Marina Garcia-Granero
I am an Assistant Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Valencia (Spain). I am a former postdoc from the Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven (Belgium), where I worked in 2022 as an Associate Member of the Homo Mimeticus ERC Project (
I earned my Ph.D. in philosophy from the Universitat de València with a thesis on Nietzsche’s concept of “breeding”/“cultivation” (Züchtung) in 2021. As part of my doctoral studies, I was a visiting researcher at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (France) in 2019, the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy) in 2018, and the Institute of Philosophy at the Spanish National Research Council (Madrid) in 2016.
My research and teaching areas are Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, moral philosophy, and feminist philosophy.
I am a member of multiple academic societies, including the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, the HyperNietzsche International Research Group, the "Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche" (GIRN), and "Intempestiva" Chile's Network of Nietzsche Studies.
I am currently researching Nietzsche as a mimetic precursor and his legacy within mimetic studies.
Supervisors: Jesús Conill (UV) and Nidesh Lawtoo (KU Leuven)
Address: Dr. Marina García-Granero
Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30
46010 València, Spain
I earned my Ph.D. in philosophy from the Universitat de València with a thesis on Nietzsche’s concept of “breeding”/“cultivation” (Züchtung) in 2021. As part of my doctoral studies, I was a visiting researcher at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (France) in 2019, the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy) in 2018, and the Institute of Philosophy at the Spanish National Research Council (Madrid) in 2016.
My research and teaching areas are Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, moral philosophy, and feminist philosophy.
I am a member of multiple academic societies, including the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, the HyperNietzsche International Research Group, the "Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche" (GIRN), and "Intempestiva" Chile's Network of Nietzsche Studies.
I am currently researching Nietzsche as a mimetic precursor and his legacy within mimetic studies.
Supervisors: Jesús Conill (UV) and Nidesh Lawtoo (KU Leuven)
Address: Dr. Marina García-Granero
Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30
46010 València, Spain
InterestsView All (28)
Nietzsche by Marina Garcia-Granero
Palabras clave: Nietzsche, Política, Democracia, Crítica genética, Fuentes, Ediciones.
Abstract: This article discusses some elements and arguments of Jorge Polo Blanco’s book, Anti-Nietzsche. La crueldad de lo político. I analyze Polo’s book while considering the problem of the diversity of characterizations that Nietzsche receives in contemporary philosophical thought and the challenge of evaluating his philosophy in light of our democratic sensibilities. I examine the different chapters and identify some of the inaccuracies and most dubious aspects of Polo’s “anti-Nietzschean” argument. In doing so, I stress the importance of source research (Quellenforschung) and the history of the editions for rigorous philosophical analyses.
Keywords: Nietzsche, Politics, Democracy, Genetic Criticism, Sources, Editions.
This article explores the new meaning of suffering in the cosmological and ethical doctrine of eternal return in Nietzsche’s philosophy. The role of suffering is key to understanding why Nietzsche considered the eternal return «the great cultivating [or breeding] thought.» The eternal return transforms affectivity and selects new human values and ways of experiencing suffering, approving the «discipline of suffering» and condemning guilt, punishment, and resentment. The cultivating sense of the eternal return reconciles opposing forces and emotions, such as joy and suffering, and brings to light the tragic insight of life.
Palabras clave: Nietzsche; cría; disciplina; Foucault; biopoder; norma; Esposito; comunidad; Sloterdijk; antropotécnica
The Presence of Nietzscheanism in Contemporary Biopolitics
Abstract. Nietzsche notably anticipated the threshold of biological modernity, when he conceptualized the physiological scope of morals, politics and religion, as well as their instrumentalization with the aim of social control. The aim of this paper is to analyze the stimulus that Nietzsche’s philosophy has represented for some of the main philosophers of biopolitics, namely Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito and Peter Sloterdijk, and to reveal to what extent their core concepts converge and diverge. The specific contribution is to point out some of the links between the theme of discipline and breeding (Zucht und Züchtung) and the configuration of biopolitics as one of the main philosophical currents, to analyze whether and how those philosophers have interpreted the question of Züchtung in Nietzsche’s philosophy, and to stress the heuristic capacity of Nietzschean philosophy for the diagnosis of current social issues.
Keywords: Nietzsche; breeding; discipline; Foucault; biopower; norm; Esposito; community; Sloterdijk; anthropotechnics
Palabras clave: continuidad - periodización - fase wagneriana - Ecce Homo -autopresentación
Abstract: The article aims to critically analyze the conventional tripartite division within Nietzsche's philosophy that is expressed hyperbolically in the form of personification: the young Nietzsche of the Wagnerian phase, the "positivist" or "enlightened" Nietzsche, and the mature Nietzsche. I aim to contribute to the plea for continuity, paying special attention to a variety of texts in which he acknowledges the continuity of his intellectual development as a coherent unit. This significant retrospection does not indicate rupture or rejection, but recognition. The last section is dedicated to the peculiar book that is Ecce Homo, understood as a self-presentation strategy.
Keyword: continuity - periodization - Wagnerian phase - Ecce Homo - self-presentation
The article analyzes from a critical perspective the attempts to interpret Nietzsche as a precursor to transhumanism. After a brief contextualization of the fruitful debate concerning Nietzsche and transhumanism, the paper evaluates the partial or fractional character of Stefan Sorgner's plea for a "Nietzschean transhumanism". Then, it considers the tension between humanity, the overcoming of the human being and their breeding in Nietzsche's writings. Once this analysis is carried out, and without the intention of falling into anachronism, it is argued that Nietzsche certainly anticipates a seed of "post-humanity", with his critique of humanistic culture and his invitation to both transform the human being and to overcome nihilism, but this idea of post-humanity should not be assimilated to the technological ideal of transhumanism. As a way of conclusion, a prospective analysis of transhumanism from a Nietzschean perspective is suggested, using as a way of example the image of the "shadows of God".
[en] Race as a philosophical problem in Nietzsche's writings.
Abstract. The article aims to elucidate the role played by "race" in Nietzsche's writings. Nietzsche's concept of "race" is analyzed and interpreted together with his lexicon of the transformation of the human being and his critique of culture. The concept of "race" is studied together with other adjacent concepts and similar ideas such as the treatment of the Jewish question, his criticism of nationalism, the figure of good Europeans, the metaphor of the blond beast, the human types and the thought of breeding. It is concluded that "race" has an unquestionable physiological and evolutionary character, but through the process of incorporation (Einverleibung), culture and morals intervene in a fundamental way in their formation, and as a concept, "race" is expressed as an analytical tool in the heart of the project of the transvaluation of all values, the reform of culture and humanity. The article ends with a reflection on Nietzsche's call to overcome race (Über-Rasse).
Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Nietzsche, el nazismo y la cuestión judía. 3. Europa como horizonte cultural para una "raza de señores". 4. "Bestia rubia" y "razas nobles", como metáforas de reconciliación con la naturaleza. 5. La "cría de una raza más fuerte": pensamiento hereditario e incorporación. 6. Conclusiones. La llamada a la superación de la raza.
Cómo citar:
García-Granero, Marina (2020): "La raza como problema filosófico en los escritos de Nietzsche", Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 37 (1), 73-84.
Palabras clave: intimidad; nihilismo; subjetividad; neurociencias; sombras de Dios.
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to relate the critical core of Jesús Conill's last essay, Bodily Intimacy and the Human Person. From Nietzsche to Ortega and Zubiri, with the problem of nihilism, as a structure that survives in our contemporary societies, especially in the context of neurosciences, technology and our way of relating to both. After outlining the key insights of the book, especially its innovative conception of bodily intimacy, I will retrieve some contributions from Nietzsche's notes regarding nihilism, to show that after the "death of God", other instances take his place, the logics of nihilism remain intact and underly the majority approach of neurosciences. I will conclude that the elements presented by Conill for a strong intimacy and subjectivity will be necessary for the task, still pending, of overcoming nihilism.
Palabras clave: Pathos de la distancia, Jerarquía, Valor, Moral, Gran Política, Cría.
García-Granero, Marina (2018). "La transvaloración de las perspectivas. Nietzsche y la crítica de la cultura desde el punto de vista del valor". Daimon, Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 75, 161-176.
Feminist Theory & Critical Theory by Marina Garcia-Granero
Chapter in Quentin Landenne et Emmanuel Salanskis (dir.), Les métamorphoses de la ‘généalogie’ après Nietzsche, Bruxelles: Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2022, pp. 201-227. ISBN 978-2-8028-0266-2
Palabras clave: Habermas, Teoría Crítica, sistema, mundo de la vida, racionalización.
Palabras clave: Nietzsche, Política, Democracia, Crítica genética, Fuentes, Ediciones.
Abstract: This article discusses some elements and arguments of Jorge Polo Blanco’s book, Anti-Nietzsche. La crueldad de lo político. I analyze Polo’s book while considering the problem of the diversity of characterizations that Nietzsche receives in contemporary philosophical thought and the challenge of evaluating his philosophy in light of our democratic sensibilities. I examine the different chapters and identify some of the inaccuracies and most dubious aspects of Polo’s “anti-Nietzschean” argument. In doing so, I stress the importance of source research (Quellenforschung) and the history of the editions for rigorous philosophical analyses.
Keywords: Nietzsche, Politics, Democracy, Genetic Criticism, Sources, Editions.
This article explores the new meaning of suffering in the cosmological and ethical doctrine of eternal return in Nietzsche’s philosophy. The role of suffering is key to understanding why Nietzsche considered the eternal return «the great cultivating [or breeding] thought.» The eternal return transforms affectivity and selects new human values and ways of experiencing suffering, approving the «discipline of suffering» and condemning guilt, punishment, and resentment. The cultivating sense of the eternal return reconciles opposing forces and emotions, such as joy and suffering, and brings to light the tragic insight of life.
Palabras clave: Nietzsche; cría; disciplina; Foucault; biopoder; norma; Esposito; comunidad; Sloterdijk; antropotécnica
The Presence of Nietzscheanism in Contemporary Biopolitics
Abstract. Nietzsche notably anticipated the threshold of biological modernity, when he conceptualized the physiological scope of morals, politics and religion, as well as their instrumentalization with the aim of social control. The aim of this paper is to analyze the stimulus that Nietzsche’s philosophy has represented for some of the main philosophers of biopolitics, namely Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito and Peter Sloterdijk, and to reveal to what extent their core concepts converge and diverge. The specific contribution is to point out some of the links between the theme of discipline and breeding (Zucht und Züchtung) and the configuration of biopolitics as one of the main philosophical currents, to analyze whether and how those philosophers have interpreted the question of Züchtung in Nietzsche’s philosophy, and to stress the heuristic capacity of Nietzschean philosophy for the diagnosis of current social issues.
Keywords: Nietzsche; breeding; discipline; Foucault; biopower; norm; Esposito; community; Sloterdijk; anthropotechnics
Palabras clave: continuidad - periodización - fase wagneriana - Ecce Homo -autopresentación
Abstract: The article aims to critically analyze the conventional tripartite division within Nietzsche's philosophy that is expressed hyperbolically in the form of personification: the young Nietzsche of the Wagnerian phase, the "positivist" or "enlightened" Nietzsche, and the mature Nietzsche. I aim to contribute to the plea for continuity, paying special attention to a variety of texts in which he acknowledges the continuity of his intellectual development as a coherent unit. This significant retrospection does not indicate rupture or rejection, but recognition. The last section is dedicated to the peculiar book that is Ecce Homo, understood as a self-presentation strategy.
Keyword: continuity - periodization - Wagnerian phase - Ecce Homo - self-presentation
The article analyzes from a critical perspective the attempts to interpret Nietzsche as a precursor to transhumanism. After a brief contextualization of the fruitful debate concerning Nietzsche and transhumanism, the paper evaluates the partial or fractional character of Stefan Sorgner's plea for a "Nietzschean transhumanism". Then, it considers the tension between humanity, the overcoming of the human being and their breeding in Nietzsche's writings. Once this analysis is carried out, and without the intention of falling into anachronism, it is argued that Nietzsche certainly anticipates a seed of "post-humanity", with his critique of humanistic culture and his invitation to both transform the human being and to overcome nihilism, but this idea of post-humanity should not be assimilated to the technological ideal of transhumanism. As a way of conclusion, a prospective analysis of transhumanism from a Nietzschean perspective is suggested, using as a way of example the image of the "shadows of God".
[en] Race as a philosophical problem in Nietzsche's writings.
Abstract. The article aims to elucidate the role played by "race" in Nietzsche's writings. Nietzsche's concept of "race" is analyzed and interpreted together with his lexicon of the transformation of the human being and his critique of culture. The concept of "race" is studied together with other adjacent concepts and similar ideas such as the treatment of the Jewish question, his criticism of nationalism, the figure of good Europeans, the metaphor of the blond beast, the human types and the thought of breeding. It is concluded that "race" has an unquestionable physiological and evolutionary character, but through the process of incorporation (Einverleibung), culture and morals intervene in a fundamental way in their formation, and as a concept, "race" is expressed as an analytical tool in the heart of the project of the transvaluation of all values, the reform of culture and humanity. The article ends with a reflection on Nietzsche's call to overcome race (Über-Rasse).
Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Nietzsche, el nazismo y la cuestión judía. 3. Europa como horizonte cultural para una "raza de señores". 4. "Bestia rubia" y "razas nobles", como metáforas de reconciliación con la naturaleza. 5. La "cría de una raza más fuerte": pensamiento hereditario e incorporación. 6. Conclusiones. La llamada a la superación de la raza.
Cómo citar:
García-Granero, Marina (2020): "La raza como problema filosófico en los escritos de Nietzsche", Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 37 (1), 73-84.
Palabras clave: intimidad; nihilismo; subjetividad; neurociencias; sombras de Dios.
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to relate the critical core of Jesús Conill's last essay, Bodily Intimacy and the Human Person. From Nietzsche to Ortega and Zubiri, with the problem of nihilism, as a structure that survives in our contemporary societies, especially in the context of neurosciences, technology and our way of relating to both. After outlining the key insights of the book, especially its innovative conception of bodily intimacy, I will retrieve some contributions from Nietzsche's notes regarding nihilism, to show that after the "death of God", other instances take his place, the logics of nihilism remain intact and underly the majority approach of neurosciences. I will conclude that the elements presented by Conill for a strong intimacy and subjectivity will be necessary for the task, still pending, of overcoming nihilism.
Palabras clave: Pathos de la distancia, Jerarquía, Valor, Moral, Gran Política, Cría.
García-Granero, Marina (2018). "La transvaloración de las perspectivas. Nietzsche y la crítica de la cultura desde el punto de vista del valor". Daimon, Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 75, 161-176.
Chapter in Quentin Landenne et Emmanuel Salanskis (dir.), Les métamorphoses de la ‘généalogie’ après Nietzsche, Bruxelles: Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2022, pp. 201-227. ISBN 978-2-8028-0266-2
Palabras clave: Habermas, Teoría Crítica, sistema, mundo de la vida, racionalización.
García-Granero, Marina. (2018). Injusticias de género en tiempos de neoliberalismo. El planteamiento de Nancy Fraser. Asparkía, nº 33, pp. 207-233.
García-Granero, Marina (2018). La crítica feminista de la ideología neoliberal. En Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó (Coord.): Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2018. Castelló: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.
Keywords: Subjectivity, Self, Body, Life, Value, Neuroessentialism
autogestión feminista es el primer libro de
Maria Medina-Vicent, profesora de
filosofía en la Universitat Jaume I de
Castelló. En él se recogen algunos de los
hallazgos de su tesis doctoral, premiada en
repetidas ocasiones, por ejemplo, con el
premio a tesis doctorales en la categoría de
Humanidades de la Real Academia de
Doctores de España en 2018. La obra
analiza en perspectiva feminista la literatura
gerencial dirigida a mujeres y los bestseller
de temática feminista, mostrando sus
similitudes y diferencias, y su impacto en
las identidades o subjetividades de las
mujeres. Estos géneros literarios son
sintomáticos de un imaginario social, y al
mismo tiempo, productores de este,
dispositivos para su supervivencia y
expansión. En el primer caso, libros como
Lean In (2013) de Sheryl Sandberg
representan manuales de autogestión con
prescripciones para que las mujeres triunfen
en el mundo empresarial y superen
individualmente los obstáculos propios de
la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres. La
autora argumenta que el segundo grupo de
libros, como Todos deberíamos ser
feministas (2014) de Chimamanda Ngozie o
Diario de una rebelde: Guía de insumisión
y supervivencia (2019) de María Murnau,
siguen en cierto modo la estela del primer
grupo, dado que se articulan como
manuales de autogestión para ser una
“buena” feminista. Esta conexión explica el
título de la obra. En lo que sigue recogeré y
comentaré alguna de sus ideas clave, como
invitación a su lectura
Social Policies, Palgrave MacMillan, London/New York, 2016", Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 34(3), pp. 752-756.
El neomachismo defiende que, dado que las mujeres ya han obtenido el reconocimiento de igualdad ante la ley, el feminismo debería desaparecer. Por su parte, Ana de Miguel busca demostrar que la opresión patriarcal ya no es ejercida mediante coacción legal, sino mediante otros mecanismos tales como el mercado. Éste se ha convertido en el transmisor de marcos axiológicos según los cuales está permitido el acceso al cuerpo de una mujer, con tal de que haya consentimiento de por medio. Se torna necesario revisar el debate sobre la legalización o abolición de la prostitución en los nuevos contextos de las sociedades neoliberales.