Books by Ines Garcia Lopez
Old Norse Poetry in Performance, Routledge, 2022
This chapter discusses the reception of the concept of vocality in Old Norse studies. Taking Paul... more This chapter discusses the reception of the concept of vocality in Old Norse studies. Taking Paul Zumthor's work as a starting point and following Joseph Harris and Ursula Schaefer’s recent studies on the topic, this chapter analyses the term vocality from a critical and historical perspective. Firstly, it gives an introductory overview of the concept of voice from an interdisciplinary approach in the French academic field. It then describes the concept of Zumthorian vocality and analyses Schaefer’s contribution to the concept in relation to mediality. Finally, it discusses the reception of the concept of vocality in Old Norse studies and points out the possibilities of application to Old Norse Poetry in performance.
L’assaig Calla i paga, publicat a la Col·lecció Dèdalus i editat per l’editorial Periscopi i l’Es... more L’assaig Calla i paga, publicat a la Col·lecció Dèdalus i editat per l’editorial Periscopi i l’Escola Bloom, obre un diàleg entre la política i la psicoanàlisi per pensar com s’articulen els mecanismes de subjectivació contemporanis i el discurs capitalista. L’autora, Inés García, escriu en aquest assaig sobre l’impacte en els subjectes de la maquinària neoliberal de producció d’identitats de gènere, sobre les noves formes de fer vincle social i, també, sobre les resistències i les noves formes de col·lectivitzar el malestar. L’assaig revisa fenòmens d’actualitat com el ghosting, la tinderització dels vincles, la privatització de l’estrès i el necroempoderament capitalista als espais fronterers, a la vegada que mostra com les populars teràpies alternatives basades en el mindfulness estan al servei de la ideologia capitalista. És un text fonamental per pensar de manera crítica el nostre present, atès que ofereix propostes clares per aturar l’alienació dels subjectes com a objectes de mercaderia i per frenar l’encadenament dels calla-i-paga que caracteritza la deriva neoliberal del nostre temps.
"Somos una minoría, siempre hemos sido una minoría, llevamos toda la vida siendo una minoría, ¿y ... more "Somos una minoría, siempre hemos sido una minoría, llevamos toda la vida siendo una minoría, ¿y qué? ¿Acaso tiene usted algo contra las minorías? Somos una minoría que está en contra, la gente que está en contra siempre ha sido una minoría. Es nuestra condena. [...] Por cierto, pregunte al rector con qué porcentaje de votos consiguió ser rector. Claro, creo que fue cerca del 5% de la comunidad universitaria"
(Manuel Delgado, preguntado por la representatividad de la protesta estudiantil contra el Plan Bolonia – conexión en directo de TV3, Plaça Universitat, Barcelona, 19.03.09).
The Odyssey of the Hávamál is an investigation into manuscript transmission, translation, and lit... more The Odyssey of the Hávamál is an investigation into manuscript transmission, translation, and literary and critical reception of the Havamal, in German-Speaking countries. The Hávamál is an Old Norse poem preserved in the 13th century manuscript Codex Regius GkS 2365 in 4°. The first part of this study is concerned with the history of this manuscript. I analyze its paleographical and ecdotic aspects, and describe the main critical editions. The second part of the investigation examines the history of the poem's reception through political, cultural and literary appropiations from the first reference to the poem in the 17th century until the present. The main paradigms related to the Old Norse research studies will be observed and described, especially in relation to the Eddic poetry and specifically with the Havamal. The first paradigm begins in the 17th century and ends in the Second World War. During this time, the first edition and translation of the Hávamál in 1665 was part of a major cultural and political programme carried by the Danish crown. In addition, the Romantic movement in England and Germany awakened enthusiasm for Old Norse poetry and inspired the first translated versions of Eddic poems, as well as discussions relating to translating policies. By the end of the 19th century, positivist philological studies were applied to Old Norse texts. These were characterized by text-oriented approaches that employed the genealogical or stemmatic method. This paradigm was developed mainly by German researchers, who applied this methodology in order to study the original form of the Hávamál. The second main paradigm is related with the emergence of the literary studies in the 70s. After 1945, critical studies on the Hávamál were not participatory in cultural legitimation of certain political and nationalistic purposes. Studies of the poem became a problematic object of study in the Academia.
Journal Articles by Ines Garcia Lopez
SVMMA. Revista de Cultures Medievals, 2021
This paper analyses the portrayal of the woman poet Áslaug Sigurðardóttir in Ragnars saga, as wel... more This paper analyses the portrayal of the woman poet Áslaug Sigurðardóttir in Ragnars saga, as well as the representations of women contained in the verses attributed to her. After a brief—but necessary—review of the main formal and stylistic characteristics of skaldic poetry and the variants used in this saga, some of Áslaug‟s poems will be discussed to showcase her divergence from the canon of skaldic poetry, taking the context of recitation into consideration and the aestheticization process that aimed to bring these verses closer to the audience.
Key Words: Áslaug, women representations, skáldkonur, skaldic poetry, context of recitation
Historia National Geographic, nº 217, 2021
SVMMA, Revista de Cultures Medievals, 2021
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la representación de una mujer poeta, a través del per... more Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la representación de una mujer poeta, a través del personaje Áslaug Sigurðardóttir en la Ragnars saga, así como las representaciones de la mujer en sus mismos poemas. Tras realizar una sucinta pero necesaria revisión de las principales características formales y estilísticas de la poesía escáldica y la variante utilizada en la saga, comentaremos algunos de los poemas de Áslaug y situaremos sus divergencias como poeta respecto al canon tomando en perspectiva el contexto de recitación y el proceso de estetización que pretende acercar los versos a la audiencia.
Ciutat de les Lletres, 2020
Revista Caràcters, número 87, 2019
SVMMA. Revista de Cultures Medievals, 2019
Los avances tecnológicos en los métodos de datación de las últimas décadas han modificado la rela... more Los avances tecnológicos en los métodos de datación de las últimas décadas han modificado la relación que se estableció entre la arqueología y los textos medievales islandeses hasta mediados del siglo XX: el foco ya no consiste en cotejar la información entre los textos medievales sino en realizar otro tipo de investigaciones que, si bien nos han permitido fechar el asentamiento de Islandia con mayor rigurosidad, también ofrecen información sobre la explotación de los recursos o el impacto medioambiental durante la colonización de Islandia en el siglo IX. Este artículo analizará dos fragmentos del Landnámabók, el libro del siglo XIII que describe la colonización de Islandia, con el objetivo de establecer un renovado diálogo entre los recientes descubrimientos arqueológicos acaecidos en la isla y las fuentes medievales escritas sobre Islandia.
The technological advances of the last decades in dating methods have modified the relationship between archaeology and medieval Icelandic texts that was commonplace until the middle of the twentieth century. The focus is no longer on comparing the information provided by medieval texts but on carrying out other types of research that have allowed a more accurate dating of the first settlement of Iceland, and have offered information on the exploitation of resources and environmental impact during the colonization of Iceland in the ninth century. In this article, I will analyse two fragments of the Landnámabók, the thirteenth-century book that describes the colonization of Iceland, with the aim of establishing a renewed dialogue between recent archaeological discoveries on the island and the medieval sources devoted to Iceland.
NODVS L'Aperiòdic de la Secció Clínica de Barcelona, 2019
Este escrito es un comentario sobre un párrafo contenido en "El seminario sobre La carta robada" ... more Este escrito es un comentario sobre un párrafo contenido en "El seminario sobre La carta robada" de Jacques Lacan que enumera los efectos psicoanalíticos que siguen fielmente el desplazamiento del significante: la forclusión, la represión y la denegación. Se situarán estos conceptos en la obra de Freud para valorar el uso que Lacan hace de ellos en este seminario.
Palabras clave: Impregnaciones imaginarias, desplazamiento del significante, defensas del aparato psíquico
Historia National Geographic, 2018
TRANS Revue de littérature générale et compareé, 2018
Resumen: Los proyectos de construcción histórica del origen de los pueblos en los países de la Eu... more Resumen: Los proyectos de construcción histórica del origen de los pueblos en los países de la Europa septentrional hasta el siglo XVI están inspirados en los relatos míticos clásicos. Estos relatos fundacionales se mantienen en la Edad Media y no es hasta la publicación de la Britannia del historiador inglés William Camden en 1586 que se produce un punto de inflexión hacia un cambio de paradigma en los estudios historiográficos. Un siglo más tarde, la Rerum Danicarum Historia del historiador danés Johannes Pontanus continuará la estela de la nueva propuesta de escritura de la historia iniciada en el trabajo de Camden y consolidará este proyecto en la narración del pasado de los países escandinavos. Un proyecto que implicará la desmitificación del pasado histórico y que comenzará a dibujar los límites fronterizos entre historia y literatura. Este artículo realizará un estudio comparativo de los proyectos de escritura de la historia en estos países para mostrar de qué manera las obras de Camden y Pontanus suponen un giro en la historia de la historiografía y en los proyectos identitarios y políticos de dichos países.
Abstract: The projects of historical construction of the origin of the peoples in the Northern European countries until the sixteenth century are inspired by classic mythical tales. These founding narratives are maintained in the Middle Ages and it is not until the publication of the British historian William Camden's Britannia in 1586 that there is a turning point towards a paradigm shift in historiographical studies. A century later, the Rerum Danicarum Historia of the Danish historian Johannes Pontanus continues with the new proposal of the history writing initiated in the work of Camden and consolidates this project in the narration of the past of the Scandinavian countries. A project that involves the demystification of the historical past and that starts to draw the borderline between history and literature. This article proposes a comparative study of history writing projects in these countries in order to show how the works of Camden and Pontanus signify a turn in the history of historiography and in the identity and political projects of these countries.
Quimera Revista de Literatura
Dossier de Literatura Oral
Nº 380-381: julio 2015
Sàpiens: Medievalistes en bloc. Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM), Apr 28, 2014
Papers by Ines Garcia Lopez
Old Norse Poetry in Performance, 2019
One of the most significant differences between eddic and skaldic poetry is that the skaldic poet... more One of the most significant differences between eddic and skaldic poetry is that the skaldic poetry is linked to a particular occasion represented in the story of the saga. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the double dimension of the ‘occasion’ - both oral and textual - and to display the double function of the skaldic poetry in each case, especially in situational verses. To illustrate this analysis, we will discuss the third poem of the Egils saga, the lausavísa that Skalla-Grímr composes to his servants. Their complaint about having to get up too early to work at the forge is turned by Skalla-Grímr into a stanza praising blacksmithing, which could also be considered - as it will be shown in this paper - as the vindication of the poet’s craft and the act of poetical performance. Therefore, this stanza has a double function. The first one is linked to the ‘oral’ occasion represented in the fictional dimension of the narration, in which Skalla-Grímr recites a poem to his servants. The second function has to be observed within the ‘textual’ occasion in the whole saga, where the distance between composition and performance – characteristic of written tradition – responds to a historical logic that needs to be reconstructed.
This paper will analyse the narration technique in both Eireks saga víðförla and Snorra Edda in r... more This paper will analyse the narration technique in both Eireks saga víðförla and Snorra Edda in relation to the literary representation of mythical places as geographical spaces. Similarities and divergences will be observed between the Eireks saga and the Prose Edda’s euhemerized Prologue and Gylfaginning when narrating space. The common structures between the Prologue’s geographical replacement of the cosmos represented in the Eddic poems and Eirek’s quest for the Ódáinsakr will be brought to discussion. Both Eirek and Gylfi show wisdom’s willingness to inquire into the origin and the dimensions of certain earthly and cosmic places. This information will be displayed in both texts in a dialogic frame where certain elements as the deceit, the religious conversion or the encounter with fantastic creatures will accompany the main characters of these narrations in their spatial transitions.
Amb l’arribada de l’alfabet llatí a Islàndia augmenta considerablement la producció textual en ll... more Amb l’arribada de l’alfabet llatí a Islàndia augmenta considerablement la producció textual en llengua vernacla durant els segles XII i XIII. En aquesta ponència analitzarem quin és l’impacte d’aquesta arribada en els mecanismes de transmissió i recepció de la poesia escrita en norrè durant aquest segles. Prestarem especial atenció a la producció poètica del segle XIII, fent èmfasi en les relacions entre l’activitat literària i el context social i cultural que acull les noves pràctiques d’escriptura, sense oblidar aspectes tant rellevants com la posició social dels poetes nòrdics i els seus espais de recitació.
Jornades sobre l'Edat Mitjana Nòrdica i Germànica
Books by Ines Garcia Lopez
(Manuel Delgado, preguntado por la representatividad de la protesta estudiantil contra el Plan Bolonia – conexión en directo de TV3, Plaça Universitat, Barcelona, 19.03.09).
Journal Articles by Ines Garcia Lopez
Key Words: Áslaug, women representations, skáldkonur, skaldic poetry, context of recitation
The technological advances of the last decades in dating methods have modified the relationship between archaeology and medieval Icelandic texts that was commonplace until the middle of the twentieth century. The focus is no longer on comparing the information provided by medieval texts but on carrying out other types of research that have allowed a more accurate dating of the first settlement of Iceland, and have offered information on the exploitation of resources and environmental impact during the colonization of Iceland in the ninth century. In this article, I will analyse two fragments of the Landnámabók, the thirteenth-century book that describes the colonization of Iceland, with the aim of establishing a renewed dialogue between recent archaeological discoveries on the island and the medieval sources devoted to Iceland.
Palabras clave: Impregnaciones imaginarias, desplazamiento del significante, defensas del aparato psíquico
Abstract: The projects of historical construction of the origin of the peoples in the Northern European countries until the sixteenth century are inspired by classic mythical tales. These founding narratives are maintained in the Middle Ages and it is not until the publication of the British historian William Camden's Britannia in 1586 that there is a turning point towards a paradigm shift in historiographical studies. A century later, the Rerum Danicarum Historia of the Danish historian Johannes Pontanus continues with the new proposal of the history writing initiated in the work of Camden and consolidates this project in the narration of the past of the Scandinavian countries. A project that involves the demystification of the historical past and that starts to draw the borderline between history and literature. This article proposes a comparative study of history writing projects in these countries in order to show how the works of Camden and Pontanus signify a turn in the history of historiography and in the identity and political projects of these countries.
Papers by Ines Garcia Lopez
(Manuel Delgado, preguntado por la representatividad de la protesta estudiantil contra el Plan Bolonia – conexión en directo de TV3, Plaça Universitat, Barcelona, 19.03.09).
Key Words: Áslaug, women representations, skáldkonur, skaldic poetry, context of recitation
The technological advances of the last decades in dating methods have modified the relationship between archaeology and medieval Icelandic texts that was commonplace until the middle of the twentieth century. The focus is no longer on comparing the information provided by medieval texts but on carrying out other types of research that have allowed a more accurate dating of the first settlement of Iceland, and have offered information on the exploitation of resources and environmental impact during the colonization of Iceland in the ninth century. In this article, I will analyse two fragments of the Landnámabók, the thirteenth-century book that describes the colonization of Iceland, with the aim of establishing a renewed dialogue between recent archaeological discoveries on the island and the medieval sources devoted to Iceland.
Palabras clave: Impregnaciones imaginarias, desplazamiento del significante, defensas del aparato psíquico
Abstract: The projects of historical construction of the origin of the peoples in the Northern European countries until the sixteenth century are inspired by classic mythical tales. These founding narratives are maintained in the Middle Ages and it is not until the publication of the British historian William Camden's Britannia in 1586 that there is a turning point towards a paradigm shift in historiographical studies. A century later, the Rerum Danicarum Historia of the Danish historian Johannes Pontanus continues with the new proposal of the history writing initiated in the work of Camden and consolidates this project in the narration of the past of the Scandinavian countries. A project that involves the demystification of the historical past and that starts to draw the borderline between history and literature. This article proposes a comparative study of history writing projects in these countries in order to show how the works of Camden and Pontanus signify a turn in the history of historiography and in the identity and political projects of these countries.
The fundamental question of the invention of tradition in Iceland in the Middle Ages works as a trigger for the observation of the problematic involved in its literary production. Pre-Christian myths, Latin literature, old poetry and beliefs crystallized in the so called by Meulengracht Sørensen “paradox, of a copious and highly developed literature in a remote country” . The explanation given by now to this paradox from a literary and sociological approach is to consider that an exceptional society, formed in exceptional circumstances, as is the case in medieval Iceland, produced an exceptional literature. Beyond the isolating terms implied in this conception, this “exceptional” character will be our actual matter of work. Considering it not as a solitary development rooted in ancient times, but as a “response” to its contemporary European scenery. A courtly literature would have had no reception in a small farming population, organized far from a kingly structure. It is this exceptional sociological and political situation, in contrast to the birth of European kingdoms, a great companion for the creation of a literature in terms of invention of tradition. Challenging the theory of a self-constructed isolated literature, we will reveal within the texts of the sagas how the different voices from the Viking Age are set to dialogue with its contemporary European text-context referent.
Bibliography: Meulengrachr Sørensen, Preben, “Social institutions and belief systems of medieval Iceland (c. (70-1400) and their relations to the literary production”, p. 10, in Clunies Ross, M. Old Icelandic Literature and Society, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Die Forschungslinie des anerkannten isländischen Mediävisten Klaus von See wird es vervollständigt und weiterführt, bezugnehmend zum Thema der kulturellen Identität. Im Falle Islands, und in einem mehrheitlich monarchisch geprägtem Europa, spielt die Produktion literarischer Werke eine wichtige Rolle, wenn eine traditionalistische anti-monarchische, antihöfische Faktion innerhalb der isländischen Intellektuellen auftaucht.
Darum die Analyse der Hávamál, als vorgeblich heidnische Text der mündlichen Tradition, und die berühmten Disticha Catonis als Vertreter der kontinentalen latainisch-geistlichen Tradition.
Unser Ziel wird die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Werke über die Abnahme von der Disticha Catonis in Island, wie ihre Ankunft in einem skandinavischen kulturellen System kristallisierte und in wie weit sie den Aufbau der Hávamál beeinflusst haben.
The online conference “Literature and women: a conversation between Iceland and Catalonia” is part of the celebration of Sant Jordi's Day, a Catalan festivity dedicated to books and culture which has its modern origins in the early 20th century. Celebrated every April 23rd, also declared World Book Day by UNESCO, Sant Jordi's Day brings people, bookstalls and roses to the streets, something that, unfortunately, we will still not be able to do this year due to the pandemic.
In 2021, we also celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Catalan poet and feminist Felícia Fuster. For that reason, the event wants to encourage a discussion about women’s experiences in the literary and cultural sectors.
The event wants to highlight the existing links between Iceland and Catalonia, two countries with a broad literary legacy and a prolific cultural landscape. A good example of this is Reykjavik's declaration as Literary City by UNESCO in 2011 and Barcelona's in 2015, which let both cities host numerous events for the promotion of literature, language and reading.
The discussion will address some of the challenges defining today's world of culture while advocating for gender equality. The speakers will address the relevance of women’s voices in literary creation and cultural promotion, the situation of women in publishing, their working conditions and issues related to translation into languages with relatively few speakers, like Icelandic and Catalan.
At the same time and as a general framework, the debate seeks to highlight the commitment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Mainly, goal 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, and goal 4: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Welcome remarks: Secretary for Foreign Action and the EU (Catalan Government)
Presenting: Ms Izaskun Arretxe Irigoien, director of the Area of Literature and Thought of the Ramon Llull Institute. Participants: Ms Yrsa Sigurdardottir, writer and civil engineer, 2021 Blóðdropinn Prize winner; Dr Inés García López, expert in Scandinavian studies, professor at Rovira i Virgili University (URV) and 2020 Snorri Sturluson Fellowship winner; and Ms Úa - Hólmfríður Matthíasdóttir, Icelandic publisher.