Los castillos eran la espina dorsal del sistema defensivo del reino de Valencia, así como de todo... more Los castillos eran la espina dorsal del sistema defensivo del reino de Valencia, así como de todos los estados feudales. A través del análisis de la contabilidad de un libro de obras relativo al castillo de Sagunt analizamos el papel de los castillos valencianos en la defensa del territorio y su importancia en la creación de tejido económico y en la movilización de mano de obra. El volumen es especialmente interesante porque también refleja el abastecimiento alimentario y la compra de armamento. Además, las cuentas analizadas se realizaron durante la Guerra de Castilla (1356-1375) uno de los momentos claves de la historia de la Corona de Aragón.
XLVI Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales Estella-Lizarra. La ciudad de los campesinos. Villas nuevas, pequeñas villas, villas mercado, 2020
El presente artículo analiza las principales dinámicas de producción y consumo de armamento en al... more El presente artículo analiza las principales dinámicas de producción y consumo de armamento en algunas villas de la Corona de Aragón
Resum: Quan s'estudia la cultura material de qualsevol època, sempre es presta una especial atenc... more Resum: Quan s'estudia la cultura material de qualsevol època, sempre es presta una especial atenció a les diferents vides que tenen els objectes des de la seua fabricació, fins al seu reciclatge. A partir d'un seguit de documents provinents de diferents registres es pretén analitzar el treball d'un dels professionals del mercat de segona mà: el ferroveller. De la mateixa manera, provarem de entendre la imatge socials d'un col·lectiu que freqüentment estava prop de la marginalitat. Abstract: When we study the material culture of any time, special attention is paid to the different lives that an object has from its manufacture to its recycling. Through series of documents from different records, we will try to analyse the work of one of the professionals of the secondhand market: the scrap metal dealer. In the same way, we will try to understand the social image of a group that was frequently close to marginality. Paraules clau: Ferroveller-Mercat de segona mà-València medieval-Treball del metall-Marginalitat.
The 15th century's València through the eyes of a notary: the Jaume Vinader's news Resum: El pres... more The 15th century's València through the eyes of a notary: the Jaume Vinader's news Resum: El present treball presenta un estudi previ i una edició completa de totes les notícies anotades pel notari valencià Jaume Vinader, conservades en els seus llibres notarials al llarg de gran part del segle XV (1419-1467). Aquestes petites cròniques ens permeten submergir-nos en alguns dels esdeveniments més importants de la centúria a través de la mirada i el record d'un notari, és a dir, a través d'una perspectiva diferent a les tradicionalment estudiades a partir de documentació emanada pels poders polítics del moment. En definitiva, el cas que ací es presenta obri una nova perspectiva d'estudi de les fonts notarials, generalment emprades per a estudis econòmics i socials. Abstract: This paper presents a study and a complete edition of all the news written by valencian notary Jaume Vinader, preserved into his notarial books during the major part of 15 th century (1419-1467). These little chronicles allow us to penetrate in some of the most important incidents of the century through the eyes and the memories of a notary, that is, through a different perspective from traditional ways based on sources emanated from the contemporary powe « « r. In short, the case we introduce open a new perspective for notarial sources' study, normally used for economic and social studies.
Since the birth of History as an academic discipline, the scientific community has shown a specia... more Since the birth of History as an academic discipline, the scientific community has shown a special interest in military history and the study of weapons. This attention has tended to focus on the typologies of medieval weapons. However, the remaining theoretical links between arms consumption, production and trade from an economic and social perspective remain to be addressed. With the aim to promote new initiatives in this specific field of research, it has been decided to form a session that serves as a space for dialogue, debate and as a meeting point for researchers with projects that address the socio-economic dimension of armament in the Middle Ages. Contributions related to unpublished archival documentation will be considered, as well as those that present new methodological approaches. The table will be part of the 10th International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2020 (University of Lleida June 29-30 to July 1, 2020)
Despite the obvious impact of warfare on a society, very little work, using modern methodology, h... more Despite the obvious impact of warfare on a society, very little work, using modern methodology, has been devoted to the way people fought in the Middle Ages. This pioneering work focuses on the archaeology of individual combat, that is, on how and with what means people fought in the Middle Ages, how it was reflected and its results. The way of fighting has some universal conditioning factors, the biomechanical ones, and others specific to the period and culture, the technological and social ones. In this sense, this work is innovative in the European academic field, and pioneering in Spain.
Los castillos eran la espina dorsal del sistema defensivo del reino de Valencia, así como de todo... more Los castillos eran la espina dorsal del sistema defensivo del reino de Valencia, así como de todos los estados feudales. A través del análisis de la contabilidad de un libro de obras relativo al castillo de Sagunt analizamos el papel de los castillos valencianos en la defensa del territorio y su importancia en la creación de tejido económico y en la movilización de mano de obra. El volumen es especialmente interesante porque también refleja el abastecimiento alimentario y la compra de armamento. Además, las cuentas analizadas se realizaron durante la Guerra de Castilla (1356-1375) uno de los momentos claves de la historia de la Corona de Aragón.
XLVI Semana Internacional de Estudios Medievales Estella-Lizarra. La ciudad de los campesinos. Villas nuevas, pequeñas villas, villas mercado, 2020
El presente artículo analiza las principales dinámicas de producción y consumo de armamento en al... more El presente artículo analiza las principales dinámicas de producción y consumo de armamento en algunas villas de la Corona de Aragón
Resum: Quan s'estudia la cultura material de qualsevol època, sempre es presta una especial atenc... more Resum: Quan s'estudia la cultura material de qualsevol època, sempre es presta una especial atenció a les diferents vides que tenen els objectes des de la seua fabricació, fins al seu reciclatge. A partir d'un seguit de documents provinents de diferents registres es pretén analitzar el treball d'un dels professionals del mercat de segona mà: el ferroveller. De la mateixa manera, provarem de entendre la imatge socials d'un col·lectiu que freqüentment estava prop de la marginalitat. Abstract: When we study the material culture of any time, special attention is paid to the different lives that an object has from its manufacture to its recycling. Through series of documents from different records, we will try to analyse the work of one of the professionals of the secondhand market: the scrap metal dealer. In the same way, we will try to understand the social image of a group that was frequently close to marginality. Paraules clau: Ferroveller-Mercat de segona mà-València medieval-Treball del metall-Marginalitat.
The 15th century's València through the eyes of a notary: the Jaume Vinader's news Resum: El pres... more The 15th century's València through the eyes of a notary: the Jaume Vinader's news Resum: El present treball presenta un estudi previ i una edició completa de totes les notícies anotades pel notari valencià Jaume Vinader, conservades en els seus llibres notarials al llarg de gran part del segle XV (1419-1467). Aquestes petites cròniques ens permeten submergir-nos en alguns dels esdeveniments més importants de la centúria a través de la mirada i el record d'un notari, és a dir, a través d'una perspectiva diferent a les tradicionalment estudiades a partir de documentació emanada pels poders polítics del moment. En definitiva, el cas que ací es presenta obri una nova perspectiva d'estudi de les fonts notarials, generalment emprades per a estudis econòmics i socials. Abstract: This paper presents a study and a complete edition of all the news written by valencian notary Jaume Vinader, preserved into his notarial books during the major part of 15 th century (1419-1467). These little chronicles allow us to penetrate in some of the most important incidents of the century through the eyes and the memories of a notary, that is, through a different perspective from traditional ways based on sources emanated from the contemporary powe « « r. In short, the case we introduce open a new perspective for notarial sources' study, normally used for economic and social studies.
Since the birth of History as an academic discipline, the scientific community has shown a specia... more Since the birth of History as an academic discipline, the scientific community has shown a special interest in military history and the study of weapons. This attention has tended to focus on the typologies of medieval weapons. However, the remaining theoretical links between arms consumption, production and trade from an economic and social perspective remain to be addressed. With the aim to promote new initiatives in this specific field of research, it has been decided to form a session that serves as a space for dialogue, debate and as a meeting point for researchers with projects that address the socio-economic dimension of armament in the Middle Ages. Contributions related to unpublished archival documentation will be considered, as well as those that present new methodological approaches. The table will be part of the 10th International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2020 (University of Lleida June 29-30 to July 1, 2020)
Despite the obvious impact of warfare on a society, very little work, using modern methodology, h... more Despite the obvious impact of warfare on a society, very little work, using modern methodology, has been devoted to the way people fought in the Middle Ages. This pioneering work focuses on the archaeology of individual combat, that is, on how and with what means people fought in the Middle Ages, how it was reflected and its results. The way of fighting has some universal conditioning factors, the biomechanical ones, and others specific to the period and culture, the technological and social ones. In this sense, this work is innovative in the European academic field, and pioneering in Spain.
Papers by Miquel Faus
Talks by Miquel Faus
Books by Miquel Faus