Mónica Ojeda Pérez is a predoctoral researcher of the University Teacher Training program (FPU) developed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain). She works in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Seville. Her line of research focuses on the analysis of sexting as an emerging phenomenon in the social life of adolescents and the study of factors associated with this practice. She has also participated in international, national, regional and local research projects on bullying, cyberbullying, truancy and associated factors. [Mónica Ojeda Pérez es contratada predoctoral del programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Gobierno de España). Pertenece al Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Su línea de investigación se centra en el análisis del sexting como fenómeno emergente en la vida social de los y las adolescentes y el estudio de los factores asociados a esta práctica. Además, ha participado en proyectos de investigación internacionales, nacionales, autonómicos y locales sobre bullying, cyberbullying, absentismo escolar y factores asociados.] Supervisors: Rosario Del Rey
Portal de Vídeo Didáctico de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2021
Animación didáctica que habla sobre el ciberacoso, dando las pautas para aprender a convivir en l... more Animación didáctica que habla sobre el ciberacoso, dando las pautas para aprender a convivir en la Red. Abordar y prevenir la violencia escolar se ha convertido en una de las principales prioridades de la educación. A pesar de ser muchos los tipos de violencia que podemos encontrar en las escuelas españolas, desde hace unos años el ciberacoso está suponiendo un reto para las instituciones educativas y profesionales que trabajan diariamente con niños, niñas y adolescentes. En esta animación se profundizará en la importancia de incluir este fenómeno en los contenidos transversales de la formación de los futuros maestros y maestras, su marco normativo y aspectos metodológicos clave.
El contexto digital y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) avanzan a una gra... more El contexto digital y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) avanzan a una gran velocidad y, aunque presentan múltiples beneficios, sus posibles riesgos también repercuten en la convivencia de los centros educativos. Entre ellos, el cyberbullying es un fenómeno de gran interés, pero sigue siendo necesario comprobar la eficacia de intervenciones basadas en la evidencia para prevenirlo. Por ello, el presente estudio se propuso analizar si es posible disminuir el cyberbullying con una intervención psicoeducativa implementada por el propio profesorado, teniendo en cuenta las diferencias según el género, el curso y los roles de implicación. La muestra estuvo formada por 4.575 estudiantes (48,50 % chicas; 12-16 años). Los resultados muestran que, con escaso coste y sin requerir una gran especialización, es posible que los centros educativos realicen una intervención psicoeducativa eficaz para la disminución tanto de la «ciberagresión» como de la «cibervictimización». Se...
Cyberbullying is a problem that is more prevalent and serious among LGBTQ+ people. Previous resea... more Cyberbullying is a problem that is more prevalent and serious among LGBTQ+ people. Previous research has mostly analysed sexual orientation and homophobic cyberaggression. Hence, becomes necessary to consider sex-gender diversity as a whole and aggressions of a general nature. Moreover, existing prejudices underline the need to consider homonegativity as a key variable in this type of cyberviolence. This sequential mixed study explores, in a first qualitative step with focus groups, perceptions on the characterisation of LGBTQ+ cyberbullying and, in a second quantitative step, cybervictimisation in terms of affective-sexual, bodily and gender diversity, and the possible moderating role of internalised homonegativity. The qualitative study involved 175 students and the quantitative study involved 1,971 students aged 12-18 from secondary schools in Andalusia (Spain). Qualitative results identified valuable dimensions of cyberbullying, such as collective LGBTQ+ cybervictimisation. Quan...
espanolLos ultimos estudios realizados con muestras de adolescentes espanoles ponen de manifiesto... more espanolLos ultimos estudios realizados con muestras de adolescentes espanoles ponen de manifiesto que la convivencia de los centros educativos se esta viendo afectada no solo por el acoso escolar sino tambien por el «ciberacoso». De hecho, hoy la convivencia es tambien «ciberconvivencia». Esta realidad nos exige un replanteamiento sobre las claves a tener en cuenta para la prevencion de la violencia escolar y la mejora de la convivencia en los centros educativos. En este sentido, el presente articulo sintetiza una investigacion realizada con el objetivo de identificar la relacion entre la implicacion en acoso y ciberacoso (en los roles de victima, agresor, victima/agresor y espectador) con los elementos que estan siendo los pilares de la prevencion hasta la fecha: la empatia y la competencia social, por un lado; y, por otro, las nuevas realidades que aportan las TIC a las relaciones interpersonales, el sexting. La investigacion se ha realizado con un total de 7.197 estudiantes de Ed...
The <i>Sexting Behaviours and Motives Questionnaire </i>(SBM-Q) was created ad hoc fo... more The <i>Sexting Behaviours and Motives Questionnaire </i>(SBM-Q) was created ad hoc for this research and is intended for the adolescent population. It comprises 39 items measured by a category scale with five response options measuring behaviour frequency: 0 = never; 1 = less than once a month; 2 = monthly; 3 = weekly; and 4 = daily. The items refer to a time frame spanning the last twelve months (see Table 1). Following the previously reviewed literature that highlighted the differentiation of the different behaviours, the forwarding victimization, and the motives for active sexting, six factors were designed. The first factor comprises six items that address sending behaviours, differentiating between the type of sexual content and the relationship of those involved. The second factor comprises nine items about reasons for sending. The third factor includes five items about being a victim of non-consensual forwarded content, considering the type of relationship the vic...
TABLE 3:<br>According to gender, boys showed significant differences in the mean environmen... more TABLE 3:<br>According to gender, boys showed significant differences in the mean environmental perception. The highest scores were on the perceptions about liking to learn about plants and animals (item 1), liking to read about plants and animals (item 3), plants and animals can be easily harmed by people (item 4), liking to spend time in places where there are plants and animals (item 11), and the ease with which nature can be harmed or damaged by people (item 15). Girls showed significant differences in the mean environmental perception. The highest scores were on the perceptions about the importance of plants and animals for people (item 2) and our life would change if there were no trees (item 7) (see Table 3).<br>TABLE 5:According to gender, for PE boys, the highest scores were on the attitudes on telling family and friends about the information to protect the environment (item 8) and getting angry when seeing someone playing with water (item 9). For PE girls, the h...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation,... more Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation, which includes posting images in which someone is scarcely dressed, has a sexy gaze or in which sexual willingness is suggested. These behaviors could be a first step towards sexting. Given that adolescents are highly influenced by peer perceptions, this study uses the prototype willingness model to assess how teenagers’ perceptions of others could influence their posting behaviors. The study was conducted among 2626 students (n = 1530; 58.4% girls) between the ages of 14 and 21 (M = 16.14; SD = 1.02) in 10 secondary schools in the Dutch-speaking community in Belgium. The results show that older adolescents and girls were more likely to post images of themselves on Instagram. The models showed that peer norms and willingness and attitudes were significantly associated with posting intention. The perceived norms of adolescents’ parents were not significantly related to the behaviors. The...
Portal de Vídeo Didáctico de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2021
Animación didáctica que habla sobre el ciberacoso, dando las pautas para aprender a convivir en l... more Animación didáctica que habla sobre el ciberacoso, dando las pautas para aprender a convivir en la Red. Abordar y prevenir la violencia escolar se ha convertido en una de las principales prioridades de la educación. A pesar de ser muchos los tipos de violencia que podemos encontrar en las escuelas españolas, desde hace unos años el ciberacoso está suponiendo un reto para las instituciones educativas y profesionales que trabajan diariamente con niños, niñas y adolescentes. En esta animación se profundizará en la importancia de incluir este fenómeno en los contenidos transversales de la formación de los futuros maestros y maestras, su marco normativo y aspectos metodológicos clave.
El contexto digital y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) avanzan a una gra... more El contexto digital y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) avanzan a una gran velocidad y, aunque presentan múltiples beneficios, sus posibles riesgos también repercuten en la convivencia de los centros educativos. Entre ellos, el cyberbullying es un fenómeno de gran interés, pero sigue siendo necesario comprobar la eficacia de intervenciones basadas en la evidencia para prevenirlo. Por ello, el presente estudio se propuso analizar si es posible disminuir el cyberbullying con una intervención psicoeducativa implementada por el propio profesorado, teniendo en cuenta las diferencias según el género, el curso y los roles de implicación. La muestra estuvo formada por 4.575 estudiantes (48,50 % chicas; 12-16 años). Los resultados muestran que, con escaso coste y sin requerir una gran especialización, es posible que los centros educativos realicen una intervención psicoeducativa eficaz para la disminución tanto de la «ciberagresión» como de la «cibervictimización». Se...
Cyberbullying is a problem that is more prevalent and serious among LGBTQ+ people. Previous resea... more Cyberbullying is a problem that is more prevalent and serious among LGBTQ+ people. Previous research has mostly analysed sexual orientation and homophobic cyberaggression. Hence, becomes necessary to consider sex-gender diversity as a whole and aggressions of a general nature. Moreover, existing prejudices underline the need to consider homonegativity as a key variable in this type of cyberviolence. This sequential mixed study explores, in a first qualitative step with focus groups, perceptions on the characterisation of LGBTQ+ cyberbullying and, in a second quantitative step, cybervictimisation in terms of affective-sexual, bodily and gender diversity, and the possible moderating role of internalised homonegativity. The qualitative study involved 175 students and the quantitative study involved 1,971 students aged 12-18 from secondary schools in Andalusia (Spain). Qualitative results identified valuable dimensions of cyberbullying, such as collective LGBTQ+ cybervictimisation. Quan...
espanolLos ultimos estudios realizados con muestras de adolescentes espanoles ponen de manifiesto... more espanolLos ultimos estudios realizados con muestras de adolescentes espanoles ponen de manifiesto que la convivencia de los centros educativos se esta viendo afectada no solo por el acoso escolar sino tambien por el «ciberacoso». De hecho, hoy la convivencia es tambien «ciberconvivencia». Esta realidad nos exige un replanteamiento sobre las claves a tener en cuenta para la prevencion de la violencia escolar y la mejora de la convivencia en los centros educativos. En este sentido, el presente articulo sintetiza una investigacion realizada con el objetivo de identificar la relacion entre la implicacion en acoso y ciberacoso (en los roles de victima, agresor, victima/agresor y espectador) con los elementos que estan siendo los pilares de la prevencion hasta la fecha: la empatia y la competencia social, por un lado; y, por otro, las nuevas realidades que aportan las TIC a las relaciones interpersonales, el sexting. La investigacion se ha realizado con un total de 7.197 estudiantes de Ed...
The <i>Sexting Behaviours and Motives Questionnaire </i>(SBM-Q) was created ad hoc fo... more The <i>Sexting Behaviours and Motives Questionnaire </i>(SBM-Q) was created ad hoc for this research and is intended for the adolescent population. It comprises 39 items measured by a category scale with five response options measuring behaviour frequency: 0 = never; 1 = less than once a month; 2 = monthly; 3 = weekly; and 4 = daily. The items refer to a time frame spanning the last twelve months (see Table 1). Following the previously reviewed literature that highlighted the differentiation of the different behaviours, the forwarding victimization, and the motives for active sexting, six factors were designed. The first factor comprises six items that address sending behaviours, differentiating between the type of sexual content and the relationship of those involved. The second factor comprises nine items about reasons for sending. The third factor includes five items about being a victim of non-consensual forwarded content, considering the type of relationship the vic...
TABLE 3:<br>According to gender, boys showed significant differences in the mean environmen... more TABLE 3:<br>According to gender, boys showed significant differences in the mean environmental perception. The highest scores were on the perceptions about liking to learn about plants and animals (item 1), liking to read about plants and animals (item 3), plants and animals can be easily harmed by people (item 4), liking to spend time in places where there are plants and animals (item 11), and the ease with which nature can be harmed or damaged by people (item 15). Girls showed significant differences in the mean environmental perception. The highest scores were on the perceptions about the importance of plants and animals for people (item 2) and our life would change if there were no trees (item 7) (see Table 3).<br>TABLE 5:According to gender, for PE boys, the highest scores were on the attitudes on telling family and friends about the information to protect the environment (item 8) and getting angry when seeing someone playing with water (item 9). For PE girls, the h...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation,... more Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation, which includes posting images in which someone is scarcely dressed, has a sexy gaze or in which sexual willingness is suggested. These behaviors could be a first step towards sexting. Given that adolescents are highly influenced by peer perceptions, this study uses the prototype willingness model to assess how teenagers’ perceptions of others could influence their posting behaviors. The study was conducted among 2626 students (n = 1530; 58.4% girls) between the ages of 14 and 21 (M = 16.14; SD = 1.02) in 10 secondary schools in the Dutch-speaking community in Belgium. The results show that older adolescents and girls were more likely to post images of themselves on Instagram. The models showed that peer norms and willingness and attitudes were significantly associated with posting intention. The perceived norms of adolescents’ parents were not significantly related to the behaviors. The...
Papers by Mónica Ojeda