Academic researcher at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies (Department of World Regional Geography) at the University of Warsaw (POLAND). General academic interests are focused on population and society relationships includind social problems. The Secretary of the Main Board of the Polish Geographical Society. The editor of Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development. Address: Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, whi... more This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, which are well recognized in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were selected for the research sample (Algiers and Constantine in Algeria, Marrakesh and Tangier in Morocco, and Sousse and Tunis in Tunisia). The main purpose of this research paper is to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this original method.
W pracy przedstawiono historię Oddziału Warszawskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, rozpo... more W pracy przedstawiono historię Oddziału Warszawskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, rozpoczynając od 1932 r. gdy w Warszawie, gdzie działał Zarząd Główny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego po raz pierwszy pojawiła się inicjatywa utworzenia Oddziału Warszawskiego PTG. W opracowaniu opisano działalność Oddziału, władze oraz podział na sekcje tematyczne. Programowa działalność Oddziału, zgodnie ze statutem Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, zorganizowana została w sekcjach, których liczba była zmienna w różnych okresach funkcjonowania. Klamrą opracowania są wyzwania stojące przed Oddziałem w początkach XXI wieku.
This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, whi... more This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, which are well recognized in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were selected for the research sample (Algiers and Constantine in Algeria, Marrakesh and Tangier in Morocco, and Sousse and Tunis in Tunisia). The main purpose of this research paper is to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this original method.
W celu odnalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie czy azjatycka część Rosji to peryferie globalizacji wyd... more W celu odnalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie czy azjatycka część Rosji to peryferie globalizacji wydaje się konieczne rozpoczęcie niniejszego tekstu od rozważań natury teoretycznej, czym jest centrum, a czym peryferie, w jaki sposób można je wyznaczyć i na ile używanie tych terminów jest precyzyjne. Kluczem umożliwiającym szukanie odpowiedzi na postawione w tytule opracowania pytanie jest prześledzenie zjawisk ujawniających się w procesie globalizacji. Część z nich na badanym obszarze prawdopodobnie nie występuje, a inne posiadają indywidualny wymiar, co jednak nie kwestionuje obecności globalizacji we współczesnej Rosji.
The paper discusses development barriers and development factors of one of Russia's key periphera... more The paper discusses development barriers and development factors of one of Russia's key peripheral regions - the Kuril Islands, an archipelago with a small area but a strategic location in the Russian Far East. The geographical distance from the state's decision-making centres and the peripherality of the archipelago's location have been in the past and remain at present the main factors underpinning the Islands' development. The paper also points out future development opportunities for the archipelago in the context of the still unresolved territorial conflict between Russia and Japan.
W pracy przedstawiono wielonarodowościowe społeczeństwo Kazachstanu z podkreśleniem roli migracji... more W pracy przedstawiono wielonarodowościowe społeczeństwo Kazachstanu z podkreśleniem roli migracji przymusowych, które ukształtowały skład narodowościowy tego państwa. Opisano rozmiary liczebne i charakterystykę jakościową z wydzielonymi kategoriami znaczeniowymi zesłańców, którzy dotarli do Kazachstanu w różnych okresach historycznych.
The North of Europe characterized by unfavorable environmental conditions and small population, i... more The North of Europe characterized by unfavorable environmental conditions and small population, is a region whose frontier is variously delimited in particular countries. Northern areas in the European countries are covered by diverse aid activities, therefore, properly carried out delimitation of the frontier of the North effects establishing the area and especially the number of population living in this area. In our times, nuisances concerning the inconvenience of the climatic conditions as well as transport and information isolation are compensated in a different way in particular countries. In this article, the criteria taken into consideration when delimiting the frontier of the North in Russia. and other Scandinavian countries will be presented in a detailed way and the rightness of choosing the selected features will be assessed. In order to carry out the frontier delimitation of the. North it is necessary to combine the quality and quantity approach. The Use of mathematical methods while abandoning .the quality analysis, does not allow the delimitation to be carried put correctly. In this study the indicator of the North will be presented, enabling to map out the northern area in particular countries. The appropriate delimitation requires the knowledge of quality specificity of certain areas.
W artykule przedstawiono atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada - obszaru wchodzącego współcześnie w ... more W artykule przedstawiono atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada - obszaru wchodzącego współcześnie w skład Ukrainy, położonego niedaleko Polski, Słowacji, Węgier i Rumunii,zmieniającego w przeszłości wielokrotnie przynależność polityczną. Ten stosunkowo mało poznany obszar odznaczający się dużym stopniem izolacji geograficznej (na północy łańcuch Karpat, na południu rzeka Cisa) pozostaje, zdaniem autora, Jednym z bardziej interesujących regionów kontynentu europejskiego. Atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada scharakteryzowano w podziale na walory przyrodnicze i antropogeniczne. W artykule scharakteryzowano również zróżnicowanie etniczne, religijne i językowe regionu będące przedmiotem zainteresowania turystów.
To be oneself in the Siberia. Is Siberia overpopulatecr Siberia and the Russian Far East are area... more To be oneself in the Siberia. Is Siberia overpopulatecr Siberia and the Russian Far East are areas where after the collapse of the Soviet Union an intense depopulation occurs. The place of a human being In space, naturę and society of the Asian part of Russia has been determined by the communist system. This system produced the being named homo sovieticus. The tools which allowed the governlng pówer to de- prive the human being of its will were: work, participation in the execution of power and development of self-esteem. Gradually, however, because the needs and hopes were not satisfied by the system, homo sovieticus contributed to overthrowing of communism. The process of collapse of the Soviet Union was rapid while the transformation of homo sovieticus was much slower. The type of personality shaped by the communist rule was confronted with the transformation of the political system. On the demographic level the results of the confrontation of homo sovieticus with the reaiity of the system transformation can be observed in the form of a process of depopulation occurring in different ways in the Siberia and Russian Far East. The observation of the speed at which the decrease in size of the population in the Asian part of Russia takes place at present, lead to the conclusion that we are faced with the case of the biggesł increase of anekumena areas in the world’s history so far. The depopulation of the Asian part of Russia will continue to influence the changing picture of man in space, naturę and society. Some researchers believe that this process is a demographic catastrophe, while others suggest that Siberia is overpopulated so depopulation should be treated as a natural process, not a disaster. The article aims at answering the following questions: whether the Asian part of Russia is overpopulated and is it easy to find oneself "in the crowd"?
Тема российско-польских отношений была и по-прежнему остаётся предметом интереса многих исследова... more Тема российско-польских отношений была и по-прежнему остаётся предметом интереса многих исследователей, как польских, так и российских. В статье анализируются результаты опроса, проведенного в Варшавском Университете. Целью исследования явилось нахождение ответов на вопро- сы, актуальные для роста взаимопонимания и дальнейшего улучшения отношений между Россией и Польшей, народами двух государств, создания положительного образа стран в глазах друг друга, развития туризма. Согласно результатам исследования, половина респондентов определила польско-российские международные отношения как плохие, каждый пятый студент считал, что они ему безразличны. Общие мнения студентов близки к мнениям среднестатистических поляков. Суще- ственным кажется тот факт, что на оценку польско-российских отношений влияют личные контакты респондентов с россиянами. Не замечено существенного расхождения в оценке польско-российских отношений между девушками и юношами. Соотношение позитивных ответов, т. е. симпатии и по- казывающих безразличное отношение, сопоставим. Отношение респондентов к простым россиянам и властям России разнится. Большинство респондентов отметило общие черты обоих народов. Студенты Варшавского Университета, которые приняли участие в опросе, — это открытые на окружающую действительность люди, осознающие территориальную и духовную близость поляков и россиян, отдающие себе отчёт в проблемах, которые определяют современные польско-российские отношения. Решительное большинство участников опроса — это студенты, у которых есть довольно большие знания различных аспектов жизни в России и выражающие симпатию к России и россия- нам. Ответы некоторых групп студентов выявляют также негативные стереотипные представления о России и россиянах, свидетельствующие о схематичных и обиходных знаниях о культуре и истории России, укрепившихся в сознании молодых людей под влиянием СМИ
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The... more The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
W pracy zestawiono peryferyjność położenia Wysp Kurylskich z posiadanym przez nie potencjałem tur... more W pracy zestawiono peryferyjność położenia Wysp Kurylskich z posiadanym przez nie potencjałem turystycznym. Peryferyjność przedstawiono jako element niejednoznaczny w zdefiniowaniu, acz istotny z punktu lokalizacji i funkcjonowania archipelagu kurylskiego. Potencjał turystyczny został opisany w podziale na zasoby strukturalne (walory i zagospodarowanie turystyczne) oraz zasoby funkcjonalne ( ekonomiczne i polityczne).
The paper presents spatial differentiation and causes of depopulation processes that began in Mag... more The paper presents spatial differentiation and causes of depopulation processes that began in Magadan Oblast in the Russian Far East after the fali of the Soviet Union. In the re¬gion under investigation, depopulation is very intensive. The analysis of changes in population in the lower-lever administrative units allows for showing the differences in spatial distribu- tion of depopulation in individual regions [“rayons”]. During the research surveys, allowing for a fuller understanding of the conditions and the process of depopulation, were conducted.
The paper discusses aid operations in Russia, which are implemented in different ways, depending ... more The paper discusses aid operations in Russia, which are implemented in different ways, depending on the degree of development of democratic stmctures. In the papefs initial part, the relationships between the State and the civic society in the Soviet Union are described. Their specific naturę was due to the lack of any genuine involvement of individuals in the social sphere. Further, chan- ges taking place after the collapse of the Soviet Union are discussed by sectors of activity, including voluntary sector initiatives at the local, regional and national levels. Also, certain aid organisations are described, such as the Helsinki Group in Moscow and the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia. In addition, the paper discusses forms of organising assistance in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Finally, prospects for assistance activities in Russia are outlined.
The subjects of this article are homicides and suicides. These reasons of death, depending to a l... more The subjects of this article are homicides and suicides. These reasons of death, depending to a large extent on a lifestyle, included in the category of deaths caused by the extemal factors, have a high relevance in Russia. According to the statistics, among the 163,500 extemal deaths in Russia in 1970, 38,900 were caused by suicides, 9400 by homicides. Since that time, a number of unnatural deaths is constantly growing. Moreover, as a conseąuence of social transformation process, which begun after Soviet Union collapse, the new trend of depopulation appeared in the territory of Russia. The number of unnatural deaths reached 348,500 in 1995 {including 61,000 suicides, and 45,300 homicides). Changes of spatial differentiation of suicides and homicides in Russia are characterized for the period before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The main purpose of this case study will be to present various forms of gulag tourism customized ... more The main purpose of this case study will be to present various forms of gulag tourism customized for different persons based on their limitations (their physical condition, availability, economic abilities, and other). This study will also characterize the prospects for developing the gulag tourism. One of the main factors enabling such tourist activities is an increasing access to photographs and statistics regarding the Soviet labor camps. An equally important factor is the overwhelming interest of the persons who, driven by different reasons, want to learn about these places that were only partially known until recently. The study on the gulag tourism will be enriched by the results of the research carried out in the Magadan Oblast in 2004.
This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, whi... more This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, which are well recognized in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were selected for the research sample (Algiers and Constantine in Algeria, Marrakesh and Tangier in Morocco, and Sousse and Tunis in Tunisia). The main purpose of this research paper is to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this original method.
W pracy przedstawiono historię Oddziału Warszawskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, rozpo... more W pracy przedstawiono historię Oddziału Warszawskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, rozpoczynając od 1932 r. gdy w Warszawie, gdzie działał Zarząd Główny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego po raz pierwszy pojawiła się inicjatywa utworzenia Oddziału Warszawskiego PTG. W opracowaniu opisano działalność Oddziału, władze oraz podział na sekcje tematyczne. Programowa działalność Oddziału, zgodnie ze statutem Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, zorganizowana została w sekcjach, których liczba była zmienna w różnych okresach funkcjonowania. Klamrą opracowania są wyzwania stojące przed Oddziałem w początkach XXI wieku.
This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, whi... more This paper proposes a new guidebook analysis method for the study of tourist–historic cities, which are well recognized in the Maghreb; hence, six cities from this region were selected for the research sample (Algiers and Constantine in Algeria, Marrakesh and Tangier in Morocco, and Sousse and Tunis in Tunisia). The main purpose of this research paper is to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of this original method.
W celu odnalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie czy azjatycka część Rosji to peryferie globalizacji wyd... more W celu odnalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie czy azjatycka część Rosji to peryferie globalizacji wydaje się konieczne rozpoczęcie niniejszego tekstu od rozważań natury teoretycznej, czym jest centrum, a czym peryferie, w jaki sposób można je wyznaczyć i na ile używanie tych terminów jest precyzyjne. Kluczem umożliwiającym szukanie odpowiedzi na postawione w tytule opracowania pytanie jest prześledzenie zjawisk ujawniających się w procesie globalizacji. Część z nich na badanym obszarze prawdopodobnie nie występuje, a inne posiadają indywidualny wymiar, co jednak nie kwestionuje obecności globalizacji we współczesnej Rosji.
The paper discusses development barriers and development factors of one of Russia's key periphera... more The paper discusses development barriers and development factors of one of Russia's key peripheral regions - the Kuril Islands, an archipelago with a small area but a strategic location in the Russian Far East. The geographical distance from the state's decision-making centres and the peripherality of the archipelago's location have been in the past and remain at present the main factors underpinning the Islands' development. The paper also points out future development opportunities for the archipelago in the context of the still unresolved territorial conflict between Russia and Japan.
W pracy przedstawiono wielonarodowościowe społeczeństwo Kazachstanu z podkreśleniem roli migracji... more W pracy przedstawiono wielonarodowościowe społeczeństwo Kazachstanu z podkreśleniem roli migracji przymusowych, które ukształtowały skład narodowościowy tego państwa. Opisano rozmiary liczebne i charakterystykę jakościową z wydzielonymi kategoriami znaczeniowymi zesłańców, którzy dotarli do Kazachstanu w różnych okresach historycznych.
The North of Europe characterized by unfavorable environmental conditions and small population, i... more The North of Europe characterized by unfavorable environmental conditions and small population, is a region whose frontier is variously delimited in particular countries. Northern areas in the European countries are covered by diverse aid activities, therefore, properly carried out delimitation of the frontier of the North effects establishing the area and especially the number of population living in this area. In our times, nuisances concerning the inconvenience of the climatic conditions as well as transport and information isolation are compensated in a different way in particular countries. In this article, the criteria taken into consideration when delimiting the frontier of the North in Russia. and other Scandinavian countries will be presented in a detailed way and the rightness of choosing the selected features will be assessed. In order to carry out the frontier delimitation of the. North it is necessary to combine the quality and quantity approach. The Use of mathematical methods while abandoning .the quality analysis, does not allow the delimitation to be carried put correctly. In this study the indicator of the North will be presented, enabling to map out the northern area in particular countries. The appropriate delimitation requires the knowledge of quality specificity of certain areas.
W artykule przedstawiono atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada - obszaru wchodzącego współcześnie w ... more W artykule przedstawiono atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada - obszaru wchodzącego współcześnie w skład Ukrainy, położonego niedaleko Polski, Słowacji, Węgier i Rumunii,zmieniającego w przeszłości wielokrotnie przynależność polityczną. Ten stosunkowo mało poznany obszar odznaczający się dużym stopniem izolacji geograficznej (na północy łańcuch Karpat, na południu rzeka Cisa) pozostaje, zdaniem autora, Jednym z bardziej interesujących regionów kontynentu europejskiego. Atrakcyjność turystyczną Zakarpada scharakteryzowano w podziale na walory przyrodnicze i antropogeniczne. W artykule scharakteryzowano również zróżnicowanie etniczne, religijne i językowe regionu będące przedmiotem zainteresowania turystów.
To be oneself in the Siberia. Is Siberia overpopulatecr Siberia and the Russian Far East are area... more To be oneself in the Siberia. Is Siberia overpopulatecr Siberia and the Russian Far East are areas where after the collapse of the Soviet Union an intense depopulation occurs. The place of a human being In space, naturę and society of the Asian part of Russia has been determined by the communist system. This system produced the being named homo sovieticus. The tools which allowed the governlng pówer to de- prive the human being of its will were: work, participation in the execution of power and development of self-esteem. Gradually, however, because the needs and hopes were not satisfied by the system, homo sovieticus contributed to overthrowing of communism. The process of collapse of the Soviet Union was rapid while the transformation of homo sovieticus was much slower. The type of personality shaped by the communist rule was confronted with the transformation of the political system. On the demographic level the results of the confrontation of homo sovieticus with the reaiity of the system transformation can be observed in the form of a process of depopulation occurring in different ways in the Siberia and Russian Far East. The observation of the speed at which the decrease in size of the population in the Asian part of Russia takes place at present, lead to the conclusion that we are faced with the case of the biggesł increase of anekumena areas in the world’s history so far. The depopulation of the Asian part of Russia will continue to influence the changing picture of man in space, naturę and society. Some researchers believe that this process is a demographic catastrophe, while others suggest that Siberia is overpopulated so depopulation should be treated as a natural process, not a disaster. The article aims at answering the following questions: whether the Asian part of Russia is overpopulated and is it easy to find oneself "in the crowd"?
Тема российско-польских отношений была и по-прежнему остаётся предметом интереса многих исследова... more Тема российско-польских отношений была и по-прежнему остаётся предметом интереса многих исследователей, как польских, так и российских. В статье анализируются результаты опроса, проведенного в Варшавском Университете. Целью исследования явилось нахождение ответов на вопро- сы, актуальные для роста взаимопонимания и дальнейшего улучшения отношений между Россией и Польшей, народами двух государств, создания положительного образа стран в глазах друг друга, развития туризма. Согласно результатам исследования, половина респондентов определила польско-российские международные отношения как плохие, каждый пятый студент считал, что они ему безразличны. Общие мнения студентов близки к мнениям среднестатистических поляков. Суще- ственным кажется тот факт, что на оценку польско-российских отношений влияют личные контакты респондентов с россиянами. Не замечено существенного расхождения в оценке польско-российских отношений между девушками и юношами. Соотношение позитивных ответов, т. е. симпатии и по- казывающих безразличное отношение, сопоставим. Отношение респондентов к простым россиянам и властям России разнится. Большинство респондентов отметило общие черты обоих народов. Студенты Варшавского Университета, которые приняли участие в опросе, — это открытые на окружающую действительность люди, осознающие территориальную и духовную близость поляков и россиян, отдающие себе отчёт в проблемах, которые определяют современные польско-российские отношения. Решительное большинство участников опроса — это студенты, у которых есть довольно большие знания различных аспектов жизни в России и выражающие симпатию к России и россия- нам. Ответы некоторых групп студентов выявляют также негативные стереотипные представления о России и россиянах, свидетельствующие о схематичных и обиходных знаниях о культуре и истории России, укрепившихся в сознании молодых людей под влиянием СМИ
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The... more The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
W pracy zestawiono peryferyjność położenia Wysp Kurylskich z posiadanym przez nie potencjałem tur... more W pracy zestawiono peryferyjność położenia Wysp Kurylskich z posiadanym przez nie potencjałem turystycznym. Peryferyjność przedstawiono jako element niejednoznaczny w zdefiniowaniu, acz istotny z punktu lokalizacji i funkcjonowania archipelagu kurylskiego. Potencjał turystyczny został opisany w podziale na zasoby strukturalne (walory i zagospodarowanie turystyczne) oraz zasoby funkcjonalne ( ekonomiczne i polityczne).
The paper presents spatial differentiation and causes of depopulation processes that began in Mag... more The paper presents spatial differentiation and causes of depopulation processes that began in Magadan Oblast in the Russian Far East after the fali of the Soviet Union. In the re¬gion under investigation, depopulation is very intensive. The analysis of changes in population in the lower-lever administrative units allows for showing the differences in spatial distribu- tion of depopulation in individual regions [“rayons”]. During the research surveys, allowing for a fuller understanding of the conditions and the process of depopulation, were conducted.
The paper discusses aid operations in Russia, which are implemented in different ways, depending ... more The paper discusses aid operations in Russia, which are implemented in different ways, depending on the degree of development of democratic stmctures. In the papefs initial part, the relationships between the State and the civic society in the Soviet Union are described. Their specific naturę was due to the lack of any genuine involvement of individuals in the social sphere. Further, chan- ges taking place after the collapse of the Soviet Union are discussed by sectors of activity, including voluntary sector initiatives at the local, regional and national levels. Also, certain aid organisations are described, such as the Helsinki Group in Moscow and the Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia. In addition, the paper discusses forms of organising assistance in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Finally, prospects for assistance activities in Russia are outlined.
The subjects of this article are homicides and suicides. These reasons of death, depending to a l... more The subjects of this article are homicides and suicides. These reasons of death, depending to a large extent on a lifestyle, included in the category of deaths caused by the extemal factors, have a high relevance in Russia. According to the statistics, among the 163,500 extemal deaths in Russia in 1970, 38,900 were caused by suicides, 9400 by homicides. Since that time, a number of unnatural deaths is constantly growing. Moreover, as a conseąuence of social transformation process, which begun after Soviet Union collapse, the new trend of depopulation appeared in the territory of Russia. The number of unnatural deaths reached 348,500 in 1995 {including 61,000 suicides, and 45,300 homicides). Changes of spatial differentiation of suicides and homicides in Russia are characterized for the period before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The main purpose of this case study will be to present various forms of gulag tourism customized ... more The main purpose of this case study will be to present various forms of gulag tourism customized for different persons based on their limitations (their physical condition, availability, economic abilities, and other). This study will also characterize the prospects for developing the gulag tourism. One of the main factors enabling such tourist activities is an increasing access to photographs and statistics regarding the Soviet labor camps. An equally important factor is the overwhelming interest of the persons who, driven by different reasons, want to learn about these places that were only partially known until recently. The study on the gulag tourism will be enriched by the results of the research carried out in the Magadan Oblast in 2004.
Papers by Tomasz M Wites
On the demographic level the results of the confrontation of homo sovieticus with the reaiity of the system transformation can be observed in the form of a process of depopulation occurring in different ways in the Siberia and Russian Far East. The observation of the speed at which the decrease in size of the population in the Asian part of Russia takes place at present, lead to the conclusion that we are faced with the case of the biggesł increase of anekumena areas in the world’s history so far. The depopulation of the Asian part of Russia will continue to influence the changing picture of man in space, naturę and society.
Some researchers believe that this process is a demographic catastrophe, while others suggest that Siberia is overpopulated so depopulation should be treated as a natural process, not a disaster. The article aims at answering the following questions: whether the Asian part of Russia is overpopulated and is it easy to find oneself "in the crowd"?
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
On the demographic level the results of the confrontation of homo sovieticus with the reaiity of the system transformation can be observed in the form of a process of depopulation occurring in different ways in the Siberia and Russian Far East. The observation of the speed at which the decrease in size of the population in the Asian part of Russia takes place at present, lead to the conclusion that we are faced with the case of the biggesł increase of anekumena areas in the world’s history so far. The depopulation of the Asian part of Russia will continue to influence the changing picture of man in space, naturę and society.
Some researchers believe that this process is a demographic catastrophe, while others suggest that Siberia is overpopulated so depopulation should be treated as a natural process, not a disaster. The article aims at answering the following questions: whether the Asian part of Russia is overpopulated and is it easy to find oneself "in the crowd"?
The paper deals with an important problem of the Polish-Russian cross-cultural relationships. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted at the Department of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.
The aim of the study was to find answers to questions relevant to the growth of mutual understanding
and further improvement of relations between Russia and Poland, creation of a positive image in the eyes of each other, further development of tourism.
According to the study, half of the respondents identified the Polish-Russian international relations as negative, one in five students said that they have indifferent attitude. Only about 9 % of respondents express liking and approval of Russia. The respondents think that hospitality, warmth and patience are the main
positive features of the Russians, whereas drunkenness, worship for their leader and social apathy being the
main negative features. Polish people have a lot in common with the Russians. In general, students` views are close to the views of an average Pole.
The research shows the respondents’ perception of the territorial and spiritual closeness of the nations and at the same time their awareness of some unsettled problems between the countries. The data analysis shows a fairly good knowledge of different aspects of Russian life and the respondents’ liking for Russia and its people. Some negative stereotypes rooted in the minds of the young people might have been created by mass media.