International journal of marketing, communication and new media, Dec 31, 2020
The rise and advance of new technologies has affected society in general and business world. One ... more The rise and advance of new technologies has affected society in general and business world. One of the sectors that has been most affected has been tourism, especially in view of the possibilities and communication utilities that the net offers to all players involved in the tourism value chain. Through the network, responsibles for tourist destination management are able to transmit the desired image to a number of potential visitors unthinkable until a few years ago. In turn, tourists can provide continuous feedback through their comments on the various Web 2.0 tools, among which social networks play an important role. Taking as reference Catalonia (Spain), the aim of the present work is to check to what extent the image transmitted by this destination coincide with that perceived by the public. To do this, a content analysis of its official tourism website and of the comments of one of the best known tourist metasearch engines, Booking, is done. It is concluded that most of the resources and products of this destination is included in the modalities of cultural tourism and urban tourism, in which the coincidence with the desired positioning is wide.
The 'termalismo', one of the propulsive activities for the realization of tourist movements, is g... more The 'termalismo', one of the propulsive activities for the realization of tourist movements, is gaining prominence in Spain, especially in the Galicia, a region that stands out with the presence of a considerable number of 'hotels-balnearios'. In this context, should be discussed the quality of services provided by these enterprises, mainly due to the impact in the tourist experience. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the Health Tourism, based on the analysis of the Thermal Tourism, a growing segment in Spain, as well as to understand the quality of the experiences of the guests in spas, using as case study, the hotels-balnearios in Galicia, Spain. To this end, we analyzed the comments posted on the websites Trivago, Tripadvisor and, within the dimensions of experience, discussed by Pine and Gilmore can be observed, also, the reputation of these hotels forward to consumers. As the main result it has been the escapist the experience's dimension most cited when compared to the others, noticed still that the guests have mostly positive perspective about the quality of lived experience in the Galicia's hotels-balnearios
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
O principal reclamo turístico da provincia de Ourense (Galicia, España) é o termalismo, eixe da s... more O principal reclamo turístico da provincia de Ourense (Galicia, España) é o termalismo, eixe da súa estratexia turística. Por iso é primordial salvagardar e potenciar os recursos vinculados a este tipo de turismo. Na maioría dos casos, estes atópanse nas beiras e nas proximidades de ríos, o que os fan susceptibles de risco de inundación, algo habitual en diversos puntos da provincia. Neste proxecto trátase un destes casos, o o campamento Aquis Querquennis na beira do encoro das Conchas (Bande, Galicia, España). Trátase dun recurso turístico con gran valor histórico, que ademais de termas, conta cun campamento militar e cunha mansión viaria (pousada de viaxeiros/as). O citado recurso xera unha afluencia turística e dela deriva un impacto socioeconómico na zona. Precisamente este subproxecto busca medir cal é esta afluencia turística e se hai variacións ou estacionalidade no destino en función das tempadas en que o recurso está inundado. Por outra parte, búscase estudar cal é o impacto do turismo no destino. Analizarase a través dos seguintes subobxectivos: Analizar a demanda turística do recurso e a posible estacionalidade. Analizar a oferta turística do destino. Analizar o impacto social do turismo no destino (posibles melloras no destino ou gozo do recurso turístico por parte dos/as residentes, así como a percepción dos/as residentes respecto aos/ás turistas)
La presente investigacion tiene como referencia general el turismo deportivo, modalidad turistica... more La presente investigacion tiene como referencia general el turismo deportivo, modalidad turistica con cada vez mayor numero de adeptos, tanto por el creciente interes de los individuos por la practica deportiva, como por la asistencia y gozo de eventos deportivos. Tras analizar las posibilidades de la provincia de Ourense en este sentido, se encuentra un recurso en el que se pueden dar diferentes actividades dentro de la modalidad abordada: el parque nautico del embalse de Castrelo de Mino, en el que, en la actualidad, existe un complejo turistico con restaurante, albergue y parque nautico. El embalse no solo presenta un indiscutible atractivo natural, sino que tambien reune unas condiciones excelentes para la practica de ciertas actividades deportivas y la celebracion de campeonatos y otros eventos deportivos en sus aguas. Partiendo de estos factores favorables, el proyecto se centra de modo especifico en el turismo nautico en un espacio de interior, ligando el turismo deportivo al recurso del embalse de Castrelo de Mino. De este modo, se estara en disposicion de analizar el potencial del parque nautico del embalse de Castrelo de Mino para la practica de esta modalidad turistica y el grado de explotacion de este potencial en la actualidad. El fin ultimo de este trabajo es que sirva de punto de partida para sinergias con otros tipos de turismo de la provincia, ya que el turista viene por una motivacion principal, el deporte, pero necesita de algun tipo de oferta complementaria para su tiempo de ocio.
Workers in the wood industry are continually exposed to a wide range of risks. Some risks are pot... more Workers in the wood industry are continually exposed to a wide range of risks. Some risks are potentially high and may lead to serious work-related accidents or occupational diseases. It is a sector where physical work is predominant and where high-risk machinery is used. There is also the age factor, as the age of the workforce increases the risks of loss of skills, particularly physical skills. This study analyses the impact of age on the occupational safety and health management in the wood industry. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out through semi-structured in-depth interviews. A total of 52 interviews were conducted with wood-based entrepreneurs, occupational safety technicians and experts from Galicia (Spain). The results show that there is a growing concern to integrate the older group in occupational safety and health management due to the increasing work life. The older group is not the one with the greatest number of occupational accidents (8.3%), but rath...
In the post-Covid-19 era, tourism impacts and the role played by sustainable planning on the long... more In the post-Covid-19 era, tourism impacts and the role played by sustainable planning on the long-term success of destinations have gained renewed importance. Understanding the image and perceptions tourists hold of a destination is vital for tourism planning, as they play a key role in tourists’ decisions. Considering the importance of these two key concepts (perceptions and sustainability), the present paper contributes to the advancement of knowledge on sustainable tourism by characterizing the state of the art of Sustainability Perceptions in Tourism and Hospitality (SPTH). To this end, the scientific literature on the topic was mapped through a combination of three bibliometric analysis techniques, namely: evaluative, relational, and systematic bibliometric analysis. These were based on productivity and impact indicators, including SciVal topic prominence. The results reveal that sustainability perceptions in SPTH focus on tourists’, stakeholders’, and residents’ perceptions. T...
A busca pela compreensao do comportamento do consumidor tem sido amplamente discutida por academi... more A busca pela compreensao do comportamento do consumidor tem sido amplamente discutida por academicos e gestores. Considerando suas especificidades, o crescente setor de alimentos e bebidas, instiga investigadores em busca de caminhos que permitam ao empreendimento proporcionar servicos e experiencias memoraveis, exigencias da evolucao da otica de consumo moderna. Este panorama motiva a realizacao deste estudo que tem por objetivo analisar metricas da qualidade da experiencia do consumidor de bares e restaurantes, por meio de uma revisao bibliografica contemplando: o comportamento do consumidor de alimentos e bebidas, expectativa, qualidade, satisfacao e os componentes da qualidade da experiencia do consumidor deste nicho. Esta revisao culminou na comparacao de tres modelos principais de medicao da qualidade da experiencia, sendo eles: o SERVQUAL (PARASSURAMAN et al. , 1988), o DINESERV (STEVENS et al. , 1995) e Qualidade da Experiencia (GIMENES et al. , 2012). Constatou-se que os mo...
O Camiño de Santiago a través das súas diferentes rutas continúa a ser un dos principais reclamos... more O Camiño de Santiago a través das súas diferentes rutas continúa a ser un dos principais reclamos turísticos de Galicia. Xa sexa por motivación relixiosa ou doutro tipo, cada ano seguen chegando a Santiago gran número de peregrinos, converténdose o Camiño nunha grande oportunidade turística para os concellos que están ao seu paso. Este estudo analiza o consumo turístico durante a realización do Camiño e as expectativas antes da súa realización e, de modo secundario, o coñecemento de novas rutas para chegar a Santiago que van máis aló das máis convencionais, en concreto o Camiño Nós, podendo así obter unha maior vertebración do territorio galego como parte da experiencia do Camiño. Óptase por unha investigación cuantitativa víaenquisa, cunha mostra de 198 individuos. Os resultados indican que a principal motivación para facer o Camiño é o lecer, e que en función da variable idade son tres os grupos diferenciados de consumo. Ademais, a pesar da actual situación de pandemia mundial, un...
The COVID-19 crisis has encouraged a major shift towards greater environmental awareness and sust... more The COVID-19 crisis has encouraged a major shift towards greater environmental awareness and sustainable consumption. However, in times of severe crisis, SMEs primarily look to return to normalcy and their own survival rather than implementing a sustainable agenda. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the learning problems faced by small tourism enterprises in a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper explores the learning capacity of SMEs and the importance of establishing mechanisms that provide SMEs with the keys to organizational learning as a source of continuous knowledge. Open-ended semi-structured interviews with 39 tourism SMEs managers in Galicia (Spain) were conducted during the toughest months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that SMEs have not been fully involved in the learning process, which is mainly related to knowledge transfer and integration. DMOs can act as promoters of knowledge management for organizational preparedness by p...
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global health and economic crisis st... more With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global health and economic crisis started. This situation has had a devastating effect on all economic and social sectors, provoking either a decrease or cessation of business or profound changes in life habits. One of the most affected industries has been tourism, due to the resulting travel restrictions and a sharp drop in demand among travellers as well as temporary hotel and restaurant closures. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to analyse the changes during the pandemic in individual consumers’ behaviour patterns in the tourism sector. Predictive market research techniques through quantitative analysis were carried out via surveys (n = 712). One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that recollection of these times will be in people’s minds for a long time after the pandemic. Notably, tourists will reward safety over leisure and will continue to undertake independent tours with their o...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has entailed an unprecedented health crisis with significant economic impac... more The COVID-19 pandemic has entailed an unprecedented health crisis with significant economic impacts in many sectors worldwide. The tourism sector has been one of the most affected, with significant impacts on the number of cancelled reservations, a decrease in international travel and changes in consumption behaviour. This study aims to analyse the main changes in promotion and marketing in the tourism sector in Spain after the pandemic. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out via questionnaire-based interviews with 65 experts in the areas of marketing, consumer behaviour and tourism. The main findings show that online information sources gained weight over consulting friends and relatives, and a great advance in digitization is expected, where physical travel agencies will be displaced by online platforms, except for specialized and advisory services. Additionally, technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or artificial intelligence (AI) may play an increasingly importa...
Evolución y estado de la investigación en contabilidad ambiental gestão e controle. Vinculada a e... more Evolución y estado de la investigación en contabilidad ambiental gestão e controle. Vinculada a estes planos, surge a contabilidade como facilitadora de identificação, registo e controle das ações previstas para reduzir o impacto ambiental. Por este facto, o presente trabalho, contextualiza esta área de estudo, realiza uma análise do estado e evolução da investigação deste setor quantificando as publicações e determinando os temas mais correntes. Para o efeito, efetuamos uma revisão bibliométrica e uma análise de conteúdo dedutivo, complementando com uma análise de correlação dos temas de investigação mais correntes em contabilidade ambiental. Entre as áreas mais estudadas, emergem a sustentabilidade, o desenvolvimento sustentável, o impacto ambiental e as alterações climáticas, sempre ligados à contabilidade.
Well-being tourism is a $639 billion market. Spa tourism is considered the most important segment... more Well-being tourism is a $639 billion market. Spa tourism is considered the most important segment within this market. The present study uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model to analyse tourists’ purchase intentions regarding a thermal suite. The model was originally designed to analyse users’ acceptance of new technologies. The original contribution of this paper is to apply it to a non-technological service. Specifically, data were collected through a questionnaire administered to a sample of 810 potential Spanish spa-goers. A consistent partial least squares (PLSc) SEM technique was used. The proposed model explains 53.3% of the variance in Purchase Intentions regarding the thermal suite. Performance expectancy is the variable that plays the greatest role in tourists’ purchase intentions, followed by hedonic motivation.
The present study analyses the interest of both experts and the general population in the economi... more The present study analyses the interest of both experts and the general population in the economic-financial crisis that has affected Spain up until 2019. To examine the interest of the general users, Google searches were analysed through the Google Trends tool. Meanwhile, the interest of scholars was assessed through the analysis of academic papers published on Scopus, one of the most relevant peer reviewed literature database. To this end, a Scopus search was made for papers containing the fragment "Spanish financial crisis" on their tittles, abstracts, or keywords, which ensued a sample of 632 studies. Findings show that the Spanish financial crisis worries the general population as well as scholars. Peaks in searches by general internet users take place in the years preceding the crisis (2004 and 2005) as well as throughout its duration (2008, 2010, and 2012). Accordingly, the academic interest has also grown substantially up from 2008.
International journal of marketing, communication and new media, Dec 31, 2020
The rise and advance of new technologies has affected society in general and business world. One ... more The rise and advance of new technologies has affected society in general and business world. One of the sectors that has been most affected has been tourism, especially in view of the possibilities and communication utilities that the net offers to all players involved in the tourism value chain. Through the network, responsibles for tourist destination management are able to transmit the desired image to a number of potential visitors unthinkable until a few years ago. In turn, tourists can provide continuous feedback through their comments on the various Web 2.0 tools, among which social networks play an important role. Taking as reference Catalonia (Spain), the aim of the present work is to check to what extent the image transmitted by this destination coincide with that perceived by the public. To do this, a content analysis of its official tourism website and of the comments of one of the best known tourist metasearch engines, Booking, is done. It is concluded that most of the resources and products of this destination is included in the modalities of cultural tourism and urban tourism, in which the coincidence with the desired positioning is wide.
The 'termalismo', one of the propulsive activities for the realization of tourist movements, is g... more The 'termalismo', one of the propulsive activities for the realization of tourist movements, is gaining prominence in Spain, especially in the Galicia, a region that stands out with the presence of a considerable number of 'hotels-balnearios'. In this context, should be discussed the quality of services provided by these enterprises, mainly due to the impact in the tourist experience. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the Health Tourism, based on the analysis of the Thermal Tourism, a growing segment in Spain, as well as to understand the quality of the experiences of the guests in spas, using as case study, the hotels-balnearios in Galicia, Spain. To this end, we analyzed the comments posted on the websites Trivago, Tripadvisor and, within the dimensions of experience, discussed by Pine and Gilmore can be observed, also, the reputation of these hotels forward to consumers. As the main result it has been the escapist the experience's dimension most cited when compared to the others, noticed still that the guests have mostly positive perspective about the quality of lived experience in the Galicia's hotels-balnearios
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
O principal reclamo turístico da provincia de Ourense (Galicia, España) é o termalismo, eixe da s... more O principal reclamo turístico da provincia de Ourense (Galicia, España) é o termalismo, eixe da súa estratexia turística. Por iso é primordial salvagardar e potenciar os recursos vinculados a este tipo de turismo. Na maioría dos casos, estes atópanse nas beiras e nas proximidades de ríos, o que os fan susceptibles de risco de inundación, algo habitual en diversos puntos da provincia. Neste proxecto trátase un destes casos, o o campamento Aquis Querquennis na beira do encoro das Conchas (Bande, Galicia, España). Trátase dun recurso turístico con gran valor histórico, que ademais de termas, conta cun campamento militar e cunha mansión viaria (pousada de viaxeiros/as). O citado recurso xera unha afluencia turística e dela deriva un impacto socioeconómico na zona. Precisamente este subproxecto busca medir cal é esta afluencia turística e se hai variacións ou estacionalidade no destino en función das tempadas en que o recurso está inundado. Por outra parte, búscase estudar cal é o impacto do turismo no destino. Analizarase a través dos seguintes subobxectivos: Analizar a demanda turística do recurso e a posible estacionalidade. Analizar a oferta turística do destino. Analizar o impacto social do turismo no destino (posibles melloras no destino ou gozo do recurso turístico por parte dos/as residentes, así como a percepción dos/as residentes respecto aos/ás turistas)
La presente investigacion tiene como referencia general el turismo deportivo, modalidad turistica... more La presente investigacion tiene como referencia general el turismo deportivo, modalidad turistica con cada vez mayor numero de adeptos, tanto por el creciente interes de los individuos por la practica deportiva, como por la asistencia y gozo de eventos deportivos. Tras analizar las posibilidades de la provincia de Ourense en este sentido, se encuentra un recurso en el que se pueden dar diferentes actividades dentro de la modalidad abordada: el parque nautico del embalse de Castrelo de Mino, en el que, en la actualidad, existe un complejo turistico con restaurante, albergue y parque nautico. El embalse no solo presenta un indiscutible atractivo natural, sino que tambien reune unas condiciones excelentes para la practica de ciertas actividades deportivas y la celebracion de campeonatos y otros eventos deportivos en sus aguas. Partiendo de estos factores favorables, el proyecto se centra de modo especifico en el turismo nautico en un espacio de interior, ligando el turismo deportivo al recurso del embalse de Castrelo de Mino. De este modo, se estara en disposicion de analizar el potencial del parque nautico del embalse de Castrelo de Mino para la practica de esta modalidad turistica y el grado de explotacion de este potencial en la actualidad. El fin ultimo de este trabajo es que sirva de punto de partida para sinergias con otros tipos de turismo de la provincia, ya que el turista viene por una motivacion principal, el deporte, pero necesita de algun tipo de oferta complementaria para su tiempo de ocio.
Workers in the wood industry are continually exposed to a wide range of risks. Some risks are pot... more Workers in the wood industry are continually exposed to a wide range of risks. Some risks are potentially high and may lead to serious work-related accidents or occupational diseases. It is a sector where physical work is predominant and where high-risk machinery is used. There is also the age factor, as the age of the workforce increases the risks of loss of skills, particularly physical skills. This study analyses the impact of age on the occupational safety and health management in the wood industry. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out through semi-structured in-depth interviews. A total of 52 interviews were conducted with wood-based entrepreneurs, occupational safety technicians and experts from Galicia (Spain). The results show that there is a growing concern to integrate the older group in occupational safety and health management due to the increasing work life. The older group is not the one with the greatest number of occupational accidents (8.3%), but rath...
In the post-Covid-19 era, tourism impacts and the role played by sustainable planning on the long... more In the post-Covid-19 era, tourism impacts and the role played by sustainable planning on the long-term success of destinations have gained renewed importance. Understanding the image and perceptions tourists hold of a destination is vital for tourism planning, as they play a key role in tourists’ decisions. Considering the importance of these two key concepts (perceptions and sustainability), the present paper contributes to the advancement of knowledge on sustainable tourism by characterizing the state of the art of Sustainability Perceptions in Tourism and Hospitality (SPTH). To this end, the scientific literature on the topic was mapped through a combination of three bibliometric analysis techniques, namely: evaluative, relational, and systematic bibliometric analysis. These were based on productivity and impact indicators, including SciVal topic prominence. The results reveal that sustainability perceptions in SPTH focus on tourists’, stakeholders’, and residents’ perceptions. T...
A busca pela compreensao do comportamento do consumidor tem sido amplamente discutida por academi... more A busca pela compreensao do comportamento do consumidor tem sido amplamente discutida por academicos e gestores. Considerando suas especificidades, o crescente setor de alimentos e bebidas, instiga investigadores em busca de caminhos que permitam ao empreendimento proporcionar servicos e experiencias memoraveis, exigencias da evolucao da otica de consumo moderna. Este panorama motiva a realizacao deste estudo que tem por objetivo analisar metricas da qualidade da experiencia do consumidor de bares e restaurantes, por meio de uma revisao bibliografica contemplando: o comportamento do consumidor de alimentos e bebidas, expectativa, qualidade, satisfacao e os componentes da qualidade da experiencia do consumidor deste nicho. Esta revisao culminou na comparacao de tres modelos principais de medicao da qualidade da experiencia, sendo eles: o SERVQUAL (PARASSURAMAN et al. , 1988), o DINESERV (STEVENS et al. , 1995) e Qualidade da Experiencia (GIMENES et al. , 2012). Constatou-se que os mo...
O Camiño de Santiago a través das súas diferentes rutas continúa a ser un dos principais reclamos... more O Camiño de Santiago a través das súas diferentes rutas continúa a ser un dos principais reclamos turísticos de Galicia. Xa sexa por motivación relixiosa ou doutro tipo, cada ano seguen chegando a Santiago gran número de peregrinos, converténdose o Camiño nunha grande oportunidade turística para os concellos que están ao seu paso. Este estudo analiza o consumo turístico durante a realización do Camiño e as expectativas antes da súa realización e, de modo secundario, o coñecemento de novas rutas para chegar a Santiago que van máis aló das máis convencionais, en concreto o Camiño Nós, podendo así obter unha maior vertebración do territorio galego como parte da experiencia do Camiño. Óptase por unha investigación cuantitativa víaenquisa, cunha mostra de 198 individuos. Os resultados indican que a principal motivación para facer o Camiño é o lecer, e que en función da variable idade son tres os grupos diferenciados de consumo. Ademais, a pesar da actual situación de pandemia mundial, un...
The COVID-19 crisis has encouraged a major shift towards greater environmental awareness and sust... more The COVID-19 crisis has encouraged a major shift towards greater environmental awareness and sustainable consumption. However, in times of severe crisis, SMEs primarily look to return to normalcy and their own survival rather than implementing a sustainable agenda. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the learning problems faced by small tourism enterprises in a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper explores the learning capacity of SMEs and the importance of establishing mechanisms that provide SMEs with the keys to organizational learning as a source of continuous knowledge. Open-ended semi-structured interviews with 39 tourism SMEs managers in Galicia (Spain) were conducted during the toughest months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that SMEs have not been fully involved in the learning process, which is mainly related to knowledge transfer and integration. DMOs can act as promoters of knowledge management for organizational preparedness by p...
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global health and economic crisis st... more With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global health and economic crisis started. This situation has had a devastating effect on all economic and social sectors, provoking either a decrease or cessation of business or profound changes in life habits. One of the most affected industries has been tourism, due to the resulting travel restrictions and a sharp drop in demand among travellers as well as temporary hotel and restaurant closures. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to analyse the changes during the pandemic in individual consumers’ behaviour patterns in the tourism sector. Predictive market research techniques through quantitative analysis were carried out via surveys (n = 712). One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that recollection of these times will be in people’s minds for a long time after the pandemic. Notably, tourists will reward safety over leisure and will continue to undertake independent tours with their o...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has entailed an unprecedented health crisis with significant economic impac... more The COVID-19 pandemic has entailed an unprecedented health crisis with significant economic impacts in many sectors worldwide. The tourism sector has been one of the most affected, with significant impacts on the number of cancelled reservations, a decrease in international travel and changes in consumption behaviour. This study aims to analyse the main changes in promotion and marketing in the tourism sector in Spain after the pandemic. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out via questionnaire-based interviews with 65 experts in the areas of marketing, consumer behaviour and tourism. The main findings show that online information sources gained weight over consulting friends and relatives, and a great advance in digitization is expected, where physical travel agencies will be displaced by online platforms, except for specialized and advisory services. Additionally, technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or artificial intelligence (AI) may play an increasingly importa...
Evolución y estado de la investigación en contabilidad ambiental gestão e controle. Vinculada a e... more Evolución y estado de la investigación en contabilidad ambiental gestão e controle. Vinculada a estes planos, surge a contabilidade como facilitadora de identificação, registo e controle das ações previstas para reduzir o impacto ambiental. Por este facto, o presente trabalho, contextualiza esta área de estudo, realiza uma análise do estado e evolução da investigação deste setor quantificando as publicações e determinando os temas mais correntes. Para o efeito, efetuamos uma revisão bibliométrica e uma análise de conteúdo dedutivo, complementando com uma análise de correlação dos temas de investigação mais correntes em contabilidade ambiental. Entre as áreas mais estudadas, emergem a sustentabilidade, o desenvolvimento sustentável, o impacto ambiental e as alterações climáticas, sempre ligados à contabilidade.
Well-being tourism is a $639 billion market. Spa tourism is considered the most important segment... more Well-being tourism is a $639 billion market. Spa tourism is considered the most important segment within this market. The present study uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) model to analyse tourists’ purchase intentions regarding a thermal suite. The model was originally designed to analyse users’ acceptance of new technologies. The original contribution of this paper is to apply it to a non-technological service. Specifically, data were collected through a questionnaire administered to a sample of 810 potential Spanish spa-goers. A consistent partial least squares (PLSc) SEM technique was used. The proposed model explains 53.3% of the variance in Purchase Intentions regarding the thermal suite. Performance expectancy is the variable that plays the greatest role in tourists’ purchase intentions, followed by hedonic motivation.
The present study analyses the interest of both experts and the general population in the economi... more The present study analyses the interest of both experts and the general population in the economic-financial crisis that has affected Spain up until 2019. To examine the interest of the general users, Google searches were analysed through the Google Trends tool. Meanwhile, the interest of scholars was assessed through the analysis of academic papers published on Scopus, one of the most relevant peer reviewed literature database. To this end, a Scopus search was made for papers containing the fragment "Spanish financial crisis" on their tittles, abstracts, or keywords, which ensued a sample of 632 studies. Findings show that the Spanish financial crisis worries the general population as well as scholars. Peaks in searches by general internet users take place in the years preceding the crisis (2004 and 2005) as well as throughout its duration (2008, 2010, and 2012). Accordingly, the academic interest has also grown substantially up from 2008.
Papers by José Antonio Fraiz Brea