PhD Thesis by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, 2021
Em 1965, destinada a exigir o exame médico dos adolescentes para o trabalho subterrâneo em minas ... more Em 1965, destinada a exigir o exame médico dos adolescentes para o trabalho subterrâneo em minas de todos os tipos, a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) aprovou a Convenção nº 124. Concebendo dois instrumentos jurídicos básicos, as convenções e recomendações, a Organização, desde o seu surgimento em 1919, tem se voltado para aspectos fundamentais às condições de segurança, acesso e bem-estar de diversas categorias profissionais, com a finalidade de normatizar o mundo do trabalho através das diretrizes debatidas e aprovadas por seu órgão deliberativo máximo: a Conferência Internacional do Trabalho. Nesse sentido, o propósito desta tese consiste em analisar o processo de discussão e aprovação dessa convenção. O debate e a atividade normativa da OIT permitem descortinar as instituições, sujeitos e canais que deram vazão ao pensamento econômico jurídico que definiu a posição da OIT perante o trabalho infantojuvenil no século XX e os tons da política econômica internacional que preencheram o intitulado Primeiro Decênio das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, compreendido entre os anos de 1961 e 1970.
Master Thesis by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
A presente Dissertação de Mestrado corresponde aos resultados da investigação que almejou elucida... more A presente Dissertação de Mestrado corresponde aos resultados da investigação que almejou elucidar as experiências das crianças e dos jovens trabalhadores que, no período compreendido entre 1964 e 1972-referente à primeira fase da jurisdição da Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Vitória da Conquista (BA)-ajuizaram reclamações contra seus patrões. Visa, fundamentalmente, expor e esmiuçar os embates travados entre os jovens trabalhadores e seus patrões nos locais de trabalho e a extensão desses conflitos aos tribunais. Debruçando-se principalmente sobre base documental do Judiciário Trabalhista,a investigação teve como horizonte descortinar as principais estratégias de negociação, acusação e defesa utilizadas por menores trabalhadores, assim como por patrões e seus advogados no intercurso dos processos. Além disso, o debate sobre a movimentação processual trabalhista regional e nacional, as configurações do Direito do Trabalho no período da ditadura civil-militar, as nuances da legislação trabalhista e da jurisprudência coeva ganharam espaço na discussão que a dissertação fomentou. Recusando uma perspectiva de cunho vitimizador, o estudo confere relevo aos diversos contornos do trabalho infanto juvenil, aos conflitos decorrentes das relações de trabalho envolvendo os menores trabalhadores e suas ações nos tribunais, como também aos aspectos importantes do universo econômico, legislativo e judiciário no Brasil do período estudado. Mais do que um espaço para solicitar indenizações e empreender acordos, essa justiça especial erigiu-se como um lócus para o registro de reivindicações, uma brecha para a apresentação de histórias que até então estavam reservadas ao domínio da esfera privada do mundo do trabalho. Para tanto, além das fontes do Judiciário Trabalhista (115 ações), compõem o rol de documentos da pesquisa os anuários, monografias, enciclopédias, mapas e censos do IBGE, os anais do Senado Federal, registros e revistas da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, relatórios do UNICEF, boletins do Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social, matérias da imprensa regional, a doutrina e notas de jurisprudência veiculadas em revistas de Direito do Trabalho e dos órgãos da Justiça do Trabalho, as leis e decretos-leis que alteraram a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), além de entrevistas com advogados e autoridades políticas da época.
This Master Thesis is the result of the research which aimed to elucidate the experiences of children and young workers who, in the period between 1964 and 1972 - for the first phase of the jurisdiction of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration of Vitoria da Conquista (Bahia, Brazil) brought before the court claims against their employers. It fundamentally seeks to expose and scrutinize the conflicts between young workers and their employers in the workplace and the extension of these conflicts to the courts. Mainly focusing on documents of the Labor Judiciary, the research had as purpose to bring to light the main strategies of negotiation, prosecution and defense used by minor workers, as well as by employers and their lawyers in the intercourse of processes. In addition, the debate on the regional and national procedural labor movement, the settings of labor law in the period of civil-military dictatorship, the nuances of the labor legislation and coeval jurisprudence gained place in the discussion that the thesis has fostered. Refusing a victimizer perspective, the study emphasizes the various outlines of the child/youth labor, the conflicts arising from the relations of work involving the minor workers and their lawsuits in the courts, as well as the important aspects of the economic, legislative and judicial context in Brazil in the period studied. More than a place to request compensations and undertake agreements, this special justice was grounded as a lócus for the record of claims, a gap for the presentation of stories, which had been reserved to the private sphere of the world of work up to then. And so, in addition to the sources of the Labor Judiciary (115 lawsuits), the yearbooks, monographs, encyclopedias, maps and census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the annals of the Federal Senate, records and journals of the International Labor Organization, reports of United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF), bulletins of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, files of the regional press, the doctrine and notes of jurisprudence published in journals of Labor Law and the bodies of the Labor Court, the laws and decree-laws that have changed the Consolidation of Brazilian Labor Laws (CLT), as well as interviews with lawyers and political authorities of the time, included the list of documents in the research.
Journal Articles by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Politéia - História e Sociedade, 2018
O artigo apresenta e discute o cenário que engendrou a necessidade de criação e organização de um... more O artigo apresenta e discute o cenário que engendrou a necessidade de criação e organização de uma primeira instância da Justiça do Trabalho em Vitória da Conquista-Ba, em 1963. Como pano de fundo do processo que levou à instalação da Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Vitória da Conquista, o texto explora os fatores que transformaram a cidade em "capital do sudoeste baiano".
Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina, 2017
Criada em 1919, a Organização Internacional do Trabalho assumiu ousada tarefa: normatizar o mund... more Criada em 1919, a Organização Internacional do Trabalho assumiu ousada tarefa: normatizar o mundo do trabalho e consolidar o ideal de justiça social como forma de enraizar a paz mundial. Elegendo essa agência como objeto de estudo, o artigo objetiva analisar a formulação e os propósitos que definiram as resoluções sobre o trabalho de crianças e jovens discutidas e aprovadas nas duas primeiras Conferências Americanas do Trabalho, realizadas no Chile (1936) e em Cuba (1939). Sob o amparo da análise comparativa, a reflexão conclui que as resoluções advindas de tais fóruns não serviram apenas para regular, mas também conformar modelos ideais de infância e juventude.
Revista Mundos do Trabalho
After the 1964 military coup and one year after the creation of the local labor court in Vitória ... more After the 1964 military coup and one year after the creation of the local labor court in Vitória da Conquista (Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento), located in Southwestern Bahia state, the labor grievances representing the demands of dismissed children and young workers under age of 18 years old increased significantly. Most of these grievances claimed the enforcement of the Brazilian labor law regarding the regulation of under-age workers. Based on these juridical sources this article analyses these grievances and discuss the changes in the labor policies regarding the child labor and under-age workers during the early years of the dictatorship (1964-1972)., Jun 30, 2017
A Nova História do Trabalho, a partir da década de 1970, passou a abordar objetos que até então p... more A Nova História do Trabalho, a partir da década de 1970, passou a abordar objetos que até então pouco recebiam enfoque histórico, como infância e juventude, e, mais recentemente, valeu-se, para o seu desenvolvimento, do uso de novas fontes, como os processos da ...
Book Reviews by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Revista Brasileira de História, 2020
Book Chapters by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Resistência dos Trabalhadores na Cidade e no Campo, 2015
Arquivo, memória e resistência dos trabalhadores no campo e na cidade, 2012
PhD Thesis by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Master Thesis by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
This Master Thesis is the result of the research which aimed to elucidate the experiences of children and young workers who, in the period between 1964 and 1972 - for the first phase of the jurisdiction of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration of Vitoria da Conquista (Bahia, Brazil) brought before the court claims against their employers. It fundamentally seeks to expose and scrutinize the conflicts between young workers and their employers in the workplace and the extension of these conflicts to the courts. Mainly focusing on documents of the Labor Judiciary, the research had as purpose to bring to light the main strategies of negotiation, prosecution and defense used by minor workers, as well as by employers and their lawyers in the intercourse of processes. In addition, the debate on the regional and national procedural labor movement, the settings of labor law in the period of civil-military dictatorship, the nuances of the labor legislation and coeval jurisprudence gained place in the discussion that the thesis has fostered. Refusing a victimizer perspective, the study emphasizes the various outlines of the child/youth labor, the conflicts arising from the relations of work involving the minor workers and their lawsuits in the courts, as well as the important aspects of the economic, legislative and judicial context in Brazil in the period studied. More than a place to request compensations and undertake agreements, this special justice was grounded as a lócus for the record of claims, a gap for the presentation of stories, which had been reserved to the private sphere of the world of work up to then. And so, in addition to the sources of the Labor Judiciary (115 lawsuits), the yearbooks, monographs, encyclopedias, maps and census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the annals of the Federal Senate, records and journals of the International Labor Organization, reports of United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF), bulletins of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, files of the regional press, the doctrine and notes of jurisprudence published in journals of Labor Law and the bodies of the Labor Court, the laws and decree-laws that have changed the Consolidation of Brazilian Labor Laws (CLT), as well as interviews with lawyers and political authorities of the time, included the list of documents in the research.
Journal Articles by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Book Reviews by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
Book Chapters by José Pacheco dos Santos Júnior
This Master Thesis is the result of the research which aimed to elucidate the experiences of children and young workers who, in the period between 1964 and 1972 - for the first phase of the jurisdiction of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration of Vitoria da Conquista (Bahia, Brazil) brought before the court claims against their employers. It fundamentally seeks to expose and scrutinize the conflicts between young workers and their employers in the workplace and the extension of these conflicts to the courts. Mainly focusing on documents of the Labor Judiciary, the research had as purpose to bring to light the main strategies of negotiation, prosecution and defense used by minor workers, as well as by employers and their lawyers in the intercourse of processes. In addition, the debate on the regional and national procedural labor movement, the settings of labor law in the period of civil-military dictatorship, the nuances of the labor legislation and coeval jurisprudence gained place in the discussion that the thesis has fostered. Refusing a victimizer perspective, the study emphasizes the various outlines of the child/youth labor, the conflicts arising from the relations of work involving the minor workers and their lawsuits in the courts, as well as the important aspects of the economic, legislative and judicial context in Brazil in the period studied. More than a place to request compensations and undertake agreements, this special justice was grounded as a lócus for the record of claims, a gap for the presentation of stories, which had been reserved to the private sphere of the world of work up to then. And so, in addition to the sources of the Labor Judiciary (115 lawsuits), the yearbooks, monographs, encyclopedias, maps and census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the annals of the Federal Senate, records and journals of the International Labor Organization, reports of United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF), bulletins of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, files of the regional press, the doctrine and notes of jurisprudence published in journals of Labor Law and the bodies of the Labor Court, the laws and decree-laws that have changed the Consolidation of Brazilian Labor Laws (CLT), as well as interviews with lawyers and political authorities of the time, included the list of documents in the research.