FONTES PERENNITATIS Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu octogesimum annum peragentis, 2023
Rezumat. În această lucrare, autorii prezintă o recentă descoperire deosebită, realizată în nivel... more Rezumat. În această lucrare, autorii prezintă o recentă descoperire deosebită, realizată în nivelul Horodiștea–Erbiceni II din situl pluristratificat de la Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, jud. Iași. Este vorba despre un presupus complex ritual (Cx. 07/Gr. 22/2021), caracterizat prin depunerea în întregime și în conexiune anatomică a unei femele de bovină domestică (Bos taurus), sacrificată, probabil, cultic. Asemenea depuneri cultice, foarte rare, până în prezent, în eneoliticul final și bronzul timpuriu de la răsărit de Carpați și, în general, din întreg spațiul carpato-danubian, sunt numeroase în Europa est-centrală (culturile Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, Amforelor sferice, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik) și pot fi legate, în cazul prezentat și cel de la Dolheștii Mari, de prezența și influența purtătorilor culturii amforelor sferice, așa-numitul Subgrup moldovenesc sau Siret, cu care comunitățile horodiștene (faza a II-a) au conviețuit, pașnic și nepașnic, în anumite areale, rezultând, în ultimele secole ale mileniului IV BC, unele procese de aculturație.
Abstract. In this paper, the authors present a recent special discovery, made in the Horodiștea–Erbiceni II level from the multi-stratified site at Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, Iași County. It is about a supposed ritual complex (Cx 07/Gr. 22/2021), characterized by the deposition in its
entirety and in anatomical connection of a female cattle (Bos taurus), probably sacrificed cultically. Such cultic deposits, very rare, until now, in the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze from the east of the Carpathians and, in general, from the entire Carpathian-Danubian Area, are numerous in East-Central Europe (the cultures: Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, GlobularAmphorae, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik), and can be linked, in the presented case and the one from Dolheștii Mari, to the presence and influence of the Globular Amphorae culture bearers, the so-called Moldavian or Siret Subgroup, with which the Horodiștea communities (phase II) coexisted, peacefully and non-peacefully, in certain areas, resulting in some acculturation processes in the last centuries of the fourth millennium BC.
Cuvinte cheie: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, depunere rituală, cultura Horodiștea–Erbiceni, cultura amforelor sferice, Bos taurus.
Keywords: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, ritual deposition, Horodiștea–Erbiceni culture, Globular Amphorae culture, Bos taurus.
Chapter II. At the crossroads of times ... Old age and historical becoming. Archaeological eviden... more Chapter II. At the crossroads of times ... Old age and historical becoming. Archaeological evidence from Prehistory to the Middle Ages Located at the contact of the three subunits of the Moldavian Plateau: the Suceava Plateau (Ruginoasa-Strunga Saddle), the Central Moldavian Plateau and Moldavia’s wavy Plain), the Târgu Frumos Area, also called the Gate of Târgu Frumos (V. Tufescu) presented at all times, pre- /protohistorical and historical, special conditions (central geographic location, dense hydrographic network, soils, forestry resources etc.), essential for the foundation and evolution of the human habitat. In this first chapter, an archaeological-historical reconstruction of the evolving human settlements in the Târgu Frumos area from prehistory to the Middle Ages (15th-17th c.), in the wider territorial sense of what was Târgu Frumos commune, with 11 component villages, is presented.
We bring forward to the attention of specialists through this work a part of the discoveries from... more We bring forward to the attention of specialists through this work a part of the discoveries from the sites Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii and Costești-Cier (Iași County) that over the years have provided interesting data and materials useful for reconstructing the lives of the Aeneolithic communities from the Târgu Frumos area, but which at the moment of speaking are under threat of disappearance. This work has been split into two volumes, each with its specific content. The first volume sums up the research carried out in the Cucutenian levels in the two sites from Costești-Cier and Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii, now, that there has been 130 years since the discovery of the eponymous site from Cucuteni-Băiceni-Cetățuia, while the second volume presents the results of the investigations made in the post-Aeneolithic sites (Horodiștea-Erbiceni II level, the Early Medieval complexes and the Late Medieval necropolis) in the context of a historical reconstruction of the microregion. As such, in the first volume we present the geographical context, the degree of conservation of the two sites and an attempt at a landscape archaeology reconstruction/modellisation, the review of the older and/or more recent research, the highlighting of the characteristics of the archaeological materials, some investigated archaeometrically and interdisciplinarily, and the cultural-chronological and historical setting of the Cucutenian artefacts. The present work is the result of the research work carried out by a team of authors and contributors with their own scientific share and specific material, both necessary and important, which combined, have led to the spiritual and physical embodiment of this beginning of an archaeological monograph.
In Romanian. Overview of Prehistory and its relations with neighboring sciences. A brief and dens... more In Romanian. Overview of Prehistory and its relations with neighboring sciences. A brief and dense incurssion into the anthropogenesis process, in the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Epochs.
L’ouvrage a été conçu comme une synthèse de l’évolution des communautés créatrices de la civilisa... more L’ouvrage a été conçu comme une synthèse de l’évolution des communautés créatrices de la civilisation de Cucuteni appartenant à la microrégion géographique du Bassin de Bahlui, tenant compte du stade actuel des recherches. Dans cet ouvrage l’auteur a essayé de souligner, quand cela a été possible, le spécifique du développement de ces communautés dans l’ensemble culturel Ariuşd – Cucuteni – Tripolie.
The work, brought out for analysis, was conceived as a synthesis of the evolution of the communit... more The work, brought out for analysis, was conceived as a synthesis of the evolution of the communities which gave birth to Cucuteni civilization in the geographical micro-region of the Bahlui Basin, in the light of the present-day stage of investigation; we also tried to underline, when possible, the specifics of their development within the cultural complex Ariuşd-Cucuteni-Tripolye.
In this paper, the authors present the results obtained in the eleven archaeological research cam... more In this paper, the authors present the results obtained in the eleven archaeological research campaigns carried out between 2010 and 2023 in the multilayered site at Ripiceni – Holm/La Telescu, during which an area of approx. 925 sqm. of the total surface of the current site of 10.5 ha remains of what was once a large settlement (approx. 25 ha), with emphasis mainly on Cucuteni A‑B1 and Noua II habitations. Five individual dwellings (D.1‑D. 4 and D. 8), as well as three associated structures/dwellings (S./D. 5–7) were investigated within the quasi‑central megastructure with complementary elements, together with the first enclosure/defence ditch of the site, 20 pits of various shapes, sizes and functions, a significant number of ceramic vessels, many reconstructible, and lithics, most of them from the Cucuteni A‑B level. Thus, the special importance of this Eneolithic habitation is noted, in the general protohistoric context of the Eastern Carpathians and beyond. Although few for now, the materials attributed to the Late Bronze Age (lithic, ceramic, metal artefacts) show that the Noua II habitation was also special, but they are grouped in the area of ashmounds‑type complexes, which have not been at the centre of investigations until now.
Rezumat: În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descop... more Rezumat: În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în situl de la Feteşti-La Schit (com. Adâncata, jud. Suceava), a cărui compoziŃie ornamentală, încadrată în subgrupa stilistică ε ε ε ε 1 (Cucuteni B 1), vorbeşte, probabil, despre concepŃiile mitologice şi cosmogonice ale acestor comunităŃi agricole, eneolitice. Il est déjà reconnu que la station archéologique de Feteşti-La Schit a fournis beaucoup de vestiges pendant les sept campagnes des fouilles systématiques déroulées (2000-2006) 1 , jusqu'au présent étant investigués plusieurs niveaux d'habitation: Cucuteni A 3 (la variante régionale Hăbăşeşti); Cucuteni B 1b et début de B 2 (B 2a); Horodiştea-Erbiceni II, Latène précoce (V-III ème siècles avant Chr.); Moyen Âge tardif, modernes et contemporaines. Ce site se trouve dans la partie orientale du département de Suceava, sur un plateau structural (du Plateau Dragomirna, sous unité du Plateau de Suceava) situé au nord-est d...
In the present paper we will discuss the possible evidence of ritual improvements, performed in o... more In the present paper we will discuss the possible evidence of ritual improvements, performed in order to found the habitat (?), the pits and founding/foundation ditches and last but not least, the discoveries referring to rites and rituals of founding domestic installations of the Fetesti-La Schit site, Suceava County, Romania.
In this paper, the authors present the results of the microscopic analysis (low power approach an... more In this paper, the authors present the results of the microscopic analysis (low power approach and high power approach) of four samples, from which thin sections were made, taken from fragmentary stone axes (probably battle axes), originating in accidental discoveries, without context, made in Suceava and Botoșani counties, belonging to Bronze Age, from the archaeological collection of ”Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The aim of this enterprise is to identify the raw materials and the sources for it, local or not, very important in the understanding the strategies for exploiting the lithic resources of that time, east of Carpathians, the decipherment of the technological chain and functionality of that artifacts.
The microscopic analysis were made using the petrographic microscope OPTIKA N-400POL and the photographic imagery were taken with a digital camera OPTIKA C-83 and analyzed using OPTIKA PROVIEW software. As a result the study establish that three out of four artifacts were made from dolerite and the last one from micro gabbro, authors suggesting as the closest source The Rarău Syncline (situated in the Central-Nordic part of the Eastern Carpathians), without being able to exclude other areas.
Key words: Precucuteni culture, settlement of Târgu Frumos, anthropomorphic idols, cult of fecund... more Key words: Precucuteni culture, settlement of Târgu Frumos, anthropomorphic idols, cult of fecundity, Birth Goddess, idols with basin-vessel. Résumé. On présente deux variantes d'idoles féminines liées du culte, dominant en Néolithique et Énéolithique, de la fertilité et de la fécondité, trouvées dans l'habitat de Târgu Frumos (dép. de Iaşi), appartenant à la troisième phase de la culture Précucuteni. Il s'agit des statuettes en position accouchante et des statuettes au bassin ouvert, en forme de récipient, probablement pour le dépôt d'offrandes. On présente des analogies des deux types de statuettes dans l'espace balkano-égéen. Abstract. We present two types of feminine idols, related to the dominant neo-aeneolithic cult of fertility and fecundity, incountered in the settlement from Târgu Frumos (county of Iaşi) belonging to the third phase of Precucuteni Culture. They represent idols in birth position and idols with open basin in the form of a recipient, probab...
Dans ce travail les auteurs présentent les résultats partiels des recherches effectuées dans le g... more Dans ce travail les auteurs présentent les résultats partiels des recherches effectuées dans le grant Etude de l’identification et la classification des ressources utiles de la zone montagneuse du département de Suceava utilisées en préhistoire et histoire, finances par CNCSIS (MECT) entre 2001-2003. Il s’agit des intéressantes considérations sur la méthodologie de l’archéologie de la zone montagneuse et minière (archéométallurgie), sur les roches usitées pour les outils et les armes lithiques, ou concernant les pigments minérales (les composés du fer, calcium et manganèse etc.) employées pour la peinture de la céramique cucutenienne, les gisements/affleurements des composés de cuivre et fer et sel, utilises dans le différentes domaines en préhistoire et histoire.
În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în s... more În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în situl de la Feteşti-La Schit (com. Adâncata, jud. Suceava), a cărui compozitie ornamentală, încadrată în subgrupa stilistică ε 1 (Cucuteni B 1), vorbeşte, probabil, despre concepțiile mitologice şi cosmogonice ale acestor comunități agricole, eneolitice.
Dans cet ouvrage les auteurs présentent les découvertes faites dans l’établissement de Feteşti „L... more Dans cet ouvrage les auteurs présentent les découvertes faites dans l’établissement de Feteşti „La Schit”, département de Suceava, qui appartient aux plusieurs niveaux d’habitation (Cucuteni A3 B1et B2, Horodiştea – Folteşti II, Hallstatt, Latène gétique précoce, Moyen Age tardif et l’époque moderne) dans les années 2000-20003. Au niveau Cucuteni A appartient dans ce moment seulement deux fosses G6/2000 et G31/2003, une habitation de surface L4/2003 et une habitation creusé B7/2003. On a remarque plusieurs complexes dans le niveau Cucuteni B1 qui caractérise deux étapes: les habitation de surface L1/2000, L2/2000, L3/2004, les fosses G7/2000, G9/2000, G10/2000, G11/2000, G13/2000, G14/2000, G15/2000, G16/2000, G17/2000 et les fours C1/2001 şi C2/2001. L’habitation L1/2000 est une construction à plate-forme (8 x 6 m), orientée NO-SE, édifiée en bois et en argile. Cette habitation a trois ou quatre chambres, établies selon les installations et les pièces archéologiques. Comme des éléments constructifs nous mentionnons: quelques portions de parois en argile et matériaux végétaux (balle et pailles), une fosse de fondation et un fossé rituel. A l’intérieur de l’habitation ont été découvertes les suivantes installations: un âtre, un four, une casette rectangulaire et un silo (pithos ?) pour la préservation de céréales, une aménagement en argile avec de moules en pierre, en ensemble avec des fragments céramiques, outils lithiques et de la plastique anthropomorphe et zoomorphe.
Un nombre plus réduit de complexes peut être attribué au niveau Cucuteni B2. On a eu la possibilité d’identifier le niveau appartenant à la culture de Horodiştea selon les matériaux caractéristiques et moins selon les complexes d’habitation qui sont moins évidentes.
L’habitat Latène se caractérise par habitations creusées: B2/2000, B5/2003 B6/2003, certaines fouillées dans le fossé intérieur de défense. Toujours des habitations creusées ont été construites à Feteşti Schit à la fin du Moyen Age: B1/2000, B3/2001, B4/2001. L’analyse du fossé intérieur de défense de l’établissement a prouvé que celui-ci a été fouillé de l’étape Cucuteni A et abandonné dans l’étape Cucuteni B.
In this paper, the author addresses the issue of Cucutenian anthropomorphic and anthropomorphized... more In this paper, the author addresses the issue of Cucutenian anthropomorphic and anthropomorphized vessels in terms of the complex ensemble represented by the actual shape of the vessels and their decor (painted, incised and grooved), coherently placed in horizontal registers and unitary vertical compositions. In this sense, the well-known Cucutenian ornaments: egg-like shapes, spiral heads, volutes, geometric motifs and the angular meanders etc. were used, regardless of the decorative techniques employed by the painters of Cucutenian ceramics, for rendering different realities, in this case the female body. These motifs, isolated or in association, become signs and symbols, speaking about a peculiar anthropomorphist predisposition, perhaps related to the rendering of the Great Mother archetype (Great Mother Goddess), multiplied in the human world. Under these circumstances, the "simple" ceramic forms like goblets, cups, amphorae, pyriform vessels, etc. were anthropomorphiz...
In the current study we intend to present some of the important historical sources from the XVIII... more In the current study we intend to present some of the important historical sources from the XVIIIth century and from the beginning of the following one (Hacquet 1791; Hacquet 1792; Hacquet 1794; Hacquet, 2002; Ровенчак 2000, 56-62), owed to Balthasar (Belsazar) de la Motte Hacquet, on the basis of which, under the circumstances of absence or lack of previous knowledge about Moldavian medieval documents, they can enlighten us, even partially, on the image of the existence of some important natural resources in the North-Eastern Carpathian area, which are likely to have been exploited in the pre or proto-history. We refer to the remarkable works Hacquet's neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in den Jahren 1788 und 1789 durch die Dacischen und Sarmatischen oder Nordlichen Karpathen (1791), Neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in der Jahren 1791, 92 und 93 durch die Dacischen und Sarmatischen oder Nördlichen Karpathen Dritter und vierter Theil (1794) and Physischen und sechniet...
In this paper the authors present the cultic shrines of the Targu Frumos and Isaiia Pre-Cucutenia... more In this paper the authors present the cultic shrines of the Targu Frumos and Isaiia Pre-Cucutenian sites.
FONTES PERENNITATIS Studia in honorem magistri Nicolae Ursulescu octogesimum annum peragentis, 2023
Rezumat. În această lucrare, autorii prezintă o recentă descoperire deosebită, realizată în nivel... more Rezumat. În această lucrare, autorii prezintă o recentă descoperire deosebită, realizată în nivelul Horodiștea–Erbiceni II din situl pluristratificat de la Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, jud. Iași. Este vorba despre un presupus complex ritual (Cx. 07/Gr. 22/2021), caracterizat prin depunerea în întregime și în conexiune anatomică a unei femele de bovină domestică (Bos taurus), sacrificată, probabil, cultic. Asemenea depuneri cultice, foarte rare, până în prezent, în eneoliticul final și bronzul timpuriu de la răsărit de Carpați și, în general, din întreg spațiul carpato-danubian, sunt numeroase în Europa est-centrală (culturile Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, Amforelor sferice, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik) și pot fi legate, în cazul prezentat și cel de la Dolheștii Mari, de prezența și influența purtătorilor culturii amforelor sferice, așa-numitul Subgrup moldovenesc sau Siret, cu care comunitățile horodiștene (faza a II-a) au conviețuit, pașnic și nepașnic, în anumite areale, rezultând, în ultimele secole ale mileniului IV BC, unele procese de aculturație.
Abstract. In this paper, the authors present a recent special discovery, made in the Horodiștea–Erbiceni II level from the multi-stratified site at Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, Iași County. It is about a supposed ritual complex (Cx 07/Gr. 22/2021), characterized by the deposition in its
entirety and in anatomical connection of a female cattle (Bos taurus), probably sacrificed cultically. Such cultic deposits, very rare, until now, in the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze from the east of the Carpathians and, in general, from the entire Carpathian-Danubian Area, are numerous in East-Central Europe (the cultures: Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, GlobularAmphorae, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik), and can be linked, in the presented case and the one from Dolheștii Mari, to the presence and influence of the Globular Amphorae culture bearers, the so-called Moldavian or Siret Subgroup, with which the Horodiștea communities (phase II) coexisted, peacefully and non-peacefully, in certain areas, resulting in some acculturation processes in the last centuries of the fourth millennium BC.
Cuvinte cheie: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, depunere rituală, cultura Horodiștea–Erbiceni, cultura amforelor sferice, Bos taurus.
Keywords: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, ritual deposition, Horodiștea–Erbiceni culture, Globular Amphorae culture, Bos taurus.
Chapter II. At the crossroads of times ... Old age and historical becoming. Archaeological eviden... more Chapter II. At the crossroads of times ... Old age and historical becoming. Archaeological evidence from Prehistory to the Middle Ages Located at the contact of the three subunits of the Moldavian Plateau: the Suceava Plateau (Ruginoasa-Strunga Saddle), the Central Moldavian Plateau and Moldavia’s wavy Plain), the Târgu Frumos Area, also called the Gate of Târgu Frumos (V. Tufescu) presented at all times, pre- /protohistorical and historical, special conditions (central geographic location, dense hydrographic network, soils, forestry resources etc.), essential for the foundation and evolution of the human habitat. In this first chapter, an archaeological-historical reconstruction of the evolving human settlements in the Târgu Frumos area from prehistory to the Middle Ages (15th-17th c.), in the wider territorial sense of what was Târgu Frumos commune, with 11 component villages, is presented.
We bring forward to the attention of specialists through this work a part of the discoveries from... more We bring forward to the attention of specialists through this work a part of the discoveries from the sites Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii and Costești-Cier (Iași County) that over the years have provided interesting data and materials useful for reconstructing the lives of the Aeneolithic communities from the Târgu Frumos area, but which at the moment of speaking are under threat of disappearance. This work has been split into two volumes, each with its specific content. The first volume sums up the research carried out in the Cucutenian levels in the two sites from Costești-Cier and Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii, now, that there has been 130 years since the discovery of the eponymous site from Cucuteni-Băiceni-Cetățuia, while the second volume presents the results of the investigations made in the post-Aeneolithic sites (Horodiștea-Erbiceni II level, the Early Medieval complexes and the Late Medieval necropolis) in the context of a historical reconstruction of the microregion. As such, in the first volume we present the geographical context, the degree of conservation of the two sites and an attempt at a landscape archaeology reconstruction/modellisation, the review of the older and/or more recent research, the highlighting of the characteristics of the archaeological materials, some investigated archaeometrically and interdisciplinarily, and the cultural-chronological and historical setting of the Cucutenian artefacts. The present work is the result of the research work carried out by a team of authors and contributors with their own scientific share and specific material, both necessary and important, which combined, have led to the spiritual and physical embodiment of this beginning of an archaeological monograph.
In Romanian. Overview of Prehistory and its relations with neighboring sciences. A brief and dens... more In Romanian. Overview of Prehistory and its relations with neighboring sciences. A brief and dense incurssion into the anthropogenesis process, in the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Epochs.
L’ouvrage a été conçu comme une synthèse de l’évolution des communautés créatrices de la civilisa... more L’ouvrage a été conçu comme une synthèse de l’évolution des communautés créatrices de la civilisation de Cucuteni appartenant à la microrégion géographique du Bassin de Bahlui, tenant compte du stade actuel des recherches. Dans cet ouvrage l’auteur a essayé de souligner, quand cela a été possible, le spécifique du développement de ces communautés dans l’ensemble culturel Ariuşd – Cucuteni – Tripolie.
The work, brought out for analysis, was conceived as a synthesis of the evolution of the communit... more The work, brought out for analysis, was conceived as a synthesis of the evolution of the communities which gave birth to Cucuteni civilization in the geographical micro-region of the Bahlui Basin, in the light of the present-day stage of investigation; we also tried to underline, when possible, the specifics of their development within the cultural complex Ariuşd-Cucuteni-Tripolye.
In this paper, the authors present the results obtained in the eleven archaeological research cam... more In this paper, the authors present the results obtained in the eleven archaeological research campaigns carried out between 2010 and 2023 in the multilayered site at Ripiceni – Holm/La Telescu, during which an area of approx. 925 sqm. of the total surface of the current site of 10.5 ha remains of what was once a large settlement (approx. 25 ha), with emphasis mainly on Cucuteni A‑B1 and Noua II habitations. Five individual dwellings (D.1‑D. 4 and D. 8), as well as three associated structures/dwellings (S./D. 5–7) were investigated within the quasi‑central megastructure with complementary elements, together with the first enclosure/defence ditch of the site, 20 pits of various shapes, sizes and functions, a significant number of ceramic vessels, many reconstructible, and lithics, most of them from the Cucuteni A‑B level. Thus, the special importance of this Eneolithic habitation is noted, in the general protohistoric context of the Eastern Carpathians and beyond. Although few for now, the materials attributed to the Late Bronze Age (lithic, ceramic, metal artefacts) show that the Noua II habitation was also special, but they are grouped in the area of ashmounds‑type complexes, which have not been at the centre of investigations until now.
Rezumat: În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descop... more Rezumat: În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în situl de la Feteşti-La Schit (com. Adâncata, jud. Suceava), a cărui compoziŃie ornamentală, încadrată în subgrupa stilistică ε ε ε ε 1 (Cucuteni B 1), vorbeşte, probabil, despre concepŃiile mitologice şi cosmogonice ale acestor comunităŃi agricole, eneolitice. Il est déjà reconnu que la station archéologique de Feteşti-La Schit a fournis beaucoup de vestiges pendant les sept campagnes des fouilles systématiques déroulées (2000-2006) 1 , jusqu'au présent étant investigués plusieurs niveaux d'habitation: Cucuteni A 3 (la variante régionale Hăbăşeşti); Cucuteni B 1b et début de B 2 (B 2a); Horodiştea-Erbiceni II, Latène précoce (V-III ème siècles avant Chr.); Moyen Âge tardif, modernes et contemporaines. Ce site se trouve dans la partie orientale du département de Suceava, sur un plateau structural (du Plateau Dragomirna, sous unité du Plateau de Suceava) situé au nord-est d...
In the present paper we will discuss the possible evidence of ritual improvements, performed in o... more In the present paper we will discuss the possible evidence of ritual improvements, performed in order to found the habitat (?), the pits and founding/foundation ditches and last but not least, the discoveries referring to rites and rituals of founding domestic installations of the Fetesti-La Schit site, Suceava County, Romania.
In this paper, the authors present the results of the microscopic analysis (low power approach an... more In this paper, the authors present the results of the microscopic analysis (low power approach and high power approach) of four samples, from which thin sections were made, taken from fragmentary stone axes (probably battle axes), originating in accidental discoveries, without context, made in Suceava and Botoșani counties, belonging to Bronze Age, from the archaeological collection of ”Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The aim of this enterprise is to identify the raw materials and the sources for it, local or not, very important in the understanding the strategies for exploiting the lithic resources of that time, east of Carpathians, the decipherment of the technological chain and functionality of that artifacts.
The microscopic analysis were made using the petrographic microscope OPTIKA N-400POL and the photographic imagery were taken with a digital camera OPTIKA C-83 and analyzed using OPTIKA PROVIEW software. As a result the study establish that three out of four artifacts were made from dolerite and the last one from micro gabbro, authors suggesting as the closest source The Rarău Syncline (situated in the Central-Nordic part of the Eastern Carpathians), without being able to exclude other areas.
Key words: Precucuteni culture, settlement of Târgu Frumos, anthropomorphic idols, cult of fecund... more Key words: Precucuteni culture, settlement of Târgu Frumos, anthropomorphic idols, cult of fecundity, Birth Goddess, idols with basin-vessel. Résumé. On présente deux variantes d'idoles féminines liées du culte, dominant en Néolithique et Énéolithique, de la fertilité et de la fécondité, trouvées dans l'habitat de Târgu Frumos (dép. de Iaşi), appartenant à la troisième phase de la culture Précucuteni. Il s'agit des statuettes en position accouchante et des statuettes au bassin ouvert, en forme de récipient, probablement pour le dépôt d'offrandes. On présente des analogies des deux types de statuettes dans l'espace balkano-égéen. Abstract. We present two types of feminine idols, related to the dominant neo-aeneolithic cult of fertility and fecundity, incountered in the settlement from Târgu Frumos (county of Iaşi) belonging to the third phase of Precucuteni Culture. They represent idols in birth position and idols with open basin in the form of a recipient, probab...
Dans ce travail les auteurs présentent les résultats partiels des recherches effectuées dans le g... more Dans ce travail les auteurs présentent les résultats partiels des recherches effectuées dans le grant Etude de l’identification et la classification des ressources utiles de la zone montagneuse du département de Suceava utilisées en préhistoire et histoire, finances par CNCSIS (MECT) entre 2001-2003. Il s’agit des intéressantes considérations sur la méthodologie de l’archéologie de la zone montagneuse et minière (archéométallurgie), sur les roches usitées pour les outils et les armes lithiques, ou concernant les pigments minérales (les composés du fer, calcium et manganèse etc.) employées pour la peinture de la céramique cucutenienne, les gisements/affleurements des composés de cuivre et fer et sel, utilises dans le différentes domaines en préhistoire et histoire.
În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în s... more În acest studiu, autorii prezintă un vas pictat cu siluete feminine antropomorfe, descoperit în situl de la Feteşti-La Schit (com. Adâncata, jud. Suceava), a cărui compozitie ornamentală, încadrată în subgrupa stilistică ε 1 (Cucuteni B 1), vorbeşte, probabil, despre concepțiile mitologice şi cosmogonice ale acestor comunități agricole, eneolitice.
Dans cet ouvrage les auteurs présentent les découvertes faites dans l’établissement de Feteşti „L... more Dans cet ouvrage les auteurs présentent les découvertes faites dans l’établissement de Feteşti „La Schit”, département de Suceava, qui appartient aux plusieurs niveaux d’habitation (Cucuteni A3 B1et B2, Horodiştea – Folteşti II, Hallstatt, Latène gétique précoce, Moyen Age tardif et l’époque moderne) dans les années 2000-20003. Au niveau Cucuteni A appartient dans ce moment seulement deux fosses G6/2000 et G31/2003, une habitation de surface L4/2003 et une habitation creusé B7/2003. On a remarque plusieurs complexes dans le niveau Cucuteni B1 qui caractérise deux étapes: les habitation de surface L1/2000, L2/2000, L3/2004, les fosses G7/2000, G9/2000, G10/2000, G11/2000, G13/2000, G14/2000, G15/2000, G16/2000, G17/2000 et les fours C1/2001 şi C2/2001. L’habitation L1/2000 est une construction à plate-forme (8 x 6 m), orientée NO-SE, édifiée en bois et en argile. Cette habitation a trois ou quatre chambres, établies selon les installations et les pièces archéologiques. Comme des éléments constructifs nous mentionnons: quelques portions de parois en argile et matériaux végétaux (balle et pailles), une fosse de fondation et un fossé rituel. A l’intérieur de l’habitation ont été découvertes les suivantes installations: un âtre, un four, une casette rectangulaire et un silo (pithos ?) pour la préservation de céréales, une aménagement en argile avec de moules en pierre, en ensemble avec des fragments céramiques, outils lithiques et de la plastique anthropomorphe et zoomorphe.
Un nombre plus réduit de complexes peut être attribué au niveau Cucuteni B2. On a eu la possibilité d’identifier le niveau appartenant à la culture de Horodiştea selon les matériaux caractéristiques et moins selon les complexes d’habitation qui sont moins évidentes.
L’habitat Latène se caractérise par habitations creusées: B2/2000, B5/2003 B6/2003, certaines fouillées dans le fossé intérieur de défense. Toujours des habitations creusées ont été construites à Feteşti Schit à la fin du Moyen Age: B1/2000, B3/2001, B4/2001. L’analyse du fossé intérieur de défense de l’établissement a prouvé que celui-ci a été fouillé de l’étape Cucuteni A et abandonné dans l’étape Cucuteni B.
In this paper, the author addresses the issue of Cucutenian anthropomorphic and anthropomorphized... more In this paper, the author addresses the issue of Cucutenian anthropomorphic and anthropomorphized vessels in terms of the complex ensemble represented by the actual shape of the vessels and their decor (painted, incised and grooved), coherently placed in horizontal registers and unitary vertical compositions. In this sense, the well-known Cucutenian ornaments: egg-like shapes, spiral heads, volutes, geometric motifs and the angular meanders etc. were used, regardless of the decorative techniques employed by the painters of Cucutenian ceramics, for rendering different realities, in this case the female body. These motifs, isolated or in association, become signs and symbols, speaking about a peculiar anthropomorphist predisposition, perhaps related to the rendering of the Great Mother archetype (Great Mother Goddess), multiplied in the human world. Under these circumstances, the "simple" ceramic forms like goblets, cups, amphorae, pyriform vessels, etc. were anthropomorphiz...
In the current study we intend to present some of the important historical sources from the XVIII... more In the current study we intend to present some of the important historical sources from the XVIIIth century and from the beginning of the following one (Hacquet 1791; Hacquet 1792; Hacquet 1794; Hacquet, 2002; Ровенчак 2000, 56-62), owed to Balthasar (Belsazar) de la Motte Hacquet, on the basis of which, under the circumstances of absence or lack of previous knowledge about Moldavian medieval documents, they can enlighten us, even partially, on the image of the existence of some important natural resources in the North-Eastern Carpathian area, which are likely to have been exploited in the pre or proto-history. We refer to the remarkable works Hacquet's neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in den Jahren 1788 und 1789 durch die Dacischen und Sarmatischen oder Nordlichen Karpathen (1791), Neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in der Jahren 1791, 92 und 93 durch die Dacischen und Sarmatischen oder Nördlichen Karpathen Dritter und vierter Theil (1794) and Physischen und sechniet...
In this paper the authors present the cultic shrines of the Targu Frumos and Isaiia Pre-Cucutenia... more In this paper the authors present the cultic shrines of the Targu Frumos and Isaiia Pre-Cucutenian sites.
Les auteurs présentent quelques considérations préliminaires sur les pratiques funéraires dans la... more Les auteurs présentent quelques considérations préliminaires sur les pratiques funéraires dans la nécropole d'Adâncata-"Imaş" (dép. de Suceava). Les fouilles ont mis en évidence neuf tumuli, mais l'article concerne la recherche des tertres T1-T6. Le rite et le rituel funéraires ont des ressemblances, mais aussi des différences évidentes par rapport aux autres découvertes de Roumanie (Prăjeni), de Pologne (Komarów), d'Ukraine ou de la République de Moldavie. Abstract. The authors display in the present study a few considerations on the funerary practices incountered in the necropolis from Adâncata-"Imaş" (dep. of Suceava). The excavations have put into evidence nine tumuluses, but only the research done in the case of six of them are presented. The funerary rite and ritual presents resemblances, but also differences compared with other discoveries from Romania (Prăjeni), Poland (Komaóiw), Ukraina or the Republic of Moldavia. Rezumat. Autorii expun în a...
Natural resources (soil and subsoil) had a significant role in the foundation of the human habita... more Natural resources (soil and subsoil) had a significant role in the foundation of the human habitat, in all historic periods, and especially in Prehistory and Protohistory. Relating to the scale of historic times, according to the environmental conditions and their own needs, human communities exploited many of the primary natural resources which were immediately available to them (minerals, compounds and rocks which appear in outcrops, salt, running and still waters, timber and woods, meadows and agricultural lands with soils in formation). Following the increasingly accentuated interventions in the ecosystem, man brought a considerable contribution to the modification of the natural environment (landschaft), which partly became an anthropic environment.
Abstract The authors present in this study the five surface dwellings with wooden and burnt clay ... more Abstract The authors present in this study the five surface dwellings with wooden and burnt clay platform (no. 8-9, 11, 13-14), discovered within the Precucuteni III site from Târgu Frumos-Baza Pătule, pointing out their main features, within the general framework of the ...
The reconstitution of the complex relationships between humans and the natural landscape in which... more The reconstitution of the complex relationships between humans and the natural landscape in which they lived in the Bronze Age is an extremely important epistemological component for understanding the dynamics and characteristics of human settlements. In this paper, the authors propose to present, in an integrated manner, based on the study of historical cartographic materials (Austrian maps and plans from the 18th and 19th centuries, Romanian interwar military maps), on the realization and interpretation of digital terrain models (DEM), in the GIS computerized system, of the archaeological field researches and the results of interdisciplinary investigations, an attempt to model the protohistoric landscape in the Ilişeşti stream catchment area and of the barrow necropolis from Costâna (Todireşti commune, Suceava county), which belonged to the Bilyi Potik-Komariv (Bialyi Potik-Komariw) communities from the final phase of the Middle Bronze Age (XVIII/XVII–-XVI c. BCE) with certain influences from the late Mnogovalikovaya Culture. In this sense are highlighted the geological, geo-morphological and morphometric features of the relief from the Ilişeşti catchment (in which the Costâna area is located), the right tributary of the Suceava River (basin of the middle course), the old features of the hydrography, the climatic and paleoclimatic elements, the biotopes and biocenoses, soil characteristics, natural resources (especially salt sources), in combination with paleobotanic and dendrocronological data, which give us a comparatively reasonable picture of the natural landscape in this area in Subboreal. The correlation and the associated/integrated study of the archaeological and paleogeographical data allow us to conclude that the protohistoric landscape in the Ilişeşti catchment was, during the Middle Bronze Age, an important cultural contact space between the communities of Suceava’s middle course and those in the Piedmontan region of the Carpathians (to the west) and those in the Moldavian Plain (to the east), as well as those in Rădăuţi Depression (to the north) and those in the Neamţ Subcarpathians (to the south), where the barrow necropolises represented special material and spiritual landmarks of the communion of the worlds of the living and the dead. Keywords: landscape archaeology, Subboreal, the Ilişeşti catchment area, Costâna, Bilyi Potik-Komariv, interdisciplinary research.
Books by Boghian Dumitru
Abstract. In this paper, the authors present a recent special discovery, made in the Horodiștea–Erbiceni II level from the multi-stratified site at Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, Iași County. It is about a supposed ritual complex (Cx 07/Gr. 22/2021), characterized by the deposition in its
entirety and in anatomical connection of a female cattle (Bos taurus), probably sacrificed cultically. Such cultic deposits, very rare, until now, in the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze from the east of the Carpathians and, in general, from the entire Carpathian-Danubian Area, are numerous in East-Central Europe (the cultures: Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, GlobularAmphorae, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik), and can be linked, in the presented case and the one from Dolheștii Mari, to the presence and influence of the Globular Amphorae culture bearers, the so-called Moldavian or Siret Subgroup, with which the Horodiștea communities (phase II) coexisted, peacefully and non-peacefully, in certain areas, resulting in some acculturation processes in the last centuries of the fourth millennium BC.
Cuvinte cheie: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, depunere rituală, cultura Horodiștea–Erbiceni, cultura amforelor sferice, Bos taurus.
Keywords: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, ritual deposition, Horodiștea–Erbiceni culture, Globular Amphorae culture, Bos taurus.
Located at the contact of the three subunits of the Moldavian Plateau: the Suceava Plateau (Ruginoasa-Strunga Saddle), the Central Moldavian Plateau and Moldavia’s wavy Plain), the Târgu Frumos Area, also called the Gate of Târgu Frumos (V. Tufescu) presented at all times, pre-
/protohistorical and historical, special conditions (central geographic location, dense hydrographic network, soils, forestry resources etc.), essential for the foundation and evolution of the human habitat. In this first chapter, an archaeological-historical reconstruction of the evolving human settlements in the Târgu Frumos area from prehistory to the Middle Ages (15th-17th c.), in the wider territorial sense of what was Târgu Frumos commune, with 11 component villages, is presented.
communities from the Târgu Frumos area, but which at the moment of speaking are under threat of disappearance.
This work has been split into two volumes, each with its specific content. The first volume sums up the research carried out in the Cucutenian levels in the two sites from Costești-Cier and Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii, now, that there has been 130 years since the discovery of the eponymous site from Cucuteni-Băiceni-Cetățuia, while the second volume presents the results of the investigations made in the post-Aeneolithic sites (Horodiștea-Erbiceni II level, the Early Medieval complexes and the Late Medieval necropolis) in the context of a historical reconstruction of the microregion. As such, in the first volume we present the geographical context, the degree of conservation of the two sites and an attempt at a landscape archaeology reconstruction/modellisation, the review of the older and/or more recent research, the highlighting of the characteristics of the archaeological materials, some investigated archaeometrically and interdisciplinarily, and the cultural-chronological and historical setting of the Cucutenian artefacts. The present work is the result of the research work carried out by a team of authors and contributors with their own scientific share and specific material, both necessary and important, which combined, have led to the spiritual and physical embodiment of this beginning of an
archaeological monograph.
Papers by Boghian Dumitru
The microscopic analysis were made using the petrographic microscope OPTIKA N-400POL and the photographic imagery were taken with a digital camera OPTIKA C-83 and analyzed using OPTIKA PROVIEW software. As a result the study establish that three out of four artifacts were made from dolerite and the last one from micro gabbro, authors suggesting as the closest source The Rarău Syncline (situated in the Central-Nordic part of the Eastern Carpathians), without being able to exclude other areas.
de la zone montagneuse du département de Suceava utilisées en préhistoire et histoire, finances par CNCSIS (MECT) entre 2001-2003.
Il s’agit des intéressantes considérations sur la méthodologie de l’archéologie de la zone montagneuse et minière (archéométallurgie), sur les roches usitées pour les outils et les armes lithiques, ou concernant les pigments minérales (les composés du fer, calcium et manganèse etc.) employées pour la peinture de la céramique cucutenienne, les gisements/affleurements des composés de cuivre et fer et sel, utilises dans le différentes domaines en préhistoire et histoire.
Un nombre plus réduit de complexes peut être attribué au niveau Cucuteni B2. On a eu la possibilité d’identifier le niveau appartenant à la culture de Horodiştea selon les matériaux caractéristiques et moins selon les complexes d’habitation qui sont moins évidentes.
L’habitat Latène se caractérise par habitations creusées: B2/2000, B5/2003 B6/2003, certaines fouillées dans le fossé intérieur de défense. Toujours des habitations creusées ont été construites à Feteşti Schit à la fin du Moyen Age: B1/2000, B3/2001, B4/2001. L’analyse du fossé intérieur de défense de l’établissement a prouvé que celui-ci a été fouillé de l’étape Cucuteni A et abandonné dans l’étape Cucuteni B.
Abstract. In this paper, the authors present a recent special discovery, made in the Horodiștea–Erbiceni II level from the multi-stratified site at Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, Iași County. It is about a supposed ritual complex (Cx 07/Gr. 22/2021), characterized by the deposition in its
entirety and in anatomical connection of a female cattle (Bos taurus), probably sacrificed cultically. Such cultic deposits, very rare, until now, in the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze from the east of the Carpathians and, in general, from the entire Carpathian-Danubian Area, are numerous in East-Central Europe (the cultures: Boleráz, Baden–Pécel, Salzmünde, GlobularAmphorae, Vučedol, Walternienburg–Bernburger, Havelländischen, Schnurkeramik), and can be linked, in the presented case and the one from Dolheștii Mari, to the presence and influence of the Globular Amphorae culture bearers, the so-called Moldavian or Siret Subgroup, with which the Horodiștea communities (phase II) coexisted, peacefully and non-peacefully, in certain areas, resulting in some acculturation processes in the last centuries of the fourth millennium BC.
Cuvinte cheie: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, depunere rituală, cultura Horodiștea–Erbiceni, cultura amforelor sferice, Bos taurus.
Keywords: Costești–Cier/Lângă Școală, ritual deposition, Horodiștea–Erbiceni culture, Globular Amphorae culture, Bos taurus.
Located at the contact of the three subunits of the Moldavian Plateau: the Suceava Plateau (Ruginoasa-Strunga Saddle), the Central Moldavian Plateau and Moldavia’s wavy Plain), the Târgu Frumos Area, also called the Gate of Târgu Frumos (V. Tufescu) presented at all times, pre-
/protohistorical and historical, special conditions (central geographic location, dense hydrographic network, soils, forestry resources etc.), essential for the foundation and evolution of the human habitat. In this first chapter, an archaeological-historical reconstruction of the evolving human settlements in the Târgu Frumos area from prehistory to the Middle Ages (15th-17th c.), in the wider territorial sense of what was Târgu Frumos commune, with 11 component villages, is presented.
communities from the Târgu Frumos area, but which at the moment of speaking are under threat of disappearance.
This work has been split into two volumes, each with its specific content. The first volume sums up the research carried out in the Cucutenian levels in the two sites from Costești-Cier and Giurgești-Dealul Mănăstirii, now, that there has been 130 years since the discovery of the eponymous site from Cucuteni-Băiceni-Cetățuia, while the second volume presents the results of the investigations made in the post-Aeneolithic sites (Horodiștea-Erbiceni II level, the Early Medieval complexes and the Late Medieval necropolis) in the context of a historical reconstruction of the microregion. As such, in the first volume we present the geographical context, the degree of conservation of the two sites and an attempt at a landscape archaeology reconstruction/modellisation, the review of the older and/or more recent research, the highlighting of the characteristics of the archaeological materials, some investigated archaeometrically and interdisciplinarily, and the cultural-chronological and historical setting of the Cucutenian artefacts. The present work is the result of the research work carried out by a team of authors and contributors with their own scientific share and specific material, both necessary and important, which combined, have led to the spiritual and physical embodiment of this beginning of an
archaeological monograph.
The microscopic analysis were made using the petrographic microscope OPTIKA N-400POL and the photographic imagery were taken with a digital camera OPTIKA C-83 and analyzed using OPTIKA PROVIEW software. As a result the study establish that three out of four artifacts were made from dolerite and the last one from micro gabbro, authors suggesting as the closest source The Rarău Syncline (situated in the Central-Nordic part of the Eastern Carpathians), without being able to exclude other areas.
de la zone montagneuse du département de Suceava utilisées en préhistoire et histoire, finances par CNCSIS (MECT) entre 2001-2003.
Il s’agit des intéressantes considérations sur la méthodologie de l’archéologie de la zone montagneuse et minière (archéométallurgie), sur les roches usitées pour les outils et les armes lithiques, ou concernant les pigments minérales (les composés du fer, calcium et manganèse etc.) employées pour la peinture de la céramique cucutenienne, les gisements/affleurements des composés de cuivre et fer et sel, utilises dans le différentes domaines en préhistoire et histoire.
Un nombre plus réduit de complexes peut être attribué au niveau Cucuteni B2. On a eu la possibilité d’identifier le niveau appartenant à la culture de Horodiştea selon les matériaux caractéristiques et moins selon les complexes d’habitation qui sont moins évidentes.
L’habitat Latène se caractérise par habitations creusées: B2/2000, B5/2003 B6/2003, certaines fouillées dans le fossé intérieur de défense. Toujours des habitations creusées ont été construites à Feteşti Schit à la fin du Moyen Age: B1/2000, B3/2001, B4/2001. L’analyse du fossé intérieur de défense de l’établissement a prouvé que celui-ci a été fouillé de l’étape Cucuteni A et abandonné dans l’étape Cucuteni B.
which belonged to the Bilyi Potik-Komariv (Bialyi Potik-Komariw) communities from the final phase of the Middle Bronze Age (XVIII/XVII–-XVI c. BCE) with certain influences from the late Mnogovalikovaya Culture.
In this sense are highlighted the geological, geo-morphological and morphometric features of the relief from the Ilişeşti catchment (in which the Costâna area is located), the right tributary of the Suceava River (basin of the middle course), the old features of the hydrography,
the climatic and paleoclimatic elements, the biotopes and biocenoses, soil characteristics, natural resources (especially salt sources), in combination with paleobotanic and dendrocronological data, which give us a comparatively reasonable picture of the natural landscape in this area in Subboreal.
The correlation and the associated/integrated study of the archaeological and paleogeographical data allow us to conclude that the protohistoric landscape in the Ilişeşti catchment was, during the Middle Bronze Age, an important cultural contact space between the communities of Suceava’s middle course and those in the Piedmontan region of the Carpathians (to the west) and those in the Moldavian Plain (to the east), as well as those in Rădăuţi Depression (to the north) and those in the Neamţ Subcarpathians (to the south), where the barrow necropolises represented special material and spiritual landmarks of the communion of the worlds of the living and the dead.
Keywords: landscape archaeology, Subboreal, the Ilişeşti catchment area, Costâna, Bilyi Potik-Komariv, interdisciplinary research.