo tiene por objeto el repaso al origen del vigente régimen legal de la financi... more El presente capítulo tiene por objeto el repaso al origen del vigente régimen legal de la financiación participativa en Europa tras la entrada en vigor del Reglamento 2020/1503 y del texto modificado de la Ley 5/2015. En este repaso se constata el paralelismo con el proceso regulatorio de este sector vivido años antes en Estados Unidos A continuación se analizan las novedades más destacables del actual régimen europeo y español en relación con la protección de los inversores. Finaliza con un recorrido a las cuestiones aún pendientes de reflexión o desarrollo en esta normativa. PALABRAS CLAVE Financiación participativa. Protección de inversores. Empresas emergentes. Mercado financiero regulado.
Derecho e inteligencia artificial. El jurista ante los retos de la era digital (dir. I. Herbosa/D. Fernández de Retana), 2023
1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia
2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas ... more ÍNDICE 1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia 2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas automatizados de evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: riesgos inherentes 3. Los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia en la Ley de IA 3.1. Una norma con enfoque generalista que debe integrarse en el ecosistema normativo 3.2. Ámbito objetivo de aplicación: «alto riesgo» e «inteligencia artificial» como parámetros delimitadores 3.3. Régimen aplicable a los sistemas de alto riesgo: cuatro novedades destacables 4. Inteligencia artificial, datos y ficheros de solvencia 4.1. La importancia de los datos de entrenamiento y el control de acceso a los mismos. 4.2. Datos relevantes para evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: vías de licitud para su uso en sistemas de alto riesgo 4.2.1. Pautas generales de acceso a datos de solvencia 4.2.2. El tratamiento automatizado de los datos de solvencia 4.2.3. Régimen de acceso y tratamiento de datos alternativos.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to review, in three different aspects,
the current legal frame... more ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to review, in three different aspects, the current legal framework governing appraisal companies and their activity valuing properties for lending purposes in the Spanish system. Firstly, it analyses the impact the pandemic has had on the sector and what negative consequences could remain, proposing the reinterpretation of the law to neutralise the risk of destabilization that is always present in the mortgage market. Secondly it analyses if the transposition of the Directive 2014/17/ EU, through the Law 5/2019, has been fully completed, by contrasting it with the transposition of the same directive in other European countries whose legislations are functionally comparable with Spanish law. Thirdly, the paper reviews the international standards for appraisal companies that the Directive considered reliable standards for the valuation of residential immovable property for mortgage lending purposes and are part of the internal law through the transposition of this Directive. Finally, the paper revises those peculiar characteristics of Spanish law that distinguish it from other legal systems, as well as its integration with the international standards of reference.
En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411... more En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411-9 del Código civil catalán reconoce al llamado a heredar sobre los bienes relictos: qué actos de administración puede asumir, cómo y con qué consecuencias. Y ello tomando hilo conductor la orientación de esos actos, en todo caso, a la conservación del conjunto patrimonial relicto, bajo la premisa de que conservar los bienes de la herencia legitima para toda acción que tenga como consecuencia el mantenimiento del conjunto, y no tanto el de cada uno de los bienes individuales que lo conforman. Conservación dinámica, y no estática. El trabajo pretende revitalizar un concepto clásico, aunque a veces olvidado, de conservación dinámica, a través de su adaptación a las necesidades concretas que una herencia yacente presenta en el momento actual. Repasa el preciso significado de las cuatro categorías de actuación que recoge el art. 411-9, orientando su aplicación a casos concretos: lo urgente, lo ordinario, lo defensivo y lo posesorio, no solo en el ámbito propiamente atribuido al derecho civil, sino también en dimensiones como la del derecho societario o el concursal, que escapan a la estricta lógica de los postulados civiles al responder a intereses diferentes, pero que también son subsumibles en la legitimación para gestionar que el precepto estudiado atribuye al llamado a la herencia. This essay provides an interpretation on the first paragraph of article 411-9 of the Catalan Civil Code, regarding the administration powers attributed to the expectant heirs over the goods to inherit until the inheritance is accepted or rejected. What actuations may be undertaken? What are the consequences of these actuations? The guiding principle to decide these issues is always the need to preserve the assets as a whole patrimony instead of any particular asset. The preservation powers and functions are additionally dynamic rather than static. This paper aims to revitalize a classic, although sometimes forgotten, concept of dynamic preservation adapted to the specific needs of the assets involved. The scope of art. 411-9 is analysed in connection with specific matters needed of a clear criterion: what is urgent, what is ordinary management? What defensive action may be undertaken? How is and must be the possession of the assets? The analysis of these issues is not just limited to traditional private law. It also covers other legal fields such as corporate law or bankruptcy law to the extent that these subjects are affected by this matter.
This article reflects on the importance and impact,
in the current consumer credit market in Spai... more This article reflects on the importance and impact, in the current consumer credit market in Spain, of the information channels on the creditworthiness of potential borrowers, as well as of the efficiency of the solvency control that credit institutions must carry out. We assume as a premise the advantages of positive solvency files, and question whether the need to protect the privacy of borrowers is sufficient argument to exclude them. In connection with the aforementioned, we review the current regulation in Spain in this regard, connecting it with the obligation to monitor the solvency that is imposed to credit institutions. We conclude that the difficulties arising from the current Spanish law in order to conduct such analyses of solvency generate various negative consequences that result both in the reduced security of the credit system as in the rise in the cost of credit to consumers.
European Commision legal policies on crowfunding are describe in this work, as well as a comparat... more European Commision legal policies on crowfunding are describe in this work, as well as a comparative-law analysis of the main EU jurisdictions on this matter, including the recent banking Spanish rules to promote entrepreneurial financing. The scarcity of special rules on participative financing platforms is criticized. We show their connection with Directives on information society services, misleading advertising, and disloyal comercial practices.
The aim of this paper is to review the legal frame and the correction of the activity developed b... more The aim of this paper is to review the legal frame and the correction of the activity developed by appraisal firms and its activity determining the value of properties, from the birth of the current mortgage market until the reforms after the crisis. It is one of the less analyzed issued inside the global readjustment of the legal regime of mortgage credit in the last years. A review about the evolution on this matter evidences that the risks of the system, transformed now in perversions, were already present since the “Ley del Mercado Hipotecario” from 1981.
ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the substantive and procedural issues that emerge when one of the p... more ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the substantive and procedural issues that emerge when one of the parties in litigation is a «vacant or unclaimed inheritance». We revise the specific legal and factual difficulties of a suit in which a vacant inheritance is involved, taking as the starting point the formal recognition of its passive procedural standing in artículo 6.1.4º LEC, previously admitted by the courts. These difficulties are due, mainly, to the ambiguity of this legal recognition and its lack of development beyond articles 6.1.4º and 7.5 LEC. We first address the procedural complexity that may involve the question of whether the defendant lives or not, and his estate is provisionally without a a person who has title, either before the trial, during or at the time of enforcing the judgment. Then we analyze the set of measures that are necessary for our courts so as to not cause a lack of defenses to the future owners of the vacant inheritance (the heirs), because that could cause the invalidity of judicial proceedings. Finally, we examine the doctrine of the Dirección General de Registros y Notariado concerning the registrations resulting from judicial decisions over real property integrated into a vacant inheritance.
Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles de España, 2005
Esta obra pretende ofrecer una visión panorámica de los medios de reacción con que cuenta el acre... more Esta obra pretende ofrecer una visión panorámica de los medios de reacción con que cuenta el acreedor hipotecario, mientras se halla la obligación garantizada con hipoteca pendiente de vencimiento, ante aquellos hechos que, deteriorando el objeto hipotecado, generen en el mismo una disminución de valor reduciendo con ello su eficacia como garantía real del crédito.
La voluntad privada en las relaciones jurídico-familiares, Autores: Camino Sanciñena Asurmendi (coord.), Julio Carbajo González (coord.) Aranzadi, ISBN: 978-84-9177-829-5, 2018
Las relaciones de convivencia entre personas que comparten vivienda habitual, gastos comunes o tr... more Las relaciones de convivencia entre personas que comparten vivienda habitual, gastos comunes o trabajo doméstico, sin contraprestación y con permanencia, se regularon en Cataluña en 1998 (Ley 19/1998), con gran expectación por lo novedoso, en aquel momento, de la cuestión. Ya entonces se dudó de su pertinencia y utilidad, pues sin perjuicio de la evidente eficacia que negocios jurídicos como estos pueden tener, no era tan evidente la necesidad de encorsetarlos en una norma que, bajo apariencia de darles un cauce legal, en realidad los encerraba en un régimen formal que no parecía facilitador de su celebración ni ofrecía ventajas evidentes. Su presencia en el Derecho catalán se confirmó en el Libro II del CCCat en el año 2010, introduciendo algunos cambios que son revisados en este capítulo, que concluye finalmente con una reflexión final sobre su pertinencia y utilidad.
Papers by Rebeca Carpi
1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia
2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas automatizados de evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: riesgos inherentes
3. Los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia en la Ley de IA
3.1. Una norma con enfoque generalista que debe integrarse en el ecosistema normativo
3.2. Ámbito objetivo de aplicación: «alto riesgo» e «inteligencia artificial» como parámetros delimitadores
3.3. Régimen aplicable a los sistemas de alto riesgo: cuatro novedades destacables
4. Inteligencia artificial, datos y ficheros de solvencia
4.1. La importancia de los datos de entrenamiento y el control de acceso a los mismos.
4.2. Datos relevantes para evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: vías de licitud para su uso en sistemas de alto riesgo
4.2.1. Pautas generales de acceso a datos de solvencia
4.2.2. El tratamiento automatizado de los datos de solvencia
4.2.3. Régimen de acceso y tratamiento de datos alternativos.
the current legal framework governing appraisal companies and their activity
valuing properties for lending purposes in the Spanish system. Firstly, it
analyses the impact the pandemic has had on the sector and what negative
consequences could remain, proposing the reinterpretation of the law to
neutralise the risk of destabilization that is always present in the mortgage
market. Secondly it analyses if the transposition of the Directive 2014/17/
EU, through the Law 5/2019, has been fully completed, by contrasting it
with the transposition of the same directive in other European countries
whose legislations are functionally comparable with Spanish law. Thirdly,
the paper reviews the international standards for appraisal companies that
the Directive considered reliable standards for the valuation of residential
immovable property for mortgage lending purposes and are part of the internal
law through the transposition of this Directive. Finally, the paper revises
those peculiar characteristics of Spanish law that distinguish it from other
legal systems, as well as its integration with the international standards of
This essay provides an interpretation on the first paragraph of article 411-9 of the Catalan Civil Code, regarding the administration powers attributed to the expectant heirs over the goods to inherit until the inheritance is accepted or rejected. What actuations may be undertaken? What are the consequences of these actuations? The guiding principle to decide these issues is always the need to preserve the assets as a whole patrimony instead of any particular asset. The preservation powers and functions are additionally dynamic rather than static. This paper aims to revitalize a classic, although sometimes forgotten, concept of dynamic preservation adapted to the specific needs of the assets involved. The scope of art. 411-9 is analysed in connection with specific matters needed of a clear criterion: what is urgent, what is ordinary management? What defensive action may be undertaken? How is and must be the possession of the assets? The analysis of these issues is not just limited to traditional private law. It also covers other legal fields such as corporate law or bankruptcy law to the extent that these subjects are affected by this matter.
in the current consumer credit market in Spain, of the information
channels on the creditworthiness of potential borrowers,
as well as of the efficiency of the solvency control that
credit institutions must carry out. We assume as a premise the
advantages of positive solvency files, and question whether
the need to protect the privacy of borrowers is sufficient argument
to exclude them. In connection with the aforementioned,
we review the current regulation in Spain in this regard,
connecting it with the obligation to monitor the solvency that
is imposed to credit institutions. We conclude that the difficulties
arising from the current Spanish law in order to conduct
such analyses of solvency generate various negative consequences
that result both in the reduced security of the credit
system as in the rise in the cost of credit to consumers.
We revise the specific legal and factual difficulties of a suit in which a vacant inheritance is involved, taking as the starting point the formal recognition of its passive procedural standing in artículo 6.1.4º LEC, previously admitted by the courts. These difficulties are due, mainly, to the ambiguity of this legal recognition and its lack of development beyond articles 6.1.4º and 7.5 LEC. We first address the procedural
complexity that may involve the question of whether the defendant lives or not, and his estate is provisionally without a a person who has title, either before the trial, during or at the time of enforcing the judgment. Then we analyze the set of measures that are necessary for our courts so as to not cause a lack of defenses to the future owners of the vacant inheritance (the heirs), because that could cause the invalidity of judicial proceedings. Finally, we examine the doctrine of the Dirección General de Registros y Notariado concerning the registrations resulting from judicial decisions over real property integrated into a vacant inheritance.
Books by Rebeca Carpi
1. Situando los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia
2. Mecánica funcional de los sistemas automatizados de evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: riesgos inherentes
3. Los sistemas de evaluación de solvencia en la Ley de IA
3.1. Una norma con enfoque generalista que debe integrarse en el ecosistema normativo
3.2. Ámbito objetivo de aplicación: «alto riesgo» e «inteligencia artificial» como parámetros delimitadores
3.3. Régimen aplicable a los sistemas de alto riesgo: cuatro novedades destacables
4. Inteligencia artificial, datos y ficheros de solvencia
4.1. La importancia de los datos de entrenamiento y el control de acceso a los mismos.
4.2. Datos relevantes para evaluación de solvencia y calificación crediticia: vías de licitud para su uso en sistemas de alto riesgo
4.2.1. Pautas generales de acceso a datos de solvencia
4.2.2. El tratamiento automatizado de los datos de solvencia
4.2.3. Régimen de acceso y tratamiento de datos alternativos.
the current legal framework governing appraisal companies and their activity
valuing properties for lending purposes in the Spanish system. Firstly, it
analyses the impact the pandemic has had on the sector and what negative
consequences could remain, proposing the reinterpretation of the law to
neutralise the risk of destabilization that is always present in the mortgage
market. Secondly it analyses if the transposition of the Directive 2014/17/
EU, through the Law 5/2019, has been fully completed, by contrasting it
with the transposition of the same directive in other European countries
whose legislations are functionally comparable with Spanish law. Thirdly,
the paper reviews the international standards for appraisal companies that
the Directive considered reliable standards for the valuation of residential
immovable property for mortgage lending purposes and are part of the internal
law through the transposition of this Directive. Finally, the paper revises
those peculiar characteristics of Spanish law that distinguish it from other
legal systems, as well as its integration with the international standards of
This essay provides an interpretation on the first paragraph of article 411-9 of the Catalan Civil Code, regarding the administration powers attributed to the expectant heirs over the goods to inherit until the inheritance is accepted or rejected. What actuations may be undertaken? What are the consequences of these actuations? The guiding principle to decide these issues is always the need to preserve the assets as a whole patrimony instead of any particular asset. The preservation powers and functions are additionally dynamic rather than static. This paper aims to revitalize a classic, although sometimes forgotten, concept of dynamic preservation adapted to the specific needs of the assets involved. The scope of art. 411-9 is analysed in connection with specific matters needed of a clear criterion: what is urgent, what is ordinary management? What defensive action may be undertaken? How is and must be the possession of the assets? The analysis of these issues is not just limited to traditional private law. It also covers other legal fields such as corporate law or bankruptcy law to the extent that these subjects are affected by this matter.
in the current consumer credit market in Spain, of the information
channels on the creditworthiness of potential borrowers,
as well as of the efficiency of the solvency control that
credit institutions must carry out. We assume as a premise the
advantages of positive solvency files, and question whether
the need to protect the privacy of borrowers is sufficient argument
to exclude them. In connection with the aforementioned,
we review the current regulation in Spain in this regard,
connecting it with the obligation to monitor the solvency that
is imposed to credit institutions. We conclude that the difficulties
arising from the current Spanish law in order to conduct
such analyses of solvency generate various negative consequences
that result both in the reduced security of the credit
system as in the rise in the cost of credit to consumers.
We revise the specific legal and factual difficulties of a suit in which a vacant inheritance is involved, taking as the starting point the formal recognition of its passive procedural standing in artículo 6.1.4º LEC, previously admitted by the courts. These difficulties are due, mainly, to the ambiguity of this legal recognition and its lack of development beyond articles 6.1.4º and 7.5 LEC. We first address the procedural
complexity that may involve the question of whether the defendant lives or not, and his estate is provisionally without a a person who has title, either before the trial, during or at the time of enforcing the judgment. Then we analyze the set of measures that are necessary for our courts so as to not cause a lack of defenses to the future owners of the vacant inheritance (the heirs), because that could cause the invalidity of judicial proceedings. Finally, we examine the doctrine of the Dirección General de Registros y Notariado concerning the registrations resulting from judicial decisions over real property integrated into a vacant inheritance.