This report provides the outcomes of research conducted from December 2022 to October 2023 on the... more This report provides the outcomes of research conducted from December 2022 to October 2023 on the trade activities of German animal trader and zoo administrator Alfred Glenewinkel (1900-1996) in Brazil. Rather than merely tracking the specific specimens Glenewinkel negotiated, this study places a greater emphasis on understanding the historical context within which his trade activities unfolded and aims to identify the connections between historical sources—or the absence of such sources. By adopting this approach, the report seeks to illuminate the social and cultural conditions that facilitated Glenewinkel’s commerce with Brazilian zoos and local residents.
Este ensaio tem por objetivo descortinar os conceitos de raça e cultura naquilo que se compreende... more Este ensaio tem por objetivo descortinar os conceitos de raça e cultura naquilo que se compreende como antropologia clássica, ou seja, aquela produzida entre o final do século XIX até a revolução estruturalista, aproximadamente. Pretende-se com isso não apenas contribuir para o debate contemporâneo acerca da relação entre antropologia e raça, como também propor interpretações historicamente contextualizadas. Visa-se, além disso, fornecer ferramentas conceituais a estudantes de ciências humanas para uma compreensão mais global sobre os conceitos de raça e cultura quando da emergência e do estabelecimento da antropologia. Palavras-chave: Antropologia clássica; Cultura; História da antropologia; Raça.
This article examines the works of the Argentinian naturalist Florentino Ameghino (1854-1911) and... more This article examines the works of the Argentinian naturalist Florentino Ameghino (1854-1911) and the German zoologist Hermann von Ihering (1850-1930) concerning the origin and classification of human ‘races’ and the development of human culture. The research is primarily founded on an analysis of letters exchanged between these two scholars, emphasizing the significance of skulls as tangible evidence in the reconstruction of human evolution. The article delves into Ihering’s pivotal role in the formulation of a standardized craniometric system, following which it explores Ameghino’s propositions regarding the origin and local development of the human species. Subsequently, the reception of Ameghino’s ideas by Ihering and the latter’s investigations into the origins of human culture are scrutinized. This investigation illuminates a network of local, transnational, and transatlantic connections, within which study objects, instruments, and epistemes were disseminated. The collective nature of anthropological practices is underscored, underpinned by the principles of collaboration, alliance, and competition at multiple levels. In conclusion, the authors argue that the relationship between Ameghino and Ihering demonstrates the extent to which anthropological knowledge evolved into a collective, transnational, and dialogical endeavor. Even theories and hypotheses that have subsequently become marginalized in the history of anthropology are recognized as crucial stepping stones in the construction of anthropological knowledge.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 2023
Introduction to the special issue "Collaborative Projects as Means to Transcend Western Epistemol... more Introduction to the special issue "Collaborative Projects as Means to Transcend Western Epistemologies"
O artigo tem por objetivo investigar a importância da antropologia e da etnografia no Museu Pauli... more O artigo tem por objetivo investigar a importância da antropologia e da etnografia no Museu Paulista durante a gestão de Hermann von Ihering (1850 – 1930), entre 1894 e 1916. A partir do levantamento da história das aquisições de coleções etnográficas e antropológicas, da análise dos escritos de Ihering no âmbito das ciências do homem e do exame de fontes primárias salvaguardadas em arquivos da Alemanha e do Brasil, argumenta-se que é possível compreender o posicionamento político-científico de Ihering para com os povos indígenas do Brasil. Espera-se assim contribuir para o conhecimento de uma faceta pouco explorada da história do Museu Paulista, e, de forma mais abrangente, para a historiografia da antropologia e da ciência no país.
This brief biography of the German ethnologist Fritz Krause (1881–1963) sketches his life story, ... more This brief biography of the German ethnologist Fritz Krause (1881–1963) sketches his life story, some of the intellectual influ-ences that impacted his work, and elucidates the scholarly context in which the article“Maske und Ahnenfigur: Das Motiv derHülle und das Prinzip der Form”(1931) was written and published
This essay entangles the story of Maria with the histories of German settlement in Southern Brazi... more This essay entangles the story of Maria with the histories of German settlement in Southern Brazil and its disastrous consequence for Indigenous peoples. (Photo: Bugreiros e suas vítimas II. | Bugreiros and their victims II., unknown photographer)
Tous droits réservés) Votre utilisation de cet article présuppose votre acceptation des condition... more Tous droits réservés) Votre utilisation de cet article présuppose votre acceptation des conditions d'utilisation des contenus du site de Bérose (, accessibles ici.
Petschelies, Erik, 2021. "O Decano da etnografia sul-americana: vida e obra de Karl von den Stein... more Petschelies, Erik, 2021. "O Decano da etnografia sul-americana: vida e obra de Karl von den Steinen", in Bérose-Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie, Paris.
Entre 1884 e 1929 os etnólogos alemães Karl von den Steinen (1855-1929), Paul Ehrenreich (1855-19... more Entre 1884 e 1929 os etnólogos alemães Karl von den Steinen (1855-1929), Paul Ehrenreich (1855-1914), Herrmann Meyer (1871-1932), Max Schmidt (1874-1950), Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924), Fritz Krause (1881-1963) e Wilhelm Kissenberth (1878-1944) realizaram ao todo quinze expedições pelo Brasil e suas regiões fronteiriças com o objetivo de estudar os povos indígenas. Deste modo, povos falantes de línguas que pertencem aos troncos linguísticos Tupi e Macro-Jê, às famílias Aruaque, Iránxe, Karib, Makú, Pano, Trumai, Tikúna, Tukano e Yanomami foram visitados por eles. Estes povos viviam, e em muitos casos ainda vivem, em várias regiões da Amazônia, como a do Xingu, do Araguaia, do Oeste, Noroeste e extremo Norte amazônicos, e ainda na bacia do Rio Doce e no Pantanal brasileiro. Reconstituir historiograficamente as trajetórias pessoais e profissionais desses etnógrafos, avaliar suas produções etnológicas, inseridas nos seus contextos científicos e sociais, além de rastrear suas influências intelectuais, bem como analisar a intersecção desses aspectos, são as tarefas que a presente tese se propõe a fazer. Para tal, ela se fundamenta na leitura de literatura primária, secundária e no estudo de fontes documentais, como diários de campo, correspondências, fotografias e documentos, guardadas em instituições na Alemanha, no Brasil, no Paraguai, na Suécia e na Suíça. Por fim, há apontamentos para as reverberações da etnologia alemã no estabelecimento dessa disciplina no Brasil. Dessa maneira, o trabalho intenciona contribuir para a historiografia da ciência na Alemanha e no Brasil, em especial para a historiografia da etnologia brasileira e para a história dos povos indígenas.
During his expedition to the rivers Rio Negro and Japurá between 1903 and 1905, the German ethnol... more During his expedition to the rivers Rio Negro and Japurá between 1903 and 1905, the German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg amassed an ethnographic collection. Part of it he sold to the Royal Museum of Ethnology in Berlin and a smaller part was purchased by the Swiss naturalist Emílio Goeldi for the Museu Paraense in Belém, in northern Brazil. A number of aspects arise from this singular transaction: research funding (including institutional and personal relations) at the beginning of the institutionalisation of anthropology; the importance of German speaking intellectuals to the development of natural sciences and ethnography of Brazil; the social and economic importance of collecting and the complexity of local political relations. The aim of this article is to analyze the social context in which this collection was formed, with special attention to the indigenous agency and social relations around material culture. It seeks to contribute to the history of collections, the history of science in Brazil and of the transatlantic relations between Brazilian museums and German ethnology.
The German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924) became one of the world’s leading Americ... more The German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924) became one of the world’s leading Americanists of his era after having successfully concluded two expeditions to Amazonia. Between 1903 and 1905 he studied indigenous peoples inhabiting the regions of the rivers Rio Negro, Vaupés, and Japurá in northwestern Brazil; between 1911 and 1913 he traveled through northern Brazil and Venezuela investigating local Amerindian communities. He contacted dozens of indigenous peoples, studied their mythology, material culture, and languages. Koch-Grünberg maintained a scientific correspondence with some of the best-informed anthropologists of his time, including Adolf Bastian, Franz Boas, Arnold van Gennep and Paul Rivet. He also exchanged letters with Brazilian colleagues such as João Capistrano de Abreu (1853-1927), Teodoro Sampaio (1855-1937), and Affonso d’Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958). Through an analysis of primary sources – the correspondence held at the Theodor Koch-Grünberg Archive of the Philipps-Universität Marburg in Germany – this article aims at contributing both to the history of Brazilian social thought and the history of German ethnology by contextualizing these relations within the broader context of social exchanges. Therefore, the history of anthropology should be written in the same way as Koch-Grünberg imagined ethnology: as an international science, based on humanistic principles and grounded on social relations.
This report provides the outcomes of research conducted from December 2022 to October 2023 on the... more This report provides the outcomes of research conducted from December 2022 to October 2023 on the trade activities of German animal trader and zoo administrator Alfred Glenewinkel (1900-1996) in Brazil. Rather than merely tracking the specific specimens Glenewinkel negotiated, this study places a greater emphasis on understanding the historical context within which his trade activities unfolded and aims to identify the connections between historical sources—or the absence of such sources. By adopting this approach, the report seeks to illuminate the social and cultural conditions that facilitated Glenewinkel’s commerce with Brazilian zoos and local residents.
Este ensaio tem por objetivo descortinar os conceitos de raça e cultura naquilo que se compreende... more Este ensaio tem por objetivo descortinar os conceitos de raça e cultura naquilo que se compreende como antropologia clássica, ou seja, aquela produzida entre o final do século XIX até a revolução estruturalista, aproximadamente. Pretende-se com isso não apenas contribuir para o debate contemporâneo acerca da relação entre antropologia e raça, como também propor interpretações historicamente contextualizadas. Visa-se, além disso, fornecer ferramentas conceituais a estudantes de ciências humanas para uma compreensão mais global sobre os conceitos de raça e cultura quando da emergência e do estabelecimento da antropologia. Palavras-chave: Antropologia clássica; Cultura; História da antropologia; Raça.
This article examines the works of the Argentinian naturalist Florentino Ameghino (1854-1911) and... more This article examines the works of the Argentinian naturalist Florentino Ameghino (1854-1911) and the German zoologist Hermann von Ihering (1850-1930) concerning the origin and classification of human ‘races’ and the development of human culture. The research is primarily founded on an analysis of letters exchanged between these two scholars, emphasizing the significance of skulls as tangible evidence in the reconstruction of human evolution. The article delves into Ihering’s pivotal role in the formulation of a standardized craniometric system, following which it explores Ameghino’s propositions regarding the origin and local development of the human species. Subsequently, the reception of Ameghino’s ideas by Ihering and the latter’s investigations into the origins of human culture are scrutinized. This investigation illuminates a network of local, transnational, and transatlantic connections, within which study objects, instruments, and epistemes were disseminated. The collective nature of anthropological practices is underscored, underpinned by the principles of collaboration, alliance, and competition at multiple levels. In conclusion, the authors argue that the relationship between Ameghino and Ihering demonstrates the extent to which anthropological knowledge evolved into a collective, transnational, and dialogical endeavor. Even theories and hypotheses that have subsequently become marginalized in the history of anthropology are recognized as crucial stepping stones in the construction of anthropological knowledge.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 2023
Introduction to the special issue "Collaborative Projects as Means to Transcend Western Epistemol... more Introduction to the special issue "Collaborative Projects as Means to Transcend Western Epistemologies"
O artigo tem por objetivo investigar a importância da antropologia e da etnografia no Museu Pauli... more O artigo tem por objetivo investigar a importância da antropologia e da etnografia no Museu Paulista durante a gestão de Hermann von Ihering (1850 – 1930), entre 1894 e 1916. A partir do levantamento da história das aquisições de coleções etnográficas e antropológicas, da análise dos escritos de Ihering no âmbito das ciências do homem e do exame de fontes primárias salvaguardadas em arquivos da Alemanha e do Brasil, argumenta-se que é possível compreender o posicionamento político-científico de Ihering para com os povos indígenas do Brasil. Espera-se assim contribuir para o conhecimento de uma faceta pouco explorada da história do Museu Paulista, e, de forma mais abrangente, para a historiografia da antropologia e da ciência no país.
This brief biography of the German ethnologist Fritz Krause (1881–1963) sketches his life story, ... more This brief biography of the German ethnologist Fritz Krause (1881–1963) sketches his life story, some of the intellectual influ-ences that impacted his work, and elucidates the scholarly context in which the article“Maske und Ahnenfigur: Das Motiv derHülle und das Prinzip der Form”(1931) was written and published
This essay entangles the story of Maria with the histories of German settlement in Southern Brazi... more This essay entangles the story of Maria with the histories of German settlement in Southern Brazil and its disastrous consequence for Indigenous peoples. (Photo: Bugreiros e suas vítimas II. | Bugreiros and their victims II., unknown photographer)
Tous droits réservés) Votre utilisation de cet article présuppose votre acceptation des condition... more Tous droits réservés) Votre utilisation de cet article présuppose votre acceptation des conditions d'utilisation des contenus du site de Bérose (, accessibles ici.
Petschelies, Erik, 2021. "O Decano da etnografia sul-americana: vida e obra de Karl von den Stein... more Petschelies, Erik, 2021. "O Decano da etnografia sul-americana: vida e obra de Karl von den Steinen", in Bérose-Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie, Paris.
Entre 1884 e 1929 os etnólogos alemães Karl von den Steinen (1855-1929), Paul Ehrenreich (1855-19... more Entre 1884 e 1929 os etnólogos alemães Karl von den Steinen (1855-1929), Paul Ehrenreich (1855-1914), Herrmann Meyer (1871-1932), Max Schmidt (1874-1950), Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924), Fritz Krause (1881-1963) e Wilhelm Kissenberth (1878-1944) realizaram ao todo quinze expedições pelo Brasil e suas regiões fronteiriças com o objetivo de estudar os povos indígenas. Deste modo, povos falantes de línguas que pertencem aos troncos linguísticos Tupi e Macro-Jê, às famílias Aruaque, Iránxe, Karib, Makú, Pano, Trumai, Tikúna, Tukano e Yanomami foram visitados por eles. Estes povos viviam, e em muitos casos ainda vivem, em várias regiões da Amazônia, como a do Xingu, do Araguaia, do Oeste, Noroeste e extremo Norte amazônicos, e ainda na bacia do Rio Doce e no Pantanal brasileiro. Reconstituir historiograficamente as trajetórias pessoais e profissionais desses etnógrafos, avaliar suas produções etnológicas, inseridas nos seus contextos científicos e sociais, além de rastrear suas influências intelectuais, bem como analisar a intersecção desses aspectos, são as tarefas que a presente tese se propõe a fazer. Para tal, ela se fundamenta na leitura de literatura primária, secundária e no estudo de fontes documentais, como diários de campo, correspondências, fotografias e documentos, guardadas em instituições na Alemanha, no Brasil, no Paraguai, na Suécia e na Suíça. Por fim, há apontamentos para as reverberações da etnologia alemã no estabelecimento dessa disciplina no Brasil. Dessa maneira, o trabalho intenciona contribuir para a historiografia da ciência na Alemanha e no Brasil, em especial para a historiografia da etnologia brasileira e para a história dos povos indígenas.
During his expedition to the rivers Rio Negro and Japurá between 1903 and 1905, the German ethnol... more During his expedition to the rivers Rio Negro and Japurá between 1903 and 1905, the German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg amassed an ethnographic collection. Part of it he sold to the Royal Museum of Ethnology in Berlin and a smaller part was purchased by the Swiss naturalist Emílio Goeldi for the Museu Paraense in Belém, in northern Brazil. A number of aspects arise from this singular transaction: research funding (including institutional and personal relations) at the beginning of the institutionalisation of anthropology; the importance of German speaking intellectuals to the development of natural sciences and ethnography of Brazil; the social and economic importance of collecting and the complexity of local political relations. The aim of this article is to analyze the social context in which this collection was formed, with special attention to the indigenous agency and social relations around material culture. It seeks to contribute to the history of collections, the history of science in Brazil and of the transatlantic relations between Brazilian museums and German ethnology.
The German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924) became one of the world’s leading Americ... more The German ethnologist Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924) became one of the world’s leading Americanists of his era after having successfully concluded two expeditions to Amazonia. Between 1903 and 1905 he studied indigenous peoples inhabiting the regions of the rivers Rio Negro, Vaupés, and Japurá in northwestern Brazil; between 1911 and 1913 he traveled through northern Brazil and Venezuela investigating local Amerindian communities. He contacted dozens of indigenous peoples, studied their mythology, material culture, and languages. Koch-Grünberg maintained a scientific correspondence with some of the best-informed anthropologists of his time, including Adolf Bastian, Franz Boas, Arnold van Gennep and Paul Rivet. He also exchanged letters with Brazilian colleagues such as João Capistrano de Abreu (1853-1927), Teodoro Sampaio (1855-1937), and Affonso d’Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958). Through an analysis of primary sources – the correspondence held at the Theodor Koch-Grünberg Archive of the Philipps-Universität Marburg in Germany – this article aims at contributing both to the history of Brazilian social thought and the history of German ethnology by contextualizing these relations within the broader context of social exchanges. Therefore, the history of anthropology should be written in the same way as Koch-Grünberg imagined ethnology: as an international science, based on humanistic principles and grounded on social relations.
Tradução de: Nohl, H. (1912). Eine historische Quelle zu Nietzsches Perspektivismus: G. Teichmüll... more Tradução de: Nohl, H. (1912). Eine historische Quelle zu Nietzsches Perspektivismus: G. Teichmüller, die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt. Sonder-Abdruck aus der Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik.Herausgegebenvon Hermann Schwarz, Bd. 149. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosieus Barth, 1912.
Papers by Erik Petschelies
conditions that facilitated Glenewinkel’s commerce with Brazilian zoos and local residents.
Hermann von Ihering (1850-1930) concerning the origin and classification of human ‘races’ and the development of human
culture. The research is primarily founded on an analysis of letters exchanged between these two scholars, emphasizing
the significance of skulls as tangible evidence in the reconstruction of human evolution. The article delves into Ihering’s
pivotal role in the formulation of a standardized craniometric system, following which it explores Ameghino’s propositions
regarding the origin and local development of the human species. Subsequently, the reception of Ameghino’s ideas by
Ihering and the latter’s investigations into the origins of human culture are scrutinized. This investigation illuminates a
network of local, transnational, and transatlantic connections, within which study objects, instruments, and epistemes
were disseminated. The collective nature of anthropological practices is underscored, underpinned by the principles of
collaboration, alliance, and competition at multiple levels. In conclusion, the authors argue that the relationship between
Ameghino and Ihering demonstrates the extent to which anthropological knowledge evolved into a collective, transnational,
and dialogical endeavor. Even theories and hypotheses that have subsequently become marginalized in the history of
anthropology are recognized as crucial stepping stones in the construction of anthropological knowledge.
conditions that facilitated Glenewinkel’s commerce with Brazilian zoos and local residents.
Hermann von Ihering (1850-1930) concerning the origin and classification of human ‘races’ and the development of human
culture. The research is primarily founded on an analysis of letters exchanged between these two scholars, emphasizing
the significance of skulls as tangible evidence in the reconstruction of human evolution. The article delves into Ihering’s
pivotal role in the formulation of a standardized craniometric system, following which it explores Ameghino’s propositions
regarding the origin and local development of the human species. Subsequently, the reception of Ameghino’s ideas by
Ihering and the latter’s investigations into the origins of human culture are scrutinized. This investigation illuminates a
network of local, transnational, and transatlantic connections, within which study objects, instruments, and epistemes
were disseminated. The collective nature of anthropological practices is underscored, underpinned by the principles of
collaboration, alliance, and competition at multiple levels. In conclusion, the authors argue that the relationship between
Ameghino and Ihering demonstrates the extent to which anthropological knowledge evolved into a collective, transnational,
and dialogical endeavor. Even theories and hypotheses that have subsequently become marginalized in the history of
anthropology are recognized as crucial stepping stones in the construction of anthropological knowledge.